# This file is Copyright (c) 2010 by the GPSD project # BSD terms apply: see the file COPYING in the distribution root for details. # # Creates build/lib.linux-${arch}-${pyvers}/gpspacket.so, # where ${arch} is an architecture and ${pyvers} is a Python version. from distutils.core import setup, Extension import os import sys # For VPATH builds, this script must be run from $(srcdir) with the # abs_builddir environment variable set to the location of the build # directory. This is necessary because Python's distutils package # does not have built-in support for VPATH builds. # These dependencies are enforced here and not in the Makefile to make # it easier to build the Python parts without building everything else # (the user can run 'python setup.py' without having to run 'make'). needed_files = ['gpsd.h', 'packet_names.h'] created_files = [] manpages = [] try: where = sys.argv.index('--mangenerator') # Doesn't matter what it is, just that we have one if sys.argv[where+1]: manpages=[('share/man/man1', ['gpscat.1', 'gpsfake.1','gpsprof.1'])] print("Installing manual pages, generator is %s" %( sys.argv[where+1])) sys.argv = sys.argv[:where] + sys.argv[where+2:] except ValueError: pass if not manpages: print("No XML processor, omitting manual-page installation.") MAKE = ("MAKE" in os.environ) and os.environ["MAKE"] or "make" if not 'clean' in sys.argv: abs_builddir = ("abs_builddir" in os.environ) and os.environ["abs_builddir"] or "" if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(abs_builddir, 'gpsd_config.h')): sys.stderr.write('\nPlease run configure first!\n') sys.exit(1) cdcmd = abs_builddir and ("cd '" + abs_builddir + "' && ") or "" for f_name in needed_files: # TODO: Shouldn't make be run unconditionally in case a # dependency of f_name has been updated? if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(abs_builddir, f_name)): cmd = cdcmd + MAKE + " '" + f_name + "'" print(cmd) make_out = os.popen(cmd) print(make_out.read()) if make_out.close(): sys.exit(1) created_files.append(f_name) gpspacket_sources = ["gpspacket.c", "packet.c", "isgps.c", "driver_rtcm2.c", "strl.c", "hex.c", "crc24q.c"] include_dirs = [ os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) ] version_out = os.popen(MAKE + " -s version") version = version_out.read() print(version) if version_out.close(): sys.exit(1) version = version.split('\n')[-2] version = version.strip() setup( name="gps", version=version, description='Python libraries for the gpsd service daemon', url="http://gpsd.berlios.de/", author='the GPSD project', author_email="gpsd-dev@lists.berlios.de", license="BSD", ext_modules=[ Extension("gps.packet", gpspacket_sources, include_dirs=include_dirs), Extension("gps.clienthelpers", ["gpsclient.c", "geoid.c", "gpsdclient.c", "strl.c"], include_dirs=include_dirs) ], packages = ['gps'], scripts = ['gpscat','gpsfake','gpsprof', 'xgps'], data_files= manpages )