% Hyphenation exceptions for US English, % based on hyphenation exception log articles in TUGboat. % % Copyright 2008 TeX Users Group. % You may freely use, modify and/or distribute this file. % % Stripped down by the GNU roff project to only include the patterns % that hyphenate differently when using the hyph-utf8 project's % hyph-en-us.tex file (version 2005-05-30). % % Please contact the TUGboat editorial staff % for corrections and omissions. % \hyphenation{ anti-deriv-a-tive anti-deriv-a-tives bathy-scaphe co-designer co-designers electro-mechan-i-cal electro-mechano-acoustic fluoro-car-bon free-loaders grand-uncle grand-uncles griev-ances ignore-spaces im-ped-ances input-enc line-spacing meta-stable meta-table meta-tables micro-eco-nomic micro-eco-nomics micro-econ-omy micro-en-ter-prise micro-en-ter-prises micro-organ-ism micro-organ-isms mid-after-noon mine-sweepers mono-spacing nitro-meth-ane non-euclid-ean ortho-nitro-toluene para-di-methyl-benzene para-fluoro-toluene phe-nol-phthalein phtha-lam-ic phthal-ate phthi-sis pre-proces-sor pre-proces-sors re-imple-ment re-imple-ments re-imple-mented re-imple-men-ta-tion ring-leaders round-table round-tables single-space single-spaced single-spacing sky-scrapers sports-writers sub-tables super-deri-va-tion super-deri-va-tions super-ego super-egos waste-water Bembo Chiang Cohen Duane Engle Engel Hibbs Hoek-water Huber Image-Magick Krishna Krish-na-ism Krish-nan Le-gendre Lucas MacBeth Nietz-sche Noord-wijker-hout Open-Office Pres-by-terian Pres-by-terians Pyong-yang Ra-dha-krish-nan Ravi-kumar Reich-lin Schwert Skoup Thiruv-ananda-puram Vieth viiith viith xviiith xviith xxiiird xxiind Ying-yong Shu-xue Ji-suan } % Here's an erratum from the aforementioned hyph-en-us.tex. \hyphenation{ dem-o-crat } % EOF