#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 ''' xgps -- test client for gpsd usage: xgps [-D level] [-hV?] [-l degmfmt] [-u units] [server[:port[:device]]] ''' gui_about = '''\ This is xgps, a test client for the gpsd daemon. By Eric S. Raymond for the GPSD project, December 2009 ''' # # This file is Copyright (c) 2010 by the GPSD project # BSD terms apply: see the file COPYING in the distribution root for details. import sys, math, time, getopt, socket import gobject, pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import cairo import gps, gps.clienthelpers # how to sort the Satellite List # some of ("PRN","el","az","ss","used") with optional '-' to reverse sort # by default, used at the top, then sort PRN SKY_VIEW_SORT_FIELDS=('-used','PRN') class unit_adjustments: "Encapsulate adjustments for unit systems." def __init__(self, units=None): self.altfactor = gps.METERS_TO_FEET self.altunits = "ft" self.speedfactor = gps.MPS_TO_MPH self.speedunits = "mph" if units is None: units = gps.clienthelpers.gpsd_units() if units in (gps.clienthelpers.unspecified, gps.clienthelpers.imperial, "imperial", "i"): pass elif units in (gps.clienthelpers.nautical, "nautical", "n"): self.altfactor = gps.METERS_TO_FEET self.altunits = "ft" self.speedfactor = gps.MPS_TO_KNOTS self.speedunits = "knots" elif units in (gps.clienthelpers.metric, "metric", "m"): self.altfactor = 1 self.altunits = "m" self.speedfactor = gps.MPS_TO_KPH self.speedunits = "kph" else: raise ValueError # Should never happen def fit_to_grid(x, y, line_width): "Adjust coordinates to produce sharp lines." if line_width % 1.0 != 0: # Can't have sharp lines for non-integral line widths. return x, y if line_width % 2 == 0: # Round to a pixel corner. return int(x+0.5), int(y+0.5) else: # Round to a pixel center. return int(x)+0.5, int(y)+0.5 def fit_circle_to_grid(x, y, radius, line_width): "Adjust circle coordinates and radius to produce sharp horizontal and vertical tangents." r = radius x1, y1 = fit_to_grid(x - r, y - r, line_width) x2, y2 = fit_to_grid(x + r, y + r, line_width) x, y = (x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2)/2 r = (x2 - x1 + y2 - y1) / 4 return x, y, r class SkyView(gtk.DrawingArea): "Satellite skyview, encapsulates pygtk's draw-on-expose behavior." # See HORIZON_PAD = 40 # How much whitespace to leave around horizon SAT_RADIUS = 5 # Diameter of satellite circle GPS_PRNMAX = 32 # Above this number are SBAS satellites def __init__(self): gtk.DrawingArea.__init__(self) self.set_size_request(400, 400) self.cr = None # New cairo context for each expose event self.width = 0 # Updated in size-allocate handler self.height = 0 # Updated in size-allocate handler self.step_of_grid = 45 # default step of polar grid self.connect('size-allocate', self.on_size_allocate) self.connect('expose-event', self.on_expose_event) self.satellites = [] def on_size_allocate(self, unused, allocation): width = allocation.width height = allocation.height x = width / 2 y = height / 2 r = (min(width, height) - SkyView.HORIZON_PAD) / 2 x, y, r = fit_circle_to_grid(x, y, r, 1) self.center_x = x self.center_y = y self.radius = r def set_color(self, spec): "Set foreground color for drawing." gdkcolor = gtk.gdk.color_parse(spec) r = gdkcolor.red / 65535.0 g = gdkcolor.green / 65535.0 b = gdkcolor.blue / 65535.0 self.cr.set_source_rgb(r, g, b) def draw_circle(self, x, y, radius, filled=False): "Draw a circle centered on the specified midpoint." lw = self.cr.get_line_width() r = int(2*radius+0.5) / 2 x, y, r = fit_circle_to_grid(x, y, radius, lw) self.cr.arc(x, y, r, 0, math.pi * 2.0) self.cr.close_path() if filled: self.cr.fill() else: self.cr.stroke() def draw_line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): "Draw a line between specified points." lw = self.cr.get_line_width() x1, y1 = fit_to_grid(x1, y1, lw) x2, y2 = fit_to_grid(x2, y2, lw) self.cr.move_to(x1, y1) self.cr.line_to(x2, y2) self.cr.stroke() def draw_square(self, x, y, radius, filled=False): "Draw a square centered on the specified midpoint." lw = self.cr.get_line_width() x1, y1 = fit_to_grid(x - radius, y - radius, lw) x2, y2 = fit_to_grid(x + radius, y + radius, lw) self.cr.rectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1) if filled: self.cr.fill() else: self.cr.stroke() def draw_string(self, x, y, text, centered=True): "Draw a text on the skyview." self.cr.select_font_face("Sans", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) self.cr.set_font_size(10) if centered: extents = self.cr.text_extents(text) # width / 2 + x_bearing x -= extents[2] / 2 + extents[0] # height / 2 + y_bearing y -= extents[3] / 2 + extents[1] self.cr.move_to(x, y) self.cr.show_text(text) self.cr.new_path() def pol2cart(self, az, el): "Polar to Cartesian coordinates within the horizon circle." az *= (math.pi/180) # Degrees to radians # Exact spherical projection would be like this: # el = sin((90.0 - el) * DEG_2_RAD); el = ((90.0 - el) / 90.0); xout = self.center_x + math.sin(az) * el * self.radius yout = self.center_y - math.cos(az) * el * self.radius return (xout, yout) def on_expose_event(self, widget, unused): self.cr = widget.window.cairo_create() self.cr.set_line_width(1) self.cr.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) self.cr.paint() self.cr.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) # The zenith marker self.draw_circle(self.center_x, self.center_y, 6, filled=False) # The horizon circle if self.step_of_grid == 45: # The circle corresponding to 45 degrees elevation. # There are two ways we could plot this. Projecting the sphere # on the display plane, the circle would have a diameter of # sin(45) ~ 0.7. But the naive linear mapping, just splitting # the horizon diameter in half, seems to work better visually. self.draw_circle(self.center_x, self.center_y, self.radius/2, filled=False) elif self.step_of_grid == 30: self.draw_circle(self.center_x, self.center_y, self.radius*2/3, filled=False) self.draw_circle(self.center_x, self.center_y, self.radius/3, filled=False) self.draw_circle(self.center_x, self.center_y, self.radius, filled=False) (x1, y1) = self.pol2cart(0, 0) (x2, y2) = self.pol2cart(180, 0) self.draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2) (x1, y1) = self.pol2cart(90, 0) (x2, y2) = self.pol2cart(270, 0) self.draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2) # The compass-point letters (x, y) = self.pol2cart(0, 0) self.draw_string(x, y-10, "N") (x, y) = self.pol2cart(90, 0) self.draw_string(x+10, y, "E") (x, y) = self.pol2cart(180, 0) self.draw_string(x, y+10, "S") (x, y) = self.pol2cart(270, 0) self.draw_string(x-10, y, "W") # The satellites self.cr.set_line_width(2) for sat in self.satellites: (x, y) = self.pol2cart(sat.az, sat.el) if sat.ss < 10: self.set_color("Gray") elif sat.ss < 30: self.set_color("Red") elif sat.ss < 35: self.set_color("Yellow"); elif sat.ss < 40: self.set_color("Green3"); else: self.set_color("Green1"); if sat.PRN > SkyView.GPS_PRNMAX: self.draw_square(x, y, SkyView.SAT_RADIUS, sat.used); else: self.draw_circle(x, y, SkyView.SAT_RADIUS, sat.used); self.cr.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) self.draw_string(x + SkyView.SAT_RADIUS, y + (SkyView.SAT_RADIUS * 2), str(sat.PRN), centered=False) self.cr = None def redraw(self, satellites): "Redraw the skyview." self.satellites = satellites self.queue_draw() class NoiseView: "Encapsulate view object for watching noise statistics." COLUMNS = 2 ROWS = 4 noisefields = ( # First column ("Time", "time"), ("Latitude", "lat"), ("Longitude", "lon"), ("Altitude", "alt"), # Second column ("RMS", "rms"), ("Major", "major"), ("Minor", "minor"), ("Orient", "orient"), ) def __init__(self): self.widget = gtk.Table(NoiseView.COLUMNS, NoiseView.ROWS, False) self.noisewidgets = [] for i in range(len(NoiseView.noisefields)): colbase = (i / NoiseView.ROWS) * 2 label = gtk.Label(NoiseView.noisefields[i][0] + ": ") # Wacky way to force right alignment label.set_alignment(xalign=1, yalign=0.5) self.widget.attach(label, colbase, colbase+1, i % NoiseView.ROWS, i % NoiseView.ROWS + 1) entry = gtk.Entry() # The right size for the ISO8601 timestamp entry.set_width_chars(20) entry.set_text("n/a") self.widget.attach(entry, colbase+1, colbase+2, i % NoiseView.ROWS, i % NoiseView.ROWS + 1) self.noisewidgets.append((NoiseView.noisefields[i][1], entry)) def update(self, noise): "Update the GPGST data fields." for (attrname, widget) in self.noisewidgets: if hasattr(noise, attrname): widget.set_text(str(getattr(noise, attrname))) else: widget.set_text("n/a") class MaidenheadView: "Encapsulate view object for watching Maidenhead grid location." def __init__(self): self.widget = gtk.Entry() self.widget.set_editable(False) def update(self, tpv): if tpv.mode >= gps.MODE_2D and hasattr(tpv, "lat") and hasattr(tpv, "lon"): self.widget.set_text(gps.clienthelpers.maidenhead(tpv.lat, tpv.lon)) else: return self.widget.set_text("n/a") class AISView: "Encapsulate store and view objects for watching AIS data." AIS_ENTRIES = 10 DWELLTIME = 360 def __init__(self, deg_type): "Initialize the store and view." self.deg_type = deg_type self.name_to_mmsi = {} self.named = {} self.store = gtk.ListStore(str,str,str,str,str,str) self.widget = gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.widget.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) self.view = gtk.TreeView(model=self.store) self.widget.set_size_request(-1, 300) self.widget.add_with_viewport(self.view) for (i, label) in enumerate(('#', 'Name:','Callsign:','Destination:', "Lat/Lon:", "Information")): column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(label) renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() column.pack_start(renderer) column.add_attribute(renderer, 'text', i) self.view.append_column(column) def enter(self, ais, name): "Add a named object (ship or station) to the store." if ais.mmsi in self.named: return False else: ais.entry_time = time.time() self.named[ais.mmsi] = ais self.name_to_mmsi[name] = ais.mmsi # Garbage-collect old entries try: for i in range(len(self.store)): here = self.store.get_iter(i) name = self.store.get_value(here, 1) mmsi = self.name_to_mmsi[name] if self.named[mmsi].entry_time < time.time() - AISView.DWELLTIME: del self.named[mmsi] if name in self.name_to_mmsi: del self.name_to_mmsi[name] self.store.remove(here) except (ValueError, KeyError): # Invalid TreeIters throw these pass return True def latlon(self, lat, lon): "Latitude/longitude display in nice format." if lat < 0: latsuff = "S" elif lat > 0: latsuff = "N" else: latsuff = "" lat = abs(lat) lat = gps.clienthelpers.deg_to_str(self.deg_type, lat) if lon < 0: lonsuff = "W" elif lon > 0: lonsuff = "E" else: lonsuff = "" lon = abs(lon) lon = gps.clienthelpers.deg_to_str(gps.clienthelpers.deg_ddmmss, lon) return lat + latsuff + "/" + lon + lonsuff def update(self, ais): "Update the AIS data fields." if ais.type in (1, 2, 3, 18): if ais.mmsi in self.named: for i in range(len(self.store)): here = self.store.get_iter(i) name = self.store.get_value(here, 1) if name in self.name_to_mmsi: mmsi = self.name_to_mmsi[name] if mmsi == ais.mmsi: latlon = self.latlon(ais.lat, ais.lon) self.store.set_value(here, 4, latlon) elif ais.type == 4: if self.enter(ais, ais.mmsi): where = self.latlon(ais.lat, ais.lon) self.store.prepend( (ais.type, ais.mmsi, "(shore)", ais.timestamp, where, ais.epfd)) elif ais.type == 5: if self.enter(ais, ais.shipname): self.store.prepend( (ais.type, ais.shipname, ais.callsign, ais.destination, "", ais.shiptype)) elif ais.type == 12: sender = ais.mmsi if sender in self.named: sender = self.named[sender].shipname recipient = ais.dest_mmsi if recipient in self.named and hasattr(self.named[recipient], "shipname"): recipient = self.named[recipient].shipname self.store.prepend( (ais.type, sender, "", recipient, "", ais.text)) elif ais.type == 14: sender = ais.mmsi if sender in self.named: sender = self.named[sender].shipname self.store.prepend( (ais.type, sender, "", "(broadcast)", "", ais.text)) elif ais.type in (19, 24): if self.enter(ais, ais.shipname): self.store.prepend( (ais.type, ais.shipname, "(class B)", "", "", ais.shiptype)) elif ais.type == 21: if self.enter(ais, ais.name): where = self.latlon(ais.lat, ais.lon) self.store.prepend( (ais.type, ais.name, "(%s navaid)" % ais.epfd, "", where, ais.aid_type)) class Base: COLUMNS = 3 ROWS = 7 gpsfields = ( # First column ("Time", lambda s, r: s.update_time(r)), ("Latitude", lambda s, r: s.update_latitude(r)), ("Longitude", lambda s, r: s.update_longitude(r)), ("Altitude", lambda s, r: s.update_altitude(r)), ("Speed", lambda s, r: s.update_speed(r)), ("Climb", lambda s, r: s.update_climb(r)), ("Track", lambda s, r: s.update_track(r)), # Second column ("Status", lambda s, r: s.update_status(r)), ("EPX", lambda s, r: s.update_err(r, "epx")), ("EPY", lambda s, r: s.update_err(r, "epy")), ("EPV", lambda s, r: s.update_err(r, "epv")), ("EPS", lambda s, r: s.update_err(r, "eps")), ("EPC", lambda s, r: s.update_err(r, "epc")), ("EPD", lambda s, r: s.update_err(r, "epd")), ) def __init__(self, deg_type): self.deg_type = deg_type self.conversions = unit_adjustments() self.saved_mode = -1 self.ais_latch = False self.noise_latch = False self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) if not self.window.get_display(): raise Exception("Can't open display") self.window.set_title("xgps") self.window.connect("delete_event", self.delete_event) self.window.set_resizable(False) vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0) self.window.add(vbox) self.window.connect("destroy", lambda unused: gtk.main_quit()) self.uimanager = gtk.UIManager() self.accelgroup = self.uimanager.get_accel_group() self.window.add_accel_group(self.accelgroup) self.actiongroup = gtk.ActionGroup('xgps') self.actiongroup.add_actions( [('Quit', gtk.STOCK_QUIT, '_Quit', None, 'Quit the Program', lambda unused: gtk.main_quit()), ('File', None, '_File'), ('View', None, '_View'), ('Units', None, '_Units'), ('Step of grid', None, '_Step of grid')]) self.actiongroup.add_toggle_actions( [('Skyview', None, '_Skyview', 's', 'Enable Skyview', lambda a: self.view_toggle(a)), ('Responses', None, '_Responses', 'r', 'Enable Response Reports', lambda a: self.view_toggle(a)), ('GPS', None, '_GPS Data', 'g', 'Enable GPS Data', lambda a: self.view_toggle(a)), ('Noise', None, '_Noise Statistics', 'n', 'Enable Noise Statistics', lambda a: self.view_toggle(a)), ('Maidenhead', None, '_Maidenhead', 'm', 'Enable Maidenhead locator', lambda a: self.view_toggle(a)), ('AIS', None, '_AIS Data', 'a', 'Enable AIS Data', lambda a: self.view_toggle(a)), ]) self.actiongroup.add_radio_actions( [('Imperial', None, '_Imperial', 'i', 'Imperial units', 0), ('Nautical', None, '_Nautical', 'n', 'Nautical units', 1), ('Metric', None, '_Metric', 'm', 'Metric Units', 2), ], 0, lambda a, unused: self.set_units(['i', 'n', 'm'][a.get_current_value()])) self.actiongroup.add_radio_actions( [('30°', None, '30°', None, '30°', 30), ('45°', None, '45°', None, '45°', 45), ('Off', None, 'Off', None, 'Off', 0), ], 45, lambda a, unused: self.set_step_of_grid(a.get_current_value())) self.uimanager.insert_action_group(self.actiongroup, 0) self.uimanager.add_ui_from_string(''' ''') self.uimanager.get_widget('/MenuBar/View/Skyview').set_active(True) self.uimanager.get_widget('/MenuBar/View/Responses').set_active(True) self.uimanager.get_widget('/MenuBar/View/GPS').set_active(True) self.uimanager.get_widget('/MenuBar/View/Noise').set_active(True) self.uimanager.get_widget('/MenuBar/View/Maidenhead').set_active(True) self.uimanager.get_widget('/MenuBar/View/AIS').set_active(True) menubar = self.uimanager.get_widget('/MenuBar') vbox.pack_start(menubar, False) self.satbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0) vbox.add(self.satbox) skyframe = gtk.Frame(label="Satellite List") self.satbox.add(skyframe) self.satlist = gtk.ListStore(str,str,str,str,str) view = gtk.TreeView(model=self.satlist) for (i, label) in enumerate(('PRN:','Elev:','Azim:','SNR:','Used:')): column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(label) renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() column.pack_start(renderer) column.add_attribute(renderer, 'text', i) view.append_column(column) self.row_iters = [] for i in range(gps.MAXCHANNELS): self.satlist.append(["", "", "", "", ""]) self.row_iters.append(self.satlist.get_iter(i)) skyframe.add(view) viewframe = gtk.Frame(label="Skyview") self.satbox.add(viewframe) self.skyview = SkyView() viewframe.add(self.skyview) self.rawdisplay = gtk.Entry() self.rawdisplay.set_editable(False) vbox.add(self.rawdisplay) self.dataframe = gtk.Frame(label="GPS data") datatable = gtk.Table(Base.COLUMNS, Base.ROWS, False) self.dataframe.add(datatable) gpswidgets = [] for i in range(len(Base.gpsfields)): colbase = (i / Base.ROWS) * 2 label = gtk.Label(Base.gpsfields[i][0] + ": ") # Wacky way to force right alignment label.set_alignment(xalign=1, yalign=0.5) datatable.attach(label, colbase, colbase+1, i % Base.ROWS, i % Base.ROWS + 1) entry = gtk.Entry() # The right size for the ISO8601 timestamp entry.set_width_chars(20) entry.set_text("n/a") datatable.attach(entry, colbase+1, colbase+2, i % Base.ROWS, i % Base.ROWS + 1) gpswidgets.append(entry) vbox.add(self.dataframe) self.noisebox = gtk.HBox(False, 0) vbox.add(self.noisebox) noiseframe = gtk.Frame(label="Noise Statistics") self.noisebox.add(noiseframe) self.noiseview = NoiseView() noiseframe.add(self.noiseview.widget) self.gsbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0) vbox.add(self.gsbox) gsframe = gtk.Frame(label="Maidenhead Grid Square") self.gsbox.add(gsframe) self.gsview = MaidenheadView() gsframe.add(self.gsview.widget) self.aisbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0) vbox.add(self.aisbox) aisframe = gtk.Frame(label="AIS Data") self.aisbox.add(aisframe) self.aisview = AISView(self.deg_type) aisframe.add(self.aisview.widget) self.window.show_all() # Hide the Noise Statistics window until user selects it. self.uimanager.get_widget('/MenuBar/View/Noise').set_active(False) self.noisebox.hide() # Hide the Maidenhead window until user selects it. self.uimanager.get_widget('/MenuBar/View/Maidenhead').set_active(False) self.gsbox.hide() # Hide the AIS window until user selects it. self.uimanager.get_widget('/MenuBar/View/AIS').set_active(False) self.aisbox.hide() self.view_name_to_widget = \ {"Skyview": self.satbox, "Responses": self.rawdisplay, "GPS": self.dataframe, "Noise": self.noisebox, "Maidenhead": self.gsbox, "AIS": self.aisbox} # Discard field labels and associate data hooks with their widgets Base.gpsfields = map(lambda ((label, hook), widget): (hook, widget), zip(Base.gpsfields, gpswidgets)) def view_toggle(self, action): #print "View toggle:", action.get_active(), action.get_name() if hasattr(self, 'view_name_to_widget'): if action.get_active(): self.view_name_to_widget[action.get_name()].show() else: self.view_name_to_widget[action.get_name()].hide() # The effect we're after is to make the top-level window # resize itself to fit when we show or hide widgets. # This is undocumented magic to do that. self.window.resize(1, 1) def set_satlist_field(self, row, column, value): "Set a specified field in the satellite list." try: self.satlist.set_value(self.row_iters[row], column, value) except IndexError: sys.stderr.write("xgps: channel = %d, MAXCHANNELS = %d\n" % (row, gps.MAXCHANNELS)) def delete_event(self, widget, event, data=None): gtk.main_quit() return False # State updates def update_time(self, data): if hasattr(data, "time"): # str() just in case we get an old-style float. return str(data.time) else: return "n/a" def update_latitude(self, data): if data.mode >= gps.MODE_2D and hasattr(data, "lat"): lat = gps.clienthelpers.deg_to_str(self.deg_type, abs(data.lat)) if data.lat < 0: ns = 'S' else: ns = 'N' return "%s %s" % (lat, ns) else: return "n/a" def update_longitude(self, data): if data.mode >= gps.MODE_2D and hasattr(data, "lon"): lon = gps.clienthelpers.deg_to_str(self.deg_type, abs(data.lon)) if data.lon < 0: ew = 'W' else: ew = 'E' return "%s %s" % (lon, ew) else: return "n/a" def update_altitude(self, data): if data.mode >= gps.MODE_3D and hasattr(data, "alt"): return "%.3f %s" % ( data.alt * self.conversions.altfactor, self.conversions.altunits) else: return "n/a" def update_speed(self, data): if hasattr(data, "speed"): return "%.3f %s" % ( data.speed * self.conversions.speedfactor, self.conversions.speedunits) else: return "n/a" def update_climb(self, data): if hasattr(data, "climb"): return "%.3f %s" % ( data.climb * self.conversions.speedfactor, self.conversions.speedunits) else: return "n/a" def update_track(self, data): if hasattr(data, "track"): return gps.clienthelpers.deg_to_str(self.deg_type, abs(data.track)) else: return "n/a" def update_err(self, data, errtype): if hasattr(data, errtype): return "%.3f %s" % ( getattr(data, errtype) * self.conversions.altfactor, self.conversions.altunits) else: return "n/a" def update_status(self, data): if data.mode == gps.MODE_2D: status = "2D FIX" elif data.mode == gps.MODE_3D: status = "3D FIX" else: status = "NO FIX" if data.mode != self.saved_mode: self.last_transition = time.time() self.saved_mode = data.mode return status + " (%d secs)" % (time.time() - self.last_transition) def update_gpsdata(self, tpv): "Update the GPS data fields." # the first 14 fields are updated using TPV data for (hook, widget) in Base.gpsfields[:14]: if hook: # Remove this guard when we have all hooks widget.set_text(hook(self, tpv)) self.gsview.update(tpv) def update_skyview(self, data): "Update the satellite list and skyview." if hasattr(data, 'satellites'): satellites = data.satellites for fld in reversed(SKY_VIEW_SORT_FIELDS): rev = (fld[0] == '-') if (rev): fld = fld[1:] satellites = sorted(satellites[:], cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(x[fld], y[fld]), reverse = rev) for (i, satellite) in enumerate(satellites): self.set_satlist_field(i, 0, satellite.PRN) self.set_satlist_field(i, 1, satellite.el) self.set_satlist_field(i, 2, satellite.az) self.set_satlist_field(i, 3, satellite.ss) yesno = 'N' if satellite.used: yesno = 'Y' self.set_satlist_field(i, 4, yesno) for i in range(len(satellites), gps.MAXCHANNELS): for j in range(0, 5): self.set_satlist_field(i, j, "") self.skyview.redraw(satellites) # Preferences def set_units(self, system): "Change the display units." self.conversions = unit_adjustments(system) def set_step_of_grid(self, system): "Change the step of grid." self.skyview.step_of_grid = system # I/O monitoring and gtk housekeeping def watch(self, daemon, device): "Set up monitoring of a daemon instance." self.daemon = daemon self.device = device gobject.io_add_watch(daemon.sock, gobject.IO_IN, self.handle_response) gobject.io_add_watch(daemon.sock, gobject.IO_ERR, self.handle_hangup) gobject.io_add_watch(daemon.sock, gobject.IO_HUP, self.handle_hangup) def handle_response(self, source, condition): "Handle ordinary I/O ready condition from the daemon." if self.daemon.read() == -1: self.handle_hangup(source, condition) if self.daemon.valid & gps.PACKET_SET: if self.device and "device" in self.daemon.data and self.device != self.daemon.data["device"]: return True self.rawdisplay.set_text(self.daemon.response.strip()) if self.daemon.data["class"] == "SKY": self.update_skyview(self.daemon.data) elif self.daemon.data["class"] == "TPV": self.update_gpsdata(self.daemon.data) elif self.daemon.data["class"] == "GST": self.noiseview.update(self.daemon.data) if not self.noise_latch: self.noise_latch = True self.uimanager.get_widget('/MenuBar/View/Noise').set_active(True) self.noisebox.show() elif self.daemon.data["class"] == "AIS": self.aisview.update(self.daemon.data) if not self.ais_latch: self.ais_latch = True self.uimanager.get_widget('/MenuBar/View/AIS').set_active(True) self.aisbox.show() return True def handle_hangup(self, source, condition): "Handle hangup condition from the daemon." w = gtk.MessageDialog(type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, flags=gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_CANCEL) w.connect("destroy", lambda unused: gtk.main_quit()) w.set_markup("gpsd has stopped sending data.") w.run() gtk.main_quit() return True def main(self): gtk.main() if __name__ == "__main__": try: (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "D:hl:u:V?", ['verbose']) debug = 0 degreefmt = 'd' unit_system = None for (opt, val) in options: if opt in '-D': debug = int(val) elif opt == '-l': degreeformat = val elif opt == '-u': unit_system = val elif opt in ('-?', '-h', '--help'): print __doc__ sys.exit(0) elif opt == 'V': sys.stderr.write("xgps 1.0\n") sys.exit(0) degreefmt = {'d':gps.clienthelpers.deg_dd, 'm':gps.clienthelpers.deg_ddmm, 's':gps.clienthelpers.deg_ddmmss}[degreefmt] (host, port, device) = ("localhost", "2947", None) if len(arguments): args = arguments[0].split(":") if len(args) >= 1: host = args[0] if len(args) >= 2: port = args[1] if len(args) >= 3: device = args[2] base = Base(deg_type=degreefmt) base.set_units(unit_system) try: daemon = gps.gps(host=host, port=port, mode=gps.WATCH_ENABLE|gps.WATCH_JSON|gps.WATCH_SCALED, verbose=debug) base.watch(daemon, device) base.main() except socket.error: w = gtk.MessageDialog(type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, flags=gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_CANCEL) w.set_markup("gpsd is not running.") w.run() w.destroy() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass