#!/usr/bin/env python # # Usage: leapsecond.py [-i rfcdate] [-o unixdate] [-n MMMYYYY] # With no option, get the current leap-second value. This is the # offset between UTC and GPS time, which changes occasionally due to # variations in the Earth's rotation. # # With the -i option, take a date in RFC822 format and convert to Unix # local time # # With the -o option, take a date in Unix local time and convert to RFC822. # # With the -n option, compute Unix local time for an IERS leap-second event # given as a three-letter English Gregorian month abbreviation followed by # a 4-digit year. # # This file is Copyright (c) 2010 by the GPSD project # BSD terms apply: see the file COPYING in the distribution root for details. # import os, urllib, re, random, time, calendar __locations = [ ( # U.S. Navy's offset-history file "ftp://maia.usno.navy.mil/ser7/tai-utc.dat", r" TAI-UTC= +([0-9-]+)[^\n]*\n$", 1, 19, # Magic TAI-GPS offset ), ( # International Earth Rotation Service Bulletin C "http://hpiers.obspm.fr/iers/bul/bulc/bulletinc.dat", r" UTC-TAI = ([0-9-]+)", -1, 19, # Magic TAI-GPS offset ), ] # File containing cached offset data. # Two fields: the offset, and the start of the current six-month span # between times it might change, in seconds since Unix epoch GMT. __cachepath = "/var/run/leapsecond" def retrieve(): "Retrieve current leap-second from Web sources." random.shuffle(__locations) # To spread the load for (url, regexp, sign, offset) in __locations: try: ifp = urllib.urlopen(url) txt = ifp.read() ifp.close() m = re.search(regexp, txt) if m: return int(m.group(1)) * sign - offset except: pass else: return None def last_insertion_time(): "Give last potential insertion time for a leap second." # We need the Unix times for midnights Jan 1 and Jul 1 this year. when = time.gmtime() when.tm_mday = 1 when.tm_hour = when.tm_min = when.tm_sec = 0 when.tm_mon = 1; jan = int(calendar.timegm(when)) when.tm_mon = 7; jul = int(calendar.timegm(when)) # We have the UTC times of the potential insertion points this year. now = time() if now > jul: return jul else: return jan def get(): "Fetch GPS offset, from local cache file if possible." stale = False last_insertion = last_insertion_time() if not os.path.exists(__cachepath): stale = True else: try: cfp = open(__cachepath) txt = cfp.read() cfp.close() (offset, valid_from) = map(int, txt.split()) if valid_from < last_insertion: stale = True except (IOError, OSError, ValueError): stale = True # We now know whether the cached data is stale if not stale: return offset else: current_offset = retrieve() # Try to cache this for later if current_offset != None: try: cfp = open(__cachepath, "w") cfp.write("%d %d\n" % (offset, last_insertion)) cfp.close() except (IOError, OSError): pass return current_offset def rfc822_to_unix(tv): "Local Unix time to RFC822 date." return time.mktime(time.strptime(tv, "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")) def unix_to_rfc822(tv): "RFC822 date to local Unix time." return time.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(tv)) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys, getopt next = False from_rfc822 = False to_rfc822 = False (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "i:n:o:") for (switch, val) in options: if (switch == '-i'): # Compute Unix time from RFC822 date from_rfc822 = True elif (switch == '-n'): # Compute possible next leapsecond next = True elif (switch == '-o'): # Compute RFC822 date from Unix time to_rfc822 = True if not next and not from_rfc822 and not to_rfc822: print "Current leap second:", retrieve() raise SystemExit, 0 if from_rfc822: print "#define FOO %d /* %s */" % (rfc822_to_unix(val), val) raise SystemExit, 0 if to_rfc822: print unix_to_rfc822(float(val)) raise SystemExit, 0 if val[:3].lower() not in ("jun", "dec"): print >>sys.stderr, "leapsecond.py: -n argument must begin with "\ "'Jun' or 'Dec'" raise SystemExit, 1 else: month = val[:3].lower() if len(val) != 7: print >>sys.stderr, "leapsecond.py: -n argument must be of "\ "the form {jun|dec}nnnn." raise SystemExit, 1 try: year = int(val[3:]) except ValueError: print >>sys.stderr, "leapsecond.py: -n argument must end "\ "with a 4-digit year." raise SystemExit, 1 # Date looks valid if month == "jun": tv = "30 Jun %d 23:59:59" % year else: tv = "31 Dec %d 23:59:59" % year print "#define START_SUBFRAME %d /* %s */" % (rfc822_to_unix(tv), tv)