#!/usr/bin/env python # # gps.py -- Python interface to GPSD. # import time, socket, sys from math import * STATUS_NO_FIX = 0 STATUS_FIX = 1 STATUS_DGPS_FIX = 2 MODE_NO_FIX = 1 MODE_2D = 2 MODE_3D = 3 MAXCHANNELS = 12 SIGNAL_STRENGTH_UNKNOWN = -1 class gpsdata: "Position, track, velocity and status information returned by a GPS." class timestamp: def __init__(self, now): self.last_refresh = now self.changed = False def refresh(self): self.last_refresh = time.time() def seen(self): return self.last_refresh def __repr__(self): return "{lr=%d, changed=%s}" % (self.last_refresh, self.changed) class satellite: def __init__(self, PRN, elevation, azimuth, ss, used=None): self.PRN = PRN self.elevation = elevation self.azimuth = azimuth self.ss = ss self.used = used def __repr__(self): return "PRN: %3d E: %3d Az: %3d Ss: %d Used: %s" % (self.PRN,self.elevation,self.azimuth,self.ss,"ny"[self.used]) def __init__(self): # Initialize all data members now = time.time() self.online = False # True if GPS on, False if not self.online_stamp = gps.timestamp(now) self.utc = "" self.latitude = self.longitude = 0.0 self.latlon_stamp = gps.timestamp(now) self.altitude = 0.0 # Meters self.altitude_stamp = gps.timestamp(now) self.speed = 0.0 # Knots self.speed_stamp = gps.timestamp(now) self.track = 0.0 # Degrees from true north self.track_stamp = gps.timestamp(now) self.status = STATUS_NO_FIX self.status_stamp = gps.timestamp(now) self.mode = MODE_NO_FIX self.mode_stamp = gps.timestamp(now) self.satellites_used = 0 # Satellites used in last fix self.pdop = self.hdop = self.vdop = 0.0 self.fix_quality_stamp = gps.timestamp(now) self.satellites = [] # satellite objects in view self.satellite_stamp = gps.timestamp(now) self.await = self.parts = 0 self.tag = "" self.recv_time = 0 self.length = 0 self.emit_time = 0 self.read_time = 0 self.baudrate = 0 self.stopbits = 0 __setattr__ = setattr def setattr(self, name, value): # Make sure the change stamp for each field is kept up to date group = {'online':'online_stamp', #'latitude':'latlon_stamp'), #'longitude':'latlon_stamp', 'altitude':'altitude_stamp', 'speed':'speed_stamp', 'track':'track_stamp', 'status':'status_stamp', 'mode':'mode_stamp', #'pdop':'fix_quality_stamp', #'hdop':'fix_quality_stamp', #'vdop':'fix_quality_stamp', 'satellites':'satellite_stamp', } if field in group: stamp = getattr(self, group[field]) stamp.changed = (getattr(self, field) != value) stamp.refresh() self.__dict__[name] = value def __repr__(self): st = "" st += "Lat/lon: %f %f " % (self.latitude, self.longitude) st += repr(self.latlon_stamp) + "\n" st += "Altitude: %f " % (self.altitude) st += repr(self.altitude_stamp) + "\n" st += "Speed: %f " % (self.speed) st += repr(self.speed_stamp) + "\n" st += "Track: %f " % (self.track) st += repr(self.track_stamp) + "\n" st += "Status: STATUS_%s" % ("NO_FIX", "FIX","DGPS_FIX")[self.status] st += " " +repr(self.status_stamp) + "\n" st += "Mode: MODE_" + ("ZERO", "NO_FIX", "2D","3D")[self.mode] st += " " + repr(self.mode_stamp) + "\n" st += "Quality: %d p=%2.2f h=%2.2f v=%2.2f " % \ (self.satellites_used, self.pdop, self.hdop, self.vdop) st += repr(self.fix_quality_stamp) + "\n" st += "Y: %s satellites in view:\n" % len(self.satellites) for sat in self.satellites: st += " " + repr(sat) + "\n" st += " " + repr(self.satellite_stamp) + "\n" return st class gps(gpsdata): "Client interface to a running gpsd instance." def __init__(self, host="localhost", port="2947", verbose=0): gpsdata.__init__(self) self.sock = None # in case we blow up in connect self.sockfile = None self.connect(host, port) self.verbose = verbose self.raw_hook = None def connect(self, host, port): """Connect to a host on a given port. If the hostname ends with a colon (`:') followed by a number, and there is no port specified, that suffix will be stripped off and the number interpreted as the port number to use. """ if not port and (host.find(':') == host.rfind(':')): i = host.rfind(':') if i >= 0: host, port = host[:i], host[i+1:] try: port = int(port) except ValueError: raise socket.error, "nonnumeric port" if not port: port = SMTP_PORT #if self.debuglevel > 0: print 'connect:', (host, port) msg = "getaddrinfo returns an empty list" self.sock = None self.sockfile = None for res in socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM): af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res try: self.sock = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto) #if self.debuglevel > 0: print 'connect:', (host, port) self.sock.connect(sa) self.sockfile = self.sock.makefile() except socket.error, msg: #if self.debuglevel > 0: print 'connect fail:', (host, port) if self.sock: self.sock.close() self.sock = None self.sockfile = None continue break if not self.sock: raise socket.error, msg def set_raw_hook(self, hook): self.raw_hook = hook def __del__(self): if self.sock: self.sock.close() self.sock = None self.sockfile = None def __unpack(self, buf): # unpack a daemon response into the instance members fields = buf.strip().split(",") if fields[0] == "GPSD": for field in fields[1:]: if not field or field[1] != '=': continue cmd = field[0] data = field[2:] if data[0] == "?": continue if cmd in ('A', 'a'): d1 = float(data) self.altitude_stamp.changed = (self.altitude != d1) self.altitude = d1 self.altitude_stamp.refresh() elif cmd in ('D', 'd'): self.utc = data elif cmd in ('M', 'm'): i1 = int(data) self.mode_stamp.changed = (self.mode != i1) self.mode = i1 self.mode_stamp.refresh() elif cmd in ('P', 'p'): (f1, f2) = map(float, data.split()) self.latlon_stamp.changed = (self.latitude != f1 or self.longitude != f2) self.latitude = f1 self.longitude = f2 self.latlon_stamp.refresh() elif cmd in ('Q', 'q'): parts = data.split() i1 = int(parts[0]) (f1, f2, f3) = map(float, parts[1:]) self.fix_quality_stamp.changed = (self.pdop != f1 or self.hdop != f2 or self.vdop != f3) self.satellites_used = i1 self.pdop = f1 self.hdop = f2 self.vdop = f3 self.fix_quality_stamp.refresh() elif cmd in ('S', 's'): i1 = int(data) self.status_stamp.changed = (self.status != i1) self.status = i1 self.status_stamp.refresh() elif cmd in ('T', 't'): d1 = float(data) self.track_stamp.changed = (self.track != d1) self.track = d1 self.track_stamp.refresh() elif cmd in ('V', 'v'): d1 = float(data) self.speed_stamp.changed = (self.speed != d1) self.speed = d1 self.speed_stamp.refresh() elif cmd in ('X', 'x'): b1 = data[0] == '1' self.online_stamp.changed = (b1 != self.online) self.online = b1 self.online_stamp.refresh() elif cmd in ('Y', 'y'): satellites = data.split(":") d1 = int(satellites.pop(0)) newsats = [] for i in range(d1): newsats.append(gps.satellite(*map(int, satellites[i].split()))) self.satellite_stamp.changed = (self.satellites) != newsats self.satellites = newsats self.satellite_stamp.refresh() elif cmd in ('Z', 'z'): (dummy, self.baudrate, self.stopbits) = map(int, data.split(":")) elif cmd == '$': (self.tag, recv_time, length, emit_time) = data.split(":") self.recv_time = float(recv_time) self.length = int(length) self.emit_time = float(emit_time) self.read_time = time.time() if self.raw_hook: self.raw_hook(buf); return self.online_stamp.changed \ or self.latlon_stamp.changed \ or self.altitude_stamp.changed \ or self.speed_stamp.changed \ or self.track_stamp.changed \ or self.fix_quality_stamp.changed \ or self.fix_quality_stamp.changed \ or self.status_stamp.changed \ or self.mode_stamp.changed \ or self.satellite_stamp.changed def poll(self): "Wait for and read data being streamed from gpsd." data = self.sockfile.readline() if self.verbose: sys.stderr.write("GPS DATA %s\n" % repr(data)) return self.__unpack(data) def query(self, commands): "Send a command, get back a response." self.sockfile.write(commands) self.sockfile.flush() return self.poll() # some multipliers for interpreting GPS output METERS_TO_FEET = 3.2808399 METERS_TO_MILES = 0.00062137119 KNOTS_TO_MPH = 1.1507794 # EarthDistance code swiped from Kismet and corrected # (As yet, this stuff is not in the C library.) def Deg2Rad(x): "Degrees to radians." return x * (pi/180) def CalcRad(lat): "Radius of curvature in meters at specified latitude." a = 6378.137 e2 = 0.081082 * 0.081082 # the radius of curvature of an ellipsoidal Earth in the plane of a # meridian of latitude is given by # # R' = a * (1 - e^2) / (1 - e^2 * (sin(lat))^2)^(3/2) # # where a is the equatorial radius, # b is the polar radius, and # e is the eccentricity of the ellipsoid = sqrt(1 - b^2/a^2) # # a = 6378 km (3963 mi) Equatorial radius (surface to center distance) # b = 6356.752 km (3950 mi) Polar radius (surface to center distance) # e = 0.081082 Eccentricity sc = sin(Deg2Rad(lat)) x = a * (1.0 - e2) z = 1.0 - e2 * sc * sc y = pow(z, 1.5) r = x / y r = r * 1000.0 # Convert to meters return r def EarthDistance((lat1, lon1), (lat2, lon2)): "Distance in meters between two points specified in degrees." x1 = CalcRad(lat1) * cos(Deg2Rad(lon1)) * sin(Deg2Rad(90-lat1)) x2 = CalcRad(lat2) * cos(Deg2Rad(lon2)) * sin(Deg2Rad(90-lat2)) y1 = CalcRad(lat1) * sin(Deg2Rad(lon1)) * sin(Deg2Rad(90-lat1)) y2 = CalcRad(lat2) * sin(Deg2Rad(lon2)) * sin(Deg2Rad(90-lat2)) z1 = CalcRad(lat1) * cos(Deg2Rad(90-lat1)) z2 = CalcRad(lat2) * cos(Deg2Rad(90-lat2)) a = (x1*x2 + y1*y2 + z1*z2)/pow(CalcRad((lat1+lat2)/2),2) # a should be in [1, -1] but can sometimes fall outside it by # a very small amount due to rounding errors in the preceding # calculations (this is prone to happen when the argument points # are very close together). Thus we constrain it here. if abs(a) > 1: a = 1 elif a < -1: a = -1 return CalcRad((lat1+lat2) / 2) * acos(a) def MeterOffset((lat1, lon1), (lat2, lon2)): "Return offset in meters of second arg from first." dx = EarthDistance((lat1, lon1), (lat1, lon2)) dy = EarthDistance((lat1, lon1), (lat2, lon1)) if lat1 < lat2: dy *= -1 if lon1 < lon2: dx *= -1 return (dx, dy) def isotime(s): "Convert gpsd timestamps in ISO8661 format to local Unix time, and back." if type(s) == type(1): return time.strftime(time.localtime(s), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") elif type(s) == type(1.0): date = int(s) msec = s - date date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(s)) return date + "." + `msec`[2:] elif type(s) == type(""): gmt = s[-1] == "Z" if gmt: s = s[:-1] if "." in s: (date, msec) = s.split(".") else: date = s msec = "0" unpacked = time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") seconds = time.mktime(unpacked) uncorrected = seconds + float("0." + msec) if not time.daylight: return uncorrected - time.timezone else: return uncorrected - time.altzone else: raise TypeError if __name__ == '__main__': import sys,readline print "This is the exerciser for the Python gps interface." session = gps() session.set_raw_hook(lambda s: sys.stdout.write(s + "\n")) try: while True: commands = raw_input("> ") session.query(commands) print session except EOFError: print "Goodbye!" del session # gps.py ends here