""" gpsfake.py -- classes for creating a controlled test environment around gpsd. The gpsfake(1) regression tester shipped with gpsd is a trivial wrapper around this code. For a more interesting usage example, see the valgrind-audit script shipped with the gpsd code. To use this code, start by instantiating a TestSession class. Use the prefix argument if you want to run the daemon under some kind of run-time monitor like valgrind or gdb. Here are some particularly useful possibilities: valgrind --tool=memcheck --gen-suppressions=yes --leak-check=yes Run under Valgrind, checking for malloc errors and memory leaks. xterm -e gdb -tui --args Run under gdb, controlled from a new xterm. You can use the options argument to pass in daemon options; normally you will use this to set the debug-logging level. On initialization, the test object spawns an instance of gpsd with no devices or clients attached, connected to a control socket. TestSession has methods to attach and detch fake GPSes. The TestSession class simulates GPS devices for you with objects composed from a pty and a thread that cycles sentences into the master side from some specified logfile; gpsd reads the slave side. A fake GPS is identified by the string naming its slave device. Test session also has methods to start and end client sessions. Daemon responses to a client are fed to a hook function which, by default, discards them. You can change the hook to sys.stdout.write dump responses to standard output (this is what the gpsfake executable does) or do something more exotic A client session is identified by a small integer that counts the number of client session starts. There are a couple of convenience methods. TestSession.wait() does nothing, allowing a specified number of seconds to elapse. TestSession.client_query() ships commands to an open client session. TestSession does not currently capture the daemon's log output. It is run with -N, so the output will go to stderr (along with, for example, Valgrind notifications). Your test code should be wrapped in a try/finally block that calls the TestSession cleanup() method; this will ensure that any stray threads are properly terminated. If you do anything with the SIGINT, SIGQUIT, or SIGTERM signals, ensure that they call the TestSession.killall() method; otherwise your code will fail to clean up after itself when interrupted. Each FakeGPS instance tries to packetize the data from the logfile it is initialized with. It looks for packet headers asociated with common packet types such as NMEA, SiRF, and Zodiac. Additioonally, the Type header in a logfile can be used to force the packet type, notably to RTCM which is fed to the daemon character by character, There are some limitations. Trying to run more than one instance of TestSession concurrently will fail as the daemon instances contend for port 2947. Due to indeterminacy in thread timings, it is not guaranteed that runs with identical options will present exactly the same sentences to the daemon at the same times from start. This code requires that you have fuser(1) installed and executable. The fake-GPS threads use it to detect when their slave device has been opened. It also requires that for any process ID , /proc//fd lists the numbers of file descriptors opened by that process (in particular, this is true under Linux). """ import sys, os, time, signal, pty, termios import string, exceptions, threading, socket import gps class PacketError(exceptions.Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg class TestLoad: "Digest a logfile into a list of sentences we can cycle through." def __init__(self, logfp): self.sentences = [] # This and .packtype are the interesting bits self.logfp = logfp self.logfile = logfp.name self.type = None # Skip the comment header while True: first = logfp.read(1) self.first = first; if first == "#": line = logfp.readline() if line.strip().startswith("Type:"): if line.find("RTCM") > -1: self.type = "RTCM" else: break # Grab the packets while True: packet = self.packet_get() #print "I see: %s, length %d" % (`packet`, len(packet)) if not packet: break else: self.sentences.append(packet) # Look at the first packet to grok the GPS type if self.sentences[0][0] == '$': self.packtype = "NMEA" self.legend = "gpsfake: line %d " self.textual = True elif self.sentences[0][0] == '\xff': self.packtype = "Zodiac binary" self.legend = "gpsfake: packet %d" self.textual = True elif self.sentences[0][0] == '\xa0': self.packtype = "SiRF-II binary" self.legend = "gpsfake: packet %d" self.textual = False elif self.type == "RTCM": self.packtype = "RTCM" self.legend = None self.textual = False else: print "gpsfake: unknown log type (not NMEA or SiRF) can't handle it!" self.sentences = None def packet_get(self): "Grab a packet. Unlike the daemon's state machine, this assumes no noise." if self.first == '': first = self.logfp.read(1) else: first=self.first self.first='' if not first: return None elif self.type == "RTCM": return first elif first == '$': # NMEA packet return "$" + self.logfp.readline() second = self.logfp.read(1) if first == '\xa0' and second == '\xa2': # SiRF packet third = self.logfp.read(1) fourth = self.logfp.read(1) length = (ord(third) << 8) | ord(fourth) return "\xa0\xa2" + third + fourth + self.logfp.read(length+4) elif first == '\xff' and second == '\x81': third = self.logfp.read(1) fourth = self.logfp.read(1) fifth = self.logfp.read(1) sixth = self.logfp.read(1) id = ord(third) | (ord(fourth) << 8) ndata = ord(fifth) | (ord(sixth) << 8) return "\xff\x81" + third + fourth + fifth + sixth + self.logfp.read(2*ndata+6) else: raise PacketError("unknown packet type, leader %s, (0x%x)" % (first, ord(first))) class FakeGPS: "A fake GPS is a pty with a test log ready to be cycled to it." def __init__(self, logfp, speed=4800): self.go_predicate = lambda: True self.readers = 0 self.thread = None self.index = 0 baudrates = { 0: termios.B0, 50: termios.B50, 75: termios.B75, 110: termios.B110, 134: termios.B134, 150: termios.B150, 200: termios.B200, 300: termios.B300, 600: termios.B600, 1200: termios.B1200, 1800: termios.B1800, 2400: termios.B2400, 4800: termios.B4800, 9600: termios.B9600, 19200: termios.B19200, 38400: termios.B38400, 57600: termios.B57600, 115200: termios.B115200, 230400: termios.B230400, } speed = baudrates[speed] # Throw an error if the speed isn't legal if type(logfp) == type(""): logfp = open(logfp, "r"); self.testload = TestLoad(logfp) (self.master_fd, self.slave_fd) = pty.openpty() self.slave = os.ttyname(self.slave_fd) ttyfp = open(self.slave, "rw") raw = termios.tcgetattr(ttyfp.fileno()) raw[0] = 0 # iflag raw[1] = termios.ONLCR # oflag raw[2] &= ~(termios.PARENB | termios.CRTSCTS) # cflag raw[2] |= (termios.CSIZE & termios.CS8) # cflag raw[2] |= termios.CREAD | termios.CLOCAL # cflag raw[3] = 0 # lflag raw[4] = raw[5] = speed termios.tcsetattr(ttyfp.fileno(), termios.TCSANOW, raw) def slave_is_open(self): "Is the slave device of this pty opened?" return os.system("fuser -s " + self.slave) == 0 def __feed(self): "Feed the contents of the GPS log to the daemon." while self.readers and self.go_predicate(self.index, self): os.write(self.master_fd, self.testload.sentences[self.index % len(self.testload.sentences)]) self.index += 1 def start(self, thread=False): "Increment pseudodevice's reader count, starting it if necessary." self.readers += 1 if self.readers == 1: self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__feed) while not self.slave_is_open(): time.sleep(0.01); if thread: self.thread.start() # Run asynchronously else: self.thread.run() # Run synchronously def release(self): "Decrement pseudodevice's reader count; it will stop when count==0." if self.readers > 0: self.readers -= 1 def stop(self): "Zero pseudodevice's reader count; it will stop." self.readers = 0 class DaemonInstance: "Control a gpsd instance." def __init__(self, control_socket=None): self.sockfile = None self.pid = None if control_socket: self.control_socket = control_socket else: self.control_socket = "/tmp/gpsfake-%d.sock" % os.getpid() self.pidfile = "/tmp/gpsfake_pid-%s" % os.getpid() def spawn(self, options, background=False, prefix=""): "Spawn a daemon instance." self.spawncmd = "gpsd -N -F %s -P %s %s" % (self.control_socket, self.pidfile, options) if prefix: self.spawncmd = prefix + " " + self.spawncmd.strip() if background: self.spawncmd += " &" os.system(self.spawncmd) def wait_pid(self): "Wait for the daemon, get its PID and a control-socket connection." while True: try: fp = open(self.pidfile) except IOError: time.sleep(1) continue self.pid = int(fp.read()) fp.close() break def __get_control_socket(self): # Now we know it's running, get a connection to the control socket. if not os.path.exists(self.control_socket): return None try: self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) self.sock.connect(self.control_socket) except socket.error: if self.sock: self.sock.close() self.sock = None return self.sock def is_alive(self): "Is the daemon still alive?" try: st = os.kill(self.pid, 0) return True except OSError: return False def fd_set(self): "Return the set of file descriptors currently opened by the daemon." if self.pid == None: return [] fds = map(int, os.listdir("/proc/%d/fd" % self.pid)) # I wish I knew what the entries above 1000 in Linux /proc/*/fd mean... return filter(lambda x: x < 1000, fds) def add_device(self, path): "Add a device to the daemon's internal search list." if self.__get_control_socket(): self.sock.sendall("+%s\r\n" % path) self.sock.recv(12) self.sock.close() def remove_device(self, path): "Remove a device from the daemon's internal search list." if self.__get_control_socket(): self.sock.sendall("-%s\r\n" % path) self.sock.recv(12) self.sock.close() def kill(self): "Kill the daemon instance." if self.pid: try: os.kill(self.pid, signal.SIGTERM) except OSError: pass self.pid = None time.sleep(1) # Give signal time to land class TestSessionError(exceptions.Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg class TestSession: "Manage a session including a daemon with fake GPS and client threads." def __init__(self, prefix=None, options=None): "Initialize the test session by launching the daemon." self.daemon = DaemonInstance() self.fakegpslist = {} self.clients = [] self.client_id = 0 self.reporter = lambda x: None self.progress = lambda x: None for sig in (signal.SIGQUIT, signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM): signal.signal(sig, lambda signal, frame: self.killall()) self.daemon.spawn(background=True, prefix=prefix, options=options) self.daemon.wait_pid() self.default_predicate = None self.fd_set = [] self.sanity_check() def set_predicate(self, pred): "Set a default go predicate for the session." self.default_predicate = pred def sanity_check(self): now = self.daemon.fd_set() if now != self.fd_set: self.progress("File descriptors: %s\n" % now) self.fd_set = now def gps_add(self, logfile, speed=4800, pred=None): "Add a simulated GPS being fed by the specified logfile." self.progress("gpsfake: gps_add(%s, %d)\n" % (logfile, speed)) if logfile not in self.fakegpslist: newgps = FakeGPS(logfile, speed=speed) if pred: newgps.go_predicate = pred elif self.default_predicate: newgps.go_predicate = self.default_predicate self.fakegpslist[newgps.slave] = newgps self.daemon.add_device(newgps.slave) self.fakegpslist[newgps.slave].start(thread=True) self.sanity_check() return newgps.slave def gps_remove(self, name): "Remove a simulated GPS from the daeon's search list." self.progress("gpsfake: gps_remove(%s)\n" % name) self.fakegpslist[name].stop() self.daemon.remove_device(name) self.sanity_check() def client_add(self, commands): "Initiate a client session and force connection to a fake GPS." self.progress("gpsfake: client_add()\n") newclient = gps.gps() self.clients.append(newclient) newclient.id = self.client_id + 1 self.client_id += 1 self.progress("gpsfake: client %d has %s\n" % (self.client_id,newclient.device)) newclient.set_thread_hook(lambda x: self.reporter(x)) if commands: newclient.query(commands) self.sanity_check() return newclient.id def client_query(self, id, commands): "Ship a command down a client channel, accept a response." self.progress("gpsfake: client_query(%d, %s)\n" % (id, `commands`)) for client in self.clients: if client.id == id: client.query(commands) return client.response self.sanity_check() return None def client_remove(self, id): "Terminate a client session." self.progress("gpsfake: client_remove(%d)\n" % id) for client in self.clients: if client.id == id: self.fakegpslist[client.device].release() self.clients.remove(client) del client self.sanity_check() return True else: self.sanity_check() return False def wait(self, seconds): "Wait, doing nothing." self.progress("gpsfake: wait(%d)\n" % seconds) time.sleep(seconds) self.sanity_check() def gather(self, seconds): "Wait, doing nothing but watching for sentences." self.progress("gpsfake: gather(%d)\n" % seconds) #mark = time.time() time.sleep(seconds) #if self.timings.c_recv_time <= mark: # TestSessionError("no sentences received\n") self.sanity_check() def gps_count(self): "Return the number of GPSes active in this session" tc = 0 for fakegps in self.fakegpslist.values(): if fakegps.thread and fakegps.thread.isAlive(): tc += 1 return tc def cleanup(self): "Wait for all threads to end and kill the daemon." self.progress("gpsfake: cleanup()\n") while self.gps_count(): time.sleep(0.1) self.daemon.kill() def killall(self): "Kill all fake-GPS threads and the daemon." self.progress("gpsfake: killall()\n") for fakegps in self.fakegpslist.values(): if fakegps.thread and fakegps.thread.isAlive(): fakegps.stop() self.daemon.kill() # End