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1 files changed, 22 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index 77badc5b..8a3f8272 100644
@@ -203,3 +203,25 @@ kern.sysv.shmseg: 16
If you are using a USB based GPS you will likely need the Prolific
PL2303 driver. You can find it here:
+== Special Notes for Rasberry Pi Installation ==
+gpsd will build, install and run on the Rasberry Pi (RasPi) using Debian
+Wheezy. Other distributions will likely work fine as well. The gpsd
+package in Debian Wheezy is known to be flakey, be sure to update to a
+new version of gpsd from source.
+Any USB connected GPS that is known to work with gpsd will work fine on
+the RasPi. No special instructions apply.
+A very popular option is to install the AdaFruit Ultimate GPS HAT. With
+this GPS you also get a good 1PPS signal. This works as any other GPS
+with gpsd, but there are two things to note. The GPS takes over the
+serial console: /dev/ttyAMA0. The PPS signal will be on GPIO Pin #4.
+Detailed instructions are available from their web site:
+You will need to dig deeper to make the PPS work, here is a good reference: