#!/usr/bin/env python import os always_on = [ 'minimal', ] always_off = [ 'leapfetch', ] other = [ 'debug', 'chrpath', 'ipv6', 'manbuild', 'nostrip', 'slow', 'profiling', 'libQgpsmm', ] knobs = [ 'aivdm', 'ashtech', 'bluez', 'clientdebug', 'control_socket', 'controlsend', 'coveraging', 'dbus_export', 'earthmate', 'evermore', 'force_global', 'fury', 'fv18', 'garmin', 'garmintxt', 'geostar', 'gpsclock', 'itrax', 'libgpsmm', 'mtk3301', 'navcom', 'ncurses', 'netfeed', 'nmea0183', 'nmea2000', 'nofloats', 'ntp', 'ntpshm', 'ntrip', 'oceanserver', 'oncore', 'passthrough', 'pps', 'python', 'qt', 'reconfigure', 'rtcm104v2', 'rtcm104v3', 'shared', 'shm_export', 'sirf', 'socket_export', 'squelch', 'superstar2', 'systemd', 'timing', 'tnt', 'tripmate', 'tsip', 'ublox', 'usb', 'xgps', ] def main(starting_number_of_options=0): import itertools failed_configurations = [] static_params = [key + '=on' for key in always_on] static_params += [key + '=off' for key in always_off] for i in range(starting_number_of_options, len(knobs)): jj = itertools.combinations(knobs, i) print 'Testing at length {}'.format(i) for row in list(jj): print row params = static_params + [key + '=on' for key in row] # print {'on_params': row, 'scons_params': params} dev_null = open('/dev/null', 'w') import subprocess command = ['scons', '-j9'] command.extend(params) if os.path.exists('.scons-option-cache'): os.remove('.scons-option-cache') retval = subprocess.call(['scons', '-c'], stdout=dev_null) retval = subprocess.call(command, stdout=dev_null) if retval != 0: failed_configurations.append(command) print command with open('failed_build_configs.txt', 'a') as failed_configs: failed_configs.write(' '.join(command) + '\n') if retval == 0: command = ['scons', 'check'] command.extend(params) retval = subprocess.call(command, stdout=dev_null) if retval != 0: print command with open('check_build_configs.txt', 'a') as failed_configs: failed_configs.write(str(retval) + ' ' + ' '.join(command) + '\n') return failed_configurations if __name__ == '__main__': failed = main(0) for row in failed: print ' '.join(row)