/* $Id$ */ /* * Driver for AIS/AIVDM messages. * * See the file AIVDM.txt on the GPSD website for documentation and references. * * Code for message types 1-15, 18-21, and 24 has been tested against * live data with known-good decodings. Code for message types 16-17, * 22-23, and 25-26 has not. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef S_SPLINT_S #include #endif /* S_SPLINT_S */ #include #include #include "gpsd.h" #include "bits.h" /** * Parse the data from the device */ static void from_sixbit(char *bitvec, uint start, int count, char *to) { /*@ +type @*/ #ifdef S_SPLINT_S /* the real string causes a splint internal error */ const char sixchr[] = "abcd"; #else const char sixchr[64] = "@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^- !\"#$%&`()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"; #endif /* S_SPLINT_S */ int i; char newchar; /* six-bit to ASCII */ for (i = 0; i < count-1; i++) { newchar = sixchr[ubits(bitvec, start + 6*i, 6U)]; if (newchar == '@') break; else to[i] = newchar; } to[i] = '\0'; /* trim spaces on right end */ for (i = count-2; i >= 0; i--) if (to[i] == ' ' || to[i] == '@') to[i] = '\0'; else break; /*@ -type @*/ } /*@ +charint @*/ bool aivdm_decode(const char *buf, size_t buflen, struct aivdm_context_t *ais_context, struct ais_t *ais) { #ifdef __UNUSED_DEBUG__ char *sixbits[64] = { "000000", "000001", "000010", "000011", "000100", "000101", "000110", "000111", "001000", "001001", "001010", "001011", "001100", "001101", "001110", "001111", "010000", "010001", "010010", "010011", "010100", "010101", "010110", "010111", "011000", "011001", "011010", "011011", "011100", "011101", "011110", "011111", "100000", "100001", "100010", "100011", "100100", "100101", "100110", "100111", "101000", "101001", "101010", "101011", "101100", "101101", "101110", "101111", "110000", "110001", "110010", "110011", "110100", "110101", "110110", "110111", "111000", "111001", "111010", "111011", "111100", "111101", "111110", "111111", }; #endif /* __UNUSED_DEBUG__ */ int nfields = 0; unsigned char *data, *cp = ais_context->fieldcopy; unsigned char ch; int i; if (buflen == 0) return false; /* we may need to dump the raw packet */ gpsd_report(LOG_PROG, "AIVDM packet length %zd: %s", buflen, buf); /* extract packet fields */ (void)strlcpy((char *)ais_context->fieldcopy, buf, buflen); ais_context->field[nfields++] = (unsigned char *)buf; for (cp = ais_context->fieldcopy; cp < ais_context->fieldcopy + buflen; cp++) if (*cp == ',') { *cp = '\0'; ais_context->field[nfields++] = cp + 1; } ais_context->await = atoi((char *)ais_context->field[1]); ais_context->part = atoi((char *)ais_context->field[2]); data = ais_context->field[5]; gpsd_report(LOG_PROG, "await=%d, part=%d, data=%s\n", ais_context->await, ais_context->part, data); /* assemble the binary data */ if (ais_context->part == 1) { (void)memset(ais_context->bits, '\0', sizeof(ais_context->bits)); ais_context->bitlen = 0; } /* wacky 6-bit encoding, shades of FIELDATA */ /*@ +charint @*/ for (cp = data; cp < data + strlen((char *)data); cp++) { ch = *cp; ch -= 48; if (ch >= 40) ch -= 8; #ifdef __UNUSED_DEBUG__ gpsd_report(LOG_RAW, "%c: %s\n", *cp, sixbits[ch]); #endif /* __UNUSED_DEBUG__ */ /*@ -shiftnegative @*/ for (i = 5; i >= 0; i--) { if ((ch >> i) & 0x01) { ais_context->bits[ais_context->bitlen / 8] |= (1 << (7 - ais_context->bitlen % 8)); } ais_context->bitlen++; } /*@ +shiftnegative @*/ } /*@ -charint @*/ /* time to pass buffered-up data to where it's actually processed? */ if (ais_context->part == ais_context->await) { size_t clen = (ais_context->bitlen + 7)/8; gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "AIVDM payload is %zd bits, %zd chars: %s\n", ais_context->bitlen, clen, gpsd_hexdump_wrapper(ais_context->bits, clen, LOG_INF)); #define UBITS(s, l) ubits((char *)ais_context->bits, s, l) #define SBITS(s, l) sbits((char *)ais_context->bits, s, l) #define UCHARS(s, to) from_sixbit((char *)ais_context->bits, s, sizeof(to), to) ais->type = UBITS(0, 6); ais->repeat = UBITS(6, 2); ais->mmsi = UBITS(8, 30); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "AIVDM message type %d, MMSI %09d:\n", ais->type, ais->mmsi); switch (ais->type) { case 1: /* Position Report */ case 2: case 3: ais->type1.status = UBITS(38, 4); ais->type1.turn = SBITS(42, 8); ais->type1.speed = UBITS(50, 10); ais->type1.accuracy = (bool)UBITS(60, 1); ais->type1.lon = SBITS(61, 28); ais->type1.lat = SBITS(89, 27); ais->type1.course = UBITS(116, 12); ais->type1.heading = UBITS(128, 9); ais->type1.second = UBITS(137, 6); ais->type1.maneuver = UBITS(143, 2); //ais->type1.spare = UBITS(145, 3); ais->type1.raim = UBITS(148, 1)!=0; ais->type1.radio = UBITS(149, 20); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Nav=%d TURN=%d SPEED=%d Q=%d Lon=%d Lat=%d COURSE=%d TH=%d Sec=%d\n", ais->type1.status, ais->type1.turn, ais->type1.speed, (uint)ais->type1.accuracy, ais->type1.lon, ais->type1.lat, ais->type1.course, ais->type1.heading, ais->type1.second); break; case 4: /* Base Station Report */ case 11: /* UTC/Date Response */ if (ais_context->bitlen != 168) { gpsd_report(LOG_ERROR, "AIVDM message type 4 size not 168 bits (%zd).\n", ais_context->bitlen); break; } ais->type4.year = UBITS(38, 14); ais->type4.month = UBITS(52, 4); ais->type4.day = UBITS(56, 5); ais->type4.hour = UBITS(61, 5); ais->type4.minute = UBITS(66, 6); ais->type4.second = UBITS(72, 6); ais->type4.accuracy = UBITS(78, 1)!=0; ais->type4.lon = SBITS(79, 28); ais->type4.lat = SBITS(107, 27); ais->type4.epfd = UBITS(134, 4); //ais->type4.spare = UBITS(138, 10); ais->type4.raim = UBITS(148, 1)!=0; ais->type4.radio = UBITS(149, 19); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Date: %4d:%02d:%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d Q=%d Lat=%d Lon=%d epfd=%d\n", ais->type4.year, ais->type4.month, ais->type4.day, ais->type4.hour, ais->type4.minute, ais->type4.second, (uint)ais->type4.accuracy, ais->type4.lat, ais->type4.lon, ais->type4.epfd); break; case 5: /* Ship static and voyage related data */ ais->type5.ais_version = UBITS(38, 2); ais->type5.imo = UBITS(40, 30); UCHARS(70, ais->type5.callsign); UCHARS(112, ais->type5.shipname); ais->type5.shiptype = UBITS(232, 8); ais->type5.to_bow = UBITS(240, 9); ais->type5.to_stern = UBITS(249, 9); ais->type5.to_port = UBITS(258, 6); ais->type5.to_starboard = UBITS(264, 6); ais->type5.epfd = UBITS(270, 4); ais->type5.month = UBITS(274, 4); ais->type5.day = UBITS(278, 5); ais->type5.hour = UBITS(283, 5); ais->type5.minute = UBITS(288, 6); ais->type5.draught = UBITS(294, 8); UCHARS(302, ais->type5.destination); ais->type5.dte = UBITS(422, 1); //ais->type5.spare = UBITS(423, 1); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "AIS=%d callsign=%s, name=%s destination=%s\n", ais->type5.ais_version, ais->type5.callsign, ais->type5.shipname, ais->type5.destination); break; case 6: /* Addressed Binary Message */ ais->type6.seqno = UBITS(38, 2); ais->type6.dest_mmsi = UBITS(40, 30); ais->type6.retransmit = (bool)UBITS(70, 1); //ais->type6.spare = UBITS(71, 1); ais->type6.app_id = UBITS(72, 16); ais->type6.bitcount = ais_context->bitlen - 88; (void)memcpy(ais->type6.bitdata, (char *)ais_context->bits+11, (ais->type6.bitcount + 7) / 8); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "seqno=%d, dest=%u, id=%u, cnt=%zd\n", ais->type6.seqno, ais->type6.dest_mmsi, ais->type6.app_id, ais->type6.bitcount); break; case 7: /* Binary acknowledge */ case 13: /* Safety Related Acknowledge */ { unsigned int mmsi[4]; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(mmsi)/sizeof(mmsi[0]); i++) if (ais_context->bitlen > 40 + 32*i) mmsi[i] = UBITS(40 + 32*i, 30); else mmsi[i] = 0; /*@ -usedef @*/ ais->type7.mmsi1 = mmsi[0]; ais->type7.mmsi2 = mmsi[1]; ais->type7.mmsi3 = mmsi[2]; ais->type7.mmsi4 = mmsi[3]; /*@ +usedef @*/ gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "\n"); break; } case 8: /* Binary Broadcast Message */ //ais->type8.spare = UBITS(38, 2); ais->type8.app_id = UBITS(40, 16); ais->type8.bitcount = ais_context->bitlen - 56; (void)memcpy(ais->type8.bitdata, (char *)ais_context->bits+7, (ais->type8.bitcount + 7) / 8); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "id=%u, cnt=%zd\n", ais->type8.app_id, ais->type8.bitcount); break; case 9: /* Standard SAR Aircraft Position Report */ ais->type9.alt = UBITS(38, 12); ais->type9.speed = UBITS(50, 10); ais->type9.accuracy = (bool)UBITS(60, 1); ais->type9.lon = SBITS(61, 28); ais->type9.lat = SBITS(89, 27); ais->type9.course = UBITS(116, 12); ais->type9.second = UBITS(128, 6); ais->type9.regional = UBITS(134, 8); ais->type9.dte = UBITS(142, 1); //ais->type9.spare = UBITS(143, 3); ais->type9.assigned = UBITS(146, 1)!=0; ais->type9.raim = UBITS(147, 1)!=0; ais->type9.radio = UBITS(148, 19); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Alt=%d SPEED=%d Q=%d Lon=%d Lat=%d COURSE=%d Sec=%d\n", ais->type9.alt, ais->type9.speed, (uint)ais->type9.accuracy, ais->type9.lon, ais->type9.lat, ais->type9.course, ais->type9.second); break; case 10: /* UTC/Date inquiry */ //ais->type10.spare = UBITS(38, 2); ais->type10.dest_mmsi = UBITS(40, 30); //ais->type10.spare2 = UBITS(70, 2); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "dest=%u\n", ais->type10.dest_mmsi); break; case 12: /* Safety Related Message */ ais->type12.seqno = UBITS(38, 2); ais->type12.dest_mmsi = UBITS(40, 30); ais->type12.retransmit = (bool)UBITS(70, 1); //ais->type12.spare = UBITS(71, 1); from_sixbit((char *)ais_context->bits, 72, ais_context->bitlen-72, ais->type12.text); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "seqno=%d, dest=%u\n", ais->type12.seqno, ais->type12.dest_mmsi); break; case 14: /* Safety Related Broadcast Message */ //ais->type14.spare = UBITS(38, 2); from_sixbit((char *)ais_context->bits, 40, ais_context->bitlen-40, ais->type14.text); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "\n"); break; case 15: /* Interrogation */ (void)memset(&ais->type15, '\0', sizeof(ais->type15)); //ais->type14.spare = UBITS(38, 2); ais->type15.mmsi1 = UBITS(40, 30); ais->type15.type1_1 = UBITS(70, 6); ais->type15.type1_1 = UBITS(70, 6); ais->type15.offset1_1 = UBITS(76, 12); //ais->type14.spare2 = UBITS(88, 2); if (ais_context->bitlen > 90) { ais->type15.type1_2 = UBITS(90, 6); ais->type15.offset1_2 = UBITS(96, 12); //ais->type14.spare3 = UBITS(108, 2); if (ais_context->bitlen > 110) { ais->type15.type2_1 = UBITS(90, 6); ais->type15.offset2_1 = UBITS(96, 12); //ais->type14.spare4 = UBITS(108, 2); } } gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "\n"); break; case 16: /* Assigned Mode Command */ ais->type16.mmsi1 = UBITS(40, 30); ais->type16.offset1 = UBITS(70, 12); ais->type16.increment1 = UBITS(82, 10); if (ais_context->bitlen <= 96) ais->type16.mmsi2 = 0; else { ais->type16.mmsi2 = UBITS(92, 30); ais->type16.offset2 = UBITS(122, 12); ais->type16.increment2 = UBITS(134, 10); } gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "\n"); break; case 17: /* GNSS Broadcast Binary Message */ //ais->type17.spare = UBITS(38, 2); ais->type17.lon = UBITS(40, 18); ais->type17.lat = UBITS(58, 17); ais->type8.bitcount = ais_context->bitlen - 56; (void)memcpy(ais->type17.bitdata, (char *)ais_context->bits + 10, (ais->type8.bitcount + 7) / 8); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "\n"); break; case 18: /* Standard Class B CS Position Report */ ais->type18.reserved = UBITS(38, 8); ais->type18.speed = UBITS(46, 10); ais->type18.accuracy = UBITS(56, 1)!=0; ais->type18.lon = SBITS(57, 28); ais->type18.lat = SBITS(85, 27); ais->type18.course = UBITS(112, 12); ais->type18.heading = UBITS(124, 9); ais->type18.second = UBITS(133, 6); ais->type18.regional = UBITS(139, 2); ais->type18.cs = UBITS(141, 1)!=0; ais->type18.display = UBITS(142, 1)!=0; ais->type18.dsc = UBITS(143, 1)!=0; ais->type18.band = UBITS(144, 1)!=0; ais->type18.msg22 = UBITS(145, 1)!=0; ais->type18.assigned = UBITS(146, 1)!=0; ais->type18.raim = UBITS(147, 1)!=0; ais->type18.radio = UBITS(148, 20); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "reserved=%d speed=%d accuracy=%d lon=%d lat=%d course=%d heading=%d sec=%d\n", ais->type18.reserved, ais->type18.speed, (uint)ais->type18.accuracy, ais->type18.lon, ais->type18.lat, ais->type18.course, ais->type18.heading, ais->type18.second); break; case 19: /* Extended Class B CS Position Report */ ais->type19.reserved = UBITS(38, 8); ais->type19.speed = UBITS(46, 10); ais->type19.accuracy = UBITS(56, 1)!=0; ais->type19.lon = SBITS(57, 28); ais->type19.lat = SBITS(85, 27); ais->type19.course = UBITS(112, 12); ais->type19.heading = UBITS(124, 9); ais->type19.second = UBITS(133, 6); ais->type19.regional = UBITS(139, 4); UCHARS(143, ais->type19.shipname); ais->type19.shiptype = UBITS(263, 8); ais->type19.to_bow = UBITS(271, 9); ais->type19.to_stern = UBITS(280, 9); ais->type19.to_port = UBITS(289, 6); ais->type19.to_starboard = UBITS(295, 6); ais->type19.epfd = UBITS(299, 4); ais->type19.raim = UBITS(302, 1)!=0; ais->type19.dte = UBITS(305, 1)!=0; ais->type19.assigned = UBITS(306, 1)!=0; //ais->type19.spare = UBITS(307, 5); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "reserved=%d speed=%d accuracy=%d lon=%d lat=%d course=%d heading=%d sec=%d name=%s\n", ais->type19.reserved, ais->type19.speed, (uint)ais->type19.accuracy, ais->type19.lon, ais->type19.lat, ais->type19.course, ais->type19.heading, ais->type19.second, ais->type19.shipname); break; case 20: /* Data Link Management Message */ //ais->type20.spare = UBITS(38, 2); ais->type20.offset1 = UBITS(40, 12); ais->type20.number1 = UBITS(52, 4); ais->type20.timeout1 = UBITS(56, 3); ais->type20.increment1 = UBITS(59, 11); ais->type20.offset2 = UBITS(70, 12); ais->type20.number2 = UBITS(82, 4); ais->type20.timeout2 = UBITS(86, 3); ais->type20.increment2 = UBITS(89, 11); ais->type20.offset3 = UBITS(100, 12); ais->type20.number3 = UBITS(112, 4); ais->type20.timeout3 = UBITS(116, 3); ais->type20.increment3 = UBITS(119, 11); ais->type20.offset4 = UBITS(130, 12); ais->type20.number4 = UBITS(142, 4); ais->type20.timeout4 = UBITS(146, 3); ais->type20.increment4 = UBITS(149, 11); break; case 21: /* Aid-to-Navigation Report */ ais->type21.aid_type = UBITS(38, 5); from_sixbit((char *)ais_context->bits, 43, 21, ais->type21.name); if (strlen(ais->type21.name) == 20 && ais_context->bitlen > 272) from_sixbit((char *)ais_context->bits, 272, (ais_context->bitlen - 272)/6, ais->type21.name+20); ais->type21.accuracy = UBITS(163, 1); ais->type21.lon = SBITS(164, 28); ais->type21.lat = SBITS(192, 27); ais->type21.to_bow = UBITS(219, 9); ais->type21.to_stern = UBITS(228, 9); ais->type21.to_port = UBITS(237, 6); ais->type21.to_starboard = UBITS(243, 6); ais->type21.epfd = UBITS(249, 4); ais->type21.second = UBITS(253, 6); ais->type21.off_position = UBITS(259, 1)!=0; ais->type21.regional = UBITS(260, 8); ais->type21.raim = UBITS(268, 1)!=0; ais->type21.virtual_aid = UBITS(269, 1)!=0; ais->type21.assigned = UBITS(270, 1)!=0; //ais->type21.spare = UBITS(271, 1); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "name=%s accuracy=%d lon=%d lat=%d sec=%d\n", ais->type21.name, (uint)ais->type19.accuracy, ais->type19.lon, ais->type19.lat, ais->type19.second); break; case 22: /* Channel Management */ ais->type22.channel_a = UBITS(40, 12); ais->type22.channel_b = UBITS(52, 12); ais->type22.txrx = UBITS(64, 4); ais->type22.power = UBITS(68, 1); ais->type22.addressed = UBITS(139, 1); if (!ais->type22.addressed) { ais->type22.area.ne_lon = SBITS(69, 18); ais->type22.area.ne_lat = SBITS(87, 17); ais->type22.area.sw_lon = SBITS(104, 18); ais->type22.area.sw_lat = SBITS(122, 17); } else { ais->type22.mmsi.dest1 = SBITS(69, 30); ais->type22.mmsi.dest2 = SBITS(104, 30); } ais->type22.band_a = UBITS(140, 1); ais->type22.band_b = UBITS(141, 1); ais->type22.zonesize = UBITS(142, 3); break; case 23: /* Group Assignment Command */ ais->type23.ne_lon = SBITS(40, 18); ais->type23.ne_lat = SBITS(58, 17); ais->type23.sw_lon = SBITS(75, 18); ais->type23.sw_lat = SBITS(93, 17); ais->type23.stationtype = UBITS(110, 4); ais->type23.shiptype = UBITS(114, 8); ais->type23.txrx = UBITS(144, 4); ais->type23.interval = UBITS(146, 4); ais->type23.quiet = UBITS(150, 4); break; case 24: /* Class B CS Static Data Report */ switch (UBITS(38, 2)) { case 0: UCHARS(40, ais_context->shipname); //ais->type24.a.spare = UBITS(160, 8); return false; /* data only partially decoded */ case 1: (void)strlcpy(ais->type24.shipname, ais_context->shipname, sizeof(ais_context->shipname)); ais->type24.shiptype = UBITS(40, 8); UCHARS(48, ais->type24.vendorid); UCHARS(90, ais->type24.callsign); if (AIS_AUXILIARY_MMSI(ais->mmsi)) ais->type24.mothership_mmsi = UBITS(132, 30); else { ais->type24.dim.to_bow = UBITS(132, 9); ais->type24.dim.to_stern = UBITS(141, 9); ais->type24.dim.to_port = UBITS(150, 6); ais->type24.dim.to_starboard = UBITS(156, 6); } //ais->type24.b.spare = UBITS(162, 8); break; } gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "\n"); break; case 25: /* Binary Message, Single Slot */ /* this check and the following one reject line noise */ if (ais_context->bitlen < 40 || ais_context->bitlen > 168) { gpsd_report(LOG_ERROR, "AIVDM message type 25 size not between 40 to 168 bits (%zd).\n", ais_context->bitlen); break; } ais->type25.addressed = (bool)UBITS(38, 1); ais->type25.structured = (bool)UBITS(39, 1); if (ais_context->bitlen < ( 40 + (16*ais->type25.structured) + (30*ais->type25.addressed) ) ) { gpsd_report(LOG_ERROR, "AIVDM message type 25 too short for mode.\n"); break; } if (ais->type25.addressed) ais->type25.dest_mmsi = UBITS(40, 30); if (ais->type25.structured) ais->type25.app_id = UBITS(40+ais->type25.addressed*30,16); /* * Not possible to do this right without machinery we * don't yet have. The problem is that if the addressed * bit is on the bitfield start won't be on a byte * boundary. Thus the formulas below (and in message type 26) * will work perfectly for brodacst messages, but for addressed * messages the retrieved data will be led by thr 30 bits of * the destination MMSI */ ais->type25.bitcount = ais_context->bitlen - 40 - 16*ais->type25.structured; (void)memcpy(ais->type25.bitdata, (char *)ais_context->bits+5 + 2 * ais->type25.structured, (ais->type25.bitcount + 7) / 8); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "addressed=%d, structured=%d, dest=%u, id=%u, cnt=%zd\n", ais->type25.addressed, ais->type25.structured, ais->type25.dest_mmsi, ais->type25.app_id, ais->type25.bitcount); break; case 26: /* Binary Message, Multiple Slot */ ais->type26.addressed = (bool)UBITS(38, 1); ais->type26.structured = (bool)UBITS(39, 1); if (ais->type26.addressed) ais->type26.dest_mmsi = UBITS(40, 30); if (ais->type26.structured) ais->type26.app_id = UBITS(40+ais->type26.addressed*30,16); ais->type26.bitcount = ais_context->bitlen - 60 - 16*ais->type26.structured; (void)memcpy(ais->type26.bitdata, (char *)ais_context->bits+5 + 2 * ais->type26.structured, (ais->type26.bitcount + 7) / 8); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "addressed=%d, structured=%d, dest=%u, id=%u, cnt=%zd\n", ais->type26.addressed, ais->type26.structured, ais->type26.dest_mmsi, ais->type26.app_id, ais->type26.bitcount); break; default: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "\n"); gpsd_report(LOG_ERROR, "Unparsed AIVDM message type %d.\n",ais->type); break; } #undef UCHARS #undef SBITS #undef UBITS /* data is fully decoded */ return true; } /* we're still waiting on another sentence */ return false; } /*@ -charint @*/ /* driver_aivdm.c ends here */