The gpsd test flock is intended to make it easy for GPSD devs to verify operation of the software on multiple architectures and operating systems. To add a machine to the flock, do these steps: 1. Create a test-sandbox account. The recommended name is "gpsd". 2. Install git and gpsd's build prerequisites (gcc, Python, autotools, etc.) where the test account can run them. On a Debian/Ubuntu system you may be able to do this all at once with these commands: aptitude install git-core autoconf automake libtool aptitude build-dep gpsd 3. Make sure the account is reachable from the general Internet via ssh. 4. Install the public key of the test-network gatekeeper in .ssh/authorized_keys. Presently the test-network gatekeeper is; it is expected that this role will be held by the GPSD project lead or some delegate. The key is: ssh-dss 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 esr@snark 5. Append an entry to the flocktest.ini file and push to origin with the commit message "Added new flock site" or something similar. If you do not have git commit access, mail the entry to the development mailing list. To gain access to the test network: 1. Email a valid public ssh key to the flock gatekeeper. He will install the key on the test sites. To use the test network: 1. Call the script 'flocktest', optionally with a -d option to set a test subdirectory. (You can also set this in a .flockdriver dot file; do "flocktest -?" to see instructions about how to set this up.) The local flocktest script will upload an agent script to each machine that will do " && make % make check". flocktest will only return after all tests are complete, but they will be run in parallel rather than sequentially. The success/failure notifications will appear as CIA messages on the #gpsd IRC channel at freenode. For each failed test, the log will be dumped to standard output. We have access to some the Debian test machines listed as porterboxes at . Adding these to the flock is a work in progress.