Start by making sure you can get data from your GPS, otherwise the later steps will be very frustrating. In this command stty -F /dev/ttyXXX ispeed 4800; cat . Run ./ (or sh if the script does not have execute permission). Check the Makefile. Run make: libgps.a, gpsd, gps, and xgpsspeed will be built. Copy the applications wherever you want them to live. Copy the app-defaults files and to your home directory or to the system-wide X app-defaults directory. The right thing to do is to start gpsd on a serial or USB port that has the GPS connected to it. Then start gps. Calling it with no arguments will do the right thing if you have gpsd running on the default port (2947). You can also telnet to port 2947 for testing. When doing that, type a 'WR' followed by . This should display both the raw NMEA sentences the daemon receives from the GPS and their translations in GPSD protocol.