How do I report bugs in GPSD?

When you have a problem with gpsd, here are some steps you can take to help get your bug resolved as quickly as possible.

1. Read this whole FAQ first

First, read this whole FAQ before reporting apparent misbehavior as a bug. You may find a solution here.

2. Make sure it's not a problem with your toolchain or OS

See our page on upstream bugs.

3. Make sure it's not a problem in your client software

Make sure it is a real gpsd bug and not a problem with your client software. A good way to do this is to run your client and the gpsd test client (xgps) side by side. If xgps seems to report good numbers but your client does not, you have a client problem. If xgps reports the same sort of bad numbers as your client, you have a real gpsd bug.

4. Check the latest version of gpsd for the bug.

If you are using an old version of gpsd, it is possible your bug has already been fixed. Download the latest public version from the project page and test it. To be really helpful, check out the git head and test that. We don't mind getting bug reports that say "I saw version foo had the following bug, but you've fixed it."

5. Capture a log that triggers the problem

If we can reproduce your gpsd problem, we can usually fix it very rapidly. If we can't reproduce it, you might get lucky or you might not — and we try hard, but all too often the result is 'not'.

Therefore the most important step you can take is to capture a log of some receiver output that reproduces the bug; gpscat will help you.

6. Trim the capture log that reproduces the problem

Your next step should be to feed the log you just captured to a gpsd instance through gpsfake to verify that the log does in fact reproduce the bug.

Once you have the log, trim it to the smallest span of data that reproduces the bug. A systematic way to do this is to cut the log in half at the middle and test each half. If one half doesn't reproduce the bug but the other does, throw away the half that doesn't. Repeat this procedure on each half that tickles the bug until you can't make it any smaller. Then send us that.

If possible, use the -l option of gpsfake to pin down the sentence or packet that produces the bug, and tell us that.

7. Look at gpsd log output to see if it gives you a clue

You may get a better handle on your problem by running gpsd in foreground (-N option) with the -D option set to a high level (-D 5 is often good). If the transcript has anything that looks like a clue in it, send it along with your bug report. When in doubt about whether it holds a clue, send it.

One of the things this should tell you, if the chip reports it at all, is the firmware version. You will want that for your report.

8. Annotate the capture log and send us a copy

We'll describe the annotation steps here for completeness, but the easiest way to do this is with our web form

A logfile should consist of an identifying header followed by a straight unencoded dump of receiver data, whether NMEA or binary. The header should consist of text lines beginning with # and ending with LF. Here is the beginning of one log file I already have:

# Name: Magellan eXplorist 210
# Chipset: unknown
# Submitted-by: "Paul B van den Berg" 
# Date: 20 May 2006
# Location: Groningen, NL, 53.2N 6.6E
# mode V2.1 GSA
# Lines up to but not including the first GPGLL are
# `cat /dev/ttyACM0` at startup 
# Following lines are
# `cat /dev/ttyACM0` stationary

The way to fill in the Name, Submitted-by, and Date headers should be pretty obvious.

Chipset should include the name and (if possible) model and/or firmware revision of the chipset in the GPS.

Please also include a Location header giving your city, state/province, country code, and a rough latitude/longitude.

A log file is most useful when it contains (a) some sentences generated when the GPS has no fix, (b) some sentences representing a fix with the GPS stationary, and (c) some sentences representing a fix with the GPS moving.

If you have notes or comments on the logfile or the GPS, or any additional information you think might be helpful, add them as additional # comments (not containing a colon) after these headers. The test machinery that interprets the headers will ignore these and any empty comment lines.

9. If it's a dual-mode GPS, see if the problem reproduces in NMEA mode

If you're using a SiRF, Evermore, iTalk or u-blox GPS in binary mode (which you can tell from the -D 4 output), switch back to NMEA mode using the N command (or a vendor-provided tool) and see if the bug is still reproduceable.

10. If your bug core-dumps gpsd, send us a stack trace.

Though it happens seldom (and we had 2 report since about mid-2005), badly-formed input from a device with poor standards compliance has been known to core-dump gpsd. If your gpsd has core-dumped, try to use gdb or whatever your local symbolic debugger is to generate a stack trace ("bt full") of the crash, and send us that.

11. Try to determine what release introduced the bug

If you have upgraded from a previous version of gpsd, and the upgrade broke something that was working previously, the most useful thing you can do is pin down the release in which the bug was introduced.

How efficiently you can do this depends on whether or not you have a client for the the git version control system. If you don't, all you can do is download and test named releases. If you do, you can pin down the exact change that introduced the bug. The latter is far more helpful to us and will get your bug fixed faster, so we'll describe that procedure here.

  1. Follow these instructions to check out a copy of the software.

  2. Use git bisect to locate the exact revision that introduced your bug. This will happen very quickly, as the number of tests required will be the log to the base 2 of the number of revisions in your original span. Even if there are (say) 500 revisions in the span you should only require 9 tests to nail down the exact change in question.

12. Include the vendor, mode, and firmware version in your report.

Always include with your bug report the receiver vendor and model. Try to include the firmware version as well. This should be in your xgps display if your device makes it available; in a form field before 2.35, or as the window title in 2.35 and later. If the ID string is too long to fit, let the daemon run for a few minutes and issue an "I" command to it. Alternatively, running the daemon at -D 4 may reveal the version.

I get no data from my GPS

This answer may apply if you have followed the Quick Start procedure on the manual page but gpsd reports no data.

Check for the obvious thing — a disconnected or loose cable — first. Make sure you specified the device your GPS is actually plugged into.

A good test to try is to run gpscat(1) on the device with speed set to 4800, then 9600. Most devices will report NMEA text at one of these speeds; a few will report binary spewage. Either is a good sign. If yours reports no data at all, you probably have some low-level system problem with serial or USB that you'll need to fix before gpsd will operate.

USB GPSes actually emulate RS232 serial using converter chips. Under Linux, the usbserial kernel module must be loaded for correct operation of this class of device. Normally this module load should happen automatically when the device activates, but if you don't receive data check for it with lsmod(1).

On Linux systems with module autoloading disabled or misconfigured, it is possible you may need to load the module manually with a command such as sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0×1a86 product=0×7523. Do not copy those hex numbers slavishly, they are examples. To get the right numbers, you will need to dig up the vendor and product ID of your USB-serial converter device.

Why does getting a fix take so long after powerup?

On a Linux machine, the gpsd daemon normally takes between 0.1 and 0.6 seconds to handshake with your hardware. After that you will receive GPS reports within a second of when the sensor issues them. GPSD itself adds no measurable latency, but RS-323 transmission time to gpsd can be significant; you can cut this time by increasing the baud rate.

Longer handshake delays have been reported from other platforms. Under OpenBSD, time to handshake with some binary GPSes (including SiRFs) can be up to two minutes. This seems to reflect some bad interaction between the autobauding code in gpsd and the operating system's tty layer; when gpsd is compiled to use a fixed port speed, handshake times drop to a fraction of a second.

If you are starting a GPS for the first time, or after it has been powered off for more than two weeks, this is a 'cold start'; it needs to get a new satellite ephemeris to do its job. The satellites broadcast this information very slowly (at 50bps) on a fixed schedule, and it can take up to 20 minutes.

Warm start on a modern GPS with a good skyview (4 or more sats visible) normally takes about 30 seconds. (Vendor spec sheets fib by quoting this time only, leaving out the cold-start lag to fetch ephemeris.) If it's taking longer, the first thing to suspect is that your skyview is poor. Especially if you're indoors.

The best advice is: go outside and be patient for a few minutes.

Why does GPS time lag wall time by 11-15 seconds?

Your GPS may have dropped its leap-second offset. You can tell you have this problem if your sentence timestamps look wrong at startup. Wait 20 minutes or so; the lag should go away.

GPS satellites broadcast time using a clock without a leap-second correction. They broadcast a leap-second correction once each complete reporting cycle along with the satellite ephemerides; it's up to the GPS firmware to add that correction to the time it puts in reports. If your GPS has forgotten the current correction, you'll have to wait until the next ephemerides message for it.

GPSes are supposed to retain the leap-second correction along with the last fix in NVRAM when they power down, but we've observed that many seem prone to occasionally drop this information. All you can do is wait for the problem to resolve itself.

SiRF-based GPSes have a more specific timelag problem. 4800 is just a bit too slow for SiRF binary at full flood; the device can actually fail to ship all its reports before the next once-per-second fix, producing an accumulating stall. The symptom of this is sentence times that look right at startup but gradually fall behind clock time. To fix this, bump your speed to 9600 or higher.

Why does my receiver report wildly fluctuating speed?

If your problem is wildly fluctuating speed reports on a SiRF, switching on static navigation mode using gpsmon. Static navigation mode will freeze your position if your speed is below 1.2 m/s for three seconds, and will begin updating your position again when speed exceeds 1.4 m/s. This prevents multipath, weak signals, or poor constellation geometry from dragging your solutions around too much. Other receivers may suffer the same problem and may have a similar solution.

Why do I get implausibly low speeds when using gpsdrive?

This is a gpsdrive bug, as you can verify by running xgps alongside it.

Why do I get no results when I try to use gpsd with Kismet?

Your Kismet configuration has to include the setting "gps=true" This is s a surprisingly easy detail to forget.

Why do I have to restart gpsd whenever I power-cycle my Bluetooth device?

The Bluetooth stack returns 0 for a read from a missing device, rather than -1, and doesn't set errno. This is wrong and needs to be fixed at OS level.

My gpsd sometimes stops responding overnight

At one point in the development of gpsd we got a report of the daemon ceasing to respond to queries when run for more than a day or so; the user, quite reasonably, suspected some sort of resource leak in the daemon. On the other hand, other users reported good operation over much longer periods with the same version of the software. That suggests a bug at the level of the user's operating system or local site configuration.

Nevertheless, the possibility of a resource-leak bug alarmed us enough that after 2.26 one of us (ESR) built an entire test framework for auditing the code's dynamic behavior and used it to apply Valgrind. You can look at the resulting script, valgrind-audit, in the source distribution. This turned up a couple of minor leaks, but nothing sufficient to explain the report.

One of our senior developers, Rob Janssen, has seen gpsd interact badly with overnight backups, pushing the system load average through the roof. He says: "when you copy many gigabytes of data from disk to disk, the [Linux] kernel's buffer management goes completely haywire. [...] I think this is caused both by allocation of many buffers for reading files, and by accumulation of many dirty buffers that still have to be written. At some point, programs like gpsd (but also all interactive programs and the X display manager) come to a complete standstill while the system is swapping like mad."

If Rob's analysis is correct, gpsd is a canary in a coal mine. If your gpsd locks up after a long period of operation, you should look at your logs and see if you can connect the point at which it stopped responding to some kind of resource crisis brought on by lots of I/O activity.

Another thing to try is running gpsd under Valgrind overnight and seeing if it reports any leaks.

Why use the gpsd protocol rather than parsing raw NMEA?

Some applications that use gpsd start raw mode and parse the NMEA directly. This is not a good idea.

One problem with raw mode is that NMEA is a poorly specified standard. There are, for example, two different and incompatible variants of GPVTG. Another issue is that implementations vary as to whether they leave fields they don't supply empty or fill them in with a special value such as 0.0. Interpretation of the different NMEA status fields is a black art.

It is all too easy to write an NMEA parser that works well on one variant but breaks on another, delivering subtly incorrect results or even crashing your application. Because gpsd specializes in the job, we collect knowledge on all variants and do parsing that is much less likely to get tripped up.

Another issue is that some of the reports your application would like to have are not generated by all GPSes. Estimated position error in meters is the most obvious example; climb/sink is another. When a GPS doesn't supply these, gpsd can fill them in using the same sorts of computation that more capable GPSes use.

How should I interface my application with gpsd?

The gpsd package provides two ways for C code to get data from a GPS or AIS receiver. Both go through the libgps.a library, which supports two sets of entry points. The low-level interface talks directly to the GPS. The high-level interface communicates with an instance of gpsd, which uses its own copy of libgps.a to talk to the device.

A third way would be to open a socket to gpsd and interpret gpsd protocol or raw NMEA in your application. Before 2.0, all gpsd-aware applications had to do this because libgps.a didn't exist. Now that it does, the exercise is rather pointless. Using libgps.a will probably simplify your code a lot.

You will almost always want to use the high-level interface and go through the daemon; among other things, this means more than one application will be able to query the GPS without causing confusion. The only exception will be in very space-constrained single-user scenarios, perhaps on embedded systems or PDAs. On those it may be appropriate to use the low-level interface directly, probably with a build from source that conditions out all but one of the drivers.

For Python programmers, there is a module the high-level interface. It exports a class that encapsulates a GPS session.

Can GPSD use Assisted GPS data from cellphone networks?

Sadly, no. There are both hardware and software barriers to this.

Using AGPS would requires picking up and interpreting information broadcast by cellphone towers, so it would at minimum need another receiver (separate from the GPS mouse) operating in those frequency bands. Of course, a cellphone has one of those built in. Standalone GPS sensors don't.

There's another level of the problem, too. Supposing we had the right sort of receiver, AGPS systems are carrier-dependent. As far as we know there aren't any published standards for the format of the corrections. So even if we had the signals, GPSD couldn't know what to do with them.

How can I improve fix accuracy from my GPS?

Use an antenna, and place the sensor (and/or antenna) properly.

A real antenna can help, especially if you're using PPS as a time reference. It should be particularly helpful for reducing timing jitter.

One common error is to place the GPS or antenna as high as possible. This will increase multipath effects due to signal bounce from the ground or water, which can cause the GPS to mistake its position and the time signal. The correct location for a boat GPS antenna is on the gunwale rail or pushpit rail, close to the water and as far from the mast as possible (to reduce signal bounce from the mast). If you're outside or in a fixed location, put the GPS antenna as far from buildings as possible, and on the ground. If you're in a car, don't put the GPS antenna on the roof, put it on the towbar or some similar location.

If you're driving in a heavily built up area, you're going to get signal bounce off buildings and and reduced accuracy. That's just how the physics works. Note, however, that as your velocity goes up it becomes easier for the convergence filters in your GPS to spot and discard delayed signal, so multipath effects are proprtionately less important in fast-moving vehicles.

If you're using gpsd with software that plots your position on a map, and you seem to be getting latitude/longitude that is at a fixed offset from reality, it is possible the base datum of the map is something other than the WGS84 GPS uses. A frequently-occuring case of this is older maps in the United States based on NAD27 (e.g., USGS topo maps); you may see a displacement of as much as 100-150m with respect to WGS84. While modern datums (e.g., NAD83) are almost all very close to WGS84, typically each area of world has an older datum that only agrees at the 100m level.

How can I improve time reference accuracy from my GPS?

All the measures you'd take to improve fix accuracy will help. Time referencing at accuracies below 0.01sec has its own set of issues related to latency in your sensor and computer.

In particular, USB transport is not suited for anything time-related that requires sub-millisecond accuracy. If a USB-connected GPS unit wants to tell the computer it's 12:23:45, it will have to wait for the computer to poll it. This polling happens 1000 times per second, introducing variable latency averaging a half-millisecond. Furthermore, the USB chip might run at anything close to 1000 Hz. If it runs at 1000.1 Hz, every 10th second the next time-report will come 1 whole millisecond earlier. This will have NTP observing something like a 1ms-high sawtooth in the time-reports.

For accurate time reference, use a PPS line over RS232 triggering an interrupt. Serial bus interrupt latencies on modern hardware on the order of 10 microseconds, roughly a hundred-fold improvement over USB.

Don't confuse PPS with conventional, non-PPS data transport over RS232; the latency on that is much higher. At one character per ten bits (counting framing at stopbits) a 9600-bps serial link introduces about a millisecond of latency per character; furthermore, the Linux kernel will normally delay delivery of characters to your application until the next timer tick, about every 4 milliseconds in modern kernels. Both USB and RS232 will incur that approximately 5ms-per-char latency overhead.

Why does my GPS get lost when I sleep/wake my laptop?

This is not a GPSD problem, but a result of the way Linux handles USB serial devices. In a default Linux configuration, USB serial device name do not depend on which physical port you plug the USB/serial adaptor, but on what order you plug devices in: 1st device gets /dev/ttyUSB0, 2nd gets /dev/ttyUSB1, etc....

This collides with what happens during a suspend/resume. If you suspends while gpsd has a device active, it will hold the device open while your laptop is asleep - but, meanwhile, the suspend logic is shutting down hotpluggable devices to be recreated at resume time. On resume, Linux will see that the old device is open and recreate one with a different name, leaving gpsd kooking at a bad file descriptor.

There is a solution to this problem: create a stable gps-usb device that is actually a symlink which gets modified by hotplug events, and give gpsd that device when you invoke it. You'll need these replacement udev rules, and the experience required to patch them so the vendor ID in the last one matches your GPS hardware (look in your lsusb output).

How do I get gpsd data into a web page?

The gpsd source-code distribution now includes a PHP script that makes this easy. The script shows current fix data, a satellite view, and can even incorporate a Google Maps display if you have a Google API key. Look at the end of the file INSTALL for instructions.

Another way is to use a perl CGI script that leverages Net::GPSD like this...

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Net::GPSD;

my $g=new Net::GPSD;
my $p=$g->get;

print qq{
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<Report xmlns:gml="">
        <gml:Point srsDimension="2"
          <gml:pos>}. $p->lat. " ". $p->lon. q{</gml:pos>

This will return something like:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<Report xmlns:gml="">
        <gml:Point srsDimension="2" srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.6:4326">
          <gml:pos>38.865960 -77.108624</gml:pos>

Why is there no option to fix baud rate?

There is no option to fix baud rate because gpsd is designed to (a) be autoconfiguring, and (b) handle multiple devices. There are some more philosophical reasons as well; read the Hacker's Guide for discussion.

Unfortunately, this causes problems with some devices (notably Bluetooth GPSes) that are designed to operate at fixed baud rates. Some of these go catatonic if you try to set the baud rate, which is why we have a -b option that prevents gpsd from trying to configure the GPSes it talks to.

On Linux systems, there's trick you can play to simulate fixing the baud rate. It utilizes the fact that under Linux, setting baud rate 0 is interpreted as "use the hardware port's existing baud rate without change". The autoconfiguring hunt loop in gpsd always starts with this behavior.

Accordingly, you can short-circuit the autobaud if you use stty(1) to set the bit rate just before starting gpsd. For example, suppose you know that your GPS is on serial port 0 and operates at a fixed bps of 54600. You can set that up like this:

        stty speed 54600 </dev/ttyS0
        gpsd -nN /dev/ttyS0