/* libgps.c -- client interface library for the gpsd daemon * * This file is Copyright (c) 2010 by the GPSD project * BSD terms apply: see the file COPYING in the distribution root for details. */ #include #include #ifndef S_SPLINT_S #include #endif /* S_SPLINT_S */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gpsd.h" #include "gps_json.h" #ifndef USE_QT #ifndef S_SPLINT_S #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H #include #else #define AF_UNSPEC 0 #endif #endif #if defined (HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H) #include #endif #else #include #endif /* USE_QT */ #ifdef S_SPLINT_S extern char *strtok_r(char *, const char *, char **); #endif /* S_SPLINT_S */ #if defined(TESTMAIN) || defined(CLIENTDEBUG_ENABLE) #define LIBGPS_DEBUG #endif /* defined(TESTMAIN) || defined(CLIENTDEBUG_ENABLE) */ struct privdata_t { bool newstyle; ssize_t waiting; char buffer[GPS_JSON_RESPONSE_MAX * 2]; }; #define PRIVATE(gpsdata) ((struct privdata_t *)gpsdata->privdata) #ifdef LIBGPS_DEBUG static int debuglevel = 0; static int waitcount = 0; static FILE *debugfp; void gps_enable_debug(int level, FILE *fp) /* control the level and destination of debug trace messages */ { debuglevel = level; debugfp = fp; #ifdef CLIENTDEBUG_ENABLE json_enable_debug(level-2, fp); #endif } static void gps_trace(int errlevel, const char *fmt, ... ) /* assemble command in printf(3) style */ { if (errlevel <= debuglevel) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; va_list ap; (void)strlcpy(buf, "libgps: ", BUFSIZ); va_start(ap, fmt) ; (void)vsnprintf(buf + strlen(buf), sizeof(buf)-strlen(buf), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); (void)fputs(buf, debugfp); } } # define libgps_debug_trace(args) (void) gps_trace args #else # define libgps_debug_trace(args) /*@i1@*/do { } while (0) #endif /* LIBGPS_DEBUG */ /*@-nullderef@*/ int gps_open_r(const char *host, const char *port, /*@out@*/struct gps_data_t *gpsdata) { /*@ -branchstate @*/ if (!gpsdata) return -1; if (!host) host = "localhost"; if (!port) port = DEFAULT_GPSD_PORT; libgps_debug_trace((1, "gps_open_r(%s, %s)\n", host, port)); #ifndef USE_QT if ((gpsdata->gps_fd = netlib_connectsock(AF_UNSPEC, host, port, "tcp")) < 0) { errno = gpsdata->gps_fd; return -1; } #else QTcpSocket* sock = new QTcpSocket(); gpsdata->gps_fd = sock; sock->connectToHost(host, QString(port).toInt()); if (!sock->waitForConnected()) qDebug() << "libgps::connect error: " << sock->errorString(); else qDebug() << "libgps::connected!"; #endif gpsdata->set = 0; gpsdata->status = STATUS_NO_FIX; gps_clear_fix(&gpsdata->fix); /* set up for line-buffered I/O over the daemon socket */ gpsdata->privdata = (void *)malloc(sizeof(struct privdata_t)); if (gpsdata->privdata == NULL) return -1; PRIVATE(gpsdata)->newstyle = false; PRIVATE(gpsdata)->waiting = 0; /*@i2@*/PRIVATE(gpsdata)->buffer[0] = '\0'; return 0; /*@ +branchstate @*/ } /*@-compmempass -immediatetrans@*/ struct gps_data_t *gps_open(const char *host, const char *port) /* open a connection to a gpsd daemon */ { static struct gps_data_t gpsdata; if (gps_open_r(host, port, &gpsdata) == -1) return NULL; else return &gpsdata; } /*@+compmempass +immediatetrans@*/ /*@-compdef -usereleased@*/ int gps_close(struct gps_data_t *gpsdata) /* close a gpsd connection */ { libgps_debug_trace((1, "gps_close()\n")); #ifndef USE_QT free(PRIVATE(gpsdata)); (void)close(gpsdata->gps_fd); gpsdata->gps_fd = -1; #else QTcpSocket* sock = (QTcpSocket*)gpsdata->gps_fd; sock->disconnectFromHost(); delete sock; gpsdata->gps_fd = NULL; #endif return 0; } /*@+compdef +usereleased@*/ void gps_set_raw_hook(struct gps_data_t *gpsdata, void (*hook)(struct gps_data_t *, char *, size_t len)) { gpsdata->raw_hook = hook; } #ifdef LIBGPS_DEBUG static void libgps_dump_state(struct gps_data_t *collect, time_t now) { char *status_values[] = {"NO_FIX", "FIX", "DGPS_FIX"}; char *mode_values[] = {"", "NO_FIX", "MODE_2D", "MODE_3D"}; /* FIXME: We don't dump the entire state here yet */ #ifndef USE_QT (void)fprintf(debugfp, "flags: (0x%04x) %s\n", collect->set, gps_maskdump(collect->set)); #endif if (collect->set & ONLINE_SET) (void)fprintf(debugfp, "ONLINE: %lf\n", collect->online); if (collect->set & TIME_SET) (void)fprintf(debugfp, "TIME: %lf\n", collect->fix.time); if (collect->set & LATLON_SET) (void)fprintf(debugfp, "LATLON: lat/lon: %lf %lf\n", collect->fix.latitude, collect->fix.longitude); if (collect->set & ALTITUDE_SET) (void)fprintf(debugfp, "ALTITUDE: altitude: %lf U: climb: %lf\n", collect->fix.altitude, collect->fix.climb); if (collect->set & SPEED_SET) (void)fprintf(debugfp, "SPEED: %lf\n", collect->fix.speed); if (collect->set & TRACK_SET) (void)fprintf(debugfp, "TRACK: track: %lf\n", collect->fix.track); if (collect->set & CLIMB_SET) (void)fprintf(debugfp, "CLIMB: climb: %lf\n", collect->fix.climb); if (collect->set & STATUS_SET) (void)fprintf(debugfp, "STATUS: status: %d (%s)\n", collect->status, status_values[collect->status]); if (collect->set & MODE_SET) (void)fprintf(debugfp, "MODE: mode: %d (%s)\n", collect->fix.mode, mode_values[collect->fix.mode]); if (collect->set & DOP_SET) (void)fprintf(debugfp, "DOP: satellites %d, pdop=%lf, hdop=%lf, vdop=%lf\n", collect->satellites_used, collect->dop.pdop, collect->dop.hdop, collect->dop.vdop); if (collect->set & VERSION_SET) (void)fprintf(debugfp, "VERSION: release=%s rev=%s proto=%d.%d\n", collect->version.release, collect->version.rev, collect->version.proto_major, collect->version.proto_minor); if (collect->set & POLICY_SET) (void)fprintf(debugfp, "POLICY: watcher=%s nmea=%s raw=%d scaled=%s timing=%s, devpath=%s\n", collect->policy.watcher ? "true" : "false", collect->policy.nmea ? "true" : "false", collect->policy.raw, collect->policy.scaled ? "true" : "false", collect->policy.timing ? "true" : "false", collect->policy.devpath); if (collect->set & SATELLITE_SET) { int i; (void)fprintf(debugfp, "SKY: satellites in view: %d\n", collect->satellites_visible); for (i = 0; i < collect->satellites_visible; i++) { (void)fprintf(debugfp, " %2.2d: %2.2d %3.3d %3.0f %c\n", collect->PRN[i], collect->elevation[i], collect->azimuth[i], collect->ss[i], collect->used[i]? 'Y' : 'N'); } } if (collect->set & DEVICE_SET) (void)fprintf(debugfp, "DEVICE: Device is '%s', driver is '%s'\n", collect->dev.path, collect->dev.driver); #ifdef OLDSTYLE_ENABLE if (collect->set & DEVICEID_SET) (void)fprintf(debugfp, "GPSD ID is %s\n", collect->dev.subtype); #endif /* OLDSTYLE_ENABLE */ if (collect->set & DEVICELIST_SET) { int i; (void)fprintf(debugfp, "DEVICELIST:%d devices:\n", collect->devices.ndevices); for (i = 0; i < collect->devices.ndevices; i++) { (void)fprintf(debugfp, "%d: path='%s' driver='%s'\n", collect->devices.ndevices, collect->devices.list[i].path, collect->devices.list[i].driver); } } } #endif /* LIBGPS_DEBUG */ /*@ -branchstate -usereleased -mustfreefresh -nullstate -usedef @*/ int gps_unpack(char *buf, struct gps_data_t *gpsdata) /* unpack a gpsd response into a status structure, buf must be writeable */ { char *ns, *sp, *tp; int i; libgps_debug_trace((1, "gps_unpack(%s)\n", buf)); /* detect and process a JSON response */ if (buf[0] == '{') { const char *jp = buf, **next = &jp; while (next != NULL && *next != NULL && next[0][0] != '\0') { libgps_debug_trace((1, "gps_unpack() segment parse '%s'\n", *next)); if (libgps_json_unpack(*next, gpsdata, next) == -1) break; #ifdef LIBGPS_DEBUG if (debuglevel >= 1) libgps_dump_state(gpsdata, time(NULL)); #endif /* LIBGPS_DEBUG */ } #ifdef OLDSTYLE_ENABLE if (PRIVATE(gpsdata) != NULL) PRIVATE(gpsdata)->newstyle = true; #endif /* OLDSTYLE_ENABLE */ } #ifdef OLDSTYLE_ENABLE else { /* * Get the decimal separator for the current application locale. * This looks thread-unsafe, but it's not. The key is that * character assignment is atomic. */ static char decimal_point = '\0'; if (decimal_point == '\0') { struct lconv *locale_data = localeconv(); if (locale_data != NULL && locale_data->decimal_point[0] != '.') decimal_point = locale_data->decimal_point[0]; } for (ns = buf; ns; ns = strstr(ns+1, "GPSD")) { if (/*@i1@*/strncmp(ns, "GPSD", 4) == 0) { bool eol = false; /* the following should execute each time we have a good next sp */ for (sp = ns + 5; *sp != '\0'; sp = tp+1) { tp = sp + strcspn(sp, ",\r\n"); eol = *tp == '\r' || *tp == '\n'; if (*tp == '\0') tp--; else *tp = '\0'; /* * The daemon always emits the Anglo-American and SI * decimal point. Hack these into whatever the * application locale requires if it's not the same. * This has to happen *after* we grab the next * comma-delimited response, or we'll lose horribly * in locales where the decimal separator is comma. */ if (decimal_point != '\0') { char *cp; for (cp = sp; cp < tp; cp++) if (*cp == '.') *cp = decimal_point; } /* note, there's a bit of skip logic after the switch */ switch (*sp) { case 'A': if (sp[2] == '?') { gpsdata->fix.altitude = NAN; } else { (void)sscanf(sp, "A=%lf", &gpsdata->fix.altitude); gpsdata->set |= ALTITUDE_SET; } break; case 'B': if (sp[2] == '?') { gpsdata->dev.baudrate = gpsdata->dev.stopbits = 0; } else (void)sscanf(sp, "B=%u %*d %*s %u", &gpsdata->dev.baudrate, &gpsdata->dev.stopbits); break; case 'C': if (sp[2] == '?') gpsdata->dev.mincycle = gpsdata->dev.cycle = 0; else { if (sscanf(sp, "C=%lf %lf", &gpsdata->dev.cycle, &gpsdata->dev.mincycle) < 2) gpsdata->dev.mincycle = gpsdata->dev.cycle; } break; case 'D': if (sp[2] == '?') gpsdata->fix.time = NAN; else { gpsdata->fix.time = iso8601_to_unix(sp+2); gpsdata->set |= TIME_SET; } break; case 'E': gpsdata->epe = gpsdata->fix.epx = gpsdata->fix.epy = gpsdata->fix.epv = NAN; /* epe should always be present if eph or epv is */ if (sp[2] != '?') { char epe[20], eph[20], epv[20]; (void)sscanf(sp, "E=%s %s %s", epe, eph, epv); #define DEFAULT(val) (val[0] == '?') ? NAN : atof(val) /*@ +floatdouble @*/ gpsdata->epe = DEFAULT(epe); gpsdata->fix.epx = DEFAULT(eph)/sqrt(2); gpsdata->fix.epy = DEFAULT(eph)/sqrt(2); gpsdata->fix.epv = DEFAULT(epv); /*@ -floatdouble @*/ #undef DEFAULT gpsdata->set |= PERR_SET | HERR_SET | VERR_SET; } break; case 'F': /*@ -mustfreeonly */ if (sp[2] == '?') gpsdata->dev.path[0] = '\0'; else { /*@ -mayaliasunique @*/ strncpy(gpsdata->dev.path, sp+2, sizeof(gpsdata->dev.path)); /*@ +mayaliasunique @*/ gpsdata->set |= DEVICE_SET; } /*@ +mustfreeonly */ break; case 'I': /*@ -mustfreeonly */ if (sp[2] == '?') gpsdata->dev.subtype[0] = '\0'; else { (void)strlcpy(gpsdata->dev.subtype, sp+2, sizeof(gpsdata->dev.subtype)); gpsdata->set |= DEVICEID_SET; } /*@ +mustfreeonly */ break; case 'K': /*@ -nullpass -mustfreeonly -dependenttrans@*/ if (sp[2] != '?') { char *rc = strdup(sp); char *sp2 = rc; char *ns2 = ns; memset(&gpsdata->devices, '\0', sizeof(gpsdata->devices)); gpsdata->devices.ndevices = (int)strtol(sp2+2, &sp2, 10); (void)strlcpy(gpsdata->devices.list[0].path, strtok_r(sp2+1," \r\n", &ns2), sizeof(gpsdata->devices.list[0].path)); i = 0; while ((sp2 = strtok_r(NULL, " \r\n", &ns2))!=NULL) if (i < MAXUSERDEVS-1) (void)strlcpy(gpsdata->devices.list[++i].path, sp2, sizeof(gpsdata->devices.list[0].path)); free(rc); gpsdata->set |= DEVICELIST_SET; gpsdata->devices.time = timestamp(); } /*@ +nullpass +mustfreeonly +dependenttrans@*/ break; case 'M': if (sp[2] == '?') { gpsdata->fix.mode = MODE_NOT_SEEN; } else { gpsdata->fix.mode = atoi(sp+2); gpsdata->set |= MODE_SET; } break; case 'N': if (sp[2] == '?') gpsdata->dev.driver_mode = MODE_NMEA; else gpsdata->dev.driver_mode = atoi(sp+2); break; case 'O': if (sp[2] == '?') { gpsdata->set = MODE_SET | STATUS_SET; gpsdata->status = STATUS_NO_FIX; gps_clear_fix(&gpsdata->fix); } else { struct gps_fix_t nf; char tag[MAXTAGLEN+1], alt[20]; char eph[20], epv[20], track[20],speed[20], climb[20]; char epd[20], eps[20], epc[20], mode[2]; char timestr[20], ept[20], lat[20], lon[20]; int st = sscanf(sp+2, "%8s %19s %19s %19s %19s %19s %19s %19s %19s %19s %19s %19s %19s %19s %1s", tag, timestr, ept, lat, lon, alt, eph, epv, track, speed, climb, epd, eps, epc, mode); if (st >= 14) { #define DEFAULT(val) (val[0] == '?') ? NAN : atof(val) /*@ +floatdouble @*/ nf.time = DEFAULT(timestr); nf.latitude = DEFAULT(lat); nf.longitude = DEFAULT(lon); nf.ept = DEFAULT(ept); nf.altitude = DEFAULT(alt); /* designed before we split eph into epx+epy */ nf.epx = nf.epy = DEFAULT(eph)/sqrt(2); nf.epv = DEFAULT(epv); nf.track = DEFAULT(track); nf.speed = DEFAULT(speed); nf.climb = DEFAULT(climb); nf.epd = DEFAULT(epd); nf.eps = DEFAULT(eps); nf.epc = DEFAULT(epc); /*@ -floatdouble @*/ #undef DEFAULT if (st >= 15) nf.mode = (mode[0] == '?') ? MODE_NOT_SEEN : atoi(mode); else nf.mode = (alt[0] == '?') ? MODE_2D : MODE_3D; if (alt[0] != '?') gpsdata->set |= ALTITUDE_SET | CLIMB_SET; if (isnan(nf.epx)==0 && isnan(nf.epy)==0) gpsdata->set |= HERR_SET; if (isnan(nf.epv)==0) gpsdata->set |= VERR_SET; if (isnan(nf.track)==0) gpsdata->set |= TRACK_SET | SPEED_SET; if (isnan(nf.eps)==0) gpsdata->set |= SPEEDERR_SET; if (isnan(nf.epc)==0) gpsdata->set |= CLIMBERR_SET; gpsdata->fix = nf; (void)strlcpy(gpsdata->tag, tag, MAXTAGLEN+1); gpsdata->set |= TIME_SET|TIMERR_SET|LATLON_SET|MODE_SET; gpsdata->status = STATUS_FIX; gpsdata->set |= STATUS_SET; } } break; case 'P': if (sp[2] == '?') { gpsdata->fix.latitude = NAN; gpsdata->fix.longitude = NAN; } else { (void)sscanf(sp, "P=%lf %lf", &gpsdata->fix.latitude, &gpsdata->fix.longitude); gpsdata->set |= LATLON_SET; } break; case 'Q': if (sp[2] == '?') { gpsdata->satellites_used = 0; gpsdata->dop.pdop = 0; gpsdata->dop.hdop = 0; gpsdata->dop.vdop = 0; } else { (void)sscanf(sp, "Q=%d %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &gpsdata->satellites_used, &gpsdata->dop.pdop, &gpsdata->dop.hdop, &gpsdata->dop.vdop, &gpsdata->dop.tdop, &gpsdata->dop.gdop); gpsdata->set |= DOP_SET; } break; case 'S': if (sp[2] == '?') { gpsdata->status = -1; } else { gpsdata->status = atoi(sp+2); gpsdata->set |= STATUS_SET; } break; case 'T': if (sp[2] == '?') { gpsdata->fix.track = NAN; } else { (void)sscanf(sp, "T=%lf", &gpsdata->fix.track); gpsdata->set |= TRACK_SET; } break; case 'U': if (sp[2] == '?') { gpsdata->fix.climb = NAN; } else { (void)sscanf(sp, "U=%lf", &gpsdata->fix.climb); gpsdata->set |= CLIMB_SET; } break; case 'V': if (sp[2] == '?') { gpsdata->fix.speed = NAN; } else { (void)sscanf(sp, "V=%lf", &gpsdata->fix.speed); /* V reply is in kt, fix.speed is in metres/sec */ gpsdata->fix.speed = gpsdata->fix.speed / MPS_TO_KNOTS; gpsdata->set |= SPEED_SET; } break; case 'X': if (sp[2] == '?') gpsdata->online = -1; else { (void)sscanf(sp, "X=%lf", &gpsdata->online); gpsdata->set |= ONLINE_SET; } break; case 'Y': if (sp[2] == '?') { gpsdata->satellites_visible = 0; } else { int j, i1, i2, i3, i5; int PRN[MAXCHANNELS]; int elevation[MAXCHANNELS], azimuth[MAXCHANNELS]; int used[MAXCHANNELS]; double ss[MAXCHANNELS], f4; char tag[MAXTAGLEN+1], timestamp[21]; (void)sscanf(sp, "Y=%8s %20s %d ", tag, timestamp, &gpsdata->satellites_visible); (void)strncpy(gpsdata->tag, tag, MAXTAGLEN); if (timestamp[0] != '?') { gpsdata->set |= TIME_SET; } for (j = 0; j < gpsdata->satellites_visible; j++) { PRN[j]=elevation[j]=azimuth[j]=used[j]=0; ss[j]=0.0; } for (j = 0, gpsdata->satellites_used = 0; j < gpsdata->satellites_visible; j++) { if ((sp != NULL) && ((sp = strchr(sp, ':')) != NULL)) { sp++; (void)sscanf(sp, "%d %d %d %lf %d", &i1, &i2, &i3, &f4, &i5); PRN[j] = i1; elevation[j] = i2; azimuth[j] = i3; ss[j] = f4; used[j] = i5; if (i5 == 1) gpsdata->satellites_used++; } } /*@ -compdef @*/ memcpy(gpsdata->PRN, PRN, sizeof(PRN)); memcpy(gpsdata->elevation, elevation, sizeof(elevation)); memcpy(gpsdata->azimuth, azimuth,sizeof(azimuth)); memcpy(gpsdata->ss, ss, sizeof(ss)); memcpy(gpsdata->used, used, sizeof(used)); /*@ +compdef @*/ } gpsdata->set |= SATELLITE_SET; break; } #ifdef LIBGPS_DEBUG if (debuglevel >= 1) libgps_dump_state(gpsdata, time(NULL)); #endif /* LIBGPS_DEBUG */ /* * Skip to next GPSD when we see \r or \n; * we don't want to try interpreting stuff * in between that might be raw mode data. */ if (eol) break; } } } } #endif /* OLDSTYLE_ENABLE */ /*@ -compdef @*/ if (gpsdata->raw_hook) { //libgps_debug_trace((stderr, "libgps: raw hook called on '%s'\n", buf)); gpsdata->raw_hook(gpsdata, buf, strlen(buf)); } #ifndef USE_QT libgps_debug_trace((1, "final flags: (0x%04x) %s\n", gpsdata->set, gpsd_maskdump(gpsdata->set))); #endif return 0; } /*@ +compdef @*/ /*@ -branchstate +usereleased +mustfreefresh +nullstate +usedef @*/ bool gps_waiting(struct gps_data_t *gpsdata) /* is there input waiting from the GPS? */ { #ifndef USE_QT fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; libgps_debug_trace((1, "gps_waiting(): %d\n", waitcount++)); if (PRIVATE(gpsdata)->waiting > 0) return true; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(gpsdata->gps_fd, &rfds); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 1; /* all error conditions return "not waiting" -- crude but effective */ return (select(gpsdata->gps_fd+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv) == 1); #else return ((QTcpSocket*)(gpsdata->gps_fd))->waitForReadyRead(250); #endif } int gps_poll(struct gps_data_t *gpsdata) /* wait for and read data being streamed from the daemon */ { char *eol; double received = 0; ssize_t response_length; int status = -1; struct privdata_t *priv = PRIVATE(gpsdata); gpsdata->set &=~ PACKET_SET; for (eol = priv->buffer; *eol != '\n' && eol < priv->buffer+priv->waiting; eol++) continue; if (*eol != '\n') eol = NULL; if (eol == NULL) { #ifndef USE_QT /* read data: return -1 if no data waiting or buffered, 0 otherwise */ status = (int)recv(gpsdata->gps_fd, priv->buffer + priv->waiting, sizeof(priv->buffer)-priv->waiting, 0); #else status = ((QTcpSocket*)(gpsdata->gps_fd))->read(priv->buffer + priv->waiting, sizeof(priv->buffer)-priv->waiting); #endif /* if we just received data from the socket, it's in the buffer */ if (status > -1) priv->waiting += status; /* buffer is empty - implies no data was read */ if (priv->waiting == 0) { /* * If we received 0 bytes, other side of socket is closing. * Return -1 as end-of-data indication. */ if (status == 0) return -1; #ifndef USE_QT /* count transient errors as success, we'll retry later */ else if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) return 0; #endif /* hard error return of -1, pass it along */ else return -1; } /* there's buffered data waiting to be returned */ for (eol = priv->buffer; *eol != '\n' && eol < priv->buffer+priv->waiting; eol++) continue; if (*eol != '\n') eol = NULL; if (eol == NULL) return 0; } assert(eol != NULL); // FIXME: Make the JSON parser stop on \n so this isn't needed *eol = '\0'; response_length = eol - priv->buffer + 1; received = gpsdata->online = timestamp(); status = gps_unpack(priv->buffer, gpsdata); /*@+matchanyintegral@*/ memmove(priv->buffer, priv->buffer + response_length, priv->waiting - response_length); /*@-matchanyintegral@*/ priv->waiting -= response_length; gpsdata->set |= PACKET_SET; return 0; } int gps_send(struct gps_data_t *gpsdata, const char *fmt, ... ) /* send a command to the gpsd instance */ { char buf[BUFSIZ]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); (void)vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-2, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] != '\n') (void)strlcat(buf, "\n", BUFSIZ); #ifndef USE_QT if (write(gpsdata->gps_fd, buf, strlen(buf)) == (ssize_t)strlen(buf)) return 0; else return -1; #else QTcpSocket* sock = (QTcpSocket*)gpsdata->gps_fd; sock->write(buf, strlen(buf)); if (sock->waitForBytesWritten()) return 0; else { qDebug() << "libgps::send error: " << sock->errorString(); return -1; } #endif } int gps_stream(struct gps_data_t *gpsdata, unsigned int flags, /*@null@*/void *d) /* ask gpsd to stream reports at you, hiding the command details */ { char buf[GPS_JSON_COMMAND_MAX]; if ((flags & (WATCH_JSON|WATCH_OLDSTYLE|WATCH_NMEA|WATCH_RAW))== 0) { flags |= WATCH_JSON; } #ifndef USE_QT if (flags & POLL_NONBLOCK) (void)fcntl(gpsdata->gps_fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); #endif if ((flags & WATCH_DISABLE) != 0) { if ((flags & WATCH_OLDSTYLE) != 0) { (void)strlcpy(buf, "w-", sizeof(buf)); if (gpsdata->raw_hook != NULL || (flags & WATCH_NMEA)!=0) (void)strlcat(buf, "r-", sizeof(buf)); } else { (void)strlcpy(buf, "?WATCH={\"enable\":false,", sizeof(buf)); if (flags & WATCH_JSON) (void)strlcat(buf, "\"json\":false,", sizeof(buf)); if (flags & WATCH_NMEA) (void)strlcat(buf, "\"nmea\":false,", sizeof(buf)); if (flags & WATCH_RAW) (void)strlcat(buf, "\"raw\":1,", sizeof(buf)); if (flags & WATCH_RARE) (void)strlcat(buf, "\"raw\":0,", sizeof(buf)); if (flags & WATCH_SCALED) (void)strlcat(buf, "\"scaled\":false,", sizeof(buf)); if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == ',') buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; (void)strlcat(buf, "};", sizeof(buf)); } libgps_debug_trace((1, "gps_stream() disable command: %s\n", buf)); return gps_send(gpsdata, buf); } else /* if ((flags & WATCH_ENABLE) != 0) */{ if ((flags & WATCH_OLDSTYLE) != 0) { (void)strlcpy(buf, "w+x", sizeof(buf)); if (gpsdata->raw_hook != NULL || (flags & WATCH_NMEA)!=0) (void)strlcat(buf, "r+", sizeof(buf)); } else { (void)strlcpy(buf, "?WATCH={\"enable\":true,", sizeof(buf)); if (flags & WATCH_JSON) (void)strlcat(buf, "\"json\":true,", sizeof(buf)); if (flags & WATCH_NMEA) (void)strlcat(buf, "\"nmea\":true,", sizeof(buf)); if (flags & WATCH_RARE) (void)strlcat(buf, "\"raw\":1,", sizeof(buf)); if (flags & WATCH_RAW) (void)strlcat(buf, "\"raw\":2,", sizeof(buf)); if (flags & WATCH_SCALED) (void)strlcat(buf, "\"scaled\":true,", sizeof(buf)); /*@-nullpass@*//* shouldn't be needed, splint has a bug */ if (flags & WATCH_DEVICE) (void)snprintf(buf+strlen(buf), sizeof(buf)-strlen(buf), "\"device\":%s,", (char*)d); /*@+nullpass@*/ if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == ',') buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; (void)strlcat(buf, "};", sizeof(buf)); } libgps_debug_trace((1, "gps_stream() enable command: %s\n", buf)); return gps_send(gpsdata, buf); } } extern char /*@observer@*/ *gps_errstr(const int err) { /* * We might add our own error codes in the future, e.g for * protocol compatibility checks */ #ifndef USE_QT return netlib_errstr(err); #else return ""; #endif } #ifdef TESTMAIN /* * A simple command-line exerciser for the library. * Not really useful for anything but debugging. */ static void dumpline(struct gps_data_t *ud UNUSED, char *buf, size_t ulen UNUSED) { puts(buf); } #ifndef S_SPLINT_S #include #endif /* S_SPLINT_S */ #include #include static void onsig(int sig) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "libgps: died with signal %d\n", sig); exit(1); } /* must start zeroed, otherwise the unit test will try to chase garbage pointer fields. */ static struct gps_data_t gpsdata; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct gps_data_t *collect; char buf[BUFSIZ]; int option; bool batchmode = false; int debug = 0; (void)signal(SIGSEGV, onsig); (void)signal(SIGBUS, onsig); while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, "bhsD:?")) != -1) { switch (option) { case 'b': batchmode = true; break; case 's': (void)printf("Sizes: gpsdata=%zd rtcm2=%zd rtcm3=%zd ais=%zd compass=%zd raw=%zd devices=%zd policy=%zd version=%zd\n", sizeof(struct gps_data_t), sizeof(struct rtcm2_t), sizeof(struct rtcm3_t), sizeof(struct ais_t), sizeof(struct attitude_t), sizeof(struct rawdata_t), sizeof(collect->devices), sizeof(struct policy_t), sizeof(struct version_t)); exit(0); case 'D': debug = atoi(optarg); break; case '?': case 'h': default: (void)fputs("usage: libgps [-b] [-d lvl] [-s]\n", stderr); exit(1); } } gps_enable_debug(debug, stdout); if (batchmode) { while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) != NULL) { if (buf[0] == '{' || isalpha(buf[0])) { gps_unpack(buf, &gpsdata); libgps_dump_state(&gpsdata, time(NULL)); } } } else if ((collect = gps_open(NULL, 0)) == NULL) { (void)fputs("Daemon is not running.\n", stdout); exit(1); } else if (optind < argc) { gps_set_raw_hook(collect, dumpline); strlcpy(buf, argv[optind], BUFSIZ); strlcat(buf,"\n", BUFSIZ); gps_send(collect, buf); gps_poll(collect); libgps_dump_state(collect, time(NULL)); (void)gps_close(collect); } else { int tty = isatty(0); gps_set_raw_hook(collect, dumpline); if (tty) (void)fputs("This is the gpsd exerciser.\n", stdout); for (;;) { if (tty) (void)fputs("> ", stdout); if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) == NULL) { if (tty) putchar('\n'); break; } collect->set = 0; gps_send(collect, buf); gps_poll(collect); libgps_dump_state(collect, time(NULL)); } (void)gps_close(collect); } return 0; } /*@-nullderef@*/ #endif /* TESTMAIN */