#!/usr/bin/env python # # This file is Copyright (c) 2010 by the GPSD project # BSD terms apply: see the file COPYING in the distribution root for details. # # Collect and plot latency-profiling data from a running gpsd. # Requires gnuplot. # # This code runs compatibly under Python 2 and 3.x for x >= 2. # Preserve this property! from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import copy import getopt import gps import math import os import signal import socket import sys import time class Baton(object): "Ship progress indication to stderr." def __init__(self, prompt, endmsg=None): self.stream = sys.stderr self.stream.write(prompt + "...") if os.isatty(self.stream.fileno()): self.stream.write(" \b") self.stream.flush() self.count = 0 self.endmsg = endmsg self.time = time.time() return def twirl(self, ch=None): if self.stream is None: return if ch: self.stream.write(ch) elif os.isatty(self.stream.fileno()): self.stream.write("-/|\\"[self.count % 4]) self.stream.write("\b") self.count = self.count + 1 self.stream.flush() return def end(self, msg=None): if msg is None: msg = self.endmsg if self.stream: self.stream.write("...(%2.2f sec) %s.\n" % (time.time() - self.time, msg)) return class plotter(object): "Generic class for gathering and plotting sensor statistics." def __init__(self): self.fixes = [] self.start_time = int(time.time()) self.watch = set(['TPV']) def whatami(self): "How do we identify this plotting run?" desc = "%s, %s, " % \ (gps.misc.isotime(self.start_time), self.device.get('driver', "unknown")) if 'bps' in self.device: desc += "%d %dN%d, cycle %ds" % \ (self.device['bps'], 9 - self.device['stopbits'], self.device['stopbits'], self.device['cycle']) else: desc += self.device['path'] return desc def collect(self, verbose, logfp=None): "Collect data from the GPS." try: self.session = gps.gps(host=host, port=port, verbose=verbose) except socket.error: sys.stderr.write("gpsprof: gpsd unreachable.\n") sys.exit(1) # Initialize self.session.read() if self.session.version is None: sys.stderr.write("gpsprof: requires gpsd to speak new protocol.\n") sys.exit(1) # Set parameters flags = gps.WATCH_ENABLE | gps.WATCH_JSON if self.requires_time: flags |= gps.WATCH_TIMING if device: flags |= gps.WATCH_DEVICE try: signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, lambda empty, unused: sys.stderr.write("%d of %d (%d%%)..." % (await - countdown, await, ((await - countdown) * 100.0 / await)))) signal.siginterrupt(signal.SIGUSR1, False) self.session.stream(flags, device) baton = Baton("gpsprof: %d looking for fix" % os.getpid(), "done") countdown = await basetime = time.time() while countdown > 0: if self.session.read() == -1: sys.stderr.write("gpsprof: gpsd has vanished.\n") sys.exit(1) baton.twirl() if self.session.data["class"] == "ERROR": sys.stderr.write(" ERROR: %s.\n" % self.session.data["message"]) sys.exit(1) if self.session.data["class"] == "DEVICES": if len(self.session.data["devices"]) != 1 and not device: sys.stderr.write(" ERROR: multiple devices connected, you must explicitly specify the device.\n") sys.exit(1) for i in range(len(self.session.data["devices"])): self.device = copy.copy(self.session.data["devices"][i]) if self.device['path'] == device: break if self.session.data["class"] == "WATCH": if self.requires_time and not self.session.data.get("timing"): sys.stderr.write("timing is not enabled.\n") sys.exit(1) # Log before filtering - might be good for post-analysis. if logfp: logfp.write(self.session.response) # Ignore everything but what we're told to if self.session.data["class"] not in self.watch: continue # We can get some funky artifacts at start of self.session # apparently due to RS232 buffering effects. Ignore # them. if threshold and time.time() - basetime < self.session.cycle * threshold: continue if self.session.fix.mode <= gps.MODE_NO_FIX: continue if self.sample(): if countdown == await: sys.stderr.write("first fix in %.2fsec, gathering %d samples..." % (time.time() - basetime, await)) countdown -= 1 baton.end() finally: self.session.stream(gps.WATCH_DISABLE | gps.WATCH_TIMING) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, signal.SIG_DFL) def replot(self, infp): "Replot from a JSON log file." baton = Baton("gpsprof: replotting", "done") self.session = gps.gps(host=None) for line in infp: baton.twirl() self.session.unpack(line) if self.session.data["class"] == "DEVICES": self.device = copy.copy(self.session.data["devices"][0]) elif self.session.data["class"] not in self.watch: continue self.sample() baton.end() def dump(self): "Dump the raw data for post-analysis." return self.header() + self.data() class spaceplot(plotter): "Spatial scattergram of fixes." name = "space" requires_time = False def __init__(self): plotter.__init__(self) self.recentered = [] def d(self, a, b): return math.sqrt((a[0] - b[0]) ** 2 + (a[1] - b[1]) ** 2) def sample(self): # Watch out for the NaN value from gps.py. self.fixes.append((self.session.fix.latitude, self.session.fix.longitude, self.session.fix.altitude)) return True def header(self): return "# Position uncertainty, %s\n" % self.whatami() def postprocess(self): if not self.recentered: # centroid is just arithmetic avg of lat,lon self.centroid = (sum([x[0] for x in self.fixes]) / len(self.fixes), sum([x[1] for x in self.fixes]) / len(self.fixes)) # Sort fixes by distance from centroid self.fixes.sort(key=lambda p: self.d(self.centroid, p)) # Convert fixes to offsets from centroid in meters self.recentered = [gps.MeterOffset(self.centroid, fix[:2]) for fix in self.fixes] def data(self): res = "" for i in range(len(self.recentered)): (lat, lon) = self.recentered[i][:2] (raw1, raw2, alt) = self.fixes[i] res += "%.9f\t%.9f\t%.9f\t%.9f\t%.9f\n" % (lat, lon, raw1, raw2, alt) return res def plot(self): # Compute CEP(50%) cep_meters = gps.misc.EarthDistanceSmall(self.centroid[:2], self.fixes[int(len(self.fixes) * 0.50)][:2]) cep95_meters = gps.misc.EarthDistanceSmall(self.centroid[:2], self.fixes[int(len(self.fixes) * 0.95)][:2]) cep99_meters = gps.misc.EarthDistanceSmall(self.centroid[:2], self.fixes[int(len(self.fixes) * 0.99)][:2]) alt_sum = 0 alt_num = 0 alt_fixes = [] lon_max = -9999 for i in range(len(self.recentered)): (_lat, lon) = self.recentered[i][:2] (_raw1, _raw2, alt) = self.fixes[i] if not gps.isnan(alt): alt_sum += alt alt_fixes.append(alt) alt_num += 1 if lon > lon_max: lon_max = lon if alt_num == 0: alt_avg = gps.NaN alt_ep = gps.NaN else: alt_avg = alt_sum / alt_num # Sort fixes by distance from average altitude alt_fixes.sort(key=lambda a: abs(alt_avg - a)) alt_ep = abs(alt_fixes[len(alt_fixes) // 2] - alt_avg) if self.centroid[0] < 0: latstring = "%.9fS" % -self.centroid[0] elif self.centroid[0] == 0: latstring = "0" else: latstring = "%.9fN" % self.centroid[0] if self.centroid[1] < 0: lonstring = "%.9fW" % -self.centroid[1] elif self.centroid[1] == 0: lonstring = "0" else: lonstring = "%.9fE" % self.centroid[1] fmt = "set autoscale\n" fmt += "set format x \"%.3f\"\n" fmt += "set format y \"%.3f\"\n" fmt += 'set key below\n' fmt += 'set key title "%s"\n' % gps.misc.isotime(int(time.time())) fmt += 'set size ratio -1\n' fmt += 'set style line 2 pt 1\n' fmt += 'set style line 3 pt 2\n' fmt += 'set xlabel "Meters east from %s"\n' % lonstring fmt += 'set xtic rotate by -45\n' fmt += 'set ylabel "Meters north from %s"\n' % latstring fmt += 'set border 15\n' if not gps.isnan(alt_avg): fmt += 'set y2label "Meters Altitude from %.3f"\n' % alt_avg fmt += 'set ytics nomirror\n' fmt += 'set y2tics\n' fmt += "set format y2 \"%.3f\"\n" fmt += 'cep=%.9f\n' % self.d((0, 0), self.recentered[len(self.fixes) // 2]) fmt += 'cep95=%.9f\n' % self.d((0, 0), self.recentered[int(len(self.fixes) * 0.95)]) fmt += 'cep99=%.9f\n' % self.d((0, 0), self.recentered[int(len(self.fixes) * 0.99)]) fmt += 'set parametric\n' fmt += 'set trange [0:2*pi]\n' fmt += 'cx(t, r) = sin(t)*r\n' fmt += 'cy(t, r) = cos(t)*r\n' fmt += 'chlen = cep/20\n' fmt += "set arrow from -chlen,0 to chlen,0 nohead\n" fmt += "set arrow from 0,-chlen to 0,chlen nohead\n" if len(self.fixes) > 1000: plot_style = 'dots' else: plot_style = 'points' fmt += 'plot "-" using 1:2 with ' + plot_style + ' ls 3 title "%d GPS fixes" ' % (len(self.fixes)) if not gps.isnan(alt_avg): fmt += ', "-" using ( %.3f ):($5 < 100000 ? $5 - %.3f : 1/0) axes x1y2 with %s ls 2 title " %d Altitude fixes, Average = %.3f, EP (50%%) = %.3f"' % (lon_max + 1, alt_avg, plot_style, alt_num, alt_avg, alt_ep) fmt += ', cx(t, cep),cy(t, cep) ls 1 title "CEP (50%%) = %.3f meters"' % (cep_meters) fmt += ', cx(t, cep95),cy(t, cep95) title "CEP (95%%) = %.3f meters"' % (cep95_meters) fmt += ', cx(t, cep99),cy(t, cep99) title "CEP (99%%) = %.3f meters"' % (cep99_meters) fmt += "\n" fmt += self.header() fmt += self.data() if not gps.isnan(alt_avg): fmt += "e\n" + self.data() return fmt class timeplot(plotter): "Time drift against PPS." name = "time" requires_time = True def __init__(self): plotter.__init__(self) self.watch = set(['PPS']) def sample(self): if self.session.data["class"] == "PPS": self.fixes.append((self.session.data['real_sec'], self.session.data['real_nsec'], self.session.data['clock_sec'], self.session.data['clock_nsec'])) return True def header(self): return "# Time drift against PPS, %s\n" % self.whatami() def postprocess(self): pass def data(self): res = "" for (real_sec, real_nsec, clock_sec, clock_nsec) in self.fixes: res += "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n" % (real_sec, real_nsec, clock_sec, clock_nsec) return res def plot(self): fmt = '''\ set autoscale set key below set ylabel "System clock delta from GPS time (nsec)" plot "-" using 0:((column(1)-column(3))*1e9 + (column(2)-column(4))) title "Delta" with impulses ''' return fmt + self.header() + self.data() class uninstrumented(plotter): "Total times without instrumentation." name = "uninstrumented" requires_time = False def __init__(self): plotter.__init__(self) def sample(self): if self.session.fix.time: seconds = time.time() - gps.misc.isotime(self.session.data.time) self.fixes.append(seconds) return True else: return False def header(self): return "# Uninstrumented total latency, " + self.whatami() + "\n" def postprocess(self): pass def data(self): res = "" for seconds in self.fixes: res += "%2.6lf\n" % seconds return res def plot(self): fmt = '''\ set autoscale set key below set key title "Uninstrumented total latency" plot "-" using 0:1 title "Total time" with impulses ''' return fmt + self.header() + self.data() class instrumented(plotter): "Latency as analyzed by instrumentation." name = "instrumented" requires_time = True def __init__(self): plotter.__init__(self) def sample(self): if 'rtime' in self.session.data: self.fixes.append((gps.misc.isotime(self.session.data['time']), self.session.data["chars"], self.session.data['sats'], self.session.data['sor'], self.session.data['rtime'], time.time())) return True else: return False def header(self): res = "# Analyzed latency, " + self.whatami() + "\n" res += "#-- Fix time -- - Chars - -- Latency - RS232- Analysis - Recv -\n" return res def postprocess(self): pass def data(self): res = "" for (fix_time, chars, sats, start, xmit, recv) in self.fixes: rs232_time = (chars * 10.0) / self.device['bps'] res += "%.3f %9u %2u %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f\n" % (fix_time, chars, sats, start - fix_time, (start - fix_time) + rs232_time, xmit - fix_time, recv - fix_time) return res def plot(self): legends = ( "Reception delta", "Analysis time", "RS232 time", "Fix latency", ) fmt = '''\ set autoscale set key title "Analyzed latency" set key below plot \\\n''' for (i, legend) in enumerate(legends): j = len(legends) - i + 4 fmt += ' "-" using 0:%d title "%s" with impulses, \\\n' % (j, legend) fmt = fmt[:-4] + "\n" return fmt + self.header() + (self.data() + "e\n") * len(legends) formatters = (spaceplot, timeplot, uninstrumented, instrumented) if __name__ == '__main__': try: (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "d:f:hl:m:n:rs:t:T:D:") plotmode = "space" raw = False title = None threshold = 0 await = 100 verbose = 0 terminal = None dumpfile = None logfp = None redo = False for (switch, val) in options: if switch == '-f': plotmode = val elif switch == '-m': threshold = int(val) elif switch == '-n': if val[-1] == 'h': await = int(val[:-1]) * 360 else: await = int(val) elif switch == '-t': title = val elif switch == '-T': terminal = val elif switch == '-d': dumpfile = val elif switch == '-l': logfp = open(val, "w") elif switch == '-r': redo = True elif switch == '-D': verbose = int(val) elif switch == '-h': sys.stderr.write( "usage: gpsprof [-h] [-D debuglevel] [-m threshold] [-n samplecount] [-d]\n" + "\t[-f {" + "|".join([x.name for x in formatters]) + "}] [-s speed] [-t title] [-T terminal] [server[:port[:device]]]\n") sys.exit(0) (host, port, device) = ("localhost", "2947", None) if len(arguments): args = arguments[0].split(":") if len(args) >= 1: host = args[0] if len(args) >= 2: port = args[1] if len(args) >= 3: device = args[2] # Select the plotting mode if plotmode: for formatter in formatters: if formatter.name == plotmode: plot = formatter() break else: sys.stderr.write("gpsprof: no such formatter.\n") sys.exit(1) # Get fix data from the GPS if redo: plot.replot(sys.stdin) else: plot.collect(verbose, logfp) plot.postprocess() # Save the timing data (only) for post-analysis if required. if dumpfile: with open(dumpfile, "w") as fp: fp.write(plot.dump()) if logfp: logfp.close() # Ship the plot to standard output if not title: title = plot.whatami() if terminal: sys.stdout.write("set terminal %s size 800,600\n" % terminal) sys.stdout.write("set title \"%s\"\n" % title) sys.stdout.write(plot.plot()) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # The following sets edit modes for GNU EMACS # Local Variables: # mode:python # End: