/* GPS speedometer as a wrapper around an Athena widget Tachometer * - Derrick J Brashear * * This file is Copyright (c) 2010 by the GPSD project * BSD terms apply: see the file COPYING in the distribution root for details. */ #include #include #ifndef S_SPLINT_S #include #endif /* S_SPLINT_S */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gpsd_config.h" #include "gps.h" #include "gpsdclient.h" #include "xgpsspeed.icon" /*@ -nullassign @*/ static XrmOptionDescRec options[] = { {"-rv", "*reverseVideo", XrmoptionNoArg, "TRUE"}, {"-nc", "*needleColor", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL}, {"-needlecolor", "*needleColor", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL}, {"-speedunits", "*speedunits", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL}, }; String fallback_resources[] = { NULL }; /*@ +nullassign @*/ static struct gps_data_t *gpsdata; static Widget tacho; static double speedfactor; static Widget toplevel; static struct fixsource_t source; #ifdef CLIENTDEBUG_ENABLE static int debug; #endif /* CLIENTDEBUG_ENABLE */ static void update_display(struct gps_data_t *gpsdata, char *buf UNUSED, size_t len UNUSED) { /* this is where we implement source-device filtering */ if (gpsdata->dev.path[0] != '\0' && source.device != NULL && strcmp(source.device, gpsdata->dev.path) != 0) return; else { int temp_int = (int)rint(gpsdata->fix.speed * speedfactor); if (temp_int < 0) temp_int = 0; else if (temp_int > 100) temp_int = 100; (void)TachometerSetValue(tacho, temp_int); } } static void handle_input(XtPointer client_data UNUSED, int *source UNUSED, XtInputId * id UNUSED) { if (gps_poll(gpsdata) < 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Read error on server socket."); exit(1); } } static char *get_resource(Widget w, char *name, char *default_value) { XtResource xtr; char *value = NULL; /*@ -observertrans -statictrans -immediatetrans -compdestroy -nullpass @*/ xtr.resource_name = name; xtr.resource_class = "AnyClass"; xtr.resource_type = XtRString; xtr.resource_size = (Cardinal) sizeof(String); xtr.resource_offset = 0; xtr.default_type = XtRImmediate; xtr.default_addr = default_value; XtGetApplicationResources(w, &value, &xtr, 1, NULL, 0); if (value) return value; /*@ +observertrans +statictrans +immediatetrans +compdestroy +nullpass @*/ /*@i@*/ return default_value; } /*@ -mustfreefresh @*/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { Arg args[10]; XtAppContext app; int option; char *speedunits; Widget base; /*@ -compdef -nullpass -onlytrans @*/ toplevel = XtVaAppInitialize(&app, "xgpsspeed", options, XtNumber(options), &argc, argv, fallback_resources, NULL); /*@ +compdef +nullpass +onlytrans @*/ speedfactor = MPS_TO_MPH; /* Software maintained in US */ speedunits = get_resource(toplevel, "speedunits", "mph"); if (strcmp(speedunits, "kph") == 0) speedfactor = MPS_TO_KPH; else if (strcmp(speedunits, "knots") == 0) speedfactor = MPS_TO_KNOTS; while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, "D:hV")) != -1) { switch (option) { case 'D': debug = atoi(optarg); #ifdef CLIENTDEBUG_ENABLE gps_enable_debug(debug, stderr); #endif /* CLIENTDEBUG_ENABLE */ break; case 'V': (void)printf("xgpsspeed %s\n", VERSION); exit(0); case 'h': default: (void) fputs ("usage: gps [-h] [-V] [-rv] [-nc] [-needlecolor] [-speedunits {mph,kph,knots}] [server[:port]]\n", stderr); exit(1); } } /*@ -compdestroy @*/ if (optind < argc) { gpsd_source_spec(argv[optind], &source); } else gpsd_source_spec(NULL, &source); /*@ -immediatetrans -usedef -observertrans -statictrans -nullpass @*/ /**** Shell Widget ****/ (void)XtSetArg(args[0], XtNiconPixmap, XCreateBitmapFromData(XtDisplay(toplevel), XtScreen(toplevel)->root, (char *)xgps_bits, xgps_width, xgps_height)); (void)XtSetValues(toplevel, args, 1); /**** Form widget ****/ base = XtCreateManagedWidget("pane", panedWidgetClass, toplevel, NULL, 0); /**** Label widget (Title) ****/ (void)XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, "GPS Speedometer"); (void)XtCreateManagedWidget("title", labelWidgetClass, base, args, 1); /**** Label widget ****/ if (speedfactor == MPS_TO_MPH) (void)XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, "Miles per Hour"); else if (speedfactor == MPS_TO_KPH) (void)XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, "Km per Hour"); else (void)XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, "Knots"); /*@ +immediatetrans +usedef +observertrans +statictrans -compmempass @*/ (void)XtCreateManagedWidget("name", labelWidgetClass, base, args, 1); /**** Tachometer widget ****/ /*@ -onlytrans -mustfreeonly @*/ tacho = XtCreateManagedWidget("meter", tachometerWidgetClass, base, NULL, 0); (void)XtRealizeWidget(toplevel); if (!(gpsdata = gps_open(source.server, source.port))) { (void)fputs("xgpsspeed: no gpsd running or network error\n", stderr); exit(2); } /*@ +onlytrans +mustfreeonly @*/ /*@ -usedef @*/ (void)XtAppAddInput(app, gpsdata->gps_fd, (XtPointer) XtInputReadMask, handle_input, NULL); /*@ +nullpass +usedef @*/ gps_set_raw_hook(gpsdata, update_display); (void)gps_stream(gpsdata, WATCH_ENABLE, NULL); (void)XtAppMainLoop(app); (void)gps_close(gpsdata); return 0; /*@ +compdestroy @*/ } /*@ +mustfreefresh @*/