path: root/contrib/mm/
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authorwlemb <wlemb>2000-02-06 09:34:01 +0000
committerwlemb <wlemb>2000-02-06 09:34:01 +0000
commit653c6faab591f3c5f290a18a7f58c29cb1a3b0a7 (patch)
tree633fec7ba17c3da901e7725d1907a103a17e4532 /contrib/mm/
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/mm/')
1 files changed, 1894 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/mm/ b/contrib/mm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9054a5a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/mm/
@@ -0,0 +1,1894 @@
+.\" $Id:,v 1.1 2000/02/06 09:34:52 wlemb Exp $
+.\" T2 2v
+.ti -.5i
+.sp -1
+.. T3 2v
+.ti -.5i
+.TH GROFF_MM @MAN7EXT@ "@MDATE@" "Groff Version @VERSION@"
+groff_mm \- groff mm macros
+.B groff
+.IR options .\|.\|.
+.IR files .\|.\|.
+The groff mm macros are intended to be compatible with the DWB mm macros
+with the following limitations:
+.B \(bu
+no Bell Labs localisms implemented.
+.B \(bu
+the macros OK and PM is not implemented.
+.B \(bu
+groff mm does not support cut marks
+\fBm@TMAC_M_PREFIX@m\fP is intended to be international. Therefore it is
+possible to write short national macrofiles which change all
+english text to the preferred language. Use \fBm@TMAC_M_PREFIX@mse\fP as an example.
+A file called \fBlocale\fP or \fIlang\fP\fB_locale\fP is read
+after the initiation of the global variables. It is therefore
+possible to localize the macros with companyname and so on.
+In this manual square brackets is used to show optional arguments.
+.sp 3
+\fBNumber registers and strings\fP
+Many macros can be controlled by number registers and strings.
+A number register is assigned with the \fBnr\fP command:
+\fB\&.nr\fP \fIXXX\fP \fI[+-]n [i]\fP
+\fBXXX\fP is the name of the register, \fBn\fP is the value to
+be assigned, and \fBi\fP is increment value for auto-increment.
+\fBn\fP can have a plus or minus sign as prefix if an increment
+or decrement of the current value is wanted. (Auto-increment or decrement
+occurs if the number register is used with a plus or minus sign,
+\fB\en+[XXX]\fP or \fB\en-[XXX]\fP.)
+Strings is defined with \fBds\fP.
+\fB\&.ds\fP \fIYYY string\fP
+The string is assigned everything to the end of the line, even blanks.
+Initial blanks in \fIstring\fP should be prefixed with
+a double-quote. (Strings are used in the text as \fB\e*[YYY]\fP.)
+\fBSpecial formatting of number registers\fP
+A number register is printed with normal digits if no format has been
+Set the format with \fBaf\fP:
+\fB\&.af\fP \fIR c\fP
+\fIR\fP is the name of the register, \fIc\fP is the format. +.5i
+.T2 \fBForm\fP
+.T2 1
+0, 1, 2, 3, ...
+.T2 001
+000, 001, 002, 003, ...
+.T2 i
+0, i, ii, iii, iv, ...
+.T2 I
+0, I, II, III, IV, ...
+.T2 a
+0, a, b, c, ..., z, aa, ab, ...
+.T2 A
+0, A, B, C, ..., Z, AA, AB, ...
+.B ")E level text"
+Adds \fBtext\fP (heading-text) to the table of contents
+with \fBlevel\fP either 0
+or between 1-7. See also \fB.H\fP. This macro is used for customized
+table of contents.
+.B "1C [1]"
+Begin one column processing. An \fB1\fP as argument disables the page-break.
+Use wide footnotes, small footnotes may be overprinted.
+.B 2C
+Begin two column processing. Splits the page in two columns. It is
+a special case of \fBMC\fP. See also \fB1C\fP.
+.B AE
+Abstract end, see \fBAS\fP.
+.B "AF [name of firm]"
+Authors firm, should be called before \fBAU\fP, see also \fBCOVER\fP.
+.B "AL [type [text-indent [1]]]]"
+Start autoincrement list. Items are numbered beginning on one.
+The \fItype\fP argument controls the type of numbers. +.5i
+.T2 Arg
+.T2 1
+Arabic (the default)
+.T2 A
+Upper-case letters (A-Z)
+.T2 a
+Lower-case letters (a-z)
+.T2 I
+Upper-case roman
+.T2 i
+Lower-case roman
+\fIText-indent\fP sets the indent and overrides \fBLi\fP.
+A third argument will prohibit printing of a blank line before each
+.B "APP name text"
+Begin an appendix with name \fIname\fP. Automatic naming occurs if
+\fIname\fP is "". The appendixes starts with \fBA\fP if auto is used.
+An new page is ejected, and a header is also produced if the number
+variable \fBAph\fP is non-zero. This is the default.
+The appendix always appear in the 'List of contents' with correct
+pagenumber. The name \fIAPPENDIX\fP can be changed by setting
+the string \fBApp\fP to the desired text.
+The string \fBApptxt\fP contains the current appendix text.
+.B "APPSK name pages text"
+Same as \fB.APP\fP, but the pagenr is incremented with \fIpages\fP.
+This is used when diagrams or other non-formatted documents are
+included as appendixes.
+.B "AS [arg [indent]]"
+Abstract start. Indent is specified in 'ens', but scaling is allowed.
+Argument \fIarg\fP controls where the abstract is printed. +.5i
+.T2 Arg
+.T2 0
+Abstract will be printed on page 1 and on the cover sheet if
+used in the released-paper style (\fBMT 4\fP), otherwise
+it will be printed on page 1 without a cover sheet.
+.T2 1
+Abstract will only be printed on the cover sheet (\fBMT 4\fP only).
+.T2 2
+Abstract will be printed only on the cover sheet (other than \fBMT 4\fP only).
+The cover sheet is printed without need for \fBCS\fP.
+Abstract is not printed at all in external letters (\fBMT 5\fP).
+The \fIindent\fP controls the indentation of both margins, otherwise
+will normal text indent be used.
+.B "AST [title]"
+Abstract title. Default is \fBABSTRACT\fP.
+Sets the text above the abstract text.
+.B "AT title1 [title2 ...]"
+Authors title. \fBAT\fP must appear just after each \fBAU\fP.
+The title will show up after the name in the signature block.
+.B "AU [name [initials [loc [dept [ext [room [arg [arg [arg]]]]]]]]]"
+Author information, specifies the author of the memo or paper, and
+will be printed on the cover sheet and on other similar places.
+\fBAU\fP must appear before \fBTL\fP. The author information
+can contain intials, location, department, telephone extension,
+room number or name and up to three extra arguments.
+.B "AV [name [1]]"
+Approval signature, generates an approval line with place for
+signature and date. The string \fBAPPROVED:\fP can be changed
+with variable \fBLetapp\fP, and the string \fBDate\fP in \fBLetdate\fP.
+.B "AVL [name]"
+Letter signature, generates a line with place for signature.
+.B "B [bold-text [prev-font-tex [bold...]]]"
+Begin boldface
+No limit on the number of arguments.
+All arguments will be concatenated to one word, the first, third and so
+on will be printed in boldface.
+.B B1
+Begin box (as the ms macro)
+Draws a box around the text. The text will be indented one character,
+and the right margin will be one character shorter.
+.B B2
+End box. Finish the box started by \fBB1\fP.
+.B BE
+End bottom block, see \fBBS\fP.
+.B "BI [bold-text [italic-text [bold-text [...]]]"
+No limit on the number of arguments, see \fBB\fP.
+.B "BL [text-indent [1]]"
+Start bullet list, initialize a list with a bullet and a space
+in the beginning of each list item (see \fBLI\fP).
+overrides the default indentation of the list items set by
+number register \fBPi\fP.
+A third argument will prohibit printing of a blank line before each
+.B "BR [bold-text [roman-text [bold-text [...]]]"
+No limit on the number of arguments.
+.B BS
+Bottom block start. Begins the definition of a text block wich is
+printed at the bottom of each page. Block ends with \fBBE\fP.
+Start of
+broken variable-item list.
+Broken variable-item list has no fixed mark, it assumes that
+every \fBLI\fP has a mark instead.
+The text will always begin at the next line after the mark.
+\fIText-indent\fP sets the indent to the text, and \fImark-indent\fP
+the distance from the current indent to the mark.
+A third argument will prohibit printing of a blank line before each
+.B "COVER [arg]"
+\&\fBCOVER\fP begins a coversheet definition. It is important
+that \fB.COVER\fP appears before any normal text.
+\&\fB.COVER\fP uses \fIarg\fP to build the filename
+@TMAC_MDIR@/\fIarg\fP.cov. Therefore it is possible to create unlimited
+types of coversheets.
+\fIms.cov\fP is supposed to look like the \fBms\fP coversheet.
+\&\fB.COVER\fP requires a \fB.COVEND\fP at the end of the coverdefinition.
+Always use this order of the covermacros:
+However, only \fB.TL\fP and \fB.AU\fP are required.
+This finish the cover description and prints the cover-page.
+It is defined in the cover file.
+.B DE
+Display end. Ends a block of text, display, that begins
+with \fBDS\fP or \fBDF\fP.
+.B "DF [format [fill [rindent]]]"
+Begin floating display (no nesting allowed).
+A floating display is saved in a queue and is printed in the
+order entered. \fIFormat\fP, \fIfill\fP and \fIrindent\fP is the same
+as in \fBDS\fP.
+Floating displays are controlled by the two number registers \fBDe\fP
+and \fBDf\fP.
+\fBDe register\fP +.5i
+.T2 0
+Nothing special, this is the default.
+.T2 1
+A page eject will occur after each printed display, giving only
+one display per page and no text following it.
+\fBDf register\fP +.5i
+.T2 0
+Displays are printed at the end of each section (when section-page
+numbering is active) or at the end of the document.
+.T2 1
+A new display will be printed on the current page is there is enough
+space, otherwise it will be printed at the end of the document.
+.T2 2
+One display will be printed at the top of each page or column
+(in multi-column mode).
+.T2 3
+Print one display if there is enough space for it, otherwise it will
+be printed at the top of the next page or column.
+.T2 4
+Print as many displays that will fit in a new page or column.
+A page break will occur between each display if \fBDe\fP is not zero.
+.T2 5
+Fill the current page with displays and the rest beginning at a new page
+or column. (This is the default.)
+A page break will occur between each display
+if \fBDe\fP is not zero.
+.B "DL [text-indent [1]]"
+Dash list start. Begins a list where each item is printed
+after a dash. \fIText-indent\fP changes the default indentation
+of the list items set by
+number register \fBPi\fP.
+A third argument will prohibit printing of a blank line before each
+A second argument prevents the empty line between each list item
+to be printed. See \fBLI\fP.
+.B "DS [format [fill [rindent]]]"
+Static display start.
+Begins collection of text until \fBDE\fP.
+The text is printed together on the same page, unless it is longer
+than the height of the page.
+\fBDS\fP can be nested to a unlimited depth (reasonably :-).
+\fBformat\fP +.5i
+.ds x "
+.T2 """"""
+No indentation.
+.T2 none
+No indentation.
+.T2 L
+No indentation.
+.T2 I
+Indent text with the value of number register \fBSi\fP.
+.T2 C
+Center each line
+.T2 CB
+Center the whole display as a block.
+.T2 R
+Right adjust the lines.
+.T2 RB
+Right adjust the whole display as a block
+L, I, C and CB can also be specified as 0, 1, 2 or 3 for compatibility
+reasons. (Don't use it. :-)
+\fBfill\fP +.5i
+.T2 """"""
+Line-filling turned off.
+.T2 none
+Line-filling turned off.
+.T2 N
+Line-filling turned off.
+.T2 F
+Line-filling turned on.
+N and F can also be specified as 0 or 1.
+An empty line will normally be printed before and after the
+display. Setting number register \fBDs\fP to 0 will prevent this.
+\fIRindent\fP shortens the line length by that amount.
+.B "EC [title [override [flag [refname]]]]"
+Equation title.
+Sets a title for an equation. The \fIoverride\fP argument
+change the numbering.
+\fBflag\fP +.5i
+.T2 none
+\fIoverride\fP is a prefix to the number.
+.T2 0
+\fIoverride\fP is a prefix to the number.
+.T2 1
+\fIoverride\fP is a suffix to the number.
+.T2 2
+\fIoverride\fP replaces the number.
+\fBEC\fP uses the number register \fBEc\fP as counter.
+It is possible to use \\fP to change the format of the number.
+If number register \fBOf\fP is 1, then the format of title
+will use a dash instead of a dot after the number.
+The string \fBLe\fP controls the title of the
+List of Equations, default is \fILIST OF EQUATIONS\fP.
+The List of Equations will only be printed if number register \fBLe\fP
+is 1, default 0.
+The string \fBLiec\fP contains the word \fIEquation\fP, wich
+is printed before the number.
+If \fIrefname\fP is used, then the equation number is saved with
+\&\fB.SETR\fP, and can be retrieved with \fB.GETST\fP \fIrefname\fP.
+Special handling of the title will occur if
+\fBEC\fP is used inside \fBDS\fP/\fBDE\fP, it will not be
+affected by the format of \fBDS\fP.
+.B "EF [arg]"
+Even-page footer, printed just above the normal page footer
+on even pages, see \fBPF\fP.
+.B "EH [arg]"
+Even-page header, printed just below the normal page header
+on even pages, see \fBPH\fP.
+.B EN
+Equation end, see \fBEQ\fP.
+End of page user-defined macro. This macro will be called
+instead of the normal printing of the footer. The macro
+will be executed in a separate environment, without any
+trap active. See \fBTP\fP.
+\fBStrings available to EOP\fP +.5i
+.T2 EOPf
+Argument from \fBPF\fP.
+.T2 EOPef
+Argument from \fBEF\fP.
+.T2 EOPof
+Argument from \fBOF\fP.
+.B "EPIC width height [name]"
+\fBEPIC\fP draws a box with the given \fIwidth\fP and \fIheight\fP, it will
+also print the text \fIname\fP or a default string if
+\fIname\fP is not specified..
+This is used to include external pictures, just give the size
+of the picture.
+See \fBPIC\fP
+.B "EQ [label]"
+Equation start.
+\fBEQ\fP/\fBEN\fP are the delimiters for equations written for \fBeqn\fP.
+\fBEQ\fP/\fBEN\fP must be inside a \fBDS\fP/\fBDE\fP-pair, except
+when \fBEQ\fP is only used to set options in \fBeqn\fP.
+The \fIlabel\fP will appear at the right margin of the equation, unless
+number register \fBEq\fP is 1. Then the label will appear at the
+left margin.
+.B "EX [title [override [flag [refname]]]]"
+Exhibit title, arguments are the same as for \fBEC\fP.
+\fBEX\fP uses the number register \fBEx\fP as counter.
+The string \fBLx\fP controls the title of the
+List of Exhibits, default is \fILIST OF EXHIBITS\fP.
+The List of Exhibits will only be printed if number register \fBLx\fP
+is 1, default 1.
+The string \fBLiex\fP contains the word \fIExhibit\fP, wich
+is printed before the number.
+If \fIrefname\fP is used, then the exhibit number is saved with
+\&\fB.SETR\fP, and can be retrieved with \fB.GETST\fP \fIrefname\fP.
+Special handling of the title will occur if
+\fBEX\fP is used inside \fBDS\fP/\fBDE\fP, it will not be
+affected by the format of \fBDS\fP.
+.B "FC [closing]"
+Prints \fIYours\ very\ truly,\fP as a formal closing of a letter or
+memorandum. The argument replaces the defualt string.
+The default is stored in string variable \fBLetfc\fP.
+.B "FD [arg [1]]"
+Footnote default format.
+Controls the hyphenation (hyphen), right margin justification (adjust),
+indentation of footnote text (indent). It can also change the label
+justification (ljust).
+.sp 14v
+.ta .5i +.8i +.8i +.8i +.8i
+\fBarg hyphen adjust indent ljust\fP
+0 no yes yes left
+1 yes yes yes left
+2 no no yes left
+3 yes no yes left
+4 no yes no left
+5 yes yes no left
+6 no no no left
+7 yes no no left
+8 no yes yes right
+9 yes yes yes right
+10 no no yes right
+11 yes no yes right
+Argument greater than or equal to 11 is considered as arg 0.
+Default for m@TMAC_M_PREFIX@m is 10.
+.B FE
+Footnote end.
+.B "FG [title [override [flag [refname]]]]"
+Figure title, arguments are the same as for \fBEC\fP.
+\fBFG\fP uses the number register \fBFg\fP as counter.
+The string \fBLf\fP controls the title of the
+List of Figures, default is \fILIST OF FIGURES\fP.
+The List of Figures will only be printed if number register \fBLf\fP
+is 1, default 1.
+The string \fBLifg\fP contains the word \fIFigure\fP, wich
+is printed before the number.
+If \fIrefname\fP is used, then the figure number is saved with
+\&\fB.SETR\fP, and can be retrieved with \fB.GETST\fP \fIrefname\fP.
+Special handling of the title will occur if
+\fBFG\fP is used inside \fBDS\fP/\fBDE\fP, it will not be
+affected by the format of \fBDS\fP.
+.B "FS [label]"
+Footnote start.
+The footnote is ended by \fBFE\fP. Footnotes is normally automatically
+numbered, the number is available in string \fBF\fP.
+Just add \fB\e*F\fP in the text. By adding \fIlabel\fP, it is possible
+to have other number or names on the footnotes.
+Footnotes in displays is now possible.
+An empty line separates footnotes, the height of the line
+is controlled by number register \fBFs\fP, default value is 1.
+.B "GETHN refname [varname]"
+Includes the headernumber where the corresponding \fBSETR\fP \fIrefname\fP
+was placed. Will be X.X.X. in pass 1. See \fBINITR\fP.
+If varname is used, \fBGETHN\fP sets the stringvariable \fIvarname\fP to the
+.B "GETPN refname [varname]"
+Includes the pagenumber where the corresponding \fBSETR\fP \fIrefname\fP
+was placed. Will be 9999 in pass 1. See \fBINITR\fP.
+If varname is used, \fBGETPN\fP sets the stringvariable \fIvarname\fP
+to the pagenumber.
+.B "GETR refname"
+Combines \fBGETHN\fP and \fBGETPN\fP with the text 'chapter' and ', page'.
+The string \fIQrf\fP contains the text for reference:
+.ti +.5i
+\&.ds Qrf See chapter \e\e*[Qrfh], page \e\e*[Qrfp].
+\fIQrf\fP may be changed to support other languages.
+Strings \fIQrfh\fP and \fIQrfp\fP are set by \fBGETR\fP
+and contains the page and headernumber.
+.B "GETST refname [varname]"
+Includes the string saved with the second argument to \fB.SETR\fP.
+Will be dummystring in pass 1.
+If varname is used, \fBGETST\fP sets the stringvariable \fIvarname\fP to the
+saved string. See \fBINITR\fP.
+.B "H level [heading-text [heading-suffix]]"
+Numbered section heading.
+Section headers can have a level between 1 and 7, level 1 is the
+top level. The text is given in \fIheading-text\fP, and must be
+surrounded by double quotes if it contains spaces.
+\fBHeading-suffix\fP is added to the header in the text but not in
+the table of contents. This is normally used for footnote marks
+and similar things. Don't use \fB\e*F\fP in \fIheading-suffix\fP, it won't
+work. A manual label must be used, see \fBFS\fP.
+An eventual paragraph, \fBP\fP, directly after \fBH\fP will be
+ignored, \fBH\fP is taking care of spacing and indentation.
+\fBPage ejection before heading\fP
+Number register \fBEj\fP controls page ejection before the heading.
+Normally, a level one heading gets two blank lines before it, higher levels
+gets only one. A new page is ejected before each
+first-level heading if number register \fBEj\fP is 1.
+All levels below or equal the value of \fBEj\fP gets a new page.
+Default value for \fBEj\fP is 0.
+\fBHeading break level\fP
+A line break occurs after the heading if the heading level is less
+or equal to number register \fBHb\fP.
+Default value 2.
+\fBHeading space level\fP
+A blank line is inserted after the heading if the heading level is less
+or equal to number register \fBHs\fP.
+Default value 2.
+Text will follow the heading on the same line if the level is greater
+than both \fBHb\fP and \fBHs\fP.
+\fBPost-heading indent\fP
+Indentation of the text after the heading is controlled by number
+register \fBHi\fP, default value 0.
+\fBHi\fP +.5i
+.T2 0
+The text will be left-justified.
+.T2 1
+Indentation of the text will follow the value of number register \fBPt\fP,
+see \fBP\fP.
+.T2 2
+The text will be lined up with the first word of the heading.
+\fBCentered section headings\fP
+All headings whose level is equal or below number register \fBHc\fP
+and also less than or equal to \fBHb\fP or \fBHs\fP
+is centerered.
+\fBFont control of the heading\fP
+The font of each heading level is controlled by string \fBHF\fP.
+It contains a fontnumber or fontnam for each level. Default
+is \fB2\ 2\ 2\ 2\ 2\ 2\ 2\fP (all headings in italic).
+Could also be written as \fBI\ I\ I\ I\ I\ I\ I\fP.
+All omitted values are presumed to be a 1.
+\fBPoint size control\fP.
+String \fBHP\fP controls the pointsize of each heading, in the
+same way as \fBHF\fP controls the font.
+A value of 0 selects the default point size.
+Default value is \fB0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\fP. Beware that only the
+point size changes, not the vertical size.
+That can be controlled by the user specified macro \fBHX\fP and/or
+\fBHeading counters\fP
+Seven number registers, named \fBH1\fP thru \fBH7\fP contains
+the counter for each heading level.
+The values are printed using arabic numerals, this can be changed
+with the macro \fBHM\fP (see below).
+All marks ar concatenated before printing. To avoid this, set
+number register \fBHt\fP to 1. That will only print the current
+heading counter at each heading.
+\fBAutomatic table of contents\fP
+All headings whose level is equal or below number register \fBCl\fP
+is saved to be printed in the table of contents. Default value is 2.
+\fBSpecial control of the heading, user-defined macros\fP.
+These macros can be defined by the user to get a finer control
+of vertical spacing, fonts or other features.
+Argument \fIlevel\fP is the level-argument to \fBH\fP, but
+0 for unnumbered headings (see \fBHU\fP).
+Argument \fIrlevel\fP is the real level, it is
+set to number register \fBHu\fP for unnumbered headings.
+Argument \fIheading-text\fP is the text argument to \fBH\fP and \fBHU\fP.
+\fBHX\ \fP\fIlevel\ rlevel\ heading-text\fP
+\fBHX\fP is called just before the printing of the heading.
+The following register is available for \fBHX\fP.
+\fBHX\fP may alter \fB}0\fP, \fB}2\fP and \fB;3\fP. +.5i
+.T3 "string }0"
+Contains the heading mark plus two spaces if \fIrlevel\fP is non-zero,
+otherwise empty.
+.T3 "register ;0"
+Contains the position of the text after the heading.
+0 means that the text should follow the heading on the same line, 1
+means that a line break should occur before the text and
+2 means that a blank line should separate the heading and the text.
+.T3 "string }2"
+Contains two spaces if register \fB;0\fP is 0. It is used to
+separate the heading from the text. The string
+is empty if \fB;0\fP is non-zero.
+.T3 "register ;3"
+Contains the needed space in units after the heading.
+Default is 2v.
+Can be used to change things like numbering (\fB}0\fP),
+vertical spacing (\fB}2\fP)
+and the needed space after the heading.
+\fBHY\ \fP\fIdlevel\ rlevel\ heading-text\fP
+\fBHY\fP is called after size and font calculations and
+might be used to change indentation.
+\fBHZ\ \fP\fIdlevel\ rlevel\ heading-text\fP
+\fBHZ\fP is called after the printing of the heading, just before
+\fBH\fP or \fBHU\fP exits.
+Could be used to change the page header according to the section heading.
+.B "HC [hyphenation-character]"
+Set hyphenation character.
+Default value is \e%.
+Resets to the default if called without argument.
+Hyphenation can be turned by setting number
+register \fBHy\fP to 0 in the beginning of the file.
+.B "HM [arg1 [arg2 [... [arg7]]]]"
+Heading mark style.
+Controls the type of marking for printing of the heading counters.
+Default is 1 for all levels.
+\fBArgument\fP +.5i
+.T2 1
+Arabic numerals.
+.T2 0001
+Arabic numerals with leading zeroes, one or more.
+.T2 A
+Upper-case alphabetic
+.T2 a
+Lower-case alphabetic
+.T2 I
+Upper-case roman numerals
+.T2 i
+lower-case roman numerals
+.T2 \fIempty\fP
+Arabic numerals.
+.B "HU heading-text"
+Unnumbered section header.
+\fBHU\fP behavies like \fBH\fP at the level in number register \fBHu\fP.
+See \fBH\fP.
+.B "HX dlevel rlevel heading-text"
+Userdefined heading exit.
+Called just before printing the header.
+See \fBH\fP.
+.B "HY dlevel rlevel heading-text"
+Userdefined heading exit.
+Called just before printing the header.
+See \fBH\fP.
+.B "HZ dlevel rlevel heading-text"
+Userdefined heading exit.
+Called just after printing the header.
+See \fBH\fP.
+.B "I [italic-text [prev-font-text [italic-text [...]]]"
+Changes the font to italic if called without arguments.
+With one argument it will set the word in italic.
+With two argument it will concatenate them and set the first
+word in italic and the second in the previous font.
+There is no limit on the number of argument, all will be concatenated.
+.B "IA [addressee-name [title]]
+Begins specification of the addressee and addressee's address in
+letter style.
+Several names can be specified with empty \fBIA\fP/\fBIE\fP-pairs, but
+only one address.
+See \fBLT\fP.
+.B "IB [italic-text [bold-text [italic-text [...]]]"
+Even arguments is printed in italic, odd in boldface.
+See \fBI\fP.
+.B IE
+Ends the address-specification after \fPIA\fP.
+.B "INITI type filename [macro]"
+Initialize the new index system, sets the filename to collect
+index lines in with \fBIND\fP. Argument \fItype\fP selects
+the type of index, page number, header marks or both.
+The default is \fIN\fP.
+It is also possible to create a macro that is responsible
+for formatting each row. Add the name of the macro as argument 3.
+The macro will be called with the index as argument(s).
+\fBtype\fP +.5i
+.T2 N
+Page numbers
+.T2 H
+Header marks
+.T2 B
+Both page numbers and header marks, tab separated
+.B "INITR filename"
+Initialize the refencemacros. References will be written to
+\fIfilename.tmp\fP and \fIfilename.qrf\fP. Requires two passes with groff.
+The first looks for references and the second includes them.
+\fBINITR\fP can be used several times, but it is only the first
+occurrence of \fBINITR\fP that is active.
+Option \fB-U\fP might be needed if \fBunsafe\fP-errors occur.
+See also \fBSETR\fP, \fBGETPN\fP and \fBGETHN\fP.
+.B "IND arg1 [arg2 [...]]"
+\fBIND\fP writes a line in the index file selected by \fBINITI\fP
+with all arguments and the page number or header mark separated by tabs. +.5i
+arg1\etpage number
+arg1\etarg2\etpage number
+arg1\etheader mark
+arg1\etpage number\etheader mark
+.B "INDP"
+\fBINDP\fP prints the index by running the command specified
+by string variable \fBIndcmd\fP, normally \fIsort\ -t\et\fP.
+\fBINDP\fP reads the output from the command to form
+the index, normally in two columns (can be changed by defining \fBTYIND\fP).
+The index is printed with string variable \fBIndex\fP as header,
+default is \fBINDEX\fP. One-column processing is
+returned after the list. \fBINDP\fP will call the
+user-defined macros \fBTXIND\fP, \fBTYIND\fP and \fBTZIND\fP if defined.
+\fBTXIND\fP is called before printing \fBINDEX\fP, \fBTYIND\fP
+is called instead of printing \fBINDEX\fP. \fBTZIND\fP is called
+after the printing and should take care of restoring to normal
+operation again.
+.B "ISODATE [0]"
+\fBISODATE\fP changes the predefined date string in \fBDT\fP to
+ISO-format, ie YYYY-MM-DD. This can also be done by
+adding \fB-rIso=1\fP on the command line.
+Reverts to old date format if argument is \fB0\fP.
+.B "IR [italic-text [roman-text [italic-text [...]]]"
+Even arguments is printed in italic, odd in roman.
+See \fBI\fP.
+.B "LB text-indent mark-indent pad type [mark [LI-space [LB-space]]]"
+List begin macro.
+This is the common macro used for all lists.
+\fIText-indent\fP is the number of spaces to indent the text from the
+current indent.
+\fIPad\fP and \fImark-indent\fP controls where to put the mark.
+The mark is placed within the mark area, and \fImark-indent\fP
+sets the number of spaces before this area. It is normally 0.
+The mark area ends where the text begins. The start of the text
+is still controlled by \fItext-indent\fP.
+The mark is left justified whitin the mark area if \fIpad\fP is 0.
+If \fIpad\fP is greater than 0, then \fImark-indent\fP is ignored, and
+the mark is placed \fIpad\fP spaces before the text.
+This will right justify the mark.
+If \fItype\fP is 0 the list will have either a hanging indent or, if
+argument \fImark\fP is given, the string \fImark\fP as mark.
+If \fItype\fP is greater than 0 automatic numbering will occur, arabic
+if \fImark\fP is empty. \fIMark\fP can then be any of \fB1\fP, \fBA\fP,
+\fBa\fP, \fBI\fP or \fBi\fP.
+\fIType\fP selects one of six possible ways to display the mark.
+\fBtype\fP +.6i
+.T2 1
+.T2 2
+.T2 3
+.T2 4
+.T2 5
+.T2 6
+Every item in the list will get \fILI-space\fP number of blank lines
+before them. Default is 1.
+\fBLB\fP itself will print \fILB-space\fP blank lines. Default is 0.
+.B "LC [list-level]"
+List-status clear
+Terminates all current active lists down to \fIlist-level\fP, or 0
+if no argmuent is given. This is used by \fBH\fP to clear any
+active list.
+.B "LE [1]"
+List end.
+Terminate the current list. \fBLE\fP outputs a blank line
+if an argument is given.
+.B "LI [mark [1]]"
+List item precedes every item in a list. Without argument \fBLS\fP
+will print the mark determined by the current list type. By giving
+\fBLI\fP one argument, it will use that as the mark instead.
+Two arguments to \fBLI\fP will make \fImark\fP a prefix to
+the current mark.
+There will be no separating space between the prefix
+and the mark if the second argument is \fB2\fP instead of \fB1\fP.
+This behaviour can also be achieved by setting number register
+\fBLimsp\fP to zero.
+A zero length \fImark\fP will make a hanging
+indent instead.
+A blank line is normally printed before the list item. This behaviour
+can be controlled by number register \fBLs\fP. Pre-spacing
+will occur for each list-level less than or equal to \fBLs\fP.
+Default value is 99. (Nesting of lists is unlimited. :-)
+The indentation can be changed thru number register \fBLi\fP.
+Default is 6.
+All lists begins with a list initialization macro, \fBLB\fP.
+There are, however, seven predefined listtypes to
+make lists easier to use. They all call \fBLB\fP with different
+default values. +.5i
+.T2 \fBAL\fP
+Automatically Incremented List
+.T2 \fBML\fP
+Marked List
+.T2 \fBVL\fP
+Variable-Item List
+.T2 \fBBL\fP
+Bullet List
+.T2 \fBDL\fP
+Dash List
+.T2 \fBRL\fP
+Reference List
+.T2 \fBBVL\fP
+Broken Varable List.
+These lists are described at other places in this manual. See also \fBLB\fP.
+.B "LT [arg]"
+Formats a letter in one of four different styles depending
+on the argument.
+See also \fBINTERNALS\fP. +.5i
+.T2 \fBArg
+.T2 BL
+Blocked. Date line, return address, writer's address and closing
+begins at the center of the line. All other lines begins at the left margin.
+.T2 SB
+Semi-blocked. Same as blocked, except that the first line in every
+paragraph is indented five spaces.
+.T2 FB
+Full-blocked. All lines begin at the left margin.
+.T2 SP
+Simplified. Almost the same as the full-blocked style. Subject and
+the writer'sidentification is printed in all-capital.
+.B "LO type [arg]"
+Specify options in letter (see \fB.LT\fP).
+This is a list of the standard options: +.5i
+.T2 CN
+Confidential notation. Prints \fBRESTRICTED\fP on the second line
+below the date line. Any argument replaces \fBRESTRICTED\fP.
+See also string variable \fBLetCN\fP.
+.T2 RN
+Reference notation. Prints \fBIn reference to:\fP and the argument
+two lines below the date line.
+See also string variable \fBLetRN\fP.
+.T2 AT
+Attention. Prints \fBATTENTION:\fP and the argument below the inside address.
+See also string variable \fBLetAT\fP.
+.T2 SA
+Salutation. Prints \fBTo Whom It May Concern:\fP or the argument if
+it was present. The salutation is printed two lines below the inside address.
+See also string variable \fBLetSA\fP.
+.T2 SJ
+Subject line. Prints the argument as subject prefixed with \fBSUBJECT:\fP
+two lines below the inside address, except in letter type \fBSP\fP.
+Then the subject is printed in all-captial without any prefix.
+See also string variable \fBLetSJ\fP.
+.B "MC column-size [column-separation] "
+Begin multiple columns. Return to normal with \fB1C\fP.
+\fBMC\fP will create as many columns as the current line length permits.
+\fIColumn-size\fP is the width of each column, and \fIcolumn-separation\fP
+is the space between two columns. Default separation is the
+See also \fB1C\fP.
+.B "ML mark [text-indent [1]]"
+Marked list start. The \fImark\fP argument will be printed before
+each list item.
+\fIText-indent\fP sets the indent and overrides \fBLi\fP.
+A third argument will prohibit printing of a blank line before each
+.B "MT [arg [addressee]]"
+Memorandum type.
+The \fIarg\fP is part of a filename in \fI@TMAC_MDIR@/*.MT\fP.
+Memorandum type 0 thru 5 are supported, including \fI"string"\fP.
+\fIAddresse\fP just sets a variable, used in the AT&T macros.
+\fBarg\fP +.5i
+.T2 0
+Normal memorandum, no type printed
+.T2 1
+Memorandum with \fIMEMORANDUM FOR FILE\fP printed
+.T2 2
+Memorandum with \fIPROGRAMMER'S NOTES\fP printed
+.T2 3
+Memorandum with \fIENGINEER'S NOTES\fP printed
+.T2 4
+Released paper style
+.T2 5
+External letter style
+See also \fBCOVER\fP/\fBCOVEND\fP, a more flexible type of front page.
+.B "MOVE y-pos [x-pos [line-length]]"
+Move to a position, pageoffset set to \fIx-pos\fP.
+If \fIline-length\fP is not given, the difference between
+current and new pageoffset is used.
+Use \fBPGFORM\fP without arguments to return to normal.
+.B "MULB cw1 space1 [cw2 space2 [cw3 ...]]"
+Begin a special multi-column mode. Every columns width must be specified.
+Also the space between the columns must be specified. The last column
+does not need any space-definition. MULB starts a diversion and MULE
+ends the diversion and prints the columns.
+The unit for width and space is 'n', but MULB accepts all
+normal unitspecifications like 'c' and 'i'.
+MULB operates in a separate environment.
+.B "MULN"
+Begin the next column. This is the only way to switch column.
+.B "MULE"
+End the multi-column mode and print the columns.
+.B "nP [type]"
+Print numbered paragraph with header level two. Se \fB.P\fP.
+.B "NCOL"
+Force printing to the next column, don't use this together with
+the \fBMUL*\fP macros, see \fB2C\fP.
+.B "NS [arg [1]]"
+Prints different types of notations. The argument selects between
+the predefined type of notations. If the second argument is available,
+then the argument becomes the entire notation.
+If the argument doesn't exist in the predefined, it will be
+printed as \fBCopy (\fP\fIarg\fP\fB) to\fP.
+It is possible to add more standard notations, see the string variable
+\fBLetns\fP and \fBLetnsdef\fP. +.5i
+.T2 \fBArg
+.T2 \fInone\fP
+Copy To
+.T2 """""
+Copy To
+.T2 1
+Copy To (with att.) to
+.T2 2
+Copy To (without att.) to
+.T2 3
+.T2 4
+.T2 5
+.T2 6
+.T2 7
+Under separate cover
+.T2 8
+Letter to
+.T2 9
+Memorandum to
+.T2 10
+Copy (with atts.) to
+.T2 11
+Copy (without atts.) to
+.T2 12
+Abstract Only to
+.T2 13
+Complete Memorandum to
+.T2 14
+.B "ND new-date"
+New date. Override the current date. Date is not
+printed if \fInew-date\fP is an empty string.
+.B "OF [arg]"
+Odd-page footer, a line printed just above the normal footer.
+See \fBEF\fP and \fBPF\fP.
+.B "OH [arg]"
+Odd-page header, a line printed just below the normal header.
+See \fBEH\fP and \fBPH\fP.
+.B OP
+Make sure that the following text is printed at the top
+of an odd-numbered page. Will not output an empty page
+if currently at the top of an odd page.
+.B "P [type]"
+Begin new paragraph.
+\fBP\fP without argument will produce left justified text, even
+the first line of the paragraph. This is the same as setting
+\fItype\fP to 0. If the argument is 1, then the first line
+of text following \fBP\fP will be indented by the number of
+spaces in number register \fBPi\fP, normally 5.
+Instead of giving 1 as argument to \fBP\fP it is possible to set the
+paragraph type in number register \fBPt\fP. Using 0 and 1
+will be the same as adding that value to \fBP\fP.
+A value of 2 will indent all paragraphs, except after
+headings, lists and displays.
+The space between two paragraphs is controlled by number register \fBPs\fP,
+and is 1 by default (one blank line).
+.B "PGFORM [linelength [pagelength [pageoffset [1]]]]"
+Sets linelength, pagelength and/or pageoffset.
+This macro can be used for special formatting, like letterheads
+and other.
+It is normally the first command in a file, though it's not necessary.
+\fBPGFORM\fP can be used without arguments
+to reset everything after a \fBMOVE\fP.
+A line-break is done unless the fourth argument is given.
+This can be used to avoid the pagenumber on the first page while setting
+new width and length.
+(It seems as if this macro sometimes doesn't work too well.
+Use the command line arguments
+to change linelength, pagelength and pageoffset instead. Sorry.)
+No header is printed on the next page. Used to get rid off
+the header in letters or other special texts
+This macro must be used before any text to inhibit the pageheader
+on the first page.
+.B PIC [-L] [-C] [-R] [-I n] filename [width [height]]
+\fBPIC\fP includes a Postscript file in the document.
+The macro depends on \fBmmroff\fP and \fBINITR\fP.
+\fB-L\fP, \fB-C\fP, \fB-R\fP and \fB-I n\fP adjusts the picture
+or indents it. The optionally \fIwidth\fP and \fIheight\fP
+can also be given to resize the picture.
+.B PE
+Picture end.
+Ends a picture for \fB@TMAC_M_PREFIX@pic\fP, see the manual for \fB@TMAC_M_PREFIX@pic\fP.
+.B "PF [arg]"
+Page footer.
+\fBPF\fP sets the line to be printed at the bottom of each page.
+Normally empty. See \fBPH\fP for the argument specification.
+.B "PH [arg]"
+Page header, a line printed at the top of each page.
+The argument should be specified as "'left-part'center-part'right-part'",
+where left-, center- and right-part is printed left-justified, centered
+and right justified. The character \fB%\fP is changed to the current
+page number. The default page-header is "''- % -''", the page
+number between two dashes.
+.B PS
+Picture start (from pic). Begins a picture for \fB@TMAC@pic\fP, see
+the manual.
+.B PX
+Page-header user-defined exit.
+\fBPX\fP is called just after the printing of the page header
+in \fIno-space\fP mode.
+.B R
+Return to roman font, see also \fBI\fP.
+.B "RB [roman-text [bold-text [roman-text [...]]]"
+Even arguments is printed in roman, odd in boldface.
+See \fBI\fP.
+.B "RD [prompt [diversion [string]]]"
+Read from standard input to diversion and/or string.
+The text will be saved in a diversion named \fIdiversion\fP.
+Recall the text by writing the name of the diversion after a dot
+on an empty line. A string will also be defined if
+\fIstring\fP is given. \fIDiversion\fP and/or \fIprompt\fP can
+be empty ("").
+.B RF
+Reference end. Ends a reference definition and returns to normal
+processing. See \fBRS\fP.
+.B "RI [roman-text [italic-text [roman-text [...]]]"
+Even arguments is printed in roman, odd in italic.
+See \fBI\fP.
+.B "RL [text-indent [1]]"
+Reference list start
+Begins a list where each item is preceded with a automatically
+incremented number between
+square brackets.
+\fIText-indent\fP changes the default indentation
+.B "RP [arg1 [arg2]]"
+Produce reference page.
+\fBRP\fP can be used if a reference page is wanted somewhere in the
+document. It is not needed if \fBTC\fP is used to produce
+a table of content. The reference page will then be printed automatically.
+The reference counter will not be resetted if \fIarg1\fP is 1.
+\fIArg2\fP tells \fBRP\fP whether to eject a page or not.
+\fBArg2\fP +.5i
+.T2 0
+The reference page will be printed on a separate page.
+This is
+the default.
+.T2 1
+Do not eject page after the list.
+.T2 2
+Do not eject page before the list.
+.T2 3
+Do not eject page before and after the list.
+The reference items will be separated by a blank line.
+Setting number register \fBLs\fP to 0 will suppress the line.
+The string \fBRp\fP contains the reference page title and
+is normally set to \fIREFERENCES\fP.
+.B "RS [string-name]"
+\fBRS\fP begins an automatically numbered reference definition.
+Put the string \fB\e*(Rf\fP where the reference mark
+should be and write the reference between \fBRS\fP/\fBRF\fP
+at next new line after the reference mark. The reference number
+is stored in number register \fB:R\fP.
+If \fIstring-name\fP is given, a string with that name
+will be defined and contain the current reference mark.
+The string can be referenced as \fB\e*[\fIstring-name\fP]\fP later in
+the text.
+.B "S [size [spacing]]"
+Set point size and vertical spacing. If any argument is equal 'P', then
+the previous value is used. A 'C' means current value, and 'D' default value.
+If '+' or '-' is used before the value, then increment or decrement of
+the current value will be done.
+.B "SA [arg]"
+Set right-margin justification.
+Justification is normally turned on.
+No argumenent or \fB0\fP turns off justification, a \fB1\fP turns on
+.B "SETR refname [string]"
+Remember the current header and page-number as refname.
+Saves \fIstring\fP if \fIstring\fP is defined. \fIstring\fP is retrieved
+with \fB.GETST\fP.
+See \fBINITR\fP.
+.B "SG [arg [1]]"
+Signature line. Prints the authors name(s) after the formal closing.
+The argument will be appended to the reference data, printed
+at either the first or last author. The reference data is the location,
+department and initials specified with \fB.AU\fP.
+It will be printed at the first author, otherwise at the last.
+No reference data will be printed if the author(s) is specifed
+thru \fB.WA\fP/\fB.WE\fP.
+See \fBLetter internals\fP.
+.B "SK [pages]"
+Skip pages.
+If \fIpages\fP is \fB0\fP or omitted, a skip to the next page
+will occur unless it is already at the top of a page.
+Otherwise it will skip \fIpages\fP pages.
+.B "SM string1 [string2 [string3]]"
+Make a string smaller.
+If \fIstring2\fP is given, \fIstring1\fP will be smaller and \fIstring2\fP
+normal, concatenated with \fIstring1\fP. With three argument, all is
+concatenated, but only \fIstring2\fP is made smaller.
+.B "SP [lines]"
+Space vertically. \fIlines\fP can have any scalingfactor, like \fI3i\fP or
+\fI8v\fP. Several \fBSP\fP in a line will only produce the
+maximum number of lines, not the sum. \fBSP\fP will also be ignored
+until the first textline in a page. Add a \fB\e&\fP before \fBSP\fP
+to avoid this.
+reset tabs to every 5n. Normally used to reset any previous tabpositions.
+.B "TB [title [override [flag [refname]]]]"
+Table title, arguments are the same as for \fBEC\fP.
+\fBTB\fP uses the number register \fBTb\fP as counter.
+The string \fBLt\fP controls the title of the
+List of Tables, default is \fILIST OF TABLES\fP.
+The List of Tables will only be printed if number register \fBLt\fP
+is 1, default 1.
+The string \fBLitb\fP contains the word \fITABLE\fP, wich
+is printed before the number.
+Special handling of the title will occur if
+\fBTB\fP is used inside \fBDS\fP/\fBDE\fP, it will not be
+affected by the format of \fBDS\fP.
+.B "TC [slevel [spacing [tlevel [tab [h1 [h2 [h3 [h4 [h5]]]]]]]]]"
+Table of contents.
+This macro is normally used at the last line of the document.
+It generates a table of contents with headings up to the level
+controlled by number register \fBCl\fP. Note that \fBCl\fP controls
+the saving of headings, it has nothing to do with \fBTC\fP.
+Headings with level less than or equal to \fIslevel\fP will get
+\fIspacing\fP number of lines before them.
+Headings with level less than or equal to \fItlevel\fP will have
+their page numbers right justified with dots or spaces separating
+the text and the page number. Spaces is used if \fItab\fP
+is greater than zero, otherwise dots.
+Other headings will have the
+page number directly at the end of the heading text (\fIragged right\fP).
+The rest of the arguments will be printed, centered, before the
+table of contents.
+The user-defined macros \fBTX\fP and \fBTY\fP are used if \fBTC\fP is called
+with at most four arguments. \fBTX\fP is called before the printing
+of \fICONTENTS\fP, and \fBTY\fP is called instead of printing \fICONTENTS\fP.
+Equivalent macros can be defined for list of figures, tables, equations
+and excibits by defining \fBTXxx\fP or \fBTYxx\fP, where \fBxx\fP
+is \fBFg\fP, \fBTB\fP, \fBEC\fP or \fBEX\fP.
+String \fBCi\fP can be set to control the indentations for each heading-level.
+It must be scaled, like \fB.ds\ Ci\ .25i\ .5i\ .75i\ 1i\ 1i\fP.
+The indentation is normally controlled by the maxlength of headings
+in each level.
+All texts can be redefined, new stringvariables
+\fILifg\fP, \fILitb\fP, \fILiex\fP, \fILiec\fP and \fILicon\fP contains
+"Figure", "TABLE", "Exhibit", "Equation" and "CONTENTS".
+These can be redefined to other languages.
+.B TE
+Table end. See \fBTS\fP.
+.B "TH [N]"
+Table header. See \fBTS\fP.
+\fBTH\fP ends the header of the table. This header will
+be printed again if a page-break occurs.
+Argument \fIN\fP isn't implemented yet.
+.B TL [charging-case number(s) [filing-case number(s)]
+Begin title of memorandum.
+All text up to the next \fBAU\fP is included in the title.
+\fICharging-case number\fP and \fIfiling-case\fP is saved
+for use in the front page processing.
+.B TM [num1 [num2 [...]]]
+Technical memorandumnumbers used in \fB.MT\fP. Unlimited number
+of arguments may be given.
+.B TP
+Top of page user-defined macro.
+This macro is called instead of the normal page header. It is
+possible to get complete control over the header.
+Note that header and footer is printed in a separate environment.
+Linelength is preserved though.
+.B "TS [H]"
+Table start. This is the start of a table specification
+to \fB@TMAC@tbl\fP. See separate manual for \fB@TMAC@tbl\fP.
+\fBTS\fP ends with \fBTE\fP.
+Argument \fIH\fP tells \fBm@TMAC@m\fP that the table
+has a header. See \fBTH\fP.
+.B TX
+Userdefined table of contents exit.
+This macro is called just before \fBTC\fP prints the word \fICONTENTS\fP.
+See \fBTC\fP.
+.B TY
+Userdefined table of contents exit (no "CONTENTS").
+This macro is called instead of printing \fICONTENTS\fP.
+See \fBTC\fP.
+.B VERBON [flag [pointsize [font]]]
+Begin verbatim output using courier font.
+Usually for printing programs.
+All character has equal width.
+The pointsize can be changed with
+the second argument. By specifying the font-argument
+it is possible to use another font instead of courier.
+\fIflag\fP control several special features.
+It contains the sum of all wanted features. +.5i
+.T2 Value
+.T2 1
+Disable the escape-character (\e). This is normally turned on during
+verbose output.
+.T2 2
+Add en empty line before the verbose text.
+.T2 4
+Add en empty line after the verbose text.
+.T2 8
+Print the verbose text with numbered lines. This adds four digitsized
+spaces in the beginning of each line. Finer control is available with
+the string-variable \fBVerbnm\fP. It contains all arguments to the
+\fBtroff\fP-command \fB.nm\fP, normally '1'.
+.T2 16
+Indent the verbose text with five 'n':s. This is controlled by the
+number-variable \fBVerbin\fP (in units).
+End verbatim output.
+.B "VL text-indent [mark-indent [1]]"
+Variable-item list has no fixed mark, it assumes that
+every \fBLI\fP have a mark instead.
+\fIText-indent\fP sets the indent to the text, and \fImark-indent\fP
+the distance from the current indent to the mark.
+A third argument will prohibit printing of a blank line before each
+.B "VM [top [bottom]]"
+Vertical margin.
+.B "WA [writer-name [title]]
+Begins specification of the writer and writer's address.
+Several names can be specified with empty \fBWA\fP/\fBWE\fP-pairs, but
+only one address.
+.B WE
+Ends the address-specification after \fP.WA\fP.
+.B "WC [format]"
+Footnote and display width control. +.5i
+.T2 N
+Set default mode, \fB-WF\fP, \fB-FF\fP, \fB-WD\fP and \fBFB\fP.
+.T2 WF
+Wide footnotes, wide also in two-column mode.
+.T2 -WF
+Normal footnote width, follow column mode.
+.T2 FF
+All footnotes gets the same width as the first footnote encountered.
+.T2 -FF
+Normal footnotes, width follows \fBWF\fP and \fB-WF\fP.
+.T2 WD
+Wide displays, wide also in two-column mode.
+.T2 -WD
+Normal display width, follow column mode.
+.T2 FB
+Floating displays generates a line break when printed on the current page.
+.T2 -FB
+Floating displays does not generate line break.
+.sp 3
+.B "Strings used in m@TMAC_M_PREFIX@m:"
+.B App
+A string containing the word "APPENDIX".
+.B Apptxt
+The current appendix text.
+.B "EM"
+Em dash string
+.B H1txt
+Will be updated by \fB.H\fP and \fB.HU\fP to the current heading text.
+Also updated in table of contents & friends.
+.B HF
+Fontlist for headings, normally "2 2 2 2 2 2 2".
+Nonnumeric fontnames may also be used.
+.B HP
+Pointsize list for headings. Normally "0 0 0 0 0 0 0" which is the same as
+"10 10 10 10 10 10 10".
+.B Index
+Contains \fIINDEX\fP.
+.B Indcmd
+Contains the index command, \fIsort\ -t\et\fP.
+.B Lifg
+String containing \fIFigure\fP.
+.B Litb
+String containing \fITABLE\fP.
+.B Liex
+String containing \fIExhibit\fP.
+.B Liec
+String containing \fIEquation\fP.
+.B Licon
+String containing \fICONTENTS\fP.
+.B Lf
+Contains "LIST OF FIGURES".
+.B Lt
+Contains "LIST OF TABLES".
+.B Lx
+.B Le
+.B Letfc
+Contains "Yours very truly,", used in \fB.FC\fP.
+.B Letapp
+Contains "APPROVED:", used in \fB.AV.\fP.
+.B Letdate
+Contains "Date", used in \fB.AV.\fP.
+.B LetCN
+Contains "CONFIDENTIAL", used in \fB.LO CN\fP.
+.B LetSA
+Contains "To Whom It May Concern:", used in \fB.LO SA\fP.
+.B LetAT
+Contains "ATTENTION:", used in \fB.LO AT\fP.
+.B LetSJ
+Contains "SUBJECT:", used in \fB.LO SJ\fP.
+.B LetRN
+Contains "In reference to:", used in \fB.LO RN\fP.
+.B Letns
+is an array containing the different strings used in \fB.NS\fP.
+It is really a number of stringvariables prefixed with \fBLetns!\fP.
+If the argument doesn't exist, it will be included
+between \fB()\fP with \fBLetns!copy\fP as prefix and \fBLetns!to\fP as suffix.
+Observe the space after \fBcopy\fP and before \fBto\fP.
+.ta 1.5i
+\fBName Value\fP
+Letns!0 Copy to
+Letns!1 Copy (with att.) to
+Letns!2 Copy (without att.) to
+Letns!3 Att.
+Letns!4 Atts.
+Letns!5 Enc.
+Letns!6 Encs.
+Letns!7 Under separate cover
+Letns!8 Letter to
+Letns!9 Memorandum to
+Letns!10 Copy (with atts.) to
+Letns!11 Copy (without atts.) to
+Letns!12 Abstract Only to
+Letns!13 Complete Memorandum to
+Letns!14 CC
+Letns!copy Copy "
+Letns!to " to
+.B Letnsdef
+Defines the standard-notation used when no argument is given
+to \fB.NS\fP. Default is \fB0\fP.
+.B "MO1 - MO12"
+Strings containing \fIJanuary\fP thru \fIDecember\fP.
+.B Qrf
+String containing "See chapter \e\e*[Qrfh], page \e\en[Qrfp].".
+.B Rp
+Contains "REFERENCES".
+.B Tcst
+Contains current status of table of contents and list of XXXX.
+Empty outside \fB.TC\fP.
+Useful in user-defined macros like \fB.TP\fP.
+.ta 1.5i
+\fBValue Meaning\fP
+co Table of contents
+fg List of figures
+tb List of tables
+ec List of equations
+ex List of exhibits
+ap Appendix
+.B Tm
+Contains \e(tm, trade mark.
+.B Verbnm
+Argument to \fB.nm\fP in \fB.VERBON\fP, default: \fB1\fP.
+.B "Number variables used in m@TMAC_M_PREFIX@m:"
+.B Aph
+Print an appendix-page for every new appendix
+if this numbervariable is non-zero.
+No output will occur if \fBAph\fP is zero, but there will always
+be an appendix-entry in the 'List of contents'.
+.B Cl
+Contents level [0:7], contents saved if heading level <= Cl, default 2.
+.B Cp
+Eject page between LIST OF XXXX if Cp == 0, default 0.
+.B D
+Debugflag, values >0 produces varying degree of debug. A value of 1
+gives information about the progress of formatting, default 0.
+.B De
+Eject after floating display is output [0:1], default 0.
+.B Dsp
+Controls the space output before and after static displays
+if defined. Otherwise is the value of Lsp used.
+.B Df
+Floating keep output [0:5], default 5.
+.B Ds
+\fBLsp\fP space before and after display if == 1 [0:1], default 1.
+.B Ej
+Eject page, default 0.
+.B Eq
+Equation lable adjust 0=left, 1=right. Default 0.
+.B Fs
+Footnote spacing, default 1.
+.B "H1-H7"
+Heading counters
+.B H1dot
+Append a dot after the level one heading number if > 0. Default is 1.
+.B H1h
+Copy of number register \fBH1\fP, but it is incremented
+just before the page break. Useful in user defined header macros.
+.B Hb
+Heading break level [0:7], default 2.
+.B Hc
+Heading centering level, [0:7]. Default 0.
+.B Hi
+Heading temporary indent [0:2], default 1.
+0\ ->\ 0 indent, left margin
+1\ ->\ indent to right , like .P 1
+2\ ->\ indent to line up with text part of preceding heading
+.B Hps
+Numbervariable with the heading pre-space level. If the heading-level
+is less than or equal to \fBHps\fP, then two lines will precede the
+section heading instead of one. Default is first level only.
+The real amount of lines is controlled by the variables \fBHps1\fP and
+.B Hps1
+This is the number of lines preceding \fB.H\fP when the heading-level
+is greater than \fBHps\fP. Value is in units, normally 0.5.
+.B Hps2
+This is the number of lines preceding \fB.H\fP when the heading-level
+is less than or equal to \fBHps\fP. Value is in units, normally 1.
+.B Hs
+Heading space level [0:7], default 2.
+.B Hss
+This is the number of lines that follows \fB.H\fP when the heading-level
+is less than or equal to \fBHs\fP. Value is in units, normally 1.
+.B Ht
+Heading numbering type, default 0.
+0 -> multiple (1.1.1 ...)
+1 -> single
+.B Hu
+Unnumbered heading level, default 2.
+.B Hy
+Hyphenation in body, default 1.
+0\ ->\ no hyphenation
+1\ ->\ hyphenation 14 on
+.B Iso
+Set this variable to 1 on the command line to get ISO-formatted date string.
+Useless inside a document.
+.B Letwam
+Max lines in return-address, used in \fB.WA\fP/\fB.WE\fP. Default 14.
+.B "Lf, Lt, Lx, Le"
+Enables (1) or disables (0) the printing of List of figures,
+List of tables, List of exhibits and List of equations.
+Default: Lf=1, Lt=1, Lx=1, Le=0.
+.B Li
+List indent, used by .AL, default 6.
+.B Limsp
+Flag for space between prefix and mark in automatic lists (.AL).
+0\ ==\ no space
+1\ ==\ space
+.B Ls
+List space, if current listlevel > Ls then no spacing will occur around lists.
+Default 99.
+.B Lsp
+The size of an empty line. Normally 0.5v, but it is 1v
+if \fBn\fP is set (\fB.nroff\fP).
+.B N
+Numbering style [0:5], default 0.
+0\ ==\ (default) normal header for all pages.
+1\ ==\ header replaces footer on first page, header is empty.
+2\ ==\ page header is removed on the first page.
+3\ ==\ "section-page" numbering enabled.
+4\ ==\ page header is removed on the first page.
+5\ ==\ "section-page" and "section-figure" numbering enabled.
+Se also the number-register Sectf and Sectp.
+.B Np
+Numbered paragraphs, default 0.
+0\ ==\ not numbered
+1\ ==\ numbered in first level headings.
+.B Of
+Format of figure,table,exhibit,equation titles, default 0.
+0\ =\ ". "
+1\ =\ " - "
+.B P
+Current page-number, normally the same as % unless "section-page" numbering
+is enabled.
+.B Pi
+paragraph indent, default 5.
+.B Pgps
+Controls whether header and footer pointsize should follow the current
+setting or just change when the header and footer is defined. +.5i
+.ti -.5i
+.T2 Value
+.T2 0
+Pointsize will only change to the current setting when \fB.PH\fP, \fB.PF\fP,
+\&\fB.OH\fP, \fP.EH\fP, \fB.OF\fP or \fB.OE\fP is executed.
+.T2 1
+Pointsize will change after every \fB.S\fP. This is the default.
+.B Ps
+paragraph spacing, default 1.
+.B Pt
+Paragraph type, default 0.
+0\ ==\ left-justified
+1\ ==\ indented .P
+2\ ==\ indented .P except after .H, .DE or .LE.
+.B Sectf
+Flag controlling "section-figures". A non-zero value enables this.
+Se also register N.
+.B Sectp
+Flag controlling "section-page-numbers". A non-zero value enables this.
+Se also register N.
+.B Si
+Display indent, default 5.
+.B Verbin
+Indent for \fB.VERBON\fP, default 5n.
+.B .mgm
+Always 1.
+The letter macros is using different submacros depending on
+the letter type. The name of the submacro has the letter type
+as suffix. It is therefore possible to define other letter types, either
+in the national macro-file, or as local additions.
+\&\fB.LT\fP will set the number variables \fBPt\fP and \fBPi\fP to 5 and 0.
+The following strings and macros must be defined for a new letter type:
+This macro is called directly by \fB.LT\fP. It is supposed to initialize
+variables and other stuff.
+This macro prints the letter head, and is called instead of the
+normal page header. It is supposed to remove the alias \fBlet@header\fP,
+otherwise it will be called for all pages.
+\fBlet@sg_\fP\fItype\ name\ title\ n\ flag\ [arg1\ [arg2\ [...]]]\fP
+\&\fB.SG\fP is calling this macro only for letters, memorandums has
+its own processing. \fIname\fP and \fItitle\fP is specified
+thru \fB.WA\fP/\fB.WB\fP. \fIn\fP is the counter, 1-max, and
+\fIflag\fP is true for the last name. Any other argument to \fB.SG\fP
+is appended.
+\fBlet@fc_\fP\fItype\ closing\fP
+This macro is called by \fB.FC\fP, and has the
+formal closing as argument.
+\&\fB.LO\fP is implemented as a general option-macro. \fB.LO\fP demands
+that a string named \fBLet\fP\fItype\fP is defined, where \fItype\fP
+is the letter type.
+\&\fB.LO\fP will then assign the argument to the string
+variable \fBlet*lo-\fP\fItype\fP.
+.\".SH BUGS
+Jörgen Hägg, Lund, Sweden <>.
+.B @TMAC_MDIR@/*.cov
+.B @TMAC_MDIR@/locale
+.BR groff (@MAN1EXT@),
+.BR @g@troff (@MAN1EXT@),
+.BR @g@tbl (@MAN1EXT@),
+.BR @g@pic (@MAN1EXT@),
+.BR @g@eqn (@MAN1EXT@)
+.BR mm (@MAN7EXT@)