etc_default_gpsd and etc_init.d_gpsd are Debian init files to be used when it is desired to support gpsd using a set of serial GPSes. /* ********************************************************************** */ The following tools are not production-ready. They are included only as conveniences, examples or rudimetary starting points for other development efforts. binlog and binreplay are probably only useful for people developing new protocols, when gpsfake does not yet know what to do with a log file. These utilities are not particularly clever - they merely slurp a tty's output into a file, or spray the contents of a file out of a tty. skyview.php is used to generate pictures of your skyview, and may be used to help determine if a given antenna placement is appropriate for some purpose. This tool requires about 24hrs worth of "Y" messages and outputs an image of accumulated SV position and signal strength. It is sometimes entertaining to "see" occulted SVs using multipath. You must have the PHP-GD library installed to use this script. ashctl might be used to reset an uncooperative Ashtech receiver to a usable state. For whatever reason sometimes they do not respond to a protocol switch command; this spams the receiver with configuration commands, and hopefully it listens. motosend is like ashctl, but for receivers that use the motorola protocol (like motorola oncore or rockwell jupiter). it's a little buggy with syncing up to the start of a packet, but it'll send control strings OK. analyzes a collection of "Y" messages and outputs records describing periods of excellent visibility (ie. 10 or more PRNs tracked). With over 30 SVs on orbit, there are periods where 14 PRNs are above the horizon, 13 are tracking, and at least 12 are actually used in a solution. lla2ecef transforms latitude/longitude/altitude (aka north-east-up or local tangential plane) coordinates into the earth-centered-earth-fixed frame. If invoked as "ecef2lla" it will transform coordinates in the opposite manner.