/* This file is Copyright (c)2010 by the GPSD project * BSD terms apply: see the file COPYING in the distribution root for details. */ #include #include #include #include extern char *__progname; double A = 6378137.0, B = 6356752.3142; double rad2deg(double r){ return (180.0 * r / M_PI); } double deg2rad(double r){ return (M_PI * r / 180.0); } void lla2ecef(double *lla, double *ecef){ double N; lla[0] = deg2rad(lla[0]); lla[1] = deg2rad(lla[1]); N = pow(A,2) / sqrt( pow(A,2) * pow(cos(lla[0]),2) + pow(B,2) * pow(sin(lla[0]),2) ); ecef[0] = (N + lla[2]) * cos(lla[0]) * cos(lla[1]); ecef[1] = (N + lla[2]) * cos(lla[0]) * sin(lla[1]); ecef[2] = (pow(B,2) / pow(A,2) * N + lla[2]) * sin(lla[0]); return; } void ecef2lla(double *ecef, double *lla){ double E, F, N, P, T; E = (pow(A,2) - pow(B,2)) / pow(A,2); F = (pow(A,2) - pow(B,2)) / pow(B,2); P = sqrt(pow(ecef[0], 2) + pow(ecef[1],2)); T = atan((ecef[2] * A)/(P * B)); lla[0] = atan( (ecef[2] + F * B * pow(sin(T), 3) ) / (P - E * A * pow(cos(T), 3) ) ); lla[1] = atan( ecef[1] / ecef[0] ); N = pow(A,2) / sqrt( pow(A,2) * pow(cos(lla[0]),2) + pow(B,2) * pow(sin(lla[0]),2) ); lla[2] = P / cos(lla[0]) - N; lla[1] = rad2deg(lla[1])-180; lla[0] = rad2deg(lla[0]); return; } int main(int argc, char **argv){ double ecef[3], lla[3]; if (4 != argc){ printf("usage:\tecef2lla X Y Z\n\tlla2ecef lat lon alt\n"); return 1; } if (0 == strcmp(__progname, "lla2ecef")){ /* Edmonton: lla[0] = 53.52716; lla[1] = -113.53013; lla[2] = 707.0; */ lla[0] = atof(argv[1]); lla[1] = atof(argv[2]); lla[2] = atof(argv[3]); lla2ecef(lla, ecef); printf("%.2lf %.2lf %.2lf\n", ecef[0], ecef[1], ecef[2]); } if (0 == strcmp(__progname, "ecef2lla")){ /* Edmonton: ecef[0] = -1517110.0; ecef[1] = -3484096.0; ecef[2] = 5106188.0; */ ecef[0] = atof(argv[1]); ecef[1] = atof(argv[2]); ecef[2] = atof(argv[3]); ecef2lla(ecef, lla); printf("%.7lf %.7lf %.2lf\n", lla[0], lla[1], lla[2]); } return 0; }