#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # webgps.py # # This is a Python port of webgps.c from http://www.wireless.org.au/~jhecker/gpsd/ # by Beat Bolli # import time, calendar, math, socket, sys, os, select, pickle from gps import * TRACKMAX = 1024 STALECOUNT = 10 DIAMETER = 200 def polartocart(el, az): radius = DIAMETER * (1 - el / 90.0) # * math.cos(Deg2Rad(float(el))) theta = Deg2Rad(float(az - 90)) return ( -int(radius * math.cos(theta) + 0.5), # switch sides for a skyview! int(radius * math.sin(theta) + 0.5) ) class Track: '''Store the track of one satellite.''' def __init__(self, prn): self.prn = prn self.stale = 0 self.posn = [] # list of (x, y) tuples def add(self, x, y): pos = (x, y) self.stale = STALECOUNT if not self.posn or self.posn[-1] != pos: self.posn.append(pos) if len(self.posn) > TRACKMAX: self.posn = self.posn[-TRACKMAX:] return 1 return 0 class SatTracks(gps): '''gpsd client writing HTML5 and output.''' def __init__(self): gps.__init__(self) self.sattrack = {} # maps PRNs to Tracks self.state = None self.statetimer = time.time() self.needsupdate = 0 def html(self, fh, jsfile): fh.write(""" \t \t \tGPSD Satellite Positions and Readings \t \t \t \t\t \t\t\t \t\t\t \t\t \t
\t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t\t """ % jsfile) sats = self.satellites[:] sats.sort(lambda a, b: a.PRN - b.PRN) for s in sats: fh.write("\t\t\t\t\t\n" % ( s.PRN, s.elevation, s.azimuth, s.ss, s.used and 'Y' or 'N' )) fh.write("\t\t\t\t
\n\t\t\t\t\n") def row(l, v): fh.write("\t\t\t\t\t\n" % (l, v)) def deg_to_str(a, hemi): return '%.6f %c' % (abs(a), hemi[a < 0]) row('Time', self.utc or 'N/A') if self.fix.mode >= MODE_2D: row('Latitude', deg_to_str(self.fix.latitude, 'SN')) row('Longitude', deg_to_str(self.fix.longitude, 'WE')) row('Altitude', self.fix.mode == MODE_3D and "%f m" % self.fix.altitude or 'N/A') row('Speed', not isnan(self.fix.speed) and "%f m/s" % self.fix.speed or 'N/A') row('Course', not isnan(self.fix.track) and "%f°" % self.fix.track or 'N/A') else: row('Latitude', 'N/A') row('Longitude', 'N/A') row('Altitude', 'N/A') row('Speed', 'N/A') row('Course', 'N/A') row('EPX', not isnan(self.fix.epx) and "%f m" % self.fix.epx or 'N/A') row('EPY', not isnan(self.fix.epy) and "%f m" % self.fix.epy or 'N/A') row('EPV', not isnan(self.fix.epv) and "%f m" % self.fix.epv or 'N/A') row('Climb', self.fix.mode == MODE_3D and not isnan(self.fix.climb) and "%f m/s" % self.fix.climb or 'N/A' ) if not (self.valid & ONLINE_SET): newstate = 0 state = "OFFLINE" else: newstate = self.fix.mode if newstate == MODE_2D: state = self.status == STATUS_DGPS_FIX and "2D DIFF FIX" or "2D FIX" elif newstate == MODE_3D: state = self.status == STATUS_DGPS_FIX and "3D DIFF FIX" or "3D FIX" else: state = "NO FIX" if newstate != self.state: self.statetimer = time.time() self.state = newstate row('State', state + " (%d secs)" % (time.time() - self.statetimer)) fh.write("""\t\t\t\t
\t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t\t

Your browser needs HTML5 <canvas> support to display the satellite view correctly.

\t\t\t\t \t\t\t
""") def js(self, fh): fh.write("""// draw the satellite view function draw_satview() { var c = document.getElementById('satview'); if (!c.getContext) return; var ctx = c.getContext('2d'); if (!ctx) return; var circle = Math.PI * 2, M = function (x, y) { ctx.moveTo(x, y); }, L = function (x, y) { ctx.lineTo(x, y); }; ctx.save(); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height); ctx.translate(210, 210); // grid and labels ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(0, 0, 200, 0, circle, 0); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeText('N', -4, -202); ctx.strokeText('E', -210, 4); ctx.strokeText('W', 202, 4); ctx.strokeText('S', -4, 210); ctx.strokeStyle = 'grey'; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(0, 0, 100, 0, circle, 0); M(2, 0); ctx.arc(0, 0, 2, 0, circle, 0); ctx.stroke(); ctx.strokeStyle = 'lightgrey'; ctx.save(); ctx.beginPath(); M(0, -200); L(0, 200); ctx.rotate(circle / 8); M(0, -200); L(0, 200); ctx.rotate(circle / 8); M(0, -200); L(0, 200); ctx.rotate(circle / 8); M(0, -200); L(0, 200); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); // tracks ctx.lineWidth = 0.6; ctx.strokeStyle = 'red'; """); def M(p): return 'M(%d,%d); ' % p def L(p): return 'L(%d,%d); ' % p # Draw the tracks for t in self.sattrack.values(): if t.posn: fh.write(" ctx.globalAlpha = %s; ctx.beginPath(); %s%sctx.stroke();\n" % ( t.stale == 0 and '0.66' or '1', M(t.posn[0]), ''.join([L(p) for p in t.posn[1:]]) )) fh.write(""" // satellites ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; """) # Draw the satellites for s in self.satellites: x, y = polartocart(s.elevation, s.azimuth) fill = not s.used and 'lightgrey' or \ s.ss < 30 and 'red' or \ s.ss < 35 and 'yellow' or \ s.ss < 40 and 'green' or 'lime' # Center PRNs in the marker offset = s.PRN < 10 and 3 or s.PRN >= 100 and -3 or 0 fh.write(" ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = '%s'; " % fill) if s.PRN > 32: # Draw a square for SBAS satellites fh.write("ctx.rect(%d, %d, 16, 16); " % (x - 8, y - 8)) else: fh.write("ctx.arc(%d, %d, 8, 0, circle, 0); " % (x, y)) fh.write("ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.strokeText('%s', %d, %d);\n" % (s.PRN, x - 6 + offset, y + 4)) fh.write(""" ctx.restore(); } """) def make_stale(self): for t in self.sattrack.values(): if t.stale: t.stale -= 1 def delete_stale(self): for prn in self.sattrack.keys(): if self.sattrack[prn].stale == 0: del self.sattrack[prn] self.needsupdate = 1 def insert_sat(self, prn, x, y): try: t = self.sattrack[prn] except KeyError: self.sattrack[prn] = t = Track(prn) self.needsupdate += t.add(x, y) def update_tracks(self): self.make_stale() for s in self.satellites: x, y = polartocart(s.elevation, s.azimuth) if self.insert_sat(s.PRN, x, y): self.needsupdate = 1 self.delete_stale() def generate_html(self, htmlfile, jsfile): fh = open(htmlfile, 'w') self.html(fh, jsfile) fh.close() def generate_js(self, jsfile): fh = open(jsfile, 'w') self.js(fh) fh.close() def run(self, suffix, period): jsfile = 'gpsd' + suffix + '.js' htmlfile = 'gpsd' + suffix + '.html' end = time.time() + period self.needsupdate = 1 self.stream(WATCH_ENABLE | WATCH_NEWSTYLE) for report in self: if report['class'] not in ('TPV', 'SKY'): continue self.update_tracks() if self.needsupdate: self.generate_js(jsfile) self.needsupdate = 0 self.generate_html(htmlfile, jsfile) if period <= 0 and self.fix.mode >= MODE_2D \ or period > 0 and time.time() > end: break def main(): argv = sys.argv[1:] factors = { 's': 1, 'm': 60, 'h': 60 * 60, 'd': 24 * 60 * 60 } arg = argv and argv[0] or '' if arg[-1:] in factors.keys(): period = int(arg[:-1]) * factors[arg[-1]] elif arg == 'c': period = None elif arg: period = int(arg) else: period = 0 if arg: arg = '-' + arg sat = SatTracks() # restore the tracks pfile = 'tracks.p' if os.path.isfile(pfile): p = open(pfile) sat.sattrack = pickle.load(p) p.close() try: sat.run(arg, period) except KeyboardInterrupt: # save the tracks p = open(pfile, 'w') pickle.dump(sat.sattrack, p) p.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()