import os import sys import difflib import builtins path = os.getenv('UNINSTALLED_INTROSPECTION_SRCDIR', None) assert path is not None sys.path.insert(0, path) # Not correct, but enough to get the tests going uninstalled builtins.__dict__['DATADIR'] = path builtins.__dict__['GIRDIR'] = '' from giscanner.annotationparser import GtkDocCommentBlockParser from giscanner.ast import Include, Namespace from giscanner.introspectablepass import IntrospectablePass from giscanner.maintransformer import MainTransformer from giscanner.message import MessageLogger, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL from giscanner.sourcescanner import SourceScanner from giscanner.transformer import Transformer from giscanner.scannermain import process_packages currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) current_name = os.path.basename(currentdir) path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(currentdir, '..', '')) top_srcdir = os.environ['UNINSTALLED_INTROSPECTION_SRCDIR'] top_builddir = os.environ['TOP_BUILDDIR'] class ChunkedIO(object): def __init__(self): self.buffer = [] def write(self, s): self.buffer.append(s) def getvalue(self): return self.buffer class Options: def __init__(self): self.cpp_includes = [] self.cpp_defines = [] self.cpp_undefines = [] self.library_paths = [] def _diff(a, b): retval = '' started = False for group in difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).get_grouped_opcodes(3): if not started: started = True retval += '--- expected\n' retval += '+++ emitted\n' for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in group: if tag == 'equal': for line in a[i1:i2]: for l in line.split('\n'): retval += ' ' + l + '\n' continue if tag in ('replace', 'delete'): for line in a[i1:i2]: for l in line.split('\n'): retval += '-' + l + '\n' if tag in ('replace', 'insert'): for line in b[j1:j2]: for l in line.split('\n'): retval += '+' + l + '\n' return retval def _extract_expected(filename): fd = open(filename, 'r') data = fd.close() retval = [] for line in data.split('\n'): if line.startswith('// EXPECT:'): retval.append(line[10:] + '\n') elif line.startswith('//+'): retval[-1] += line[3:] + '\n' return retval def check(args): filename = args[0] output = ChunkedIO() namespace = Namespace('Test', '1.0') logger = MessageLogger.get(namespace=namespace, output=output) logger.enable_warnings((WARNING, ERROR, FATAL)) transformer = Transformer(namespace) transformer.set_include_paths([ os.path.join(top_srcdir, 'gir'), top_builddir, os.path.join(top_builddir, 'gir'), ]) transformer.register_include(Include.from_string('GObject-2.0')) ss = SourceScanner() options = Options() exit_code = process_packages(options, ['gobject-2.0']) if exit_code: sys.exit(exit_code) ss.set_cpp_options(options.cpp_includes, options.cpp_defines, options.cpp_undefines) ss.parse_files([filename]) ss.parse_macros([filename]) transformer.parse(ss.get_symbols()) cbp = GtkDocCommentBlockParser() blocks = cbp.parse_comment_blocks(ss.get_comments()) main = MainTransformer(transformer, blocks) main.transform() final = IntrospectablePass(transformer, blocks) final.validate() emitted_warnings = [w[w.find(':') + 1:] for w in output.getvalue()] expected_warnings = _extract_expected(filename) sortkey = lambda x: int(x.split(':')[0]) expected_warnings.sort(key=sortkey) emitted_warnings.sort(key=sortkey) if len(expected_warnings) != len(emitted_warnings): raise SystemExit("ERROR in '%s': %d warnings were emitted, " "expected %d:\n%s" % (os.path.basename(filename), len(emitted_warnings), len(expected_warnings), _diff(expected_warnings, emitted_warnings))) for emitted_warning, expected_warning in zip(emitted_warnings, expected_warnings): if expected_warning != emitted_warning: raise SystemExit("ERROR in '%s': expected warning does not match emitted " "warning:\n%s" % (filename, _diff([expected_warning], [emitted_warning]))) sys.exit(check(sys.argv[1:]))