/* * A Javad GNSS Receiver External Interface Specification (GREIS) driver. * * Author(s): * - Gregory Fong * * Documentation for GREIS can be found at: * http://www.javad.com/downloads/javadgnss/manuals/GREIS/GREIS_Reference_Guide.pdf * * The version used for reference is that which * "Reflects Firmware Version 3.6.7, Last revised: August 25, 2016". * * This assumes little endian byte order in messages, which is the default, but * that is configurable. A future improvement could change to read the * information in [MF] Message Format. * * This file is Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Virgin Orbit * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bits.h" #include "driver_greis.h" #include "gpsd.h" #if defined(GREIS_ENABLE) && defined(BINARY_ENABLE) #define HEADER_LENGTH 5 static ssize_t greis_write(struct gps_device_t *session, const char *msg, size_t msglen); static const char disable_messages[] = "\%dm\%dm"; static const char get_vendor[] = "\%vendor\%print,/par/rcv/vendor"; static const char get_ver[] = "\%ver\%print,rcv/ver"; static const char set_update_rate_4hz[] = "\%msint\%set,/par/raw/msint,250"; /* Where applicable, the order here is how these will be received per cycle. */ /* TODO: stop hardcoding the cycle time, make it selectable */ static const char enable_messages_4hz[] = "\%em\%em,,jps/{RT,UO,GT,PV,SG,DP,SI,EL,AZ,EC,SS,ET}:0.25"; /* * GREIS message handlers. The checksum has been already confirmed valid in the * packet acceptance logic, so we don't need to retest it here. */ /** * Handle the message [RE] Reply */ static gps_mask_t greis_msg_RE(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { if (0 == memcmp(buf, "%ver%", 5)) { strlcpy(session->subtype, (const char*)&buf[5], sizeof(session->subtype)); gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: RE, ->subtype: %s\n", session->subtype); return DEVICEID_SET; } gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_INFO, "GREIS: RE %3zd, reply: %.*s\n", len, (int)len, buf); return 0; } /** * Handle the message [ER] Reply */ static gps_mask_t greis_msg_ER(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: ER %3zd, reply: %.*s\n", len, (int)len, buf); return 0; } /** * Handle the message [~~](RT) Receiver Time. */ static gps_mask_t greis_msg_RT(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { if (len < 5) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: RT bad len %zu\n", len); return 0; } session->driver.greis.rt_tod = getleu32(buf, 0); memset(&session->gpsdata.raw, 0, sizeof(session->gpsdata.raw)); session->driver.greis.seen_rt = true; session->driver.greis.seen_az = false; session->driver.greis.seen_ec = false; session->driver.greis.seen_el = false; session->driver.greis.seen_si = false; gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: RT, tod: %lu\n", (unsigned long)session->driver.greis.rt_tod); return CLEAR_IS; } /** * Handle the message [UO] GPS UTC Time Parameters. */ static gps_mask_t greis_msg_UO(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { /* * For additional details on these parameters and the computation done using * them, refer to the Javad GREIS spec mentioned at the top of this file and * also to ICD-GPS-200C, Revision IRN-200C-004 April 12, 2000. At the time * of writing, that could be found at * https://www.navcen.uscg.gov/pubs/gps/icd200/ICD200Cw1234.pdf . */ uint32_t tot; /* Reference time of week [s] */ uint16_t wnt; /* Reference week number [dimensionless] */ int8_t dtls; /* Delta time due to leap seconds [s] */ uint8_t dn; /* 'Future' reference day number [1..7] */ uint16_t wnlsf; /* 'Future' reference week number [dimensionless] */ int8_t dtlsf; /* 'Future' delta time due to leap seconds [s] */ if (len < 24) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: UO bad len %zu\n", len); return 0; } tot = getleu32(buf, 12); wnt = getleu16(buf, 16); dtls = getsb(buf, 18); dn = getub(buf, 19); wnlsf = getleu16(buf, 20); dtlsf = getsb(buf, 22); session->driver.greis.seen_uo = true; /* * See ICD-GPS-200C "Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)". * I totally ripped this off of driver_navcom.c. Might want to dedupe at * some point. */ if ((wnt % 256U) * 604800U + tot < wnlsf * 604800U + dn * 86400U) { /* Current time is before effectivity time of the leap second event */ session->context->leap_seconds = dtls; } else { session->context->leap_seconds = dtlsf; } gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: UO, leap_seconds: %d\n", session->context->leap_seconds); return 0; } /** * Handle the message [GT] GPS Time. */ static gps_mask_t greis_msg_GT(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { double t_intp; uint32_t tow; /* Time of week [ms] */ uint16_t wn; /* GPS week number (modulo 1024) [dimensionless] */ if (len < 7) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: GT bad len %zu\n", len); return 0; } if (!session->driver.greis.seen_uo) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: can't use GT until after UO has supplied leap second data\n"); return 0; } tow = getleu32(buf, 0); wn = getleu16(buf, 4); session->newdata.time = gpsd_gpstime_resolve(session, wn, tow / 1000.0); gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: GT, tow: %u, wn: %u, time: %.2f\n", tow, wn, session->newdata.time); /* save raw.mtime, just in case */ session->gpsdata.raw.mtime.tv_nsec = modf(session->newdata.time, &t_intp) * 1e9; session->gpsdata.raw.mtime.tv_sec = (time_t)t_intp + \ session->context->leap_seconds; gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: GT, RAW @ %ld.%09ld\n", (long)session->gpsdata.raw.mtime.tv_sec, session->gpsdata.raw.mtime.tv_nsec); return TIME_SET | NTPTIME_IS | ONLINE_SET; } /** * Handle the message [PV] Cartesian Position and Velocity. */ static gps_mask_t greis_msg_PV(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { double x, y, z; /* Cartesian coordinates [m] */ float p_sigma; /* Position spherical error probability (SEP) [m] */ float vx, vy, vz; /* Cartesian velocities [m/s] */ float v_sigma; /* Velocity SEP [m/s] */ uint8_t solution_type; if (len < 46) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: PV bad len %zu\n", len); return 0; } x = getled64((char *)buf, 0); y = getled64((char *)buf, 8); z = getled64((char *)buf, 16); p_sigma = getlef32((char *)buf, 24); vx = getlef32((char *)buf, 28); vy = getlef32((char *)buf, 32); vz = getlef32((char *)buf, 36); v_sigma = getlef32((char *)buf, 40); solution_type = getub(buf, 44); session->newdata.ecef.x = x; session->newdata.ecef.y = y; session->newdata.ecef.z = z; session->newdata.ecef.pAcc = p_sigma; session->newdata.ecef.vx = vx; session->newdata.ecef.vy = vy; session->newdata.ecef.vz = vz; session->newdata.ecef.vAcc = v_sigma; ecef_to_wgs84fix(&session->newdata, &session->gpsdata.separation, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz); /* GREIS Reference Guide 3.4.2 "General Notes" part "Solution Types" */ if (solution_type > 0 && solution_type < 5) { session->newdata.mode = MODE_3D; if (solution_type > 1) session->gpsdata.status = STATUS_DGPS_FIX; else session->gpsdata.status = STATUS_FIX; } gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: PV, ECEF x=%.2f y=%.2f z=%.2f pAcc=%.2f\n", session->newdata.ecef.x, session->newdata.ecef.y, session->newdata.ecef.z, session->newdata.ecef.pAcc); gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: PV, ECEF vx=%.2f vy=%.2f vz=%.2f vAcc=%.2f\n", session->newdata.ecef.vx, session->newdata.ecef.vy, session->newdata.ecef.vz, session->newdata.ecef.vAcc); gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: PV, lat: %.2f, lon: %.2f, alt: %.2f, solution_type: %d\n", session->newdata.latitude, session->newdata.longitude, session->newdata.altitude, solution_type); return LATLON_SET | ALTITUDE_SET | CLIMB_SET | TRACK_SET | SPEED_SET | MODE_SET | STATUS_SET | ECEF_SET | VECEF_SET; } /** * Handle the message [SG] Position and Velocity RMS Errors. */ static gps_mask_t greis_msg_SG(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { float hpos; /* Horizontal position RMS error [m] */ float vpos; /* Vertical position RMS error [m] */ float hvel; /* Horizontal velocity RMS error [m/s] */ float vvel; /* Vertical velocity RMS error [m/s] */ if (len < 18) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: SG bad len %zu\n", len); return 0; } hpos = getlef32((char *)buf, 0); vpos = getlef32((char *)buf, 4); hvel = getlef32((char *)buf, 8); vvel = getlef32((char *)buf, 12); /* * All errors are RMS which can be approximated as 1 sigma, so we can just * multiply to get the length used for GPSD confidence level. * * Make the simplifying assumption that error is the same for latitude and * longitude, since GREIS does not provide those as precomputed components. * A future improvement might be to compute the individual errors from the * position covariance matrix, but only if this proves insufficient. */ session->newdata.epx = session->newdata.epy = hpos * (1 / sqrt(2)) * GPSD_CONFIDENCE; session->newdata.epv = vpos * GPSD_CONFIDENCE; session->newdata.eps = hvel * GPSD_CONFIDENCE; session->newdata.epc = vvel * GPSD_CONFIDENCE; gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: SG, epx: %.2f, epy: %.2f, eps: %.2f, epc: %.2f\n", session->newdata.epx, session->newdata.epy, session->newdata.eps, session->newdata.epc); return HERR_SET | SPEEDERR_SET | CLIMBERR_SET; } /** * Handle the message [DP] Dilution of Precision. * Note that fill_dop() will handle the unset dops later. */ static gps_mask_t greis_msg_DP(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { if (len < 18) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: DP bad len %zu\n", len); return 0; } /* clear so that computed DOPs get recomputed. */ gps_clear_dop(&session->gpsdata.dop); session->gpsdata.dop.hdop = getlef32((char *)buf, 0); session->gpsdata.dop.vdop = getlef32((char *)buf, 4); session->gpsdata.dop.tdop = getlef32((char *)buf, 8); session->gpsdata.dop.pdop = sqrt(pow(session->gpsdata.dop.hdop, 2) + pow(session->gpsdata.dop.vdop, 2)); gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: DP, hdop: %.2f, vdop: %.2f, tdop: %.2f, pdop: %.2f\n", session->gpsdata.dop.hdop, session->gpsdata.dop.vdop, session->gpsdata.dop.tdop, session->gpsdata.dop.pdop); return DOP_SET; } /** * Handle the message [SI] Satellite Indices. * * This message tells us how many satellites are seen and contains their * Universal Satellite Identifier (USI). */ static gps_mask_t greis_msg_SI(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { int i; if (len < 1) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: SI bad len %zu\n", len); return 0; } gpsd_zero_satellites(&session->gpsdata); /* FIXME: check against MAXCHANNELS? */ session->gpsdata.satellites_visible = len - 1; for (i = 0; i < session->gpsdata.satellites_visible; i++) { /* This isn't really PRN, this is USI. Convert it. */ unsigned short PRN = getub(buf, i); session->gpsdata.skyview[i].PRN = PRN; /* fit into gnssid:svid */ if (0 == PRN) { /* skip 0 PRN */ continue; } else if ((1 <= PRN) && (37 >= PRN)) { /* GPS */ session->gpsdata.skyview[i].gnssid = 0; session->gpsdata.skyview[i].svid = PRN; } else if ((38 <= PRN) && (69 >= PRN)) { /* GLONASS */ session->gpsdata.skyview[i].gnssid = 6; session->gpsdata.skyview[i].svid = PRN - 37; } else if (70 == PRN) { /* GLONASS, again */ session->gpsdata.skyview[i].gnssid = 6; session->gpsdata.skyview[i].svid = 255; } else if ((71 <= PRN) && (119 >= PRN)) { /* Galileo */ session->gpsdata.skyview[i].gnssid = 2; session->gpsdata.skyview[i].svid = PRN - 70; } else if ((120 <= PRN) && (142 >= PRN)) { /* SBAS */ session->gpsdata.skyview[i].gnssid = 1; session->gpsdata.skyview[i].svid = PRN - 119; } else if ((193 <= PRN) && (197 >= PRN)) { /* QZSS */ session->gpsdata.skyview[i].gnssid = 5; session->gpsdata.skyview[i].svid = PRN - 192; } else if ((211 <= PRN) && (247 >= PRN)) { /* BeiDou */ session->gpsdata.skyview[i].gnssid = 3; session->gpsdata.skyview[i].svid = PRN - 210; } session->gpsdata.raw.meas[i].obs_code[0] = '\0'; session->gpsdata.raw.meas[i].gnssid = session->gpsdata.skyview[i].gnssid; session->gpsdata.raw.meas[i].svid = session->gpsdata.skyview[i].svid; /* GREIS does not report locktime, so assume max */ session->gpsdata.raw.meas[i].locktime = LOCKMAX; /* Make sure the unused raw fields are set consistently */ session->gpsdata.raw.meas[i].sigid = 0; session->gpsdata.raw.meas[i].snr = 0; session->gpsdata.raw.meas[i].freqid = 0; session->gpsdata.raw.meas[i].lli = 0; session->gpsdata.raw.meas[i].codephase = NAN; session->gpsdata.raw.meas[i].deltarange = NAN; } session->driver.greis.seen_si = true; gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: SI, satellites_visible: %d\n", session->gpsdata.satellites_visible); return 0; } /** * Handle the message [EL] Satellite Elevations. */ static gps_mask_t greis_msg_EL(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { int i; if (!session->driver.greis.seen_si) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: can't use EL until after SI provides indices\n"); return 0; } /* check against number of satellites + checksum */ if (len < session->gpsdata.satellites_visible + 1U) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: EL bad len %zu, needed at least %d\n", len, session->gpsdata.satellites_visible + 1); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < session->gpsdata.satellites_visible; i++) { short elevation; /* GREIS elevation is -90 to 90 degrees */ /* GREIS uses 127 for n/a */ /* gpsd uses -91 for n/a, so adjust acordingly */ elevation = getub(buf, i); if ((-90 > elevation) || (90 < elevation)) elevation = -91; session->gpsdata.skyview[i].elevation = elevation; } session->driver.greis.seen_el = true; gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: EL\n"); return 0; } /** * Handle the message [AZ] Satellite Azimuths. */ static gps_mask_t greis_msg_AZ(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { int i; if (!session->driver.greis.seen_si) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: can't use AZ until after SI provides indices\n"); return 0; } /* check against number of satellites + checksum */ if (len < session->gpsdata.satellites_visible + 1U) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: AZ bad len %zu, needed at least %d\n", len, session->gpsdata.satellites_visible + 1); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < session->gpsdata.satellites_visible; i++) { short azimuth; /* GREIS azimuth is 0 to 180, multiply by 2 for 0 to 360 */ /* GREIS uses 255 for n/a */ /* gpsd azimuth is 0 to 359, so adjust acordingly */ azimuth = getub(buf, i) * 2; if (360 == azimuth) azimuth = 0; else if (360 < azimuth) azimuth = -1; session->gpsdata.skyview[i].azimuth = azimuth; } session->driver.greis.seen_az = true; gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: AZ\n"); return 0; } /** * Handle the message [DC] Doppler (CA/L1) */ static gps_mask_t greis_msg_DC(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { int i; long int_doppler; size_t len_needed = (session->gpsdata.satellites_visible * 4) + 1; if (!session->driver.greis.seen_si) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: can't use DC until after SI provides indices\n"); return 0; } /* check against number of satellites + checksum */ if (len < len_needed) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: DC bad len %zu, needed at least %zu\n", len, len_needed); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < session->gpsdata.satellites_visible; i++) { int_doppler = getles32((char *)buf, i * 4); if (0x7fffffff == int_doppler) { /* out of range */ session->gpsdata.raw.meas[i].doppler = NAN; } else { session->gpsdata.raw.meas[i].doppler = int_doppler * 1e-4; } } session->driver.greis.seen_raw = true; gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: DC\n"); return 0; } /** * Handle the message [EC] SNR (CA/L1). * EC really outputs CNR, but what gpsd refers to as SNR _is_ CNR. */ static gps_mask_t greis_msg_EC(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { int i; if (!session->driver.greis.seen_si) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: can't use EC until after SI provides indices\n"); return 0; } /* check against number of satellites + checksum */ if (len < session->gpsdata.satellites_visible + 1U) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: EC bad len %zu, needed at least %d\n", len, session->gpsdata.satellites_visible + 1); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < session->gpsdata.satellites_visible; i++) session->gpsdata.skyview[i].ss = getub(buf, i); session->driver.greis.seen_ec = true; gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: EC\n"); return 0; } /** * Handle the message [P3] CA/L2 Carrier Phases, RINEX L2C */ static gps_mask_t greis_msg_P3(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { int i; size_t len_needed = (session->gpsdata.satellites_visible * 8) + 1; if (!session->driver.greis.seen_si) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: can't use P3 until after SI provides indices\n"); return 0; } /* check against number of satellites + checksum */ if (len < len_needed) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: P3 bad len %zu, needed at least %zu\n", len, len_needed); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < session->gpsdata.satellites_visible; i++) { session->gpsdata.raw.meas[i].l2c = getled64((char *)buf, i * 8); } session->driver.greis.seen_raw = true; gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: P3\n"); return 0; } /** * Handle the message [PC] CA/L1 Carrier Phases, RINEX L1C */ static gps_mask_t greis_msg_PC(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { int i; size_t len_needed = (session->gpsdata.satellites_visible * 8) + 1; if (!session->driver.greis.seen_si) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: can't use PC until after SI provides indices\n"); return 0; } /* check against number of satellites + checksum */ if (len < len_needed) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: PC bad len %zu, needed at least %zu\n", len, len_needed); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < session->gpsdata.satellites_visible; i++) { session->gpsdata.raw.meas[i].carrierphase = getled64((char *)buf, i * 8); } session->driver.greis.seen_raw = true; gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: PC\n"); return 0; } /** * Handle the message [R3] CA/L2 Pseudo-range, RINEX C2C */ static gps_mask_t greis_msg_R3(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { int i; size_t len_needed = (session->gpsdata.satellites_visible * 8) + 1; if (!session->driver.greis.seen_si) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: can't use R3 until after SI provides indices\n"); return 0; } /* check against number of satellites + checksum */ if (len < len_needed) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: R3 bad len %zu, needed at least %zu\n", len, len_needed); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < session->gpsdata.satellites_visible; i++) { /* get, and convert to meters */ session->gpsdata.raw.meas[i].c2c = \ getled64((char *)buf, i * 8) * CLIGHT; } session->driver.greis.seen_raw = true; gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: R3\n"); return 0; } /** * Handle the message [RC] Pseudo-range CA/L1, RINEX C1C */ static gps_mask_t greis_msg_RC(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { int i; size_t len_needed = (session->gpsdata.satellites_visible * 8) + 1; if (!session->driver.greis.seen_si) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: can't use RC until after SI provides indices\n"); return 0; } /* check against number of satellites + checksum */ if (len < len_needed) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: RC bad len %zu, needed at least %zu\n", len, len_needed); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < session->gpsdata.satellites_visible; i++) { /* get, and convert to meters */ session->gpsdata.raw.meas[i].pseudorange = \ getled64((char *)buf, i * 8) * CLIGHT; } session->driver.greis.seen_raw = true; gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: RC\n"); return 0; } /** * Handle the message [SS] Satellite Navigation Status. */ static gps_mask_t greis_msg_SS(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { int i; int used_count = 0; if (!session->driver.greis.seen_si) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: can't use SS until after SI provides indices\n"); return 0; } /* check against number of satellites + solution type + checksum */ if (len < session->gpsdata.satellites_visible + 2U) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: SI bad len %zu, needed at least %d\n", len, session->gpsdata.satellites_visible + 2); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < session->gpsdata.satellites_visible; i++) { /* * From the GREIS Reference Guide: "Codes [0...3], [40...62], and * [64...255] indicate that given satellite is used in position * computation and show which measurements are used. The rest of codes * indicate that satellite is not used in position computation and * indicate why this satellite is excluded from position computation." * Refer to Table 3-4 "Satellite Navigation Status" for the specific * code meanings. */ uint8_t nav_status = getub(buf, i); session->gpsdata.skyview[i].used = (nav_status <= 3) || (nav_status >= 40 && nav_status <= 62) || (nav_status >= 64); if (session->gpsdata.skyview[i].used) used_count++; } session->gpsdata.satellites_used = used_count; gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: SS, satellites_used: %d\n", session->gpsdata.satellites_used); return used_count ? USED_IS : 0; } /** * Handle the message [::](ET) Epoch Time. * This should be kept as the last message in each epoch. */ static gps_mask_t greis_msg_ET(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { uint32_t tod; gps_mask_t mask = 0; if (len < 5) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: ET bad len %zu\n", len); return 0; } if (!session->driver.greis.seen_rt) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: got ET, but no preceding RT for epoch\n"); return 0; } tod = getleu32(buf, 0); if (tod != session->driver.greis.rt_tod) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: broken epoch, RT had %lu, but ET has %lu\n", (unsigned long)session->driver.greis.rt_tod, (unsigned long)tod); return 0; } /* Skyview time does not differ from time in GT message */ session->gpsdata.skyview_time = NAN; gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DEBUG, "GREIS: ET, seen: az %d, ec %d, el %d, rt %d, si %d, uo %d\n", (int)session->driver.greis.seen_az, (int)session->driver.greis.seen_ec, (int)session->driver.greis.seen_el, (int)session->driver.greis.seen_rt, (int)session->driver.greis.seen_si, (int)session->driver.greis.seen_uo); /* Make sure we got the satellite data, then report it. */ if ((session->driver.greis.seen_az && session->driver.greis.seen_ec && session->driver.greis.seen_el && session->driver.greis.seen_si)) { /* Skyview seen, update it. Go even if no seen_ss or none visible */ mask |= SATELLITE_SET; if (session->driver.greis.seen_raw) { mask |= RAW_IS; } else { session->gpsdata.raw.mtime.tv_sec = 0; session->gpsdata.raw.mtime.tv_nsec = 0; } } else { session->gpsdata.raw.mtime.tv_sec = 0; session->gpsdata.raw.mtime.tv_nsec = 0; gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: ET: missing satellite details in this epoch\n"); } gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA, "GREIS: ET, tod: %lu\n", (unsigned long)tod); /* This is a good place to poll firmware version if we need it. * Waited until now to avoid the startup rush and out of * critical time path */ if (0 == strlen(session->subtype)) { /* get version */ (void)greis_write(session, get_ver, sizeof(get_ver) - 1); } /* The driver waits for ET to send any reports * Just REPORT_IS is not enough to trigger sending of reports to clients. * STATUS_SET seems best, if no status by now the status is no fix */ return mask | REPORT_IS | STATUS_SET; } struct dispatch_table_entry { char id0; char id1; gps_mask_t (*handler)(struct gps_device_t *, unsigned char *, size_t); }; static struct dispatch_table_entry dispatch_table[] = { {':', ':', greis_msg_ET}, {'A', 'Z', greis_msg_AZ}, {'D', 'C', greis_msg_DC}, {'D', 'P', greis_msg_DP}, {'E', 'C', greis_msg_EC}, {'E', 'R', greis_msg_ER}, {'E', 'L', greis_msg_EL}, {'G', 'T', greis_msg_GT}, {'R', '3', greis_msg_R3}, {'R', 'C', greis_msg_RC}, {'P', '3', greis_msg_P3}, {'P', 'C', greis_msg_PC}, {'P', 'V', greis_msg_PV}, {'R', 'E', greis_msg_RE}, {'S', 'G', greis_msg_SG}, {'S', 'I', greis_msg_SI}, {'S', 'S', greis_msg_SS}, {'U', 'O', greis_msg_UO}, {'~', '~', greis_msg_RT}, }; #define dispatch_table_size (sizeof(dispatch_table) / sizeof(dispatch_table[0])) /** * Parse the data from the device */ static gps_mask_t greis_dispatch(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { size_t i; char id0, id1; if (len == 0) return 0; /* * This is set because the device reliably signals end of cycle. * The core library zeroes it just before it calls each driver's * packet analyzer. */ session->cycle_end_reliable = true; /* Length should have already been checked in packet.c, but just in case */ if (len < HEADER_LENGTH) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: Packet length %zu shorter than min length\n", len); return 0; } /* we may need to dump the raw packet */ gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_RAW, "GREIS: raw packet id '%c%c'\n", buf[0], buf[1]); id0 = buf[0]; id1 = buf[1]; len -= HEADER_LENGTH; buf += HEADER_LENGTH; for (i = 0; i < dispatch_table_size; i++) { struct dispatch_table_entry *entry = &dispatch_table[i]; if (id0 == entry->id0 && id1 == entry->id1) { return entry->handler(session, buf, len); } } gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN, "GREIS: unknown packet id '%c%c' length %zu\n", id0, id1, len); return 0; } /********************************************************** * * Externally called routines below here * **********************************************************/ /** * Write data to the device with checksum. * Returns number of bytes written on successful write, -1 otherwise. */ static ssize_t greis_write(struct gps_device_t *session, const char *msg, size_t msglen) { char checksum_str[3] = {0}; ssize_t count; if (session->context->readonly) { /* readonly mode, do not write anything */ return -1; } if (NULL == msg) { /* We do sometimes write zero length to wake up GPS, * so just test for NULL msg, not zero length message */ gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_ERROR, "GREIS: nothing to write\n"); return -1; } /* Account for length + checksum marker + checksum + \r + \n + \0 */ if (msglen + 6 > sizeof(session->msgbuf)) { gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_ERROR, "GREIS: msgbuf is smaller than write length %zu\n", msglen); return -1; } if (msg != NULL) memcpy(&session->msgbuf[0], msg, msglen); if (msglen == 0) { /* This is a dummy write, don't give a checksum. */ session->msgbuf[0] = '\n'; session->msgbuflen = 1; gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_PROG, "GREIS: Dummy write\n"); } else { unsigned char checksum; session->msgbuflen = msglen; session->msgbuf[session->msgbuflen++] = '@'; /* checksum marker */ /* calculate checksum with @, place at end, and set length to write */ checksum = greis_checksum((unsigned char *)session->msgbuf, session->msgbuflen); (void)snprintf(checksum_str, sizeof(checksum_str), "%02X", checksum); session->msgbuf[session->msgbuflen++] = checksum_str[0]; session->msgbuf[session->msgbuflen++] = checksum_str[1]; session->msgbuf[session->msgbuflen++] = '\r'; session->msgbuf[session->msgbuflen++] = '\n'; gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_PROG, "GREIS: Writing command '%.*s', checksum: %s\n", (int)msglen, msg, checksum_str); } session->msgbuf[session->msgbuflen] = '\0'; count = gpsd_write(session, session->msgbuf, session->msgbuflen); if (count != (ssize_t)session->msgbuflen) return -1; else return count; } #ifdef CONTROLSEND_ENABLE /** * Write data to the device, doing any required padding or checksumming */ static ssize_t greis_control_send(struct gps_device_t *session, char *msg, size_t msglen) { return greis_write(session, msg, msglen); } #endif /* CONTROLSEND_ENABLE */ static void greis_event_hook(struct gps_device_t *session, event_t event) { if (session->context->readonly) return; if (event == event_wakeup) { /* * Code to make the device ready to communicate. Only needed if the * device is in some kind of sleeping state, and only shipped to * RS232C, so that gpsd won't send strings to unidentified USB devices * that might not be GPSes at all. */ /* * Disable any existing messages, then request vendor for * identification. */ (void)greis_write(session, disable_messages, sizeof(disable_messages) - 1); (void)greis_write(session, get_vendor, sizeof(get_vendor) - 1); } else if (event == event_identified || event == event_reactivate) { /* * Fires when the first full packet is recognized from a previously * unidentified device OR the device is reactivated after close. The * session.lexer counter is zeroed. * * TODO: If possible, get the software version and store it in * session->subtype. */ (void)greis_write(session, disable_messages, sizeof(disable_messages) - 1); (void)greis_write(session, set_update_rate_4hz, sizeof(set_update_rate_4hz) - 1); (void)greis_write(session, enable_messages_4hz, sizeof(enable_messages_4hz) - 1); /* Store cycle time (seconds) */ session->gpsdata.dev.cycle = 0.25; } else if (event == event_driver_switch) { /* * Fires when the driver on a device is changed *after* it * has been identified. */ } else if (event == event_deactivate) { /* * Fires when the device is deactivated. Use this to revert * whatever was done at event_identified and event_configure * time. */ (void)greis_write(session, disable_messages, sizeof(disable_messages) - 1); } } /** * This is the entry point to the driver. When the packet sniffer recognizes * a packet for this driver, it calls this method which passes the packet to * the binary processor or the nmea processor, depending on the session type. */ static gps_mask_t greis_parse_input(struct gps_device_t *session) { if (session->lexer.type == GREIS_PACKET) { return greis_dispatch(session, session->lexer.outbuffer, session->lexer.outbuflen); #ifdef NMEA0183_ENABLE } else if (session->lexer.type == NMEA_PACKET) { return nmea_parse((char *)session->lexer.outbuffer, session); #endif /* NMEA0183_ENABLE */ } else return 0; } #ifdef RECONFIGURE_ENABLE /** * Set port operating mode, speed, parity, stopbits etc. here. * Note: parity is passed as 'N'/'E'/'O', but you should program * defensively and allow 0/1/2 as well. */ static bool greis_set_speed(struct gps_device_t *session, speed_t speed, char parity, int stopbits) { /* change on current port */ static const char set_rate[] = "set,/par/cur/term/rate,"; static const char set_parity[] = "set,/par/cur/term/parity,"; static const char set_stops[] = "set,/par/cur/term/stops,"; static const char parity_none[] = "N"; static const char parity_even[] = "even"; static const char parity_odd[] = "odd"; char command[BUFSIZ] = {0}; const char *selected_parity = NULL; switch (parity) { case 'N': case 0: selected_parity = parity_none; break; case 'E': case 1: selected_parity = parity_even; break; case 'O': case 2: selected_parity = parity_odd; break; default: return false; } (void)snprintf(command, sizeof(command) - 1, "%s%lu && %s%s && %s%d", set_rate, (unsigned long)speed, set_parity, selected_parity, set_stops, stopbits); return (bool)greis_write(session, command, strlen(command)); } #if 0 /** * TODO: Switch between NMEA and binary mode */ static void greis_set_mode(struct gps_device_t *session, int mode) { if (mode == MODE_NMEA) { /* send a mode switch control string */ } else { /* send a mode switch control string */ session->back_to_nmea = false; } } #endif #endif /* RECONFIGURE_ENABLE */ #ifdef TIMEHINT_ENABLE #if 0 /* TODO */ static double greis_time_offset(struct gps_device_t *session) { /* * If NTP notification is enabled, the GPS will occasionally NTP * its notion of the time. This will lag behind actual time by * some amount which has to be determined by observation vs. (say * WWVB radio broadcasts) and, furthermore, may differ by baud * rate. This method is for computing the NTP fudge factor. If * it's absent, an offset of 0.0 will be assumed, effectively * falling back on what's in ntp.conf. When it returns NAN, * nothing will be sent to NTP. */ return MAGIC_CONSTANT; } #endif #endif /* TIMEHINT_ENABLE */ /* This is everything we export */ /* *INDENT-OFF* */ const struct gps_type_t driver_greis = { /* Full name of type */ .type_name = "GREIS", /* Associated lexer packet type */ .packet_type = GREIS_PACKET, /* Driver type flags */ .flags = DRIVER_STICKY, /* Response string that identifies device (not active) */ .trigger = NULL, /* Number of satellite channels supported by the device */ .channels = 128, /* Startup-time device detector */ .probe_detect = NULL, /* Packet getter (using default routine) */ .get_packet = generic_get, /* Parse message packets */ .parse_packet = greis_parse_input, /* non-perturbing initial query (e.g. for version) */ .init_query = NULL, /* fire on various lifetime events */ .event_hook = greis_event_hook, #ifdef RECONFIGURE_ENABLE /* Speed (baudrate) switch */ .speed_switcher = greis_set_speed, #if 0 /* TODO */ /* Switch to NMEA mode */ .mode_switcher = greis_set_mode, #endif /* Message delivery rate switcher (not active) */ .rate_switcher = NULL, /* Minimum cycle time of the device. * Default is 1/100, but this is tunable using /par/raw/msint . */ .min_cycle = 0.01, #endif /* RECONFIGURE_ENABLE */ #ifdef CONTROLSEND_ENABLE /* Control string sender - should provide checksum and headers/trailer */ .control_send = greis_control_send, #endif /* CONTROLSEND_ENABLE */ #ifdef TIMEHINT_ENABLE #if 0 /* TODO */ .time_offset = greis_time_offset, #endif #endif /* TIMEHINT_ENABLE */ /* *INDENT-ON* */ }; #endif /* defined(GREIS_ENABLE) && defined(BINARY_ENABLE) */