path: root/sockaddr.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* sockaddr_t only needs to accomodate a sockaddr_in6 if IPV6_ENABLE.ukyg9e5r6k7gubiekd62012-09-071-0/+2
* Lift some buried #includes. All regression tests pass.Eric S. Raymond2010-12-151-7/+0
* Remove another unneeded header.Eric S. Raymond2010-12-141-2/+1
* Because we're taking SuS seriously we can simplify the configuration machinery.Eric S. Raymond2010-12-141-15/+3
* More header simplification. All regression tests pass.Eric S. Raymond2010-12-141-0/+20
* splint cleanup of IPv6 support.Eric S. Raymond2010-01-121-0/+9