/* * NMEA2000 over CAN. * * This file is Copyright (c) 2012 by the GPSD project * BSD terms apply: see the file COPYING in the distribution root for details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef S_SPLINT_S #include #include #include #include #endif /* S_SPLINT_S */ #include "gpsd.h" #if defined(NMEA2000_ENABLE) #include "driver_nmea2000.h" #include "bits.h" #ifndef S_SPLINT_S #include #include #endif /* S_SPLINT_S */ #define LOG_FILE 1 #define NMEA2000_NETS 4 #define NMEA2000_UNITS 256 #define CAN_NAMELEN 32 #define MIN(a,b) ((a < b) ? a : b) #define NMEA2000_DEBUG_AIS 0 #define NMEA2000_FAST_DEBUG 0 static struct gps_device_t *nmea2000_units[NMEA2000_NETS][NMEA2000_UNITS]; static char can_interface_name[NMEA2000_NETS][CAN_NAMELEN]; typedef struct PGN { unsigned int pgn; unsigned int fast; unsigned int type; gps_mask_t (* func)(unsigned char *bu, int len, struct PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session); const char *name; } PGN; /*@-nullassign@*/ #if LOG_FILE FILE *logFile = NULL; #endif /* of if LOG_FILE */ extern bool __attribute__ ((weak)) gpsd_add_device(const char *device_name, bool flag_nowait); static void print_data(struct gps_context_t *context, unsigned char *buffer, int len, PGN *pgn) { #ifdef LIBGPS_DEBUG /*@-bufferoverflowhigh@*/ if ((libgps_debuglevel >= LOG_IO) != 0) { int l1, l2, ptr; char bu[128]; ptr = 0; l2 = sprintf(&bu[ptr], "got data:%6u:%3d: ", pgn->pgn, len); ptr += l2; for (l1=0;l1debug, LOG_IO,"%s\n", bu); ptr = 0; l2 = sprintf(&bu[ptr], " : "); ptr += l2; } l2 = sprintf(&bu[ptr], "%02ux ", (unsigned int)buffer[l1]); ptr += l2; } gpsd_report(context->debug, LOG_IO,"%s\n", bu); } /*@+bufferoverflowhigh@*/ #endif } static gps_mask_t get_mode(struct gps_device_t *session) { if (session->driver.nmea2000.mode_valid & 1) { session->newdata.mode = session->driver.nmea2000.mode; } else { session->newdata.mode = MODE_NOT_SEEN; } if (session->driver.nmea2000.mode_valid & 2) { return MODE_SET | USED_IS; } else { return MODE_SET; } } static int decode_ais_header(struct gps_context_t *context, unsigned char *bu, int len, struct ais_t *ais, unsigned int mask) { if (len > 4) { ais->type = (unsigned int) ( bu[0] & 0x3f); ais->repeat = (unsigned int) ((bu[0] >> 6) & 0x03); ais->mmsi = (unsigned int) getleu32(bu, 1); ais->mmsi &= mask; gpsd_report(context->debug, LOG_INF, "NMEA2000 AIS message type %u, MMSI %09d:\n", ais->type, ais->mmsi); printf("NMEA2000 AIS message type %2u, MMSI %09u:\n", ais->type, ais->mmsi); return(1); } else { ais->type = 0; ais->repeat = 0; ais->mmsi = 0; gpsd_report(context->debug, LOG_ERROR, "NMEA2000 AIS message type %u, too short message.\n", ais->type); printf("NMEA2000 AIS message type %u, too short message.\n", ais->type); } return(0); } static void decode_ais_channel_info(unsigned char *bu, int len, unsigned int offset, struct gps_device_t *session) { unsigned int pos, bpos; uint16_t x; pos = offset / 8; bpos = offset % 8; if (pos >= (unsigned int)len) { session->driver.aivdm.ais_channel = 'A'; return; } x = getleu16(bu, pos); x = (uint16_t)((x >> bpos) & 0x1f); switch (x) { case 1: case 3: session->driver.aivdm.ais_channel = 'B'; break; default: session->driver.aivdm.ais_channel = 'A'; break; } return; } static int ais_turn_rate(int rate) { if (rate < 0) { return(-ais_turn_rate(-rate)); } return((int)(4.733 * sqrt(rate * RAD_2_DEG * .0001 * 60.0))); } static double ais_direction(unsigned int val, double scale) { if ((val == 0xffff) && (scale == 1.0)) { return(511.0); } return(val * RAD_2_DEG * 0.0001 * scale); } /* * PGN 59392: ISO Acknowledgment */ static gps_mask_t hnd_059392(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(0); } /* * PGN 60928: ISO Address Claim */ static gps_mask_t hnd_060928(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(0); } /* * PGN 126208: NMEA Command/Request/Acknowledge */ static gps_mask_t hnd_126208(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(0); } /* * PGN 126464: ISO Transmit/Receive PGN List */ static gps_mask_t hnd_126464(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(0); } /* * PGN 126996: ISO Product Information */ static gps_mask_t hnd_126996(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(0); } /* * PGN 127258: GNSS Magnetic Variation */ static gps_mask_t hnd_127258(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(0); } /* * PGN 129025: GNSS Position Rapid Update */ static gps_mask_t hnd_129025(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); /*@-type@*//* splint has a bug here */ session->newdata.latitude = getles32(bu, 0) * 1e-7; session->newdata.longitude = getles32(bu, 4) * 1e-7; /*@+type@*/ (void)strlcpy(session->gpsdata.tag, "129025", sizeof(session->gpsdata.tag)); return LATLON_SET | get_mode(session); } /* * PGN 129026: GNSS COG and SOG Rapid Update */ static gps_mask_t hnd_129026(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); session->driver.nmea2000.sid[0] = bu[0]; /*@-type@*//* splint has a bug here */ session->newdata.track = getleu16(bu, 2) * 1e-4 * RAD_2_DEG; session->newdata.speed = getleu16(bu, 4) * 1e-2; /*@+type@*/ (void)strlcpy(session->gpsdata.tag, "129026", sizeof(session->gpsdata.tag)); return SPEED_SET | TRACK_SET | get_mode(session); } /* * PGN 126992: GNSS System Time */ static gps_mask_t hnd_126992(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { //uint8_t sid; //uint8_t source; print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); //sid = bu[0]; //source = bu[1] & 0x0f; /*@-type@*//* splint has a bug here */ session->newdata.time = getleu16(bu, 2)*24*60*60 + getleu32(bu, 4)/1e4; /*@+type@*/ (void)strlcpy(session->gpsdata.tag, "126992", sizeof(session->gpsdata.tag)); return TIME_SET | get_mode(session); } static const int mode_tab[] = {MODE_NO_FIX, MODE_2D, MODE_3D, MODE_NO_FIX, MODE_NO_FIX, MODE_NO_FIX, MODE_NO_FIX, MODE_NO_FIX}; /* * PGN 129539: GNSS DOPs */ static gps_mask_t hnd_129539(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { gps_mask_t mask; unsigned int req_mode; unsigned int act_mode; print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); mask = 0; session->driver.nmea2000.sid[1] = bu[0]; session->driver.nmea2000.mode_valid |= 1; req_mode = (unsigned int)((bu[1] >> 0) & 0x07); act_mode = (unsigned int)((bu[1] >> 3) & 0x07); /* This is a workaround for some GARMIN plotter, actual mode auto makes no sense for me! */ if ((act_mode == 3) && (req_mode != 3)) { act_mode = req_mode; } session->driver.nmea2000.mode = mode_tab[act_mode]; /*@-type@*//* splint has a bug here */ session->gpsdata.dop.hdop = getleu16(bu, 2) * 1e-2; session->gpsdata.dop.vdop = getleu16(bu, 4) * 1e-2; session->gpsdata.dop.tdop = getleu16(bu, 6) * 1e-2; /*@+type@*/ mask |= DOP_SET; gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d): sid:%02x hdop:%5.2f vdop:%5.2f tdop:%5.2f\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit, session->driver.nmea2000.sid[1], session->gpsdata.dop.hdop, session->gpsdata.dop.vdop, session->gpsdata.dop.tdop); (void)strlcpy(session->gpsdata.tag, "129539", sizeof(session->gpsdata.tag)); return mask | get_mode(session); } /* * PGN 129540: GNSS Satellites in View */ static gps_mask_t hnd_129540(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { int l1, l2; print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); session->driver.nmea2000.sid[2] = bu[0]; session->gpsdata.satellites_visible = (int)bu[2]; for (l2=0;l2gpsdata.used[l2] = 0; } l2 = 0; for (l1=0;l1gpsdata.satellites_visible;l1++) { int svt; double azi, elev, snr; /*@-type@*//* splint has a bug here */ elev = getles16(bu, 3+12*l1+1) * 1e-4 * RAD_2_DEG; azi = getleu16(bu, 3+12*l1+3) * 1e-4 * RAD_2_DEG; snr = getles16(bu, 3+12*l1+5) * 1e-2; /*@+type@*/ svt = (int)(bu[3+12*l1+11] & 0x0f); session->gpsdata.elevation[l1] = (int) (round(elev)); session->gpsdata.azimuth[l1] = (int) (round(azi)); session->gpsdata.ss[l1] = snr; session->gpsdata.PRN[l1] = (int)bu[3+12*l1+0]; if ((svt == 2) || (svt == 5)) { session->gpsdata.used[l2] = session->gpsdata.PRN[l1]; l2 += 1; } } session->driver.nmea2000.mode_valid |= 2; return SATELLITE_SET | USED_IS; } /* * PGN 129029: GNSS Positition Data */ static gps_mask_t hnd_129029(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { gps_mask_t mask; print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); mask = 0; session->driver.nmea2000.sid[3] = bu[0]; /*@-type@*//* splint has a bug here */ session->newdata.time = getleu16(bu,1) * 24*60*60 + getleu32(bu, 3)/1e4; /*@+type@*/ mask |= TIME_SET; /*@-type@*//* splint has a bug here */ session->newdata.latitude = getles64(bu, 7) * 1e-16; session->newdata.longitude = getles64(bu, 15) * 1e-16; /*@+type@*/ mask |= LATLON_SET; /*@-type@*//* splint has a bug here */ session->newdata.altitude = getles64(bu, 23) * 1e-6; /*@+type@*/ mask |= ALTITUDE_SET; // printf("mode %x %x\n", (bu[31] >> 4) & 0x0f, bu[31]); switch ((bu[31] >> 4) & 0x0f) { case 0: session->gpsdata.status = STATUS_NO_FIX; break; case 1: session->gpsdata.status = STATUS_FIX; break; case 2: session->gpsdata.status = STATUS_DGPS_FIX; break; case 3: case 4: case 5: session->gpsdata.status = STATUS_FIX; /* Is this correct ? */ break; default: session->gpsdata.status = STATUS_NO_FIX; break; } mask |= STATUS_SET; /*@-type@*//* splint has a bug here */ session->gpsdata.separation = getles32(bu, 38) / 100.0; /*@+type@*/ session->newdata.altitude -= session->gpsdata.separation; session->gpsdata.satellites_used = (int)bu[33]; /*@-type@*//* splint has a bug here */ session->gpsdata.dop.hdop = getleu16(bu, 34) * 0.01; session->gpsdata.dop.pdop = getleu16(bu, 36) * 0.01; /*@+type@*/ mask |= DOP_SET; (void)strlcpy(session->gpsdata.tag, "129029", sizeof(session->gpsdata.tag)); return mask | get_mode(session); } /* * PGN 129038: AIS Class A Position Report */ static gps_mask_t hnd_129038(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { struct ais_t *ais; ais = &session->gpsdata.ais; print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); if (decode_ais_header(session->context, bu, len, ais, 0xffffffffU) != 0) { ais->type1.lon = (int) (getles32(bu, 5) * 0.06); ais->type1.lat = (int) (getles32(bu, 9) * 0.06); ais->type1.accuracy = (bool) ((bu[13] >> 0) & 0x01); ais->type1.raim = (bool) ((bu[13] >> 1) & 0x01); ais->type1.second = (unsigned int) ((bu[13] >> 2) & 0x3f); ais->type1.course = (unsigned int) ais_direction((unsigned int)getleu16(bu, 14), 10.0); ais->type1.speed = (unsigned int) (getleu16(bu, 16) * MPS_TO_KNOTS * 0.01 / 0.1); ais->type1.radio = (unsigned int) (getleu32(bu, 18) & 0x7ffff); ais->type1.heading = (unsigned int) ais_direction((unsigned int)getleu16(bu, 21), 1.0); ais->type1.turn = ais_turn_rate((int)getles16(bu, 23)); ais->type1.status = (unsigned int) ((bu[25] >> 0) & 0xff); ais->type1.maneuver = 0; /* Not transmitted ???? */ decode_ais_channel_info(bu, len, 163, session); return(ONLINE_SET | AIS_SET); } return(0); } /* * PGN 129039: AIS Class B Position Report */ static gps_mask_t hnd_129039(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { struct ais_t *ais; ais = &session->gpsdata.ais; print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); if (decode_ais_header(session->context, bu, len, ais, 0xffffffffU) != 0) { ais->type18.lon = (int) (getles32(bu, 5) * 0.06); ais->type18.lat = (int) (getles32(bu, 9) * 0.06); ais->type18.accuracy = (bool) ((bu[13] >> 0) & 0x01); ais->type18.raim = (bool) ((bu[13] >> 1) & 0x01); ais->type18.second = (unsigned int) ((bu[13] >> 2) & 0x3f); ais->type18.course = (unsigned int) ais_direction((unsigned int) getleu16(bu, 14), 10.0); ais->type18.speed = (unsigned int) (getleu16(bu, 16) * MPS_TO_KNOTS * 0.01 / 0.1); ais->type18.radio = (unsigned int) (getleu32(bu, 18) & 0x7ffff); ais->type18.heading = (unsigned int) ais_direction((unsigned int) getleu16(bu, 21), 1.0); ais->type18.reserved = 0; ais->type18.regional = (unsigned int) ((bu[24] >> 0) & 0x03); ais->type18.cs = (bool) ((bu[24] >> 2) & 0x01); ais->type18.display = (bool) ((bu[24] >> 3) & 0x01); ais->type18.dsc = (bool) ((bu[24] >> 4) & 0x01); ais->type18.band = (bool) ((bu[24] >> 5) & 0x01); ais->type18.msg22 = (bool) ((bu[24] >> 6) & 0x01); ais->type18.assigned = (bool) ((bu[24] >> 7) & 0x01); decode_ais_channel_info(bu, len, 163, session); return(ONLINE_SET | AIS_SET); } return(0); } /* * PGN 129040: AIS Class B Extended Position Report */ /* No test case for this message at the moment */ static gps_mask_t hnd_129040(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { struct ais_t *ais; ais = &session->gpsdata.ais; print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); if (decode_ais_header(session->context, bu, len, ais, 0xffffffffU) != 0) { uint16_t length, beam, to_bow, to_starboard; int l; ais->type19.lon = (int) (getles32(bu, 5) * 0.06); ais->type19.lat = (int) (getles32(bu, 9) * 0.06); ais->type19.accuracy = (bool) ((bu[13] >> 0) & 0x01); ais->type19.raim = (bool) ((bu[13] >> 1) & 0x01); ais->type19.second = (unsigned int) ((bu[13] >> 2) & 0x3f); ais->type19.course = (unsigned int) ais_direction((unsigned int) getleu16(bu, 14), 10.0); ais->type19.speed = (unsigned int) (getleu16(bu, 16) * MPS_TO_KNOTS * 0.01 / 0.1); ais->type19.reserved = (unsigned int) ((bu[18] >> 0) & 0xff); ais->type19.regional = (unsigned int) ((bu[19] >> 0) & 0x0f); ais->type19.shiptype = (unsigned int) ((bu[20] >> 0) & 0xff); ais->type19.heading = (unsigned int) ais_direction((unsigned int) getleu16(bu, 21), 1.0); length = getleu16(bu, 24); beam = getleu16(bu, 26); to_starboard = getleu16(bu, 28); to_bow = getleu16(bu, 30); if ((length == 0xffff) || (to_bow == 0xffff)) { length = 0; to_bow = 0; } if ((beam == 0xffff) || (to_starboard == 0xffff)) { beam = 0; to_starboard = 0; } ais->type19.to_bow = (unsigned int) (to_bow/10); ais->type19.to_stern = (unsigned int) ((length-to_bow)/10); ais->type19.to_port = (unsigned int) ((beam-to_starboard)/10); ais->type19.to_starboard = (unsigned int) (to_starboard/10); ais->type19.epfd = (unsigned int) ((bu[23] >> 4) & 0x0f); ais->type19.dte = (unsigned int) ((bu[52] >> 0) & 0x01); ais->type19.assigned = (bool) ((bu[52] >> 1) & 0x01); for (l=0;ltype19.shipname[l] = (char) bu[32+l]; } ais->type19.shipname[AIS_SHIPNAME_MAXLEN] = (char) 0; decode_ais_channel_info(bu, len, 422, session); return(ONLINE_SET | AIS_SET); } return(0); } /* * PGN 129794: AIS Class A Static and Voyage Related Data */ static gps_mask_t hnd_129794(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { struct ais_t *ais; ais = &session->gpsdata.ais; print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); if (decode_ais_header(session->context, bu, len, ais, 0xffffffffU) != 0) { uint16_t length, beam, to_bow, to_starboard, date; int l; uint32_t time; time_t date1; struct tm date2; ais->type5.ais_version = (unsigned int) ((bu[73] >> 0) & 0x03); ais->type5.imo = (unsigned int) getleu32(bu, 5); if (ais->type5.imo == 0xffffffffU) { ais->type5.imo = 0; } ais->type5.shiptype = (unsigned int) ((bu[36] >> 0) & 0xff); length = getleu16(bu, 37); beam = getleu16(bu, 39); to_starboard = getleu16(bu, 41); to_bow = getleu16(bu, 43); if ((length == 0xffff) || (to_bow == 0xffff)) { length = 0; to_bow = 0; } if ((beam == 0xffff) || (to_starboard == 0xffff)) { beam = 0; to_starboard = 0; } ais->type5.to_bow = (unsigned int) (to_bow/10); ais->type5.to_stern = (unsigned int) ((length-to_bow)/10); ais->type5.to_port = (unsigned int) ((beam-to_starboard)/10); ais->type5.to_starboard = (unsigned int) (to_starboard/10); ais->type5.epfd = (unsigned int) ((bu[73] >> 2) & 0x0f); date = getleu16(bu, 45); time = getleu32(bu, 47); date1 = (time_t) (date*24*60*60); (void) gmtime_r(&date1, &date2); ais->type5.month = (unsigned int) (date2.tm_mon+1); ais->type5.day = (unsigned int) (date2.tm_mday); ais->type5.minute = (unsigned int) (time/(10000*60)); ais->type5.hour = (unsigned int) (ais->type5.minute/60); ais->type5.minute = (unsigned int) (ais->type5.minute-(ais->type5.hour*60)); ais->type5.draught = (unsigned int) (getleu16(bu, 51)/10); ais->type5.dte = (unsigned int) ((bu[73] >> 6) & 0x01); for (l=0;l<7;l++) { ais->type5.callsign[l] = (char) bu[9+l]; } ais->type5.callsign[7] = (char) 0; for (l=0;ltype5.shipname[l] = (char) bu[16+l]; } ais->type5.shipname[AIS_SHIPNAME_MAXLEN] = (char) 0; for (l=0;l<20;l++) { ais->type5.destination[l] = (char) bu[53+l]; } ais->type5.destination[20] = (char) 0; #if NMEA2000_DEBUG_AIS printf("AIS: MMSI: %09u\n", ais->mmsi); printf("AIS: name: %-20.20s i:%8u c:%-8.8s b:%6u s:%6u p:%6u s:%6u dr:%4.1f\n", ais->type5.shipname, ais->type5.imo, ais->type5.callsign, ais->type5.to_bow, ais->type5.to_stern, ais->type5.to_port, ais->type5.to_starboard, ais->type5.draught/10.0); printf("AIS: arival:%-20.20s at %02u-%02u-%04d %02u:%0u\n", ais->type5.destination, ais->type5.day, ais->type5.month, date2.tm_year+1900, ais->type5.hour, ais->type5.minute); #endif /* of #if NMEA2000_DEBUG_AIS */ decode_ais_channel_info(bu, len, 592, session); return(ONLINE_SET | AIS_SET); } return(0); } /* * PGN 129798: AIS SAR Aircraft Position Report */ /* No test case for this message at the moment */ static gps_mask_t hnd_129798(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { struct ais_t *ais; ais = &session->gpsdata.ais; print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); if (decode_ais_header(session->context, bu, len, ais, 0xffffffffU) != 0) { ais->type9.lon = (int) (getles32(bu, 5) * 0.06); ais->type9.lat = (int) (getles32(bu, 9) * 0.06); ais->type9.accuracy = (bool) ((bu[13] >> 0) & 0x01); ais->type9.raim = (bool) ((bu[13] >> 1) & 0x01); ais->type9.second = (unsigned int) ((bu[13] >> 2) & 0x3f); ais->type9.course = (unsigned int) ais_direction((unsigned int) getleu16(bu, 14), 10.0); ais->type9.speed = (unsigned int) (getleu16(bu, 16) * MPS_TO_KNOTS * 0.01 / 0.1); ais->type9.radio = (unsigned int) (getleu32(bu, 18) & 0x7ffff); ais->type9.alt = (unsigned int) (getleu64(bu, 21)/1000000); ais->type9.regional = (unsigned int) ((bu[29] >> 0) & 0xff); ais->type9.dte = (unsigned int) ((bu[30] >> 0) & 0x01); /* ais->type9.spare = (bu[30] >> 1) & 0x7f; */ ais->type9.assigned = 0; /* Not transmitted ???? */ decode_ais_channel_info(bu, len, 163, session); return(ONLINE_SET | AIS_SET); } return(0); } /* * PGN 129802: AIS Safty Related Broadcast Message */ /* No test case for this message at the moment */ static gps_mask_t hnd_129802(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { struct ais_t *ais; ais = &session->gpsdata.ais; print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); if (decode_ais_header(session->context, bu, len, ais, 0x3fffffff) != 0) { int l; /* ais->type14.channel = (bu[ 5] >> 0) & 0x1f; */ for (l=0;l<36;l++) { ais->type14.text[l] = (char) bu[6+l]; } ais->type14.text[36] = (char) 0; decode_ais_channel_info(bu, len, 40, session); return(ONLINE_SET | AIS_SET); } return(0); } /* * PGN 129809: AIS Class B CS Static Data Report, Part A */ static gps_mask_t hnd_129809(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { struct ais_t *ais; ais = &session->gpsdata.ais; print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); if (decode_ais_header(session->context, bu, len, ais, 0xffffffffU) != 0) { int l; int index = session->driver.aivdm.context[0].type24_queue.index; struct ais_type24a_t *saveptr = &session->driver.aivdm.context[0].type24_queue.ships[index]; gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_PROG, "NMEA2000: AIS message 24A from %09u stashed.\n", ais->mmsi); for (l=0;ltype24.shipname[l] = (char) bu[ 5+l]; saveptr->shipname[l] = (char) bu[ 5+l]; } ais->type24.shipname[AIS_SHIPNAME_MAXLEN] = (char) 0; saveptr->shipname[AIS_SHIPNAME_MAXLEN] = (char) 0; saveptr->mmsi = ais->mmsi; index += 1; index %= MAX_TYPE24_INTERLEAVE; session->driver.aivdm.context[0].type24_queue.index = index; decode_ais_channel_info(bu, len, 200, session); ais->type24.part = part_a; return(ONLINE_SET | AIS_SET); } return(0); } /* * PGN 129810: AIS Class B CS Static Data Report, Part B */ static gps_mask_t hnd_129810(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { struct ais_t *ais; ais = &session->gpsdata.ais; print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); if (decode_ais_header(session->context, bu, len, ais, 0xffffffffU) != 0) { int l, i; ais->type24.shiptype = (unsigned int) ((bu[ 5] >> 0) & 0xff); for (l=0;l<7;l++) { ais->type24.vendorid[l] = (char) bu[ 6+l]; } ais->type24.vendorid[7] = (char) 0; for (l=0;l<7;l++) { ais->type24.callsign[l] = (char) bu[13+l]; } ais->type24.callsign[7] = (char )0; if (AIS_AUXILIARY_MMSI(ais->mmsi)) { ais->type24.mothership_mmsi = (unsigned int) (getleu32(bu, 28)); } else { uint16_t length, beam, to_bow, to_starboard; length = getleu16(bu, 20); beam = getleu16(bu, 22); to_starboard = getleu16(bu, 24); to_bow = getleu16(bu, 26); ais->type24.dim.to_bow = (unsigned int) (to_bow/10); ais->type24.dim.to_stern = (unsigned int) ((length-to_bow)/10); ais->type24.dim.to_port = (unsigned int) ((beam-to_starboard)/10); ais->type24.dim.to_starboard = (unsigned int) (to_starboard/10); if ((length == 0xffff) || (to_bow == 0xffff)) { length = 0; to_bow = 0; } if ((beam == 0xffff) || (to_starboard == 0xffff)) { beam = 0; to_starboard = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < MAX_TYPE24_INTERLEAVE; i++) { if (session->driver.aivdm.context[0].type24_queue.ships[i].mmsi == ais->mmsi) { for (l=0;ltype24.shipname[l] = (char)(session->driver.aivdm.context[0].type24_queue.ships[i].shipname[l]); } ais->type24.shipname[AIS_SHIPNAME_MAXLEN] = (char) 0; gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_PROG, "NMEA2000: AIS 24B from %09u matches a 24A.\n", ais->mmsi); /* prevent false match if a 24B is repeated */ session->driver.aivdm.context[0].type24_queue.ships[i].mmsi = 0; #if NMEA2000_DEBUG_AIS printf("AIS: MMSI: %09u\n", ais->mmsi); printf("AIS: name: %-20.20s v:%-8.8s c:%-8.8s b:%6u s:%6u p:%6u s:%6u\n", ais->type24.shipname, ais->type24.vendorid, ais->type24.callsign, ais->type24.dim.to_bow, ais->type24.dim.to_stern, ais->type24.dim.to_port, ais->type24.dim.to_starboard); #endif /* of #if NMEA2000_DEBUG_AIS */ decode_ais_channel_info(bu, len, 264, session); ais->type24.part = both; return(ONLINE_SET | AIS_SET); } } #if NMEA2000_DEBUG_AIS printf("AIS: MMSI : %09u\n", ais->mmsi); printf("AIS: vendor: %-8.8s c:%-8.8s b:%6u s:%6u p:%6u s:%6u\n", ais->type24.vendorid, ais->type24.callsign, ais->type24.dim.to_bow, ais->type24.dim.to_stern, ais->type24.dim.to_port, ais->type24.dim.to_starboard); #endif /* of #if NMEA2000_DEBUG_AIS */ decode_ais_channel_info(bu, len, 264, session); ais->type24.part = part_b; return(ONLINE_SET | AIS_SET); } return(0); } /* * PGN 127506: PWR DC Detailed Status */ static gps_mask_t hnd_127506(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(0); } /* * PGN 127508: PWR Battery Status */ static gps_mask_t hnd_127508(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(0); } /* * PGN 127513: PWR Battery Configuration Status */ static gps_mask_t hnd_127513(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(0); } /* * PGN 127245: NAV Rudder */ static gps_mask_t hnd_127245(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(0); } /* * PGN 127250: NAV Vessel Heading */ static gps_mask_t hnd_127250(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { int aux; print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); /*@-type@*/ session->gpsdata.attitude.heading = getleu16(bu, 1) * RAD_2_DEG * 0.0001; // printf("ATT 0:%8.3f\n",session->gpsdata.attitude.heading); aux = getles16(bu, 3); if (aux != 0x07fff) { session->gpsdata.attitude.heading += aux * RAD_2_DEG * 0.0001; } // printf("ATT 1:%8.3f %6x\n",session->gpsdata.attitude.heading, aux); aux = getles16(bu, 5); if (aux != 0x07fff) { session->gpsdata.attitude.heading += aux * RAD_2_DEG * 0.0001; } /*@+type@*/ // printf("ATT 2:%8.3f %6x\n",session->gpsdata.attitude.heading, aux); session->gpsdata.attitude.mag_st = '\0'; session->gpsdata.attitude.pitch = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.pitch_st = '\0'; session->gpsdata.attitude.roll = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.roll_st = '\0'; session->gpsdata.attitude.yaw = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.yaw_st = '\0'; session->gpsdata.attitude.dip = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.mag_len = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.mag_x = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.mag_y = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.mag_z = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.acc_len = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.acc_x = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.acc_y = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.acc_z = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.gyro_x = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.gyro_y = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.temp = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.depth = NAN; gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(ONLINE_SET | ATTITUDE_SET); } /* * PGN 128259: NAV Speed */ static gps_mask_t hnd_128259(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(0); } /* * PGN 128267: NAV Water Depth */ static gps_mask_t hnd_128267(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); session->gpsdata.attitude.heading = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.pitch = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.pitch_st = '\0'; session->gpsdata.attitude.roll = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.roll_st = '\0'; session->gpsdata.attitude.yaw = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.yaw_st = '\0'; session->gpsdata.attitude.dip = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.mag_len = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.mag_x = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.mag_y = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.mag_z = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.acc_len = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.acc_x = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.acc_y = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.acc_z = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.gyro_x = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.gyro_y = NAN; session->gpsdata.attitude.temp = NAN; /*@i@*/session->gpsdata.attitude.depth = getleu32(bu, 1) *.01; gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(ONLINE_SET | ATTITUDE_SET); } /* * PGN 128275: NAV Distance Log */ static gps_mask_t hnd_128275(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(0); } /* * PGN 129283: NAV Cross Track Error */ static gps_mask_t hnd_129283(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(0); } /* * PGN 129284: NAV Navigation Data */ static gps_mask_t hnd_129284(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(0); } /* * PGN 129285: NAV Navigation - Route/WP Information */ static gps_mask_t hnd_129285(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(0); } /* * PGN 130306: NAV Wind Data */ static gps_mask_t hnd_130306(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(0); } /* * PGN 130310: NAV Water Temp., Outside Air Temp., Atmospheric Pressure */ static gps_mask_t hnd_130310(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(0); } /* * PGN 130311: NAV Environmental Parameters */ static gps_mask_t hnd_130311(unsigned char *bu, int len, PGN *pgn, struct gps_device_t *session) { print_data(session->context, bu, len, pgn); gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d(%3d):\n", pgn->pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.unit); return(0); } /*@-usereleased@*/ static const char msg_059392[] = {"ISO Acknowledgment"}; static const char msg_060928[] = {"ISO Address Claim"}; static const char msg_126208[] = {"NMEA Command/Request/Acknowledge"}; static const char msg_126464[] = {"ISO Transmit/Receive PGN List"}; static const char msg_126992[] = {"GNSS System Time"}; static const char msg_126996[] = {"ISO Product Information"}; static const char msg_127506[] = {"PWR DC Detailed Status"}; static const char msg_127508[] = {"PWR Battery Status"}; static const char msg_127513[] = {"PWR Battery Configuration Status"}; static const char msg_127258[] = {"GNSS Magnetic Variation"}; static const char msg_129025[] = {"GNSS Position Rapid Update"}; static const char msg_129026[] = {"GNSS COG and SOG Rapid Update"}; static const char msg_129029[] = {"GNSS Positition Data"}; static const char msg_129539[] = {"GNSS DOPs"}; static const char msg_129540[] = {"GNSS Satellites in View"}; static const char msg_129038[] = {"AIS Class A Position Report"}; static const char msg_129039[] = {"AIS Class B Position Report"}; static const char msg_129040[] = {"AIS Class B Extended Position Report"}; static const char msg_129794[] = {"AIS Class A Static and Voyage Related Data"}; static const char msg_129798[] = {"AIS SAR Aircraft Position Report"}; static const char msg_129802[] = {"AIS Safty Related Broadcast Message"}; static const char msg_129809[] = {"AIS Class B CS Static Data Report, Part A"}; static const char msg_129810[] = {"AIS Class B CS Static Data Report, Part B"}; static const char msg_127245[] = {"NAV Rudder"}; static const char msg_127250[] = {"NAV Vessel Heading"}; static const char msg_128259[] = {"NAV Speed"}; static const char msg_128267[] = {"NAV Water Depth"}; static const char msg_128275[] = {"NAV Distance Log"}; static const char msg_129283[] = {"NAV Cross Track Error"}; static const char msg_129284[] = {"NAV Navigation Data"}; static const char msg_129285[] = {"NAV Navigation - Route/WP Information"}; static const char msg_130306[] = {"NAV Wind Data"}; static const char msg_130310[] = {"NAV Water Temp., Outside Air Temp., Atmospheric Pressure"}; static const char msg_130311[] = {"NAV Environmental Parameters"}; static const char msg_error [] = {"**error**"}; static PGN gpspgn[] = {{ 59392, 0, 0, hnd_059392, &msg_059392[0]}, { 60928, 0, 0, hnd_060928, &msg_060928[0]}, {126208, 0, 0, hnd_126208, &msg_126208[0]}, {126464, 1, 0, hnd_126464, &msg_126464[0]}, {126992, 0, 0, hnd_126992, &msg_126992[0]}, {126996, 1, 0, hnd_126996, &msg_126996[0]}, {127258, 0, 0, hnd_127258, &msg_127258[0]}, {129025, 0, 1, hnd_129025, &msg_129025[0]}, {129026, 0, 1, hnd_129026, &msg_129026[0]}, {129029, 1, 1, hnd_129029, &msg_129029[0]}, {129283, 0, 0, hnd_129283, &msg_129283[0]}, {129284, 1, 0, hnd_129284, &msg_129284[0]}, {129285, 1, 0, hnd_129285, &msg_129285[0]}, {129539, 0, 1, hnd_129539, &msg_129539[0]}, {129540, 1, 1, hnd_129540, &msg_129540[0]}, {0 , 0, 0, NULL, &msg_error [0]}}; static PGN aispgn[] = {{ 59392, 0, 0, hnd_059392, &msg_059392[0]}, { 60928, 0, 0, hnd_060928, &msg_060928[0]}, {126208, 0, 0, hnd_126208, &msg_126208[0]}, {126464, 1, 0, hnd_126464, &msg_126464[0]}, {126992, 0, 0, hnd_126992, &msg_126992[0]}, {126996, 1, 0, hnd_126996, &msg_126996[0]}, {129038, 1, 2, hnd_129038, &msg_129038[0]}, {129039, 1, 2, hnd_129039, &msg_129039[0]}, {129040, 1, 2, hnd_129040, &msg_129040[0]}, {129794, 1, 2, hnd_129794, &msg_129794[0]}, {129798, 1, 2, hnd_129798, &msg_129798[0]}, {129802, 1, 2, hnd_129802, &msg_129802[0]}, {129809, 1, 2, hnd_129809, &msg_129809[0]}, {129810, 1, 2, hnd_129810, &msg_129810[0]}, {0 , 0, 0, NULL, &msg_error [0]}}; static PGN pwrpgn[] = {{ 59392, 0, 0, hnd_059392, &msg_059392[0]}, { 60928, 0, 0, hnd_060928, &msg_060928[0]}, {126208, 0, 0, hnd_126208, &msg_126208[0]}, {126464, 1, 0, hnd_126464, &msg_126464[0]}, {126992, 0, 0, hnd_126992, &msg_126992[0]}, {126996, 1, 0, hnd_126996, &msg_126996[0]}, {127506, 1, 3, hnd_127506, &msg_127506[0]}, {127508, 1, 3, hnd_127508, &msg_127508[0]}, {127513, 1, 3, hnd_127513, &msg_127513[0]}, {0 , 0, 0, NULL, &msg_error [0]}}; static PGN navpgn[] = {{ 59392, 0, 0, hnd_059392, &msg_059392[0]}, { 60928, 0, 0, hnd_060928, &msg_060928[0]}, {126208, 0, 0, hnd_126208, &msg_126208[0]}, {126464, 1, 0, hnd_126464, &msg_126464[0]}, {126992, 0, 0, hnd_126992, &msg_126992[0]}, {126996, 1, 0, hnd_126996, &msg_126996[0]}, {127245, 0, 4, hnd_127245, &msg_127245[0]}, {127250, 0, 4, hnd_127250, &msg_127250[0]}, {127258, 0, 0, hnd_127258, &msg_127258[0]}, {128259, 0, 4, hnd_128259, &msg_128259[0]}, {128267, 0, 4, hnd_128267, &msg_128267[0]}, {128275, 1, 4, hnd_128275, &msg_128275[0]}, {129283, 0, 0, hnd_129283, &msg_129283[0]}, {129284, 1, 0, hnd_129284, &msg_129284[0]}, {129285, 1, 0, hnd_129285, &msg_129285[0]}, {130306, 0, 4, hnd_130306, &msg_130306[0]}, {130310, 0, 4, hnd_130310, &msg_130310[0]}, {130311, 0, 4, hnd_130311, &msg_130311[0]}, {0 , 0, 0, NULL, &msg_error [0]}}; /*@+usereleased@*/ /*@-immediatetrans@*/ static /*@null@*/ PGN *search_pgnlist(unsigned int pgn, PGN *pgnlist) { int l1; PGN *work; l1 = 0; work = NULL; while (pgnlist[l1].pgn != 0) { if (pgnlist[l1].pgn == pgn) { work = &pgnlist[l1]; break; } else { l1 = l1 + 1; } } return work; } /*@+immediatetrans@*/ /*@-nullstate -branchstate -globstate -mustfreeonly@*/ static void find_pgn(struct can_frame *frame, struct gps_device_t *session) { unsigned int can_net; session->driver.nmea2000.workpgn = NULL; can_net = session->driver.nmea2000.can_net; if (can_net > (NMEA2000_NETS-1)) { gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_ERROR, "NMEA2000 find_pgn: Invalid can network %d.\n", can_net); return; } /*@ignore@*//* because the CAN include files choke splint */ if (frame->can_id & 0x80000000) { // cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable #ifdef __UNUSED__ unsigned int source_prio; unsigned int daddr; #endif // cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable unsigned int source_pgn; unsigned int source_unit; #if LOG_FILE if (logFile != NULL) { struct timespec msgTime; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &msgTime); fprintf(logFile, "(%010d.%06d) can0 %08x#", (unsigned int)msgTime.tv_sec, (unsigned int)msgTime.tv_nsec/1000, frame->can_id & 0x1ffffff); if ((frame->can_dlc & 0x0f) > 0) { int l1; for(l1=0;l1<(frame->can_dlc & 0x0f);l1++) { fprintf(logFile, "%02x", frame->data[l1]); } } fprintf(logFile, "\n"); } #endif /* of if LOG_FILE */ /*@end@*/ session->driver.nmea2000.can_msgcnt += 1; /*@ignore@*//* because the CAN include files choke splint */ source_pgn = (frame->can_id >> 8) & 0x1ffff; #ifdef __UNUSED__ source_prio = (frame->can_id >> 26) & 0x7; #endif source_unit = frame->can_id & 0x0ff; /*@end@*/ if (((source_pgn & 0x0ff00) >> 8) < 240) { #ifdef __UNUSED__ daddr = source_pgn & 0x000ff; #endif source_pgn = source_pgn & 0x1ff00; } else { #ifdef __UNUSED__ daddr = 0xff; #endif } if (session->driver.nmea2000.unit_valid == 0) { unsigned int l1, l2; for (l1=0;l1driver.nmea2000.unit = l2; session->driver.nmea2000.unit_valid = 1; session->driver.nmea2000.can_net = l1; can_net = l1; } } } } if (session->driver.nmea2000.unit_valid == 0) { session->driver.nmea2000.unit = source_unit; session->driver.nmea2000.unit_valid = 1; nmea2000_units[can_net][source_unit] = session; } if (source_unit == session->driver.nmea2000.unit) { PGN *work; if (session->driver.nmea2000.pgnlist != NULL) { work = search_pgnlist(source_pgn, session->driver.nmea2000.pgnlist); } else { PGN *pgnlist; pgnlist = &gpspgn[0]; work = search_pgnlist(source_pgn, pgnlist); if (work == NULL) { pgnlist = &aispgn[0]; work = search_pgnlist(source_pgn, pgnlist); } if (work == NULL) { pgnlist = &pwrpgn[0]; work = search_pgnlist(source_pgn, pgnlist); } if (work == NULL) { pgnlist = &navpgn[0]; work = search_pgnlist(source_pgn, pgnlist); } if ((work != NULL) && (work->type > 0)) { session->driver.nmea2000.pgnlist = pgnlist; } } if (work != NULL) { if (work->fast == 0) { size_t l2; gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d:%s \n", work->pgn, work->name); session->driver.nmea2000.workpgn = (void *) work; /*@i1@*/session->packet.outbuflen = frame->can_dlc & 0x0f; for (l2=0;l2packet.outbuflen;l2++) { /*@i3@*/session->packet.outbuffer[l2]= frame->data[l2]; } } /*@i2@*/else if ((frame->data[0] & 0x1f) == 0) { unsigned int l2; /*@i2@*/session->driver.nmea2000.fast_packet_len = frame->data[1]; /*@i2@*/session->driver.nmea2000.idx = frame->data[0]; #if NMEA2000_FAST_DEBUG gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_ERROR, "Set idx %2x %2x %2x %6d\n", frame->data[0], session->driver.nmea2000.unit, frame->data[1], source_pgn); #endif /* of #if NMEA2000_FAST_DEBUG */ session->packet.inbuflen = 0; session->driver.nmea2000.idx += 1; for (l2=2;l2<8;l2++) { /*@i3@*/session->packet.inbuffer[session->packet.inbuflen++] = frame->data[l2]; } gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_DATA, "pgn %6d:%s \n", work->pgn, work->name); } /*@i2@*/else if (frame->data[0] == session->driver.nmea2000.idx) { unsigned int l2; for (l2=1;l2<8;l2++) { if (session->driver.nmea2000.fast_packet_len > session->packet.inbuflen) { /*@i3@*/session->packet.inbuffer[session->packet.inbuflen++] = frame->data[l2]; } } if (session->packet.inbuflen == session->driver.nmea2000.fast_packet_len) { #if NMEA2000_FAST_DEBUG gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_ERROR, "Fast done %2x %2x %2x %2x %6d\n", session->driver.nmea2000.idx, /*@i1@*/frame->data[0], session->driver.nmea2000.unit, (unsigned int) session->driver.nmea2000.fast_packet_len, source_pgn); #endif /* of #if NMEA2000_FAST_DEBUG */ session->driver.nmea2000.workpgn = (void *) work; session->packet.outbuflen = session->driver.nmea2000.fast_packet_len; for(l2=0;l2 < (unsigned int)session->packet.outbuflen; l2++) { session->packet.outbuffer[l2] = session->packet.inbuffer[l2]; } session->driver.nmea2000.fast_packet_len = 0; } else { session->driver.nmea2000.idx += 1; } } else { gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_ERROR, "Fast error %2x %2x %2x %2x %6d\n", session->driver.nmea2000.idx, /*@i2@*/frame->data[0], session->driver.nmea2000.unit, (unsigned int) session->driver.nmea2000.fast_packet_len, source_pgn); } } else { gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_WARN, "PGN not found %08d %08x \n", source_pgn, source_pgn); } } else { // we got a unknown unit number if (nmea2000_units[can_net][source_unit] == NULL) { char buffer[32]; (void) snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "nmea2000://%s:%u", can_interface_name[can_net], source_unit); if (gpsd_add_device != NULL) { (void) gpsd_add_device(buffer, true); } } } } else { // we got RTR or 2.0A CAN frame, not used } } /*@+nullstate +branchstate +globstate +mustfreeonly@*/ static ssize_t nmea2000_get(struct gps_device_t *session) { struct can_frame frame; ssize_t status; // printf("NMEA2000 get: enter\n"); session->packet.outbuflen = 0; status = read(session->gpsdata.gps_fd, &frame, sizeof(frame)); if (status == (ssize_t)sizeof(frame)) { session->packet.type = NMEA2000_PACKET; find_pgn(&frame, session); // printf("NMEA2000 get: exit(%d)\n", status); if (session->driver.nmea2000.workpgn == NULL) { status = 0; } return frame.can_dlc & 0x0f; } // printf("NMEA2000 get: exit(EXIT_SUCCESS)\n"); return 0; } /*@-mustfreeonly -nullstate@*/ static gps_mask_t nmea2000_parse_input(struct gps_device_t *session) { gps_mask_t mask; PGN *work; // printf("NMEA2000 parse_input called\n"); mask = 0; work = (PGN *) session->driver.nmea2000.workpgn; if (work != NULL) { mask = (work->func)(&session->packet.outbuffer[0], (int)session->packet.outbuflen, work, session); session->driver.nmea2000.workpgn = NULL; } session->packet.outbuflen = 0; return mask; } /*@+mustfreeonly -nullstate@*/ /*@+nullassign@*/ #ifndef S_SPLINT_S int nmea2000_open(struct gps_device_t *session) { char interface_name[strlen(session->gpsdata.dev.path)+1]; socket_t sock; int status; int unit_number; int can_net; unsigned int l; struct ifreq ifr; struct sockaddr_can addr; char *unit_ptr; INVALIDATE_SOCKET(session->gpsdata.gps_fd); session->driver.nmea2000.can_net = 0; can_net = -1; unit_number = -1; (void)strlcpy(interface_name, session->gpsdata.dev.path + 11, sizeof(interface_name)); unit_ptr = NULL; for (l=0;lcontext->debug, LOG_ERROR, "NMEA2000 open: Invalid character in unit number.\n"); return -1; } } } if (unit_ptr != NULL) { unit_number = atoi(unit_ptr); if ((unit_number < 0) || (unit_number > (NMEA2000_UNITS-1))) { gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_ERROR, "NMEA2000 open: Unit number out of range.\n"); return -1; } for (l = 0; l < NMEA2000_NETS; l++) { if (strncmp(can_interface_name[l], interface_name, MIN(sizeof(interface_name), sizeof(can_interface_name[l]))) == 0) { can_net = l; break; } } if (can_net < 0) { gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_ERROR, "NMEA2000 open: CAN device not open: %s .\n", interface_name); return -1; } } else { for (l = 0; l < NMEA2000_NETS; l++) { if (strncmp(can_interface_name[l], interface_name, MIN(sizeof(interface_name), sizeof(can_interface_name[l]))) == 0) { gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_ERROR, "NMEA2000 open: CAN device duplicate open: %s .\n", interface_name); return -1; } } for (l = 0; l < NMEA2000_NETS; l++) { if (can_interface_name[l][0] == 0) { can_net = l; break; } } if (can_net < 0) { gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_ERROR, "NMEA2000 open: Too many CAN networks open.\n"); return -1; } } /* Create the socket */ sock = socket(PF_CAN, SOCK_RAW, CAN_RAW); if (BAD_SOCKET(sock)) { gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_ERROR, "NMEA2000 open: can not get socket.\n"); return -1; } status = fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); if (status != 0) { gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_ERROR, "NMEA2000 open: can not set socket to O_NONBLOCK.\n"); close(sock); return -1; } /* Locate the interface you wish to use */ strlcpy(ifr.ifr_name, interface_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name)); status = ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr); /* ifr.ifr_ifindex gets filled * with that device's index */ if (status != 0) { gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_ERROR, "NMEA2000 open: can not find CAN device.\n"); close(sock); return -1; } /* Select that CAN interface, and bind the socket to it. */ addr.can_family = AF_CAN; addr.can_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex; status = bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr) ); if (status != 0) { gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_ERROR, "NMEA2000 open: bind failed.\n"); close(sock); return -1; } gpsd_switch_driver(session, "NMEA2000"); session->gpsdata.gps_fd = sock; session->sourcetype = source_can; session->servicetype = service_sensor; session->driver.nmea2000.can_net = can_net; if (unit_ptr != NULL) { nmea2000_units[can_net][unit_number] = session; session->driver.nmea2000.unit = unit_number; session->driver.nmea2000.unit_valid = 1; } else { strncpy(can_interface_name[can_net], interface_name, MIN(sizeof(can_interface_name[0]), sizeof(interface_name))); session->driver.nmea2000.unit_valid = 0; for (l=0;lgpsdata.dev.parity = 'n'; session->gpsdata.dev.baudrate = 250000; session->gpsdata.dev.stopbits = 0; return session->gpsdata.gps_fd; } #endif /* of ifndef S_SPLINT_S */ void nmea2000_close(struct gps_device_t *session) { if (!BAD_SOCKET(session->gpsdata.gps_fd)) { gpsd_report(session->context->debug, LOG_SPIN, "close(%d) in nmea2000_close(%s)\n", session->gpsdata.gps_fd, session->gpsdata.dev.path); (void)close(session->gpsdata.gps_fd); INVALIDATE_SOCKET(session->gpsdata.gps_fd); } } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ const struct gps_type_t nmea2000 = { .type_name = "NMEA2000", /* full name of type */ .packet_type = NMEA2000_PACKET, /* associated lexer packet type */ .flags = DRIVER_STICKY, /* remember this */ .trigger = NULL, /* detect their main sentence */ .channels = 12, /* not an actual GPS at all */ .probe_detect = NULL, .get_packet = nmea2000_get, /* how to get a packet */ .parse_packet = nmea2000_parse_input, /* how to interpret a packet */ .rtcm_writer = NULL, /* Don't send RTCM to this */ .event_hook = NULL, #ifdef RECONFIGURE_ENABLE .speed_switcher = NULL, /* no speed switcher */ .mode_switcher = NULL, /* no mode switcher */ .rate_switcher = NULL, /* no rate switcher */ .min_cycle = 1, /* nominal 1-per-second GPS cycle */ #endif /* RECONFIGURE_ENABLE */ #ifdef CONTROLSEND_ENABLE .control_send = NULL, /* how to send control strings */ #endif /* CONTROLSEND_ENABLE */ #ifdef TIMEHINT_ENABLE .time_offset = NULL, #endif /* TIMEHINT_ENABLE */ }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ /* end */ #endif /* of defined(NMEA2000_ENABLE) */