# Sample AIVDM data sentences provided from real data by Kurt Schwehr # Mike Greene, Neal Arundale, and AISHub. # # This file is Copyright (c) 2010 by the GPSD project # BSD terms apply: see the file COPYING in the distribution root for details. # # Type 1: # From Kurt Schwehr. Dump was attached. Checked using the noaadata tools. !AIVDM,1,1,,A,15RTgt0PAso;90TKcjM8h6g208CQ,0*4A # MessageID: 1 # RepeatIndicator: 0 # UserID: 371798000 # NavigationStatus: 0 # ROT: -127 # SOG: 12.3 # PositionAccuracy: 1 # longitude: -123.395383333 # latitude: 48.38163333333 # COG: 224 # TrueHeading: 215 # TimeStamp: 33 # RegionalReserved: 0 # Spare: 0 # RAIM: False # state_syncstate: 0 # state_slottimeout: 2 # state_slotoffset: 1249 # # Type 1: # From Kurt Schwehr. Dump was attached. Checked using the noaadata tools. !AIVDM,1,1,,A,16SteH0P00Jt63hHaa6SagvJ087r,0*42 # MessageID: 1 # RepeatIndicator: 0 # UserID: 440348000 # NavigationStatus: 0 # ROT: -128 # SOG: 0 # PositionAccuracy: 0 # longitude: -70.7582 # latitude: 43.08015 # COG: 93.4 # TrueHeading: 511 # TimeStamp: 13 # RegionalReserved: 0 # Spare: 0 # RAIM: False # state_syncstate: 0 # stare_slottimeout: 2 # state_slotoffset: 506 # # Type 2: # From Kurt Schwehr. Dump was attached. Checked using the noaadata tools. # I had to regenerate the CRC32 for this one myself, it was missing in # Kurt's original. !AIVDM,1,1,,B,25Cjtd0Oj;Jp7ilG7=UkKBoB0<06,0*60 # MessageID: 2 # RepeatIndicator: 0 # UserID: 356302000 # NavigationStatus: 0 # ROT: 127 # SOG: 13.9 # PositionAccuracy: 0 # longitude: -71.62614333333333333333333333 # latitude: 40.39235833333333333333333333 # COG: 87.7 # TrueHeading: 91 # TimeStamp: 41 # RegionalReserved: 0 # Spare: 0 # RAIM: False # state_syncstate: 0 # state_slottimeout: 3 # state_slotoffset: 6 # # Type 3: # From Kurt Schwehr. Dump was attached. Checked using the noaadata tools. !AIVDM,1,1,,A,38Id705000rRVJhE7cl9n;160000,0*40 # MessageID: 3 # RepeatIndicator: 0 # UserID: 563808000 # NavigationStatus: 5 # ROT: 0 # SOG: 0 # PositionAccuracy: 1 # longitude: -76.32753333333333333333333333 # latitude: 36.91 # COG: 252 # TrueHeading: 352 # TimeStamp: 35 # RegionalReserved: 0 # Spare: 0 # RAIM: False # state_syncstate: 0 # state_slottimeout: 0 # state_slotoffset: 0 # # Type 4: # From Kurt Schwehr. Dump was attached. Checked using the noaadata tools. !AIVDM,1,1,,A,403OviQuMGCqWrRO9>E6fE700@GO,0*4D # MessageID: 4 # RepeatIndicator: 0 # UserID: 3669702 # Time_year: 2007 # Time_month: 5 # Time_day: 14 # Time_hour: 19 # Time_min: 57 # Time_sec: 39 # PositionAccuracy: 1 # Position_longitude: -76.35236166666666666666666667 # Position_latitude: 36.88376666666666666666666667 # fixtype: 7 # Spare: 0 # RAIM: False # state_syncstate: 0 # state_slottimeout: 4 # state_slotoffset: 1503 # # Type 5: # From Kurt Schwehr. Dump was attached. Checked using the noaadata tools. !AIVDM,2,1,1,A,55?MbV02;H;s, seems to be military traffic # with a mis-entered MMSI. !AIVDM,2,1,6,A,8>qc9wiKf>d=Cq5r0mdew:?DLq>1LmhHrsqmBCKnJ50,0*30 !AIVDM,2,2,6,A,3OLc=UCRp,0*4A,b003660465 # Message Type 8 # Repeat Indicator 0 # MMSI 999999999 # DAC 366 # FID 22 # Data 256:eb0d4f917a035b2dfca3d4739381735c18ebbe754936f66850037dcacd9538b8 # # Type 9: # From AISHub. Checked with the noaadata tools. !AIVDM,1,1,,A,91b77=h3h00nHt0Q3r@@07000<0b,0*69 # Message Type : 9 # Repeat Indicator : 0 # MMSI : 111265591 # Altitude : 15 # SOG : 0 # Position Accuracy : 0 # Longitude : 7128960 # Latitude : 34667073 # Course Over Ground : 0 # Time Stamp : 28 # Regional reserved : 0 # DTE : 0 # Assigned : 0 # RAIM flag : 0 # Radio status : 24597 # # Type 10: # From Kurt Schwehr. Two destination MMSIs. Checked with the noaadata tools. !AIVDM,1,1,,B,:5MlU41GMK6@,0*6C # MessageID: 10 # RepeatIndicator: 0 # UserID: 366814480 # Spare1: 0 # DestID: 366832740 # Spare2: 0 # # Type 10: # From Mike Greene. One destination MMSI. !AIVDM,1,1,,B,:6TMCD1GOS60,0*5B,s36310,d-081,T59.01777335 # Message Type: 10 # Repeat Indicator: 0 # MMSI: 440882000 # Destination MMSI: 366972000 # # Type 11: # From Kurt Schwehr. Checked with the noaadata tools. # Message has Coast Guard extended fields following !AIVDM,1,1,,B,;4R33:1uUK2F`q?mOt@@GoQ00000,0*5D,s28089,d-103,T39.44353985,x147521,r08TPHI1,1242958962 # MessageID: 11 # RepeatIndicator: 0 # UserID: 304137000 # Time_year: 2009 # Time_month: 5 # Time_day: 22 # Time_hour: 2 # Time_min: 22 # Time_sec: 40 # PositionAccuracy: 1 # Position_longitude: -94.40768333333333333333333333 # Position_latitude: 28.40911666666666666666666667 # fixtype: 1 # Spare: 0 # RAIM: False # state_syncstate: 0 # state_slottimeout: 0 # state_slotoffset: 0 # # Type 12: # From AIS Hub via Neal Arundale. Dumps by ais.py. # Verified by the text being readable !AIVDM,1,1,,A,<02:oP0kKcv0@<51C5PB5@?BDPD?P:?2?EB7PDB16693P381>>5H0,4*4C # Message Type : 12 # Repeat Indicator : 0 # MMSI : 351853000 # Sequence Number : 1 # Destination MMSI : 351809000 # Retransmit flag : 0 # Text : THANX !AIVDM,1,1,,A,<42Lati0W:Ov=C7P6B?=Pjoihhjhqq0,2*2B # Message Type : 12 # Repeat Indicator : 0 # MMSI : 271002099 # Sequence Number : 0 # Destination MMSI : 271002111 # Retransmit flag : 1 # Text : MSG FROM 271002099 !AIVDM,1,1,,A,9P81?f31<P81@9P>5GPI9BP?5?Per18=HB1U:1@E=B0m3R1p10E3;;R0USCR0HO>0@gN10kGJp,2*7F # Message Type : 14 # Repeat Indicator : 0 # MMSI : 237008900 # Text : EP228 IX48 FG3 DK7 PL56. !AIVDM,1,1,,A,>4aDT81@E=@,2*2E # Message Type : 14 # Repeat Indicator : 0 # MMSI : 311764000 # Text : TEST # # Type 15: # From Mike Greene. This is the 88-bit variant with one MMSI, # message type and offset. Decode is known good. !AIVDM,1,1,,A,?5OP=l00052HD00,2*5B # Message Type: 15 # Repeat Indicator: 0 # MMSI: 368578000 # Destination MMSI: 5158 # First Message Type: 5 # First Slot Offset: 0 # # Type 15: # From Kurt Schwehr. This is the 108/112-bit variant with one MMSI and two # message types. Includes USCG metadata. Decode is known good. !AIVDM,1,1,,B,?h3Ovn1GP;h00Fc>jpUlNV@ikwpUoP06,0*4C # MessageID: 18 # RepeatIndicator: 0 # UserID: 338087471 # Reserved1: 0 # SOG: 0.1 # PositionAccuracy: 0 # longitude: -74.07213166666666666666666667 # latitude: 40.68454 # COG: 79.6 # TrueHeading: 511 # TimeStamp: 49 # RegionalReserved: 0 # Spare: 0 # RAIM: True # CommStateSelector: 1 # CommState: 393222 # Type 18: # From Kurt Schwehr. Checked with the noaadata tools. !AIVDM,1,1,,A,B52KB8h006fu`Q6:g1McCwb5oP06,0*00 # MessageID: 18 # RepeatIndicator: 0 # UserID: 338088483 # Reserved1: 0 # SOG: 0 # PositionAccuracy: 0 # longitude: -70.8111966 # latitude: 43.11555833 # COG: 171.6 # TrueHeading: 511 # TimeStamp: 20 # RegionalReserved: 0 # Spare: 0 # RAIM: True # CommStateSelector: 1 # CommState: 393222 # Type 18: # From Kurt Schwehr. Checked with the noaadata tools. !AIVDM,1,1,,B,B5O6hr00NhWAwwo862PaLELTBJ:V00000000S0D:R220,0*0B # MessageID: 19 # RepeatIndicator: 0 # UserID: 367059850 # Spare: 0 # SOG: 8.7 # PositionAccuracy: 0 # longitude: -88.8103916667 # latitude: 29.543695 # COG: 335.9 # TrueHeading: 511 # TimeStamp: 46 # Spare2: 0 # name: CAPT.J.RIMES # shipandcargo: 70 # dimA: 5 # dimB: 21 # dimC: 4 # dimD: 4 # fixtype: 1 # RAIM: False # DTE: 0 # Spare3: 0 # # Type 20 (1 offset) # From Mike Greene. Checked with the noaadata tools. !AIVDM,1,1,,A,Dh3OvjB8IN>4,0*1D # Message Type: 20 # Repeat Indicator: 3 # MMSI: 3669705 # Offset 1: 2182 # Reserved Slots 1: 5 # Timeout 1: 7 # Increment 1: 225 # # Type 20 (3 offsets): # From Mike Greene. !AIVDM,1,1,,B,D030p8@2tN?b<`O6DmQO6D0,2*5D # Message Type: 20 # Repeat Indicator: 0 # MMSI: 3160097 # Offset 1: 47 # Reserved Slots 1: 1 # Timeout 1: 7 # Increment 1: 250 # Offset 2: 2250 # Reserved Slots 2: 1 # Timeout 2: 7 # Increment 2: 1125 # Offset 3: 856 # Reserved Slots 3: 5 # Timeout 3: 7 # Increment 3: 1125 # # Type 21: # Has a Name Extension field # From Mike Greene !AIVDM,2,1,5,B,E1mg=5J1T4W0h97aRh6ba8410584@U220o0h:2240Ht50000000000,0*3B !AIVDM,2,1,2,A,542M92h00001@<7;?G0PD4i@R0220o0h:2240Ht500000000000000,0*3C !AIVDM,2,2,2,A,0000002,2*24 !AIVDM,2,2,6,B,00000000000,2*21