/* libgps.c -- client interface library for the gpsd daemon */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "gps.h" #include "gpsd.h" struct gps_data_t *gps_open(char *host, char *port) /* open a connection to a gpsd daemon */ { time_t now; struct gps_data_t *gpsdata = (struct gps_data_t *)calloc(sizeof(struct gps_data_t), 1); if (!gpsdata) return NULL; if (!host) host = "localhost"; if (!port) port = DEFAULT_GPSD_PORT; if ((gpsdata->gps_fd = netlib_connectsock(host, port, "tcp")) < 0) { errno = gpsdata->gps_fd; return NULL; } now = time(NULL); INIT(gpsdata->online_stamp, now); INIT(gpsdata->latlon_stamp, now); INIT(gpsdata->altitude_stamp, now); INIT(gpsdata->track_stamp, now); INIT(gpsdata->speed_stamp, now); INIT(gpsdata->status_stamp, now); INIT(gpsdata->mode_stamp, now); INIT(gpsdata->fix_quality_stamp, now); INIT(gpsdata->satellite_stamp, now); gpsdata->mode = MODE_NO_FIX; return gpsdata; } int gps_close(struct gps_data_t *gpsdata) /* close a gpsd connection */ { return close(gpsdata->gps_fd); } void gps_set_raw_hook(struct gps_data_t *gpsdata, void (*hook)(char *buf)) { gpsdata->raw_hook = hook; } static int gps_unpack(char *buf, struct gps_data_t *gpsdata) /* unpack a daemon response into a status structure */ { char *sp, *tp; double d1, d2, d3; int i1, i2; if (!strncmp(buf, "GPSD", 4)) { for (sp = buf + 5; ; sp = tp+1) { if (!(tp = strchr(sp, ','))) tp = strchr(sp, '\r'); if (!tp) break; *tp = '\0'; if (sp[2] == '?') continue; switch (*sp) { case 'A': sscanf(sp, "A=%lf", &d1); gpsdata->altitude_stamp.changed = (gpsdata->altitude != d1); gpsdata->altitude = d1; REFRESH(gpsdata->altitude_stamp); break; case 'D': strcpy(gpsdata->utc, sp+2); break; case 'M': i1 = atoi(sp+2); gpsdata->mode_stamp.changed = (gpsdata->mode != i1); gpsdata->mode = i1; REFRESH(gpsdata->mode_stamp); break; case 'P': sscanf(sp, "P=%lf %lf", &d1, &d2); gpsdata->latlon_stamp.changed = (gpsdata->latitude != d1) || (gpsdata->longitude != d2); gpsdata->latitude = d1; gpsdata->longitude = d2; REFRESH(gpsdata->latlon_stamp); break; case 'Q': sscanf(sp, "Q=%d %lf %lf %lf", &i1, &d1, &d2, &d3); gpsdata->fix_quality_stamp.changed = \ (gpsdata->satellites_used != i1) || (gpsdata->pdop != d1) || (gpsdata->hdop != d2) || (gpsdata->vdop != d3); gpsdata->satellites_used = i1; gpsdata->pdop = d1; gpsdata->hdop = d2; gpsdata->vdop = d3; REFRESH(gpsdata->fix_quality_stamp); break; case 'S': i1 = atoi(sp+2); gpsdata->status_stamp.changed = (gpsdata->status != i1); gpsdata->status = i1; REFRESH(gpsdata->status_stamp); break; case 'T': sscanf(sp, "T=%lf", &d1); gpsdata->track_stamp.changed = (gpsdata->track != d1); gpsdata->track = d1; REFRESH(gpsdata->track_stamp); break; case 'V': sscanf(sp, "V=%lf", &d1); gpsdata->speed_stamp.changed = (gpsdata->speed != d1); gpsdata->speed = d1; REFRESH(gpsdata->speed_stamp); break; case 'X': if (!strncmp(sp, "X=1", 3)) { gpsdata->online_stamp.changed = gpsdata->online != 1; gpsdata->online = 1; REFRESH(gpsdata->online_stamp); } else if (!strncmp(sp, "X=0", 3)) { gpsdata->online_stamp.changed = gpsdata->online != 0; gpsdata->online = 0; REFRESH(gpsdata->online_stamp); } break; case 'Y': i1 = atoi(sp+2); gpsdata->satellite_stamp.changed = (gpsdata->satellites != i1); gpsdata->satellites = i1; if (gpsdata->satellites) { int j, i3, i4, i5; int PRN[MAXCHANNELS]; int elevation[MAXCHANNELS]; int azimuth[MAXCHANNELS]; int ss[MAXCHANNELS]; int used[MAXCHANNELS]; for (j = 0; j < gpsdata->satellites; j++) { PRN[j]=elevation[j]=azimuth[j]=ss[j]=used[j]=0; } for (j = 0; j < gpsdata->satellites; j++) { sp = strchr(sp, ':') + 1; sscanf(sp, "%d %d %d %d %d", &i1, &i2, &i3, &i4, &i5); PRN[j] = i1; elevation[j] = i2; azimuth[j] = i3; ss[j] = i4; used[j] = i5; } /* * This won't catch the case where all values are identical * but rearranged. We can live with that. */ gpsdata->satellite_stamp.changed |= \ memcmp(gpsdata->PRN, PRN, sizeof(PRN)) || memcmp(gpsdata->elevation, elevation, sizeof(elevation)) || memcmp(gpsdata->azimuth, azimuth,sizeof(azimuth)) || memcmp(gpsdata->ss, ss, sizeof(ss)) || memcmp(gpsdata->used, used, sizeof(used)); memcpy(gpsdata->PRN, PRN, sizeof(PRN)); memcpy(gpsdata->elevation, elevation, sizeof(elevation)); memcpy(gpsdata->azimuth, azimuth,sizeof(azimuth)); memcpy(gpsdata->ss, ss, sizeof(ss)); memcpy(gpsdata->used, used, sizeof(used)); } REFRESH(gpsdata->satellite_stamp); break; } } } if (gpsdata->raw_hook) gpsdata->raw_hook(buf); return gpsdata->online_stamp.changed || gpsdata->latlon_stamp.changed || gpsdata->altitude_stamp.changed || gpsdata->speed_stamp.changed || gpsdata->track_stamp.changed || gpsdata->fix_quality_stamp.changed || gpsdata->fix_quality_stamp.changed || gpsdata->status_stamp.changed || gpsdata->mode_stamp.changed || gpsdata->satellite_stamp.changed ; } int gps_poll(struct gps_data_t *gpsdata) /* wait for and read data being streamed from the daemon */ { char buf[BUFSIZE]; int n; /* the daemon makes sure that every read is NUL-terminated */ if ((n = read(gpsdata->gps_fd, buf, sizeof(buf)-1)) <= 0) return -1; buf[n] = '\0'; return gps_unpack(buf, gpsdata); } int gps_query(struct gps_data_t *gpsdata, char *requests) /* query a gpsd instance for new data */ { if (write(gpsdata->gps_fd, requests, strlen(requests)) <= 0) return -1; return gps_poll(gpsdata); } #ifdef TESTMAIN /* * A simple command-line exerciser for the library. * Not meant to be installed in system directories, * as it isn't really useful for anything but debugging. * Build with: * cc -o libgps -DTESTMAIN libgps.c .libs/libgps.a */ void data_dump(struct gps_data_t *collect, time_t now) { char *status_values[] = {"NO_FIX", "FIX", "DGPS_FIX"}; char *mode_values[] = {"", "NO_FIX", "MODE_2D", "MODE_3D"}; if (collect->online_stamp.changed) printf("online: %d\n", collect->online); if (collect->latlon_stamp.changed) { printf("P: lat/lon: %lf %lf", collect->latitude, collect->longitude); printf("(lr=%ld, changed=%d)\n", collect->latlon_stamp.last_refresh, collect->latlon_stamp.changed); } if (collect->altitude_stamp.changed) { printf("A: altitude: %lf ", collect->altitude); printf("(lr=%ld, changed=%d)\n", collect->altitude_stamp.last_refresh, collect->altitude_stamp.changed); } if (collect->speed_stamp.changed) { printf("V: speed: %lf ", collect->speed); printf("(lr=%ld, changed=%d)\n", collect->speed_stamp.last_refresh, collect->speed_stamp.changed); } if (collect->track_stamp.changed) { printf("T: track: %lf ", collect->track); printf("(lr=%ld, changed=%d)\n", collect->track_stamp.last_refresh, collect->track_stamp.changed); } if (collect->status_stamp.changed) { printf("S: status: %d (%s) ", collect->status,status_values[collect->status]); printf("(lr=%ld, changed=%d)\n", collect->status_stamp.last_refresh, collect->status_stamp.changed); } if (collect->mode_stamp.changed) { printf("M: mode: %d (%s) ", collect->mode, mode_values[collect->mode]); printf("(lr=%ld, changed=%d)", collect->mode_stamp.last_refresh, collect->mode_stamp.changed); } if (collect->fix_quality_stamp.changed) { printf("Q: satellites %d, pdop=%lf, hdop=%lf, vdop=%lf ", collect->satellites_used, collect->pdop, collect->hdop, collect->vdop); printf("(lr=%ld, changed=%d)\n", collect->fix_quality_stamp.last_refresh, collect->fix_quality_stamp.changed); } if (collect->satellite_stamp.changed) { int i; printf("Y: satellites in view: %d\n", collect->satellites); for (i = 0; i < collect->satellites; i++) { printf(" %2.2d: %2.2d %3.3d %3.3d %c\n", collect->PRN[i], collect->elevation[i], collect->azimuth[i], collect->ss[i], collect->used[i]? 'Y' : 'N'); } printf("(lr=%ld, changed=%d)\n", collect->satellite_stamp.last_refresh, collect->satellite_stamp.changed); } } static void dumpline(char *buf) { fputs(buf, stdout); putchar('\n'); } main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct gps_data_t *collect; char buf[BUFSIZE]; memset(&collect, '\0', sizeof(collect)); collect = gps_open(NULL, 0); gps_set_raw_hook(collect, dumpline); if (argc > 1) { strcpy(buf, argv[1]); strcat(buf,"\n"); gps_query(collect, buf); data_dump(collect, time(NULL)); } else { int tty = isatty(0); if (tty) fputs("This is the gpsd exerciser.\n", stdout); for (;;) { if (tty) fputs("> ", stdout); if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) == NULL) { if (tty) putchar('\n'); break; } if (!gps_query(collect, buf)) fputs("No changes.\n", stdout); data_dump(collect, time(NULL)); } } gps_close(collect); } #endif /* TESTMAIN */