/* json.c - unit test for JSON parsing into fixed-extent structures * * This file is Copyright (c) 2010 by the GPSD project * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gpsd.h" #include "gps_json.h" /* GPSD is built with JSON_MINIMAL. Any !JSON_MINIMAL tests, * like 17, 18 and 19 will thus fail. * So this define removes them, they never execute. */ #define JSON_MINIMAL static int debug = 0; static void assert_case(int num, int status) { if (status != 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "case %d FAILED, status %d (%s).\n", num, status, json_error_string(status)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } static void assert_string(char *attr, char *fld, char *val) { if (strcmp(fld, val)) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "'%s' string attribute eval failed, value = %s.\n", attr, fld); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } static void assert_integer(char *attr, int fld, int val) { if (fld != val) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "'%s' integer attribute eval failed, value = %d.\n", attr, fld); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } static void assert_uinteger(char *attr, unsigned int fld, unsigned int val) { if (fld != val) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "'%s' integer attribute eval failed, value = %u.\n", attr, fld); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } static void assert_boolean(char *attr, bool fld, bool val) { if (fld != val) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "'%s' boolean attribute eval failed, value = %s.\n", attr, fld ? "true" : "false"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* * Floating point comparisons are iffy, but at least if any of these fail * the output will make it clear whether it was a precision issue */ static void assert_real(char *attr, double fld, double val) { if (fld != val) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "'%s' real attribute eval failed, value = %f.\n", attr, fld); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } static struct gps_data_t gpsdata; /* Case 1: TPV report */ /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static const char json_str1[] = "{\"class\":\"TPV\",\ \"device\":\"GPS#1\", \ \"time\":\"2005-06-19T08:12:41.89Z\",\"lon\":46.498203637,\"lat\":7.568074350,\ \"alt\":1327.780,\"epx\":21.000,\"epy\":23.000,\"epv\":124.484,\"mode\":3}"; /* * Case 2: SKY report * * The fields of the last satellite entry are arranged in the reverse order * of the structure fields, in order to test for field overflow. */ static const char *json_str2 = "{\"class\":\"SKY\",\ \"time\":\"2005-06-19T12:12:42.03Z\", \ \"satellites\":[\ {\"PRN\":10,\"el\":45,\"az\":196,\"ss\":34,\"used\":true},\ {\"PRN\":29,\"el\":67,\"az\":310,\"ss\":40,\"used\":true},\ {\"PRN\":28,\"el\":59,\"az\":108,\"ss\":42,\"used\":true},\ {\"PRN\":26,\"el\":51,\"az\":304,\"ss\":43,\"used\":true},\ {\"PRN\":8,\"el\":44,\"az\":58,\"ss\":41,\"used\":true},\ {\"PRN\":27,\"el\":16,\"az\":66,\"ss\":39,\"used\":true},\ {\"az\":301,\"el\":10,\"PRN\":21,\"used\":false,\"ss\":0}]}"; /* Case 3: String list syntax */ static const char *json_str3 = "[\"foo\",\"bar\",\"baz\"]"; static char *stringptrs[3]; static char stringstore[256]; static int stringcount; static const struct json_array_t json_array_3 = { .element_type = t_string, .arr.strings.ptrs = stringptrs, .arr.strings.store = stringstore, .arr.strings.storelen = sizeof(stringstore), .count = &stringcount, .maxlen = sizeof(stringptrs)/sizeof(stringptrs[0]), }; /* Case 4: test defaulting of unspecified attributes */ static const char *json_str4 = "{\"flag1\":true,\"flag2\":false}"; static bool flag1, flag2; static double dftreal; static int dftinteger; static unsigned int dftuinteger; static const struct json_attr_t json_attrs_4[] = { {"dftint", t_integer, .addr.integer = &dftinteger, .dflt.integer = -5}, {"dftuint", t_integer, .addr.uinteger = &dftuinteger, .dflt.uinteger = 10}, {"dftreal", t_real, .addr.real = &dftreal, .dflt.real = 23.17}, {"flag1", t_boolean, .addr.boolean = &flag1,}, {"flag2", t_boolean, .addr.boolean = &flag2,}, {NULL}, }; /* Case 5: test DEVICE parsing */ static const char *json_str5 = "{\"class\":\"DEVICE\",\ \"path\":\"/dev/ttyUSB0\",\ \"flags\":5,\ \"driver\":\"Foonly\",\"subtype\":\"Foonly Frob\"\ }"; /* Case 6: test parsing of subobject list into array of structures */ static const char *json_str6 = "{\"parts\":[\ {\"name\":\"Urgle\", \"flag\":true, \"count\":3},\ {\"name\":\"Burgle\",\"flag\":false,\"count\":1},\ {\"name\":\"Witter\",\"flag\":true, \"count\":4},\ {\"name\":\"Thud\", \"flag\":false,\"count\":1}]}"; struct dumbstruct_t { char name[64]; bool flag; int count; }; static struct dumbstruct_t dumbstruck[5]; static int dumbcount; static const struct json_attr_t json_attrs_6_subtype[] = { {"name", t_string, .addr.offset = offsetof(struct dumbstruct_t, name), .len = 64}, {"flag", t_boolean, .addr.offset = offsetof(struct dumbstruct_t, flag),}, {"count", t_integer, .addr.offset = offsetof(struct dumbstruct_t, count),}, {NULL}, }; static const struct json_attr_t json_attrs_6[] = { {"parts", t_array, .addr.array.element_type = t_structobject, .addr.array.arr.objects.base = (char*)&dumbstruck, .addr.array.arr.objects.stride = sizeof(struct dumbstruct_t), .addr.array.arr.objects.subtype = json_attrs_6_subtype, .addr.array.count = &dumbcount, .addr.array.maxlen = sizeof(dumbstruck)/sizeof(dumbstruck[0])}, {NULL}, }; /* Case 7: test parsing of version response */ static const char *json_str7 = "{\"class\":\"VERSION\",\ \"release\":\"2.40dev\",\"rev\":\"dummy-revision\",\ \"proto_major\":3,\"proto_minor\":1}"; /* Case 8: test parsing arrays of enumerated types */ static const char *json_str8 = "{\"fee\":\"FOO\",\"fie\":\"BAR\",\"foe\":\"BAZ\"}"; static const struct json_enum_t enum_table[] = { {"BAR", 6}, {"FOO", 3}, {"BAZ", 14}, {NULL} }; static int fee, fie, foe; static const struct json_attr_t json_attrs_8[] = { {"fee", t_integer, .addr.integer = &fee, .map=enum_table}, {"fie", t_integer, .addr.integer = &fie, .map=enum_table}, {"foe", t_integer, .addr.integer = &foe, .map=enum_table}, {NULL}, }; /* Case 9: Like case 6 but w/ an empty array */ static const char *json_str9 = "{\"parts\":[]}"; /* Case 10: test parsing of PPS message */ static const char *json_strPPS = "{\"class\":\"PPS\",\"device\":\"GPS#1\"," \ "\"real_sec\":1428001514, \"real_nsec\":1000000," \ "\"clock_sec\":1428001513,\"clock_nsec\":999999999," \ "\"precision\":-20}"; /* Case 11: test parsing of TOFF message */ static const char *json_strTOFF = "{\"class\":\"TOFF\",\"device\":\"GPS#1\"," \ "\"real_sec\":1428001514, \"real_nsec\":1000000," \ "\"clock_sec\":1428001513,\"clock_nsec\":999999999}"; /* Case 12: test parsing of OSC message */ static const char *json_strOSC = "{\"class\":\"OSC\",\"device\":\"GPS#1\"," \ "\"running\":true,\"reference\":true,\"disciplined\":false," \ "\"delta\":67}"; /* Case 13: test parsing of ERROR message, and some escape sequences */ static char *json_strErr = "{\"class\":\"ERROR\",\"message\":" \ "\"Hello\b\f\n\r\t\"}"; /* Case 14: test parsing of ERROR message and \u escape */ /* per ECMA-404, \u must be followed by 4 hex digits */ static char *json_strErr1 = "{\"class\":\"ERROR\",\"message\":\"0\\u00334\"}"; /* Case 15: test buffer overflow of short string destination */ static char *json_strOver = "{\"name\":\"\\u0033\\u0034\\u0035\\u0036\"}"; char json_short_string_dst[2]; int json_short_string_cnt = 5; static const struct json_attr_t json_short_string[] = { {"name", t_string, .addr.string = json_short_string_dst, .len = sizeof(json_short_string_dst)}, {"count", t_integer, .addr.integer = &json_short_string_cnt}, {NULL}, }; /* Case 16: test buffer overflow of short string destination */ static char json_strOver2[7 * JSON_VAL_MAX]; /* dynamically built */ #ifndef JSON_MINIMAL /* Case 17: Read array of integers */ static const char *json_strInt = "[23,-17,5]"; static int intstore[4], intcount; static const struct json_array_t json_array_Int = { .element_type = t_integer, .arr.integers.store = intstore, .count = &intcount, .maxlen = sizeof(intstore)/sizeof(intstore[0]), }; /* Case 18: Read array of booleans */ static const char *json_strBool = "[true,false,true]"; static bool boolstore[4]; static int boolcount; static const struct json_array_t json_array_Bool = { .element_type = t_boolean, .arr.booleans.store = boolstore, .count = &boolcount, .maxlen = sizeof(boolstore)/sizeof(boolstore[0]), }; /* Case 19: Read array of reals */ static const char *json_strReal = "[23.1,-17.2,5.3]"; static double realstore[4]; static int realcount; static const struct json_array_t json_array_Real = { .element_type = t_real, .arr.reals.store = realstore, .count = &realcount, .maxlen = sizeof(realstore)/sizeof(realstore[0]), }; #endif /* JSON_MINIMAL */ /* *INDENT-ON* */ static void jsontest(int i) { int status = 0; /* libgps_json_unpack() returned status */ int n; /* generic index */ if (0 < debug) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Running test #%d.\n", i); } /* do not keep old data! */ memset((void *)&gpsdata, 0, sizeof(gpsdata)); switch (i) { case 1: status = libgps_json_unpack(json_str1, &gpsdata, NULL); assert_case(i, status); assert_string("device", gpsdata.dev.path, "GPS#1"); assert_integer("mode", gpsdata.fix.mode, 3); assert_real("time", gpsdata.fix.time, 1119168761.8900001); assert_real("lon", gpsdata.fix.longitude, 46.498203637); assert_real("lat", gpsdata.fix.latitude, 7.568074350); break; case 2: status = libgps_json_unpack(json_str2, &gpsdata, NULL); assert_case(i, status); assert_integer("used", gpsdata.satellites_used, 6); assert_integer("PRN[0]", gpsdata.skyview[0].PRN, 10); assert_integer("el[0]", gpsdata.skyview[0].elevation, 45); assert_integer("az[0]", gpsdata.skyview[0].azimuth, 196); assert_real("ss[0]", gpsdata.skyview[0].ss, 34); assert_boolean("used[0]", gpsdata.skyview[0].used, true); assert_integer("PRN[6]", gpsdata.skyview[6].PRN, 21); assert_integer("el[6]", gpsdata.skyview[6].elevation, 10); assert_integer("az[6]", gpsdata.skyview[6].azimuth, 301); assert_real("ss[6]", gpsdata.skyview[6].ss, 0); assert_boolean("used[6]", gpsdata.skyview[6].used, false); break; case 3: status = json_read_array(json_str3, &json_array_3, NULL); assert_case(i, status); assert(stringcount == 3); assert(strcmp(stringptrs[0], "foo") == 0); assert(strcmp(stringptrs[1], "bar") == 0); assert(strcmp(stringptrs[2], "baz") == 0); break; case 4: status = json_read_object(json_str4, json_attrs_4, NULL); assert_case(i, status); assert_integer("dftint", dftinteger, -5); /* did the default work? */ assert_uinteger("dftuint", dftuinteger, 10); /* did the default work? */ assert_real("dftreal", dftreal, 23.17); /* did the default work? */ assert_boolean("flag1", flag1, true); assert_boolean("flag2", flag2, false); break; case 5: status = libgps_json_unpack(json_str5, &gpsdata, NULL); assert_case(i, status); assert_string("path", gpsdata.dev.path, "/dev/ttyUSB0"); assert_integer("flags", gpsdata.dev.flags, 5); assert_string("driver", gpsdata.dev.driver, "Foonly"); break; case 6: status = json_read_object(json_str6, json_attrs_6, NULL); assert_case(i, status); assert_integer("dumbcount", dumbcount, 4); assert_string("dumbstruck[0].name", dumbstruck[0].name, "Urgle"); assert_string("dumbstruck[1].name", dumbstruck[1].name, "Burgle"); assert_string("dumbstruck[2].name", dumbstruck[2].name, "Witter"); assert_string("dumbstruck[3].name", dumbstruck[3].name, "Thud"); assert_boolean("dumbstruck[0].flag", dumbstruck[0].flag, true); assert_boolean("dumbstruck[1].flag", dumbstruck[1].flag, false); assert_boolean("dumbstruck[2].flag", dumbstruck[2].flag, true); assert_boolean("dumbstruck[3].flag", dumbstruck[3].flag, false); assert_integer("dumbstruck[0].count", dumbstruck[0].count, 3); assert_integer("dumbstruck[1].count", dumbstruck[1].count, 1); assert_integer("dumbstruck[2].count", dumbstruck[2].count, 4); assert_integer("dumbstruck[3].count", dumbstruck[3].count, 1); break; case 7: status = libgps_json_unpack(json_str7, &gpsdata, NULL); assert_case(i, status); assert_string("release", gpsdata.version.release, "2.40dev"); assert_string("rev", gpsdata.version.rev, "dummy-revision"); assert_integer("proto_major", gpsdata.version.proto_major, 3); assert_integer("proto_minor", gpsdata.version.proto_minor, 1); break; case 8: status = json_read_object(json_str8, json_attrs_8, NULL); assert_case(i, status); assert_integer("fee", fee, 3); assert_integer("fie", fie, 6); assert_integer("foe", foe, 14); break; case 9: /* yes, the '6' in the next line is correct */ status = json_read_object(json_str9, json_attrs_6, NULL); assert_case(i, status); assert_integer("dumbcount", dumbcount, 0); break; case 10: status = json_pps_read(json_strPPS, &gpsdata, NULL); assert_case(i, status); assert_string("device", gpsdata.dev.path, "GPS#1"); assert_integer("real_sec", gpsdata.pps.real.tv_sec, 1428001514); assert_integer("real_nsec", gpsdata.pps.real.tv_nsec, 1000000); assert_integer("clock_sec", gpsdata.pps.clock.tv_sec, 1428001513); assert_integer("clock_nsec", gpsdata.pps.clock.tv_nsec, 999999999); break; case 11: status = json_toff_read(json_strTOFF, &gpsdata, NULL); assert_case(i, status); assert_string("device", gpsdata.dev.path, "GPS#1"); assert_integer("real_sec", gpsdata.pps.real.tv_sec, 1428001514); assert_integer("real_nsec", gpsdata.pps.real.tv_nsec, 1000000); assert_integer("clock_sec", gpsdata.pps.clock.tv_sec, 1428001513); assert_integer("clock_nsec", gpsdata.pps.clock.tv_nsec, 999999999); break; case 12: status = json_oscillator_read(json_strOSC, &gpsdata, NULL); assert_case(i,status); assert_string("device", gpsdata.dev.path, "GPS#1"); assert_boolean("running", gpsdata.osc.running, true); assert_boolean("reference", gpsdata.osc.reference, true); assert_boolean("disciplined", gpsdata.osc.disciplined, false); assert_integer("delta", gpsdata.osc.delta, 67); break; case 13: if (2 < debug) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "test string: %s.\n", json_strErr); } status = libgps_json_unpack(json_strErr, &gpsdata, NULL); assert_case(i, status); assert_string("message", gpsdata.error, "Hello\b\f\n\r\t"); break; case 14: if (2 < debug) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "test string: %s.\n", json_strErr1); } status = libgps_json_unpack(json_strErr1, &gpsdata, NULL); assert_case(i, status); assert_string("message", gpsdata.error, "034"); break; case 15: /* check for string overrun caught */ if (2 < debug) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "test string: %s.\n", json_strOver); } json_short_string_cnt = 7; status = json_read_object(json_strOver, json_short_string, NULL); assert_case(i, JSON_ERR_STRLONG != status); assert_string("name", json_short_string_dst, ""); assert_integer("count", json_short_string_cnt, 0); break; case 16: /* check for string overrun caught */ json_strOver2[0] = '\0'; /* build a LONG test string */ strlcat(json_strOver2, "{\"name\":\"", sizeof(json_strOver2)); for (n = 0; n < (2 * JSON_VAL_MAX); n++) { strlcat(json_strOver2, "\\u0033", sizeof(json_strOver2)); } strlcat(json_strOver2, "\"}", sizeof(json_strOver2)); if (2 < debug) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "test string: %s.\n", json_strOver); } json_short_string_cnt = 7; status = json_read_object(json_strOver2, json_short_string, NULL); assert_case(i, JSON_ERR_STRLONG != status); assert_string("name", json_short_string_dst, ""); assert_integer("count", json_short_string_cnt, 0); break; #ifdef JSON_MINIMAL #define MAXTEST 16 #else case 17: status = json_read_array(json_strInt, &json_array_Int, NULL); assert_integer("count", intcount, 3); assert_integer("intstore[0]", intstore[0], 23); assert_integer("intstore[1]", intstore[1], -17); assert_integer("intstore[2]", intstore[2], 5); assert_integer("intstore[3]", intstore[3], 0); break; case 18: status = json_read_array(json_strBool, &json_array_Bool, NULL); assert_integer("count", boolcount, 3); assert_boolean("boolstore[0]", boolstore[0], true); assert_boolean("boolstore[1]", boolstore[1], false); assert_boolean("boolstore[2]", boolstore[2], true); assert_boolean("boolstore[3]", boolstore[3], false); break; case 19: status = json_read_array(json_strReal, &json_array_Real, NULL); assert_integer("count", realcount, 3); assert_real("realstore[0]", realstore[0], 23.1); assert_real("realstore[1]", realstore[1], -17.2); assert_real("realstore[2]", realstore[2], 5.3); assert_real("realstore[3]", realstore[3], 0); break; #define MAXTEST 19 #endif /* JSON_MINIMAL */ default: (void)fputs("Unknown test number\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } int main(int argc UNUSED, char *argv[]UNUSED) { int option; int individual = 0; while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, "hn:D:?")) != -1) { switch (option) { #ifdef CLIENTDEBUG_ENABLE case 'D': debug = atoi(optarg); gps_enable_debug(debug, stdout); break; #endif case 'n': individual = atoi(optarg); break; case '?': case 'h': default: (void)fputs("usage: test_json [-D lvl] [-n tst]\n" " -D lvl set debug level\n" " -n tst run only test tst\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } (void)fprintf(stderr, "JSON unit tests\n"); if (individual) jsontest(individual); else { int i; for (i = 1; i <= MAXTEST; i++) { jsontest(i); } } (void)fprintf(stderr, "succeeded.\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* end */