/**************************************************************************** NAME libgps_json.c - deserialize gpsd data coming from the server DESCRIPTION This module uses the generic JSON parser to get data from JSON representations to libgps structures. ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "gpsd_config.h" #include "gpsd.h" #include "gps_json.h" /* * There's a splint limitation that parameters can be declared * @out@ or @null@ but not, apparently, both. This collides with * the (admittedly tricky) way we use endptr. The workaround is to * declare it @null@ and use -compdef around the JSON reader calls. */ /*@-compdef@*/ static int json_tpv_read(const char *buf, struct gps_data_t *gpsdata, /*@null@*/const char **endptr) { int status; /*@ -fullinitblock @*/ const struct json_attr_t json_attrs_1[] = { {"class", check, .dflt.check = "TPV"}, {"device", string, .addr.string = gpsdata->dev.path, .len = sizeof(gpsdata->dev.path)}, {"tag", string, .addr.string = gpsdata->tag, .len = sizeof(gpsdata->tag)}, {"time", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->fix.time, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"ept", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->fix.ept, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"lon", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->fix.longitude, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"lat", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->fix.latitude, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"alt", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->fix.altitude, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"epx", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->fix.epx, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"epy", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->fix.epy, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"epv", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->fix.epv, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"track", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->fix.track, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"speed", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->fix.speed, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"climb", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->fix.climb, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"epd", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->fix.epd, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"eps", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->fix.eps, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"epc", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->fix.epc, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"mode", integer, .addr.integer = &gpsdata->fix.mode, .dflt.integer = MODE_NOT_SEEN}, {NULL}, }; /*@ +fullinitblock @*/ status = json_read_object(buf, json_attrs_1, endptr); if (status == 0) { gpsdata->status = STATUS_FIX; gpsdata->set = STATUS_SET; if (isnan(gpsdata->fix.time) == 0) gpsdata->set |= TIME_SET; if (isnan(gpsdata->fix.ept) == 0) gpsdata->set |= TIMERR_SET; if (isnan(gpsdata->fix.longitude) == 0) gpsdata->set |= LATLON_SET; if (isnan(gpsdata->fix.altitude) == 0) gpsdata->set |= ALTITUDE_SET; if (isnan(gpsdata->fix.epx)==0 && isnan(gpsdata->fix.epy)==0) gpsdata->set |= HERR_SET; if (isnan(gpsdata->fix.epv)==0) gpsdata->set |= VERR_SET; if (isnan(gpsdata->fix.track)==0) gpsdata->set |= TRACK_SET; if (isnan(gpsdata->fix.speed)==0) gpsdata->set |= SPEED_SET; if (isnan(gpsdata->fix.climb)==0) gpsdata->set |= CLIMB_SET; if (isnan(gpsdata->fix.epd)==0) gpsdata->set |= TRACKERR_SET; if (isnan(gpsdata->fix.eps)==0) gpsdata->set |= SPEEDERR_SET; if (isnan(gpsdata->fix.epc)==0) gpsdata->set |= CLIMBERR_SET; if (isnan(gpsdata->fix.epc)==0) gpsdata->set |= CLIMBERR_SET; if (gpsdata->fix.mode != MODE_NOT_SEEN) gpsdata->set |= MODE_SET; } return status; } static int json_sky_read(const char *buf, struct gps_data_t *gpsdata, /*@null@*/const char **endptr) { bool usedflags[MAXCHANNELS]; /*@ -fullinitblock @*/ const struct json_attr_t json_attrs_2_1[] = { {"PRN", integer, .addr.integer = gpsdata->PRN}, {"el", integer, .addr.integer = gpsdata->elevation}, {"az", integer, .addr.integer = gpsdata->azimuth}, {"ss", real, .addr.real = gpsdata->ss}, {"used", boolean, .addr.boolean = usedflags}, {NULL}, }; const struct json_attr_t json_attrs_2[] = { {"class", check, .dflt.check = "SKY"}, {"device", string, .addr.string = gpsdata->dev.path, .len = sizeof(gpsdata->dev.path)}, {"tag", string, .addr.string = gpsdata->tag, .len = sizeof(gpsdata->tag)}, {"time", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->fix.time}, {"hdop", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->dop.hdop, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"xdop", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->dop.xdop, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"ydop", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->dop.ydop, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"vdop", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->dop.vdop, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"tdop", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->dop.tdop, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"pdop", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->dop.pdop, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"gdop", real, .addr.real = &gpsdata->dop.gdop, .dflt.real = NAN}, {"satellites", array, .addr.array.element_type = object, .addr.array.arr.objects.subtype=json_attrs_2_1, .addr.array.maxlen = MAXCHANNELS, .addr.array.count = &gpsdata->satellites_visible}, {NULL}, }; /*@ +fullinitblock @*/ int status, i, j; for (i = 0; i < MAXCHANNELS; i++) usedflags[i] = false; status = json_read_object(buf, json_attrs_2, endptr); if (status != 0) return status; gpsdata->satellites_used = 0; for (i = j = 0; i < MAXCHANNELS; i++) { if (usedflags[i]) { gpsdata->used[j++] = gpsdata->PRN[i]; gpsdata->satellites_used++; } } gpsdata->set |= SATELLITE_SET; return 0; } static int json_devicelist_read(const char *buf, struct gps_data_t *gpsdata, /*@null@*/const char **endptr) { /*@ -fullinitblock @*/ const struct json_attr_t json_attrs_subdevices[] = { {"class", check, .dflt.check = "DEVICE"}, {"path", string, STRUCTOBJECT(struct devconfig_t, path), .len = sizeof(gpsdata->devices.list[0].path)}, {"activated", real, STRUCTOBJECT(struct devconfig_t, activated)}, {"flags", integer, STRUCTOBJECT(struct devconfig_t, flags)}, {"driver", string, STRUCTOBJECT(struct devconfig_t, driver), .len = sizeof(gpsdata->devices.list[0].driver)}, {"subtype", string, STRUCTOBJECT(struct devconfig_t, subtype), .len = sizeof(gpsdata->devices.list[0].subtype)}, {"native", integer, STRUCTOBJECT(struct devconfig_t, driver_mode), .dflt.integer = -1}, {"bps", integer, STRUCTOBJECT(struct devconfig_t, baudrate), .dflt.integer = -1}, {"parity", character, STRUCTOBJECT(struct devconfig_t, parity), .dflt.character = 'N'}, {"stopbits", integer, STRUCTOBJECT(struct devconfig_t, stopbits), .dflt.integer = -1}, {"cycle", real, STRUCTOBJECT(struct devconfig_t, cycle), .dflt.real = NAN}, {"mincycle", real, STRUCTOBJECT(struct devconfig_t, mincycle), .dflt.real = NAN}, {NULL}, }; /*@-type@*//* STRUCTARRAY confuses splint */ const struct json_attr_t json_attrs_devices[] = { {"class", check, .dflt.check = "DEVICES"}, {"devices", array, STRUCTARRAY(gpsdata->devices.list, json_attrs_subdevices, &gpsdata->devices.ndevices)}, {NULL}, }; /*@+type@*/ /*@ +fullinitblock @*/ int status; memset(&gpsdata->devices, '\0', sizeof(gpsdata->devices)); status = json_read_object(buf, json_attrs_devices, endptr); if (status != 0) { return status; } gpsdata->devices.time = timestamp(); gpsdata->set &=~ UNION_SET; gpsdata->set |= DEVICELIST_SET; return 0; } static int json_version_read(const char *buf, struct gps_data_t *gpsdata, /*@null@*/const char **endptr) { /*@ -fullinitblock @*/ const struct json_attr_t json_attrs_version[] = { {"class", check, .dflt.check = "VERSION"}, {"release", string, .addr.string = gpsdata->version.release, .len = sizeof(gpsdata->version.release)}, {"rev", string, .addr.string = gpsdata->version.rev, .len = sizeof(gpsdata->version.rev)}, {"proto_major", integer, .addr.integer = &gpsdata->version.proto_major}, {"proto_minor", integer, .addr.integer = &gpsdata->version.proto_minor}, {NULL}, }; /*@ +fullinitblock @*/ int status; memset(&gpsdata->version, '\0', sizeof(gpsdata->version)); status = json_read_object(buf, json_attrs_version, endptr); if (status != 0) return status; gpsdata->set &=~ UNION_SET; gpsdata->set |= VERSION_SET; return 0; } static int json_error_read(const char *buf, struct gps_data_t *gpsdata, /*@null@*/const char **endptr) { /*@ -fullinitblock @*/ const struct json_attr_t json_attrs_error[] = { {"class", check, .dflt.check = "ERROR"}, {"message", string, .addr.string = gpsdata->error, .len = sizeof(gpsdata->error)}, {NULL}, }; /*@ +fullinitblock @*/ int status; memset(&gpsdata->error, '\0', sizeof(gpsdata->error)); status = json_read_object(buf, json_attrs_error, endptr); if (status != 0) return status; gpsdata->set &=~ UNION_SET; gpsdata->set |= ERR_SET; return 0; } int libgps_json_unpack(const char *buf, struct gps_data_t *gpsdata, const char **end) /* the only entry point - unpack a JSON object into gpsdata_t substructures */ { int status; if (strstr(buf, "\"class\":\"TPV\"") != 0) { return json_tpv_read(buf, gpsdata, end); } else if (strstr(buf, "\"class\":\"SKY\"") != 0) { return json_sky_read(buf, gpsdata, end); } else if (strstr(buf, "\"class\":\"DEVICES\"") != 0) { return json_devicelist_read(buf, gpsdata, end); } else if (strstr(buf, "\"class\":\"DEVICE\"") != 0) { status = json_device_read(buf, &gpsdata->devices.list[0], end); if (status == 0) gpsdata->set |= DEVICE_SET; return status; } else if (strstr(buf, "\"class\":\"WATCH\"") != 0) { status = json_watch_read(buf, &gpsdata->policy, end); if (status == 0) gpsdata->set |= POLICY_SET; return status; } else if (strstr(buf, "\"class\":\"VERSION\"") != 0) { return json_version_read(buf, gpsdata, end); #ifdef RTCM104V2_ENABLE } else if (strstr(buf, "\"class\":\"RTCM2\"") != 0) { status = json_rtcm2_read(buf, gpsdata->dev.path, sizeof(gpsdata->dev.path), &gpsdata->rtcm2, end); if (status == 0) { gpsdata->set &=~ UNION_SET; gpsdata->set |= RTCM2_SET; } return status; #endif /* RTCM104V2_ENABLE */ #ifdef AIVDM_ENABLE } else if (strstr(buf, "\"class\":\"AIS\"") != 0) { status = json_ais_read(buf, gpsdata->dev.path, sizeof(gpsdata->dev.path), &gpsdata->ais, end); if (status == 0) { gpsdata->set &=~ UNION_SET; gpsdata->set |= AIS_SET; } return status; #endif /* AIVDM_ENABLE */ } else if (strstr(buf, "\"class\":\"ERROR\"") != 0) { return json_error_read(buf, gpsdata, end); } else return -1; } /*@+compdef@*/ /* libgps_json.c ends here */