/* $Id$ */ /* json.c - unit test for JSON partsing into fixed-extent structures */ #include #include #include #include #include "gpsd_config.h" #include "gps.h" #include "gps_json.h" #include "strl.c" static void ASSERT_CASE(int num, int status) { if (status < 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "case %d FAILED, status %d.\n", num, status); exit(1); } } static void ASSERT_STRING(char *attr, char *fld, char *val) { if (strcmp(fld, val)) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "'%s' attribute eval failed, value = %s.\n", attr, fld); exit(1); } } static void ASSERT_INTEGER(char *attr, int fld, int val) { if (fld != val) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "'%s' attribute eval failed, value = %d.\n", attr, fld); exit(1); } } static void ASSERT_BOOLEAN(char *attr, bool fld, bool val) { if (fld != val) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "'%s' attribute eval failed, value = %s.\n", attr, fld ? "true" : "false"); exit(1); } } /* * Floating point comparisons are iffy, but at least if any of these fail * the output will make it clear whether it was a precision issue */ static void ASSERT_REAL(char *attr, double fld, double val) { if (fld != val) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "'%s' attribute eval failed, value = %f.\n", attr, fld); exit(1); } } static struct gps_data_t gpsdata; /* Case 1: TPV report */ const char *json_str1 = "{\"device\":\"GPS#1\",\"tag\":\"MID2\",\ \"time\":1119197561.890,\"lon\":46.498203637,\"lat\":7.568074350,\ \"alt\":1327.780,\"eph\":21.000,\"epv\":124.484,\"mode\":3,\ \"flag1\":true,\"flag2\":false}"; /* Case 2: SKY report */ const char *json_str2 = "{\"tag\":\"MID4\",\"time\":1119197562.890,\ \"reported\":7,\ \"satellites\":[\ {\"PRN\":10,\"el\":45,\"az\":196,\"ss\":34,\"used\":true},\ {\"PRN\":29,\"el\":67,\"az\":310,\"ss\":40,\"used\":true},\ {\"PRN\":28,\"el\":59,\"az\":108,\"ss\":42,\"used\":true},\ {\"PRN\":26,\"el\":51,\"az\":304,\"ss\":43,\"used\":true},\ {\"PRN\":8,\"el\":44,\"az\":58,\"ss\":41,\"used\":true},\ {\"PRN\":27,\"el\":16,\"az\":66,\"ss\":39,\"used\":true},\ {\"PRN\":21,\"el\":10,\"az\":301,\"ss\":0,\"used\":false}]}"; /* Case 3: String list syntax */ const char *json_str3 = "[\"foo\",\"bar\",\"baz\"]"; static char *stringptrs[3]; static char stringstore[256]; static int stringcount; const struct json_array_t json_array_3 = { .element_type = string, .arr.strings.ptrs = stringptrs, .arr.strings.store = stringstore, .arr.strings.storelen = sizeof(stringstore), .count = &stringcount, .maxlen = sizeof(stringptrs)/sizeof(stringptrs[0]), }; /* Case 4: test defaulting of unspecified attributes */ const char *json_str4 = "{\"flag1\":true,\"flag2\":false}"; static bool flag1, flag2; static double dftreal; static int dftinteger; const struct json_attr_t json_attrs_4[] = { {"dftint", integer, .addr.integer = &dftinteger, .dflt.integer = 5}, {"dftreal",real, .addr.real = &dftreal, .dflt.real = 23.17}, {"flag1", boolean, .addr.boolean = &flag1,}, {"flag2", boolean, .addr.boolean = &flag2,}, {NULL}, }; int main(int argc UNUSED, char *argv[] UNUSED) { int status; (void)fprintf(stderr, "JSON unit test "); status = json_tpv_read(json_str1, &gpsdata); ASSERT_CASE(1, status); ASSERT_STRING("device", gpsdata.gps_device, "GPS#1"); ASSERT_STRING("tag", gpsdata.tag, "MID2"); ASSERT_INTEGER("mode", gpsdata.fix.mode, 3); ASSERT_REAL("time", gpsdata.fix.time, 1119197561.890); ASSERT_REAL("lon", gpsdata.fix.longitude, 46.498203637); ASSERT_REAL("lat", gpsdata.fix.latitude, 7.568074350); status = json_sky_read(json_str2, &gpsdata); ASSERT_CASE(2, status); ASSERT_STRING("tag", gpsdata.tag, "MID4"); ASSERT_INTEGER("reported", gpsdata.satellites_used, 7); ASSERT_INTEGER("PRN[0]", gpsdata.PRN[0], 10); ASSERT_INTEGER("el[0]", gpsdata.elevation[0], 45); ASSERT_INTEGER("az[0]", gpsdata.azimuth[0], 196); ASSERT_REAL("ss[0]", gpsdata.ss[0], 34); ASSERT_INTEGER("used[0]", gpsdata.used[0], 10); ASSERT_INTEGER("used[5]", gpsdata.used[5], 27); ASSERT_INTEGER("PRN[6]", gpsdata.PRN[6], 21); ASSERT_INTEGER("el[6]", gpsdata.elevation[6], 10); ASSERT_INTEGER("az[6]", gpsdata.azimuth[6], 301); ASSERT_REAL("ss[6]", gpsdata.ss[6], 0); status = json_read_array(json_str3, &json_array_3, NULL); ASSERT_CASE(3, status); assert(stringcount == 3); assert(strcmp(stringptrs[0], "foo") == 0); assert(strcmp(stringptrs[1], "bar") == 0); assert(strcmp(stringptrs[2], "baz") == 0); status = json_read_object(json_str4, json_attrs_4, 0, NULL); ASSERT_CASE(4, status); ASSERT_INTEGER("dftint", dftinteger, 5); /* did the default work? */ ASSERT_REAL("dftreal", dftreal, 23.17); /* did the default work? */ ASSERT_BOOLEAN("flag1", flag1, true); ASSERT_BOOLEAN("flag2", flag2, false); (void)fprintf(stderr, "succeeded.\n"); exit(0); }