#!/usr/bin/env python # # gpsfake -- test harness for gpsd # # Simulates a GPS, playing back a logfile # Most of the logic for this now lives in gosfake.py, # factored out so we can write other test programs with it. import sys, os, signal, time, getopt import gpsfake class Baton: "Ship progress indications to stderr." def __init__(self, prompt, endmsg=None): self.stream = sys.stderr self.stream.write(prompt + "... \010") self.stream.flush() self.count = 0 self.endmsg = endmsg self.time = time.time() return def twirl(self, ch=None): if self.stream is None: return if ch: self.stream.write(ch) else: self.stream.write("-/|\\"[self.count % 4]) self.stream.write("\010") self.count = self.count + 1 self.stream.flush() return def end(self, msg=None): if msg == None: msg = self.endmsg if self.stream: self.stream.write("...(%2.2f sec) %s.\n" % (time.time() - self.time, msg)) return (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "bc:D:ghlm:o:ps:v") progress = False cycle = 1 monitor = "" speed = 4800 linedump = False pipe = False verbose = False doptions = "" for (switch, val) in options: if (switch == '-b'): progress = True elif (switch == '-c'): cycle = float(val) elif (switch == '-D'): doptions += " -D " + val elif (switch == '-g'): monitor = "gdb --args " elif (switch == '-l'): linedump = True elif (switch == '-m'): monitor = val + " " elif (switch == '-o'): doptions = val elif (switch == '-p'): pipe = True cycle = 0.05 elif (switch == '-s'): speed = int(val) elif (switch == '-v'): verbose = True elif (switch == '-h'): sys.stderr.write("usage: gpsfake [-h] [-l] [-m monitor] [--D debug] [-o options] [-p] [-s speed] [-c cycle] [-b] logfile\n") raise SystemExit,0 logfile = arguments[0] def fakehook(linenumber, fakegps): if linenumber % len(fakegps.testload.sentences) == 0: if pipe and linenumber > 0: return False if not pipe: sys.stderr.write("gpsfake: log cycle begins.\n") time.sleep(cycle) if linedump: if fakegps.testload.textual: ml = fakegps.testload.sentences[linenumber % len(fakegps.testload.sentences)].strip() else: ml = "" print fakegps.testload.legend % (linenumber % len(fakegps.testload.sentences) + 1) + ml if progress: baton.twirl() return True if progress: baton = Baton("Processing %s" % logfile, "done") test = gpsfake.TestSession(prefix=monitor, options=doptions) if pipe: test.reporter = sys.stdout.write try: test.gps_add(logfile, speed=speed, pred=fakehook) except gpsfake.PacketError, e: sys.stderr.write("gsfake: " + e.msg + "\n") raise SystemExit, 1 except IOError: sys.stderr.write("gsfake: no such file as %s or file unreadable\n"%logfile) raise SystemExit, 1 except OSError: sys.stderr.write("gpsfake: can't open pty.\n") raise SystemExit, 1 test.client_add("w+r+\n") test.cleanup(); test.killall() if progress: baton.end() # gpsfake ends here