path: root/contrib/mom/momdoc/cover.html
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-This file is part of groff, the GNU roff type-setting system.
-Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Written by Peter Schaffter.
-Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
-under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or
-any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the
-Invariant Sections being this comment section, with no Front-Cover
-Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts.
-A copy of the Free Documentation License is included as a file called
-FDL in the main directory of the groff source package.
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
-<html xmlns="">
-<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"/>
-<title>Mom -- Document processing, creating a cover page</title>
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-<a name="COVER_TOP"><h1 align="center"><u>Creating a cover page</u></h1></a>
- <li><a href="#COVER_INTRO">Introduction to cover pages</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#PLEASE">Important note &mdash; please read</a></li>
- <li><a href="#DESC">Description of what mom does on cover pages</a></li>
- <li><a href="#PAGINATION">A note on headers/footers and pagination</a></li>
- <li><a href="#DESIGN">What to do if you want to design your own cover pages</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#COVER">The cover and document cover macros</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#COVER">COVER/DOC_COVER</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#REQUIRED">The required argument</a></li>
- <li><a href="#CHAPTER">How the CHAPTER argument and friends work</a></li>
- <li><a href="#OPTIONAL">The optional arguments</a></li>
- <li><a href="#DOCTYPE">What the DOCTYPE argument means</a></li>
- <li><a href="#BLANKPAGE">What the BLANKPAGE argument means</a></li>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#ON_OFF">Enabling/disabling automatic generation of cover pages</a></li>
- <li><a href="#COVER_CONTROL">Control macros &mdash; changing the defaults for covers and document covers</a></li>
-<a name="COVER_INTRO"><h2><u>Introduction to cover pages</u></h2></a>
-As of version 1.19 of <strong>mom</strong>, you can now have cover
-pages generated automatically.
-Though identical in treatment, <strong>mom</strong> provides two
-kinds of cover pages: section cover pages (which I shall refer to
-simply as &quot;cover pages&quot;) and document cover pages
-(&quot;doc covers&quot;).
-A document cover page
-(<a href="#DOC_COVER">doc cover</a>)
-is what you'd most likely use at the start of a
-<a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE_INTRO">collated</a>
-document, where you might want the name of the complete document,
-the author(s) and the copyright line to appear. Another place you
-might use a doc cover is for a novel, where you want the title of
-the novel, not the chapter title or chapter number, as the first
-cover page.
-A section
-<a href="#COVER">cover</a>
-page is what you'd use for cover pages that separate sections of a
-collated document, i.e. title pages. A section cover page (but not
-a doc cover page) in a collated document could, for example, simply
-read &quot;PART I&quot;.
-In non-collated documents (say, an essay) you can use either a
-section cover (title page) or a doc cover to generate a cover sheet.
-In addition, nothing prevents you from generating both a doc cover
-page and a section cover page for every document in a collated
-document. Or you can selectively disable the automatic generation
-of either doc covers or section covers in a collated document
-<a name="PLEASE"><strong>Important note:</strong></a>
-automatic generation of cover or doc cover pages after the first
-one(s) only takes place if you are working with collated documents.
-<strong>Mom</strong> provides no mechanism for saying &quot;print
-a section cover here even though I'm still working on the same
-(non-collated) document.&quot;
-<a name="DESC"><h3><u>Description of what mom does on cover pages</u></h3></a>
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> typesets cover (and doc cover)
-pages identically to
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_DOCHEADER">docheaders</a>
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOCHEADER_CONTROL">How to change the look of docheaders</a>
-for a description of what a docheader looks like). The only
-differences are
- <li>the position on the page where the information is output</li>
- <li>the (optional) addition of copyright and miscellaneous information</li>
- <li>there's no running text underneath</li>
-You tell <strong>mom</strong> what you want to appear on cover pages
-through the arguments you pass to
-<a href="#COVER">COVER</a>
-<a href="#COVER">DOC_COVER</a>.
-Provided you have already given <strong>mom</strong> the
-appropriate reference macros (e.g.
-<a href="docprocessing.html#TITLE">TITLE</a>
-<a href="docprocessing.html#AUTHOR">AUTHOR</a>),
-she will output cover (and doc cover) pages identically to how she
-would output docheaders containing the same information.
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> starts cover (and doc cover) pages
-one-third of the way down the page. This can be changed through
-the use of the control macros
-If you request copyright information (and have already given
-<strong>mom</strong> the reference macro,
-<a href="docprocessing.html#COPYRIGHT">COPYRIGHT</a>),
-she sets it, by default, in a smaller
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PS">point size</a>
-in the bottom right hand corner of the cover (or doc cover) page.
-The default point size and the position can be controlled with
-Similarly, if you request miscellaneous information (and have
-already given <strong>mom</strong> the reference macro,
-<a href="docprocessing.html#MISC">MISC</a>),
-she sets it, by default, in a smaller point size in the bottom left
-hand corner of the cover (or doc cover) page. The default point
-size is dependent on
-but the position can be controlled with
-<a name="PAGINATION"></a>
-<strong>NOTE: mom</strong> does not set any
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_HEADER">headers</a>
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FOOTER">footers</a>
-on cover pages. Neither does she set any page numbers. From
-the point of view of pagination, cover (and doc cover) pages are
-by default considered &quot;null&quot; pages. If you wish them to
-be included in the pagination scheme (even though no page numbers
-appear), you must tell <strong>mom</strong> that's what you want
-with the macros <strong>DOC_COVERS_COUNT_PAGES</strong> and/or
-<a name="DESIGN"></a>
-Finally, if you want to design your own cover page(s), you can
-always typeset them (using the
-<a href="typesetting.html#MACROS_TYPESETTING">typesetting macros</a>),
-<a href="typesetting.html#NEWPAGE"><kbd>.NEWPAGE</kbd></a>,
-set up your document <em>in full</em> (see
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOCPROCESSING_TUT">Tutorial &mdash; Setting up a mom document</a>),
-and lastly invoke
-<a href="docprocessing.html#START"><kbd>.START</kbd></a>.
-The cover page (and any typesetting commands on it) will have no
-effect on <strong>mom</strong>'s processing of the document itself,
-the first page of which, moreover, will be numbered &quot;1&quot;
-unless you instruct her otherwise with
-<a href="headfootpage.html#PAGENUMBER">PAGENUMBER</a>.
-<!-- -COVER- -->
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="COVER"></a>
-Macro: <strong>COVER</strong>
-<a name="DOC_COVER"></a>
-Macro: <strong>DOC_COVER</strong>
-<nobr>Required argument: <kbd>TITLE | DOCTITLE | COVERTITLE | CHAPTER | CHAPTER_TITLE | CHAPTER+TITLE</kbd></nobr>
-<nobr>Optional arguments: <kbd>[ SUBTITLE AUTHOR DOCTYPE COPYRIGHT MISC BLANKPAGE ]</kbd></nobr>
-<em>*Note: these macros should be placed in the
-&quot;style-sheet&quot; section of your document setup (see the</em>
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOCPROCESSING_TUT">Tutorial &mdash; Setting up a mom document</a>),
-<em>i.e. after PRINTSTYLE (and/or DOCTYPE and/or COPYSTYLE), but
-before START.</em>
-<strong>COVER</strong> and <strong>DOC_COVER</strong> behave
-identically. The reason <strong>mom</strong> provides two macros
-for automatic cover page generation is so that you can have two
-different kinds of covers with different information on each.
-Imagine, for a moment, you've written a document comprised of three
-sections. When you
-<a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">COLLATE</a>
-the document for output, you could use <kbd>.DOC_COVER</kbd>
-to generate a cover page that contained the name of the entire
-document, your (the author's) name, and perhaps the copyright date.
-Subsequently, you could use <kbd>.COVER</kbd>, after each
-<kbd>.COLLATE</kbd> but before each
-<a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>,
-to generate a cover page (or cover &quot;sheet&quot;, if you prefer)
-containing just the name of the section.
-<a name="REQUIRED"><h4><u>The required argument</u></h4></a>
-Both <strong>COVER</strong> and <strong>DOC_COVER</strong>,
-whenever invoked, require a first argument, as listed above.
-This first argument will become the first bit of information
-<strong>mom</strong> prints on the cover (or doc cover) page (i.e.
-it will be the &quot;title&quot;).
-In order for the information to appear, you must, of course, first
-have given <strong>mom</strong> the appropriate
-<a href="docprocessing.html#REFERENCE_MACROS">reference macro</a>.
-A list of the arguments with their equivalent reference macros follows.
- <dt><kbd>TITLE</kbd></dt>
- <dd>
- &mdash; means the argument you gave to <a href="docprocessing.html#TITLE">TITLE</a>
- </dd>
- <dt><kbd>DOCTITLE</kbd></dt>
- <dd>
- &mdash; means the argument you gave to <a href="docprocessing.html#DOCTITLE">DOCTITLE</a>
- </dd>
- <dt><kbd>COVERTITLE</kbd></dt>
- <dd>
- &mdash; means the argument you gave to <a href="docprocessing.html#COVERTITLE">COVERTITLE</a>
- or
- <a href="docprocessing.html#DOC_COVERTITLE">DOC_COVERTITLE</a>
- </dd>
- <dd>
- &mdash; see below (How the CHAPTER argument and friends work)
- </dd>
-<a name="CHAPTER"><h5><u>How the CHAPTER argument and friends work</u></h5></a>
-<kbd>CHAPTER</kbd>, by itself, will print the
-<a href="docprocessing.html#CHAPTER_STRING">CHAPTER_STRING</a>
-as well as the chapter number that you gave to
-<a href="docprocessing.html#CHAPTER">CHAPTER</a>.
-For example, assuming a vanilla setup for your chapter
- \# Reference macros
- .CHAPTER_TITLE "The Bonny Blue Yonder"
- &lt;other stuff&gt;
-will simply print
- Chapter 1
-<kbd>CHAPTER_TITLE</kbd> will print the chapter title you
-gave to
-<a href="docprocessing.html#CHAPTER_TITLE">CHAPTER_TITLE</a>.
-For example, assuming a vanilla setup for your chapter
- \# Reference macros
- .CHAPTER_TITLE "The Bonny Blue Yonder"
- &lt;other stuff&gt;
-will simply print
- The Bonny Blue Yonder
-<kbd>CHAPTER+TITLE</kbd> will print <strong>both</strong> the
-chapter string + number AND the chapter title. For example,
-assuming a vanilla setup for your chapter
- \# Reference macros
- .CHAPTER_TITLE "The Bonny Blue Yonder"
- &lt;other stuff&gt;
-will print
- Chapter 1
- The Bonny Blue Yonder
-<a name="OPTIONAL"><h4><u>The optional arguments</u></h4></a>
-The remainder of the arguments to <strong>COVER</strong> and
-<strong>DOC_COVER</strong> are optional. They refer specifically to
-the information you gave the
-<a href="docprocessing.html#REFERENCE_MACROS">reference macros</a>
-bearing the same name as the arguments.
-You may enter as many or as few as you would like to see on your
-cover (or doc cover) page. The only hitch is &mdash; PAY ATTENTION,
-CLASS! &mdash; they must be entered in the order given above. For
-example, if you want <kbd>TITLE</kbd>, <kbd>AUTHOR</kbd>,
-<kbd>COPYRIGHT</kbd> and <kbd>MISC</kbd>
-is correct, while
-is not.
-<a name="DOCTYPE"><h5><u>What the DOCTYPE argument means</u></h5></a>
-When you pass <strong>COVER</strong> or <strong>DOC_COVER</strong>
-the argument, <kbd>DOCTYPE</kbd>, it refers to the argument you gave
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOCTYPE">DOCTYPE</a>&nbsp;<kbd>NAMED</kbd>.
-For example, if, in your
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOCSTYLE_MACROS">docstyle macros</a>
-you gave a
- .DOCTYPE NAMED "Abstract"
-the argument, <kbd>DOCTYPE</kbd>, in the <strong>COVER</strong> or
-<strong>DOC_COVER</strong> macros, would mean that you wanted the
-word, Abstract, to appear on the cover (or doc cover), just as it
-would in the
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOCHEADER">docheader</a>.
-<a name="BLANKPAGE"><h5><u>What the BLANKPAGE argument means</u></h5></a>
-If the final argument to <strong>DOC_COVER</strong> or
-<strong>COVER</strong> is <kbd>BLANKPAGE</kbd>, <strong>mom</strong>
-will insert a blank page after the doc cover or cover. This is
-particularly useful if you intend to print your document two-sided,
-since, in two-sided printing, no text should appear on the reverse
-side of cover or title pages. If <strong>DOC_COVERS_COUNT_PAGES</strong>
-and/or <strong>COVERS_COUNT_PAGES</strong> is enabled, the blank
-page will be considered in the pagination scheme.
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="ON_OFF"></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>COVERS</strong> <kbd>&lt;toggle&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>DOC_COVERS</strong> &lt;toggle&gt;</nobr>
-By default, if you give <strong>mom</strong> a
-<a href="#COVER">COVER</a>
-<a href="#DOC_COVER">DOC_COVER</a>
-macro, she will print it. In a document that contains sections,
-articles or chapters formerly treated as &quot;one-off's&quot; but
-now being
-<a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE_INTRO">collated</a>,
-such behaviour may not be desirable.
-<strong>Mom</strong> lets you selectively enable or disable the
-generation of covers and/or doc covers with the toggle macros
-<strong>COVERS</strong> and <strong>DOC_COVERS</strong>. Because
-they're toggle macros, simply invoking them by themselves enables
-automatic cover (or doc cover) generation, while invoking them with
-any argument at all (<strong>OFF, QUIT, X</strong>, etc) disables
-cover (or doc cover) generation.
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> You must place these macros prior to any
-instance of
-<a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>.
-Since they're &quot;on&quot; by default, there's no need to use
-them if you want covers. However, if you don't, especially in the
-kind of scenario described above, the best place to put them (most
-likely with an <strong>OFF, NO, X</strong>, etc. argument), is
-immediately after the first invocation of <strong>START</strong>.
-By doing so, you ensure they precede all subsequent instances of
-<hr align="left" width="66%"/>
-<a name="COVER_CONTROL"><h3><u>Control macros &mdash; changing the defaults for covers and document covers</u></h3></a>
-The default typographic appearance of the items on a cover (or doc
-cover) page is identical to that of the items in a
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_DOCHEADER">docheader</a>.
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOCHEADER_CONTROL">How to change the look of docheaders</a>
-for a description of the defaults.)
-<a href="docprocessing.html#COPYRIGHT">COPYRIGHT</a>
-<a href="docprocessing.html#MISC">MISC</a>,
-which do not appear in docheaders, have the following default
- <li>The copyright line is set in the bottom right hand corner
- of the page, 2
- <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PS">point sizes</a>
- smaller than the size of
- <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>
- </li>
- <li>The &quot;misc&quot; line is set in the bottom left hand
- corner of the page, in the same family, font and point size
- as the copyright line.
- </li>
-With the exception of the copyright and &quot;misc&quot; lines, the
-defaults for the entirety of cover (and doc cover) pages, and all
-the elements thereon, can be changed with control macros whose
-behaviour and arguments are identical to
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOCHEADER_CONTROL_INDEX">the control macros used for docheaders</a>.
-The only difference is the name by which you invoke the control
-The complete list of cover (and doc cover) page control macros
-follows; please refer to the
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOCHEADER_CONTROL_INDEX">docheader control macros index</a>
-in order to understand how to use them.
-<a name="COVER_CONTROL_INDEX"><h4><u>Index of cover and doc cover control macros</u></h4></a>
- - the macro, .ATTRIBUTE_STRING, controls the attribution string
- for both docheaders and cover pages; cover pages have no
- separate ATTRIBUTE_STRING macro
- - the copyright quad can be either L (left) or R (right); default is left
-.COVER_MISC_COLOR .DOC_COVER_MISC_COLOR - like any of the above _COLOR macros
- - the misc quad can be either L (left) or R (right); default is left
- - see <a href="#MISC">Notes</a>
- - see <a href="#UNDERLINE">Notes</a>
- - whether to consider cover pages in the pagination scheme; the
- default is to ignore them
- - see <a href="#COUNT">Notes</a>
-<a name="MISC"></a>
-<strong>COVER_MISC</strong> and <strong>DOC_COVER_MISC</strong>
-have only two control macros, <strong>_COLOR</strong> and
-<strong>_QUAD</strong>. The family, font and size of
-the <kbd>MISC</kbd> argument to <strong>COVER</strong>
-or <strong>DOC_COVER</strong> are always the same as for
-<kbd>COPYRIGHT</kbd>. Should you wish the family, font or size
-to be different from <kbd>COPYRIGHT</kbd>, I suggest setting the
-type specs for <kbd>COPYRIGHT</kbd> to the ones you want for
-<kbd>MISC</kbd>, then altering them for <kbd>COPYRIGHT</kbd> using
-<a href="inlines.html#INDEX_INLINES">inline escapes</a>
-in the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_STRINGARGUMENT">string argument</a>
-you pass to the macro,
-<a href="docprocessing.html#COPYRIGHT">COPYRIGHT</a>.
-(Of course, you could always do the reverse, but if you pass several
-arguments to
-<a href="docprocessing.html#MISC">MISC</a>,
-it's more likely you want to get <strong>MISC</strong> right first.)
-<a name="UNDERLINE"></a>
-<strong>COVER_UNDERLINE</strong> and <strong>DOC_COVER_UNDERLINE</strong>
-apply only to the doctype-name that appears on covers or doc
-covers, and then only if <kbd>DOCTYPE</kbd> is given as one of the
-arguments to
-<a href="#COVER">COVER</a>
-<a href="#DOC_COVER">DOC_COVER</a>. It is invoked in exactly the
-same way as
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOCTYPE_UNDERLINE">DOCTYPE_UNDERLINE</a>.
-<a name="COUNT"></a>
-<strong>COVER_COUNTS_PAGES</strong> and
-<strong>DOC_COVER_COUNTS_PAGES</strong> are toggle macros, hence
-invoking them by themselves means that <strong>mom</strong> will
-consider cover and doc cover pages in the pagination scheme;
-invoking them with any argument (<strong>OFF, NO, X</strong>,
-etc.) means they are ignored. The default is to ignore them.
-<a href="refer.html#TOP">Next</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
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