path: root/contrib/mom/momdoc/graphical.html
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authorPTPi <PTPi>2010-08-18 22:40:25 +0000
committerPTPi <PTPi>2010-08-18 22:40:25 +0000
commit3ba71bae1806d1b02f7d0d0e49d53523bb501c70 (patch)
tree94b0669b79b84ef6a6eb84198c84ccb17f74bd81 /contrib/mom/momdoc/graphical.html
parent819deb8e912543224eb32c7545ba0d1ff047fd3d (diff)
Complete doc overhaul; removed old files
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-This file is part of groff, the GNU roff type-setting system.
-Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Written by Peter Schaffter.
-Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
-under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or
-any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the
-Invariant Sections being this comment section, with no Front-Cover
-Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts.
-A copy of the Free Documentation License is included as a file called
-FDL in the main directory of the groff source package.
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-<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"/>
-<title>Mom -- Graphical Objects</title>
-<body bgcolor="#dfdfdf">
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-<h1 align="center"><a name="COLOR_INTRO"><u>Graphical objects</u></a></h1>
-<a href="#INTRO_GRAPHICAL">Introduction to graphical objects</a>
- <li><a href="#BEHAVIOUR">Graphical object behaviour</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ORDER">Order of arguments</a></li>
-<a href="#MACROS_GRAPHICAL">Index of graphical object macros</a>
-<a name="INTRO_GRAPHICAL"><h2><u>Introduction to graphical objects</u></h2></a>
-<strong>Groff</strong> has a number of
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escapes</a>
-for drawing rules, polygons, ellipses and splines. All begin with
-<kbd>\D</kbd> (presumably for &quot;Draw&quot;) and are documented
-in the <strong>groff</strong> info manual:
- info groff => Escape index => \D
-The escapes allow you to draw just about any simple graphical object
-you can think of, but owing to their syntax, they're not always easy
-to read, which can make tweaking them difficult. Additionally,
-while they perform in a <em>consistent</em> manner, they don't
-always perform in an <em>expected</em> manner.
-Experience shows that the most common graphical elements typesetters
-need are rules (horizontal and vertical), boxes, and circles (or
-ellipses). For this reason, <strong>mom</strong> provides macros
-to draw these objects in an easy-to-understand way; the results are
-predictable, and <strong>mom</strong>'s syntax makes fixes or tweaks
-<a name="GRAPHICAL_EXAMPLE"></a>
-For example, if you want to draw a 2-inch square outline box at the left
-margin using <strong>groff</strong>'s <kbd>\D</kbd> escapes, it looks like this:
- back up
- by
- weight
- +-------+
- | |
- \D't 500'\h'-500u'\D'p 2i 0 0 2i -2i 0 0 -2i'
- | | | |
- +-------+ +------------------------+
- set rule draw box, 1 line at a time
- weight
-Obviously, this isn't very efficient for something as simple as a
-Here's the same box, drawn with <strong>mom</strong>'s box drawing
-<a href="#DBX">DBX</a>:
-left margin indent-+ +-box width
- | |
- .DBX .5 0 2i 2i
- | |
- rule weight--+ +-box depth
- (in points)
-<strong>Mom</strong>'s graphical object macros allow &mdash; in fact,
-require &mdash; giving the rule weight (&quot;thickness&quot;) for the
-object (or saying that you want it filled), an indent from the left
-margin where the object begins, the dimensions of the object, and
-optionally a colour for the object.
-There are no defaults for the arguments to <strong>mom</strong>'a
-graphical object macros, which means you must supply the arguments
-every time you invoke them.
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> As stated above, <strong>mom</strong> only
-provides macros for commonly-used graphical objects (rules, boxes,
-circles) only. More complex objects (polygons, non-straight lines,
-splines) must be drawn using <strong>groff</strong>'s <kbd>\D</kbd>
-<a name="BEHAVIOUR"><h3><u>Graphical object behaviour</u></h3></a>
-<strong>Mom</strong>'s graphical object macros all behave in the
-following, carved-in-stone ways:
- <li>Objects are drawn from the
- <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_BASELINE">baseline</a>
- down, including horizontal rules.</li>
- <li>Objects begin precisely at the left indent supplied as
- an argument to the macro.</li>
- <li>Objects are drawn from left to right.</li>
- <li>Enclosed objects (boxes, circles) are drawn from the
- perimeter <em>inward</em>.</li>
- <li>Objects return to their horizontal/vertical point of origin.</li>
-The consistency means that once you've mastered the very simple
-order of arguments that applies to invoking graphical object
-macros, you can draw objects with full confidence that you know
-exactly where they're placed and how much room they occupy.
-Furthermore, because all return to their point of origin, you'll
-know exactly where you are on the page.
-<a name="ORDER"><h3><u>Order of arguments</u></h3></a>
-The order of arguments to the graphical object macros is the same
-for every macro:
- <li>the <strong>Weight</strong> of the rule</li>
- <ul>
- <li>if the object is enclosed (i.e. is a box or circle), the
- weight of the rule if you want the object outlined</li>
- <li>the single word <kbd>SOLID</kbd> may be used in place
- of the <strong>weight</strong> argument if you want the
- object filled</li>
- </ul>
- <li>the <strong>Indent</strong> from the current left margin at
- which to begin the object</li>
- <li>the <strong>Length</strong> of the object, if applicable</li>
- <li>the <strong>Depth</strong> of the object, if applicable</li>
- <li>the <strong>Colour</strong> of the object (optional)</li>
-A simple mnemonic for the order of arguments is &quot;WILD C&quot;.
-If you fix the mnemonic in your brain and apply a little judicious
-reasoning, you'll always remember how to draw graphical objects.
-The &quot;judicious reasoning&quot; means that, for example,
-horizontal rules don't require a depth and vertical rules don't
-require a length. Thus, in the case of drawing a horizontal rule,
-you supply the macro,
-<a href="#DRH">DRH</a>,
-with only the arguments (from the mnemonic) that apply: W-I-L (and
-possibly C).
-<a name="MACROS_GRAPHICAL"><h3><u>Index of graphical object macros</u></h3></a>
- <li><a href="#DRH">DRH</a>
- &mdash; horizontal rule</li>
- <li><a href="#DRV">DRV</a>
- &mdash; vertical rule</li>
- <li><a href="#DBX">DBX</a>
- &mdash; box</li>
- <li><a href="#DCL">DCL</a>
- &mdash; circle or ellipse</li>
-<!-- -DRH- -->
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="DRH"><h3><u>Drawing horizontal rules</u></h3></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>DRH</strong> <kbd>&lt;none&gt; | &lt;rule weight&gt; &lt;indent&gt; &lt;length&gt; [&lt;colour&gt;]</kbd></nobr>
-<em>*The argument to</em> <kbd>&lt;rule weight&gt;</kbd> <em>is
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>,
-<em>but do </em> NOT <em>append the</em>
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITSOFMEASURE">unit of
-measure</a>, <kbd>p</kbd>.
-<em>*The arguments,</em> <kbd>&lt;indent&gt;</kbd> <em>and</em>
-<kbd>&lt;length&gt;</kbd>, <em>require a unit of measure.</em>
-If all you want is to draw a rule from your current left
-margin to your current right margin (in other words, a &quot;full
-measure&quot; rule), you may invoke <kbd>.DRH</kbd> without any
-arguments. (Note that <strong>DRH</strong> is the only graphical
-object macro that may be invoked without arguments.) The weight of
-the rule is determined by the argument you last gave the macro,
-<a href="inlines.html#RULE_WEIGHT">RULE_WEIGHT</a>.
-<strong>DRH</strong>, used this way, is exactly equivalent to
-entering the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escape</a>,
-<a href="inlines.html#INLINE_RULE_MOM"><kbd>\*[RULE]</kbd></a>.
-To draw horizontal rules of a specified length, you must, at a
-minimum, supply
-<strong>DRH</strong> with the arguments
-<kbd><nobr>rule weight,</nobr> indent</kbd> (measured from the
-current left margin) and <kbd>length</kbd>.
-Optionally, you may give a <kbd>colour</kbd> argument.
-The colour may be either one defined with
-<a href="color.html#NEWCOLOR">NEWCOLOR</a>,
-or a named X-colour inititialized with
-<a href="color.html#XCOLOR">XCOLOR</a>,
-or an X-colour alias (again, initialized with
-Say, for example, you want to draw a 1-1/4 point horizontal rule
-that starts 2 picas from the current left margin and runs for 3
-inches. To do so, you'd invoke <kbd>.DRH</kbd> like this:
- weight length
- | |
- .DRH 1.125 2P 3i
- |
- indent
-(Note that the rule weight argument, which is expressed in points,
-must NOT have the unit of measure <kbd>p</kbd> appended to it.)
-If, in addition, you want the rule blue:
- .DRH 1.125 2P 3i blue
-<h3><u>How mom handles the positioning of horizontal rules</u></h3>
-Horizontal rules are drawn from left to right, and from the baseline
-down. &quot;From the baseline down&quot; means that if you request
-a rule with a weight of four points, the four points of rule fall
-entirely below the baseline.
-Furthermore, after the rule is drawn, <strong>mom</strong> returns
-you to the current left margin, at the same vertical position on
-the page as when <strong>DRH</strong> was invoked. In other words,
-<strong>DRH</strong> causes no movement on the page, either
-horizontal or vertical.
-<!-- -DRV- -->
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="DRV"><h3><u>Drawing vertical rules</u></h3></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>DRV</strong> <kbd>&lt;rule weight&gt; &lt;indent&gt; &lt;depth&gt; [&lt;colour&gt;]</kbd></nobr>
-<em>*The argument to</em> <kbd>&lt;rule weight&gt;</kbd> <em>is
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>,
-<em>but do </em> NOT <em>append the</em>
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITSOFMEASURE">unit of
-measure</a>, <kbd>p</kbd>.
-<em>*The arguments,</em> <kbd>&lt;indent&gt;</kbd> <em>and</em>
-<kbd>&lt;depth&gt;</kbd>, <em>require a unit of measure.</em>
-To draw vertical rules of a specified length, you must, at a
-minimum, supply
-<strong>DRV</strong> with the arguments
-<kbd><nobr>rule weight,</nobr> indent</kbd> (measured from the
-current left margin) and <kbd>depth</kbd>.
-Optionally, you may give a <kbd>colour</kbd> argument.
-The colour may be either one defined with
-<a href="color.html#NEWCOLOR">NEWCOLOR</a>,
-or a named X-colour inititialized with
-<a href="color.html#XCOLOR">XCOLOR</a>,
-or an X-colour alias (again, initialized with
-Say, for example, you want to draw a 3/4-point vertical rule that
-starts 19-1/2 picas from the current left margin and has a depth of
-6 centimeters. To do so, you'd invoke <kbd>.DRV</kbd> like this:
- weight depth
- | |
- .DRV .75 19P+6p 6c
- |
- indent
-(Note that the rule weight argument, which is expressed in points,
-must NOT have the unit of measure <kbd>p</kbd> appended to it.)
-If, in addition, you want the rule red:
- .DRV .75 19P+6p 6c red
-<h3><u>How mom handles the positioning of vertical rules</u></h3>
-Vertical rules are drawn from the baseline down, and from left to
-right. &quot;Left to right&quot; means that if you request a rule
-with a weight of four points, the four points of rule fall entirely
-to the left of the indent given to <strong>DRV</strong>.
-Furthermore, after the rule is drawn, <strong>mom</strong> returns
-you to the current left margin, at the same vertical position
-on the page as when <strong>DRV</strong> was invoked. In other
-words, <strong>DRV</strong> causes no movement on the page, either
-horizontal or vertical.
-<!-- -DBX- -->
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="DBX"><h3><u>Drawing boxes</u></h3></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>DBX</strong> <kbd>&lt; &lt;rule weight&gt; | SOLID &gt; &lt;indent&gt; &lt;length&gt; &lt;depth&gt; [&lt;colour&gt;]</kbd></nobr>
-<em>*The argument to</em> <kbd>&lt;rule weight&gt;</kbd> <em>is
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>,
-<em>but do </em> NOT <em>append the</em>
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITSOFMEASURE">unit of
-measure</a>, <kbd>p</kbd>.
-<em>*The arguments,</em> <kbd>&lt;indent&gt;</kbd><em>,</em>
-<kbd>&lt;length&gt;</kbd> <em>and</em> <kbd>&lt;depth&gt;</kbd>
-<em>require a unit of measure.</em>
-To draw boxes of specified dimensions, you must, at a minimum,
-supply <strong>DBX</strong> with the arguments <kbd><nobr>rule
-weight</nobr></kbd> or <kbd>SOLID</kbd>, <kbd>indent</kbd>
-(measured from the current left margin), <kbd>length</kbd> and
-Optionally, you may give a <kbd>colour</kbd> argument.
-The colour may be either one defined with
-<a href="color.html#NEWCOLOR">NEWCOLOR</a>,
-or a named X-colour inititialized with
-<a href="color.html#XCOLOR">XCOLOR</a>,
-or an X-colour alias (again, initialized with
-Say, for example, you want to draw a 1/2 point outline box that
-starts one inch from the current left margin and has the dimensions
-12 picas x 6 picas. To do so, you'd invoke <kbd>.DBX</kbd> like this:
- indent depth
- | |
- .DBX .5 1i 12P 6P
- | |
- weight length
-(Note that the box weight argument, which is expressed in points,
-must NOT have the unit of measure <kbd>p</kbd> appended to it.)
-If you want the same box, but solid (&quot;filled&quot;) rather
-than drawn as an outline:
- .DBX SOLID 1i 12P 6P
-Additionally, if you want the box green:
- .DBX .5 1i 12P 6P green
- or
- .DBX SOLID 1i 12P 6P green
-<h3><u>How mom handles the positioning of boxes</u></h3>
-Boxes are drawn from the baseline down, from left to right, and
-from the perimeter <em>inward</em>. &quot;From the perimeter
-inward&quot; means that if you request a box weight of six points,
-the 6-point rules used to draw the outline of the box fall entirely
-<em>within</em> the dimensions of the box.
-Furthermore, after the box is drawn, <strong>mom</strong> returns
-you to the current left margin, at the same vertical position
-on the page as when <strong>DBX</strong> was invoked. In other
-words, <strong>DBX</strong> causes no movement on the page, either
-horizontal or vertical.
-<!-- -DCL- -->
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="DCL"><h3><u>Drawing circles (ellipses)</u></h3></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>DCL</strong> <kbd>&lt; &lt;rule weight&gt; | SOLID &gt; &lt;indent&gt; &lt;length&gt; &lt;depth&gt; [&lt;colour&gt;]</kbd></nobr>
-<em>*The argument to</em> <kbd>&lt;rule weight&gt;</kbd> <em>is
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>,
-<em>but do </em> NOT <em>append the</em>
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITSOFMEASURE">unit of
-measure</a>, <kbd>p</kbd>.
-<em>*The arguments,</em> <kbd>&lt;indent&gt;</kbd><em>,</em>
-<kbd>&lt;length&gt;</kbd> <em>and</em> <kbd>&lt;depth&gt;</kbd>
-<em>require a unit of measure.</em>
-To draw circles of specified dimensions, you must, at a minimum,
-supply <strong>DCL</strong> with the arguments <kbd><nobr>rule
-weight</nobr></kbd> or <kbd>SOLID</kbd>, <kbd>indent</kbd>
-(measured from the current left margin), <kbd>length</kbd> and
-Optionally, you may give a <kbd>colour</kbd> argument.
-The colour may be either one defined with
-<a href="color.html#NEWCOLOR">NEWCOLOR</a>,
-or a named X-colour inititialized with
-<a href="color.html#XCOLOR">XCOLOR</a>,
-or an X-colour alias (again, initialized with
-Say, for example, you want to draw a 1/2 point outline circle
-(ellipse, actually, in this case) that starts one inch from the
-current left margin and has the dimensions 6 centimeters x 3
-centimeters. To do so, you'd invoke <kbd>.DCL</kbd> like this:
- indent depth
- | |
- .DCL .5 1i 6c 3c
- | |
- weight ength
-(Note that the box weight argument, which is expressed in points,
-must NOT have the unit of measure <kbd>p</kbd> appended to it.)
-If you want the same box, but solid (&quot;filled&quot;) rather
-than drawn as an outline:
- .DCL SOLID 1i 6c 3c
-Additionally, if you want the circle yellow:
- .DCL .5 1i 6c 3c yellow
- or
- .DCL SOLID 1i 6c 3c yellow
-<h3><u>How mom handles the positioning of circles (ellipses)</u></h3>
-Circles (ellipses) are drawn from the baseline down, from left
-to right, and from the perimeter <em>inward</em>. &quot;From the
-perimeter inward&quot; means that if you request a circle weight of
-six points, the 6-point rule used to draw the outline of the circle
-or ellipse falls entirely <em>within</em> the dimensions of the
-circle or ellipse.
-Furthermore, after the circle is drawn, <strong>mom</strong> returns
-you to the current left margin, at the same vertical position
-on the page as when <strong>DCL</strong> was invoked. In other
-words, <strong>DCL</strong> causes no movement on the page, either
-horizontal or vertical.
-<a href="docprocessing.html#TOP">Next</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<a href="color.html#TOP">Prev</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
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