/* * SiRF packet monitor, originally by Rob Janssen, PE1CHL. * Heavily hacked by Eric S. Raymond for use with the gpsd project. * * Autobauds. Takes a SiRF chip in NMEA mode to binary mode, if needed. * The autobauding code is fairly primitive and can sometimes fail to * sync properly. If that happens, just kill and restart sirfmon. * * Useful commands: * n -- switch device to NMEA at current speed and exit. * l -- toggle packet logging * a -- toggle receipt of 50BPS subframe data. * b -- change baud rate. * c -- set or clear static navigation mode * s -- send hex bytes to device. * t -- toggle navigation-parameter display mode * q -- quit, leaving device in binary mode. * Ctrl-S -- freeze display. * Ctrl-Q -- unfreeze display. * * Note: one of the goals of sirfmon.c is *not* to use the gpsdata structure. * sirfmon is intended to be an independent sanity check on SiRF decoding, * so it deliberately doesn't use much of the library. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Cygwin has only _timezone and not timezone unless the following is set */ #if defined(__CYGWIN__) #define timezonevar #endif /* defined(__CYGWIN__) */ #include #include #include /* for O_RDWR */ #include #include #include "config.h" #include "gps.h" /* for DEFAULT_GPSD_PORT; brings in PI as well */ #define PUT_ORIGIN -4 #include "bits.h" #if defined(HAVE_SYS_TIME_H) #include #endif #if defined (HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H) #include #endif #ifdef S_SPLINT_S extern struct tm *localtime_r(const time_t *,/*@out@*/struct tm *tp)/*@modifies tp@*/; #endif /* S_SPLINT_S */ extern int netlib_connectsock(const char *, const char *, const char *); #define BUFLEN 2048 #define START1 0xa0 #define START2 0xa2 #define END1 0xb0 #define END2 0xb3 #define RAD2DEG (180.0/PI) /* how many characters to look at when trying to find baud rate lock */ #define SNIFF_RETRIES 1200 static int devicefd = -1, controlfd = -1; static int nfix,fix[20]; static int gmt_offset; static bool dispmode = false; static bool serial, subframe_enabled = false; static unsigned int stopbits, bps; /*@ -nullassign @*/ static char *verbpat[] = { "#Time:", "@R Time:", "CSTD: New almanac for", "NOTICE: DOP Q Boost", "RTC not set", "numOfSVs = 0", "rtcaj tow ", NULL }; /*@ +nullassign @*/ static char *sbasvec[] = { "None", "SBAS", "Serial", "Beacon", "Software", }; static struct termios ttyset; static WINDOW *mid2win, *mid4win, *mid6win, *mid7win, *mid9win, *mid13win; static WINDOW *mid19win, *mid27win, *cmdwin, *debugwin; static FILE *logfile; #define NO_PACKET 0 #define SIRF_PACKET 1 #define NMEA_PACKET 2 #define display (void)mvwprintw /***************************************************************************** * * NMEA command composition * *****************************************************************************/ static void nmea_add_checksum(char *sentence) /* add NMEA checksum to a possibly *-terminated sentence */ { unsigned char sum = '\0'; char c, *p = sentence; if (*p == '$') { p++; while ( ((c = *p) != '*') && (c != '\0')) { sum ^= c; p++; } *p++ = '*'; (void)snprintf(p, 5, "%02X\r\n", (unsigned int)sum); } } static int nmea_send(int fd, const char *fmt, ... ) /* ship a command to the GPS, adding * and correct checksum */ { size_t status; char buf[BUFLEN]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt) ; (void)vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-5, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); strcat(buf, "*"); nmea_add_checksum(buf); (void)fputs(buf, stderr); /* so user can watch the baud hunt */ status = (size_t)write(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); if (status == strlen(buf)) { return (int)status; } else { perror("SiRF write"); return -1; } } /***************************************************************************** * * SiRF packet-decoding routines * *****************************************************************************/ static void decode_time(int week, int tow) { int day = tow / 8640000; int tod = tow % 8640000; int h = tod / 360000; int m = tod % 360000; int s = m % 6000; m = (m - s) / 6000; (void)wmove(mid2win, 3,7); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%4d+%9.2f", week, (double)tow/100); (void)wmove(mid2win, 3, 29); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%d %02d:%02d:%05.2f", day, h,m,(double)s/100); (void)wmove(mid2win, 4, 8); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%f", timestamp()-gpstime_to_unix(week,tow/100.0)); (void)wmove(mid2win, 4, 29); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%d", gmt_offset); } static void decode_ecef(double x, double y, double z, double vx, double vy, double vz) { const double a = 6378137; const double f = 1 / 298.257223563; const double b = a * (1 - f); const double e2 = (a*a - b*b) / (a*a); const double e_2 = (a*a - b*b) / (b*b); double lambda,p,theta,phi,n,h,vnorth,veast,vup,speed,heading; lambda = atan2(y,x); /*@ -evalorder @*/ p = sqrt(pow(x,2) + pow(y,2)); theta = atan2(z*a,p*b); phi = atan2(z + e_2*b*pow(sin(theta),3),p - e2*a*pow(cos(theta),3)); n = a / sqrt(1.0 - e2*pow(sin(phi),2)); h = p / cos(phi) - n; h -= wgs84_separation((double)(RAD2DEG*phi),(double)(RAD2DEG*lambda)); vnorth = -vx*sin(phi)*cos(lambda)-vy*sin(phi)*sin(lambda)+vz*cos(phi); veast = -vx*sin(lambda)+vy*cos(lambda); vup = vx*cos(phi)*cos(lambda)+vy*cos(phi)*sin(lambda)+vz*sin(phi); speed = sqrt(pow(vnorth,2) + pow(veast,2)); heading = atan2(veast,vnorth); /*@ +evalorder @*/ if (heading < 0) heading += 2 * PI; (void)wmove(mid2win, 1,40); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%9.5f %9.5f",(double)(RAD2DEG*phi), (double)(RAD2DEG*lambda)); (void)mvwaddch(mid2win, 1, 49, ACS_DEGREE); (void)mvwaddch(mid2win, 1, 59, ACS_DEGREE); (void)wmove(mid2win, 1,61); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%8d",(int)h); (void)wmove(mid2win, 2,40); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%9.1f %9.1f",vnorth,veast); (void)wmove(mid2win, 2,61); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%8.1f",vup); (void)wmove(mid2win, 3,54); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%5.1f",(double)(RAD2DEG*heading)); (void)mvwaddch(mid2win, 3, 59, ACS_DEGREE); (void)wmove(mid2win, 3,61); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%8.1f",speed); } static void decode_sirf(unsigned char buf[], int len) { int i,j,ch,off,cn; switch (buf[0]) { case 0x02: /* Measured Navigation Data */ (void)wmove(mid2win, 1,6); /* ECEF position */ (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%8d %8d %8d",getsl(buf, 1),getsl(buf, 5),getsl(buf, 9)); (void)wmove(mid2win, 2,6); /* ECEF velocity */ (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%8.1f %8.1f %8.1f", (double)getsw(buf, 13)/8,(double)getsw(buf, 15)/8,(double)getsw(buf, 17)/8); decode_ecef((double)getsl(buf, 1),(double)getsl(buf, 5),(double)getsl(buf, 9), (double)getsw(buf, 13)/8,(double)getsw(buf, 15)/8,(double)getsw(buf, 17)/8); decode_time((int)getuw(buf, 22),getsl(buf, 24)); /* line 4 */ (void)wmove(mid2win, 4,49); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%4.1f",(double)getub(buf, 20)/5); /* HDOP */ (void)wmove(mid2win, 4,58); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%02x",getub(buf, 19)); /* Mode 1 */ (void)wmove(mid2win, 4,70); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%02x",getub(buf, 21)); /* Mode 2 */ (void)wmove(mid2win, 5,7); nfix = (int)getub(buf, 28); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%d = ",nfix); /* SVs in fix */ for (i = 0; i < SIRF_CHANNELS; i++) { /* SV list */ if (i < nfix) (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%3d",fix[i] = (int)getub(buf, 29+i)); else (void)wprintw(mid2win, " "); } (void)wprintw(debugwin, "MND 0x02="); break; case 0x04: /* Measured Tracking Data */ decode_time((int)getuw(buf, 1),getsl(buf, 3)); ch = (int)getub(buf, 7); for (i = 0; i < ch; i++) { int sv,st; off = 8 + 15 * i; (void)wmove(mid4win, i+2, 3); sv = (int)getub(buf, off); (void)wprintw(mid4win, " %3d",sv); (void)wprintw(mid4win, " %3d%3d %04x",((int)getub(buf, off+1)*3)/2,(int)getub(buf, off+2)/2,(int)getsw(buf, off+3)); st = ' '; if ((int)getuw(buf, off+3) == 0xbf) st = 'T'; for (j = 0; j < nfix; j++) if (sv == fix[j]) { st = 'N'; break; } cn = 0; for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) cn += (int)getub(buf, off+5+j); (void)wprintw(mid4win, "%5.1f %c",(double)cn/10,st); if (sv == 0) /* not tracking? */ (void)wprintw(mid4win, " "); /* clear other info */ } (void)wprintw(debugwin, "MTD 0x04="); break; #ifdef __UNUSED__ case 0x05: /* raw track data */ for (off = 1; off < len; off += 51) { ch = getul(buf, off); (void)wmove(mid4win, ch+2, 19); cn = 0; for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) cn += getub(buf, off+34+j); printw("%5.1f",(double)cn/10); printw("%9d%3d%5d",getul(buf, off+8),(int)getuw(buf, off+12),(int)getuw(buf, off+14)); printw("%8.5f %10.5f", (double)getul(buf, off+16)/65536,(double)getul(buf, off+20)/1024); } (void)wprintw(debugwin, "RTD 0x05="); break; #endif /* __UNUSED */ case 0x06: /* firmware version */ display(mid6win, 1, 10, "%s",buf + 1); (void)wprintw(debugwin, "FV 0x06="); break; case 0x07: /* Response - Clock Status Data */ decode_time((int)getuw(buf, 1),getsl(buf, 3)); display(mid7win, 1, 5, "%2d", getub(buf, 7)); /* SVs */ display(mid7win, 1, 16, "%lu", getul(buf, 8)); /* Clock drift */ display(mid7win, 1, 29, "%lu", getul(buf, 12)); /* Clock Bias */ display(mid7win, 2, 21, "%lu", getul(buf, 16)); /* Estimated Time */ (void)wprintw(debugwin, "CSD 0x07="); break; case 0x08: /* 50 BPS data */ ch = (int)getub(buf, 1); display(mid4win, ch, 27, "Y"); (void)wprintw(debugwin, "50B 0x08="); subframe_enabled = true; break; case 0x09: /* Throughput */ display(mid9win, 1, 6, "%.3f",(double)getuw(buf, 1)/186); /*SegStatMax*/ display(mid9win, 1, 18, "%.3f",(double)getuw(buf, 3)/186); /*SegStatLat*/ display(mid9win, 1, 31, "%.3f",(double)getuw(buf, 5)/186); /*SegStatTime*/ display(mid9win, 1, 42, "%3d",(int)getuw(buf, 7)); /* Last Millisecond */ (void)wprintw(debugwin, "THR 0x09="); break; case 0x0b: /* Command Acknowledgement */ (void)wprintw(debugwin, "ACK 0x0b="); break; case 0x0c: /* Command NAcknowledgement */ (void)wprintw(debugwin, "NAK 0x0c="); break; case 0x0d: /* Visible List */ display(mid13win, 1, 6, "%d",getub(buf, 1)); (void)wmove(mid13win, 1, 10); for (i = 0; i < SIRF_CHANNELS; i++) { if (i < (int)getub(buf, 1)) (void)wprintw(mid13win, " %2d",getub(buf, 2 + 5 * i)); else (void)wprintw(mid13win, " "); } (void)wprintw(mid13win, "\n"); (void)wprintw(debugwin, "VL 0x0d="); break; case 0x13: #define YESNO(n) (((int)getub(buf, n) != 0)?'Y':'N') display(mid19win, 1, 20, "%d", getub(buf, 5)); /* Alt. hold mode */ display(mid19win, 2, 20, "%d", getub(buf, 6)); /* Alt. hold source*/ display(mid19win, 3, 20, "%dm", (int)getuw(buf, 7)); /* Alt. source input */ display(mid19win, 4, 20, "%d", getub(buf, 9)); /* Degraded mode*/ display(mid19win, 5, 20, "%dsec", getub(buf, 10)); /* Degraded timeout*/ display(mid19win, 6, 20, "%dsec",getub(buf, 11)); /* DR timeout*/ display(mid19win, 7, 20, "%c", YESNO(12));/* Track smooth mode*/ display(mid19win, 8, 20, "%c", YESNO(13)); /* Static Nav.*/ display(mid19win, 9, 20, "0x%x", getub(buf, 14)); /* 3SV Least Squares*/ display(mid19win, 10,20, "0x%x", getub(buf, 19)); /* DOP Mask mode*/ display(mid19win, 11,20, "0x%x", (int)getuw(buf, 20)); /* Nav. Elev. mask*/ display(mid19win, 12,20, "0x%x", getub(buf, 22)); /* Nav. Power mask*/ display(mid19win, 13,20, "0x%x", getub(buf, 27)); /* DGPS Source*/ display(mid19win, 14,20, "0x%x", getub(buf, 28)); /* DGPS Mode*/ display(mid19win, 15,20, "%dsec",getub(buf, 29)); /* DGPS Timeout*/ display(mid19win, 1, 42, "%c", YESNO(34));/* LP Push-to-Fix */ display(mid19win, 2, 42, "%dms", getul(buf, 35)); /* LP On Time */ display(mid19win, 3, 42, "%d", getul(buf, 39)); /* LP Interval */ display(mid19win, 4, 42, "%c", YESNO(43));/* User Tasks enabled */ display(mid19win, 5, 42, "%d", getul(buf, 44)); /* User Task Interval */ display(mid19win, 6, 42, "%c", YESNO(48));/* LP Power Cycling Enabled */ display(mid19win, 7, 42, "%d", getul(buf, 49));/* LP Max Acq Search Time */ display(mid19win, 8, 42, "%d", getul(buf, 53));/* LP Max Off Time */ display(mid19win, 9, 42, "%c", YESNO(57));/* APM Enabled */ display(mid19win,10, 42, "%d", (int)getuw(buf, 58));/* # of fixes */ display(mid19win,11, 42, "%d", (int)getuw(buf, 60));/* Time Between fixes */ display(mid19win,12, 42, "%d", getub(buf, 62));/* H/V Error Max */ display(mid19win,13, 42, "%d", getub(buf, 63));/* Response Time Max */ display(mid19win,14, 42, "%d", getub(buf, 64));/* Time/Accu & Duty Cycle Priority */ #undef YESNO dispmode = !dispmode; break; case 0x1b: /****************************************************************** Not actually documented in any published materials. Here is what Chris Kuethe got from the SiRF folks: Start of message ---------------- Message ID 1 byte 27 Correction Source 1 byte 0=None, 1=SBAS, 2=Serial, 3=Beacon, 4=Software total: 2 bytes Middle part of message varies if using beacon or other: ------------------------------------------------------- If Beacon: Receiver Freq Hz 4 bytes Bit rate BPS 1 byte Status bit map 1 byte 01=Signal Valid, 02=Auto frequency detect 04=Auto bit rate detect Signal Magnitude 4 bytes Note: in internal units Signal Strength dB 2 bytes derived from Signal Magnitude SNR dB 2 bytes total: 14 bytes If Not Beacon: Correction Age[12] 1 byte x 12 Age in seconds in same order as follows Reserved 2 bytes total: 14 bytes End of Message -------------- Repeated 12 times (pad with 0 if less than 12 SV corrections): SVID 1 byte Correction (m) 1 byte total 2 x 12 = 24 bytes ******************************************************************/ display(mid27win, 1, 14, "%d (%s)", getub(buf, 1), sbasvec[(int)getub(buf, 1)]); for (i = j = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (/*@i1@*/getub(buf, 16+2*i) != '\0') { (void)wprintw(mid27win, "%d=%d ", getub(buf, 16+2*i), getub(buf, 16+2*i+1)); j++; } } display(mid27win, 1, 44, "%d", j); (void)wprintw(debugwin, "DST 0x1b="); break; case 0x1C: /* NL Measurement Data */ case 0x1D: /* DGPS Data */ case 0x1E: /* SV State Data */ case 0x1F: /* NL Initialized Data */ subframe_enabled = true; break; #ifdef __UNUSED__ case 0x62: attrset(A_BOLD); move(2,40); printw("%9.5f %9.5f",(double)(RAD2DEG*1e8*getsl(buf, 1)), (double)(RAD2DEG*1e8*getsl(buf, 5))); move(2,63); printw("%8d",getsl(buf, 9)/1000); move(3,63); printw("%8.1f",(double)getsl(buf, 17)/1000); move(4,54); if (getul(buf, 13) > 50) { double heading = RAD2DEG*1e8*getsl(buf, 21); if (heading < 0) heading += 360; printw("%5.1f",heading); } else printw(" 0.0"); move(4,63); printw("%8.1f",(double)getsl(buf, 13)/1000); attrset(A_NORMAL); move(5,13); printw("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%02d", (int)getuw(buf, 26),getub(buf, 28),getub(buf, 29),getub(buf, 30),getub(buf, 31), (unsigned short)getuw(buf, 32)/1000, ((unsigned short)getuw(buf, 32)%1000)/10); { struct timeval clk,gps; struct tm tm; gettimeofday(&clk,NULL); memset(&tm,0,sizeof(tm)); tm.tm_sec = (unsigned short)getuw(buf, 32)/1000; tm.tm_min = (int)getub(buf, 31); tm.tm_hour = (int)getub(buf, 30); tm.tm_mday = (int)getub(buf, 29); tm.tm_mon = (int)getub(buf, 28) - 1; tm.tm_year = (int)getuw(buf, 26) - 1900; gps.tv_sec = mkgmtime(&tm); gps.tv_usec = (((unsigned short)getuw(buf, 32)%1000)/10) * 10000; move(5,2); printw(" "); move(5,2); #if 1 printw("%ld",(gps.tv_usec - clk.tv_usec) + ((gps.tv_sec - clk.tv_sec) % 3600) * 1000000); #else printw("%ld %ld %ld %ld",gps.tv_sec % 3600,gps.tv_usec, clk.tv_sec % 3600,clk.tv_usec); #endif } (void)wprintw(debugwin, "??? 0x62="); break; #endif /* __UNUSED__ */ case 0xff: /* Development Data */ /*@ +ignoresigns @*/ while (len > 0 && buf[len-1] == '\n') len--; while (len > 0 && buf[len-1] == ' ') len--; /*@ -ignoresigns @*/ buf[len] = '\0'; j = 1; for (i = 0; verbpat[i] != NULL; i++) if (strncmp((char *)(buf+1),verbpat[i],strlen(verbpat[i])) == 0) { j = 0; break; } if (j != 0) (void)wprintw(debugwin, "%s\n",buf+1); (void)wprintw(debugwin, "DD 0xff="); break; default: (void)wprintw(debugwin, " 0x%02x=", buf[0]); break; } (void)wprintw(debugwin, "(%d) ", len); for (i = 1; i < len; i++) (void)wprintw(debugwin, "%02x",buf[i]); (void)wprintw(debugwin, "\n"); } /***************************************************************************** * * Serial-line handling * *****************************************************************************/ static unsigned int get_speed(struct termios* ttyctl) { speed_t code = cfgetospeed(ttyctl); switch (code) { case B0: return(0); case B300: return(300); case B1200: return(1200); case B2400: return(2400); case B4800: return(4800); case B9600: return(9600); case B19200: return(19200); case B38400: return(38400); case B57600: return(57600); default: return(115200); } } static int set_speed(unsigned int speed, unsigned int stopbits) { unsigned int rate, count, state; int st; unsigned char c; (void)tcflush(devicefd, TCIOFLUSH); /* toss stale data */ if (speed != 0) { /*@ +ignoresigns @*/ if (speed < 300) rate = 0; else if (speed < 1200) rate = B300; else if (speed < 2400) rate = B1200; else if (speed < 4800) rate = B2400; else if (speed < 9600) rate = B4800; else if (speed < 19200) rate = B9600; else if (speed < 38400) rate = B19200; else if (speed < 57600) rate = B38400; else rate = B57600; /*@ -ignoresigns @*/ /*@ ignore @*/ (void)cfsetispeed(&ttyset, (speed_t)rate); (void)cfsetospeed(&ttyset, (speed_t)rate); /*@ end @*/ } ttyset.c_cflag &=~ CSIZE; ttyset.c_cflag |= (CSIZE & (stopbits==2 ? CS7 : CS8)); if (tcsetattr(devicefd, TCSANOW, &ttyset) != 0) return NO_PACKET; (void)tcflush(devicefd, TCIOFLUSH); (void)fprintf(stderr, "Hunting at speed %u, %dN%u\n", get_speed(&ttyset), 9-stopbits, stopbits); /* sniff for NMEA or SiRF packet */ state = 0; for (count = 0; count < SNIFF_RETRIES; count++) { if ((st = (int)read(devicefd, &c, 1)) < 0) return 0; else count += st; /*@ +charint @*/ if (state == 0) { if (c == START1) state = 1; else if (c == '$') state = 2; } else if (state == 1) { if (c == START2) return SIRF_PACKET; else if (c == '$') state = 2; else state = 0; } else if (state == 2) { if (c == 'G') state = 3; else if (c == START1) state = 1; else state = 0; } else if (state == 3) { if (c == 'P') return NMEA_PACKET; else if (c == START1) state = 1; else state = 0; } /*@ -charint @*/ } return NO_PACKET; } static unsigned int *ip, rates[] = {0, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600}; static unsigned int hunt_open(unsigned int *pstopbits) { unsigned int trystopbits; int st; /* * Tip from Chris Kuethe: the FTDI chip used in the Trip-Nav * 200 (and possibly other USB GPSes) gets completely hosed * in the presence of flow control. Thus, turn off CRTSCTS. */ ttyset.c_cflag &= ~(PARENB | CRTSCTS); ttyset.c_cflag |= CREAD | CLOCAL; ttyset.c_iflag = ttyset.c_oflag = ttyset.c_lflag = (tcflag_t) 0; ttyset.c_oflag = (ONLCR); for (trystopbits = 1; trystopbits <= 2; trystopbits++) { *pstopbits = trystopbits; for (ip = rates; ip < rates + sizeof(rates)/sizeof(rates[0]); ip++) { if ((st = set_speed(*ip, trystopbits)) == SIRF_PACKET) return get_speed(&ttyset); else if (st == NMEA_PACKET) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Switching to SiRF mode...\n"); (void)nmea_send(controlfd,"$PSRF100,0,%d,8,1,0", *ip); return *ip; } } } return 0; } static void serial_initialize(char *device) { if ((controlfd = devicefd = open(device,O_RDWR)) < 0) { perror(device); exit(1); } /* Save original terminal parameters */ if (tcgetattr(devicefd, &ttyset) != 0 || (bps = hunt_open(&stopbits))==0) { (void)fputs("Can't sync up with device!\n", stderr); exit(1); } } /****************************************************************************** * * Device-independent I/O routines * ******************************************************************************/ static int readbyte(void) { /*@ -type -shiftnegative -compdef -nullpass @*/ static int cnt = 0,pos = 0; static unsigned char inbuf[BUFLEN]; struct timeval timeval; if (pos >= cnt) { fd_set select_set; FD_ZERO(&select_set); FD_SET(devicefd,&select_set); if (controlfd < -1) FD_SET(controlfd,&select_set); timeval.tv_sec = 0; timeval.tv_usec = 500000; if (select(devicefd + 1,&select_set,NULL,NULL,&timeval) < 0) return EOF; if (!FD_ISSET(devicefd,&select_set)) return EOF; (void)usleep(100000); if ((cnt = (int)read(devicefd,inbuf,BUFLEN)) <= 0) return EOF; pos = 0; } /*@ +type +shiftnegative +compdef +nullpass @*/ return (int)inbuf[pos++]; } static int readword(void) { int byte1,byte2; if ((byte1 = readbyte()) == EOF || (byte2 = readbyte()) == EOF) return EOF; /*@i@*/return (byte1 << 8) | byte2; } /*@ -globstate @*/ static int readpkt(unsigned char *buf) { int byte,len,csum,cnt; unsigned char *cp = buf; do { while ((byte = readbyte()) != START1) if (byte == EOF) return EOF; } while ((byte = readbyte()) != START2); if ((len = readword()) == EOF || len > BUFLEN) return EOF; csum = 0; cnt = len; while (cnt-- > 0) { if ((byte = readbyte()) == EOF) return EOF; *cp++ = (unsigned char)byte; csum += byte; } csum &= 0x7fff; if (readword() != csum) return EOF; if (readbyte() != END1 || readbyte() != END2) return EOF; if (logfile != NULL) { /*@ -shiftimplementation @*/ (void)fwrite("\xa0\xa2", (size_t)2, sizeof(char), logfile); (void)fputc(len >> 8, logfile); (void)fputc(len & 0xff, logfile); (void)fwrite(buf, (size_t)len, sizeof(char), logfile); (void)fputc(csum >> 8, logfile); (void)fputc(csum & 0xff, logfile); (void)fwrite("\xb0\xb3", (size_t)2, sizeof(char), logfile); /*@ +shiftimplementation @*/ } return len; } /*@ +globstate @*/ static bool sendpkt(unsigned char *buf, size_t len, char *device) { unsigned int csum; ssize_t st; size_t i; putbyte(buf, -4, START1); /* start of packet */ putbyte(buf, -3, START2); putword(buf, -2, len); /* length */ csum = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) csum += (int)buf[4 + i]; csum &= 0x7fff; putword(buf, len, csum); /* checksum */ putbyte(buf, len + 2,END1); /* end of packet */ putbyte(buf, len + 3,END2); len += 8; (void)wprintw(debugwin, ">>>"); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) (void)wprintw(debugwin, " %02x",buf[i]); (void)wprintw(debugwin, "\n"); if (controlfd == -1) return false; else { if (!serial) { (void)write(controlfd, "!", 1); (void)write(controlfd, device, strlen(device)); (void)write(controlfd, "=", 1); } st = write(controlfd, buf,len); if (!serial) (void)read(controlfd, buf, 8); /* enough room for "ERROR\r\n\0" */ return ((size_t)st == len); } } /***************************************************************************** * * Main sequence and display machinery * *****************************************************************************/ static long tzoffset(void) { time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm tm; long res = 0; tzset(); #ifdef HAVE_TIMEZONE res = timezone; #else res = localtime_r(&now, &tm)->tm_gmtoff; #endif #ifdef HAVE_DAYLIGHT if (daylight != 0 && localtime_r(&now, &tm)->tm_isdst != 0) res -= 3600; #else if (localtime_r(&now, &tm)->tm_isdst) res -= 3600; #endif return res; } /*@ -nullpass -globstate @*/ static void refresh_rightpanel1(void) { (void)touchwin(mid6win); (void)touchwin(mid7win); (void)touchwin(mid9win); (void)touchwin(mid13win); (void)touchwin(mid27win); (void)wrefresh(mid6win); (void)wrefresh(mid7win); (void)wrefresh(mid9win); (void)wrefresh(mid13win); (void)wrefresh(mid27win); } /*@ +nullpass +globstate @*/ static void command(char buf[], size_t len, const char *fmt, ... ) /* assemble command in printf(3) style, use stderr or syslog */ { va_list ap; ssize_t n; va_start(ap, fmt) ; (void)vsnprintf(buf, len, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); (void)write(devicefd, buf, strlen(buf)); n = read(devicefd, buf, len); if (n >= 0) { buf[n] = '\0'; while (isspace(buf[strlen(buf)-1])) buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; } } int main (int argc, char **argv) { unsigned int i, v; int len, option; char *p, *arg = NULL, *colon1 = NULL, *colon2 = NULL, *slash = NULL; char *server=NULL, *port = DEFAULT_GPSD_PORT, *device = NULL; char *controlsock = "/var/run/gpsd.sock"; fd_set select_set; unsigned char buf[BUFLEN]; char line[80]; gmt_offset = (int)tzoffset(); /*@ -branchstate @*/ while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, "F:vh")) != -1) { switch (option) { case 'F': controlsock = optarg; break; case 'v': (void)printf("sirfmon %s\n", VERSION); exit(0); case 'h': case '?': default: (void)fputs("usage: sirfmon [-?hv] [-F controlsock] [server[:port:[device]]]\n", stderr); exit(1); } } /*@ +branchstate @*/ /*@ -nullpass -branchstate @*/ if (optind < argc) { arg = strdup(argv[optind]); colon1 = strchr(arg, ':'); slash = strchr(arg, '/'); server = arg; if (colon1 != NULL) { if (colon1 == arg) server = NULL; else *colon1 = '\0'; port = colon1 + 1; colon2 = strchr(port, ':'); if (colon2 != NULL) { if (colon2 == port) port = NULL; else *colon2 = '\0'; device = colon2 + 1; } } } /*@ +nullpass +branchstate @*/ /*@ -boolops */ if (!arg || (arg && !slash) || (arg && colon1 && slash)) { if (!server) server = "localhost"; devicefd = netlib_connectsock(server, port, "tcp"); if (devicefd < 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: connection failure on %s:%s, error %d.\n", argv[0], server, port, devicefd); exit(1); } controlfd = open(controlsock, O_RDWR); /*@ -compdef @*/ if (device) command((char *)buf, sizeof(buf), "F=%s\r\n", device); else command((char *)buf, sizeof(buf), "O\r\n"); /* force device allocation */ command((char *)buf, sizeof(buf), "F\r\n"); device = strdup((char *)buf+7); command((char *)buf, sizeof(buf), "R=2\r\n"); /*@ +compdef @*/ serial = false; } else { serial_initialize(device = arg); serial = true; } /*@ +boolops */ (void)initscr(); (void)cbreak(); (void)noecho(); (void)intrflush(stdscr, FALSE); (void)keypad(stdscr, true); /*@ -onlytrans @*/ mid2win = newwin(7, 80, 0, 0); mid4win = newwin(15, 30, 7, 0); mid6win = newwin(3, 50, 7, 30); mid7win = newwin(4, 50, 10, 30); mid9win = newwin(3, 50, 14, 30); mid13win = newwin(3, 50, 17, 30); mid19win = newwin(17, 50, 7, 30); mid27win = newwin(4, 50, 20, 30); cmdwin = newwin(2, 30, 22, 0); debugwin = newwin(0, 0, 24, 0); (void)scrollok(debugwin, true); (void)wsetscrreg(debugwin, 0, LINES-21); /*@ +onlytrans @*/ /*@ -nullpass @*/ (void)wborder(mid2win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (void)wattrset(mid2win, A_BOLD); (void)wmove(mid2win, 0,1); display(mid2win, 0, 12, " X "); display(mid2win, 0, 21, " Y "); display(mid2win, 0, 30, " Z "); display(mid2win, 0, 43, " North "); display(mid2win, 0, 54, " East "); display(mid2win, 0, 65, " Alt "); (void)wmove(mid2win, 1,1); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "Pos: m m"); (void)wmove(mid2win, 2,1); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "Vel: m/s climb m/s"); (void)wmove(mid2win, 3,1); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "Time: UTC: Heading: speed m/s"); (void)wmove(mid2win, 4,1); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "Skew: TZ: HDOP: M1: M2: "); (void)wmove(mid2win, 5,1); (void)wprintw(mid2win, "Fix:"); display(mid2win, 6, 24, " Packet type 2 (0x02) "); (void)wattrset(mid2win, A_NORMAL); (void)wborder(mid4win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (void)wattrset(mid4win, A_BOLD); display(mid4win, 1, 1, " Ch SV Az El Stat C/N ? A"); for (i = 0; i < SIRF_CHANNELS; i++) { display(mid4win, (int)(i+2), 1, "%2d",i); } display(mid4win, 14, 4, " Packet Type 4 (0x04) "); (void)wattrset(mid4win, A_NORMAL); (void)wborder(mid19win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (void)wattrset(mid19win, A_BOLD); display(mid19win, 1, 1, "Alt. hold mode:"); display(mid19win, 2, 1, "Alt. hold source:"); display(mid19win, 3, 1, "Alt. source input:"); display(mid19win, 4, 1, "Degraded mode:"); display(mid19win, 5, 1, "Degraded timeout:"); display(mid19win, 6, 1, "DR timeout:"); display(mid19win, 7, 1, "Track smooth mode:"); display(mid19win, 8, 1, "Static Navigation:"); display(mid19win, 9, 1, "3SV Least Squares:"); display(mid19win, 10,1, "DOP Mask mode:"); display(mid19win, 11,1, "Nav. Elev. mask:"); display(mid19win, 12,1, "Nav. Power mask:"); display(mid19win, 13,1, "DGPS Source:"); display(mid19win, 14,1, "DGPS Mode:"); display(mid19win, 15,1, "DGPS Timeout:"); display(mid19win, 1, 26,"LP Push-to-Fix:"); display(mid19win, 2, 26,"LP On Time:"); display(mid19win, 3, 26,"LP Interval:"); display(mid19win, 4, 26,"U. Tasks Enab.:"); display(mid19win, 5, 26,"U. Task Inter.:"); display(mid19win, 6, 26,"LP Pwr Cyc En:"); display(mid19win, 7, 26,"LP Max Acq Srch:"); display(mid19win, 8, 26,"LP Max Off Time:"); display(mid19win, 9, 26,"APM enabled:"); display(mid19win,10, 26,"# of Fixes:"); display(mid19win,11, 26,"Time btw Fixes:"); display(mid19win,12, 26,"H/V Error Max:"); display(mid19win,13, 26,"Rsp Time Max:"); display(mid19win,14, 26,"Time/Accu:"); display(mid19win, 16, 8, " Packet type 19 (0x13) "); (void)wattrset(mid19win, A_NORMAL); (void)wborder(mid6win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (void)wattrset(mid6win, A_BOLD); display(mid6win, 1, 1, "Version:"); display(mid6win, 2, 8, " Packet Type 6 (0x06) "); (void)wattrset(mid6win, A_NORMAL); (void)wborder(mid7win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (void)wattrset(mid7win, A_BOLD); display(mid7win, 1, 1, "SVs: "); display(mid7win, 1, 9, "Drift: "); display(mid7win, 1, 23, "Bias: "); display(mid7win, 2, 1, "Estimated GPS Time: "); display(mid7win, 3, 8, " Packet type 7 (0x07) "); (void)wattrset(mid7win, A_NORMAL); (void)wborder(mid9win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (void)wattrset(mid9win, A_BOLD); display(mid9win, 1, 1, "Max: "); display(mid9win, 1, 13, "Lat: "); display(mid9win, 1, 25, "Time: "); display(mid9win, 1, 39, "MS: "); display(mid9win, 2, 8, " Packet type 9 (0x09) "); (void)wattrset(mid9win, A_NORMAL); (void)wborder(mid13win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (void)wattrset(mid13win, A_BOLD); display(mid13win, 1, 1, "SVs: "); display(mid13win, 1, 9, "="); display(mid13win, 2, 8, " Packet type 13 (0x0D) "); (void)wattrset(mid13win, A_NORMAL); (void)wborder(mid27win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (void)wattrset(mid27win, A_BOLD); display(mid27win, 1, 1, "SBAS source: "); display(mid27win, 1, 31, "Corrections: "); display(mid27win, 3, 8, " Packet type 27 (0x1B) "); (void)wattrset(mid27win, A_NORMAL); (void)wattrset(cmdwin, A_BOLD); if (serial) display(cmdwin, 1, 0, "%s %4d N %d", device, bps, stopbits); else display(cmdwin, 1, 0, "%s:%s:%s", server, port, device); (void)wattrset(cmdwin, A_NORMAL); (void)wmove(debugwin,0, 0); FD_ZERO(&select_set); /* probe for version */ putbyte(buf, 0, 0x84); putbyte(buf, 1, 0x0); /*@ -compdef @*/ (void)sendpkt(buf, 2, device); /*@ +compdef @*/ for (;;) { (void)wmove(cmdwin, 0,0); (void)wprintw(cmdwin, "cmd> "); (void)wclrtoeol(cmdwin); (void)refresh(); (void)wrefresh(mid2win); (void)wrefresh(mid4win); if (dispmode == 0) { refresh_rightpanel1(); } else { (void)touchwin(mid19win); (void)wrefresh(mid19win); } (void)wrefresh(debugwin); (void)wrefresh(cmdwin); FD_SET(0,&select_set); FD_SET(devicefd,&select_set); if (select(FD_SETSIZE, &select_set, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0) break; if (FD_ISSET(0,&select_set)) { (void)wmove(cmdwin, 0,5); (void)wrefresh(cmdwin); (void)echo(); /*@ -usedef -compdef @*/ (void)wgetnstr(cmdwin, line, 80); (void)noecho(); //(void)move(0,0); //(void)clrtoeol(); //(void)refresh(); (void)wrefresh(mid2win); (void)wrefresh(mid4win); if (dispmode == 0) { refresh_rightpanel1(); } else { (void)touchwin(mid19win); (void)wrefresh(mid19win); } (void)wrefresh(mid19win); (void)wrefresh(debugwin); (void)wrefresh(cmdwin); if ((p = strchr(line,'\r')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; if (line[0] == '\0') continue; /*@ +usedef +compdef @*/ p = line; while (*p != '\0' && !isspace(*p)) p++; while (*p != '\0' && isspace(*p)) p++; switch (line[0]) { case 'a': /* toggle 50bps subframe data */ (void)memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf)); putbyte(buf, 0, 0x80); putbyte(buf, 23, 12); putbyte(buf, 24, subframe_enabled ? 0x00 : 0x10); (void)sendpkt(buf, 25, device); break; case 'b': if (serial) { v = (unsigned)atoi(line+1); for (ip=rates; ip 30) break; putbyte(buf, 0,0xa6); putbyte(buf, 1,0); putbyte(buf, 2, 4); /* satellite picture */ putbyte(buf, 3, v); putbyte(buf, 4, 0); putbyte(buf, 5, 0); putbyte(buf, 6, 0); putbyte(buf, 7, 0); (void)sendpkt(buf, 8, device); break; case 'l': /* open logfile */ if (logfile != NULL) { (void)wprintw(debugwin, ">>> Logging to %s off", logfile); (void)fclose(logfile); } logfile = fopen(line+1,"a"); (void)wprintw(debugwin, ">>> Logging to %s on", logfile); break; case 'n': /* switch to NMEA */ putbyte(buf, 0,0x81); /* id */ putbyte(buf, 1,0x02); /* mode */ putbyte(buf, 2,0x01); /* GGA */ putbyte(buf, 3,0x01); putbyte(buf, 4,0x01); /* GLL */ putbyte(buf, 5,0x01); putbyte(buf, 6,0x01); /* GSA */ putbyte(buf, 7,0x01); putbyte(buf, 8,0x05); /* GSV */ putbyte(buf, 9,0x01); putbyte(buf, 10,0x01); /* RNC */ putbyte(buf, 11,0x01); putbyte(buf, 12,0x01); /* VTG */ putbyte(buf, 13,0x01); putbyte(buf, 14,0x00); /* unused fields */ putbyte(buf, 15,0x01); putbyte(buf, 16,0x00); putbyte(buf, 17,0x01); putbyte(buf, 18,0x00); putbyte(buf, 19,0x01); putbyte(buf, 20,0x00); putbyte(buf, 21,0x01); putword(buf, 22,bps); (void)sendpkt(buf, 24, device); goto quit; case 't': /* poll navigation params */ putbyte(buf, 0,0x98); putbyte(buf, 1,0x00); (void)sendpkt(buf, 2, device); break; case 'q': goto quit; case 's': len = 0; while (*p != '\0') { /*@i1@*/(void)sscanf(p,"%x",&v); putbyte(buf, len,v); len++; while (*p != '\0' && !isspace(*p)) p++; while (*p != '\0' && isspace(*p)) p++; } (void)sendpkt(buf, (size_t)len, device); break; } } if ((len = readpkt(buf)) != EOF) { decode_sirf(buf,len); } } /*@ +nullpass @*/ quit: if (logfile) (void)fclose(logfile); (void)endwin(); exit(0); } /* sirfmon.c ends here */