This is a list of developer tools included in the source repository but not necessarily shipped in the tarball or binary distributions If you're viewing it with Emacs, you can try doing Ctl-C Ctl-t browse through the outline headers. Ctl-C Ctl-a will unfold them again. == == AIS packet decoder in Python. Useful as a check on the C code. Also, if you have AISHub privileges (see ), a command like nc 4006 | devtools/ -c -v -t RANGE >AIS.LOG 2>&1" is a handy way to capture filtered AIS samples; RANGE can be a comma-separated list of AIS types. == aidvmtable == Generate an asciidoc table of the six-bit encoding used in AIVDM packets. == cycle_analyzer == Finds end-of-cycle sentences from GPS output logs. == dchroot-exec == Very simple wrapper around the DSA version of dchroot on the Debian porter boxes. dchroot only accepts one command as argument, nothing else. This wrapper creates a temporary script which will be executed then. == editcomment == Give this a commit-ID specification. It will edit the associated comment. Usual caveats apply; the edited one and all commits after will change IDs, and pushing them to a repo with the old commits will wreak havoc. Note also that this cavalierly overwrites refs/original. == fakeserver == Analogue of gpsfake. Impersonates a gpsd, spewing specified data to clients connecting to localhost:2947 == fakecompare == Compare the results from running gpsfake on a logfile between this machine and a remote one. Especially useful when remote and local have different word lengths. == flock* == The files prefixed with flock are the scripts, data files, and documentation for the flock-test suite. Read flock-instructions for explanation. == == Retrieves the latest build logs from Debian's buildds and extracts a list of failed regression tests, sorted by architecture. == logextract == Extract pure NMEA from an emailed gpsd error log. The output can be fed to gpsfake. == regress-builder == This script runs an exhaustive test on combinations of compilation options, looking for ones that break the build. == regressdiff == Walk through a pair of text files looking for where they begin to differ. May be useful for comparing logs when regression tests break. == reindent == Try to reindent the code in a uniform style. == sizes == Test-build interesting versions of the daemon and display their sizes. == striplog == Strip leading comment lines from NMEA sentence logs. gpsfake can do this itself now, so this script has a lot of dust on it. == == Redo bit offsets of AIVDM message layout tables to be conformant with list lengths.