/* $Id$ */ /**************************************************************************** NAME json.c - parse JSON into fixed-extent data structures DESCRIPTION This module parses a large subset of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). Unlike more general JSON parsers, it doesn't use malloc(3) and doesn't support polymorphism; you need to give it a set of template structures describing the expected shape of the incoming JSON, and it will error out if that shape is not matched. When the parse succeds, attribute values will be extracted into static locations specified in the template structures. The "shape" of a JSON object in the type signature of its attributes (and attribute values, and so on recursively down through all nestings of objects and arrays). This parser is indifferent to the order of attributes at any level, but you have to tell it in advance what the type of each attribute value will be and where the parsed value will be stored. The tamplate structures may supply default values to be used when an expected attribute is omitted. The dialect this parses has some limitations. First, it cannot recognize the JSON "null" value. Secondly, arrays may only have objects or strings - not reals or integers or floats - as elements (this limitation could be easily removed if required). Third, all elements of an array must be of the same type. There are separata entry points for beginning a parse of either JSON object or a JSON array. JSON "float" quantities are actually stored as doubles. This paraer processes object arrays in one of two different ways, defending on whether the array subtype is declared as object or structobject. Object arrays take one base address per object subfield, and are mapped into parallel C arrays (one per subfield). Strings are not supported in this kind of array, as the don't have a "natural" size to use as an offset multiplier. Structobjects arrays are a way to parse a list of objects to a set of modifications to a corresponding array of C structs. The trick is that the array object initialization has to specify both the C struct array's base address and the stride length (the size of the C struct. If you initialize the offset fields with the correct offsetof() calls, everything will work. Strings are suppported but all string storage has to be inline in the struct. ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "gpsd_config.h" /* for strlcpy() prototype */ #include "json.h" static int json_internal_read_object(const char *cp, const struct json_attr_t *attrs, const struct json_array_t *parent, int offset, const char **end) { enum {init, await_attr, in_attr, await_value, in_val_string, in_val_token, post_val} state = 0; char attrbuf[JSON_ATTR_MAX+1], *pattr = NULL; char valbuf[JSON_VAL_MAX+1], *pval = NULL; const struct json_attr_t *cursor; int substatus, maxlen; /* stuff fields with defaults in case they're omitted in the JSON input */ for (cursor = attrs; cursor->attribute != NULL; cursor++) if (parent == NULL || parent->element_type != structobject) /* ordinary case - use the address in the cursor structure */ switch(cursor->type) { case integer: cursor->addr.integer[offset] = cursor->dflt.integer; break; case uinteger: cursor->addr.uinteger[offset] = cursor->dflt.uinteger; break; case real: cursor->addr.real[offset] = cursor->dflt.real; break; case string: if (offset > 0) return JSON_ERR_NOPARSTR; else cursor->addr.string[0] = '\0'; break; case boolean: /* nullbool default says not to set the value at all */ if (cursor->dflt.boolean != nullbool) cursor->addr.boolean[offset] = cursor->dflt.boolean; break; case character: cursor->addr.character[offset] = cursor->dflt.character; break; case object:/* silences a compiler warning */ case structobject: case array: case check: break; } else { /* tricky case - hacking a member in an array of structures */ char *lptr = parent->arr.objects.base + (offset * parent->arr.objects.stride) + cursor->addr.offset; switch(cursor->type) { case integer: *((int *)lptr) = cursor->dflt.integer; break; case uinteger: *((unsigned int *)lptr) = cursor->dflt.uinteger; break; case real: *((double *)lptr) = cursor->dflt.real; break; case string: lptr[0] = '\0'; break; case boolean: /* nullbool default says not to set the value at all */ if (cursor->dflt.boolean != nullbool) *((bool *)lptr) = cursor->dflt.boolean; break; case character: lptr[0] = cursor->dflt.character; break; case object: /* silences a compiler warning */ case structobject: case array: case check: break; } } #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("JSON parse begins.\n"); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ /* parse input JSON */ for (; *cp; cp++) { #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("State %d, looking at '%c' (%p)\n", state, *cp, cp); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ switch (state) { case init: if (isspace(*cp)) continue; else if (*cp == '{') state = await_attr; else { #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Non-WS when expecting object start.\n"); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ return JSON_ERR_OBSTART; } break; case await_attr: if (isspace(*cp)) continue; else if (*cp == '"') { state = in_attr; pattr = attrbuf; } else if (*cp == '}') break; else { #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Non-WS when expecting attribute.\n"); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ return JSON_ERR_ATTRSTART; } break; case in_attr: if (*cp == '"') { *pattr++ = '\0'; #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Collected attribute name %s\n", attrbuf); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ for (cursor = attrs; cursor->attribute != NULL; cursor++) if (strcmp(cursor->attribute, attrbuf)==0) break; if (cursor->attribute == NULL) { #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Unknown attribute name.\n"); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ return JSON_ERR_BADATTR; } state = await_value; pval = valbuf; } else if (pattr >= attrbuf + JSON_ATTR_MAX - 1) { #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Attribute name too long.\n"); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ return JSON_ERR_ATTRLEN; } else *pattr++ = *cp; break; case await_value: if (isspace(*cp) || *cp == ':') continue; else if (*cp == '[') { if (cursor->type != array) { #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Saw [ when not expecting array.\n"); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ return JSON_ERR_NOARRAY; } substatus = json_read_array(cp, &cursor->addr.array, &cp); if (substatus != 0) return substatus; state = post_val; } else if (cursor->type == array) { #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Array element was specified, but no [.\n"); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ return JSON_ERR_NOBRAK; } else if (*cp == '"') { state = in_val_string; pval = valbuf; } else { state = in_val_token; pval = valbuf; *pval++ = *cp; } break; case in_val_string: if (cursor->type == string) maxlen = cursor->len - 1; else if (cursor->type == check) maxlen = strlen(cursor->dflt.check); if (*cp == '"') { *pval = '\0'; #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Collected string value %s\n", valbuf); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ state = post_val; } else if (pval > valbuf + JSON_VAL_MAX - 1 || pval > valbuf + maxlen) { #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("String value too long.\n"); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ return JSON_ERR_STRLONG; /* */ } else *pval++ = *cp; break; case in_val_token: if (isspace(*cp) || *cp == ',' || *cp == '}') { *pval = '\0'; #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Collected token value %s.\n", valbuf); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ state = post_val; if (*cp == '}' || *cp == ',') --cp; } else if (pval > valbuf + JSON_VAL_MAX - 1) { #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Token value too long.\n"); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ return JSON_ERR_TOKLONG; } else *pval++ = *cp; break; case post_val: if (parent == NULL || parent->element_type != structobject) { /* ordinary case - use the address in the cursor structure */ switch(cursor->type) { case integer: cursor->addr.integer[offset] = atoi(valbuf); break; case uinteger: cursor->addr.uinteger[offset] = (unsigned)atoi(valbuf); break; case real: cursor->addr.real[offset] = atof(valbuf); break; case string: if (offset > 0) return JSON_ERR_NOPARSTR; else (void)strncpy(cursor->addr.string, valbuf, cursor->len); break; case boolean: cursor->addr.boolean[offset] = (bool)!strcmp(valbuf, "true"); break; case character: if (strlen(valbuf) > 1) return JSON_ERR_STRLONG; else cursor->addr.character[offset] = valbuf[0]; break; case structobject: /* silences a compiler warning */ case object: case array: break; case check: if (strcmp(cursor->dflt.check, valbuf)!=0) { #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Required attribute value %s not present.\n", cursor->dflt.check); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ return JSON_ERR_CHECKFAIL; } break; } } else { /* tricky case - hacking a member in an array of structures */ char *lptr = parent->arr.objects.base + (offset * parent->arr.objects.stride) + cursor->addr.offset; switch(cursor->type) { case integer: *((int *)lptr) = atoi(valbuf); break; case uinteger: *((int *)lptr) = (unsigned)atoi(valbuf); break; case real: *((double *)lptr) = atof(valbuf); break; case string: (void)strncpy(lptr, valbuf, cursor->len); break; case boolean: *((bool *)lptr) = (bool)!strcmp(valbuf, "true"); break; case character: if (strlen(valbuf) > 1) return JSON_ERR_STRLONG; else lptr[0] = valbuf[0]; break; case object: /* silences a compiler warning */ case structobject: case array: break; case check: if (strcmp(cursor->dflt.check, valbuf)!=0) { #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Required attribute vakue %s not present.\n", cursor->dflt.check); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ return JSON_ERR_CHECKFAIL; } break; } } if (isspace(*cp)) continue; else if (*cp == ',') state = await_attr; else if (*cp == '}') goto good_parse; else { #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Garbage while expecting comma or }\n"); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ return JSON_ERR_BADTRAIL; } break; } } good_parse: if (end != NULL) *end = ++cp; #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("JSON parse ends.\n"); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ return 0; } int json_read_array(const char *cp, const struct json_array_t *arr, const char **end) { int substatus, offset; char *tp; #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Entered json_read_array()\n"); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ while (isspace(*cp)) cp++; if (*cp != '[') { #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Didn't find expected array start\n"); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ return JSON_ERR_ARRAYSTART; }else cp++; tp = arr->arr.strings.store; if (arr->count != NULL) *(arr->count) = 0; for (offset = 0; offset < arr->maxlen; offset++) { #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Looking at %s\n", cp); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ switch (arr->element_type) { case string: if (isspace(*cp)) cp++; if (*cp != '"') return JSON_ERR_BADSTRING; else ++cp; arr->arr.strings.ptrs[offset] = tp; for (; tp - arr->arr.strings.store < arr->arr.strings.storelen; tp++) if (*cp == '"') { ++cp; *tp++ = '\0'; goto stringend; } else if (*cp == '\0') { #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Bad string syntax in string list.\n"); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ return JSON_ERR_BADSTRING; } else { *tp = *cp++; } #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Bad string syntax in string list.\n"); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ return JSON_ERR_BADSTRING; stringend: break; case object: case structobject: substatus = json_internal_read_object(cp, arr->arr.objects.subtype, arr, offset, &cp); if (substatus != 0) return substatus; break; case integer: case uinteger: case real: case boolean: case character: case array: case check: #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Invalid array subtype.\n"); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ return JSON_ERR_SUBTYPE; } if (arr->count != NULL) (*arr->count)++; if (isspace(*cp)) cp++; if (*cp == ']') { #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("End of array found.\n"); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ goto breakout; } else if (*cp == ',') cp++; else { #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Bad trailing syntax on array.\n"); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ return JSON_ERR_BADSUBTRAIL; } } #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("Too many elements in array.\n"); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ return JSON_ERR_SUBTOOLONG; breakout: if (end != NULL) *end = cp; #ifdef JSONDEBUG (void) printf("leaving json_read_array() with %d elements\n", *arr->count); #endif /* JSONDEBUG */ return 0; } int json_read_object(const char *cp, const struct json_attr_t *attrs, const char **end) { return json_internal_read_object(cp, attrs, NULL, 0, end); } const char *json_error_string(int err) { const char *errors[] = { "unknown error while parsing JSON", "non-whitespace when expecting object start", "non-whitespace when expecting attribute start", "unknown attribute name", "attribute name too long", "saw [ when not expecting array", "array element specified, but no [", "string value too long", "token value too long", "garbage while expecting , or }", "didn't find expected array start", "error while parsing object array", "too many array elements", "garbage while expecting array comma", "unsupported array element type", "error while string parsing", "check attribute not matched", "can't support strings in parallel arrays", "other data conversion error", }; if (err <= 0 || err >= (int)(sizeof(errors)/sizeof(errors[0]))) return errors[0]; else return errors[err]; }