/* * This is the gpsd driver for GeoStar Navigation receivers * operating in binary mode. * * Tested with GeoS-1M GPS/GLONASS receiver. * * By Viktar Palstsiuk, viktar.palstsiuk@promwad.com * * This file is Copyright (c) 2010 by the GPSD project * BSD terms apply: see the file COPYING in the distribution root for details. */ #include /* for select() */ #include #include #include #include #include "gpsd.h" #include "bits.h" #ifdef GEOSTAR_ENABLE #define GEOSTAR_CHANNELS 24 #define JAN_2008 0x47798280 /* 1199145600 = 2008 - 1970 in seconds */ #define OFFSET(n) ((n)*4+4) static int decode_channel_id (uint32_t ch_id) { int num = 0; num = (int)(ch_id & 0x1F); /* SV ID */ if((ch_id & (1<<30)) == 0) num += 32; /* GLONASS SV */ else if (num == 0 ) num = 32; /* GPS SV */ return num; } static int geostar_write(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned int id, unsigned char *data, size_t len) { int i; unsigned long cs = 0; putbyte(session->msgbuf, 0, 'P'); putbyte(session->msgbuf, 1, 'S'); putbyte(session->msgbuf, 2, 'G'); putbyte(session->msgbuf, 3, 'G'); /*@-shiftimplementation +ignoresigns@*/ putbe16(session->msgbuf, 4, id); putbe16(session->msgbuf, 6, len); /*@+shiftimplementation -ignoresigns@*/ /* Copy content */ memcpy(session->msgbuf + 8, data, len * 4); len += 2; /* PSGG + id + len */ /* Calculate checksum */ for (i = 0; (size_t)i < len; i++) { cs ^= getleu32(session->msgbuf, i * 4); } /*@-shiftimplementation +ignoresigns@*/ putle32(session->msgbuf, len * 4, cs); /*@+shiftimplementation -ignoresigns@*/ len += 1; /* Checksum */ session->msgbuflen = len * 4; gpsd_report(LOG_IO, "Sent GeoStar packet id 0x%x: %s\n", id, gpsd_hexdump_wrapper(session->msgbuf, session->msgbuflen, LOG_IO)); if (gpsd_write(session, session->msgbuf, session->msgbuflen) != (ssize_t) session->msgbuflen) return -1; return 0; } /* geostar_detect() * * see if it looks like a GeoStar device is listening and * return 1 if found, 0 if not */ static bool geostar_detect(struct gps_device_t *session) { unsigned char buf[1 * 4]; unsigned int n; bool ret = false; int myfd; fd_set fdset; struct timeval to; gpsd_report(LOG_PROG, "Probing GeoStar\n"); myfd = session->gpsdata.gps_fd; /* request firmware revision and look for a valid response */ /*@-shiftimplementation +ignoresigns@*/ putbe32(buf, 0, 0); /*@+shiftimplementation +ignoresigns@*/ if (geostar_write(session, 0xc1, buf, 1) == 0) { for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) { FD_ZERO(&fdset); FD_SET(myfd, &fdset); to.tv_sec = 1; to.tv_usec = 0; if (select(myfd + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &to) != 1) break; if (generic_get(session) >= 0) { if (session->packet.type == GEOSTAR_PACKET) { gpsd_report(LOG_RAW, "geostar_detect found\n"); ret = true; break; } } } } return ret; } static gps_mask_t geostar_analyze(struct gps_device_t *session) { int i, j, len; gps_mask_t mask = 0; unsigned int id; int16_t s1, s2, s3; uint16_t uw1, uw2; uint32_t ul1, ul2, ul3, ul4, ul5; double d1, d2, d3, d4, d5; union long_double l_d; unsigned char buf[BUFSIZ]; char buf2[BUFSIZ]; if (session->packet.type != GEOSTAR_PACKET) { gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "geostar_analyze packet type %d\n", session->packet.type); return 0; } /*@ +charint @*/ if (session->packet.outbuflen < 12 || session->packet.outbuffer[0] != 'P') return 0; /* put data part of message in buf */ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); memcpy(buf, session->packet.outbuffer, session->packet.outbuflen); buf2[len = 0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < (int)session->packet.outbuflen; i++) { (void)snprintf(buf2 + strlen(buf2), sizeof(buf2) - strlen(buf2), "%02x", buf[len++] = session->packet.outbuffer[i]); } /*@ -charint @*/ id = (unsigned int)getleu16(session->packet.outbuffer, OFFSET(0)); (void)snprintf(session->gpsdata.tag, sizeof(session->gpsdata.tag), "ID%02x", id); gpsd_report(LOG_IO, "GeoStar packet id 0x%02x length %d: %s\n", id, len, buf2); session->cycle_end_reliable = true; switch (id) { case 0x10: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Raw measurements\n"); break; case 0x11: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "GPS sub-frame data\n"); break; case 0x12: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "GLONASS sub-frame data\n"); break; case 0x13: d1 = getled(buf, OFFSET(1)); d2 = getled(buf, OFFSET(3)); d3 = getled(buf, OFFSET(5)); d4 = getled(buf, OFFSET(29)); /* GPS time */ d5 = getled(buf, OFFSET(31)); /* GLONASS time */ gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "ECEF coordinates %g %g %g %f %f\n", d1, d2, d3, d4, d5); break; case 0x20: d1 = getled(buf, OFFSET(1)); /* time */ session->newdata.time = d1 + JAN_2008; session->newdata.latitude = getled(buf, OFFSET(3)) * RAD_2_DEG; session->newdata.longitude = getled(buf, OFFSET(5)) * RAD_2_DEG; session->newdata.altitude = getled(buf, OFFSET(7)); session->gpsdata.separation = getled(buf, OFFSET(9)); session->gpsdata.satellites_used = getles32(buf, OFFSET(11)); session->gpsdata.dop.gdop = getled(buf, OFFSET(13)); session->gpsdata.dop.pdop = getled(buf, OFFSET(15)); session->gpsdata.dop.tdop = getled(buf, OFFSET(17)); session->gpsdata.dop.hdop = getled(buf, OFFSET(19)); session->gpsdata.dop.vdop = getled(buf, OFFSET(21)); session->newdata.speed = getled(buf, OFFSET(31)); session->newdata.track = getled(buf, OFFSET(33)) * RAD_2_DEG; ul1 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(29)); /* status */ if (ul1 != (uint8_t) 0) { session->gpsdata.status = STATUS_NO_FIX; mask |= STATUS_IS; } else { if (session->gpsdata.status < STATUS_FIX) { session->gpsdata.status = STATUS_FIX; mask |= STATUS_IS; } } mask |= TIME_IS | LATLON_IS | ALTITUDE_IS | SPEED_IS | TRACK_IS | DOP_IS | USED_IS | REPORT_IS; gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Geographic coordinates %f %g %g %g %g %g\n", d1, session->newdata.latitude, session->newdata.longitude, session->newdata.altitude, session->newdata.speed, session->newdata.track); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Dilution of precision %g %g %g %g %g\n", session->gpsdata.dop.gdop, session->gpsdata.dop.pdop, session->gpsdata.dop.tdop, session->gpsdata.dop.hdop, session->gpsdata.dop.vdop); break; case 0x21: ul1 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(1)); ul2 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(2)); uw1 = getleu16(buf, OFFSET(3)); uw2 = getleu16(buf, OFFSET(3) + 2); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Current receiver telemetry %x %d %d %d\n", ul1, ul2, uw1, uw2); if(ul1 & (1<<3)) { session->newdata.mode = MODE_2D; } else { session->newdata.mode = MODE_3D; } if(ul1 & (1<<2)) { session->gpsdata.status = STATUS_FIX; } else { session->gpsdata.status = STATUS_NO_FIX; session->newdata.mode = MODE_NO_FIX; } mask |= MODE_IS | STATUS_IS; break; case 0x22: ul1 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(1)); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "SVs in view %d\n", ul1); session->gpsdata.satellites_visible = (int)ul1; if(ul1 > GEOSTAR_CHANNELS) ul1 = GEOSTAR_CHANNELS; for(i = 0, j = 0; (uint32_t)i < ul1; i++) { ul2 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(2) + i * 3 * 4); s1 = getles16(buf, OFFSET(3) + i * 3 * 4); s2 = getles16(buf, OFFSET(3) + 2 + i * 3 * 4); s3 = getles16(buf, OFFSET(4) + 2 + i * 3 * 4); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "ID %d Az %g El %g SNR %g\n", decode_channel_id(ul2), s1*0.001*RAD_2_DEG, s2*0.001*RAD_2_DEG, s3*0.1); session->gpsdata.PRN[i] = decode_channel_id(ul2); session->gpsdata.azimuth[i] = (int)round(s1*0.001 * RAD_2_DEG); session->gpsdata.elevation[i] = (int)round(s2*0.001 * RAD_2_DEG); session->gpsdata.ss[i] = s3*0.1; if(ul2 & (1<<27)) { session->gpsdata.used[j++] = decode_channel_id(ul2); } } session->gpsdata.skyview_time = NAN; mask |= SATELLITE_IS | USED_IS; break; case 0x3e: ul1 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(1)); ul2 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(2)); ul3 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(3)); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Receiver power-up message %d %d %d\n", ul1, ul2, ul3); break; case 0x3f: ul1 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(1)); ul2 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(2)); gpsd_report(LOG_WARN, "Negative acknowledge %x %d\n", ul1, ul2); break; case 0x40: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Set initial parameters\n"); break; case 0x41: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Set serial ports parameters\n"); break; case 0x42: ul1 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(1)); ul2 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(2)); ul3 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(3)); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Set receiver operation mode %d %d %d\n", ul1, ul2, ul3); break; case 0x43: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Set navigation task solution parameters\n"); break; case 0x44: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Set output data rate\n"); break; case 0x46: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Assign data protocol to communication port\n"); break; case 0x48: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Set GPS almanac\n"); break; case 0x49: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Set GLONASS almanac\n"); break; case 0x4a: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Set GPS ephemeris\n"); break; case 0x4b: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Set GLONASS ephemeris\n"); break; case 0x4c: ul1 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(1)); ul2 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(2)); ul3 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(3)); ul4 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(4)); ul5 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(5)); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Set PPS paramters %d %d %d %d %d\n", ul1, ul2, ul3, ul4, ul5); break; case 0x4d: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Enable/disable SV in position fix\n"); break; case 0x4e: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Enable/disable NMEA messages\n"); break; case 0x4f: ul1 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(1)); ul2 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(2)); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Enable/disable binary messages %x %x\n", ul1, ul2); break; case 0x80: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Query initial parameters\n"); break; case 0x81: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Query serial ports parameters\n"); break; case 0x82: ul1 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(1)); ul2 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(2)); ul3 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(3)); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Query receiver operation mode %d %d %d\n", ul1, ul2, ul3); break; case 0x83: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Query navigation task solution parameters\n"); break; case 0x84: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Query output data rate\n"); break; case 0x86: session->driver.geostar.physical_port = (unsigned int)getleu32(buf, OFFSET(1)); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Query data protocol assignment to communication port\n"); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Connected to physical port %d\n", session->driver.geostar.physical_port); break; case 0x88: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Query GPS almanac\n"); break; case 0x89: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Query GLONASS almanac\n"); break; case 0x8a: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Query GPS ephemerides\n"); break; case 0x8b: d1 = getled(buf, OFFSET(23)); d2 = getled(buf, OFFSET(25)); d3 = getled(buf, OFFSET(27)); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Query GLONASS ephemerides %g %g %g\n", d1, d2, d3); break; case 0x8c: ul1 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(1)); ul2 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(2)); ul3 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(3)); ul4 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(4)); ul5 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(5)); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Query PPS parameters %d %d %d %d %d\n", ul1, ul2, ul3, ul4, ul5); break; case 0x8d: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Query enable/disable status of the SV in position fix\n"); break; case 0x8e: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Query enable NMEA messages\n"); break; case 0x8f: ul1 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(1)); ul2 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(2)); gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Query enable binary messages %x %x\n", ul1, ul2); break; case 0xc0: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Change operation mode command\n"); break; case 0xc1: ul4 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(1)); ul1 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(2)); ul2 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(3)); ul3 = getleu32(buf, OFFSET(4)); /*@ -formattype @*/ (void)snprintf(session->subtype, sizeof(session->subtype), "%d.%d %d.%d.%d %x %c-%d\n", ul4>>16, ul4&0xFFFF, ul1>>9, (ul1>>5)&0xF, ul1&0x1F, ul2, ul3>>24, ul3&0x00FFFFFF); /*@ +formattype @*/ gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Request FW version command: %s\n", session->subtype); mask |= DEVICEID_IS; break; case 0xc2: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Restart receiver command\n"); break; case 0xc3: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Store parameters to Flash command\n"); break; case 0xd0: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Erase Flash sector command\n"); break; case 0xd1: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Write data to Flash command\n"); break; case 0xd2: gpsd_report(LOG_INF, "Response to Store Serial Number command\n"); break; default: gpsd_report(LOG_WARN, "Unhandled GeoStar packet type 0x%02x\n", id); break; } return mask; } static gps_mask_t geostar_parse_input(struct gps_device_t *session) { gps_mask_t st; if (session->packet.type == GEOSTAR_PACKET) { st = geostar_analyze(session); session->gpsdata.dev.driver_mode = MODE_BINARY; return st; } else return 0; } #ifdef ALLOW_CONTROLSEND static ssize_t geostar_control_send(struct gps_device_t *session, char *buf, size_t buflen) /* not used by the daemon, it's for gpsctl and friends */ { return (ssize_t) geostar_write(session, (unsigned int)buf[0], (unsigned char *)buf + 1, (buflen - 1)/4); } #endif /* ALLOW_CONTROLSEND */ static void geostar_event_hook(struct gps_device_t *session, event_t event) { unsigned char buf[2 * 4]; /*@-shiftimplementation +ignoresigns@*/ if (event == event_identified && event == event_reactivate) { /* Select binary packets */ putbe32(buf, 0, 0xffff0000); putbe32(buf, 4, 0); (void)geostar_write(session, 0x4f, buf, 2); /* Poll Ports params */ putbe32(buf, 0, 1); (void)geostar_write(session, 0x81, buf, 1); putbe32(buf, 0, 0); (void)geostar_write(session, 0x81, buf, 1); /* Poll Init params */ (void)geostar_write(session, 0x80, buf, 1); /* Poll Mode */ (void)geostar_write(session, 0x82, buf, 1); /* Poll Solution params */ (void)geostar_write(session, 0x83, buf, 1); /* Poll Output rate */ (void)geostar_write(session, 0x84, buf, 1); /* Poll Protocols assignment */ (void)geostar_write(session, 0x86, buf, 1); /* Poll PPS params */ (void)geostar_write(session, 0x8c, buf, 1); /* Poll NMEA packets selected */ (void)geostar_write(session, 0x8e, buf, 1); /* Poll binary packets selected */ (void)geostar_write(session, 0x8f, buf, 1); /* Poll Software Version */ (void)geostar_write(session, 0xc1, buf, 1); } if (event == event_deactivate) { /* Perform cold restart */ putbe32(buf, 0, 3); (void)geostar_write(session, 0xc2, buf, 1); } /*@+shiftimplementation -ignoresigns@*/ } #ifdef ALLOW_RECONFIGURE static bool geostar_speed_switch(struct gps_device_t *session, speed_t speed, char parity, int stopbits) { unsigned char buf[4 * 4]; switch (parity) { case 'E': case 2: parity = (char)2; break; case 'O': case 1: parity = (char)1; break; case 'N': case 0: default: parity = (char)0; break; } /*@-shiftimplementation@*/ putbe32(buf, 0, session->driver.geostar.physical_port); putbe32(buf, 4, speed); putbe32(buf, 8, stopbits); putbe32(buf, 12, parity); /*@+shiftimplementation@*/ (void)geostar_write(session, 0x41, buf, 4); return true; /* it would be nice to error-check this */ } static void geostar_mode(struct gps_device_t *session, int mode) { unsigned char buf[1 * 4]; /*@-shiftimplementation@*/ if (mode == MODE_NMEA) { /* Switch to NMEA mode */ putbe32(buf, 0, (session->driver.geostar.physical_port == 0) ? 1 : 0); (void)geostar_write(session, 0x46, buf, 1); } else if (mode == MODE_BINARY) { /* Switch to binary mode */ (void)nmea_send(session, "$GPSGG,SWPROT"); } else { gpsd_report(LOG_ERROR, "unknown mode %i requested\n", mode); } /*@+shiftimplementation@*/ } #endif /* ALLOW_RECONFIGURE */ #ifdef NTPSHM_ENABLE static double geostar_ntp_offset(struct gps_device_t *session UNUSED) { return 0.31; } #endif /* NTPSHM_ENABLE */ /* this is everything we export */ /* *INDENT-OFF* */ const struct gps_type_t geostar_binary = { .type_name = "GeoStar binary", /* full name of type */ .packet_type = GEOSTAR_PACKET, /* associated lexer packet type */ .trigger = NULL, /* no trigger */ .channels = GEOSTAR_CHANNELS, /* consumer-grade GPS/GLONASS */ .probe_detect = geostar_detect, /* probe for device */ .get_packet = generic_get, /* use the generic packet getter */ .parse_packet = geostar_parse_input, /* parse message packets */ .rtcm_writer = NULL, /* doesn't accept DGPS corrections */ .event_hook = geostar_event_hook, /* ifire on various lifetime events */ #ifdef ALLOW_RECONFIGURE .speed_switcher = geostar_speed_switch,/* change baud rate */ .mode_switcher = geostar_mode, /* there is a mode switcher */ .rate_switcher = NULL, /* no rate switcher */ .min_cycle = 1, /* not relevant, no rate switcher */ #endif /* ALLOW_RECONFIGURE */ #ifdef ALLOW_CONTROLSEND .control_send = geostar_control_send,/* how to send commands */ #endif /* ALLOW_CONTROLSEND */ #ifdef NTPSHM_ENABLE .ntp_offset = geostar_ntp_offset, #endif /* NTPSHM_ENABLE */ }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ #endif /* GEOSTAR_ENABLE */