#!/bin/sh # Automakeversion AM_1=1 AM_2=10 AM_3=0 # Autoconfversion AC_1=2 AC_2=57 # Libtoolversion LT_1=1 LT_2=5 # Check automake version AM_VERSION=`automake --version | sed -n -e 's#[^0-9]* \([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\)\.*\([0-9]*\).*$#\1 \2 \3#p'` AM_V1=`echo $AM_VERSION | awk '{print $1}'` AM_V2=`echo $AM_VERSION | awk '{print $2}'` AM_V3=`echo $AM_VERSION | awk '{print $3}'` if [ "$AM_1" -gt "$AM_V1" ]; then AM_ERROR=1 else if [ "$AM_1" -eq "$AM_V1" ]; then if [ "$AM_2" -gt "$AM_V2" ]; then AM_ERROR=1 else if [ "$AM_2" -eq "$AM_V2" ]; then if [ -n "$AM_V3" -o "$AM_3" -gt "$AM_V3" ]; then AM_ERROR=1 fi fi fi fi fi if [ "$AM_ERROR" = "1" ]; then echo -n "Your automake version `automake --version | sed -n -e 's#[^0-9]* \([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*#\1#p'`" echo " is older than the suggested one, $AM_1.$AM_2.$AM_3" echo "Go on at your own risk. :-)" echo fi # Check autoconf version AC_VERSION=`autoconf --version | sed -n -e 's#[^0-9]* \([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\).*$#\1 \2#p'` AC_V1=`echo $AC_VERSION | awk '{print $1}'` AC_V2=`echo $AC_VERSION | awk '{print $2}'` if [ "$AC_1" -gt "$AC_V1" ]; then AC_ERROR=1 else if [ "$AC_1" -eq "$AC_V1" ]; then if [ "$AC_2" -gt "$AC_V2" ]; then AC_ERROR=1 fi fi fi if [ "$AC_ERROR" = "1" ]; then echo -n "Your autoconf version `autoconf --version | sed -n -e 's#[^0-9]* \([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*#\1#p'`" echo " is older than the suggested one, $AC_1.$AC_2" echo "Go on at your own risk. :-)" echo fi #Check for pkg-config if which pkg-config 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then #pkg-config seems to be installed. Check for m4 macros: tmpdir=`mktemp -d "./autogenXXXXXX"` if [ -z ${tmpdir} ]; then echo -n "Creating a temporary directory failed. " echo 'Is mktemp in $PATH?' echo exit 1 fi oldpwd=`pwd` cd "${tmpdir}" cat > configure.ac << _EOF_ AC_INIT PKG_CHECK_MODULES(QtNetwork, [QtNetwork >= 4.4], ac_qt="yes", ac_qt="no") _EOF_ aclocal autoconf --force grep -q PKG_CHECK_MODULES configure PKG_MACRO_AVAILABLE=$? cd "${oldpwd}" rm -rf "${tmpdir}" if [ ${PKG_MACRO_AVAILABLE} -eq 0 ]; then echo -n "pkg-config installed, but autoconf is not able to find pkg.m4. " echo "Unfortunately the generated configure would not work, so we stop here." echo exit 1 fi else echo -n "pkg-config not found. " echo "pkg-config is required to create a working configure, so we stop here." echo exit 1 fi # Check libtool version if [ -z "$LIBTOOL" ] ; then LIBTOOL="libtool" fi LT_VERSION=`${LIBTOOL} --version | sed -n -e 's#[^0-9]* \([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]*\).*$#\1 \2#p'` LT_V1=`echo $LT_VERSION | awk '{print $1}'` LT_V2=`echo $LT_VERSION | awk '{print $2}'` if [ "$LT_1" -gt "$LT_V1" ]; then LT_ERROR=1 else if [ "$LT_1" -eq "$LT_V1" ]; then if [ "$LT_2" -gt "$LT_V2" ]; then LT_ERROR=1 fi fi fi if [ "$LT_ERROR" = "1" ]; then echo -n "Your libtool version `libtool --version | sed -n -e 's#[^0-9]* \([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*#\1#p'`" echo " is older than the suggested one, $LT_1.$LT_2" echo "Go on at your own risk. :-)" echo fi if [ -z "$LIBTOOLIZE" ] ; then LIBTOOLIZE="libtoolize" fi echo Configuring build environment for gpsd aclocal \ && ${LIBTOOLIZE} --force --copy \ && autoheader --force \ && automake --add-missing --foreign --copy --include-deps \ && autoconf --force \ && echo Now running configure to configure gpsd \ && echo "./configure $@" \ && ./configure "$@"