#!@PYTHON@ # # This file is Copyright (c) 2010 by the GPSD project # BSD terms apply: see the file COPYING in the distribution root for details. # # With -t, report on which status masks are used in the daemon vs. the # client-side library. # # With -p, dump a Python status mask list translated from the C one. # # With -c, generare C code to dump masks for debugging purposes. import sys, commands, glob, getopt class SourceExtractor: def __init__(self): self.daemonfiles = ["gpsd.c", "libgpsd_core.c", "pseudonmea.c"] + glob.glob("driver_*.c") self.masks = [] self.primitive_masks = [] for line in file("@srcdir@/gps.h"): if line.startswith("#define") and "_SET" in line: fields = line.split() self.masks.append((fields[1], fields[2])) if fields[2].endswith("u"): self.primitive_masks.append((fields[1], fields[2])) def in_library(self, flag): (status, output) = commands.getstatusoutput("grep %s libgps.c libgps_json.c" % flag) return status == 0 def in_daemon(self, flag): (status, output) = commands.getstatusoutput("grep %s %s" % (flag, " ".join(self.daemonfiles))) return status == 0 if __name__ == '__main__': try: (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ptc") tabulate = False pythonize = False codegen = False for (switch, val) in options: if (switch == '-t'): tabulate = True if (switch == '-p'): pythonize = True if (switch == '-c'): codegen = True source = SourceExtractor() if tabulate: print "%-14s %8s %8s" % (" ", "Library", "Daemon") for (flag, value) in source.masks: print "%-14s %8s %8s" % (flag, source.in_library(flag), source.in_daemon(flag)) if pythonize: for (d, v) in source.masks: if v[-1] == 'u': v = v[:-1] print "%-15s\t= %s" % (d, v) if codegen: maxout = 0 for (d, v) in source.primitive_masks: if source.in_daemon(d): stem = d if stem.endswith("_SET"): stem = stem[:-4] maxout += len(stem) + 1 print """/* This code is generated. Do not hand-hack it! */ #include #include #include \"gpsd.h\" const char *gpsd_maskdump(gps_mask_t set) { static char buf[%d]; const struct { gps_mask_t mask; const char *name; } *sp, names[] = {""" % (maxout + 3,) for (flag, value) in source.primitive_masks: stem = flag if stem.endswith("_SET"): stem = stem[:-4] print "\t{%s,\t\"%s\"}," % (flag, stem) print '''\ }; memset(buf, '\\0', sizeof(buf)); buf[0] = '{'; for (sp = names; sp < names + sizeof(names)/sizeof(names[0]); sp++) if ((set & sp->mask)!=0) { (void)strlcat(buf, sp->name, sizeof(buf)); (void)strlcat(buf, "|", sizeof(buf)); } if (buf[1] != \'\\0\') buf[strlen(buf)-1] = \'\\0\'; (void)strlcat(buf, "}", sizeof(buf)); return buf; } ''' except KeyboardInterrupt: pass