# Binaries gpsd xgps rtcmdecode gpsmon gpsctl gpsdctl gpsdecode cgps lcdgps gpxlogger cgpxlogger gpspipe clockwatcher # These are built from .in files gpscat gpsfake gpsprof jsongen.py maskaudit.py upload gpsd.php valgrind-audit.py # Unit tests test_float test_bits test_gpsmm test_qgpsmm test_packet test_mkgmtime test_geoid test_json test_trig test_libgps # Other generated files gps.html gpscat.html gpsctl.html gpsd.html gpsdecode.html gpsfake.html gpsmon.html gpspipe.html gpsprof.html libgps.html libgpsd.html libgpsmm.html srec.html *.[1358] *.pyc *.pc *.sum *.i *.o *.os *.a *.lo *.la *.so *.so.[0-9.]* *.dylib *~ *.swp *.egg-info # Built sources gps_maskdump.c gpsd_maskdump.c gpsd.h gpsd_config.h.in gpsd_config.h packet_names.h revision.h timebase.h gpsd.spec MANIFEST .kdbgrc.* tags # Python files build gpscatc gpsfakec gpsprofc xgpsc xgpsspeedc # Developer sandbox directory for patches that haven't been applied yet patches # SCons cruft config.log .sconsign.dblite .sconf_temp .scons-option-cache stamp-python # Documentation www/AIVDM.html www/NMEA.html www/faq.html www/gps.html www/gpscat.html www/gpsctl.html www/gpsd.html www/gpsdecode.html www/gpsfake.html www/gpsmon.html www/gpspipe.html www/gpsprof.html www/hacking.html www/hardware.html www/hardware-head.html www/index.html www/installation.html www/libgps.html www/libgpsd.html www/libgpsmm.html www/performance/performance.html www/protocol-evolution.html www/protocol-transition.html www/client-howto.html www/srec.html www/writing-a-driver.html www/internals.html www/.upload-stamp doc/explanation.html www/pydoc # Controls for the flock tester devtools/.flocktest.ini # QT stuff libQgpsmm/binaries/*