#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 ''' ubxtool -- u-blox configurator and packet decoder usage: ubxtool [OPTIONS] [server[:port[:device]]] ''' # This file is Copyright (c) 2018 by the GPSD project # BSD terms apply: see the file COPYING in the distribution root for details. # # This code runs compatibly under Python 2 and 3.x for x >= 2. # Preserve this property! # # ENVIRONMENT: # Options in the UBXOPTS environment variable will be parsed before # the CLI options. A handy place to put your '-f /dev/ttyXX -s SPEED' # # To see what constellations are enabled: # ubxtool -p GNSS -f /dev/ttyXX # # To disable GALILEO and enable GALILEO: # ubxtool -d GLONASS -f /dev/ttyXX # ubxtool -e GALILEO -f /dev/ttyXX # # To read GPS messages a log file: # ubxtool -v 2 -f test/daemon/ublox-neo-m8n.log from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division import binascii # for binascii.hexlify() from functools import reduce # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin import getopt # for getopt.getopt(), to parse CLI options import operator # for or_ import os # for os.environ import socket # for socket.error import stat # for stat.S_ISBLK() import struct # for pack() import sys import time PROG_NAME = 'ubxtool' try: import serial except ImportError: serial = None # Defer complaining until we know we need it. try: import gps except ImportError: # PEP8 says local imports last sys.stderr.write("%s: failed to import gps, check PYTHON_PATH\n" % PROG_NAME) sys.exit(2) gps_version = '3.19-dev' if gps.__version__ != gps_version: sys.stderr.write("%s: ERROR: need gps module version %s, got %s\n" % (PROG_NAME, gps_version, gps.__version__)) sys.exit(1) VERB_QUIET = 0 # quiet VERB_NONE = 1 # just output requested data and some info VERB_DECODE = 2 # decode all messages VERB_INFO = 3 # more info VERB_RAW = 4 # raw info VERB_PROG = 5 # program trace # dictionary to hold all user options opts = { # command to send to GPS, -c 'command': None, # default -x item 'del_item': None, # command for -d disable 'disable': None, # command for -e enable 'enable': None, # default input -f file 'input_file_name': None, # default -g item 'get_item': None, # default forced wait? -W 'input_forced_wait': False, # default port speed -s 'input_speed': 9600, # default input wait time -w in seconds 'input_wait': 2.0, # interface for port-related commands 'interface': None, # optional mode to -p P 'mode': None, # the name of an OAF file, extension .jpo 'oaf_name': None, # poll command -p 'poll': None, # protocol version for sent commands # u-blox 5, firmware 4 to 6 is protver 10 to 12 # u-blox 6, firmware 6 to 7 is protver 12 to 13 # u-blox 6, firmware 1 is protver 14 # u-blox 7, firmware 1 is protver 14 # u-blox 8, is protver 15 to 23 # u-blox 9, firmware 1 is protver 27 # u-blox F9T, firmware 2 is protver 29 'protver': 10, # raw log file name 'raw_file': None, # open port read only -r 'read_only': False, # default -z item 'set_item': None, # speed to set GPS -S 'set_speed': None, # target gpsd (server:port:device) to connect to 'target': {"server": None, "port": gps.GPSD_PORT, "device": None}, # verbosity level, -v 'verbosity': VERB_NONE, # contents of environment variable UBXOPTS 'progopts': '', } class ubx(object): "class to hold u-blox stuff" # when a statement identifier is received, it is stored here last_statement_identifier = None # expected statement identifier. expect_statement_identifier = False def __init__(self): pass # allowable speeds speeds = (460800, 230400, 153600, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 600, 300) # UBX Satellite Numbering gnss_id = {0: 'GPS', 1: 'SBAS', 2: 'Galileo', 3: 'BeiDou', 4: 'IMES', 5: 'QZSS', 6: 'GLONASS'} # Names for portID values in UBX-CFG-PRT port_ids = {0: 'DDC', # The inappropriate name for i2c used in the spec 1: 'UART', 2: 'UART_2', 3: 'USB', 4: 'SPI', } port_id_map = dict([x[::-1] for x in port_ids.items()]) port_id_map['UART_1'] = port_id_map['UART'] # Accept synonym port_ids[5] = 'Reserved' # Don't include this in port_id_map # u-blox 9 cfg items as a 5-tuple # 1 - Name # 2 - key id # 3 - value type # 4 - scale # 5 - Unit # 6 - Description cfgs = ( # CFG-GEOFENCE- ("CFG-GEOFENCE-CONFLVL", 0x20240011, "E1", 1, "", "Required confidence level for state evaluation"), ("CFG-GEOFENCE-USE_PIO", 0x10240012, "L", 1, "", "Use PIO combined fence state output"), ("CFG-GEOFENCE-PINPOL", 0x20240013, "E1", 1, "", "PIO pin polarity"), ("CFG-GEOFENCE-PIN", 0x20240014, "U1", 1, "", "PIO pin number"), ("CFG-GEOFENCE-USE_FENCE1", 0x10240020, "L", 1, "", "Use first geofence"), ("CFG-GEOFENCE-FENCE1_LAT", 0x40240021, "I4", 1e-7, "deg", "Latitude of the first geofence circle center"), ("CFG-GEOFENCE-FENCE1_LON", 0x40240022, "I4", 1e-7, "deg", "Longitude of the first geofence circle center"), ("CFG-GEOFENCE-FENCE1_RAD", 0x40240023, "U4", 0.01, "m", "Radius of the first geofence circle"), ("CFG-GEOFENCE-USE_FENCE2", 0x10240030, "L", 1, "", "Use second geofence"), ("CFG-GEOFENCE-FENCE2_LAT", 0x40240031, "I4", 1e-7, "deg", "Latitude of the second geofence circle center"), ("CFG-GEOFENCE-FENCE2_LON", 0x40240032, "I4", 1e-7, "deg", "Longitude of the second geofence circle center"), ("CFG-GEOFENCE-FENCE2_RAD", 0x40240033, "U4", 0.01, "m", "Radius of the second geofence circle"), ("CFG-GEOFENCE-USE_FENCE3", 0x10240040, "L", 1, "", "Use third geofence"), ("CFG-GEOFENCE-FENCE3_LAT", 0x40240041, "I4", 1e-7, "deg", "Latitude of the third geofence circle center"), ("CFG-GEOFENCE-FENCE3_LON", 0x40240042, "I4", 1e-7, "deg", "Longitude of the third geofence circle center"), ("CFG-GEOFENCE-FENCE3_RAD", 0x40240043, "U4", 0.01, "m", "Radius of the third geofence circle"), ("CFG-GEOFENCE-USE_FENCE4", 0x10240050, "L", 1, "", "Use fourth geofence"), ("CFG-GEOFENCE-FENCE4_LAT", 0x40240051, "I4", 1e-7, "deg", "Latitude of the fourth geofence circle center"), ("CFG-GEOFENCE-FENCE4_LON", 0x40240052, "I4", 1e-7, "deg", "Longitude of the fourth geofence circle center"), ("CFG-GEOFENCE-FENCE4_RAD", 0x40240053, "U4", 0.01, "m", "Radius of the fourth geofence circle"), # CFG-HW ("CFG-HW-ANT_CFG_VOLTCTRL", 0x10a3002e, "L", 1, "", "Active antenna voltage control flag"), ("CFG-HW-ANT_CFG_SHORTDET", 0x10a3002f, "L", 1, "", "Short antenna detection flag"), ("CFG-HW-ANT_CFG_SHORTDET_POL", 0x10a30030, "L", 1, "", "Short antenna detection polarity"), ("CFG-HW-ANT_CFG_OPENDET", 0x10a30031, "L", 1, "", "Open antenna detection flag"), ("CFG-HW-ANT_CFG_OPENDET_POL", 0x10a30032, "L", 1, "", "Open antenna detection polarity"), ("CFG-HW-ANT_CFG_PWRDOWN", 0x10a30033, "L", 1, "", "Power down antenna flag"), ("CFG-HW-ANT_CFG_PWRDOWN_POL", 0x10a30034, "L", 1, "", "Power down antenna logic polarity"), ("CFG-HW-ANT_CFG_RECOVER", 0x10a30035, "L", 1, "", "Automatic recovery from short state flag"), ("CFG-HW-ANT_SUP_SWITCH_PIN", 0x20a30036, "U1", 1, "", "ANT1 PIO number"), ("CFG-HW-ANT_SUP_SHORT_PIN", 0x20a30037, "U1", 1, "", "ANT0 PIO number"), ("CFG-HW-ANT_SUP_OPEN_PIN", 0x20a30038, "U1", 1, "", "ANT2 PIO number"), # CFG-I2C ("CFG-I2C-ADDRESS", 0x20510001, "U1", 1, "", "I2C slave address of the receiver"), ("CFG-I2C-EXTENDEDTIMEOUT", 0x10510002, "L", 1, "", "Flag to disable timeouting the interface after 1.5 s"), ("CFG-I2C-ENABLED", 0x10510003, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if the I2C interface should be enabled"), ("CFG-I2CINPROT-UBX", 0x10710001, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if UBX should be an input on I2C"), ("CFG-I2CINPROT-NMEA", 0x10710002, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if NMEA should be an input on I2C"), ("CFG-I2CINPROT-RTCM2X", 0x10710003, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if RTCM2X should be an input on I2C"), ("CFG-I2CINPROT-RTCM3X", 0x10710004, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if RTCM3X should be input on I2C"), ("CFG-I2COUTPROT-UBX", 0x10720001, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if UBX should be an output on I2C"), ("CFG-I2COUTPROT-NMEA", 0x10720002, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if NMEA should be an output on I2C"), ("CFG-I2COUTPROT-RTCM3X", 0x10720004, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if RTCM3X should be an output on I2C"), # CFG-INFMSG- ("CFG-INFMSG-UBX_I2C", 0x20920001, "X1", 1, "", "Information message enable flags for UBX protocol on I2C"), ("CFG-INFMSG-UBX_UART1", 0x20920002, "X1", 1, "", "Information message enable flags for UBX protocol on UART1"), ("CFG-INFMSG-UBX_UART2", 0x20920003, "X1", 1, "", "Information message enable flags for UBX protocol on UART2"), ("CFG-INFMSG-UBX_USB", 0x20920004, "X1", 1, "", "Information message enable flags for UBX protocol on USB"), ("CFG-INFMSG-UBX_SPI", 0x20920005, "X1", 1, "", "Information message enable flags for UBX protocol on SPI"), ("CFG-INFMSG-NMEA_I2C", 0x20920006, "X1", 1, "", "Information message enable flags for NMEA protocol on I2C"), ("CFG-INFMSG-NMEA_UART1", 0x20920007, "X1", 1, "", "Information message enable flags for NMEA protocol on UART1"), ("CFG-INFMSG-NMEA_UART2", 0x20920008, "X1", 1, "", "Information message enable flags for NMEA protocol on UART2"), ("CFG-INFMSG-NMEA_USB", 0x20920009, "X1", 1, "", "Information message enable flags for NMEA protocol on USB"), ("CFG-INFMSG-NMEA_SPI", 0x2092000a, "X1", 1, "", "Information message enable flags for NMEA protocol on SPI"), # CFG-ITFM- ("CFG-ITFM-BBTHRESHOLD", 0x20410001, "U1", 1, "", "Broadband jamming detection threshold"), ("CFG-ITFM-CWTHRESHOLD", 0x20410002, "U1", 1, "", "CW jamming detection threshold"), ("CFG-ITFM-ENABLE", 0x1041000d, "L", 1, "", "Enable interference detection"), ("CFG-ITFM-ANTSETTING", 0x20410010, "E1", 1, "", "Antenna setting"), ("CFG-ITFM-ENABLE_AUX", 0x10410013, "L", 1, "", "Set to true to scan auxiliary bands"), # CFG-LOGFILTER- ("CFG-LOGFILTER-RECORD_ENA", 0x10de0002, "L", 1, "", "Recording enabled"), ("CFG-LOGFILTER-ONCE_PER_WAKE_UP_ENA", 0x10de0003, "L", 1, "", "Once per wakeup"), ("CFG-LOGFILTER-APPLY_ALL_FILTERS", 0x10de0004, "L", 1, "", "Apply all filter settings"), ("CFG-LOGFILTER-TIME_THRS", 0x30de0006, "U2", 1, "s", "Time threshold"), ("CFG-LOGFILTER-SPEED_THRS", 0x30de0007, "U2", 1, "m/s", "Speed threshold"), ("CFG-LOGFILTER-POSITION_THRS", 0x40de0008, "U4", 1, "m", "Position threshold"), # CFG-MOT- ("CFG-MOT-GNSSSPEED_THRS", 0x20250038, "U1", 0.01, "m/s", "GNSS speed threshold below which platform is considered " "as stationary"), ("CFG-MOT-GNSSDIST_THRS", 0x3025003b, "U2", 1, "", "Distance above which GNSS-based stationary motion is exit"), # CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_DTM_I2C", 0x209100a6, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-DTM message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_DTM_SPI", 0x209100aa, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-DTM message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_DTM_UART1", 0x209100a7, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-DTM message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_DTM_UART2", 0x209100a8, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-DTM message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_DTM_USB", 0x209100a9, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-DTM message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GBS_I2C", 0x209100dd, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GBS message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GBS_SPI", 0x209100e1, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GBS message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GBS_UART1", 0x209100de, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GBS message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GBS_UART2", 0x209100df, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GBS message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GBS_USB", 0x209100e0, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GBS message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GGA_I2C", 0x209100ba, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GGA message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GGA_SPI", 0x209100be, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GGA message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GGA_UART1", 0x209100bb, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GGA message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GGA_UART2", 0x209100bc, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GGA message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GGA_USB", 0x209100bd, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GGA message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GLL_I2C", 0x209100c9, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GLL message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GLL_SPI", 0x209100cd, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GLL message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GLL_UART1", 0x209100ca, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GLL message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GLL_UART2", 0x209100cb, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GLL message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GLL_USB", 0x209100cc, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GLL message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GNS_I2C", 0x209100b5, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GNS message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GNS_SPI", 0x209100b9, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GNS message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GNS_UART1", 0x209100b6, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GNS message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GNS_UART2", 0x209100b7, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GNS message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GNS_USB", 0x209100b8, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GNS message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GRS_I2C", 0x209100ce, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GRS message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GRS_SPI", 0x209100d2, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GRS message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GRS_UART1", 0x209100cf, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GRS message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GRS_UART2", 0x209100d0, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GRS message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GRS_USB", 0x209100d1, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GRS message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GSA_I2C", 0x209100bf, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GSA message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GSA_SPI", 0x209100c3, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GSA message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GSA_UART1", 0x209100c0, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GSA message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GSA_UART2", 0x209100c1, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GSA message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GSA_USB", 0x209100c2, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GSA message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GST_I2C", 0x209100d3, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GST message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GST_SPI", 0x209100d7, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GST message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GST_UART1", 0x209100d4, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GST message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GST_UART2", 0x209100d5, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GST message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GST_USB", 0x209100d6, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GST message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GSV_I2C", 0x209100c4, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GSV message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GSV_SPI", 0x209100c8, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GSV message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GSV_UART1", 0x209100c5, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GSV message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GSV_UART2", 0x209100c6, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GSV message on port UART"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_GSV_USB", 0x209100c7, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-GSV message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_RMC_I2C", 0x209100ab, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-RMC message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_RMC_SPI", 0x209100af, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-RMC message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_RMC_UART1", 0x209100ac, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-RMC message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_RMC_UART2", 0x209100ad, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-RMC message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_RMC_USB", 0x209100ae, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-RMC message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_VLW_I2C", 0x209100e7, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-VLW message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_VLW_SPI", 0x209100eb, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-VLW message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_VLW_UART1", 0x209100e8, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-VLW message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_VLW_UART2", 0x209100e9, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-VLW message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_VLW_USB", 0x209100ea, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-VLW message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_VTG_I2C", 0x209100b0, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-VTG message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_VTG_SPI", 0x209100b4, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-VTG message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_VTG_UART1", 0x209100b1, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-VTG message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_VTG_UART2", 0x209100b2, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-VTG message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_VTG_USB", 0x209100b3, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-VTG message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_ZDA_I2C", 0x209100d8, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-ZDA message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_ZDA_SPI", 0x209100dc, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-ZDA message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_ZDA_UART1", 0x209100d9, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-ZDA message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_ZDA_UART2", 0x209100da, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-ZDA message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-NMEA_ID_ZDA_USB", 0x209100db, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-ZDA message on port USB"), # CFG-MSGOUT-PUBX ("CFG-MSGOUT-PUBX_ID_POLYP_I2C", 0x209100ec, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-PUBX00 message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-PUBX_ID_POLYP_SPI", 0x209100f0, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-PUBX00 message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-PUBX_ID_POLYP_UART1", 0x209100ed, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-PUBX00 message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-PUBX_ID_POLYP_UART2", 0x209100ee, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-PUBX00 message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-PUBX_ID_POLYP_USB", 0x209100ef, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-PUBX00 message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-PUBX_ID_POLYS_I2C", 0x209100f1, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-PUBX03 message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-PUBX_ID_POLYS_SPI", 0x209100f5, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-PUBX03 message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-PUBX_ID_POLYS_UART1", 0x209100f2, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-PUBX03 message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-PUBX_ID_POLYS_UART2", 0x209100f3, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-PUBX03 message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-PUBX_ID_POLYS_USB", 0x209100f4, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-PUBX03 message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-PUBX_ID_POLYT_I2C", 0x209100f6, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-PUBX04 message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-PUBX_ID_POLYT_SPI", 0x209100fa, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-PUBX04 message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-PUBX_ID_POLYT_UART1", 0x209100f7, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-PUBX04 message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-PUBX_ID_POLYT_UART2", 0x209100f8, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-PUBX04 message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-PUBX_ID_POLYT_USB", 0x209100f9, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the NMEA-GX-PUBX04 message on port USB"), # CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1005_I2C", 0x209102bd, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1005 message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1005_SPI", 0x209102c1, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1005 message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1005_UART1", 0x209102be, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1005 message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1005_UART2", 0x209102bf, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1005 message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1005_USB", 0x209102c0, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1005 message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1077_I2C", 0x209102cc, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1077 message on port I2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1077_SPI", 0x209102d0, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1077 message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1077_UART1", 0x209102cd, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1077 message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1077_UART2", 0x209102ce, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1077 message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1077_USB", 0x209102cf, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1077 message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1087_I2C", 0x209102d1, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1087 message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1087_SPI", 0x209102d5, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1087 message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1087_UART1", 0x209102d2, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1087 message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1087_UART2", 0x209102d3, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1087 message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1087_USB", 0x209102d4, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1087 message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1097_I2C", 0x20910318, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1097 message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1097_SPI", 0x2091031c, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1097 message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1097_UART1", 0x20910319, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1097 message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1097_UART2", 0x2091031a, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1097 message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1097_USB", 0x2091031b, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1097 message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1127_I2C", 0x209102d6, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1127 message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1127_SPI", 0x209102da, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1127 message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1127_UART1", 0x209102d7, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1127 message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1127_UART2", 0x209102d8, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1127 message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1127_USB", 0x209102d9, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1127 message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1230_I2C", 0x20910303, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1230 message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1230_SPI", 0x20910307, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1230 message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1230_UART1", 0x20910304, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1230 message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1230_UART2", 0x20910305, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1230 message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE1230_USB", 0x20910306, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE1230 message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE4072_1_I2C", 0x20910381, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE4072, sub-type 1 message on " "port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE4072_1_SPI", 0x20910385, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE4072, sub-type 1 message on " "port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE4072_1_UART1", 0x20910382, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE4072, sub-type 1 message on " "port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE4072_1_UART2", 0x20910383, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE4072, sub-type 1 message on " " port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-RTCM_3X_TYPE4072_1_USB", 0x20910384, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the RTCM-3X-TYPE4072, sub-type 1 message " "on port USB"), # CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_LOG ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_LOG_INFO_I2C", 0x20910259, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-LOG-INFO message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_LOG_INFO_SPI", 0x2091025d, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-LOG-INFO message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_LOG_INFO_UART1", 0x2091025a, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-LOG-INFO message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_LOG_INFO_UART2", 0x2091025b, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-LOG-INFO message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_LOG_INFO_USB", 0x2091025c, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-LOG-INFO message on port USB"), # CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_COMMS_I2C", 0x2091034f, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-COMMS message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_COMMS_SPI", 0x20910353, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-COMMS message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_COMMS_UART1", 0x20910350, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-COMMS message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_COMMS_UART2", 0x20910351, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-COMMS message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_COMMS_USB", 0x20910352, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-COMMS message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_HW2_I2C", 0x209101b9, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-HW2 message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_HW2_SPI", 0x209101bd, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-HW2 message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_HW2_UART1", 0x209101ba, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-HW2 message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_HW2_UART2", 0x209101bb, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-HW2 message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_HW2_USB", 0x209101bc, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-HW2 message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_HW3_I2C", 0x20910354, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-HW3 message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_HW3_SPI", 0x20910358, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-HW3 message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_HW3_UART1", 0x20910355, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-HW3 message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_HW3_UART2", 0x20910356, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-HW3 message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_HW3_USB", 0x20910357, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-HW3 message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_HW_I2C", 0x209101b4, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-HW message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_HW_SPI", 0x209101b8, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-HW message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_HW_UART1", 0x209101b5, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-HW message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_HW_UART2", 0x209101b6, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-HW message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_HW_USB", 0x209101b7, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-HW message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_IO_I2C", 0x209101a5, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-IO message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_IO_SPI", 0x209101a9, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-IO message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_IO_UART1", 0x209101a6, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-IO message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_IO_UART2", 0x209101a7, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-IO message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_IO_USB", 0x209101a8, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-IO message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_MSGPP_I2C", 0x20910196, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-MSGPP message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_MSGPP_SPI", 0x2091019a, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-MSGPP message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_MSGPP_UART1", 0x20910197, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-MSGPP message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_MSGPP_UART2", 0x20910198, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-MSGPP message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_MSGPP_USB", 0x20910199, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-MSGPP message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_RF_I2C", 0x20910359, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-RF message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_RF_SPI", 0x2091035d, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-RF message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_RF_UART1", 0x2091035a, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-RF message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_RF_UART2", 0x2091035b, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-RF message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_RF_USB", 0x2091035c, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-RF message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_RXBUF_I2C", 0x209101a0, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-RXBUF message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_RXBUF_SPI", 0x209101a4, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-RXBUF message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_RXBUF_UART1", 0x209101a1, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-RXBUF message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_RXBUF_UART2", 0x209101a2, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-RXBUF message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_RXBUF_USB", 0x209101a3, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-RXBUF message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_RXR_I2C", 0x20910187, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-RXR message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_RXR_SPI", 0x2091018b, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-RXR message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_RXR_UART1", 0x20910188, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-RXR message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_RXR_UART2", 0x20910189, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-RXR message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_RXR_USB", 0x2091018a, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-RXR message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_TXBUF_I2C", 0x2091019b, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-TXBUF message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_TXBUF_SPI", 0x2091019f, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-TXBUF message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_TXBUF_UART1", 0x2091019c, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-TXBUF message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_TXBUF_UART2", 0x2091019d, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-TXBUF message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_TXBUF_USB", 0x2091019e, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-TXBUF message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_TXBUF_I2C", 0x2091019b, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-TXBUF message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_TXBUF_SPI", 0x2091019f, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-TXBUF message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_TXBUF_UART1", 0x2091019c, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-TXBUF message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_TXBUF_UART2", 0x2091019d, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-TXBUF message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_MON_TXBUF_USB", 0x2091019e, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-MON-TXBUF message on port USB"), # CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_CLOCK_I2C", 0x20910065, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-CLOCK message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_CLOCK_SPI", 0x20910069, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-CLOCK message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_CLOCK_UART1", 0x20910066, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-CLOCK message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_CLOCK_UART2", 0x20910067, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-CLOCK message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_CLOCK_USB", 0x20910068, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV- CLOCK message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_DOP_I2C", 0x20910038, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-DOP message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_DOP_SPI", 0x2091003c, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-DOP message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_DOP_UART1", 0x20910039, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-DOP message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_DOP_UART2", 0x2091003a, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-DOP message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_DOP_USB", 0x2091003b, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-DOP message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_EOE_I2C", 0x2091015f, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-EOE message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_EOE_SPI", 0x20910163, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-EOE message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_EOE_UART1", 0x20910160, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-EOE message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_EOE_UART2", 0x20910161, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-EOE message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_EOE_USB", 0x20910162, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-EOE message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_GEOFENCE_I2C", 0x209100a1, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-GEOFENCE message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_GEOFENCE_SPI", 0x209100a5, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-GEOFENCE message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_GEOFENCE_UART1", 0x209100a2, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-GEOFENCE message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_GEOFENCE_UART2", 0x209100a3, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-GEOFENCE message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_GEOFENCE_USB", 0x209100a4, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV- GEOFENCE message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_ODO_I2C", 0x2091007e, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-ODO message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_ODO_SPI", 0x20910082, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-ODO message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_ODO_UART1", 0x2091007f, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-ODO message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_ODO_UART2", 0x20910080, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-ODO message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_ODO_USB", 0x20910081, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-ODO message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_ORB_I2C", 0x20910010, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-ORB message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_ORB_SPI", 0x20910014, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-ORB message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_ORB_UART1", 0x20910011, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-ORB message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_ORB_UART2", 0x20910012, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-ORB message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_ORB_USB", 0x20910013, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-ORB message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_POSECEF_I2C", 0x20910024, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-POSECEF message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_POSECEF_SPI", 0x20910028, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-POSECEF message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_POSECEF_UART1", 0x20910025, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-POSECEF message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_POSECEF_UART2", 0x20910026, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-POSECEF message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_POSECEF_USB", 0x20910027, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-POSECEF message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_POSLLH_I2C", 0x20910029, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-POSLLH message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_POSLLH_SPI", 0x2091002d, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-POSLLH message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_POSLLH_UART1", 0x2091002a, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-POSLLH message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_POSLLH_UART2", 0x2091002b, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-POSLLH message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_POSLLH_USB", 0x2091002c, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-POSLLH message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_PVT_I2C", 0x20910006, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-PVT message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_PVT_SPI", 0x2091000a, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-PVT message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_PVT_UART1", 0x20910007, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-PVT message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_PVT_UART2", 0x20910008, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-PVT message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_PVT_USB", 0x20910009, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-PVT message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SAT_I2C", 0x20910015, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SAT message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SAT_SPI", 0x20910019, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SAT message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SAT_UART1", 0x20910016, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SAT message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SAT_UART2", 0x20910017, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SAT message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SAT_USB", 0x20910018, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SAT message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SBAS_I2C", 0x2091006a, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SBAS message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SBAS_SPI", 0x2091006e, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SBAS message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SBAS_UART1", 0x2091006b, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SBAS message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SBAS_UART2", 0x2091006c, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SBAS message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SBAS_USB", 0x2091006d, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SBAS message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SIG_I2C", 0x20910345, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SIG message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SIG_SPI", 0x20910349, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SIG message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SIG_UART1", 0x20910346, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SIG message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SIG_UART2", 0x20910347, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SIG message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SIG_USB", 0x20910348, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SIG message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_STATUS_I2C", 0x2091001a, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-STATUS message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_STATUS_SPI", 0x2091001e, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-STATUS message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_STATUS_UART1", 0x2091001b, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-STATUS message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_STATUS_UART2", 0x2091001c, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-STATUS message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_STATUS_USB", 0x2091001d, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-STATUS message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SVIN_I2C", 0x20910088, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SVIN message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SVIN_SPI", 0x2091008c, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SVIN message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SVIN_UART1", 0x20910089, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SVIN message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SVIN_UART2", 0x2091008a, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SVIN message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_SVIN_USB", 0x2091008b, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-SVIN message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEBDS_I2C", 0x20910051, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEBDS message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEBDS_SPI", 0x20910055, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEBDS message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEBDS_UART1", 0x20910052, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEBDS message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEBDS_UART2", 0x20910053, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEBDS message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEBDS_USB", 0x20910054, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEBDS message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEGAL_I2C", 0x20910056, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEGAL message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEGAL_SPI", 0x2091005a, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEGAL message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEGAL_UART1", 0x20910057, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEGAL message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEGAL_UART2", 0x20910058, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEGAL message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEGAL_USB", 0x20910059, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEGAL message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEGLO_I2C", 0x2091004c, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEGLO message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEGLO_SPI", 0x20910050, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEGLO message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEGLO_UART1", 0x2091004d, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEGLO message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEGLO_UART2", 0x2091004e, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEGLO message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEGLO_USB", 0x2091004f, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEGLO message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEGPS_I2C", 0x20910047, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEGPS message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEGPS_SPI", 0x2091004b, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEGPS message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEGPS_UART1", 0x20910048, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEGPS message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEGPS_UART2", 0x20910049, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEGPS message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEGPS_USB", 0x2091004a, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEGPS message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMELS_I2C", 0x20910060, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMELS message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMELS_SPI", 0x20910064, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMELS message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMELS_UART1", 0x20910061, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMELS message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMELS_UART2", 0x20910062, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMELS message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMELS_USB", 0x20910063, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMELS message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEUTC_I2C", 0x2091005b, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEUTC message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEUTC_SPI", 0x2091005f, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEUTC message on port S"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEUTC_UART1", 0x2091005c, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEUTC message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEUTC_UART2", 0x2091005d, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-TIMEUTC message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_TIMEUTC_USB", 0x2091005e, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV- TIMEUTC message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_VELECEF_I2C", 0x2091003d, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-VELECEF message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_VELECEF_SPI", 0x20910041, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-VELECEF message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_VELECEF_UART1", 0x2091003e, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-VELECEF message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_VELECEF_UART2", 0x2091003f, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-VELECEF message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_VELECEF_USB", 0x20910040, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-VELECEF message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_VELNED_I2C", 0x20910042, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-VELNED message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_VELNED_SPI", 0x20910046, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-VELNED message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_VELNED_UART1", 0x20910043, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-VELNED message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_VELNED_UART2", 0x20910044, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-VELNED message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_NAV_VELNED_USB", 0x20910045, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-NAV-VELNED message on port USB"), # CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_MEASX_I2C", 0x20910204, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-MEASX message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_MEASX_SPI", 0x20910208, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-MEASX message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_MEASX_UART1", 0x20910205, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-MEASX message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_MEASX_UART2", 0x20910206, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-MEASX message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_MEASX_USB", 0x20910207, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-MEASX message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_RAWX_I2C", 0x209102a4, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-RAWX message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_RAWX_SPI", 0x209102a8, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-RAWX message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_RAWX_UART1", 0x209102a5, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-RAWX message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_RAWX_UART2", 0x209102a6, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-RAWX message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_RAWX_USB", 0x209102a7, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-RAWX message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_RLM_I2C", 0x2091025e, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-RLM message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_RLM_SPI", 0x20910262, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-RLM message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_RLM_UART1", 0x2091025f, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-RLM message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_RLM_UART2", 0x20910260, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-RLM message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_RLM_USB", 0x20910261, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-RLM message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_RTCM_I2C", 0x20910268, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-RTCM message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_RTCM_SPI", 0x2091026c, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-RTCM message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_RTCM_UART1", 0x20910269, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-RTCM message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_RTCM_UART2", 0x2091026a, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-RTCM message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_RTCM_USB", 0x2091026b, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-RTCM message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_SFRBX_I2C", 0x20910231, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-SFRBX message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_SFRBX_SPI", 0x20910235, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-SFRBX message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_SFRBX_UART1", 0x20910232, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-SFRBX message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_SFRBX_UART2", 0x20910233, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-SFRBX message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_RXM_SFRBX_USB", 0x20910234, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-RXM-SFRBX message on port USB"), # CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_SVIN_I2C", 0x20910097, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-SVIN message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_SVIN_SPI", 0x2091009b, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-SVIN message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_SVIN_UART1", 0x20910098, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-SVIN message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_SVIN_UART2", 0x20910099, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-SVIN message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_SVIN_USB", 0x2091009a, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-SVIN message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_TM2_I2C", 0x20910178, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-TM2 message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_TM2_SPI", 0x2091017c, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-TM2 message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_TM2_UART1", 0x20910179, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-TM2 message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_TM2_UART2", 0x2091017a, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-TM2 message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_TM2_USB", 0x2091017b, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-TM2 message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_TP_I2C", 0x2091017d, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-TP message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_TP_SPI", 0x20910181, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-TP message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_TP_UART1", 0x2091017e, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-TP message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_TP_UART2", 0x2091017f, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-TP message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_TP_USB", 0x20910180, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-TP message on port USB"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_VRFY_I2C", 0x20910092, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-VRFY message on port I2C"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_VRFY_SPI", 0x20910096, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-VRFY message on port SPI"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_VRFY_UART1", 0x20910093, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-VRFY message on port UART1"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_VRFY_UART2", 0x20910094, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-VRFY message on port UART2"), ("CFG-MSGOUT-UBX_TIM_VRFY_USB", 0x20910095, "U1", 1, "", "Output rate of the UBX-TIM-VRFY message on port USB"), # CFG-NAVSPG- ("CFG-NAVSPG-FIXMODE", 0x20110011, "E1", 1, "", "Position fix mode"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-INIFIX3D", 0x10110013, "L", 1, "", "Initial fix must be a 3d fix"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-WKNROLLOVER", 0x30110017, "U2", 1, "", "GPS week rollover number"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-USE_PPP", 0x10110019, "L", 1, "", "Use Precise Point Positioning"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-UTCSTANDARD", 0x2011001c, "E1", 1, "", "UTC standard to be used"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-DYNMODEL", 0x20110021, "E1", 1, "", "Dynamic platform model"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-ACKAIDING", 0x10110025, "L", 1, "", "Acknowledge assistance input messages"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-USE_USRDAT", 0x10110061, "L", 1, "", "Use user geodetic datum"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-USRDAT_MAJA", 0x50110062, "R8", 1, "m", "Geodetic datum semi-major axis"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-USRDAT_FLAT", 0x50110063, "R8", 1, "", "Geodetic datum 1.0 / flattening"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-USRDAT_DX", 0x40110064, "R4", 1, "m", "Geodetic datum X axis shift at the orgin"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-USRDAT_DY", 0x40110065, "R4", 1, "m", "Geodetic datum Y axis shift at the origin"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-USRDAT_DZ", 0x40110066, "R4", 1, "m", "Geodetic datum Z axis shift at the origin"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-USRDAT_ROTX", 0x40110067, "R4", 1, "arcsec", "Geodetic datum rotation about the X axis"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-USRDAT_ROTY", 0x40110068, "R4", 1, "arcsec", "Geodetic datum rotation about the Y axis ()"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-USRDAT_ROTZ", 0x40110069, "R4", 1, "arcsec", "Geodetic datum rotation about the Z axis"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-USRDAT_SCALE", 0x4011006a, "R4", 1, "ppm", "Geodetic datum scale factor"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-INFIL_MINSVS", 0x201100a1, "U1", 1, "", "Minimum number of satellites for navigation"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-INFIL_MAXSVS", 0x201100a2, "U1", 1, "", "Maximum number of satellites for navigation"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-INFIL_MINCNO", 0x201100a3, "U1", 1, "dBHz", "Minimum satellite signal level for navigation"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-INFIL_MINELEV", 0x201100a4, "I1", 1, "deg", "Minimum elevation for a GNSS satellite to be used in navigation"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-INFIL_NCNOTHRS", 0x201100aa, "U1", 1, "", "Number of satellites required to have C/N0 above " "CFG-NAVSPG-INFIL_CNOTHRS for a fix to be attempted"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-INFIL_CNOTHRS", 0x201100ab, "U1", 1, "", "C/N0 threshold for deciding whether to attempt a fix"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-OUTFIL_PDOP", 0x301100b1, "U2", 0.1, "", "Output filter position DOP mask (threshold)"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-OUTFIL_TDOP", 0x301100b2, "U2", 0.11, "", "Output filter time DOP mask (threshold)"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-OUTFIL_PACC", 0x301100b3, "U2", 1, "m", "Output filter position accuracy mask (threshold)"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-OUTFIL_TACC", 0x301100b4, "U2", 1, "m", "Output filter time accuracy mask (threshold)"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-OUTFIL_FACC", 0x301100b5, "U2", 0.01, "m/s", "Output filter frequency accuracy mask (threshold)"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-CONSTR_ALT", 0x401100c1, "I4", 0.01, "m", "Fixed altitude (mean sea level) for 2D fix mode"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-CONSTR_ALTVAR", 0x401100c2, "U4", 0.0001, "M^2", "Fixed altitude variance for 2D mode"), ("CFG-NAVSPG-CONSTR_DGNSSTO", 0x201100c4, "U1", 1, "s", "DGNSS timeout"), # CFG-NMEA- ("CFG-NMEA-PROTVER", 0x20930001, "E1", 1, "", "NMEA protocol version"), ("CFG-NMEA-MAXSVS", 0x20930002, "E1", 1, "", "Maximum number of SVs to report per Talker ID"), ("CFG-NMEA-COMPAT", 0x10930003, "L", 1, "", "Enable compatibility mode"), ("CFG-NMEA-CONSIDER", 0x10930004, "L", 1, "", "Enable considering mode"), ("CFG-NMEA-LIMIT82", 0x10930005, "L", 1, "", "Enable strict limit to 82 characters maximum NMEA message length"), ("CFG-NMEA-HIGHPREC", 0x10930006, "L", 1, "", "Enable high precision mode"), ("CFG-NMEA-SVNUMBERING", 0x20930007, "E1", 1, "", "Display configuration for SVs that have no value defined in NMEA"), ("CFG-NMEA-FILT_GPS", 0x10930011, "L", 1, "", "Disable reporting of GPS satellites"), ("CFG-NMEA-FILT_SBAS", 0x10930012, "L", 1, "", "Disable reporting of SBAS satellites"), ("CFG-NMEA-FILT_QZSS", 0x10930015, "L", 1, "", "Disable reporting of QZSS satellites"), ("CFG-NMEA-FILT_GLO", 0x10930016, "L", 1, "", "Disable reporting of GLONASS satellites"), ("CFG-NMEA-FILT_BDS", 0x10930017, "L", 1, "", "Disable reporting of BeiDou satellites"), ("CFG-NMEA-OUT_INVFIX", 0x10930021, "L", 1, "", "Enable position output for failed or invalid fixes"), ("CFG-NMEA-OUT_MSKFIX", 0x10930022, "L", 1, "", "Enable position output for invalid fixes"), ("CFG-NMEA-OUT_INVTIME", 0x10930023, "L", 1, "", "Enable time output for invalid times"), ("CFG-NMEA-OUT_INVDATE", 0x10930024, "L", 1, "", "Enable date output for invalid dates"), ("CFG-NMEA-OUT_ONLYGPS", 0x10930025, "L", 1, "", "Restrict output to GPS satellites only"), ("CFG-NMEA-OUT_FROZENCOG", 0x10930026, "L", 1, "", "Enable course over ground output even if it is frozen"), ("CFG-NMEA-MAINTALKERID", 0x20930031, "E1", 1, "", "Main Talker ID"), ("CFG-NMEA-GSVTALKERID", 0x20930032, "E1", 1, "", "Talker ID for GSV NMEA messages"), ("CFG-NMEA-BDSTALKERID", 0x30930033, "U2", 1, "", "BeiDou Talker ID"), # CFG-ODO- ("CFG-ODO-USE_ODO", 0x10220001, "L", 1, "", "Use odometer"), ("CFG-ODO-USE_COG", 0x10220002, "L", 1, "", "Use low-speed course over ground filter"), ("CFG-ODO-OUTLPVEL", 0x10220003, "L", 1, "", "Output low-pass filtered velocity"), ("CFG-ODO-OUTLPCOG", 0x10220004, "L", 1, "", "Output low-pass filtered course over ground (heading)"), ("CFG-ODO-PROFILE", 0x20220005, "E1", 1, "", "Odometer profile configuration"), ("CFG-ODO-COGMAXSPEED", 0x20220021, "U1", 1, "m/s", "Upper speed limit for low-speed course over ground filter"), ("CFG-ODO-COGMAXPOSACC", 0x20220022, "U1", 1, "", "Maximum acceptable position accuracy for computing low-speed " "filtered course over ground"), # CFG-RATE- ("CFG-RATE-MEAS", 0x30210001, "U2", 0.001, "s", "Nominal time between GNSS measurements"), ("CFG-RATE-NAV", 0x30210002, "U2", 1, "", "Ratio of number of measurements to number of navigation solutions"), ("CFG-RATE-TIMEREF", 0x20210003, "E1", 1, "", "Time system to which measurements are aligned"), # CFG-RINV- ("CFG-RINV-DUMP", 0x10c70001, "L", 1, "", "Dump data at startup"), ("CFG-RINV-BINARY", 0x10c70002, "L", 1, "", "Data is binary"), ("CFG-RINV-DATA_SIZE", 0x20c70003, "U1", 1, "", "Size of data"), ("CFG-RINV-CHUNK0", 0x50c70004, "X8", 1, "", "Data bytes 1-8 (LSB)"), ("CFG-RINV-CHUNK1", 0x50c70005, "X8", 1, "", "Data bytes 9-16"), ("CFG-RINV-CHUNK2", 0x50c70006, "X8", 1, "", "Data bytes 17-24"), ("CFG-RINV-CHUNK3", 0x50c70007, "X8", 1, "", "Data bytes 25-30 (MSB)"), # CFG-SBAS- ("CFG-SBAS-USE_TESTMODE", 0x10360002, "L", 1, "", "Use SBAS data when it is in test mode"), ("CFG-SBAS-USE_RANGING", 0x10360003, "L", 1, "", "Use SBAS GEOs as a ranging source (for navigation)"), ("CFG-SBAS-USE_DIFFCORR", 0x10360004, "L", 1, "", "Use SBAS differential corrections"), ("CFG-SBAS-USE_INTEGRITY", 0x10360005, "L", 1, "", "Use SBAS integrity information"), ("CFG-SBAS-PRNSCANMASK", 0x50360006, "X8", 1, "", "SBAS PRN search configuration"), # CFG-SIGNAL- ("CFG-SIGNAL-GPS_ENA", 0x1031001f, "L", 1, "", "GPS enable"), ("CFG-SIGNAL-GPS_L1CA_ENA", 0x10310001, "L", 1, "", "GPS L1C/A"), ("CFG-SIGNAL-GPS_L2C_ENA", 0x10310003, "L", 1, "", "GPS L2C"), ("CFG-SIGNAL-SBAS_ENA", 0x10310020, "L", 1, "", "SBAS enable"), ("CFG-SIGNAL-SBAS_L1CA_ENA", 0x10310005, "L", 1, "", "SBAS L1C/A"), ("CFG-SIGNAL-GAL_ENA", 0x10310021, "L", 1, "", "Galileo enable"), ("CFG-SIGNAL-GAL_E1_ENA", 0x10310007, "L", 1, "", "Galileo E1"), ("CFG-SIGNAL-GAL_E5B_ENA", 0x1031000a, "L", 1, "", "Galileo E5b"), ("CFG-SIGNAL-BDS_ENA", 0x10310022, "L", 1, "", "BeiDou Enable"), ("CFG-SIGNAL-BDS_B1_ENA", 0x1031000d, "L", 1, "", "BeiDou B1I"), ("CFG-SIGNAL-BDS_B2_ENA", 0x1031000e, "L", 1, "", "BeiDou B2I"), ("CFG-SIGNAL-QZSS_ENA", 0x10310024, "L", 1, "", "QZSS enable"), ("CFG-SIGNAL-QZSS_L1CA_ENA", 0x10310012, "L", 1, "", "QZSS L1C/A"), ("CFG-SIGNAL-QZSS_L1S_ENA", 0x10310014, "L", 1, "", "QZSS L1S"), ("CFG-SIGNAL-QZSS_L2C_ENA", 0x10310015, "L", 1, "", "QZSS L2C"), ("CFG-SIGNAL-GLO_ENA", 0x10310025, "L", 1, "", "GLONASS enable"), ("CFG-SIGNAL-GLO_L1_ENA", 0x10310018, "L", 1, "", "GLONASS L1"), ("CFG-SIGNAL-GLO_L2_ENA", 0x1031001a, "L", 1, "", "GLONASS L2"), # CFG-SPI- ("CFG-SPI-MAXFF", 0x20640001, "U1", 1, "", "Number of bytes containing 0xFF to receive before " "switching off reception."), ("CFG-SPI-CPOLARITY", 0x10640002, "L", 1, "", "Clock polarity select"), ("CFG-SPI-CPHASE", 0x10640003, "L", 1, "", "Clock phase select"), ("CFG-SPI-EXTENDEDTIMEOUT", 0x10640005, "L", 1, "", "Flag to disable timeouting the interface after 1.5s"), ("CFG-SPI-ENABLED", 0x10640006, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if the SPI interface should be enabled"), ("CFG-SPIINPROT-UBX", 0x10790001, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if UBX should be an input protocol on SPI"), ("CFG-SPIINPROT-NMEA", 0x10790002, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if NMEA should be an input protocol on SPI"), ("CFG-SPIINPROT-RTCM2X", 0x10790003, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if RTCM2X should be an input protocol on SPI"), ("CFG-SPIINPROT-RTCM3X", 0x10790004, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if RTCM3X should be an input protocol on SPI"), ("CFG-SPIOUTPROT-UBX", 0x107a0001, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if UBX should be an output protocol on SPI"), ("CFG-SPIOUTPROT-NMEA", 0x107a0002, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if NMEA should be an output protocol on SPI"), ("CFG-SPIOUTPROT-RTCM3X", 0x107a0004, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if RTCM3X should be an output protocol on SPI"), # CFG-TMODE- ("CFG-TMODE-MODE", 0x20030001, "E1", 1, "", "Receiver mode"), ("CFG-TMODE-POS_TYPE", 0x20030002, "E1", 1, "", "Determines whether the ARP position is given in ECEF or " "LAT/LON/HEIGHT?"), ("CFG-TMODE-ECEF_X", 0x40030003, "I4", 1, "cm", "ECEF X coordinate of the ARP position."), ("CFG-TMODE-ECEF_Y", 0x40030004, "I4", 1, "cm", "ECEF Y coordinate of the ARP position."), ("CFG-TMODE-ECEF_Z", 0x40030005, "I4", 1, "cm", "ECEF Z coordinate of the ARP position."), ("CFG-TMODE-ECEF_X_HP", 0x20030006, "I1", 0.1, "mm", "High-precision ECEF X coordinate of the ARP position."), ("CFG-TMODE-ECEF_Y_HP", 0x20030007, "I1", 0.1, "mm", "High-precision ECEF Y coordinate of the ARP position."), ("CFG-TMODE-ECEF_Z_HP", 0x20030008, "I1", 0.1, "mm", "High-precision ECEF Z coordinate of the ARP position."), ("CFG-TMODE-LAT", 0x40030009, "I4", 1e-7, "deg", "Latitude of the ARP position."), ("CFG-TMODE-LON", 0x4003000a, "I4", 1e-7, "deg", "Longitude of the ARP position."), ("CFG-TMODE-HEIGHT", 0x4003000b, "I4", 1, "cm", "Height of the ARP position."), ("CFG-TMODE-LAT_HP", 0x2003000c, "I1", 1e-9, "deg", "High-precision latitude of the ARP position"), ("CFG-TMODE-LON_HP", 0x2003000d, "I1", 1e-9, "deg", "High-precision longitude of the ARP position."), ("CFG-TMODE-HEIGHT_HP", 0x2003000e, "I1", 0.1, "mm", "High-precision height of the ARP position."), ("CFG-TMODE-FIXED_POS_ACC", 0x4003000f, "U4", 0.1, "mm", "Fixed position 3D accuracy"), ("CFG-TMODE-SVIN_MIN_DUR", 0x40030010, "U4", 1, "s", "Survey-in minimum duration"), ("CFG-TMODE-SVIN_ACC_LIMIT", 0x40030011, "U4", 0.1, "mm", "Survey-in position accuracy limit"), # CFG-TP- ("CFG-TP-PULSE_DEF", 0x20050023, "E1", 1, "", "Determines whether the time pulse is interpreted as frequency " "or period?"), ("CFG-TP-PULSE_LENGTH_DEF", 0x20050030, "E1", 1, "", "Determines whether the time pulse length is interpreted as " "length[us] or pulse ratio[%]?"), ("CFG-TP-ANT_CABLEDELAY", 0x30050001, "I2", 0.000000001, "s", "Antenna cable delay"), ("CFG-TP-PERIOD_TP1", 0x40050002, "U4", 0.000001, "s", "Time pulse period (TP1)"), ("CFG-TP-PERIOD_LOCK_TP1", 0x40050003, "U4", 0.000001, "s", "Time pulse period when locked to GNSS time (TP1)"), ("CFG-TP-FREQ_TP1", 0x40050024, "U4", 1, "Hz", "Time pulse frequency (TP1)"), ("CFG-TP-FREQ_LOCK_TP1", 0x40050025, "U4", 1, "Hz", "Time pulse frequency when locked to GNSS time (TP1)"), ("CFG-TP-LEN_TP1", 0x40050004, "U4", 0.000001, "s", "Time pulse length (TP1)"), ("CFG-TP-LEN_LOCK_TP1", 0x40050005, "U4", 0.000001, "s", "Time pulse length when locked to GNSS time (TP1)"), ("CFG-TP-DUTY_TP1", 0x5005002a, "R8", 1, "%", "Time pulse duty cycle (TP1)"), ("CFG-TP-DUTY_LOCK_TP1", 0x5005002b, "R8", 1, "%", "Time pulse duty cycle when locked to GNSS time (TP1)"), ("CFG-TP-USER_DELAY_TP1", 0x40050006, "I4", 0.000000001, "s", "User configurable time pulse delay (TP1)"), ("CFG-TP-TP1_ENA", 0x10050007, "L", 1, "", "Enable the first timepulse"), ("CFG-TP-SYNC_GNSS_TP1", 0x10050008, "L", 1, "", "Sync time pulse to GNSS time or local clock (TP1)"), ("CFG-TP-USE_LOCKED_TP1", 0x10050009, "L", 1, "", "Use locked parameters when possible (TP1)"), ("CFG-TP-ALIGN_TO_TOW_TP1", 0x1005000a, "L", 1, "", "Align time pulse to top of second (TP1)"), ("CFG-TP-POL_TP1", 0x1005000b, "L", 1, "", "Set time pulse polarity (TP1)"), ("CFG-TP-TIMEGRID_TP1", 0x2005000c, "E1", 1, "", "Time grid to use (TP1)"), ("CFG-TP-PERIOD_TP2", 0x4005000d, "U4", 0.000001, "s", "Time pulse period (TP2)"), ("CFG-TP-PERIOD_LOCK_TP2", 0x4005000e, "U4", 0.000001, "s", "Time pulse period when locked to GNSS time (TP2)"), ("CFG-TP-FREQ_TP2", 0x40050026, "U4", 1, "Hz", "Time pulse frequency (TP2)"), ("CFG-TP-FREQ_LOCK_TP2", 0x40050027, "U4", 1, "Hz", "Time pulse frequency when locked to GNSS time (TP2)"), ("CFG-TP-LEN_TP2", 0x4005000f, "U4", 0.000001, "s", "Time pulse length (TP2)"), ("CFG-TP-LEN_LOCK_TP2", 0x40050010, "U4", 0.000001, "s", "Time pulse length when locked to GNSS time (TP2)"), ("CFG-TP-DUTY_TP2", 0x5005002c, "R8", 1, "%", "Time pulse duty cycle (TP2)"), ("CFG-TP-DUTY_LOCK_TP2", 0x5005002d, "R8", 1, "%", "Time pulse duty cycle when locked to GNSS time (TP2)"), ("CFG-TP-USER_DELAY_TP2", 0x40050011, "I4", 0.000000001, "s", "User configurable time pulse delay (TP2)"), ("CFG-TP-TP2_ENA", 0x10050012, "L", 1, "", "Enable the second timepulse"), ("CFG-TP-SYNC_GNSS_TP2", 0x10050013, "L", 1, "", "Sync time pulse to GNSS time or local clock (TP2)"), ("CFG-TP-USE_LOCKED_TP2", 0x10050014, "L", 1, "", "Use locked parameters when possible (TP2)"), ("CFG-TP-ALIGN_TO_TOW_TP2", 0x10050015, "L", 1, "", "Align time pulse to top of second (TP2)"), ("CFG-TP-POL_TP2", 0x10050016, "L", 1, "", "Set time pulse polarity (TP2)"), ("CFG-TP-TIMEGRID_TP2", 0x20050017, "E1", 1, "", "Time grid to use (TP2)"), # CFG-UART1- ("CFG-UART1-BAUDRATE", 0x40520001, "U4", 1, "", "The baud rate that should be configured on the UART1"), ("CFG-UART1-STOPBITS", 0x20520002, "E1", 1, "", "Number of stopbits that should be used on UART1"), ("CFG-UART1-DATABITS", 0x20520003, "E1", 1, "", "Number of databits that should be used on UART1"), ("CFG-UART1-PARITY", 0x20520004, "E1", 1, "", "Parity mode that should be used on UART1"), ("CFG-UART1-ENABLED", 0x10520005, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if the UART1 should be enabled"), ("CFG-UART1INPROT-UBX", 0x10730001, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if UBX should be an input protocol on UART1"), ("CFG-UART1INPROT-NMEA", 0x10730002, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if NMEA should be an input protocol on UART1"), ("CFG-UART1INPROT-RTCM2X", 0x10730003, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if RTCM2X should be an input protocol on UART1"), ("CFG-UART1INPROT-RTCM3X", 0x10730004, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if RTCM3X should be an input protocol on UART1"), ("CFG-UART1OUTPROT-UBX", 0x10740001, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if UBX should be an output protocol on UART1"), ("CFG-UART1OUTPROT-NMEA", 0x10740002, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if NMEA should be an output protocol on UART1"), ("CFG-UART1OUTPROT-RTCM3X", 0x10740004, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if RTCM3X should be an output protocol on UART1"), # CFG-UART2- ("CFG-UART2-BAUDRATE", 0x40530001, "U4", 1, "", "The baud rate that should be configured on the UART2"), ("CFG-UART2-STOPBITS", 0x20530002, "E1", 1, "", "Number of stopbits that should be used on UART2"), ("CFG-UART2-DATABITS", 0x20530003, "E1", "1", "", "Number of databits that should be used on UART2"), ("CFG-UART2-PARITY", 0x20530004, "E1", "1", "", "Parity mode that should be used on UART2"), ("CFG-UART2-ENABLED", 0x10530005, "L", "1", "", "Flag to indicate if the UART2 should be enabled"), ("CFG-UART2-REMAP", 0x10530006, "L", "1", "", "UART2 Remapping"), ("CFG-UART2INPROT-UBX", 0x10750001, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if UBX should be an input protocol on UART2"), ("CFG-UART2INPROT-NMEA", 0x10750002, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if NMEA should be an input protocol on UART2"), ("CFG-UART2INPROT-RTCM2X", 0x10750003, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if RTCM2X should be an input protocol on UART2"), ("CFG-UART2INPROT-RTCM3X", 0x10750004, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if RTCM3X should be an input protocol on UART2"), ("CFG-UART2OUTPROT-UBX", 0x10760001, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if UBX should be an output protocol on UART2"), ("CFG-UART2OUTPROT-NMEA", 0x10760002, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if NMEA should be an output protocol on UART2"), ("CFG-UART2OUTPROT-RTCM3X", 0x10760004, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if RTCM3X should be an output protocol on UART2"), # CFG-USB- ("CFG-USB-ENABLED", 0x10650001, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if the USB interface should be enabled"), ("CFG-USB-SELFPOW", 0x10650002, "L", 1, "", "Self-Powered device"), ("CFG-USB-VENDOR_ID", 0x3065000a, "U2", 1, "", "Vendor ID"), ("CFG-USB-PRODUCT_ID", 0x3065000b, "U2", 1, "", "Product ID"), ("CFG-USB-POWER", 0x3065000c, "U2", 1, "mA", "Power consumption"), ("CFG-USB-VENDOR_STR0", 0x5065000d, "X8", 1, "", "Vendor string characters 0-7"), ("CFG-USB-VENDOR_STR1", 0x5065000e, "X8", 1, "", "Vendor string characters 8-15"), ("CFG-USB-VENDOR_STR2", 0x5065000f, "X8", 1, "", "Vendor string characters 16-23"), ("CFG-USB-VENDOR_STR3", 0x50650010, "X8", 1, "", "Vendor string characters 24-31"), ("CFG-USB-PRODUCT_STR0", 0x50650011, "X8", 1, "", "Product string characters 0-7"), ("CFG-USB-PRODUCT_STR1", 0x50650012, "X8", 1, "", "Product string characters 8-15"), ("CFG-USB-PRODUCT_STR2", 0x50650013, "X8", 1, "", "Product string characters 16-23"), ("CFG-USB-PRODUCT_STR3", 0x50650014, "X8", 1, "", "Product string characters 24-31"), ("CFG-USB-SERIAL_NO_STR0", 0x50650015, "X8", 1, "", "Serial number string characters 0-7"), ("CFG-USB-SERIAL_NO_STR1", 0x50650016, "X8", 1, "", "Serial number string characters 8-15"), ("CFG-USB-SERIAL_NO_STR2", 0x50650017, "X8", 1, "", "Serial number string characters 16-23"), ("CFG-USB-SERIAL_NO_STR3", 0x50650018, "X8", 1, "", "Serial number string characters 24-31"), ("CFG-USBINPROT-UBX", 0x10770001, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if UBX should be an input protocol on USB"), ("CFG-USBINPROT-NMEA", 0x10770002, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if NMEA should be an input protocol on USB"), ("CFG-USBINPROT-RTCM2X", 0x10770003, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if RTCM2X should be an input protocol on USB"), ("CFG-USBINPROT-RTCM3X", 0x10770004, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if RTCM3X should be an input protocol on USB"), ("CFG-USBOUTPROT-UBX", 0x10780001, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if UBX should be an output protocol on USB"), ("CFG-USBOUTPROT-NMEA", 0x10780002, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if NMEA should be an output protocol on USB"), ("CFG-USBOUTPROT-RTCM3X", 0x10780004, "L", 1, "", "Flag to indicate if RTCM3X should be an output protocol on USB"), ) def cfg_by_key(self, key): """Find a config item by key""" for item in self.cfgs: if item[1] == key: return item map = {0: "Z0", 1: "L", 2: "U1", 3: "U2", 4: "U4", 5: "U8", 6: "Z6", 7: "Z7", } # build a fake item, guess on decode size = (key >> 28) & 0x07 item = ("Unknown", key, map[size], 1, "Unk", "Unknown") return item def cfg_by_name(self, name): """Find a config item by name""" for item in self.cfgs: if item[0] == name: return item return None def ack_ack(self, buf): "UBX-ACK-ACK decode" m_len = len(buf) if 2 > m_len: return "Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return "Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from('> 5) & 0x1f, (u[1] >> 10) & 0x1f, u[1] >> 15)) return s def cfg_cfg_mask(self, mask): "decode Mask in UBX-CFG-CFG, return string" s = '' if mask & 0x1: s += 'ioPort ' if mask & 0x2: s += 'msgConf ' if mask & 0x4: s += 'infMsg ' if mask & 0x8: s += 'navConf ' if mask & 0x10: s += 'rxmConf ' if mask & 0x100: # not on M8030 s += 'senConf ' if mask & 0x200: s += 'rinvConf ' if mask & 0x400: s += 'antConf ' if mask & 0x800: s += 'logConf ' if mask & 0x1000: s += 'ftsConf ' return s def cfg_cfg(self, buf): "UBX-CFG-CFG decode" m_len = len(buf) if 12 > m_len: return "Bad Length %s" % m_len if 12 == m_len: u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return "Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return "Bad Length %s" % m_len values = {0: "Full power", 1: "Balanced", 2: "Interval", 3: "Aggresive with 1Hz", 4: "Aggresive with 2Hz", 5: "Aggresive with 4Hz", 0xff: "Invalid" } u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return "Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from('> 1 & 0x7F)) dec = [] if u[5] & 0x1: dec.append('UBX') if u[5] & 0x2: dec.append('NMEA') if u[5] & 0x4: dec.append('RTCM2') if u[5] & 0x20: dec.append('RTCM3') s.append(' inProtoMask: %s' % ' '.join(dec)) dec = [] if u[6] & 0x1: dec.append('UBX') if u[6] & 0x2: dec.append('NMEA') if u[6] & 0x20: dec.append('RTCM3') s.append(' outProtoMask: %s' % ' '.join(dec)) if portid in set([1, 2, 4, 0]): dec = [] if u[7] & 0x2: dec.append('extendedTxTimeout') s.append(' flags: %s' % ' '.join(dec)) return '\n'.join(s) def cfg_rst(self, buf): """"UBX-CFG-RST decode, Reset Receiver""" m_len = len(buf) if 4 > m_len: return "Bad Length %s" % m_len bbrvalues = {0: "Hot Start", 1: "Warm Start", 0xffff: "Cold Start", } mode = {0: "Hardware reset", 1: "Software reset", 2: "Software reset (GNSS only)", 4: "Hardware reset, after shutdown", 8: "Controled GNSS stop", 9: "Controled GNSS start", } u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return "Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return "Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from('> 7) & 0x0f gridToGpsDec = ('UTC', 'GPS', 'Glonass', 'BeiDou') syncMode = (u[10] >> 11) & 0x03 s += "gridToGps %s, syncMode %d " % (gridToGpsDec[gridToGps], syncMode) return s def cfg_usb(self, buf): "UBX-CFG-USB decode" m_len = len(buf) if 0 == m_len: return " Poll request" if 108 > m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return "Bad Length %s" % m_len # this is a poll options, so does not set min protver u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return "Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' opts['protver']: opts['protver'] = 27 # FIXME: decode answers return s def cfg_valset(self, buf): """"UBX-CFG-VALSET decode, Set configuration items""" m_len = len(buf) if 4 > m_len: return "Bad Length %s" % m_len # we are at least protver 27 if 27 > opts['protver']: opts['protver'] = 27 u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len substr = buf.split(gps.polybytes('\0'))[0] s = ' swVersion: %s\n' % gps.polystr(substr) substr = buf[30:39] substr = substr.split(gps.polybytes('\0'))[0] s += ' hwVersion: %s' % gps.polystr(substr) # extensions?? num_ext = int((m_len - 40) / 30) i = 0 while i < num_ext: loc = 40 + (i * 30) substr = buf[loc:] substr = substr.split(gps.polybytes('\0'))[0] s += '\n extension: %s' % gps.polystr(substr) i += 1 return s mon_ids = {2: {'str': 'IO', 'name': 'UBX-MON-IO'}, 4: {'str': 'VER', 'dec': mon_ver, 'name': 'UBX-MON-VER'}, 6: {'str': 'MSGPP', 'name': 'UBX-MON-MSGPP'}, 7: {'str': 'RXBUF', 'name': 'UBX-MON-RXBUF'}, 8: {'str': 'TXBUF', 'name': 'UBX-MON-TXBUF'}, 9: {'str': 'HW', 'name': 'UBX-MON-HW'}, 0x0b: {'str': 'HW2', 'name': 'UBX-MON-HW2'}, 0x21: {'str': 'RXR', 'name': 'UBX-MON-RXR'}, 0x27: {'str': 'PATCH', 'name': 'UBX-MON-PATCH'}, 0x28: {'str': 'GNSS', 'name': 'UBX-MON-GNSS'}, 0x2e: {'str': 'SMGR', 'name': 'UBX-MON-SMGR'}, 0x36: {'str': 'COMMS', 'name': 'UBX-MON-COMMS'}, 0x37: {'str': 'HW3', 'name': 'UBX-MON-HW3'}, 0x38: {'str': 'RF', 'name': 'UBX-MON-RF'}, } def nav_clock(self, buf): "UBX-NAV-CLOCK decode, Clock Solution" m_len = len(buf) if 0 == m_len: return " Poll request" if 20 > m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from('> 4)) if 0x40 & u[6]: s += 'diffCorr ' if 0x80 & u[6]: s += 'smoothed ' s += 'orbitSource %u ' % (0x07 & (u[6] >> 8)) if 0x800 & u[6]: s += 'ephAvail ' if 0x1000 & u[6]: s += 'almAvail ' if 0x2000 & u[6]: s += 'anoAvail ' if 0x4000 & u[6]: s += 'aopAvail ' if 0x730000 & u[6]: s += '\n' if 0x10000 & u[6]: s += 'sbasCorrused ' if 0x20000 & u[6]: s += 'rtcmCorrused ' if 0x1000000 & u[6]: s += 'prCorrused ' if 0x2000000 & u[6]: s += 'crCorrused ' if 0x4000000 & u[6]: s += 'doCorrused ' m_len -= 12 i += 1 return s def nav_sbas(self, buf): "UBX-NAV-SBAS decode" m_len = len(buf) if 0 == m_len: return " Poll request" if 12 > m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return "Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return ".Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from('> 4 s += "utcStandard: " if 1 == utcStandard: s += 'CRL' elif 2 == utcStandard: s += 'NIST' elif 3 == utcStandard: s += 'USNO' elif 4 == utcStandard: s += 'BIPM' elif 5 == utcStandard: s += 'tbd' elif 6 == utcStandard: s += 'SU' elif 7 == utcStandard: s += 'NTSC' else: s += 'n/a' s += ')' return s def nav_velecef(self, buf): "UBX-NAV-VELECEF decode" m_len = len(buf) if 0 == m_len: return " Poll request" if 20 != m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len # version not here before protver 18, I hope it is zero. u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from(' m_len: return " Bad Length %s" % m_len u = struct.unpack_from('> 2) & 0x03 if 0 == raim: s += "RAIM not available" elif 1 == raim: s += "RAIM not active" elif 2 == raim: s += "RAIM active" else: s += "RAIM ??" return s tim_ids = {1: {'str': 'TP', 'dec': tim_tp, 'name': 'UBX-TIM-TP'}, 3: {'str': 'TM2', 'name': 'UBX-TIM-TM2'}, 4: {'str': 'SVIN', 'dec': tim_svin, 'name': 'UBX-TIM-SVIN'}, 6: {'str': 'VRFY', 'name': 'UBX-TIM-VRFY'}, 0x11: {'str': 'DOSC', 'name': 'UBX-TIM-DOSC'}, 0x12: {'str': 'TOS', 'name': 'UBX-TIM-TOS'}, 0x13: {'str': 'SMEAS', 'name': 'UBX-TIM-SMEAS'}, 0x15: {'str': 'VCOCAL', 'name': 'UBX-TIM-VCOCAL'}, 0x16: {'str': 'FCHG', 'name': 'UBX-TIM-FCHG'}, 0x17: {'str': 'HOC', 'name': 'UBX-TIM-HOC'}, } # UBX-UPD- ?? classes = { 0x01: {'str': 'NAV', 'ids': nav_ids}, 0x02: {'str': 'RXM', 'ids': rxm_ids}, 0x04: {'str': 'INF', 'ids': inf_ids}, 0x05: {'str': 'ACK', 'ids': ack_ids}, 0x06: {'str': 'CFG', 'ids': cfg_ids}, 0x09: {'str': 'UPD'}, 0x0A: {'str': 'MON', 'ids': mon_ids}, 0x0B: {'str': 'ATD'}, 0x0D: {'str': 'TIM', 'ids': tim_ids}, 0x10: {'str': 'ESF'}, 0x13: {'str': 'MGA'}, 0x21: {'str': 'LOG'} } def class_id_s(self, m_class, m_id): "Return class and ID numbers as a string." s = 'Class: ' if m_class not in self.classes: s += '%#x ID: %#x' % (m_class, m_id) return s if 'str' in self.classes[m_class]: s_class = self.classes[m_class]['str'] s += '%s(%#x) ' % (s_class, m_class) else: s += '%#x ' % (m_class) if (('ids' in self.classes[m_class] and m_id in self.classes[m_class]['ids'] and 'str' in self.classes[m_class]['ids'][m_id])): s_id = self.classes[m_class]['ids'][m_id]['str'] s += 'ID: %s(%#x)' % (s_id, m_id) else: s += 'ID: %#x' % (m_id) return s def decode_msg(self, out): "Decode one message and then return number of chars consumed" state = 'BASE' consumed = 0 # decode state machine for this_byte in out: consumed += 1 if isinstance(this_byte, str): # a character, probably read from a file c = ord(this_byte) else: # a byte, probably read from a serial port c = int(this_byte) if VERB_RAW <= opts['verbosity']: if (ord(' ') <= c) and (ord('~') >= c): # c is printable print("state: %s char %c (%#x)" % (state, chr(c), c)) else: # c is not printable print("state: %s char %#x" % (state, c)) if 'BASE' == state: # start fresh # place to store 'comments' comment = '' m_class = 0 m_id = 0 m_len = 0 m_raw = bytearray(0) # class, id, len, payload m_payload = bytearray(0) # just the payload m_ck_a = 0 m_ck_b = 0 if 0xb5 == c: # got header 1, mu state = 'HEADER1' if ord('$') == c: # got $, so NMEA? state = 'NMEA' comment = '$' if ord("{") == c: # JSON, treat as comment line state = 'JSON' # start fresh comment = "{" continue if ord("#") == c: # comment line state = 'COMMENT' # start fresh comment = "#" continue if (ord('\n') == c) or (ord('\r') == c): # CR or LF, leftovers return 1 continue if state in ('COMMENT', 'JSON'): # inside comment if ord('\n') == c or ord('\r') == c: # Got newline or linefeed # terminate messages on or # Done, got a full message if gps.polystr('{"class":"ERROR"') in comment: # always print gpsd errors print(comment) elif VERB_DECODE <= opts['verbosity']: print(comment) return consumed else: comment += chr(c) continue if 'NMEA' == state: # getting NMEA payload if (ord('\n') == c) or (ord('\r') == c): # CR or LF, done, got a full message # terminates messages on or if VERB_DECODE <= opts['verbosity']: print(comment + '\n') return consumed else: comment += chr(c) continue if ord('b') == c and 'HEADER1' == state: # got header 2 state = 'HEADER2' continue if 'HEADER2' == state: # got class state = 'CLASS' m_class = c m_raw.extend([c]) continue if 'CLASS' == state: # got ID state = 'ID' m_id = c m_raw.extend([c]) continue if 'ID' == state: # got first length state = 'LEN1' m_len = c m_raw.extend([c]) continue if 'LEN1' == state: # got second length m_raw.extend([c]) m_len += 256 * c if 0 == m_len: # no payload state = 'CSUM1' else: state = 'PAYLOAD' continue if 'PAYLOAD' == state: # getting payload m_raw.extend([c]) m_payload.extend([c]) if len(m_payload) == m_len: state = 'CSUM1' continue if 'CSUM1' == state: # got ck_a state = 'CSUM2' m_ck_a = c continue if 'CSUM2' == state: # ck_b state = 'BASE' m_ck_b = c # check checksum chk = self.checksum(m_raw, len(m_raw)) if (chk[0] != m_ck_a) or (chk[1] != m_ck_b): sys.stderr.write("%s: ERROR checksum failed," "was (%d,%d) s/b (%d, %d)\n" % (PROG_NAME, m_ck_a, m_ck_b, chk[0], chk[1])) s_payload = ''.join('{:02x} '.format(x) for x in m_payload) x_payload = ','.join(['%02x' % x for x in m_payload]) if m_class in self.classes: this_class = self.classes[m_class] if 'ids' in this_class: if m_id in this_class['ids']: if 'dec' in this_class['ids'][m_id]: dec = this_class['ids'][m_id]['dec'] s_payload = this_class['ids'][m_id]['name'] s_payload += ':\n' s_payload += dec(self, m_payload) else: s_payload = ("%s, len %#x, raw %s" % (self.class_id_s(m_class, m_id), m_len, x_payload)) if VERB_INFO < opts['verbosity']: print("%s, len: %#x" % (self.class_id_s(m_class, m_id), m_len)) if VERB_RAW < opts['verbosity']: print("payload: %s" % x_payload) print("%s\n" % s_payload) return consumed # give up state = 'BASE' # fell out of loop, no more chars to look at return 0 def checksum(self, msg, m_len): "Calculate u-blox message checksum" # the checksum is calculated over the Message, starting and including # the CLASS field, up until, but excluding, the Checksum Field: ck_a = 0 ck_b = 0 for c in msg[0:m_len]: ck_a += c ck_b += ck_a return [ck_a & 0xff, ck_b & 0xff] def make_pkt(self, m_class, m_id, m_data): "Make a message packet" # always little endian, leader, class, id, length m_len = len(m_data) # build core message msg = bytearray(m_len + 6) struct.pack_into(' opts['protver']: # UBX-NAV-SVINFO - deprecated in protver 15, gone in 27 m_data = bytearray([0x01, 0x30, rate_s]) gps_model.gps_send(6, 1, m_data) # UBX-NAV-SAT turn it off, if we can m_data = bytearray([0x01, 0x35, 0]) gps_model.gps_send(6, 1, m_data) else: # use UBX-NAV-SAT for protver 15 and up m_data = bytearray([0x01, 0x35, rate_s]) gps_model.gps_send(6, 1, m_data) # UBX-NAV-SVINFO turn it off, if we can m_data = bytearray([0x01, 0x30, 0]) gps_model.gps_send(6, 1, m_data) # UBX-NAV-EOE, end of epoch. # do not bother with EOE until gpsd works with it. # m_data = bytearray([0x01, 0x61, rate]) # gps_model.gps_send(6, 1, m_data) def send_able_ecef(self, able): "Enable ECEF messages" # set NAV-POSECEF rate gps_model.send_cfg_msg(1, 1, able) # set NAV-VELECEF rate gps_model.send_cfg_msg(1, 0x11, able) def send_able_gps(self, able): "dis/enable GPS/QZSS" # GPS and QZSS both on, or both off, together # GPS gps_model.send_cfg_gnss1(0, able) # QZSS gps_model.send_cfg_gnss1(5, able) def send_able_galileo(self, able): "dis/enable GALILEO" gps_model.send_cfg_gnss1(2, able) def send_able_glonass(self, able): "dis/enable GLONASS" # Two frequency GPS use BeiDou or GLONASS # disable, then enable gps_model.send_cfg_gnss1(6, able) def send_able_nmea(self, able): "dis/enable basic NMEA messages" rate = 1 if able else 0 # xxGBS m_data = bytearray([0xf0, 0x09, rate]) gps_model.gps_send(6, 1, m_data) # xxGGA m_data = bytearray([0xf0, 0x00, rate]) gps_model.gps_send(6, 1, m_data) # xxGGL m_data = bytearray([0xf0, 0x01, rate]) gps_model.gps_send(6, 1, m_data) # xxGSA m_data = bytearray([0xf0, 0x02, rate]) gps_model.gps_send(6, 1, m_data) # xxGST m_data = bytearray([0xf0, 0x07, rate]) gps_model.gps_send(6, 1, m_data) # xxGSV m_data = bytearray([0xf0, 0x03, rate]) gps_model.gps_send(6, 1, m_data) # xxRMC m_data = bytearray([0xf0, 0x04, rate]) gps_model.gps_send(6, 1, m_data) # xxVTG m_data = bytearray([0xf0, 0x05, rate]) gps_model.gps_send(6, 1, m_data) # xxZDA m_data = bytearray([0xf0, 0x08, rate]) gps_model.gps_send(6, 1, m_data) def send_able_rawx(self, able): "dis/enable UBX-RXM-RAWX" rate = 1 if able else 0 m_data = bytearray([0x2, 0x15, rate]) gps_model.gps_send(6, 1, m_data) def send_able_sbas(self, able): "dis/enable SBAS" gps_model.send_cfg_gnss1(1, able) def send_able_tmode2(self, able): """SURVEYIN, UBX-CFG-TMODE2, set time mode 2 config""" m_data = bytearray(28) if able: # enable survey-in m_data[0] = 1 # on a NEO-M8T, with good antenna # five minutes, gets about 1 m # ten minutes, gets about 0.9 m # twenty minutes, gets about 0.7 m # one hour, gets about 0.5 m # twelve hours, gets about 0.14 m # Survey-in minimum duration seconds seconds = 300 m_data[20] = seconds & 0x0ff seconds >>= 8 m_data[21] = seconds & 0x0ff seconds >>= 8 m_data[22] = seconds & 0x0ff seconds >>= 8 m_data[23] = seconds & 0x0ff # Survey-in position accuracy limit in mm # make it big, so the duration decides when to end survey mmeters = 50000 m_data[24] = mmeters & 0x0ff mmeters >>= 8 m_data[25] = mmeters & 0x0ff mmeters >>= 8 m_data[26] = seconds & 0x0ff seconds >>= 8 m_data[27] = mmeters & 0x0ff gps_model.gps_send(6, 0x3d, m_data) def send_able_tp(self, able): "dis/enable UBX-TIM-TP Time Pulse" rate = 1 if able else 0 m_data = bytearray([0xd, 0x1, rate]) gps_model.gps_send(6, 1, m_data) def send_cfg_ant(self): "UBX-CFG-ANT, Get Antenna Control Settings" m_data = bytearray(0) gps_model.gps_send(6, 0x13, m_data) def send_cfg_cfg(self, save_clear): "UBX-CFG-CFG, save config" # Save: save_clear = 0 # Clear: save_clear = 1 # basic configs alays available to change: # ioPort, msgConf, infMsg, navConf, rxmConf cfg1 = 0x1f # senConf, rinvConf, antConf, logConf cfg2 = 0x0f m_data = bytearray(13) # clear if 0 == save_clear: # saving m_data[0] = 0 m_data[1] = 0 else: # clearing m_data[0] = cfg1 m_data[1] = cfg2 m_data[2] = 0 # m_data[3] = 0 # # save if 0 == save_clear: # saving m_data[4] = cfg1 m_data[5] = cfg2 else: # clearing m_data[4] = 0 m_data[5] = 0 m_data[6] = 0 # m_data[7] = 0 # # load if False and 0 == save_clear: # saving m_data[8] = 0 m_data[9] = 0 else: # clearing, load it to save a reboot m_data[8] = cfg1 m_data[9] = cfg2 m_data[10] = 0 # m_data[11] = 0 # # deviceMask, where to save it, try all options m_data[12] = 0x17 # devBBR, devFLASH devEEPROM, devSpiFlash gps_model.gps_send(6, 0x9, m_data) def send_cfg_gnss1(self, gnssId, enable): "UBX-CFG-GNSS, set GNSS config" m_data = bytearray(12) m_data[0] = 0 # version 0, msgVer m_data[1] = 0 # read only, numTrkChHw m_data[2] = 0xFF # read only, numTrkChUse m_data[3] = 1 # 1 block follows # block 1 m_data[4] = gnssId # gnssId if 0 == gnssId: # GPS m_data[5] = 8 # resTrkCh m_data[6] = 16 # maxTrkCh if 1 == gnssId: # SBAS m_data[5] = 1 # resTrkCh m_data[6] = 3 # maxTrkCh if 2 == gnssId: # GALILEO m_data[5] = 4 # resTrkCh m_data[6] = 8 # maxTrkCh if 3 == gnssId: # BeiDou m_data[5] = 2 # resTrkCh m_data[6] = 16 # maxTrkCh if 4 == gnssId: # IMES m_data[5] = 0 # resTrkCh m_data[6] = 8 # maxTrkCh if 5 == gnssId: # QZSS m_data[5] = 0 # resTrkCh m_data[6] = 3 # maxTrkCh if 6 == gnssId: # GLONASS m_data[5] = 8 # resTrkCh m_data[6] = 14 # maxTrkCh m_data[7] = 0 # reserved1 m_data[8] = enable # flags m_data[9] = 0 # flagflags, unused if 5 == gnssId: # QZSS m_data[10] = 5 # flags E1OS, L1SAIF else: m_data[10] = 1 # flags E1OS m_data[11] = 1 # flags, unused gps_model.gps_send(6, 0x3e, m_data) def send_cfg_gnss(self): "UBX-CFG-GNSS, set Galileo config decode" m_data = bytearray(0) gps_model.gps_send(6, 0x3e, m_data) def send_cfg_nav5_model(self): "UBX-CFG-NAV5, set dynamic platform model" m_data = bytearray(36) m_data[0] = 1 # just setting dynamic model m_data[1] = 0 # just setting dynamic model m_data[2] = opts["mode"] gps_model.gps_send(6, 0x24, m_data) def send_cfg_msg(self, m_class, m_id, rate=None): "UBX-CFG-MSG, poll, or set, message rates decode" m_data = bytearray(2) m_data[0] = m_class m_data[1] = m_id if rate is not None: m_data.extend([rate]) gps_model.gps_send(6, 1, m_data) def send_cfg_nav5(self): "UBX-CFG-NAV5, get Nav Engine Settings" m_data = bytearray(0) gps_model.gps_send(6, 0x24, m_data) def send_cfg_navx5(self): "UBX-CFG-NAVX5, get Nav Engine Expert Settings" m_data = bytearray(0) gps_model.gps_send(6, 0x23, m_data) def send_cfg_pms(self): "UBX-CFG-PMS, Get Power Management Settings" if opts["mode"] is not None: m_data = bytearray(8) # set powerSetupValue to mode m_data[1] = opts["mode"] # leave period and onTime zero, which breaks powerSetupValue = 3 else: m_data = bytearray(0) gps_model.gps_send(6, 0x86, m_data) def send_cfg_prt(self): "UBX-CFG-PRT, get I/O Port settings" port = opts['interface'] if port is None: m_data = bytearray() else: m_data = bytearray([port]) gps_model.gps_send(6, 0x0, m_data) def send_set_speed(self, speed): "UBX-CFG-PRT, set port" port = opts['interface'] # FIXME! Determine and use current port as default if port is None: port = 1 # Default to port 1 (UART/UART_1) if port not in set([1, 2]): sys.stderr.write('%s: Invalid UART port - %d\n' % (PROG_NAME, port)) sys.exit(2) # FIXME! Poll current masks, then adjust speed m_data = bytearray(20) m_data[0] = port m_data[4] = 0xc0 # 8N1 m_data[5] = 0x8 # 8N1 m_data[8] = speed & 0xff m_data[9] = (speed >> 8) & 0xff m_data[10] = (speed >> 16) & 0xff m_data[11] = (speed >> 24) & 0xff m_data[12] = 3 # in, ubx and nmea m_data[14] = 3 # out, ubx and nmea gps_model.gps_send(6, 0, m_data) def send_cfg_rst(self, reset_type): "UBX-CFG-RST, reset" # always do a hardware reset # if on USB, this will disconnect and reconnect, giving you # a new tty. m_data = bytearray(4) m_data[0] = reset_type & 0xff m_data[1] = (reset_type >> 8) & 0xff gps_model.gps_send(6, 0x4, m_data) def send_cfg_tmode2(self): "UBX-CFG-TMODE2, get time mode 2 configuration" m_data = bytearray(0) gps_model.gps_send(6, 0x3d, m_data) def send_cfg_tp5(self): "UBX-CFG-TP5, get time0 decodes, timepulse 0 and 1" m_data = bytearray(0) gps_model.gps_send(6, 0x31, m_data) # and timepulse 1 m_data = bytearray(1) m_data[0] = 1 gps_model.gps_send(6, 0x31, m_data) def send_cfg_usb(self): "UBX-CFG-USB, get USB configuration" m_data = bytearray(0) gps_model.gps_send(6, 0x1b, m_data) def send_mon_ver(self): "UBX-MON-VER get versions" m_data = bytearray(0) gps_model.gps_send(0x0a, 0x04, m_data) def send_nav_posecef(self): "UBX-NAV-POSECEF, poll ECEF position" m_data = bytearray(0) gps_model.gps_send(1, 1, m_data) def send_nav_velecef(self): "UBX-NAV-VELECEF, poll ECEF velocity decode" m_data = bytearray(0) gps_model.gps_send(1, 0x11, m_data) def send_cfg_sbas(self): "UBX-CFG-SBAS, poll SBAS settings" m_data = bytearray(0) gps_model.gps_send(0x06, 0x16, m_data) def send_cfg_valdel(self, key): """UBX-CFG-VALDEL, delete config item""" m_data = bytearray(8) m_data[0] = 0 # version, 0 = transactionless, 1 = transaction m_data[1] = 2 # 2 = BBR, 4 = flash m_data[4] = (key) & 0xff m_data[5] = (key >> 8) & 0xff m_data[6] = (key >> 16) & 0xff m_data[7] = (key >> 24) & 0xff gps_model.gps_send(0x06, 0x8c, m_data) def send_cfg_valget(self, key): """UBX-CFG-VALGET, get config item""" m_data = bytearray(8) m_data[0] = 0 # version, 0 = request, 1 = answer m_data[1] = 0 # RAM layer m_data[4] = (key) & 0xff m_data[5] = (key >> 8) & 0xff m_data[6] = (key >> 16) & 0xff m_data[7] = (key >> 24) & 0xff gps_model.gps_send(0x06, 0x8b, m_data) def send_cfg_valset(self, key, val): """UBX-CFG-VALSET, set config item""" # FIXME: does not handle value yet m_data = bytearray(8) m_data[0] = 0 # version, 0 = request, 1 = transaction m_data[1] = 0 # RAM layer, 1=RAM, 2=BBR, 4=Flash m_data[4] = (key) & 0xff m_data[5] = (key >> 8) & 0xff m_data[6] = (key >> 16) & 0xff m_data[7] = (key >> 24) & 0xff gps_model.gps_send(0x06, 0x8a, m_data) def send_tim_svin(self): "UBX-TIM-SVIN, get survey in data" m_data = bytearray(0) gps_model.gps_send(0x0d, 0x04, m_data) def send_tim_tp(self): "UBX-TIM-TP, get time pulse timedata" m_data = bytearray(0) gps_model.gps_send(0x0d, 0x01, m_data) able_commands = { # en/dis able BeiDou "BEIDOU": {"command": send_able_beidou, "help": "BeiDou"}, # en/dis able basic binary messages "BINARY": {"command": send_able_binary, "help": "basic binary messages"}, # en/dis able ECEF "ECEF": {"command": send_able_ecef, "help": "ECEF"}, # en/dis able GPS "GPS": {"command": send_able_gps, "help": "GPS and QZSS"}, # en/dis able GALILEO "GALILEO": {"command": send_able_galileo, "help": "GALILEO"}, # en/dis able GLONASS "GLONASS": {"command": send_able_glonass, "help": "GLONASS"}, # en/dis able basic NMEA messages "NMEA": {"command": send_able_nmea, "help": "basic NMEA messages"}, # en/dis able RAWX "RAWX": {"command": send_able_rawx, "help": "RAWX measurements"}, # en/dis able SBAS "SBAS": {"command": send_able_sbas, "help": "SBAS"}, # en/dis able TP time pulse message "TP": {"command": send_able_tp, "help": "TP Time Pulse message"}, # en/dis able TMODE2 Survey-in "SURVEYIN": {"command": send_able_tmode2, "help": "Survey-in mode with TMODE2"}, } commands = { # UBX-CFG-ANT, poll antenna config decode "ANT": {"command": send_cfg_ant, "help": "UBX-CFG-ANT poll antenna config"}, # UBX-CFG-RST cold boot "COLDBOOT": {"command": send_cfg_rst, "help": "UBS-CFG-RST coldboot the GPS", "opt": 0xfff}, # UBX-CFG-GNSS poll gnss config "GNSS": {"command": send_cfg_gnss, "help": "UBX-CFG-GNSS poll GNSS config"}, # UBX-CFG-RST hot boot "HOTBOOT": {"command": send_cfg_rst, "help": "UBX-CFG-RST hotboot the GPS", "opt": 0}, # UBX-CFG-NAV5 set Dynamic Platform Model "MODEL": {"command": send_cfg_nav5_model, "help": "UBX-CFG-NAV5 set Dynamic Platform Model"}, # UBX-CFG-NAV5, poll Nav Engine Settings "NAV5": {"command": send_cfg_nav5, "help": "UBX-CFG-NAV5 poll Nav Engines settings"}, # UBX-CFG-NAVX5, poll Nav Engine Expert Settings "NAVX5": {"command": send_cfg_navx5, "help": "UBX-CFG-NAVX5 poll Nav Engines Expert Settings"}, # UBX-CFG-PMS, poll power management settings "PMS": {"command": send_cfg_pms, "help": "UBX-CFG-PMS poll power management settings"}, # UBX-CFG-PRT, poll I/O port settings "PRT": {"command": send_cfg_prt, "help": "UBX-CFG-PRT poll I/O port settings"}, # UBX-RXM-RAWX poll raw measurement data "RXM-RAWX": {"command": poll_rxm_rawx, "help": "UBX-RXM-RAWX poll raw measurement data"}, # UBX-CFG-CFG reset config "RESET": {"command": send_cfg_cfg, "help": "UBX-CFG-CFG reset config to defaults", "opt": 1}, # UBX-CFG-CFG save config "SAVE": {"command": send_cfg_cfg, "help": "UBX-CFG-CFG save current config", "opt": 0}, # UBX-CFG-SBAS, get SBAS settings "SBAS": {"command": send_cfg_sbas, "help": "UBX-CFG-SBAS poll SBAS settings"}, # UBX-TIM-SVIN, get survey in data "SVIN": {"command": send_tim_svin, "help": "UBX-TIM-SVIN get survey in data"}, # UBX-CFG-TMODE2, get time mode 2 config "TMODE2": {"command": send_cfg_tmode2, "help": "UBX-CFG-TMODE2 get time mode 2 config"}, # UBX-TIM-TP, get time pulse timedata "TP": {"command": send_tim_tp, "help": "UBX-TIM-TP get time pulse timedata"}, # UBX-CFG-TP5, get time0 decodes "TP5": {"command": send_cfg_tp5, "help": "UBX-TIM-TP5 get time pulse decodes"}, # UBX-CFG-RST warm boot "WARMBOOT": {"command": send_cfg_rst, "help": "UBX-CFG-RST warmboot the GPS", "opt": 1}, # poll UBX-CFG-USB "USB": {"command": send_cfg_usb, "help": "UBX-CFG-USB get USB config"}, # poll UBX-MON-VER "VER": {"command": send_mon_ver, "help": "UBX-MON-VER get GPS version"}, } # end class ubx class gps_io(object): """All the GPS I/O in one place" Three types of GPS I/O 1. read only from a file 2. read/write through a device 3. read only from a gpsd instance """ out = b'' ser = None input_is_device = False def __init__(self): "Initialize class" Serial = serial Serial_v3 = Serial and Serial.VERSION.split('.')[0] >= '3' # buffer to hold read data self.out = b'' # open the input: device, file, or gpsd if opts['input_file_name'] is not None: # check if input file is a file or device try: mode = os.stat(opts['input_file_name']).st_mode except OSError: sys.stderr.write('%s: failed to open input file %s\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['input_file_name'])) sys.exit(1) if stat.S_ISCHR(mode): # character device, need not be read only self.input_is_device = True if ((opts['disable'] or opts['enable'] or opts['poll'] or opts['oaf_name'])): # check that we can write if opts['read_only']: sys.stderr.write('%s: read-only mode, ' 'can not send commands\n' % PROG_NAME) sys.exit(1) if self.input_is_device is False: sys.stderr.write('%s: input is plain file, ' 'can not send commands\n' % PROG_NAME) sys.exit(1) if opts['target']['server'] is not None: # try to open local gpsd try: self.ser = gps.gpscommon(host=None) self.ser.connect(opts['target']['server'], opts['target']['port']) # alias self.ser.write() to self.write_gpsd() self.ser.write = self.write_gpsd # ask for raw, not rare, data data_out = b'?WATCH={' if opts['target']['device'] is not None: # add in the requested device data_out += (b'"device":"' + opts['target']['device'] + b'",') data_out += b'"enable":true,"raw":2}\r\n' if VERB_RAW <= opts['verbosity']: print("sent: ", data_out) self.ser.send(data_out) except socket.error as err: sys.stderr.write('%s: failed to connect to gpsd %s\n' % (PROG_NAME, err)) sys.exit(1) elif self.input_is_device: # configure the serial connections (the parameters refer to # the device you are connecting to) # pyserial Ver 3.0+ changes writeTimeout to write_timeout # Using the wrong one causes an error write_timeout_arg = ('write_timeout' if Serial_v3 else 'writeTimeout') try: self.ser = Serial.Serial( baudrate=opts['input_speed'], # 8N1 is UBX default bytesize=Serial.EIGHTBITS, parity=Serial.PARITY_NONE, port=opts['input_file_name'], stopbits=Serial.STOPBITS_ONE, # read timeout timeout=0.05, **{write_timeout_arg: 0.5} ) except AttributeError: sys.stderr.write('%s: failed to import pyserial\n' % PROG_NAME) sys.exit(2) except Serial.serialutil.SerialException: # this exception happens on bad serial port device name sys.stderr.write('%s: failed to open serial port "%s"\n' '%s: Your computer has the serial ports:\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['input_file_name'], PROG_NAME)) # print out list of supported ports import serial.tools.list_ports as List_Ports ports = List_Ports.comports() for port in ports: sys.stderr.write(" %s: %s\n" % (port.device, port.description)) sys.exit(1) # flush input buffer, discarding all its contents # pyserial 3.0+ deprecates flushInput() in favor of # reset_input_buffer(), but flushInput() is still present. self.ser.flushInput() else: # Read from a plain file of UBX messages try: self.ser = open(opts['input_file_name'], 'rb') except IOError: sys.stderr.write('%s: failed to open input %s\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['input_file_name'])) sys.exit(1) def read(self, read_opts): "Read from device, until timeout or expected message" # are we expecting a certain message? if gps_model.expect_statement_identifier: # assume failure, until we see expected message ret_code = 1 else: # not expecting anything, so OK if we did not see it. ret_code = 0 try: if read_opts['target']['server'] is not None: # gpsd input start = time.clock() while read_opts['input_wait'] > (time.clock() - start): # First priority is to be sure the input buffer is read. # This is to prevent input buffer overuns if 0 < self.ser.waiting(): # We have serial input waiting, get it # No timeout possible # RTCM3 JSON can be over 4.4k long, so go big new_out = self.ser.sock.recv(8192) if raw is not None: # save to raw file raw.write(new_out) self.out += new_out consumed = gps_model.decode_msg(self.out) self.out = self.out[consumed:] if ((gps_model.expect_statement_identifier and (gps_model.expect_statement_identifier == gps_model.last_statement_identifier))): # Got what we were waiting for. Done? ret_code = 0 if not read_opts['input_forced_wait']: # Done break elif self.input_is_device: # input is a serial device start = time.clock() while read_opts['input_wait'] > (time.clock() - start): # First priority is to be sure the input buffer is read. # This is to prevent input buffer overuns # pyserial 3.0+ deprecates inWaiting() in favor of # in_waiting, but inWaiting() is still present. if 0 < self.ser.inWaiting(): # We have serial input waiting, get it # 1024 is comfortably large, almost always the # Read timeout is what causes ser.read() to return new_out = self.ser.read(1024) if raw is not None: # save to raw file raw.write(new_out) self.out += new_out consumed = gps_model.decode_msg(self.out) self.out = self.out[consumed:] if ((gps_model.expect_statement_identifier and (gps_model.expect_statement_identifier == gps_model.last_statement_identifier))): # Got what we were waiting for. Done? ret_code = 0 if not read_opts['input_forced_wait']: # Done break else: # ordinary file, so all read at once self.out += self.ser.read() if raw is not None: # save to raw file raw.write(self.out) while True: consumed = gps_model.decode_msg(self.out) self.out = self.out[consumed:] if 0 >= consumed: break except IOError: # This happens on a good device name, but gpsd already running. # or if USB device unplugged sys.stderr.write('%s: failed to read %s\n' '%s: Is gpsd already holding the port?\n' % (PROG_NAME, read_opts['input_file_name'], PROG_NAME)) return 1 if 0 < ret_code: # did not see the message we were expecting to see sys.stderr.write('%s: waited %0.2f seconds for, ' 'but did not get: %%%s%%\n' % (PROG_NAME, read_opts['input_wait'], gps_model.expect_statement_identifier)) return ret_code def write_gpsd(self, data): "write data to gpsd daemon" # HEXDATA_MAX = 512, from gps.h, The max hex digits can write. # Input data is binary, converting to hex doubles its size. # Limit binary data to length 255, so hex data length less than 510. if 255 < len(data): sys.stderr.write('%s: trying to send %d bytes, max is 255\n' % (PROG_NAME, len(data))) return 1 if opts['target']['device'] is not None: # add in the requested device data_out = b'?DEVICE={"path":"' + opts['target']['device'] + b'",' else: data_out = b'?DEVICE={' # Convert binary data to hex and build the message. data_out += b'"hexdata":"' + binascii.hexlify(data) + b'"}\r\n' if VERB_RAW <= opts['verbosity']: print("sent: ", data_out) self.ser.send(data_out) return 0 # instantiate the GPS class gps_model = ubx() def usage(): "Ouput usage information, and exit" print('usage: %s [-c C] [-f F] [-r] [-p P] [-s S] [-v V]\n' ' [-hV?] [-S S]\n' ' -c C send raw command C (cls,id...) to GPS\n' ' -d D disable D\n' ' -e E enable E\n' ' -f F open F as file/device\n' ' default: %s\n' ' -g G get config item G\n' ' -h print help\n' ' -i I interface (port) for UBX-CFG-PRT\n' ' -m M optional mode to -p P\n' ' -P P Protocol version for sending commands\n' ' default: %s\n' ' -p P send a prepackaged query P to GPS\n' ' -R R save raw data from GPS in file R\n' ' default: %s\n' ' -r open file/device read only\n' ' -S S set GPS speed to S\n' ' -s S set port speed to S\n' ' default: %s bps\n' ' -w wait time\n' ' default: %s seconds\n' ' -V print version\n' ' -v V Set verbosity level to V, 0 to 4\n' ' default: %s\n' ' -x X delete config item X\n' ' -z Z,z set config item Z to z\n' ' -? print help\n' '\n' 'D and E can be one of:' % (PROG_NAME, opts['input_file_name'], opts['raw_file'], opts['protver'], opts['input_speed'], opts['input_wait'], opts['verbosity']) ) for item in sorted(gps_model.able_commands.keys()): print(" %-12s %s" % (item, gps_model.able_commands[item]["help"])) print('\nP can be one of:') for item in sorted(gps_model.commands.keys()): print(" %-12s %s" % (item, gps_model.commands[item]["help"])) print('\nOptions can be placed in the UBXOPTS environment variable.\n' 'UBXOPTS is processed before the CLI options.') sys.exit(0) if 'UBXOPTS' in os.environ: # grab the UBXOPTS environment variable for options opts['progopts'] = os.environ['UBXOPTS'] options = opts['progopts'].split(' ') + sys.argv[1:] else: options = sys.argv[1:] try: (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(options, "?c:d:e:f:g:hi:m:rP:p:" "s:w:v:R:S:Vx:z:") except getopt.GetoptError as err: sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" "Try '%s -h' for more information.\n" % (PROG_NAME, str(err), PROG_NAME)) sys.exit(2) for (opt, val) in options: if opt == '-c': opts['command'] = val elif opt == '-d': opts['disable'] = val elif opt == '-e': opts['enable'] = val elif opt == '-f': opts['input_file_name'] = val elif opt == '-g': opts['get_item'] = val elif opt == '-h' or opt == '-?': usage() elif opt == '-i': valnum = gps_model.port_id_map.get(val.upper()) opts['interface'] = valnum if valnum is not None else int(val) elif opt == '-m': opts['mode'] = int(val) elif opt == '-P': opts['protver'] = int(val) if 10 > opts['protver']: opts['protver'] = 10 if 27 < opts['protver']: opts['protver'] = 27 elif opt == '-p': opts['poll'] = val elif opt == '-r': opts['read_only'] = True elif opt == '-s': opts['input_speed'] = int(val) if opts['input_speed'] not in gps_model.speeds: sys.stderr.write('%s: -s invalid speed %s\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['input_speed'])) sys.exit(1) elif opt == '-w': opts['input_wait'] = float(val) elif opt in '-v': opts['verbosity'] = int(val) elif opt in '-R': # raw log file opts['raw_file'] = val elif opt in '-S': opts['set_speed'] = int(val) if opts['set_speed'] not in gps_model.speeds: sys.stderr.write('%s: -S invalid speed %s\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['set_speed'])) sys.exit(1) elif opt == '-V': # version sys.stderr.write('%s: Version %s\n' % (PROG_NAME, gps_version)) sys.exit(0) elif opt == '-x': opts['del_item'] = val elif opt == '-z': opts['set_item'] = val if opts['input_file_name'] is None: # no input file given # default to local gpsd opts['target']['server'] = "localhost" opts['target']['port'] = gps.GPSD_PORT opts['target']['device'] = None if arguments: # server[:port[:device]] parts = arguments[0].split(':') opts['target']['server'] = parts[0] if 1 < len(parts): opts['target']['port'] = parts[1] if 2 < len(parts): opts['target']['device'] = parts[2] elif arguments: sys.stderr.write('%s: Both input file and server specified\n' % PROG_NAME) sys.exit(1) if VERB_PROG <= opts['verbosity']: # dump all options print('Options:') for option in sorted(opts): print(" %s: %s" % (option, opts[option])) # done parsing arguments from environment and CLI try: # raw log file requested? raw = None if opts['raw_file']: try: raw = open(opts['raw_file'], 'w') except IOError: sys.stderr.write('%s: failed to open raw file %s\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['raw_file'])) sys.exit(1) # create the I/O instance io_handle = gps_io() sys.stdout.flush() if opts['disable'] is not None: if VERB_QUIET < opts['verbosity']: sys.stderr.write('%s: disable %s\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['disable'])) if opts['disable'] in gps_model.able_commands: command = gps_model.able_commands[opts['disable']] command["command"](gps, 0) else: sys.stderr.write('%s: disable %s not found\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['disable'])) sys.exit(1) elif opts['enable'] is not None: if VERB_QUIET < opts['verbosity']: sys.stderr.write('%s: enable %s\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['enable'])) if opts['enable'] in gps_model.able_commands: command = gps_model.able_commands[opts['enable']] command["command"](gps, 1) else: sys.stderr.write('%s: enable %s not found\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['enable'])) sys.exit(1) elif opts['poll'] is not None: if VERB_QUIET < opts['verbosity']: sys.stderr.write('%s: poll %s\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['poll'])) if 'MODEL' == opts["poll"]: if opts["mode"] is None: opts["mode"] = 0 # default to portable model if opts['poll'] in gps_model.commands: command = gps_model.commands[opts['poll']] if 'opt' in command: command["command"](gps, command["opt"]) else: command["command"](gps) else: sys.stderr.write('%s: poll %s not found\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['poll'])) sys.exit(1) elif opts['set_speed'] is not None: gps_model.send_set_speed(opts['set_speed']) elif opts['command'] is not None: cmd_list = opts['command'].split(',') try: cmd_data = [int(v, 16) for v in cmd_list] except ValueError: badarg = True else: data_or = reduce(operator.or_, cmd_data) badarg = data_or != data_or & 0xFF if badarg or len(cmd_list) < 2: sys.stderr.write('%s: Argument format (hex bytes) is' ' class,id[,payload...]\n' % PROG_NAME) sys.exit(1) payload = bytearray(cmd_data[2:]) if VERB_QUIET < opts['verbosity']: sys.stderr.write('%s: command %s\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['command'])) gps_model.gps_send(cmd_data[0], cmd_data[1], payload) elif opts['del_item'] is not None: item = gps_model.cfg_by_name(opts['del_item']) if item: gps_model.send_cfg_valdel(item[1]) else: sys.stderr.write('%s: ERROR: item %s unknown\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['del_item'])) exit(1) elif opts['get_item'] is not None: item = gps_model.cfg_by_name(opts['get_item']) if item: gps_model.send_cfg_valget(item[1]) else: sys.stderr.write('%s: ERROR: item %s unknown\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['get_item'])) exit(1) elif opts['set_item'] is not None: (name, val) = opts['set_item'].split(',') item = gps_model.cfg_by_name(name) if item: gps_model.send_cfg_valset(item[1], val) else: sys.stderr.write('%s: ERROR: item %s unknown\n' % (PROG_NAME, opts['set_item'])) exit(1) exit_code = io_handle.read(opts) if ((VERB_RAW <= opts['verbosity']) and io_handle.out): # dump raw left overs print("Left over data:") print(io_handle.out) sys.stdout.flush() io_handle.ser.close() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('') exit_code = 1 sys.exit(exit_code)