# # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. global $head, $blurb, $title, $googlemap, $autorefresh, $footer, $gmap_key; global $GPS, $server, $advertise, $port, $magic; $magic = 1; # leave this set to 1 if (!file_exists("gpsd_config.inc")) write_config(); require_once("gpsd_config.inc"); # sample data $resp = 'GPSD,S=2,P=53.527167 -113.530168,A=704.542,M=3,Q=10 1.77 0.80 0.66 0.61 1.87,Y=MID9 1158081774.000000 12:25 24 70 42 1:4 13 282 36 1:23 87 196 48 1:6 9 28 29 1:16 54 102 47 1:20 34 190 45 1:2 12 319 36 1:13 52 292 46 1:24 12 265 0 0:1 8 112 41 1:27 16 247 40 1:122 23 213 31 0:'; # if we're passing in a query, let's unpack and use it if (isset($_GET['imgdata']) && isset($_GET['op']) && ($_GET['op'] == 'view')){ $resp = base64_decode($_GET['imgdata']); if ($resp){ gen_image($resp); exit(0); } } else { if (isset($_GET['host'])) if (!preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.-]/', $_GET['host'])) $server = $_GET['host']; if (isset($_GET['port'])) if (!preg_match('/\D/', $_GET['port']) && ($port>0) && ($port<65536)) $port = $_GET['port']; if ($magic){ $sock = @fsockopen($server, $port, $errno, $errstr, 2); fwrite($sock, "J=1,W=1\n"); # watcher mode and buffering $resp = fread($sock, 384); $resp = fread($sock, 384); # Wait for O $resp = fread($sock, 384); # Wait for O fwrite($sock, "SPAMQY\n"); # Query what we actually want $resp = fread($sock, 384); @fclose($sock); } } if (isset($_GET['op']) && ($_GET['op'] == 'view')){ gen_image($resp); } else { parse_pvt($resp); write_html($resp); } exit(0); ########################################################################### function colorsetup($im){ $C['white'] = imageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $C['ltgray'] = imageColorAllocate($im, 191, 191, 191); $C['mdgray'] = imageColorAllocate($im, 127, 127, 127); $C['dkgray'] = imageColorAllocate($im, 63, 63, 63); $C['black'] = imageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0); $C['red'] = imageColorAllocate($im, 255, 0, 0); $C['brightgreen'] = imageColorAllocate($im, 0, 255, 0); $C['darkgreen'] = imageColorAllocate($im, 0, 192, 0); $C['blue'] = imageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 255); $C['cyan'] = imageColorAllocate($im, 0, 255, 255); $C['magenta'] = imageColorAllocate($im, 255, 0, 255); $C['yellow'] = imageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 0); $C['orange'] = imageColorAllocate($im, 255, 128, 0); return $C; } function radial($angle, $sz){ #turn into radians $angle = deg2rad($angle); # determine length of radius $r = $sz * 0.5 * 0.95; # and convert length/azimuth to cartesian $x0 = sprintf("%d", (($sz * 0.5) - ($r * cos($angle)))); $y0 = sprintf("%d", (($sz * 0.5) - ($r * sin($angle)))); $x1 = sprintf("%d", (($sz * 0.5) + ($r * cos($angle)))); $y1 = sprintf("%d", (($sz * 0.5) + ($r * sin($angle)))); return array($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1); } function azel2xy($az, $el, $sz){ #rotate coords... 90deg W = 180deg trig $az += 270; #turn into radians $az = deg2rad($az); # determine length of radius $r = $sz * 0.5 * 0.95; $r -= ($r * ($el/90)); # and convert length/azimuth to cartesian $x = sprintf("%d", (($sz * 0.5) + ($r * cos($az)))); $y = sprintf("%d", (($sz * 0.5) + ($r * sin($az)))); $x = $sz - $x; return array($x, $y); } function splot($im, $sz, $C, $e){ list($sv, $az, $el, $snr, $u) = $e; if ((0 == $sv) || (0 == $az + $el + $snr)) return; $color = $C['brightgreen']; if ($snr < 40) $color = $C['darkgreen']; if ($snr < 35) $color = $C['yellow']; if ($snr < 30) $color = $C['red']; if ($el<10) $color = $C['blue']; if ($sv > 100) $color = $C['orange']; list($x, $y) = azel2xy($el, $az, $sz); $r = 12; if (isset($_GET['sz']) && ($_GET['sz'] == 'small')) $r = 8; imageString($im, 3, $x+4, $y+4, $sv, $C['black']); if ($u) imageFilledArc($im, $x, $y, $r, $r, 0, 360, $color, 0); else imageArc($im, $x, $y, $r, $r, 0, 360, $color); } function elevation($im, $sz, $C, $a){ $b = 90 - $a; $a = $sz * 0.95 * ($a/180); imageArc($im, $sz/2, $sz/2, $a*2, $a*2, 0, 360, $C['ltgray']); $x = $sz/2 - 16; $y = $sz/2 - $a; imageString($im, 2, $x, $y, $b, $C['ltgray']); } function skyview($im, $sz, $C){ $a = 90; $a = $sz * 0.95 * ($a/180); imageFilledArc($im, $sz/2, $sz/2, $a*2, $a*2, 0, 360, $C['mdgray'], 0); imageArc($im, $sz/2, $sz/2, $a*2, $a*2, 0, 360, $C['black']); $x = $sz/2 - 16; $y = $sz/2 - $a; imageString($im, 2, $x, $y, "0", $C['ltgray']); $a = 85; $a = $sz * 0.95 * ($a/180); imageFilledArc($im, $sz/2, $sz/2, $a*2, $a*2, 0, 360, $C['white'], 0); imageArc($im, $sz/2, $sz/2, $a*2, $a*2, 0, 360, $C['ltgray']); imageString($im, 1, $sz/2 - 6, $sz+$a, '5', $C['black']); $x = $sz/2 - 16; $y = $sz/2 - $a; imageString($im, 2, $x, $y, "5", $C['ltgray']); for($i = 0; $i < 180; $i += 15){ list($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = radial($i, $sz); imageLine($im, $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, $C['ltgray']); } for($i = 15; $i < 90; $i += 15) elevation($im, $sz, $C, $i); $x = $sz/2 - 16; $y = $sz/2 - 8; /* imageString($im, 2, $x, $y, "90", $C['ltgray']); */ imageString($im, 4, $sz/2 + 4, 2 , 'N', $C['black']); imageString($im, 4, $sz/2 + 4, $sz - 16 , 'S', $C['black']); imageString($im, 4, 4 , $sz/2 + 4, 'E', $C['black']); imageString($im, 4, $sz - 10 , $sz/2 + 4, 'W', $C['black']); } function gen_image($resp){ global $magic; $sz = 640; if (isset($_GET['sz']) && ($_GET['sz'] == 'small')) $sz = 240; if (!preg_match('/,Y=\S+ [0-9\.]+ (\d+):/', $resp, $m)) die("can't parse gpsd's response"); $n = $m[1]; $im = imageCreate($sz, $sz); $C = colorsetup($im); skyview($im, $sz, $C); $s = explode(':', $resp); for($i = 1; $i <= $n; $i++){ $e = explode(' ', $s[$i]); splot($im, $sz, $C, $e); } header("Content-type: image/png"); imagePNG($im); imageDestroy($im); } function clearstate(){ global $GPS; $GPS['loc'] = ''; $GPS['alt'] = 'Unavailable'; $GPS['lat'] = 'Unavailable'; $GPS['lon'] = 'Unavailable'; $GPS['sat'] = 'Unavailable'; $GPS['hdop'] = 'Unavailable'; $GPS['dgps'] = 'Unavailable'; $GPS['fix'] = 'Unavailable'; $GPS['gt'] = ''; $GPS['lt'] = ''; } function dfix($x, $y, $z){ if ($x < 0){ $x = sprintf("%f %s", -1 * $x, $z); } else { $x = sprintf("%f %s", $x, $y); } return $x; } function parse_pvt($resp){ global $GPS, $magic; clearstate(); if (strlen($resp)){ $GPS['fix'] = 'No'; if (preg_match('/M=(\d),/', $resp, $m)){ switch ($m[1]){ case 2: $GPS['fix'] = '2D'; break; case 3: $GPS['fix'] = '3D'; break; case 4: $GPS['fix'] = '3D (PPS)'; break; default: $GPS['fix'] = "No"; } } if (preg_match('/S=(\d),/', $resp, $m)){ $GPS['fix'] .= ' ('; if ($m[1] != 2){ $GPS['fix'] .= 'not '; } $GPS['fix'] .= 'DGPS corrected)'; } if (preg_match('/A=([0-9\.-]+),/', $resp, $m)){ $GPS['alt'] = ($m[1] . ' m'); } if (preg_match('/P=([0-9\.-]+) ([0-9\.-]+),/', $resp, $m)){ $GPS['lat'] = $m[1]; $GPS['lon'] = $m[2]; } if (preg_match('/Q=(\d+) ([0-9\.]+) ([0-9\.]+) ([0-9\.]+) ([0-9\.]+)/', $resp, $m)){ $GPS['sat'] = $m[1]; $GPS['gdop'] = $m[2]; $GPS['hdop'] = $m[3]; $GPS['vdop'] = $m[4]; } if ($GPS['lat'] != 'Unavailable' && $GPS['lon'] != 'Unavailable'){ $GPS['lat'] = dfix($GPS['lat'], 'N', 'S'); $GPS['lon'] = dfix($GPS['lon'], 'E', 'W'); $GPS['loc'] = sprintf('at %s / %s', $GPS['lat'], $GPS['lon']); } if (preg_match('/^No/', $GPS['fix'])){ clearstate(); } } else $GPS['loc'] = ''; $GPS['gt'] = time(); $GPS['lt'] = date("r", $GPS['gt']); $GPS['gt'] = gmdate("r", $GPS['gt']); } function write_html($resp){ global $GPS, $sock, $errstr, $errno, $server, $port, $head, $body; global $blurb, $title, $autorefresh, $googlemap, $gmap_key, $footer; header("Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); global $lat, $lon; $lat = (float)$GPS['lat']; $lon = -(float)$GPS['lon']; $x = $server; $y = $port; $imgdata = base64_encode($resp); include("gpsd_config.inc"); # breaks things $server = $x; $port = $y; if ($autorefresh > 0) $autorefresh = ""; else $autorefresh = ''; $gmap_head = $gmap_body = $gmap_code = ''; if ($googlemap){ $gmap_head = gen_gmap_head(); $gmap_body = 'onload="Load()" onunload="GUnload()"'; $gmap_code = gen_gmap_code(); } $svn ='$Rev$'; $part1 = << {$head} {$gmap_head} {$title} - GPSD Test Station {$GPS['loc']} {$autorefresh}
EOF; if (!strlen($advertise)) $advertise = $server; if (!$sock) $part2 = ""; else $part2 = << EOF; $part3 = << EOF; if (!$sock) $part4 = ""; else $part4 = << EOF; $part5 = << {$footer}
This script is distributed by the GPSD project.
EOF; print $part1 . $part2 . $part3 . $part4 . $part5; } function write_config(){ $f = fopen("gpsd_config.inc", "a"); if (!$f) die("can't generate prototype config file. try running this script as root in DOCUMENT_ROOT"); $buf = <<gpsd server located someplace. The hardware is a hardware description and link. This machine is maintained by Your Name Goes Here.
EOT; ?> EOB; fwrite($f, $buf); fclose($f); } function gen_gmap_head() { global $gmap_key; return << EOT; } function gen_gmap_code() { return <<
EOT; } ?>

A filled circle means the satellite was used in the last fix. Green-yellow-red colors indicate signal strength in dB, green=most and red=least. Orange indicates a WAAS/EGNOS satellite.

To get real-time information, connect to telnet://{$advertise}:{$port}/ and type "R".
Use a different server:

The gpsd instance that this page monitors is not running.
Current Information
Time (Local){$GPS['lt']}
Time (UTC){$GPS['gt']}
Fix Type{$GPS['fix']}