#!/usr/bin/env python # # This file is Copyright (c) 2010 by the GPSD project # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-clause # # Collect and plot latency-profiling data from a running gpsd. # Requires gnuplot. # # Updated to conform with RCC-219-00, RCC/IRIG Standard 261-00 # "STANDARD REPORT FORMAT FOR GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) RECEIVERS AND # SYSTEMS ACCURACY TESTS AND EVALUATIONS" # # This code runs compatibly under Python 2 and 3.x for x >= 2. # Preserve this property! from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import copy import getopt import math import os import signal import socket import sys import time import gps debug = False def dist_2d(a, b): # calculate distance between a[x,y] and b[x,y] # x and y are orthogonal, probably lat/lon in meters # ignore altitude change. return math.sqrt((a[0] - b[0]) ** 2 + (a[1] - b[1]) ** 2) def dist_3d(a, b): # calculate distance between a[x,y,z] and b[x,y,z] # x, y, and z are othogonal, probably ECEF, probably in meters return math.sqrt((a[0] - b[0]) ** 2 + (a[1] - b[1]) ** 2 + (a[2] - b[2]) ** 2) def wgs84_to_ecef(wgs84): "Convert wgs84 coordinates to ECEF ones" # unpack args (lat, lon, alt) = wgs84 # convert lat/lon/altitude in degrees and altitude in meters # to ecef x, y, z in meters # see # http://www.mathworks.de/help/toolbox/aeroblks/llatoecefposition.html lat = math.radians(lat) lon = math.radians(lon) rad = 6378137.0 # Radius of the Earth (in meters) f = 1.0 / 298.257223563 # Flattening factor WGS84 Model cosLat = math.cos(lat) sinLat = math.sin(lat) FF = (1.0 - f) ** 2 C = 1 / math.sqrt((cosLat ** 2) + (FF * sinLat ** 2)) S = C * FF x = (rad * C + alt) * cosLat * math.cos(lon) y = (rad * C + alt) * cosLat * math.sin(lon) z = (rad * S + alt) * sinLat return (x, y, z) class Baton(object): "Ship progress indication to stderr." def __init__(self, prompt, endmsg=None): self.stream = sys.stderr self.stream.write(prompt + "...") if os.isatty(self.stream.fileno()): self.stream.write(" \b") self.stream.flush() self.count = 0 self.endmsg = endmsg self.time = time.time() return def twirl(self, ch=None): if self.stream is None: return if ch: self.stream.write(ch) elif os.isatty(self.stream.fileno()): self.stream.write("-/|\\"[self.count % 4]) self.stream.write("\b") self.count = self.count + 1 self.stream.flush() return def end(self, msg=None): if msg is None: msg = self.endmsg if self.stream: self.stream.write("...(%2.2f sec) %s.\n" % (time.time() - self.time, msg)) return class stats(object): "Class for 1D stats: min, max, mean, sigma, skewness, kurtosis" def __init__(self): self.min = 0.0 self.max = 0.0 self.mean = 0.0 self.median = 0.0 self.sigma = 0.0 self.skewness = 0.0 self.kurtosis = 0.0 def min_max_mean(self, fixes, index): "Find min, max, and mean of fixes[index]" if 0 == len(fixes): return total = 0.0 # might be fast to go through list once? if type(fixes[0]) == tuple: self.mean = (sum([x[index] for x in fixes]) / len(fixes)) self.min = min([x[index] for x in fixes]) self.max = max([x[index] for x in fixes]) else: # must be float self.mean = (sum([x for x in fixes]) / len(fixes)) self.min = min([x for x in fixes]) self.max = max([x for x in fixes]) return def moments(self, fixes, index): "Find and set the (sigma, skewness, kurtosis) of fixes[index]" # The skewness of a random variable X is the third standardized # moment and is a dimension-less ratio. ntpviz uses the Pearson's # moment coefficient of skewness. Wikipedia describes it # best: "The qualitative interpretation of the skew is complicated # and unintuitive." A normal distribution has a skewness of zero. skewness = float('nan') # The kurtosis of a random variable X is the fourth standardized # moment and is a dimension-less ratio. Here we use the Pearson's # moment coefficient of kurtosis. A normal distribution has a # kurtosis of three. NIST describes a kurtosis over three as # "heavy tailed" and one under three as "light tailed". kurtosis = float('nan') if 0 == len(fixes): return m3 = 0.0 m4 = 0.0 if type(fixes[0]) == tuple: sum_squares = [x[index] ** 2 for x in fixes] sigma = math.sqrt(sum(sum_squares) / len(fixes)) for fix in fixes: m3 += pow(fix[index] - sigma, 3) m4 += pow(fix[index] - sigma, 4) else: # must be float sum_squares = [x ** 2 for x in fixes] sigma = math.sqrt(sum(sum_squares) / len(fixes)) for fix in fixes: m3 += pow(fix - sigma, 3) m4 += pow(fix - sigma, 4) self.sigma = sigma self.skewness = m3 / (len(fixes) * pow(sigma, 3)) self.kurtosis = m4 / (len(fixes) * pow(sigma, 4)) return class plotter(object): "Generic class for gathering and plotting sensor statistics." def __init__(self): self.fixes = [] self.in_replot = False self.start_time = int(time.time()) self.watch = set(['TPV']) def whatami(self): "How do we identify this plotting run?" desc = "%s, %s, " % \ (gps.misc.isotime(self.start_time), self.device.get('driver', "unknown")) if 'bps' in self.device: desc += "%d %dN%d, cycle %.3gs" % \ (self.device['bps'], 9 - self.device['stopbits'], self.device['stopbits'], self.device['cycle']) else: desc += self.device['path'] if 'subtype' in self.device: desc += "\\n%s" % self.device['subtype'] return desc def collect(self, verbose, logfp=None): "Collect data from the GPS." try: self.session = gps.gps(host=host, port=port, verbose=verbose) except socket.error: sys.stderr.write("gpsprof: gpsd unreachable.\n") sys.exit(1) # Initialize self.session.read() if self.session.version is None: sys.stderr.write("gpsprof: requires gpsd to speak new protocol.\n") sys.exit(1) # Set parameters flags = gps.WATCH_ENABLE | gps.WATCH_JSON if self.requires_time: flags |= gps.WATCH_TIMING if device: flags |= gps.WATCH_DEVICE try: signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, lambda empty, unused: sys.stderr.write( "%d of %d (%d%%)..." % (await - countdown, await, ((await - countdown) * 100.0 / await)))) signal.siginterrupt(signal.SIGUSR1, False) self.session.stream(flags, device) baton = Baton("gpsprof: %d looking for fix" % os.getpid(), "done") countdown = await basetime = time.time() while countdown > 0: if self.session.read() == -1: sys.stderr.write("gpsprof: gpsd has vanished.\n") sys.exit(1) baton.twirl() if self.session.data["class"] == "ERROR": sys.stderr.write(" ERROR: %s.\n" % self.session.data["message"]) sys.exit(1) if self.session.data["class"] == "DEVICES": if len(self.session.data["devices"]) != 1 and not device: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: multiple devices connected, " "you must explicitly specify the " "device.\n") sys.exit(1) for i in range(len(self.session.data["devices"])): self.device = copy.copy( self.session.data["devices"][i]) if self.device['path'] == device: break if self.session.data["class"] == "WATCH": if ((self.requires_time and not self.session.data.get("timing"))): sys.stderr.write("timing is not enabled.\n") sys.exit(1) # Log before filtering - might be good for post-analysis. if logfp: logfp.write(self.session.response) # Ignore everything but what we're told to if self.session.data["class"] not in self.watch: continue # We can get some funky artifacts at start of self.session # apparently due to RS232 buffering effects. Ignore # them. if ((threshold and time.time() - basetime < self.session.cycle * threshold)): continue if self.session.fix.mode <= gps.MODE_NO_FIX: continue if self.sample(): if countdown == await: sys.stderr.write("first fix in %.2fsec, gathering %d " "samples..." % (time.time() - basetime, await)) countdown -= 1 baton.end() finally: self.session.stream(gps.WATCH_DISABLE | gps.WATCH_TIMING) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, signal.SIG_DFL) def replot(self, infp): "Replot from a JSON log file." self.in_replot = True baton = Baton("gpsprof: replotting", "done") self.session = gps.gps(host=None) for line in infp: baton.twirl() self.session.unpack(line) if self.session.data["class"] == "DEVICES": self.device = copy.copy(self.session.data["devices"][0]) elif self.session.data["class"] not in self.watch: continue self.sample() baton.end() def dump(self): "Dump the raw data for post-analysis." return self.header() + self.data() class spaceplot(plotter): "Spatial scattergram of fixes." name = "space" requires_time = False def __init__(self): plotter.__init__(self) self.recentered = [] def sample(self): # Watch out for the NaN value from gps.py. if (((self.in_replot or self.session.valid) and self.session.data["class"] == "TPV")): # get sat used count sats_used = 0 for sat in self.session.satellites: if sat.used: sats_used += 1 self.fixes.append((self.session.data['lat'], self.session.data['lon'], self.session.data['alt'], sats_used)) return True def header(self): return "\n# Position uncertainty, %s\n" % self.whatami() def postprocess(self): pass def data(self): # dump of data res = "" for i in range(len(self.recentered)): (lat, lon) = self.recentered[i][:2] (raw1, raw2, alt) = self.fixes[i] res += "%.9f\t%.9f\t%.9f\t%.9f\t%.9f\n" \ % (lat, lon, raw1, raw2, alt) return res def plot(self): stat_lat = stats() stat_lon = stats() stat_alt = stats() stat_used = stats() sats_used = [] for x in self.fixes: # skip missing sats, if any, often missing at start if x[3] != 0: sats_used.append(x[3]) # calc sats used data: mean, min, max, sigma stat_used.min_max_mean(sats_used, 0) stat_lat.moments(sats_used, 0) # find min, max and mean of lat/lon stat_lat.min_max_mean(self.fixes, 0) stat_lon.min_max_mean(self.fixes, 1) # centroid is just arithmetic avg of lat,lon self.centroid = (stat_lat.mean, stat_lon.mean) # Sort fixes by distance from centroid # sorted to make getting CEP() easy self.fixes.sort(key=lambda p: dist_2d(self.centroid, p[:2])) # compute min/max as meters, ignoring altitude # EarthDistance always returns a positve value lat_min_o = -gps.EarthDistance((stat_lat.min, self.centroid[1]), self.centroid[:2]) lat_max_o = gps.EarthDistance((stat_lat.max, self.centroid[1]), self.centroid[:2]) lon_min_o = -gps.EarthDistance((self.centroid[0], stat_lon.min), self.centroid[:2]) lon_max_o = gps.EarthDistance((self.centroid[0], stat_lon.max), self.centroid[:2]) # Convert fixes to offsets from centroid in meters self.recentered = [ gps.MeterOffset(fix[:2], self.centroid) for fix in self.fixes] # compute sigma, skewness and kurtosis of lat/lon stat_lat.moments(self.recentered, 0) stat_lon.moments(self.recentered, 1) # CEP(50) calculated per RCC 261-00, Section 3.1.1 calc_cep = 0.5887 * (stat_lat.sigma + stat_lon.sigma) # 2DRMS calculated per RCC 261-00, Section 3.1.4 calc_2drms = 2 * math.sqrt(stat_lat.sigma ** 2 + stat_lon.sigma ** 2) # Compute measured CEP(50%) # same as median distance from centroid, 50% closer, 50% further cep_meters = gps.misc.EarthDistance( self.centroid[:2], self.fixes[int(len(self.fixes) * 0.50)][:2]) # Compute measured CEP(95%) # distance from centroid, 95% closer, 5% further cep95_meters = gps.misc.EarthDistance( self.centroid[:2], self.fixes[int(len(self.fixes) * 0.95)][:2]) # Compute measured CEP(99%) # distance from centroid, 99% closer, 1% further cep99_meters = gps.misc.EarthDistance( self.centroid[:2], self.fixes[int(len(self.fixes) * 0.99)][:2]) # Compute CEP(100%) # max distance from centroid, 100% closer, 0% further cep100_meters = gps.misc.EarthDistance( self.centroid[:2], self.fixes[len(self.fixes) - 1][:2]) # init altitude data alt_ep = gps.NaN alt_ep95 = gps.NaN alt_ep99 = gps.NaN fmt_lan11 = '' dist_3d_max = 0.0 alt_fixes = [] latlon_data = "" alt_data = "" # grab and format the fixes as gnuplot will use them for i in range(len(self.recentered)): # grab valid lat/lon data, recentered and raw (lat, lon) = self.recentered[i][:2] alt = self.fixes[i][2] latlon_data += "%.9f\t%.9f\n" % (lat, lon) if not math.isnan(alt): # only keep good fixes alt_fixes.append(alt) # micro meters should be good enough alt_data += "%.6f\n" % (alt) if 0 < len(alt_fixes): # got altitude data # find min, max and mean of altitude stat_alt.min_max_mean(alt_fixes, 0) # centroid in ECEF self.centroid_ecef = wgs84_to_ecef([stat_lat.mean, stat_lon.mean, stat_alt.mean]) # once more through the data, looking for 3D max for i in range(len(self.fixes)): fix_lla = self.fixes[i][:3] if not math.isnan(fix_lla[2]): fix_ecef = wgs84_to_ecef(fix_lla[:3]) dist3d = dist_3d(self.centroid_ecef, fix_ecef) if dist_3d_max < dist3d: dist_3d_max = dist3d # Convert fixes to offsets from avg in meters alt_centered = [] alt_data_centered = "" alt_fixes.sort(key=lambda a: abs(a)) for i in alt_fixes: alt_centered.append(i - stat_alt.mean) alt_data_centered += "%.6f\n" % (i - stat_alt.mean) # Sort fixes by distance from average altitude alt_centered.sort(key=lambda a: abs(a)) # so we can rank fixes for EPs alt_ep = abs(alt_centered[int(len(alt_centered) * 0.50)]) alt_ep95 = abs(alt_centered[int(len(alt_centered) * 0.95)]) alt_ep99 = abs(alt_centered[int(len(alt_centered) * 0.99)]) stat_alt.moments(alt_centered, 0) # HEP(50) calculated per RCC 261-00, Section 3.1.2 calc_hep = 0.6745 * stat_alt.sigma # SEP(50) calculated per RCC 261-00, Section 3.1.3 (3) calc_sep = 0.51 * (stat_lat.sigma + stat_lon.sigma + stat_alt.sigma) # MRSE calculated per RCC 261-00, Section 3.1.5 calc_mrse = math.sqrt(stat_lat.sigma ** 2 + stat_lon.sigma ** 2 + stat_alt.sigma ** 2) fmt_lab11a = ('hep = %.3f meters\\n' 'sep = %.3f meters\\n' 'mrse = %.3f meters\\n' ) % (calc_hep, calc_sep, calc_mrse) if stat_lat.mean < 0.0: latstring = "%.9fS" % -stat_lat.mean elif stat_lat.mean > 0.0: latstring = "%.9fN" % stat_lat.mean else: latstring = "0.0" if stat_lon.mean < 0.0: lonstring = "%.9fW" % -stat_lon.mean elif stat_lon.mean > 0.0: lonstring = "%.9fE" % stat_lon.mean else: lonstring = "0.0" # oh, this is fun, mixing gnuplot and python string formatting # Grrr, python implements %s max width or precision incorrectly... # and the old and new styles also disagree... fmt = ('set xlabel "Meters east from %s"\n' 'set ylabel "Meters north from %s"\n' 'cep=%.9f\n' 'cep95=%.9f\n' 'cep99=%.9f\n' ) % (lonstring, latstring, cep_meters, cep95_meters, cep99_meters) fmt += ('set autoscale\n' 'set multiplot\n' # plot to use 95% of width # set x and y scales to same distance 'set size ratio -1 0.95,0.7\n' # leave room at bottom for computed variables 'set origin 0.025,0.30\n' 'set format x "%.3f"\n' 'set format y "%.3f"\n' 'set key left at screen 0.6,0.30 vertical\n' 'set key noautotitle\n' 'set style line 2 pt 1\n' 'set style line 3 pt 2\n' 'set style line 5 pt 7 ps 1\n' 'set xtic rotate by -45\n' 'set border 15\n' # now the CEP stuff 'set parametric\n' 'set trange [0:2*pi]\n' 'cx(t, r) = sin(t)*r\n' 'cy(t, r) = cos(t)*r\n' 'chlen = cep/20\n' # what do the next two lines do?? 'set arrow from -chlen,0 to chlen,0 nohead\n' 'set arrow from 0,-chlen to 0,chlen nohead\n') fmt += ('set label 11 at screen 0.01, screen 0.30 ' '"RCC 261-00\\n' 'cep = %.3f meters\\n' '2drms = %.3f meters\\n%s' '2d max = %.3f meters\\n' '3d max = %.3f meters"\n' ) % (calc_cep, calc_2drms, fmt_lab11a, cep100_meters, dist_3d_max) # row labels fmt += ('set label 12 at screen 0.01, screen 0.12 ' '"RCC 261-00\\n' '\\n' 'Lat\\n' 'Lon\\n' 'Alt\\n' 'Used"\n') # mean fmt += ('set label 13 at screen 0.06, screen 0.12 ' '"\\n' ' mean\\n' '%s\\n' '%s\\n' '%s\\n' '%s"\n' ) % ('{:>15}'.format(latstring), '{:>15}'.format(lonstring), '{:>15.3f}'.format(stat_alt.mean), '{:>15.1f}'.format(stat_used.mean)) fmt += ('set label 14 at screen 0.23, screen 0.12 ' '"\\n' ' min max sigma ' 'skewness kurtosis\\n' '%s %s %s meters %s %s\\n' '%s %s %s meters %s %s\\n' '%s %s %s meters %s %s\\n' '%12d %12d %s sats"\n' ) % ('{:>10.3f}'.format(lat_min_o), '{:>10.3f}'.format(lat_max_o), '{:>10.3f}'.format(stat_lat.sigma), '{:>10.1f}'.format(stat_lat.skewness), '{:>10.1f}'.format(stat_lat.kurtosis), '{:>10.3f}'.format(lon_min_o), '{:>10.3f}'.format(lon_max_o), '{:>10.3f}'.format(stat_lon.sigma), '{:>10.1f}'.format(stat_lon.skewness), '{:>10.1f}'.format(stat_lon.kurtosis), '{:>10.3f}'.format(stat_alt.min - stat_alt.mean), '{:>10.3f}'.format(stat_alt.max - stat_alt.mean), '{:>10.3f}'.format(stat_alt.sigma), '{:>10.1f}'.format(stat_alt.skewness), '{:>10.1f}'.format(stat_alt.kurtosis), stat_used.min, stat_used.max, '{:>10.1f}'.format(stat_used.sigma)) if debug: fmt += ('set label 15 at screen 0.6, screen 0.12 ' '"\\n' ' min\\n' '%s\\n' '%s\\n' '%s"\n' ) % ('{:>15.9f}'.format(stat_lat.min), '{:>15.9f}'.format(stat_lon.min), '{:>15.3f}'.format(stat_alt.min)) fmt += ('set label 16 at screen 0.75, screen 0.12 ' '"\\n' ' max\\n' '%s\\n' '%s\\n' '%s"\n' ) % ('{:>15.9f}'.format(stat_lat.max), '{:>15.9f}'.format(stat_lon.max), '{:>15.3f}'.format(stat_alt.max)) if len(self.fixes) > 1000: plot_style = 'dots' else: plot_style = 'points' # got altitude data? if not math.isnan(stat_alt.mean): fmt += ('set ytics nomirror\n' 'set y2tics\n' 'set format y2 "%.3f"\n') fmt += (('set y2label "Altitude from %.3f meters"\n') % (stat_alt.mean)) # add ep(50)s altitude_x = cep100_meters * 1.2 fmt += ('$EPData << EOD\n' '%.3f %.3f\n' '%.3f %.3f\n' 'EOD\n' ) % (altitude_x, alt_ep, altitude_x, -alt_ep) fmt += ('$EP95Data << EOD\n' '%.3f %.3f\n' '%.3f %.3f\n' 'EOD\n' ) % (altitude_x, alt_ep95, altitude_x, -alt_ep95) fmt += ('$EP99Data << EOD\n' '%.3f %.3f\n' '%.3f %.3f\n' 'EOD\n' ) % (altitude_x, alt_ep99, altitude_x, -alt_ep99) # setup now done, plot it! fmt += ('plot "-" using 1:2 with %s ls 3 title "%d GPS fixes" ' ', cx(t,cep),cy(t,cep) ls 1 title "CEP (50%%) = %.3f meters"' ', cx(t,cep95),cy(t,cep95) title "CEP (95%%) = %.3f meters"' ', cx(t,cep99),cy(t,cep99) title "CEP (99%%) = %.3f meters"' ) % (plot_style, len(self.fixes), cep_meters, cep95_meters, cep99_meters) if not math.isnan(stat_alt.mean): # add plot of altitude fmt += (', "-" using ( %.3f ):( $1 - %.3f ) ' 'axes x1y2 with points ls 2 lc "green"' ' title " %d Altitude fixes"' ) % (cep100_meters * 1.1, stat_alt.mean, len(alt_fixes)) # altitude EPs fmt += (', $EPData using 1:2 ' 'axes x1y2 with points ls 5 lc "dark-green"' ' title " EP(50%%) = %.3f meters"' ) % (alt_ep) fmt += (', $EP95Data using 1:2 ' 'axes x1y2 with points ls 5 lc "blue"' ' title " EP(95%%) = %.3f meters"' ) % (alt_ep95) fmt += (', $EP99Data using 1:2 ' 'axes x1y2 with points ls 5 lc "red"' ' title " EP(99%%) = %.3f meters"' ) % (alt_ep99) fmt += self.header() + latlon_data if not math.isnan(stat_alt.mean): # add altitude samples fmt += 'e\n' + alt_data return fmt class polarplot(plotter): "Polar plot of signal strength" name = "polar" requires_time = False def __init__(self): plotter.__init__(self) self.watch = set(['SKY']) def sample(self): if self.session.data["class"] == "SKY": sats = self.session.data['satellites'] seen = 0 used = 0 for sat in sats: # u'ss': 42, u'el': 15, u'PRN': 18, u'az': 80, u'used': True if (('polarunused' == self.name) and (sat['used'] is True)): continue if (('polarused' == self.name) and (sat['used'] is False)): continue self.fixes.append((sat['PRN'], sat['ss'], sat['az'], sat['el'], sat['used'])) return True def header(self): return "# Polar plot of signal strengths, %s\n" % self.whatami() def postprocess(self): pass def data(self): res = "" for (prn, ss, az, el, used) in self.fixes: res += "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s\n" % (prn, ss, az, el, used) return res def plot(self): ss_min = 99 # min satellite signal strength ss_max = 0 # max satellite signal strength for fix in self.fixes: # collect min and max if ss_max < fix[1]: ss_max = fix[1] if 0 < fix[1] and ss_min > fix[1]: ss_min = fix[1] fmt = '''\ unset border set polar set angles degrees # set gnuplot on degrees instead of radians set style line 10 lt 1 lc 0 lw 0.3 #redefine a new line style for the grid set grid polar 45 #set the grid to be displayed every 45 degrees set grid ls 10 # x is angle, go from 0 to 360 degrees # y is radius, go from 90 at middle to 0 at edge set xrange [0:360] set rrange [90:0] # 90 at center set yrange [-90:90] # set xtics axis #display the xtics on the axis instead of on the border # set ytics axis set xtics axis nomirror; set ytics axis nomirror # "remove" the tics so that only the y tics are displayed set xtics scale 0 # set the xtics only go from 0 to 90 with increment of 30 # but do not display anything. This has to be done otherwise the grid # will not be displayed correctly. set xtics ("" 90, "" 60, "" 30,) # make the ytics go from the center (0) to 360 with incrment of 90 # set ytics 0, 45, 360 set ytics scale 0 # set the ytics only go from 0 to 90 with increment of 30 # but do not display anything. This has to be done otherwise the grid # will not be displayed correctly. set ytics ("" 90, "" 60, "" 30,) set size square set key lmargin # this places a compass label on the outside set_label(x, text) = sprintf("set label '%s' at (93*cos(%f)), (93*sin(%f)) center", text, x, x) # here all labels are created # we compute North (0) at top, East (90) at right # bug gnuplot puts 0 at right, 90 at top eval set_label(0, "E") eval set_label(90, "N") eval set_label(180, "W") eval set_label(270, "S") set style line 11 pt 2 ps 2 #set the line style for the plot set style fill transparent solid 0.8 noborder set cbrange [10:60] set palette defined (100 "blue", 200 "green", 300 "red") ''' count = len(self.fixes) fmt += '''\ set label 11 at screen 0.01, screen 0.15 "%s\\nmin SS = %d\\nmax SS = %d\\n\ Samples %d" ''' % (self.name, ss_min, ss_max, count) fmt += '''\ # and finally the plot # flip azimuth to plot north up, east right # plot "-" u (90 - $3):4 t "Sat" with points ls 11 plot "-" u (90 - $3):4:(1):($2) t "Sat" w circles lc palette ''' # return fmt + self.header() + self.data() return self.header() + fmt + self.data() class polarplotunused(polarplot): "Polar plot of unused sats signal strength" name = "polarunused" class polarplotused(polarplot): "Polar plot of used sats signal strength" name = "polarused" class timeplot(plotter): "Time drift against PPS." name = "time" requires_time = True def __init__(self): plotter.__init__(self) self.watch = set(['PPS']) def sample(self): if self.session.data["class"] == "PPS": self.fixes.append((self.session.data['real_sec'], self.session.data['real_nsec'], self.session.data['clock_sec'], self.session.data['clock_nsec'])) return True def header(self): return "# Time drift against PPS, %s\n" % self.whatami() def postprocess(self): pass def data(self): res = "" for (real_sec, real_nsec, clock_sec, clock_nsec) in self.fixes: res += "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n" % (real_sec, real_nsec, clock_sec, clock_nsec) return res def plot(self): fmt = '''\ set autoscale set key below set ylabel "System clock delta from GPS time (nsec)" plot "-" using 0:((column(1)-column(3))*1e9 + (column(2)-column(4))) \ title "Delta" with impulses ''' return fmt + self.header() + self.data() class uninstrumented(plotter): "Total times without instrumentation." name = "uninstrumented" requires_time = False def __init__(self): plotter.__init__(self) def sample(self): if self.session.fix.time: seconds = time.time() - gps.misc.isotime(self.session.data.time) self.fixes.append(seconds) return True else: return False def header(self): return "# Uninstrumented total latency, " + self.whatami() + "\n" def postprocess(self): pass def data(self): res = "" for seconds in self.fixes: res += "%2.6lf\n" % seconds return res def plot(self): fmt = '''\ set autoscale set key below set key title "Uninstrumented total latency" plot "-" using 0:1 title "Total time" with impulses ''' return fmt + self.header() + self.data() class instrumented(plotter): "Latency as analyzed by instrumentation." name = "instrumented" requires_time = True def __init__(self): plotter.__init__(self) def sample(self): if 'rtime' in self.session.data: self.fixes.append((gps.misc.isotime(self.session.data['time']), self.session.data["chars"], self.session.data['sats'], self.session.data['sor'], self.session.data['rtime'], time.time())) return True else: return False def header(self): res = "# Analyzed latency, " + self.whatami() + "\n" res += "#-- Fix time -- - Chars - -- Latency - RS232- " \ "Analysis - Recv -\n" return res def postprocess(self): pass def data(self): res = "" for (fix_time, chars, sats, start, xmit, recv) in self.fixes: rs232_time = (chars * 10.0) / self.device['bps'] res += "%.3f %9u %2u %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f\n" \ % (fix_time, chars, sats, start - fix_time, (start - fix_time) + rs232_time, xmit - fix_time, recv - fix_time) return res def plot(self): legends = ( "Reception delta", "Analysis time", "RS232 time", "Fix latency", ) fmt = '''\ set autoscale set key title "Analyzed latency" set key below plot \\\n''' for (i, legend) in enumerate(legends): j = len(legends) - i + 4 fmt += ' "-" using 0:%d title "%s" with impulses, \\\n' \ % (j, legend) fmt = fmt[:-4] + "\n" return fmt + self.header() + (self.data() + "e\n") * len(legends) formatters = (polarplot, polarplotunused, polarplotused, spaceplot, timeplot, uninstrumented, instrumented) def usage(): "Print help, then exit" sys.stderr.write('''\ usage: gpsprof [OPTION]... [server[:port[:device]]] [-D debuglevel] [-d dumpfile] [-f {%s}] [-h] [-l logfile] [-m threshold] [-n samplecount] [-r] [-s speed] [-S subtitle] [-T terminal] [-t title] ''' % ("|".join([x.name for x in formatters]))) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': try: (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "d:f:hl:m:n:rs:S:t:T:D:") plotmode = "space" raw = False title = None subtitle = None threshold = 0 await = 100 verbose = 0 terminal = None dumpfile = None logfp = None redo = False for (switch, val) in options: if switch == '-d': dumpfile = val elif switch == '-D': # set debug level, 0 off, 1 medium, 2 high verbose = int(val) elif switch == '-f': plotmode = val elif switch == '-h': # print help, then exit usage() elif switch == '-l': logfp = open(val, "w") elif switch == '-m': threshold = int(val) elif switch == '-n': if val[-1] == 'h': await = int(val[:-1]) * 360 else: await = int(val) elif switch == '-r': redo = True elif switch == '-t': # replace title title = val elif switch == '-S': # add sub title subtitle = val elif switch == '-T': terminal = val (host, port, device) = ("localhost", "2947", None) if len(arguments): args = arguments[0].split(":") if len(args) >= 1: host = args[0] if len(args) >= 2: port = args[1] if len(args) >= 3: device = args[2] # Select the plotting mode if plotmode: for formatter in formatters: if formatter.name == plotmode: plot = formatter() break else: sys.stderr.write("gpsprof: no such formatter.\n") sys.exit(1) # Get fix data from the GPS if redo: plot.replot(sys.stdin) else: plot.collect(verbose, logfp) plot.postprocess() # Save the timing data (only) for post-analysis if required. if dumpfile: with open(dumpfile, "w") as fp: fp.write(plot.dump()) if logfp: logfp.close() # Ship the plot to standard output if not title: title = plot.whatami() # escape " for gnuplot title = title.replace('"', '\\"') if subtitle: title += '\\n' + subtitle if terminal: sys.stdout.write("set terminal %s truecolor enhanced size" " 800,950\n" % terminal) # double quotes on title so \n is parsed by gnuplot sys.stdout.write('set title noenhanced "%s"\n' % title) sys.stdout.write(plot.plot()) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # The following sets edit modes for GNU EMACS # Local Variables: # mode:python # End: