<filename>rtcm.c</filename> Functions:-This is a decoder for the RTCM-104 serial protocol. Notes based on $Id: rtcm.c 4364 2007-05-31 08:43:23Z esr $ void rtcm_unpack(struct rtcm_t *tp, char *buf) Splits RTCM raw data into fields. bool rtcm_repack(struct rtcm_t *tp, isgps30bits_t *buf) Packs RTCM fields into a raw data stream. static bool preamble_match(isgps30bits_t *w) Tells if the preamble field in a message is valid or not. static bool length_check(struct gps_packet_t *lexer) Tells if the message length is valid or not. enum isgpsstat_t rtcm_decode(struct gps_packet_t *lexer, unsigned int c) A simple call to isgps_decode(). void rtcm_dump(struct rtcm_t *rtcm, char buf[], size_t buflen) Dump the contents of a parsed RTCM104 message. int rtcm_undump(struct rtcm_t *rtcmp, char *buf) Merge a line of data into an RTCM structure, return 0 if done. void rtcm_output_magnavox(isgps30bits_t *ip, FILE *fp) Ship an RTCM message in the format emitted by Magnavox DGPS receivers.