#!/usr/bin/env python # # ntpshmviz - graph the drift of NTP servers # Written by Keane Wolter # # pystripchart can be found at # https://sourceforge.net/projects/jstripchart # # To do: # # 1. Try using an impulse rather than line plot - this is bursty noise, not # really a contour. # import gtk, stripchart, sys class ntpOffset: def __init__(self, stream): # Initialize the class # create the GUI for the application self.create_GUI() # get the data self.read_data(stream) self.create_StripTableau() self.display_StripTableau() # enter the GTK main loop gtk.main() def create_GUI(self): # Creates the gui for the class # create a standard top-level GTK window self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) self.window.set_title("NTP Offset") self.window.connect("destroy", gtk.mainquit) self.window.set_default_size(700, 400) self.window.show() # create a VBox to hold all the top-level GUI items self.vbox = gtk.VBox() self.vbox.show() self.window.add(self.vbox) # create the toolbar self.create_toolbar() def create_StripTableau(self): # create the striptable widget self.hadj = gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, self.lines, 1, 1, self.lines * 0.5) self.sel = gtk.Adjustment(0) self.striptableau = stripchart.StripTableau(self.hadj, self.sel) self.striptableau.metawidth = 80 self.striptableau.gradewidth = 80 self.vbox.pack_end(self.striptableau.widget, gtk.TRUE, gtk.TRUE) def create_toolbar(self): # Create toolbar for zoom and quit buttons self.toolbar = gtk.Toolbar() self.toolbar.show() # Zoom buttons self.toolbar.insert_stock(gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_IN, "Zoom in", None, lambda b, w: self.striptableau.zoomIn(), self.window, -1) self.toolbar.insert_stock(gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, "Zoom out", None, lambda b, w: self.striptableau.zoomOut(), self.window, -1) self.toolbar.insert_stock(gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_FIT, "Zoom fit", None, lambda b, w: self.striptableau.zoomSel(), self.window, -1) # Quit button self.toolbar.insert_stock(gtk.STOCK_QUIT, "Quit", None, lambda b, w: gtk.mainquit(), self.window, -1) # Put the toolbar into a HandleBox self.handlebox = gtk.HandleBox() self.handlebox.show() self.handlebox.add(self.toolbar) # Pack the toolbar into the main window self.vbox.pack_start(self.handlebox, gtk.FALSE) def display_StripTableau(self): # Create the graphs for each ntp unit in the data dictionary for ntp_unit in self.ntp_data: vadj_ntp = gtk.Adjustment(self.ntp_lower[ntp_unit] - 0.001, self.ntp_lower[ntp_unit] - 0.001, self.ntp_upper[ntp_unit] + 0.001, 0, 0, self.ntp_upper[ntp_unit] * 0.5) ntp_item = self.striptableau.addChannel(self.ntp_data[ntp_unit], vadj_ntp) ntp_item.name = ntp_unit def create_text(self, text): # Creates a text widget to contain a description of a channel. scrolled_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scrolled_window.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) scrolled_window.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) textview = gtk.TextView() buffer = gtk.TextBuffer() iter = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(0) buffer.insert(iter, text) textview.set_buffer(buffer) textview.set_editable(gtk.TRUE) textview.set_cursor_visible(gtk.TRUE) textview.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WRAP_WORD) textview.set_left_margin(5) textview.set_right_margin(5) textview.set_pixels_above_lines(5) textview.set_pixels_below_lines(5) scrolled_window.add(textview) scrolled_window.show() return scrolled_window def read_data(self, stream): # Reads data from a ntp log file. Layout is: # # - The keyword "sample" # - The NTP unit from which it was collected. # - Collection time of day, expressed in seconds # - Receiver time of day, expressed in seconds # - Clock time of day, expressed in seconds # - Leep-second notification status # - Source precision (log(2) of source jitter) self.ntp_data = {} # Dictionary of arrays to contain the data of each NTP unit record = [] # A single record in the file or data stream line_counts = {} # Count of total lines for each ntp unit self.lines = 1 # width of graph self.ntp_upper = {} # Upper limit of the data set self.ntp_lower = {} # Lower limit of the data set offset = 0 # offset value to add to the array self.ntp_vadj = {} # vertical adjustment for each graph for line in stream: if len(line.split(' ')) > 6: record = line.split(' ') offset = (float(record[3]) - float(record[4])) # If the NTP unit is in the dictionary # append the offset to the list # Otherwise, create a new list in the dictionary # and add the offset. if record[1] not in self.ntp_data: self.ntp_data[record[1]] = [] line_counts[record[1]] = 0 self.ntp_upper[record[1]] = 0 self.ntp_lower[record[1]] = 1 self.ntp_data[record[1]].append(offset) line_counts[record[1]] += 1 # Update the upper and lower limits of the NTP unit if needed if offset > self.ntp_upper[record[1]]: self.ntp_upper[record[1]] = round(offset, 5) if offset < self.ntp_lower[record[1]]: self.ntp_lower[record[1]] = round(offset, 5) # Update the max record count if needed if line_counts[record[1]] > self.lines: self.lines = line_counts[record[1]] stream.close() if __name__ == "__main__": ntpOffset(sys.stdin)