path: root/contrib/mom/momdoc/docelement.html
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-This file is part of groff, the GNU roff type-setting system.
-Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Written by Peter Schaffter.
-Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
-under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or
-any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the
-Invariant Sections being this comment section, with no Front-Cover
-Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts.
-A copy of the Free Documentation License is included as a file called
-FDL in the main directory of the groff source package.
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
-<html xmlns="">
-<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"/>
-<title>Mom -- Document Processing, element tags</title>
-<body bgcolor="#dfdfdf">
-<!-- ==================================================================== -->
-<a name="TOP"></a>
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-<a href="toc.html">Back to Table of Contents</a>
-<a name="DOCELEMENT"><h1 align="center"><u>The document element tags</u></h1></a>
- <li><a href="#DOCELEMENT_INTRO">Introduction to the document element tags</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#DOCELEMENT_CONTROL">Control macros &mdash; changing defaults for document element tags</a></li>
- <li><a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#FAMILY_AND_FONT">Family and font</a></li>
- <li><a href="#POINT_SIZE">Point size</a></li>
- <li><a href="#COLOR">Colour</a></li>
- <li><a href="#QUAD">Quad/justification style</a></li>
- <li><a href="#UNDERLINE">Underline style, rule weight</a></li>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#INDEX_DOCELEMENT">Index of document element tags</a></li>
-<a name="DOCELEMENT_INTRO"><h2><u>Introduction to the document element tags</u></h2></a>
-Once you've completed the setup for a document (see
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOCPROCESSING_TUT">Setting up a mom document</a>),
-formatting it is a snap. Simply invoke the appropriate tag for
-each document element as you need it. The tags are macros that
-tell <strong>mom</strong>, &quot;This is a paragraph, this
-is a subhead, this is a footnote,&quot; and so on.
-The list of tags is actually quite small &mdash; ideal for the users
-<strong>mom</strong> brought herself into being for (see
-<a href="intro.html#INTRO_INTRO">Who mom is meant for</a>).
-However, the list of macros that control the appearance of the
-tags upon output is extensive. Generally, for each tag,
-there are
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_CONTROLMACRO">control macros</a>
-for the tag's family, font and point size. Where appropriate, there
-are macros to control leading, indents, quad and special features as
-<strong>Mom</strong> has tasteful defaults for all the tags, hence
-you only use the control macros when you want to change the way she
-does things. This is usually done prior to
-<a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>,
-but can, in fact, be done at any time in the course of a document.
-Any change to a tag's style affects all subsequent invocations of
-the tag.
-<a name="DOCELEMENT_CONTROL"><h3><u>Control macros &mdash; changing defaults</u></h3></a>
-The control macros for document processing tags let you
-&quot;design&quot; the look of all the parts of your documents
-&mdash; should you wish. At a bare minimum, all tags have macros to
-change <strong>mom</strong>'s defaults for family, font, point size
-and colour. Where appropriate, there are macros to control leading,
-indents and quad as well.
-In addition, many tags have special macros to control features that
-are pertinent to those tags alone. Have a look at the section
-dealing with any particular tag to find out what macros control the
-tag, and what <strong>mom</strong>'s defaults for the tag are.
-The control macros may be used at any time during the course of
-a document (i.e. before or after
-<a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>). The changes you
-make alter all subsequent invocations of the affected tag until you
-make another change, either by passing new arguments to the tag's
-control macro, or toggling a particular feature of the tag on or
-And don't forget: the
-<a href="typesetting.html#MACROS_TYPESETTING">typesetting macros</a>
-can be used at any time, including inside
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_TOGGLE">toggle</a>
-tags (affecting only that particular invocation of the tag).
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escapes</a>
-can be used in tags that take
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_STRINGARGUMENT">string arguments.</a>
-<strong>IMPORTANT NOTE:</strong> The family, font, point size,
-colour and leading control macros have no effect in
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>,
-which sets EVERYTHING in Courier roman, 12/24 (i.e. 12-point type on
-a linespace of 24 points).
-Please also note that the defaults listed with the control macros
-apply only to
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>
-unless a default for <strong>TYPEWRITE</strong> is also given.
-<strong>A WORD OF ADVICE:</strong> Get familiar with
-<strong>mom</strong> at her default settings before exploring the
-control macros. Put her through her paces. See how she behaves.
-Get to know what she feels like and how she looks, both in your
-text editor and on the printed page. Then, if you don't like
-something, use this documentation to find the precise macro you need
-to change it. There are tons of control macros. Reading up on
-them and trying to remember them all might lead you to think that
-<strong>mom</strong> is complex and unwieldy, which is not only
-untrue, but would offend her mightily.
-<a name="CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS"><h4><u>Arguments to the control macros</u></h4></a>
-<a name="FAMILY_AND_FONT"><h5><u>Family and font</u></h5></a>
-The arguments to the control macros that end in
-<strong>_FAMILY</strong> or <strong>_FONT</strong> are the same
-as for
-<a href="typesetting.html#FAMILY">FAMILY</a>
-<a href="typesetting.html#FONT">FT</a>.
-<a name="POINT_SIZE"><h5><u>Point size</u></h5></a>
-Control macros that end in <strong>_SIZE</strong> always take
-the form <kbd>+digit</kbd> or <kbd>-digit</kbd> where digit is
-the number of
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>
-larger (+) or smaller (-) than the point size of paragraphs
-you want the document element to be. For example, to change
-subheads to 1-1/2 points larger than the type in paragraphs, do
-There's no need for a
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
-with the <strong>_SIZE</strong> control macros; points is assumed.
-<a name="COLOR"><h5><u>Colour</u></h5></a>
-Control macros that end in <strong>_COLOR</strong> take as their
-argument a colour name pre-defined (or &quot;initialized&quot;)
-<a href="color.html#NEWCOLOR">NEWCOLOR</a>
-<a href="color.html#XCOLOR">XCOLOR</a>.
-For example, if you want your heads to be red, once you've defined
-or initialized the color, red,
-will turn your heads red.
-<a name="LEAD"><h5><u>Lead/linespacing</u></h5></a>
-Control macros that end in <strong>_AUTOLEAD</strong> take the
-same argument as
-<a href="typesetting.html#AUTOLEAD">AUTOLEAD</a>,
-viz. a digit that represents the number of points to add to the
-tag's point size to arrive at its
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">lead</a>.
-For example, to set footnotes
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_SOLID">solid</a>, do
-To set footnotes with a 1-point lead (i.e. with the line spacing
-one point greater than the footnote's point size), do
-<a name="CONTROL_INDENTS"><h5><u>Indents</u></h5></a>
-Except for
-<a href="docelement.html#PARA_INDENT">PARA_INDENT</a>,
-the argument to the control
-macros that end in <strong>_INDENT</strong> can take either a single
-digit (whole numbers only; no decimal fractions) with <em>no</em>
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
-appended to it, or a digit <em>with</em> a unit of measure appended.
-A digit with <em>no</em> unit of measure appended represents by
-how much you want your paragraph first-line indents (set with
-<strong>PARA_INDENT</strong>) multiplied to achieve the correct
-indent for a particular tag.
-A digit <em>with</em> a unit of measure appended defines an
-absolute indent, relative to nothing.
-<a name="QUAD"><h5><u>Quad/justification style</u></h5></a>
-Control macros that end in <strong>_QUAD</strong> take the same
-arguments as
-<a href="typesetting.html#QUAD">QUAD</a>.
-<a name="UNDERLINE"><h5><u>Underline style, rule weight</u></h5></a>
-If <strong>mom</strong> gives the option to underline a document
-element, the weight of the underline and its distance from the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_BASELINE">baseline</a>
-are controlled by macros
-that end in <strong>_UNDERLINE</strong>.
-Page elements that are separated from
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>
-by a rule (i.e. page headers, page footers and footnotes) are
-controlled by macros that end in <strong>_RULE_WEIGHT</strong>.
-The weight argument to <strong>_UNDERLINE</strong> macros is
-the same as the argument to
-<a href="inlines.html#RULE_WEIGHT">RULE_WEIGHT</a>,
-as is the argument to <strong>_RULE_WEIGHT</strong> macros.
-<a name="INDEX_DOCELEMENT"><h2><u>Document element tags list</u></h2></a>
- <li><a href="#EPIGRAPH_INTRO">Epigraphs</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#EPIGRAPH">EPIGRAPH</a></li>
- <li><a href="#EPIGRAPH_CONTROL">Epigrah control</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#PP_INTRO">Paragraphs</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#PP">PP</a></li>
- <li><a href="#PP_CONTROL">Paragraph control</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#HEAD_INTRO">Main heads</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#HEAD">HEAD</a></li>
- <li><a href="#HEAD_CONTROL">Head control</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#SUBHEAD_INTRO">Subheads</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#SUBHEAD">SUBHEAD</a></li>
- <li><a href="#SUBHEAD_CONTROL">Subhead control</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#PARAHEAD_INTRO">Paragraph heads</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#PARAHEAD">PARAHEAD</a></li>
- <li><a href="#PARAHEAD_CONTROL">Parahead control</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#LINEBREAK_INTRO">Linebreaks (author linebreaks, section breaks)</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#LINEBREAK">LINEBREAK</a></li>
- <li><a href="#LINEBREAK_CHAR">Linebreak character</a></li>
- <li><a href="#LINEBREAK_COLOR">Linebreak colour</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#QUOTE_INTRO">Quotes (line for line)</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#QUOTE">QUOTE</a></li>
- <li><a href="#QUOTE_CONTROL">Quote control</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_INTRO">Blockquotes (cited material)</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#BLOCKQUOTE">BLOCKQUOTE</a></li>
- <li><a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_CONTROL">Blockquote control</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#CODE">CODE</a> (inserting code snippets into documents)</li>
- <li><a href="#LIST_INTRO">Nested lists</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#LIST">LIST</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#ITEM">ITEM</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#LIST_CONTROL">List control</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#NUMBER_LINES_INTRO">Line numbering</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#NUMBER_LINES">NUMBER_LINES</a></li>
- <li><a href="#NUMBER_LINES_CONTROL">Control macros</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#NUMBER_LINES_CONTROL_QUOTE">Line numbering control for QUOTE and BLOCKQUOTE</a></li>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_INTRO">Footnotes</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE">FOOTNOTE</a></li>
- <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_CONTROL">Footnote control</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_INTRO">Endnotes</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE">ENDNOTE</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_CONTROL">Endnote control</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#MARGIN_NOTES_INTRO">Margin notes</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#MN_INIT">MN_INIT</a> &mdash; initialize margin notes</li>
- <li><a href="#MN">MN</a> &mdash; start and end a margin note</li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="refer.html#TOP">Bibliographies and references</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="refer.html#REF">REF</a></li>
- <li><a href="refer.html#ENDNOTE_REFS">ENDNOTE_REFS</a></li>
- <li><a href="refer.html#FOOTNOTE_REFS">FOOTNOTE_REFS</a></li>
- <li><a href="refer.html#BRACKET_REFS">Embedded references</a></li>
- <li><a href="refer.html#BIBLIOGRAPHY">BIBLIOGRAPHY</a></li>
- <li><a href="refer.html#BIBLIOGRAPHY_TYPE">BIBLIOGRAPHY_TYPE</a></li>
- <li><a href="refer.html#BIBLIO_CONTROL">Bibliography pages style control</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#BLANK_PAGE_TITLE">Blank pages</a></li>
- <li><a href="#TOC_INTRO">Tables of contents</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#TOC">TOC</a></li>
- <li><a href="#TOC_CONTROL">Table of contents control</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#FINIS_INTRO">Document termination</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#FINIS">FINIS (Document termination)</a></li>
- <li><a href="#FINIS_STRING">Changing the FINIS string</a></li>
- <li><a href="#FINIS_COLOR">Changing the FINIS colour</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#PSPIC">Inserting images into a document &mdash; the PSPIC macro</a></li>
-<!-- ==================================================================== -->
-<a name="EPIGRAPH_INTRO"><h2><u>Epigraphs</u></h2></a>
- <li><a href="#EPIGRAPH">Tag: EPIGRAPH</a></li>
- <li><a href="#EPIGRAPH_CONTROL">Epigraph control macros</a></li>
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_EPIGRAPH">Epigraphs</a>
-colour, flavour, or comment on the document they precede.
-Typically, they are centred at the top of a document's first page
-(underneath the title) and set in a smaller point size than that of
-paragraph text.
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> sets epigraphs centred and
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_NOFILL">unfilled</a>;
-this lets you input them on a line for line basis. This behaviour
-can be changed to accomodate
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FILLED">filled</a>
-epigraph &quot;blocks.&quot;
-<!-- -EPIGRAPH- -->
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="EPIGRAPH"></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>EPIGRAPH</strong> <kbd>&lt;toggle&gt; | [ BLOCK ]</kbd></nobr>
-<strong>EPIGRAPH</strong> is a toggle, used like this:
- &lt;text of epigraph&gt;
-<kbd>OFF</kbd>, above, could be anything &mdash; say, <kbd>Q</kbd>
-or <kbd>X</kbd> &mdash; since any argument other than
-<kbd>BLOCK</kbd> turns it off.
-If given the argument, <kbd>BLOCK</kbd>, <strong>EPIGRAPH</strong>
-sets epigraphs
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FILLED">filled</a>,
-justified or quadded in the same direction as paragraphs, indented
-equally from both the left and right margins.
-If a block-style epigraph runs to more than one paragraph (unlikely,
-but conceivable), you <strong>must</strong> introduce every paragraph
-&mdash; <u>INCLUDING THE FIRST!!!</u> &mdash; with the
-<a href="#PP">PP</a>
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> <strong>EPIGRAPH</strong> should only be used
-at the top of a document (i.e. just after
-<a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>)
-or after
-<a href="#HEAD_INTRO">heads</a>.
-The latter is not especially recommended, but it does work. In all
-other places where you want quotes or cited text, use
-<a href="#QUOTE">QUOTE</a>
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="EPIGRAPH_CONTROL"><h3><u>Epigraph control macros</u></h3></a>
-<a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
-.EPIGRAPH_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
-.EPIGRAPH_FONT default = roman
-.EPIGRAPH_SIZE default = -1.5 (points)
-.EPIGRAPH_COLOR default = black
-.EPIGRAPH_AUTOLEAD default = 2 points
-(The next two apply to &quot;block&quot; style epigraphs only)
-.EPIGRAPH_QUAD default = same as paragraphs
-.EPIGRAPH_INDENT* (see below)
-*Indent here refers to the indent from both the left and right margins
- that centres the block style epigraph on the page.
-<a name="EPIGRAPH_INDENT"><h4><u>Epigraph indent</u></h4></a>
-Prior to version 1.4-b, <strong>mom</strong> allowed
-only the passing of an integer to the macro,
-<strong>EPIGRAPH_INDENT</strong>. The integer represented the
-amount by which to multiply the argument passed to
-to arrive at an indent for block style epigraphs.
-As of version 1.4-b, you can now append a
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
-to the argument passed to <strong>EPIGRAPH_INDENT</strong>,
-thus setting an absolute indent, relative to nothing. The old
-behaviour is still respected, though; in other words, if you pass
-<strong>EPIGRAPH_INDENT</strong> an integer with no unit of measure
-appended, the integer represents the amount by which to multiply
-<strong>PARA_INDENT</strong> to arrive at an indent for block style
-Please note that if your <strong>PARA_INDENT</strong>
-is <kbd>0</kbd> (i.e. no indenting of the first line of
-paragraphs), you <em><strong>must</strong></em> set an
-<strong>EPIGRAPH_INDENT</strong> yourself, with a unit of measure
-appended to the argument. <strong>Mom</strong> has no default for
-<strong>EPIGRAPH_INDENT</strong> if paragraph first lines are not being
-The default value for <strong>EPIGRAPH_INDENT</strong> is 3 (for
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>)
-and 2 (for
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>).
-<!-- ==================================================================== -->
-<a name="PP_INTRO"><h2><u>Paragraphs</u></h2></a>
- <li><a href="#PP">Tag: PP</a></li>
- <li><a href="#PP_CONTROL">Paragraph control macros</a></li>
-The paragraph macro is the one you use most often. Consequently,
-it's one of most powerful, yet simplest to use &mdash; just
-the letters <strong>PP</strong>. No arguments, nothing. Just
-<kbd>.PP</kbd> on a line by itself any time, in any document
-element, tells <strong>mom</strong> you want to start a new
-paragraph. The spacing and indent appropriate to where you are in
-your document are taken care of automatically.
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> does not indent the first paragraph
-of a document, nor paragraphs that fall immediately after
-<a href="#HEAD_INTRO">heads</a>
-<a href="#SUBHEAD_INTRO">subheads</a>.
-The first paragraphs of blockquotes and block-style epigraphs are
-also not indented. This behaviour can be changed with the control
-In contrast to some other macro sets, <strong>mom</strong> does
-not deposit a blank line between paragraphs. If you want her to do
-so, use the control macro <strong>PARA_SPACE</strong>. (I don't
-recommend using this macro with
-<a href="typesetting.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>.)
-Note that <strong>mom</strong> does not provide &quot;orphan
-control&quot; for paragraphs (i.e. even if only one line of a
-paragraph fits at the bottom of a page, she will set it on that
-page). The reason for this is that writers of fiction often have
-single-line paragraphs (e.g. in dialogue). Groff's simplistic
-orphan control will break these one-liners &mdash; if they fall at
-the bottom of the page &mdash; to a new page, which is not what you
-<strong>TIP:</strong> The last thing you want while you're writing
-and editing drafts of a document (particularly stories and chapters)
-is a text file cluttered up with <strong>PP</strong>'s. The visual
-interruption in the flow of text is a serious obstacle to creativity
-and critiquing.
-I use the tab key on my keyboard to indent paragraphs when I'm
-writing, producing a text file that looks pretty much like what
-you see on a printed page. When it comes time to format and
-print the file, I run it through a sed script that (amongst other
-things) converts the character generated by the tab key
-<nobr>( <kbd>^I</kbd> )</nobr> into <kbd>.PP</kbd> (plus a new
-line), and pipes the output to groff for processing and printing.
-Another solution is to insert a blank line between paragraphs.
-The blank lines can then be sedded out at print time as above, or,
-more conveniently, you can use the <kbd>.blm</kbd>
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PRIMITIVES">primitive</a>
-(blank line macro) to instruct groff (and <strong>mom</strong>)
-that blank lines should be interpreted as <strong>PP</strong>'s.
- .blm PP
-tells groff that all blank lines are really the macro <strong>PP</strong>.
-<!-- -PP- -->
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="PP"></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>PP</strong></nobr>
-<kbd>.PP</kbd> (on a line by itself, of course) tells mom to
-start a new paragraph. See
-<a href="#PP_INTRO">above</a>
-for more details. In addition to regular text paragraphs, you can
-use <strong>PP</strong> in
-<a href="#EPIGRAPH_INTRO">epigraphs</a>,
-<a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_INTRO">blockquotes</a>
-<a href="#FOOTNOTE_INTRO">footnotes</a>.
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="PP_CONTROL"><h3><u>Paragraph control macros</u></h3></a>
-The <strong>PP</strong> macro being so important, and representing,
-as it were, the basis of everything that goes on in a document,
-its control is managed in a manner somewhat different from other
-document element tags.
- <li><a href="#PP_FAMILY">Family control</a></li>
- <li><a href="#PP_FONT">Font control</a></li>
- <li><a href="#PP_COLOR">Paragraph colour</a></li>
- <li><a href="#PP_LEADING">Leading/linespacing control</a></li>
- <li><a href="#PP_JUST_QUAD">Justification/quad control</a></li>
- <li><a href="#PARA_INDENT">First-line indent control</a></li>
- <li><a href="#PARA_INDENT_FIRST">Initial paragraphs indent control</a></li>
- <li><a href="#PP_SPACE">Paragraph spacing control</a></li>
-<a name="PP_FAMILY"><h4><u>1. Family</u></h4></a>
-The paragraph
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FAMILY">family</a>
-is set with
-<a href="typesetting.html#FAMILY">FAMILY</a>
-prior to
-<a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>,
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOC_FAMILY">DOC_FAMILY</a>
-afterwards. Please note that both globally affect the family of
-every element in the document.
-If you wish to change the family for regular text paragraphs only,
-invoke <kbd>.FAMILY</kbd> immediately after <kbd>.PP</kbd>
-in EVERY paragraph whose family you wish to differ from the
-prevailing document family.
-<strong>Mom</strong>'s default paragraph (and document) family
-is Times Roman.
-<a name="PP_FONT"><h4><u>2. Font &mdash; PP_FONT</u></h4></a>
-To change the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FONT">font</a>
-used in regular text paragraphs, use <kbd>.PP_FONT</kbd>,
-which takes the same argument as
-<a href="typesetting.html#FONT">FT</a>.
-<strong>PP_FONT</strong> may be used before or after
-<a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>.
-Only regular text paragraphs are affected; paragraphs in
-<a href="#EPIGRAPH_INTRO">epigraphs</a>,
-<a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_INTRO">blockquotes</a>
-<a href="#FOOTNOTE_INTRO">footnotes</a>
-remain at their default setting (medium roman) unless you change them
-with the appropriate control macros.
-<strong>Mom</strong>'s default paragraph font is medium roman.
-<a name="PP_COLOR"><h4><u>3. Paragraph colour</u></h4></a>
-<strong>Mom</strong> has no special control macro for colourizing
-paragraphs. If you wish a colourized paragraph, you must use the
-<a href="color.html#COLOR">COLOR</a>,
-or the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINE">inline escape</a>,
-<a href="color.html#COLOR_INLINE"><kbd>\*[&lt;colorname&gt;]</kbd></a>,
-<em>after</em> <kbd>.PP</kbd>. The colour must be one pre-defined
-(or &quot;initialized&quot;) with
-<a href="color.html#NEWCOLOR">NEWCOLOR</a>
-<a href="color.html#XCOLOR">XCOLOR</a>.
-Please note that unless you change the colour back to it's default
-(usually black) at the end of the paragraph, all subsequent
-paragraphs will be set in the new colour, although most other
-elements of your document will continue to be set in the default
-colour (usually black).
-For example, assuming you have defined the colour, blue,
- .PP
- .COLOR blue
- &lt;first paragraph&gt;
- .HEAD "Monty Python"
- .SUBHEAD "The Origins of Spam"
- .PP
- &lt;second paragraph&gt;
-the first paragraph will be blue, the head and subhead will be in
-the document's default colour (usually black), and the second
-paragraph will be in blue.
-The one document element that is affected by changing the colour of
-paragraphs is
-<a href="#PARAHEAD">paraheads</a>,
-since paraheads are attached directly to the body of paragraphs. In
-other words, if you change the colour of a paragraph and do not
-reset the paragraph colour back to its default, subsequent paraheads
-will appear in the same colour as your paragraphs unless you have
-explicitly told <strong>mom</strong> you want a pre-defined (or
-&quot;initialized&quot;) color (usually black) for your paraheads.
-See the footnote to
-<a name="PP_LEADING"><h4><u>4. Leading</u></h4></a>
-The paragraph
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">leading</a>
-is set with
-<a href="typesetting.html#LEADING">LS</a>
-prior to
-<a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>,
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOC_LEAD">DOC_LEAD</a>
-afterwards. Please note that either method globally affects the
-leading and spacing of every document element (except
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_HEADER">headers</a>
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FOOTER">footers</a>).
-If you wish to change the leading of regular text paragraphs only,
-invoke <kbd>.LS</kbd> immediately after <kbd>.PP</kbd> in EVERY
-paragraph whose leading you wish to change.
-<strong>HYPER-IMPORTANT NOTE:</strong> It is extremely unwise to
-change paragraph leading with <strong>LS</strong>, as it will,
-in all cases, screw up <strong>mom</strong>'s ability to balance
-the bottom margin of pages. Should you absolutely need to change
-paragraph leading with <strong>LS</strong>, and subsequently want
-<strong>mom</strong> to get back on the right leading track, use the
-<a href="docprocessing.html#SHIM">SHIM</a>
-<strong>Mom</strong>'s default paragraph leading (document leading)
-is 16 points, adjusted to fill the page.
-<a name="PP_JUST_QUAD"><h4><u>5. Justification/quad</u></h4></a>
-The justification/quad-direction of regular text paragraphs (i.e.
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_JUST">justified</a>,
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FILLED">filled</a>
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_QUAD">quadded</a>
-left/right/centre) is set with
-<a href="typesetting.html#JUSTIFY">JUSTIFY</a>
-<a href="typesetting.html#QUAD">QUAD</a>
-prior to
-<a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>,
-and with
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOC_QUAD">DOC_QUAD</a>
-Please note that either method of setting the paragraph
-justification/quad-direction also affects
-<a href="#EPIGRAPH_INTRO">epigraphs</a>
-<a href="#FOOTNOTE_INTRO">footnotes</a>,
-but not
-<a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_INTRO">blockquotes</a>
-(whose default is QUAD LEFT unless you change it with
-The justification/quad-direction of epigraphs and footnotes may
-be changed with their own control macros.
-If you wish to change the justification/quad-direction of
-individual paragraphs, invoke
-<a href="typesetting.html#JUSTIFY"><kbd>.JUSTIFY</kbd></a>
-<a href="typesetting.html#QUAD"><kbd>.QUAD</kbd></a>
-on the line immediately after <kbd>.PP</kbd>. Only the paragraph
-in question gets justified or quadded differently; subsequent
-paragraphs remain unaffected.
-<strong>Mom</strong>'s default justification/quad-direction for
-paragraphs is
- <li>justified, for
- <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE_TYPESET</a>
- </li>
- <li>quad left, for
- <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE_TYPEWRITE</a>
- </li>
-<a name="PARA_INDENT"><h4><u>6. First-line indent &mdash; PARA_INDENT</u></h4></a>
-The first-line indent of paragraphs is controlled by
-<kbd>.PARA_INDENT</kbd>, which takes one argument: the size of
-the indent. <strong>PARA_INDENT</strong> may be used before or after
-<a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>.
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
-is required; fractional sizes are allowed. Thus, to set the paragraph
-indent to 4-1/2
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_EM">ems</a>, do
-In addition to establishing the basic first line-indent of
-paragraphs, <strong>PARA_INDENT</strong> also affects
-<a href="#EPIGRAPH_INTRO">epigraphs</a>,
-<a href="#QUOTE_INTRO">quotes</a>
-<a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_INTRO">blockquotes</a>,
-whose overall indenting from the left and (where applicable)
-right margins is relative to <strong>PARA_INDENT</strong> if
-the <strong>_INDENT</strong> control macro for these tags has
-no <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of
-measure</a> appended to it. Furthermore, the first-line indent of
-paragraphs within these document elements (as well as footnotes)
-is also relative to <strong>PARA_INDENT</strong> (always 1/2 of
-<strong>PARA_INDENT)</strong>), hence they are also affected.
-<strong>Mom</strong>'s default <strong>PARA_INDENT</strong> is 2 ems
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE_TYPESET</a>
-and 3 picas (1/2 inch) for
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE_TYPEWRITE</a>.
-<a name="PARA_INDENT_FIRST"><h4><u>7. Indenting initial paragraphs &mdash; INDENT_FIRST_PARAS</u></h4></a>
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> does not indent the first paragraph
-of a document, nor the first paragraph after a head or subhead, nor
-the first paragraphs of
-<a href="#EPIGRAPH_INTRO">epigraphs</a>,
-<a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_INTRO">blockquotes</a>
-<a href="#FOOTNOTE_INTRO">footnotes</a>
-that run to more than one paragraph.
-<a name="INDENT_FIRST_PARAS"></a>
-If you wish to have first paragraphs indented, invoke the macro
-<kbd>.INDENT_FIRST_PARAS</kbd> without an argument, either before or
-<a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>.
-<strong>INDENT_FIRST_PARAS</strong> is a toggle macro, therefore
-passing it any argument (<strong>OFF, QUIT, Q, X</strong>...)
-cancels its effect, meaning that first paragraphs will once again
-NOT be indented.
-<a name="PP_SPACE"><h4><u>8. Spacing paragraphs &mdash; PARA_SPACE</u></h4></a>
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> does not insert a blank line
-between paragraphs. If you would like her to do so, invoke the
-macro, <kbd>.PARA_SPACE</kbd>, without an argument, either before or
-<a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>.
-<strong>PARA_SPACE</strong> is a toggle macro, therefore passing
-it any argument (<strong>OFF, QUIT, Q, X</strong>...) cancels its
-effect, meaning that paragraphs will once again NOT be separated by
-a blank line.
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> If <strong>PARA_SPACE</strong> is on,
-<strong>mom</strong> spaces only those paragraphs that come after
-an &quot;initial&quot; paragraph. Initial paragraphs are those
-that come immediately after the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_DOCHEADER">docheader</a>,
-<a href="#EPIGRAPH_INTRO">epigraphs</a>,
-<a href="#HEAD_INTRO">heads</a>,
-<a href="#SUBHEAD_INTRO">subheads</a>
-<a href="#LINEBREAK_INTRO">linebreaks</a>.
-(The first paragraph after these document elements requires no
-blank line to separate it from other paragraphs.)
-Sometimes, you can be fairly deep into a document before using
-<strong>PP</strong> for the first time, and when you do, because
-<strong>mom</strong> is still waiting for that &quot;initial&quot;
-paragraph, she doesn't space it with a blank line, even though
-you expect her to. The simple workaround for this is to invoke
-<kbd>.PP</kbd> <em>twice</em> (in succession) at the point you
-expect the blank line to appear.
-<!-- ==================================================================== -->
-<a name="HEAD_INTRO"><h2><u>Main heads</u></h2></a>
- <li><a href="#HEAD">Tag: HEAD</a></li>
- <li><a href="#HEAD_CONTROL">Head control macros</a></li>
-Main heads &mdash; or, in this documentation, just &quot;heads&quot;
-&mdash; should be used any place you want titles to introduce
-major sections of a document. If you wish, <strong>mom</strong>
-can number your heads for you. Head numbers can also be included
-hierarchically in numbered
-<a href="#SUBHEAD_INTRO">subheads</a>
-<a href="#PARAHEAD_INTRO">paraheads</a>.
-By default, heads are centred on the page, underlined,
-all in caps. A double linespace precedes each head. In
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>,
-heads are bold, slightly larger than paragraph text.
-If these defaults don't suit you, you can change them with the
-head control macros.
-<!-- -HEAD- -->
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="HEAD"></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>HEAD</strong> <kbd>&quot;&lt;text of head&gt;&quot; [ &quot;&lt;2nd line&gt;&quot; [ &quot;&lt;3rd line&gt;&quot; ... ] ]</kbd></nobr>
-The argument to <strong>HEAD</strong> is the text of the head,
-surrounded by double-quotes. If you need additional lines for a
-head, simply surround each line with double-quotes.
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> If a head falls near the bottom of an output
-page and <strong>mom</strong> is unable to fit the head <em>plus at
-least one line of text underneath it</em>, she will set the head at
-the top of the next page.
-<strong>ADDITIONAL NOTE:</strong> If an
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INPUTLINE">input line</a>
-in a head (i.e. one of the lines surrounded by double-quotes) has
-to be broken by <strong>mom</strong> in order to fit the current
-line-length (say, a narrow column measure), the head underline
-(underscore) will not behave. You'll recognize the problem as soon
-as you preview your document. If you encounter a head that
-misbehaves with respect to underlining, the solution is to
-supply each line <em>as you want it</em> as a separate argument
-(surrounded by double-quotes) to the <strong>HEAD</strong> macro.
-For example, if <strong>mom</strong> breaks
- .HEAD "This is a very, very, very long head"
- This is a very, very, very
- long head
-you'll see the misbehaving underscore and should change the
-argument to <strong>HEAD</strong> to
- .HEAD "This is a very, very very" "long head"
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="HEAD_CONTROL"><h3><u>Head control macros</u></h3></a>
-There are, in addition to the usual family/font/size/quad control
-macros, a number of macros to manage head numbering, spacing,
-underlining, and so on. Check them out if you're unhappy with
-<strong>mom</strong>'s defaults.
- <li><a href="#HEAD_GENERAL">Family/font/size/colour/quad</a></li>
- <li><a href="#HEAD_CAPS">Caps</a></li>
- <li><a href="#HEAD_SPACE">Pre-head space</a></li>
- <li><a href="#HEAD_UNDERLINE">Underlining</a></li>
- <li><a href="#NUMBER_HEADS">Numbering</a></li>
- <li><a href="#RESET_HEAD_NUMBER">Reset head numbering</a></li>
- <li><a href="#HEAD_INLINES">Vertical inline escapes inside heads</a></li>
-<a name="HEAD_GENERAL"><h4><u>1. Family/font/size/colour/quad</u></h4></a>
-<a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
-.HEAD_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
-.HEAD_FONT default = bold
-.HEAD_SIZE default = +1 (point)
-.HEAD_COLOR default = black
-.HEAD_QUAD default = CENTER
-<a name="HEAD_CAPS"><h4><u>2. Capitalizing heads &mdash; HEAD_CAPS</u></h4></a>
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> sets heads in caps, regardless
-of the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_STRINGARGUMENT">string(s)</a>
-you give to
-<a href="#HEAD">HEAD</a>.
-To change this behaviour, do
-<strong>HEAD_CAPS</strong> is a toggle macro, therefore you can use
-any argument you like instead of <strong>OFF</strong> (<strong>END,
-QUIT, Q, X</strong>...). To turn <strong>HEAD_CAPS</strong> back
-on, simply invoke it without an argument.
-<a name="HEAD_SPACE"><h4><u>3. Space before heads &mdash; HEAD_SPACE</u></h4></a>
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> deposits 2 blank lines prior to
-every head. If you'd prefer just a single blank line, do
-<strong>HEAD_SPACE</strong> is a toggle macro, therefore you can use
-any argument you like instead of <strong>OFF</strong> (<strong>END,
-QUIT, Q, X</strong>...). To restore the space before heads to 2
-blank lines, invoke <kbd>.HEAD_SPACE</kbd> without an argument.
-<a name="HEAD_UNDERLINE"><h4><u>4. Underlining heads &mdash; HEAD_UNDERLINE</u></h4></a>
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> underlines heads. To change this
-behaviour, do
-<strong>HEAD_UNDERLINE</strong> can be used as a toggle macro, therefore you can
-use any argument you like instead of <strong>OFF</strong> (<strong>END,
-QUIT, Q, X</strong>...) to turn it off, or invoke it by itself to
-turn head underlining on.
-As of version 1.5 of <strong>mom</strong>, you can now use
-<strong>HEAD_UNDERLINE</strong> to set the weight of the underline
-and its distance from the head, in addition to simply toggling head
-underlining on or off. The order of arguments is <kbd>weight</kbd>,
-optionally followed by <kbd>gap</kbd>, where &quot;gap&quot; is the
-distance from the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_BASELINE">baseline</a>
-of the head to the underline.
-The <kbd>weight</kbd> argument is given in points, or fractions
-thereof, and must NOT have the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>,
-<kbd>p</kbd>, appended. Like
-<a href="inlines.html#RULE_WEIGHT">RULE_WEIGHT</a>,
-weights MUST be greater than 0 and less than 100.
-<strong>Mom</strong>'s default for head underlines is 1/2 point.
-The <kbd>gap</kbd> argument can be given using any unit of measure,
-and MUST have the unit of measure appended to the argument. The
-distance of the gap is measured from the baseline of the head to
-the upper edge of the underline. <strong>Mom</strong>'s default
-gap for head underlines is 2 points.
-As an example, supposed you want your heads underlined with a
-4-point rule separated from the head by 3 points. The way to
-accomplish that is:
-If you wanted the same thing, but were content with
-<strong>mom</strong>'s default gap of 2 points,
-would do the trick.
-Please note that if you supply a weight to
-<strong>HEAD_UNDERLINE</strong>, and optionally a gap, you also turn
-the underlining of heads on; if this is not what you want, you must
-turn head underlining off manually afterwards.
-<a name="NUMBER_HEADS"><h3><u>5. Number heads &mdash; NUMBER_HEADS</u></h3></a>
-If you'd like your heads numbered, simply invoke
-<kbd>.NUMBER_HEADS</kbd> with no argument. <strong>Mom</strong>
-will number all subsequent heads automatically (in ascending order,
-If, in addition to numbering heads, you also request that
-<a href="#SUBHEAD_INTRO">subheads</a>
-<a href="#PARAHEAD_INTRO">paraheads</a>
-be numbered, the head number will be included in their numbers
-(each number separated by a period [dot]).
-Should you wish to stop head numbering, invoke
-<kbd>.NUMBER_HEADS</kbd> with any argument (<strong>OFF, QUIT,
-END, X</strong>...). Head numbering will cease, and the head number
-will not be included in the numbering of subheads and/or paraheads.
-See also
-if you'd like chapter numbers prepended to the head numbers.
-<a name="RESET_HEAD_NUMBER"><h4><u>6. Reset head numbering &mdash; RESET_HEAD_NUMBER</u></h4></a>
-Should you wish to reset the head number to &quot;1&quot;, invoke
-<kbd>.RESET_HEAD_NUMBER</kbd> with no argument. If, for some
-reason, you want <strong>mom</strong> to use a head number that is not
-the next in ascending order (i.e. the last head number + 1), invoke
-<kbd>.RESET_HEAD_NUMBER</kbd> with the number you want, e.g.
-Your next head will be numbered &quot;6&quot; and subsequent heads will
-be numbered in ascending order from &quot;6&quot;.
-<a name="HEAD_INLINES"><h4><u>7. Vertical inline escapes inside heads</u></h4></a>
-If you need to adjust the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_BASELINE">baseline</a>
-position of a head (e.g. the head falls at the top of a column and
-you want its
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_ASCENDER">ascenders</a>
-to line up with the ascenders of
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>
-in other columns), you can embed a vertical motion
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escape</a>
-<a href="inlines.html#INLINE_VERTICAL_MOM">mom</a>'s
-<a href="inlines.html#INLINE_VERTICAL_GROFF">groff</a>'s
-in the string(s) you pass to <strong>HEAD</strong>.
-For example,
- .HEAD "\[ALD3]Text of head"
- or
- .HEAD "\[DOWN 3p]Text of head"
-will lower the baseline of the head by three points. Note that
-there's no need to reverse the sense of the inline escape.
-In the case of heads that run to more than one line, you must embed
-the escape in the string for each line, like this:
- .HEAD "\[ALD3]First line" "\[ALD3]Next line"
- or
- .HEAD "\[DOWN 3p]First line" "\[DOWN 3p]Next line"
-<!-- ==================================================================== -->
-<a name="SUBHEAD_INTRO"><h2><u>Subheads</u></h2></a>
- <li><a href="#SUBHEAD">Tag: SUBHEAD</a></li>
- <li><a href="#SUBHEAD_CONTROL">Subhead control macros</a></li>
-Subheads should be used any place you want titles to introduce
-sections of a document below heads. If you wish, <strong>mom</strong>
-can number subheads for you. Subhead numbers can also be included
-hierarchically in numbered
-<a href="#PARAHEAD_INTRO">paraheads</a>.
-By default, subheads are flush left. In
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>,
-they are set bold, slightly larger than paragraph text. In
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>,
-they are underlined. A single linespace precedes them in both
-printstyles, and a tiny space adjustment raises them slightly
-above text that comes afterwards for greater clarity in
-document structuring.
-If these defaults don't suit you, you can change them with the
-subhead control macros.
-<!-- -SUBHEAD- -->
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="SUBHEAD"></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>SUBHEAD</strong> <kbd>&quot;&lt;text of subhead&gt;&quot; [ &quot;&lt;2nd line&gt;&quot; [ &quot;&lt;3rd line&gt;&quot; ... ] ]</kbd></nobr>
-The argument to <strong>SUBHEAD</strong> is the text of the subhead,
-surrounded by double-quotes. If you need additional lines for a
-subhead, simply surround each line with double-quotes.
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> If a subhead falls near the bottom of an output
-page and <strong>mom</strong> is unable to fit the head <em>plus at
-least one line of text underneath it</em>, she will set the subhead
-at the top of the next page.
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="SUBHEAD_CONTROL"><h3><u>Subhead control macros</u></h3></a>
-In addition to the usual family/font/size/quad control
-macros, there are macros to manage subhead numbering.
- <li><a href="#SUBHEAD_GENERAL">Family/font/size/colour/quad</a></li>
- <li><a href="#NUMBER_SUBHEADS">Numbering</a></li>
- <li><a href="#RESET_SUBHEAD_NUMBER">Reset subhead numbering</a></li>
- <li><a href="#SUBHEAD_INLINES">Vertical inline escapes inside subheads</a></li>
-<a name="SUBHEAD_GENERAL"><h4><u>1. Family/font/size/quad</u></h4></a>
-<a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
-.SUBHEAD_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
-.SUBHEAD_FONT default = bold
-.SUBHEAD_SIZE default = +.5 (point)
-.SUBHEAD_COLOR default = black
-<a name="NUMBER_SUBHEADS"><h4><u>2. Number subheads &mdash; NUMBER_SUBHEADS</u></h4></a>
-If you'd like your subheads numbered, simply invoke
-<kbd>.NUMBER_SUBHEADS</kbd> with no argument. <strong>Mom</strong>
-will number all subsequent subheads automatically (in ascending
-order, naturally).
-If, in addition to numbering subheads, you also request that
-<a href="#HEAD_INTRO">heads</a>
-be numbered, the head number will be included in the subhead number
-(separated by a period [dot]).
-Should you wish to stop subhead numbering, invoke
-<kbd>.NUMBER_SUBHEADS</kbd> with any argument (<strong>OFF, QUIT,
-END, X</strong>...). Subhead numbering will cease, and the subhead
-number will not be included in the numbering of paraheads.
-See also
-if you'd like chapter numbers prepended to the subhead numbers.
-<a name="RESET_SUBHEAD_NUMBER"><h4><u>3. Reset subhead numbering &mdash; RESET_SUBHEAD_NUMBER</u></h4></a>
-Should you wish to reset the subhead number to &quot;1&quot;, invoke
-<kbd>.RESET_SUBHEAD_NUMBER</kbd> with no argument. If, for some
-reason, you want <strong>mom</strong> to use a subhead number that
-is not the next in ascending order (i.e. the last subhead number +
-1), invoke <kbd>.RESET_SUBHEAD_NUMBER</kbd> with the number you
-want, e.g.
-Your next subhead will be numbered &quot;4&quot; and subsequent
-subheads will be numbered in ascending order from &quot;4&quot;.
-<a name="SUBHEAD_INLINES"><h4><u>Vertical inline escapes inside subheads</u></h4></a>
-<a href="#HEAD_INLINES">Vertical inline escapes inside heads</a>.
-The information there applies equally to subheads.
-<!-- ==================================================================== -->
-<a name="PARAHEAD_INTRO"><h2><u>Paragraph heads</u></h2></a>
- <li><a href="#PARAHEAD">Tag: PARAHEAD</a></li>
- <li><a href="#PARAHEAD_CONTROL">Parahead control macros</a></li>
-Paragraph heads (paraheads) should be used any place you want titles
-to introduce paragraphs below heads or subheads. If you wish,
-<strong>mom</strong> can number paraheads for you.
-By default, paraheads are joined to the body of a paragraph,
-slightly indented (provided the paragraph is not a
-&quot;first&quot; paragraph as defined in
-<a href="#PARA_INDENT_FIRST">Indenting initial paragraphs</a>)
-and separated from the body of the paragraph by a small amount of
-horizontal space. In
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>,
-they are set bold italic, slightly larger than paragraph text. In
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>,
-they are underlined.
-If these defaults don't suit you, you can change them with the
-parahead control macros.
-<strong>Tip:</strong> If you really need a heading level below
-subhead (a sub-subhead) that isn't joined to the body of a
-paragraph, you can trick <strong>PARAHEAD</strong> into giving you
-one by creating a paragraph that contains only a parahead, like this:
- .PP
- .PARAHEAD "My Sub-Subhead"
- .PP
- &lt;text&gt;
-<!-- -PARAHEAD- -->
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="PARAHEAD"></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>PARAHEAD</strong> <kbd>&quot;&lt;text of parahead&gt;&quot;</kbd></nobr>
-<strong>PARAHEAD</strong> must come AFTER
-<a href="#PP">PP</a>
-or it will not work!
-The argument is the text of the parahead, surrounded by
-double-quotes. Because paraheads are joined to the body of a
-paragraph, they accept only one argument (see
-<a href="#HEAD">HEAD</a>
-<a href="#SUBHEAD">SUBHEAD</a>).
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="PARAHEAD_CONTROL"><h3><u>Parahead control macros</u></h3></a>
-In addition to the family/font/size/colour/indent control macros,
-there are macros to manage parahead numbering.
- <li><a href="#PARAHEAD_GENERAL">Family/font/size/color</a></li>
- <li><a href="#PARAHEAD_INDENT">Indent</a></li>
- <li><a href="#PARAHEAD_SPACE">Horizontal space</a></li>
- <li><a href="#NUMBER_PARAHEADS">Numbering</a></li>
- <li><a href="#RESET_PARAHEAD_NUMBER">Reset parahead numbering</a></li>
-<a name="PARAHEAD_GENERAL"><h4><u>1. Family/font/size/colour</u></h4></a>
-<a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
-.PARAHEAD_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
-.PARAHEAD_FONT default = bold italic
-.PARAHEAD_SIZE default = +.5 (point)
-<a name="PARAHEAD_COLOR">.PARAHEAD_COLOR default = black*</a>
-*If you colourize paragraph text, paraheads will appear in the same
-colour as the text unless you explicitly tell mom to colour them
-otherwise by invoking .PARAHEAD_COLOR. If you do want paraheads
-that are coloured the same as paragraph text, it's generally a good
-idea to invoke .PARAHEAD_COLOR anyway (with the same colour used
-for paragraph text), just to let mom know.
-<a name="PARAHEAD_INDENT"><h4><u>2. Indent</u></h4></a>
-Unlike other control macros that end in
-<a href="#CONTROL_INDENTS"><strong>_INDENT</strong></a>,
-the argument to the macro that controls indenting of paragraph heads
-(<strong>PARAHEAD_INDENT</strong>) is NOT relative to the first-line
-indent of normal paragraphs. In other words, it takes an absolute
-value, and requires a
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>.
-For example, to set the paragraph head indent to 2-1/2 picas, you
-<strong>Mom</strong>'s default indent for paragraph heads is 1/2
-the first-line indent of normal paragraphs (both printstyles).
-However, as stated above, if you choose to change the indent, you
-must give an absolute value (unless you're a groff expert and want
-to manipulate the number register <kbd>\n[#PP_INDENT]u</kbd>
-arithmetically as the argument to <strong>PARAHEAD_INDENT</strong>
-for an indent that's relative to <strong>PP_INDENT</strong>.)
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> Paragraph heads in &quot;first
-paragraphs&quot;, as defined in
-<a href="#PARA_INDENT_FIRST">Indenting initial paragraphs</a>,
-are not indented unless you turn
-<a name="PARAHEAD_SPACE"><h4><u>3. Horizontal space</u></h4></a>
-The default amount of horizontal space between a parahead and the
-text that begins the body of a paragraph is 2/3 of an
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_EM">em</a>
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>)
-and 1
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FIGURESPACE">figure space</a>
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>).
-The default for <strong>TYPEWRITE</strong> is fixed, but if the
-default for <strong>TYPESET</strong> doesn't suit you, you can
-change it with the macro, <strong>PARAHEAD_SPACE</strong>.
-<strong>PARAHEAD_SPACE</strong> takes just one argument: the amount
-of space you want, with a
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
-appended. Thus, if you want the horizontal space between a parahead
-and the start of paragraph text to be 6
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>,
-you'd do:
-<a name="NUMBER_PARAHEADS"><h4><u>4. Number paraheads &mdash; NUMBER_PARAHEADS</u></h4></a>
-If you'd like your paraheads numbered, simply invoke
-<kbd>.NUMBER_PARAHEADS</kbd> with no argument. <strong>Mom</strong>
-will number all subsequent paraheads automatically (in ascending
-order, naturally).
-If, in addition to numbering paraheads, you also request that
-<a href="#HEAD_INTRO">heads</a>
-<a href="#SUBHEAD_INTRO">subheads</a>
-be numbered, the head and/or subhead number will be included in the
-parahead number (separated by a period [dot]).
-Should you wish to stop parahead numbering, invoke
-<kbd>.NUMBER_PARAHEADS</kbd> with any argument (<strong>OFF, QUIT,
-END, X</strong>...). Parahead numbering will cease.
-See also
-if you'd like chapter numbers prepended to the paragraph head
-<a name="RESET_PARAHEAD_NUMBER"><h4><u>5. Reset paragraph head numbering &mdash; RESET_PARAHEAD_NUMBER</u></h4></a>
-Should you wish to reset the parahead number to &quot;1&quot;, invoke
-<kbd>.RESET_PARAHEAD_NUMBER</kbd> with no argument. If, for some
-reason, you want <strong>mom</strong> to use a parahead number that is not
-the next in ascending order (i.e. the last parahead number + 1), invoke
-<kbd>.RESET_PARAHEAD_NUMBER</kbd> with the number you want, e.g.
-Your next parahead will be numbered &quot;7&quot; and subsequent
-paraheads will be numbered in ascending order from &quot;7&quot;.
-<!-- ==================================================================== -->
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>PREFIX_CHAPTER_NUMBER</strong> <kbd>&lt;none&gt; | &lt;chapter number as digit&gt; | &lt;anything&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-If you've requested numbering of heads, subheads and/or paragraph
-heads (with
-and you'd like <strong>mom</strong>, in addition, to prefix
-a chapter number to the numbering scheme, you can do so with
-<strong>PREFIX_CHAPTER_NUMBERS</strong>. After you invoke
-<kbd>.PREFIX_CHAPTER_NUMBERS</kbd>, <strong>mom</strong> will
-prepend the current chapter number to all subsequent head elements
-(main heads, subheads or paragraph heads) for which you have
-requested numbering. Thus, assuming chapter number twelve (12),
- ------------------
-1.1. First Subhead Under Main Head
- ---------------------
-12.1.1. First Subhead Under Main Head
-When you invoke <kbd>.PREFIX_CHAPTER_NUMBERS</kbd> without an
-argument, <strong>mom</strong> checks to see whether the argument
-you passed to
-<a href="docprocessing.html#CHAPTER">CHAPTER</a>
-is a digit. If it is, she immediately starts pre-pending the
-current chapter number to numbered head elements. If it isn't
-(say you've called your chapter &quot;One&quot; instead of
-&quot;1&quot;), <strong>mom</strong> will abort with a request that
-you pass <strong>PREFIX_CHAPTER_NUMBER</strong> a digit representing
-the current chapter number.
-In collated documents, <strong>mom</strong> automatically increments
-the digit used by <strong>PREFIX_CHAPTER_NUMBER</strong> by one
-(current chapter digit + 1) every time you invoke
-<a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE"><kbd>.COLLATE</kbd></a>,
-even if you've (temporarily) turned off the prefixing of chapter
-numbers. Thus, even if you call your chapters &quot;One&quot;,
-&quot;Two&quot;, &quot;Three&quot; instead of &quot;1&quot;,
-&quot;2&quot;, &quot;3&quot;, <strong>mom</strong> will Do
-The Right Thing with respect to numbering head elements in
-all collated chapters following the first invocation of
-<strong>PREFIX_CHAPTER_NUMBER</strong> (assuming, of course,
-that the collated chapters are in incrementing order; if
-not, you <em>must</em> must put
- .PREFIX_CHAPTER_NUMBER &lt;chapter number&gt;
-somewhere after the invocation of <strong>COLLATE</strong> and
-before the first numbered head element of each collated document).
-<strong>PREFIX_CHAPTER_NUMBER</strong> can be disabled by passing
-it any argument other than a digit (e.g. <strong>OFF, QUIT, END,
-X</strong>, etc), although, as noted above, <strong>mom</strong>
-will keep, and &mdash; in the case of collated documents &mdash;
-increment the chapter number, allowing you to turn prefixing of
-chapter numbers to numbered head elements off and on according to
-your needs or whims.
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> Because
-<strong>PREFIX_CHAPTER_NUMBER</strong> takes an (optional) digit
-representing the chapter number, it's use need not be restricted to
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOCTYPE">DOCTYPE CHAPTER</a>.
-You can use it with any document type. Furthermore, even if your
-doctype isn't &quot;CHAPTER&quot;, you can identify the document as
-a chapter <em>for the purposes of numbering head elements</em> by
-invoking the macro,
-<a href="docprocessing.html#CHAPTER"><kbd>.CHAPTER</kbd></a>,
-with a
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_NUMERICARGUMENT">numeric argument</a>
-in your document setup.
-<!-- ==================================================================== -->
-<a name="LINEBREAK_INTRO"><h2><u>Author linebreaks (section breaks)</u></h2></a>
- <li><a href="#LINEBREAK">Tag: LINEBREAK</a></li>
- <li><a href="#LINEBREAK_CHAR">Linebreak character control macros</a></li>
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> marks
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LINEBREAK">author linebreaks</a>
-(also called &quot;section breaks&quot;) with three centred asterisks.
-You can change this behaviour with the linebreak character
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_CONTROLMACRO">control macro</a>.
-<!-- -LINEBREAK- -->
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="LINEBREAK"></a>
-Macro: <strong>LINEBREAK</strong>
-Alias: <strong>SECTION</strong>
-<strong>LINEBREAK</strong> takes no arguments. Simply invoke it
-(on a line by itself, of course) whenever you want to insert an
-author linebreak. The appearance of the linebreak is controlled
-by the
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="LINEBREAK_CHAR"><h4><u>Linebreak character control macro</u></h4></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>LINEBREAK_CHAR</strong> <kbd>[ &lt;character&gt; ] [ &lt;iterations&gt; [ &lt;vertical adjustment&gt; ] ]</kbd></nobr>
-Alias: <strong>SECTION_CHAR</strong>
-<em>*The third optional argument requires a
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a></em>.
-<strong>LINEBREAK_CHAR</strong> determines what <strong>mom</strong>
-prints when <strong>LINEBREAK</strong> is invoked. It takes 3
-optional arguments: the character you want deposited at the line
-break, the number of times you want the character repeated, and a
-vertical adjustment factor.
-The first argument is any valid groff character (e.g. <kbd>*</kbd>
-[an asterisk], <kbd>\(dg</kbd> [a dagger], <kbd>\f(ZD\N'141\fP</kbd>
-[an arbitrary character from Zapf Dingbats], <kbd>\l'4P'</kbd> [a
-4-pica long rule]). <strong>Mom</strong> sets the character centred
-on the current line length. (See &quot;man groff_char&quot; for a
-list of all valid groff characters.)
-The second argument is the number of times to repeat the character.
-The third argument is a +|-value by which to raise (+) or lower (-)
-the character in order to make it appear visually centred between
-sections of text. This lets you make vertical adjustments to
-characters that don't sit on the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_BASELINE">baseline</a>
-(such as asterisks). The argument must be preceded by a plus or
-minus sign, and must include a unit of measure.
-If you enter <strong>LINEBREAK_CHAR</strong> with no arguments,
-sections of text will be separated by two blank lines when you
-invoke <kbd>.LINEBREAK</kbd>.
-<strong>Mom</strong>'s default for <strong>LINEBREAK_CHAR</strong> is
-i.e. three asterisks, lowered 3 points from their normal vertical
-position (for
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>;
-the vertical adjustment is -2 points for
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>).
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="LINEBREAK_COLOR"><h4><u>Linebreak colour control macro</u></h4></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>LINEBREAK_COLOR</strong> <kbd>&lt;color name&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-To change the colour of the linebreak character(s), simply invoke
-<kbd>.LINBREAK_COLOR</kbd> with the name of a pre-defined (or
-&quot;initialized&quot;) colour.
-<!-- ==================================================================== -->
-<a name="QUOTE_INTRO"><h2><u>Quotes (line for line)</u></h2></a>
- <li><a href="#QUOTE">Tag: QUOTE</a></li>
- <li><a href="#QUOTE_CONTROL">Quote control macros</a></li>
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_QUOTE">Quotes</a>
-are always set in
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_NOFILL">nofill mode</a>,
-flush left. This permits entering quotes on a line for line basis
-in your text editor and have them come out the same way on output
-copy. (See
-<a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_INTRO">Blockquotes</a>
-for how quotes, in the present sense, differ from longer
-passages of cited text.)
-Since <strong>mom</strong> originally came into being to serve the
-needs of creative writers (i.e. novelists, short story writers, etc.
-&mdash; not to cast aspersions on the creativity of mathematicians
-and programmers), she sets quotes in italics
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">(PRINTSTYLE TYPESET)</a>
-or underlined
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">(PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE)</a>,
-indented from the left margin. Obviously, she's thinking
-&quot;quotes from poetry or song lyrics&quot;, but with the
-<a href="#QUOTE_CONTROL">quote control macros</a>
-you can change her defaults so <strong>QUOTE</strong> serves other
-needs, e.g. entering verbatim snippets of programming code, command
-line instructions, and so on. (See the
-<a href="#CODE">CODE</a>
-for a convenience macro to assist in including programming code
-snippets in documents.)
-<a name="QUOTE_SPACING"></a>
-Besides indenting quotes, <strong>mom</strong> further sets them
-off from
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>
-with a small amount of vertical whitespace top and bottom. In
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>,
-this is always one full linespace. In
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>,
-it's 1/2 of the prevailing
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">leading</a>
-if the quote fits fully on the page (i.e. with running text above
-and below it), otherwise it's a full linespace either above or below
-as is necessary to balance the page to the bottom margin. This
-behaviour can be changed with the control macro
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> <strong>ALWAYS_FULLSPACE_QUOTES</strong>
-applies to both
-<a href="#QUOTE">QUOTE</a>
-as does the control macro
-<strong>Version 1.3: mom</strong>'s handling of the
-vertical whitespace around quotes has changed slightly. In
-versions prior to 1.3, it was not possible to alter the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">leading</a>
-of quotes and blockquotes (which was the same as the document
-leading), ensuring that the vertical whitespace remained consistent,
-as described above.
-In 1.3 and later, it is possible to change the leading of quotes
-and blockquote via the <strong>QUOTE_AUTOLEAD</strong> and
-<strong>BLOCKQUOTE_AUTOLEAD</strong> macros. Now, if your quote
-(or blockquote) leading differs from the document leading,
-<strong>mom</strong> attempts to observe the same rules for vertical
-whitespace outlined above; however, she will also insert a small,
-flexible amount of extra whitespace around the quotes to make sure
-the whitespace is equal, top and bottom. Since she does this on a
-quote by quote basis, rather than by figuring out how much extra
-whitespace is needed to adjust <em>all</em> quotes on a page,
-the spacing around multiple quotes on the same page will differ
-slightly, although each will be balanced between lines of normal
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>,
-top and bottom. (The inability to scan an entire page and insert
-equalized whitespace at marked places is a limitation of groff,
-which, by and large, works in a line-per-line fashion.)
-<a name="NO_SHIM"></a>
-If you don't want the behaviour described above (i.e. you don't want
-<strong>mom</strong> shimming [possibly irregularly linespaced]
-quotes or blockquotes), issue the macro <kbd>.NO_SHIM</kbd> prior
-to invoking <kbd>.QUOTE</kbd> or <kbd>.BLOCKQUOTE</kbd>.
-If you've disabled shimming of quotes and blockquotes with
-<kbd>.NO_SHIM</kbd> and you want <strong>mom</strong> to return to
-her default behaviour in this matter, invoke
-<nobr><kbd>.NO_SHIM OFF</kbd></nobr> (or <strong>QUIT, END, X</strong>, etc).
-If you don't provide <strong>mom</strong> with a
-<strong>QUOTE_AUTOLEAD</strong>, quotes are leaded at the default
-for normal running text, meaning that multiple quotes on the same
-page are all spaced identically.
-<!-- -QUOTE- -->
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="QUOTE"></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>QUOTE</strong> <kbd>toggle</kbd></nobr>
-<strong>QUOTE</strong> is a toggle macro. To begin a section
-of quoted text, invoke it with no argument, then type in your
-quote. When you're finished, invoke <kbd>.QUOTE</kbd> with any
-argument (e.g. OFF, END, X, Q...) to turn it off. Example:
- Nymphomaniacal Jill
- Used a dynamite stick for a thrill
- They found her vagina
- In North Carolina
- And bits of her tits in Brazil.
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="QUOTE_CONTROL"><h3><u>Quote control macros</u></h3></a>
- <li><a href="#QUOTE_GENERAL">Family/font/size/leading/colour/indent</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ALWAYS_FULLSPACE_QUOTES">Spacing above and below (typeset only)</a></li>
- <li><a href="#UNDERLINE_QUOTES">Underline quotes (typewrite only)</a></li>
- <li><a href="#BREAK_QUOTE">Manually break a footnoted quote that crosses pages/columns</a></li>
-<a name="QUOTE_GENERAL"><h4><u>1. Family/font/size/colour/indent</u></h4></a>
-<a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
-.QUOTE_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
-.QUOTE_FONT default = italic; underlined in TYPEWRITE
-.QUOTE_SIZE default = +0 (i.e. same size as paragraph text)
-.QUOTE_AUTOLEAD default = none; leading of quotes is the same as paragraphs
-.QUOTE_COLOR default = black
-.QUOTE_INDENT (see below)
-<a name="QUOTE_INDENT"><h5><u>Quote indent</u></h5></a>
-Prior to version 1.4-b, <strong>mom</strong> allowed only the
-passing of an integer to the macro, <kbd>.QUOTE_INDENT</kbd>. The
-integer represented the amount by which to multiply the argument
-passed to
-to arrive at an indent for quotes (and blockquotes).
-As of version 1.4-b, you can now append a
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
-to the argument passed to <kbd>.QUOTE_INDENT</kbd>, thus
-setting an absolute indent, relative to nothing. The old
-behaviour is still respected, though; in other words, if you
-pass <kbd>.QUOTE_INDENT</kbd> an integer with no unit of measure
-appended, the integer represents the amount by which to multiply
-<kbd>.PARA_INDENT</kbd> to arrive at an indent for quotes (and
-Please note that if your <strong>PARA_INDENT</strong> is 0
-(i.e. no indenting of the first line of paragraphs), you
-<em><strong>must</strong></em> set a <strong>QUOTE_INDENT</strong>
-yourself, with a unit of measure appended to the
-argument. <strong>Mom</strong> has no default for
-<strong>QUOTE_INDENT</strong> if paragraph first lines are not being
-The default value for <strong>QUOTE_INDENT</strong> is 3 (for
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>)
-and 2 (for PRINTSTYLE
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>).
-<strong>NOTE: QUOTE_INDENT</strong> also sets the indent for
-<a name="ALWAYS_FULLSPACE_QUOTES"><h4><u>2. Spacing above and below &mdash; ALWAYS_FULLSPACE_QUOTES (typeset only)</u></h4></a>
-If you'd like <strong>mom</strong> always to put a full linespace
-above and below quotes, invoke <kbd>.ALWAYS_FULLSPACE_QUOTES</kbd>
-with no argument. If you wish to restore <strong>mom</strong>'s
-default behaviour regarding the spacing of quotes (see
-<a href="#QUOTE_SPACING">above</a>),
-invoke the macro with any argument (<strong>OFF, QUIT, END,
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> This macro also sets <strong>mom</strong>'s
-spacing policy for
-<a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_INTRO">blockquotes</a>.
-<a name="UNDERLINE_QUOTES"><h4><u>3. Underlining &mdash; UNDERLINE_QUOTES (typewrite only)</u></h4></a>
-By default in
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>,
-<strong>mom</strong> underlines quotes. If you'd rather she didn't,
-invoke <kbd>.UNDERLINE_QUOTES</kbd> with any argument (<strong>OFF,
-QUIT, END, X</strong>...) to disable the feature. Invoke it without
-an argument to restore <strong>mom</strong>'s default underlining of
-If you not only wish that <strong>mom</strong> not underline
-quotes, but also that she set them in italic, you must follow each
-instance of <strong>QUOTE</strong> with the typesetting macro
-<a href="typesetting.html#FONT">FT I</a>.
-Furthermore, since <strong>mom</strong> underlines all instances of
-italics by default in <strong>PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</strong>, you
-must also make sure that <strong>ITALIC_MEANS_ITALIC</strong> is
-enabled (see
-<a href="docprocessing.html#TYPEWRITE_CONTROL">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE control macros</a>).
-<a name="BREAK_QUOTE"><h4><u>4. Manually break a footnoted quote &mdash; BREAK_QUOTE</u></h4></a>
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> <em>As of version 1.1.9, the macro</em>
-<strong>BREAK_QUOTE</strong> <em>has become obsolete (or, at
-least, should have become obsolete.) It remains here for backward
-compatibility with documents created prior to 1.1.9, and just in
-case despite my efforts to make it obsolete you still encounter
-the problem it's supposed to fix. Should you find yourself having
-to use</em> <strong>BREAK_QUOTE</strong> <em>while running</em>
-<strong>mom</strong> 1.1.9 <em>or higher, please notify me
-Exceptionally, a quote or blockquote containing a footnote may cross
-a page or column. When this happens, the footnote marker may not be
-correct for its position relative to other footnotes on the page, and
-the footnote itself may appear on the wrong page or at the bottom of
-the wrong column. When this happens, study your output to determine
-the precise point at which the quote breaks (or at which you want
-it to break), and add <kbd>.BREAK_QUOTE</kbd> on a line by itself
-afterwards. No other intervention is required, and the footnote(s)
-will be marked correctly and appear on the correct page.
-<strong>BREAK_QUOTE</strong> may be used with both quotes and
-blockquotes, and hence is aliased as <strong>BREAK_BLOCKQUOTE,
-BREAK_CITATION</strong> and <strong>BREAK_CITE</strong>.
-<!-- ==================================================================== -->
-<a name="BLOCKQUOTE_INTRO"><h2><u>Blockquotes (cited passages)</u></h2></a>
- <li><a href="#BLOCKQUOTE">Tag: BLOCKQUOTE (aliases: CITE, CITATION)</a></li>
- <li><a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_CONTROL">BLOCKQUOTE control macros</a></li>
-<strong>BLOCKQUOTES</strong> are used to cite passages from another
-author's work. So that they stand out well from
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>,
-<strong>mom</strong> indents them from both the left and right margins
-and sets them in a different point size
-(<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_OUTPUTLINE">Output lines</a>
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FILLED">filled</a>,
-and, by default,
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_QUAD">quadded</a>
-Besides indenting blockquotes, <strong>mom</strong> further
-sets them off from running text with a small amount of vertical
-whitespace top and bottom. (See
-<a href="#QUOTE_SPACING">above</a>
-for a complete explanation of how this is managed, and how
-to control it. Be sure to read the section <strong>Version
-<!-- -BLOCKQUOTE- -->
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="BLOCKQUOTE"></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>BLOCKQUOTE</strong> <kbd>toggle</kbd></nobr>
-Aliases: <strong>CITE, CITATION</strong>
-<strong>BLOCKQUOTE</strong> is a toggle macro. To begin a cited
-passage, invoke the tag with no argument, then type in your quote.
-When you're finished, invoke <kbd>.BLOCKQUOTE</kbd> with any
-argument (e.g. OFF, END, X, Q...) to turn it off. Example:
- Redefining the role of the United States from enablers to keep
- the peace to enablers to keep the peace from peacekeepers is
- going to be an assignment.
- \(emGeorge W. Bush
-If the cited passage runs to more than one paragraph, you MUST
-introduce each paragraph &mdash; <em>including the first!</em> &mdash;
-<a href="#PP">PP</a>.
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> The aliases <strong>CITE</strong>
-and <strong>CITATION</strong> may be used in place of the
-<strong>BLOCKQUOTE</strong> tag, as well as in any of the control
-macros that begin with <strong>BLOCKQUOTE_</strong> or end with
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="BLOCKQUOTE_CONTROL"><h3><u>Blockquote control macros</u></h3></a>
- <li><a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_GENERAL">Family/font/size/leading/colour/quad/indent</a></li>
- <li><a href="#BQ_ALWAYS_FULLSPACE_QUOTES">Spacing above and below (typeset only)</a></li>
- <li><a href="#BREAK_QUOTE">Manually break a footnoted blockquote that crosses pages/columns</a></li>
-<a name="BLOCKQUOTE_GENERAL"><h4><u>1. Family/font/size/colour/quad/indent</u></h4></a>
-<a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
-.BLOCKQUOTE_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
-.BLOCKQUOTE_FONT default = roman
-.BLOCKQUOTE_SIZE default = -1 (point)
-.BLOCKQUOTE_AUTOLEAD default = none; leading of blockquotes is the same as paragraphs
-.BLOCKQUOTE_COLOR default = black
-.BLOCKQUOTE_QUAD default = left
-<a name="BLOCKQUOTE_INDENT"><h5><u>Blockquote indent</u></h5></a>
-Prior to version 1.4-b, <strong>mom</strong> allowed only the
-passing of an integer to the macro, <kbd>.BLOCKQUOTE_INDENT</kbd>.
-The integer represented the amount by which to multiply the argument
-passed to
-to arrive at an indent for blockquotes (and quotes).
-As of version 1.4-b, you can now append a
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
-to the argument passed to <kbd>.BLOCKQUOTE_INDENT</kbd>, thus
-setting an absolute indent, relative to nothing. The old
-behaviour is still respected, though; in other words, if you pass
-<kbd>.BLOCKQUOTE_INDENT</kbd> an integer with no unit of measure
-appended, the integer represents the amount by which to multiply
-<kbd>.PARA_INDENT</kbd> to arrive at an indent for blockquotes (and
-The default value for <kbd>.BLOCKQUOTE_INDENT</kbd> is 3 (for
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>)
-and 2 (for PRINTSTYLE
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>).
-Please note that if your <strong>PARA_INDENT</strong>
-is 0 (i.e. no indenting of the first line of
-paragraphs), you <em><strong>must</strong></em> set a
-<strong>BLOCKQUOTE_INDENT</strong> yourself, with a unit of measure
-appended to the argument. <strong>Mom</strong> has no default for
-<strong>BLOCKQUOTE_INDENT</strong> if paragraph first lines are not
-being indented.
-<strong>NOTE: BLOCKQUOTE_INDENT</strong> also sets the indent for
-<a href="#QUOTE">QUOTES</a>.
-<a name="BQ_ALWAYS_FULLSPACE_QUOTES"><h4><u>2. Spacing above and below &mdash; ALWAYS_FULLSPACE_QUOTES (typeset only)</u></h4></a>
-If you'd like <strong>mom</strong> always to put a
-full linespace above and below blockquotes, invoke
-<kbd>.ALWAYS_FULLSPACE_QUOTES</kbd> with no argument. If you wish
-to restore <strong>mom</strong>'s default behaviour regarding the
-spacing of blockquotes (see
-<a href="#QUOTE_SPACING">above</a>),
-invoke the macro with any argument (<strong>OFF, QUIT, END,
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> This macro also sets <strong>mom</strong>'s
-spacing policy for
-<a href="#QUOTE_INTRO">quotes</a>.
-<!-- ==================================================================== -->
-<a name="CODE"><h2><u>Inserting code snippets into documents</u></h2></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>CODE</strong> <kbd>[BR | BREAK | SPREAD] toggle</kbd></nobr>
-Inline escape: <strong><kbd>\*[CODE]</kbd></strong>
-<strong>CODE</strong> is a convenience macro that facilitates
-entering code snippets into documents. Its use is not restricted to
-documents created using <strong>mom</strong>'s document processing
-macros; it can be used for &quot;manually&quot; typeset documents as
-When you invoke <kbd>.CODE</kbd> without an argument, or use the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escape</a>,
-<strong>mom</strong> changes the font to Courier Roman (a
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FIXEDWIDTHFONT">fixed-width font</a>)
-and turns
-<a href="goodies.html#SMARTQUOTES">SMARTQUOTES</a>
-off. Additionally, if you invoke <kbd>.CODE</kbd> inside
-<a href="docelement.html#QUOTE">QUOTE</a>
-while using
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>
-with the default underlining of quotes turned on, it disables
-the underlining for the duration of <strong>CODE</strong>.
-Passing any argument other than <kbd>BR</kbd>, <kbd>BREAK</kbd> or
-<kbd>SPREAD</kbd> to <kbd>.CODE</kbd> (e.g. <strong>OFF, QUIT, END,
-X,</strong> etc.) turns <strong>CODE</strong> off and returns the
-family, font, smartquotes and (if applicable) underlining of quotes
-to their former state. If you've used the inline escape to
-initiate a section of code, <kbd>\*[CODE OFF]</kbd> equally returns
-things to their former state.
-Please note that <kbd>.CODE</kbd> does <em>not</em> cause a line
-break when you're in a
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FILLED">fill mode</a>
-<a href="typesetting.html#JUSTIFY">JUSTIFY</a>
-<nobr><a href="typesetting.html#QUAD">QUAD</a> LEFT, CENTER, or RIGHT)</nobr>.
-If you want <strong>CODE</strong> to deposit a break,
-invoke <kbd>.CODE</kbd> with the argument <kbd>BR</kbd> (or
-<kbd>BREAK</kbd>). If, in addition to having <strong>mom</strong>
-break the line before <kbd>.CODE</kbd>, you want her to
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FORCE">force justify</a>
-the line as well, invoke <kbd>.CODE</kbd> with the argument,
-Please also note that <kbd>BR</kbd>, <kbd>BREAK</kbd> and
-<kbd>SPREAD</kbd> must NOT be used with the inline escape,
-<kbd>\*[CODE]</kbd>; the assumption behind <kbd>\*[CODE]</kbd> is
-that you're inserting a bit of code into a line, not creating a
-distinct &quot;code block&quot;.
-<h3><u>Changing the family mom uses for CODE</u></h3>
-If you'd prefer to have <strong>CODE</strong> automatically
-load a fixed-width family other than Courier, invoke the macro,
-<kbd>.CODE_FAMILY</kbd> with the name of the fixed-width family you
-want. For example, assuming you have a hypothetical fixed-width
-family called &quot;Mono&quot; whose <strong>groff</strong> name is
-simply &quot;M&quot;,
-is how you'd tell <strong>mom</strong> to use Mono for
-<strong>CODE</strong>, rather than her default, Courier.
-<a href="appendices.html#FONTS">Adding PostScript fonts to groff</a>
-for information on how you might set up the hypothetical
-fixed-width font called &quot;Mono&quot;.)
-<strong>NOTE</strong>: If your code snippet includes the backslash
-character, which is <strong>groff</strong>'s escape character, you
-will have to change the escape character temporarily to something
-else with the macro,
-<a href="goodies.html#ESC_CHAR">ESC_CHAR</a>.
-<strong>Mom</strong> has no way of knowing what special characters
-you're going to use in code snippets, therefore she cannot
-automatically replace the escape character with something else.
-<!-- ==================================================================== -->
-<a name="LIST_INTRO"><h2><u>Nested lists</u></h2></a>
- <li><a href="#LIST">Tag: LIST</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ITEM">Tag: ITEM</a></li>
- <li><a href="#LIST_CONTROL">LIST control macros</a></li>
-Lists are points or items of interest or importance that are
-separated from
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>
-by enumerators. Some typical enumerators are
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_EM">en-dashes</a>,
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_BULLET">bullets</a>,
-digits and letters.
-Setting lists with <strong>mom</strong> is easy. First, you
-initialize a list with the <strong>LIST</strong> macro. Then, for
-every item in the list, you invoke the macro, <kbd>.ITEM</kbd>,
-followed by the text of the item. When a list is finished,
-you exit the list with <nobr><kbd>.LIST OFF</kbd></nobr> (or
-<strong>QUIT</strong>, <strong>END</strong>, <strong>BACK</strong>,
-By default <strong>mom</strong> starts each list with the enumerator
-flush with the left margin of running text that comes before it,
-like this:
- My daily schedule needs organizing. I can't
- seem to get everything done I want.
- o an hour's worth of exercise
- o time to prepare at least one healthy
- meal per day
- o reading time
- o work on mom
- o writing
- - changes from publisher
- - current novel
- o a couple of hours at the piano
-In other words, <strong>mom</strong> does not, by default, indent
-entire lists. Indenting a list is controlled by the macro,
-<a href="#SHIFT_LIST">SHIFT_LIST</a>.
-(This is a design decision; there are too many instances where a
-default indent is not desirable.) Equally, <strong>mom</strong>
-does not add any extra space above or below lists.
-Lists can be nested (as in the example above). In other words, you
-can set lists within lists, each with an enumerator (and possibly,
-indent) of your choosing. In nested lists, each invocation of
-<nobr><strong>LIST OFF</strong></nobr> (you may prefer to use
-<nobr><strong>LIST BACK</strong>)</nobr> takes you back to the
-previous depth (or level) of list, with that list's enumerator and
-indent intact. The final <nobr><strong>LIST OFF</strong></nobr>
-exits lists completely and returns you to the left margin of running
-Finally, lists can be used in documents created with either the
-document processing macros or just the typesetting macros.
-<!-- -LIST- -->
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="LIST"></a>
-Macro: <strong>LIST</strong>
-<em>Macro arguments:</em>
-<kbd><nobr>[ BULLET | DASH | DIGIT | ALPHA | alpha | ROMAN&lt;n&gt; | roman&lt;n&gt; | USER &lt;string&gt;]</nobr>
-<nobr>[ &lt;separator&gt; | &lt;user-defined enumerator&gt; ] [ &lt;prefix&gt; ] [ &lt;off&gt; ]</nobr></kbd>
-Invoked by itself (i.e. with no argument), <kbd>.LIST</kbd>
-initializes a list (with bullets as the default enumerator).
-Afterwards, each block of input text preceded by
-<a href="#ITEM">.ITEM</a>,
-on a line by itself, is treated as a list item.
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> Every time you invoke <kbd>.LIST</kbd>
-to start a list (as opposed to
-<a href="#LIST_EXIT">exiting one</a>),
-you must supply an enumerator (and optionally, a separator) for the
-list, unless you want <strong>mom</strong>'s default enumerator,
-which is a bullet. Within nested lists, <strong>mom</strong>
-stores the enumerator, separator and indent for any list you return
-<em>backwards</em> to (i.e. with <nobr><strong>LIST OFF</strong>),</nobr>
-but does not store any information for lists you move
-<em>forward</em> to.
-<h3><u>The first argument &mdash; enumerator style</u></h3>
-The optional arguments <kbd>BULLET</kbd>, <kbd>DASH</kbd>,
-<kbd>DIGIT</kbd> (for Arabic numerals), <kbd>ALPHA</kbd> (for
-uppercase letters), <kbd>alpha</kbd> (for lowercase letters),
-<kbd>ROMAN&lt;n&gt;</kbd> (for uppercase roman numerals),
-<kbd>roman&lt;n&gt;</kbd> (for lowercase roman numerals) tell
-<kbd>mom</kbd> what kind of enumerator to use for a given list.
-The arguments, <kbd>ROMAN&lt;n&gt;</kbd> and
-<kbd>roman&lt;n&gt;</kbd>, are special. You must append to
-them a digit (arabic, e.g. "1" or "9" or "17") saying how many
-items a particular roman-numeralled <strong>LIST</strong> is going
-to have. <strong>Mom</strong> requires this information in order to
-align roman numerals sensibly, and will abort &mdash; with a message
-&mdash; if you don't provide it.
-A roman-numeralled list containing, say, five items, would be set
-up like this:
- .LIST roman5 producing i) Item 1.
- .ITEM ii) Item 2.
- Item 1. iii) Item 3.
- .ITEM iv) Item 4.
- Item 2. v) Item 5.
- Item 3
- Item 4
- Item 5
-The argument, <kbd>USER</kbd>, lets you make up your own enumerator,
-and must be followed by a second argument: what you'd like the
-enumerator to look like. For example, if you want a list enumerated
-with <kbd>=&gt;</kbd>,
- .LIST USER =&gt;
- A list item
-will produce
- =&gt; A list item
-<strong>Please note:</strong> if the argument to <kbd>USER</kbd>
-contains spaces, you must enclose the argument in double quotes.
-<h3><u>The second argument &mdash; separator style</u></h3>
-If you choose <kbd>DIGIT</kbd>, <kbd>ALPHA</kbd>, <kbd>alpha</kbd>,
-<kbd>ROMAN&lt;n&gt;</kbd>, or <kbd>roman&lt;n&gt;</kbd>, you may
-enter the optional argument, <kbd>separator</kbd>, to say what kind
-of separator you want after the enumerator. The separator can be
-anything you like. The default for <kbd>DIGIT</kbd> is a period
-(dot), like this:
- 1. A list item
-The default separator for <kbd>ALPHA</kbd>, <kbd>alpha</kbd>,
-<kbd>ROMAN&lt;n&gt;</kbd> and <kbd>roman&lt;n&gt;</kbd> is a right
-parenthesis, like this:
- a) An alpha-ed list item
- b) A second alpha-ed list item
- or
- i) A roman-ed list item
- ii) A second roman-ed item
-If you'd prefer, say, digits with right-parenthesis separators
-instead of the default period, you'd do
- A numbered list item
-which would produce
- 1) A numbered list item
-<strong>Please note:</strong> <kbd>BULLET</kbd>, <kbd>DASH</kbd> and
-<kbd>USER</kbd> do not take a separator.
-<h3><u>The third argument &mdash; prefix style</u></h3>
-Additionally, you may give a prefix (i.e. a character
-that comes <em>before</em> the enumerator) when your
-enumerator style for a particular list is <kbd>DIGIT</kbd>,
-<kbd>ALPHA</kbd>, <kbd>alpha</kbd>, <kbd>ROMAN&lt;n&gt;</kbd>
-or <kbd>roman&lt;n&gt;</kbd>. In the arguments to
-<strong>LIST</strong>, the prefix comes <em>after</em> the
-separator, which may seem counter-intuitive, so please be careful.
-A prefix can be anything you like. Most likely, you'll want some
-kind of open-bracket, such as a left parenthesis. If, for example,
-you want a <kbd>DIGIT</kbd> list with the numbers enclosed in
-parentheses, you'd enter
- The first item on the list.
- The second item on the list.
-which would produce
- (1) The first item on the list.
- (2) The second item on the list.
-<strong>Please note:</strong> <kbd>BULLET</kbd>, <kbd>DASH</kbd> and
-<kbd>USER</kbd> do not take a prefix.
-<a name="LIST_EXIT"></a>
-<h3><u>Exiting lists &mdash; .LIST OFF/BACK or .QUIT_LISTS</u></h3>
-Any single argument to <kbd>LIST</kbd> other than
-<kbd>BULLET</kbd>, <kbd>DASH</kbd>, <kbd>DIGIT</kbd>,
-<kbd>ALPHA</kbd>, <kbd>alpha</kbd>, <kbd>ROMAN&lt;n&gt;</kbd>,
-<kbd>roman&lt;n&gt;</kbd> or <kbd>USER</kbd> (e.g. <nobr><kbd>LIST
-OFF</kbd></nobr> or <nobr><kbd>LIST BACK</kbd>)</nobr> takes you out
-of the current list.
-If you are at the first list-level (or "list-depth"),
-<strong>mom</strong> returns you to the left margin of running text.
-Any indents that were in effect prior to setting the list are fully
-If you are in a nested list, <strong>mom</strong> moves you
-<em>back one list-level</em> (i.e. does not take you out of the
-list structure) and restores the enumerator, separator and indent
-appropriate to that level.
-Each invocation of <kbd>.LIST</kbd> should be be matched by a
-corresponding <nobr><kbd>.LIST OFF</kbd></nobr> in order to fully
-exit lists. For example,
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
- sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.
- o List item in level 1
- o List item in level 1
- - List item in level 2
- - List item in level 2
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
- sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.
-is created like this:
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
- sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.
- List item in level 1
- List item in level 1
- List item in level 2
- List item in level 2
- .LIST OFF \" Turn level 2 list off
- .LIST OFF \" Turn level 1 list off
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
- sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.
-Alternatively, you may use the single-purpose macro,
-<kbd>.QUIT_LISTS</kbd>, to get yourself out of a list structure. In
-the example above, the two <nobr><kbd>.LIST OFF</kbd></nobr> lines
-could be replaced with a single <kbd>.QUIT_LISTS</kbd>.
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="ITEM"></a>
-Macro: <strong>ITEM</strong>
-After you've initialized a list with
-<a href="#LIST">LIST</a>,
-precede each item you want in the list with <kbd>.ITEM</kbd>.
-<strong>Mom</strong> takes care of everything else with respect to
-setting the item appropriate to the list you're in.
-In document processing, it is valid to have list items that contain
-multiple paragraphs. Simply issue a
-<a href="#PP">PP</a>
-request for each paragraph <em>following</em> the first item.
-I.e., don't do this:
- .PP
- Some text...
- .PP
- A second paragraph of text
-but rather
- Some text...
- .PP
- A second paragraph of text
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="LIST_CONTROL"><h3><u>List control macros</u></h3></a>
- <li><a href="#SHIFT_LIST">Indenting lists (SHIFT_LIST)</a></li>
- <li><a href="#RESET_LIST">Resetting an initialized list's enumerator (RESET_LIST)</a></li>
- <li><a href="#PAD_LIST_DIGITS">Padding digit enumerators (PAD_LIST_DIGITS)</a></li>
-<a name="SHIFT_LIST"><h4><u>1. Indenting lists &mdash; SHIFT_LIST</u></h4></a>
-If you want a list to be indented to the right of running text, or
-indented to the right of a current list, use the macro
-<strong>SHIFT_LIST</strong> immediately after
-<a href="#LIST">LIST</a>.
-<strong>SHIFT_LIST</strong> takes just one argument: the amount by
-which you want the list shifted to the right. The argument requires
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>,
-<strong>SHIFT_LIST</strong> applies <em>only</em> to the list you
-just initialized with <strong>LIST</strong>. It does not carry
-over from one invocation of <strong>LIST</strong> to the next.
-However, the indent remains in effect when you <em>return</em> to a
-list level in a nested list.
-For example, if you want a 2-level list, with each list indented to
-the right by 18
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>,
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
- sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.
- .LIST \" List 1
- .SHIFT_LIST 18p \" Indent 18 points right of running text
- List 1 item
- List 1 item
- .LIST DASH \" List 2
- .SHIFT_LIST 18p \" Indent 18 points right of list 1
- List 2 item
- List 2 item
- .LIST OFF \" Move back to list 1
- List 1 item
- List 1 item
- .LIST OFF \" Exit lists
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
- sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.
-produces (approximately)
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
- sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.
- o List 1 item
- o List 1 item
- - List 2 item
- - List 2 item
- o List 1 item
- o List 1 item
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
- sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.
-<a name="RESET_LIST"><h4><u>2. Resetting an initialized list's enumerator &mdash; RESET_LIST</u></h4></a>
-In nested lists, if your choice of list enumerator for a given
-level of list is <strong>DIGIT</strong>, <strong>ALPHA</strong>,
-<strong>alpha</strong>, <strong>ROMAN</strong> or
-<strong>roman</strong>, you may sometimes want to reset the list's
-enumerator when you return to that list. Consider the following:
- Things to do religiously each and every day:
- 1. Take care of the dog
- a) walk every day
- b) brush once a week
- - trim around the eyes every fourth brushing
- - don't forget to check nails
- 2. Feed the cat
- a) soft food on Mon., Wed. and Fri.
- b) dry food on Tues., Thurs. and Sat.
- c) canned tuna on Sunday
-Normally, within a nested list, when you return to an
-incrementally-enumerated list, the enumerator continues
-incrementing from where it left off. That means, in the example
-above, the normal state of affairs for the alpha'ed list under
-&quot;2. Feed the cat&quot; would be c), d) and e). The
-solution, in such a case, is simply to reset the enumerator
-&mdash; before <kbd>.ITEM</kbd> &mdash; with the macro,
-By default, with no argument, <kbd>.RESET_LIST</kbd> resets the
-enumerator to 1, A, a, I or i depending on the style of enumerator.
-You may, if you wish, pass <kbd>.RESET_LIST</kbd> a
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_NUMERICARGUMENT">numeric argument</a>
-representing the starting enumerator for the reset (if different
-from "1"), although I can't at present think of a use for this
-<a name="PAD_LIST_DIGITS"><h4><u>3. Padding digit enumerators (PAD_LIST_DIGITS)</u></h4></a>
-<h5><u>Arabic digits</u></h5>
-When your choice of enumerators is <strong>DIGIT</strong> AND the
-number of items in the list exceeds nine (9), you have to make a
-design decision: should <strong>mom</strong> leave room for the
-extra numeral in two-numeral digits to the right or the left of the
-single-numeral digits?
-If you want the extra space to the right, invoke the macro,
-<kbd>.PAD_LIST_DIGITS</kbd> (with no argument), after
-<kbd>.LIST</kbd> and before <kbd>.ITEM</kbd>. This will produce
-something like
- 8. List item
- 9. List item
- 10. List item
-If you want the extra space to the left, invoke
-<kbd>.PAD_LIST_DIGITS</kbd> with the single argument,
-<kbd>LEFT</kbd>, which will produce
- 8. List item
- 9. List item
- 10. List item
-Of course, if the number of items in the list is less than ten
-(10), there's no need for <strong>PAD_LIST_DIGITS</strong>.
-<h5><u>Roman numerals</u></h5>
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> sets roman numerals in lists
-flush left. The <kbd>&lt;n&gt;</kbd> argument appended to
-<kbd>ROMAN&lt;n&gt;</kbd> or <kbd>roman&lt;n&gt;</kbd>
-allows her to calculate how much space to put after each numeral in
-order to ensure that the text of items lines up properly.
-If you'd like the roman numerals to line up flush right (i.e.
-be padded "left"), simply invoke
-<nobr><kbd>.PAD_LIST_DIGITS LEFT</kbd></nobr>
-<nobr><kbd>.LIST ROMAN&lt;n&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-<nobr><kbd>.LIST roman&lt;n&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-and before <kbd>.ITEM</kbd>.
-<!-- -LINE NUMBERING- -->
-<a name="NUMBER_LINES_INTRO"><h2><u>Line numbering</u></h2></a>
- <li><a href="#NUMBER_LINES">Macro: NUMBER_LINES</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#LN_CONTROL">Line numbering control (suspend/resume)</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#NUMBER_LINES_CONTROL">Control macros</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#NUMBER_LINES_CONTROL_QUOTE">Line numbering control macros for quotes and blockquotes</a></li>
- </ul></li>
-When you turn line-numbering on, <strong>mom</strong>, by default
- <li>numbers every line of paragraph text; line-numbering is
- suspended for all other document processing tags (like
- docheaders, epigraphs, heads, subheads, etc.) and special
- pages (covers, endotes, bibliographies, etc.); be aware,
- though, that if you turn
- <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_DOCHEADER">docheaders</a>
- off (with
- <a href="docprocessing.html#DOCHEADER">DOCHEADER</a> <strong>OFF</strong>)
- and create your own docheader, <strong>mom</strong>
- <em>will</em> line-number your custom docheader
- </li>
- <li>doesn't touch your line length; line numbers are hung
- outside your current left margin (as set with
- <a href="typesetting.html#L_MARGIN">L_MARGIN</a>,
- <a href="typesetting.html#PAGE">PAGE</a>
- or
- <a href="docprocessing.html#DOC_LEFT_MARGIN">DOC_LEFT_MARGIN</a>),
- regardless of any indents that may be active
- </li>
- <li>separates line numbers from running text by two
- <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FIGURESPACE">figure spaces</a>.
- </li>
-Line numbering may be enabled and disabled for
-<a href="#QUOTE">QUOTE</a>
-in one of three styles. See
-<a href="#NUMBER_LINES_CONTROL_QUOTE">Line numbering control macros for quotes and blockquotes</a>.
-The first time you invoke
-<a href="#NUMBER_LINES"><kbd>.NUMBER_LINES</kbd></a>
-you must, at a minimum, tell it what line number you want the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_OUTPUTLINE">output line</a>
-to have. Optional arguments allow you to state which lines should
-be numbered (e.g. every five or every ten lines), and the gutter to
-place between line numbers and
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>.
-Subsequently, you can turn line-numbering off, either permanently,
-or resume it later at a place of your choosing. When you
-resume line-numbering, the line numbers pick up where you left off.
-<!-- -NUMBER_LINES- -->
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="NUMBER_LINES"></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong> <kbd>&lt;start number&gt; [ &lt;which lines to number&gt; [ &lt;gutter&gt; ] ]</kbd></nobr>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong> <kbd>&lt;anything&gt; | RESUME</kbd></nobr>
-<strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong> does what it says: prints line
-numbers, to the left of
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_OUTPUTLINE">output lines</a>
-of paragraph text. One of the chief reasons for wanting numbered
-lines is in order to identify footnotes or endnotes by line number
-instead of by a marker in the text. (See
-for instructions on line-numbered footnotes, and
-for instructions on line-numbered endnotes.)
-Every time you invoke <kbd>.NUMBER_LINES</kbd>, unless you are
-using the argument <strong>OFF</strong> (or <strong>QUIT</strong>,
-<strong>END</strong>, <strong>X</strong>, etc.) or <kbd>RESUME</kbd>
-you must, at a minimum, pass it one argument, namely the number
-(digit) you want the <em>next</em>
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_OUTPUTLINE">output line</a>
-to have. For example,
-will prepend the number, 3, to the next output line.
-Normally, of course, you will number lines of text starting at 1.
-All you have to do in that case is ensure that
-precedes your first line of input text, which will also be the
-first line of output text.
-You can alter <strong>mom</strong>'s default line numbering
-behaviour (see
-<a href="#NUMBER_LINES_DEFAULTS">above</a>)
-with the optional arguments <kbd>&lt;which lines to number&gt;</kbd>
-and <kbd>&lt;gutter&gt;</kbd>.
-<kbd>&lt;which lines to number&gt;</kbd> instructs
-<kbd>NUMBER_LINES</kbd> to number only certain lines, e.g. every two
-lines or every five lines. If you want, say, only every five lines
-to have a prepended number, you'd do
-<strong>GOTCHA!</strong> The argument to <kbd>&lt;which lines to
-number&gt;</kbd> only numbers those lines that are multiples of
-the argument. Hence, in the above example, line number "1" will
-<em>not</em> be numbered, since "1" is not a multiple of "5".
-If you wanted line number "1" to be numbered, you'd have to invoke
-<kbd>.NUMBER_LINES 1 1</kbd> before the first output line, then
-study your <em>output</em> copy and determine where best to insert
-the following in your <em>input</em> copy:
- .NUMBER_LINES \n(ln 5
-(The escape, <kbd>\n(ln</kbd>, ensures that
-<strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong> automatically supplies the correct
-value for the first argument, <kbd>&lt;start number&gt;</kbd>.)
-Following this recipe, line number 1 will be numbered; subsequently,
-only line numbers that are multiples of 5 will be numbered. A
-little experimentation may be required to determine the best place
-for it.
-The optional argument, <kbd>&lt;gutter&gt;</kbd>, tells
-<strong>mom</strong> how much space to put between the line numbers
-and the running text.
-<strong>Note</strong>: when giving a value for
-<kbd>&lt;gutter&gt;</kbd>, you cannot skip the <kbd>&lt;which lines
-to number&gt;</kbd> argument. Either fill in the desired value, or
-use two double-quotes ( <kbd>""</kbd> ) to have <strong>mom</strong>
-use the value formerly in effect.
-<kbd>&lt;gutter&gt;</kbd> does not require (or even accept) a
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>.
-The argument you pass to it is the number of
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FIGURESPACE">figure spaces</a>
-you want between line numbers and running text.
-<strong>Mom</strong>'s default gutter is two figure spaces. If
-you'd like a wider gutter, say, four figures spaces, you'd do
- |
- +-- Notice you *must* supply a value
- for the 2nd argument in order to supply
- a value for the 3rd.
-After you've set up line-numbering, <strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong>
-can be used to control line numbering.
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="LN_CONTROL"></a>
-<h3><u>Line-numbering control</u></h3>
-<nobr><strong>NUMBER_LINES OFF</strong></nobr> (or <strong>END,
-QUIT, X,</strong> etc.) turns line-numbering off.
-Sometimes, you merely want to suspend line-numbering. In that
-case, turn line numbering off with
-<nobr><kbd>.NUMBER_LINES OFF</kbd>.</nobr> Later, when you want
-it to resume, enter
-Line numbering will resume exactly where it left off. If this is
-not what you want &mdash; say you want to reset the line number to
-"1" &mdash; simply invoke <kbd>.NUMBER_LINES</kbd> with whatever
-arguments are needed for the desired result.
-<h4><u>Extra Notes:</u></h4>
- <li>In document processing, you may invoke <kbd>.NUMBER_LINES</kbd>
- either before or after <kbd>.START</kbd>.
- <strong>Mom</strong> doesn't care.
- </li>
- <li>If you're collating documents with
- <a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">COLLATE</a>,
- you should re-invoke, at a minimum,
- <nobr><kbd>.NUMBER_LINES 1</kbd></nobr> for each collated
- document, in order to ensure that each begins with the
- number "1" prepended to the first line (unless, of course,
- that is not what you want).
- </li>
- <li>Occasionally, you may want to change the current gutter
- between line numbers and running text without knowing
- what the next output line number should be. Since
- <strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong> requires this number
- as its first argument, in such instances, pass
- <strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong> as its first argument the
- escape <kbd>\n(ln</kbd>.
- <br/><br/>
- For example, if you were numbering every 5 lines with a
- gutter of 2 (figure spaces) and you needed to change the
- gutter to 4 (figures spaces),
- <br/><br/>
- <kbd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;.NUMBER_LINES \n(ln 5 4</kbd>
- <br/><br/>
- would do the trick.
- </li>
- <li>If you're using margin notes in a document, be sure to set
- the gutter for margin notes wide enough to allow room for
- the line numbers.
- </li>
- <li><strong>Mom</strong> (groff, actually), only numbers lines
- <em>to the left of text</em>. For aesthetic reason,
- therefore, the use of line numbering when setting a document
- in columns is discouraged. However, should you wish to
- number lines when setting in columns, make sure the
- <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_GUTTER">gutter(s)</a>
- between columns is wide enough to leave room for the
- numbers.
- </li>
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="NUMBER_LINES_CONTROL"><h3><u>Line numbering control macros</u></h3></a>
-<a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
-.LINENUMBER_FAMILY default = prevailing family or document family; default is Times Roman
-.LINENUMBER_FONT default = prevailing font
-.LINENUMBER_SIZE default = +0
-.LINENUMBER_COLOR default = black
-<a name="NUMBER_LINES_CONTROL_QUOTE"><h3><u>Line numbering control macros for QUOTE and BLOCKQUOTE</u></h3></a>
- <li><a href="#NUMBER_LINES_QUOTES">Setting up line numbering in quotes and blockquotes on a case by case basis</a></li>
-<a name="NUMBER_QUOTE_LINES"><h4><u>1. NUMBER_QUOTE_LINES</u></h4></a>
-If you'd like <strong>mom</strong> to number lines of output text
-in a
-<a href="#QUOTE">QUOTE</a>
-as part of the same order and sequence as paragraph text, simply
-invoke <kbd>.NUMBER_QUOTE_LINES</kbd> by itself.
-There is a catch with numbering quotes, though. Owing to groff's
-restriction of accepting only the figure space as the line number
-gutter's unit of measure, it is not possible for line numbers
-in quotes to hang outside a document's overall left margin and
-be reliably flush with the line numbers of paragraph text.
-Conseqently, line numbers in quotes hang to the left of the quote,
-separated from the quote by the <kbd>&lt;gutter&gt;</kbd> argument.
-If you'd like to change the gutter for quotes line-numbered in
-this way, invoke <kbd>.NUMBER_QUOTE_LINES</kbd> with a digit
-representing the number of
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FIGURESPACE">figure spaces</a>
-you'd like between the line numbers and the quoted text, like this:
-With the above, line numbers in quotes (and only quotes) will have
-a gutter of 1 figure space.
-If you are using "line numbering style" for footnotes
-<nobr>(<a href="#FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE">.FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE</a> <strong>LINE</strong>)</nobr>,
-you may not wish to have quotes <em>visibly</em> line-numbered, but
-still want to embed footnotes inside quotes. In order to do that,
-<strong>mom</strong> allows you to say <kbd>.NUMBER_QUOTE_LINES
-When you invoke <nobr><kbd>.NUMBER_QUOTE_LINES SILENT</kbd></nobr>,
-<strong>mom</strong> continues to increment line numbers while
-quotes are being output, but they won't appear in the output copy.
-(Compare this with <strong>mom</strong>'s default behaviour of
-<em>suspending</em> incrementing of line numbers during the output
-of quotes.) This allows you to embed line-numbered footnotes inside
-quotes and have the line number "label" in the footnote come out
-Once having turned <strong>NUMBER_QUOTE_LINES</strong> on, you
-may disable it with
-<nobr><kbd>.NUMBER_QUOTE_LINES OFF</kbd></nobr>
-(or <strong>QUIT</strong>, <strong>END</strong>, <strong>X</strong>,
-If you'd like <strong>mom</strong> to number lines of output text
-in a
-<a href="#QUOTE">BLOCKQUOTE</a>
-as part of the same order and sequence as paragraph text, simply
-invoke <kbd>.NUMBER_BLOCKQUOTE_LINES</kbd> by itself.
-There is a catch with numbering blockquotes, though. Owing to
-groff's restriction of accepting only the figure space as the
-line number gutter's unit of measure, it is not possible for line
-numbers in blockquotes to hang outside a document's overall left
-margin and be reliably flush with the line numbers of paragraph
-text. Conseqently, line numbers in blockquotes hang to the
-left of the blockquote, separated from the blockquote by the
-<kbd>&lt;gutter&gt;</kbd> argument.
-If you'd like to change the gutter for blockquotes line-numbered in
-this way, invoke <kbd>.NUMBER_BLOCKQUOTE_LINES</kbd> with a digit
-representing the number of
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FIGURESPACE">figure spaces</a>
-you'd like between the line numbers and the blockquoted text, like
-With the above, line numbers in blockquotes (and only blockquotes)
-will have a gutter of 1 figure space.
-If you are using "line numbering style" for footnotes
-<nobr>(<a href="#FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE">FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE</a> <strong>LINE</strong>),</nobr>
-you may not wish to have blockquotes <em>visibly</em> line-numbered,
-but still want to embed footnotes inside blockquotes. In
-order to do that, <strong>mom</strong> allows you to say
-When you invoke
-<nobr><kbd>.NUMBER_BLOCKQUOTE_LINES SILENT</kbd>,</nobr>
-<strong>mom</strong> continues to increment line numbers while
-blockquotes are being output, but they won't appear in the output
-copy. (Compare this with <strong>mom</strong>'s default behaviour
-of <em>suspending</em> incrementing of line numbers during the
-output of blockquotes.) This allows you to embed line-numbered
-footnotes inside blockquotes and have the line number "label" in the
-footnote come out sensibly.
-Once having turned <strong>NUMBER_BLOCKQUOTE_LINES</strong> on,
-you may disable it with <nobr><kbd>.NUMBER_BLOCKQUOTE_LINES
-OFF</kbd></nobr> (or <strong>QUIT</strong>, <strong>END</strong>,
-<strong>X</strong>, etc).
-<a name="NUMBER_LINES_QUOTES"><h4><u>3. Setting up line numbering in quotes and blockquotes on a case by case basis</u></h4></a>
-Sometimes, you may want quotes or blockquotes to have a different
-line numbering scheme from the one used in the rest of the document.
-Or, you may want line numbering enabled only inside a particular
-quote or blockquote. A common reason for this would be if you were
-using the
-<a href="#QUOTE">QUOTE</a>
-macro to insert lines of programming code into a document.
-To enable line numbering within quotes or blockquotes on a case by
-case basis, simply invoke <kbd>.NUMBER_LINES</kbd>, with the
-arguments you need, immediately after entering <kbd>.QUOTE</kbd>
-or <kbd>.BLOCKQUOTE</kbd>. (<strong>NUMBER_QUOTE_LINES</strong>
-and/or <strong>NUMBER_BLOCKQUOTE_LINES</strong> should be turned
-off if you're doing this.) The quote or blockquote will then be
-line-numbered according to your specifications: the starting line
-number of the quote or blockquote will be the one you give as a
-first argument to <strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong>; which lines to
-number will be the value you pass to <nobr><kbd>&lt;which lines to
-number&gt;</kbd></nobr> (defaults to "1"); line numbers will hang
-to the left of the quote or blockquote, separated from the quote or
-blockquote by <kbd>&lt;gutter&gt;</kbd> (defaults to "2").
-As soon as <strong>QUOTE</strong> or <strong>BLOCKQUOTE</strong>
-is turned off, line numbering ceases, not only with respect to
-subsequent paragraph text (if they are not being line-numbered),
-but also for any subsequent invocation of <kbd>.QUOTE</kbd> or
-<kbd>.BLOCKQUOTE</kbd>. In other words, you must re-enable
-quote or blockquote line-numbering inside every instance of
-<strong>QUOTE</strong> or <strong>BLOCKQUOTE</strong> when
-line-numbering either of them on a case by case basis.
-<!-- ==================================================================== -->
-<a name="FOOTNOTE_INTRO"><h2><u>Footnotes</u></h2></a>
- <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_BEHAVIOUR">Footnote behaviour</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#FN_AND_PUNCT">Footnote markers and punctuation in the running text</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE">Tag: FOOTNOTE</a></li>
- <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_CONTROL">FOOTNOTE control macros</a></li>
-For something so complex behind the scenes, footnotes are easy to use.
-You just type, for example
-<a name="FOOTNOTE_EXAMPLE"></a>
- ...the doctrines of Identity as urged by Schelling\c
- &lt;footnote about who the hell is Schelling&gt;
- were generally the points of discussion presenting the most
- of beauty to the imaginative Morella.
-and be done with it.
-(Note the obligatory use of the <kbd>\c</kbd>
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escape</a>.
-It is required when your
-is either <strong>STAR</strong> [star/dagger footnotes] or
-<strong>NUMBER</strong> [superscript numbers]; it is NOT to be used
-when the <strong>FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE</strong> is
-<strong>LINE</strong>, or when footnote markers have been disabled
-<strong>***Version 1.3-d change***</strong>
-As of version 1.3-d, the manner of entering the line <em>after</em>
-<nobr><kbd>.FOOTNOTE OFF</kbd></nobr> has changed to accommodate
-users' differing wishes with respect to the order of punctuation and
-footnote markers. Please see
-<a href="#FN_AND_PUNCT">Footnote markers and punctuation in the running text</a>
-for more information.
-<strong>***End of version 1.3-d change***</strong>
-After you invoke <kbd>.FOOTNOTE</kbd>, <strong>mom</strong>
-takes care of everything: putting footnote markers in the body of
-the document, keeping track of how many footnotes are on the page,
-identifying the footnotes themselves appropriately, balancing them
-properly with the bottom margin, deferring footnotes that don't fit
-on the page... Even if you're using
-<a href="docprocessing.html#COLUMNS">COLUMNS</a>,
-<strong>mom</strong> knows what to do, and Does The Right Thing.
-Footnotes can be sly little beasts, though. If you're writing a
-document that's footnote-heavy, you might want to read the following.
-<a name="FOOTNOTE_BEHAVIOUR"><h3><u>Footnote behaviour</u></h3></a>
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> marks footnotes with alternating
-stars (asterisks), daggers, and double-daggers. The first footnote
-gets a star, the second a dagger, the third a double-dagger, the
-fourth two stars, the fifth two daggers, etc. If you prefer
-numbered footnotes, rest assured <strong>mom</strong> is happy to
-A small amount of vertical whitespace and a short horizontal rule
-separate footnotes from the document body. The amount of whitespace
-varies slightly from page to page depending on the number of lines
-in the footnotes. <strong>Mom</strong> tries for a nice balance
-between too little whitespace and too much, but when push comes to
-shove, she'll usually opt for ample over cramped. The last lines of
-footnotes are always flush with the document's bottom margin.
-<a name="FOOTNOTE_RULES"></a>
-If <strong>mom</strong> sees that a portion of a footnote cannot
-be fit on its page, she carries that portion over to the next
-page. If an entire footnote can't be fit on its page (i.e.
-<strong>FOOTNOTE</strong> has been called too close to the bottom),
-she defers the footnote to the next page, but sets it with the
-appropriate marker from the previous page.
-When footnotes occur within cited text, for example a
-<a href="#QUOTE">QUOTE</a>
-or a
-<strong>mom</strong> will usually opt for deferring the footnote
-over to the next page if it allows her to complete the cited text
-on one page.
-In the unfortunate happenstance that a deferred footnote is the
-only footnote on its page (i.e. it's marked in the document body with
-a star) and the page it's deferred to has its own footnotes,
-<strong>mom</strong> separates the deferred footnote from the page's
-proper footnote(s) with a blank line. This avoids the confusion that
-might result from readers seeing two footnote entries on the same page
-identified by a single star (or the number 1 if you've requested
-numbered footnotes that begin at 1 on every page). The blank line
-makes it clear that the first footnote entry belongs to the previous
-In the circumstance where a deferred footnote is not the only one
-on its page, and is consequently marked by something other than a
-single star, there's no confusion and <strong>mom</strong> doesn't
-bother with the blank line. (By convention, the first footnote on
-a page is always marked with a single star, so if readers see, say,
-a dagger or double-dagger marking the first footnote entry, they'll
-know the entry belongs to the previous page).
-Very exceptionally, two footnotes may have to be deferred (e.g. one
-occurs on the second to last line of a page, and another on the last
-line). In such a circumstance, <strong>mom</strong> does not add
-a blank after the second deferred footnote. If you'd like a blank
-line separating both deferred footnotes from any footnotes proper to
-the page the deferred ones were moved to, add the space manually by
-putting a
-<a href="typesetting.html#SPACE"><kbd>.SPACE</kbd></a>
-command at the end of the footnote text, before <nobr><kbd>.FOOTNOTE
-OFF</kbd></nobr> (or <strong>X, QUIT, EXIT, etc...</strong>).
-Obviously, deferred footnotes aren't an issue if you request
-numbered footnotes that increase incrementally throughout the whole
-document &mdash; yet another convenience <strong>mom</strong> has
-thought of.
-While <strong>mom</strong>'s handling of footnotes is sophisticated,
-and tries to take nearly every imaginable situation under which they
-might occur into account, some situations are simply impossible from
-a typographic standpoint. For example, if you have a
-<a href="#HEAD">HEAD</a>
-near the bottom of the page AND that page has some footnotes on it,
-<strong>mom</strong> may simply not have room to set any text under
-the head (normally, she insists on having room for at least one line
-of text beneath a head). In such an instance, <strong>mom</strong>
-will either set the head, with nothing under it but footnotes, or
-transfer the head to the next page. Either way, you'll have a
-gaping hole at the bottom of the page. It's a sort of typographic
-Catch-22, and can only be resolved by you, the writer or formatter
-of the document, adjusting the type on the offending page so as to
-circumvent the problem.
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> Exceptionally, you may encounter problems
-with footnotes inside quotes and blockquotes that cross a page or
-column. See
-for a solution.
-<a name="FN_AND_PUNCT"><h3><u>Footnote markers and punctuation in the running text</u></h3></a>
-As of version 1.3-d, the manner of entering the line <em>after</em>
-<nobr><strong>.FOOTNOTE OFF</strong></nobr> has changed.
-<a name="FN_AND_PUNCT_FILL"><h4><u>"Fill" modes &mdash; JUSTIFY, or QUAD LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT</u></h4></a>
-In fill modes, the correct way to enter the line after
-<nobr><kbd>.FOOTNOTE OFF</kbd></nobr> is to input it as if it's
-literally a continuation of the input line you were entering before
-you invoked <kbd>.FOOTNOTE</kbd>. Therefore, if necessary, the
-input line may have to begin with space(s) or a punctuation mark, as
-in the two following examples.
- Example 1
- ---------
- A line of text,\c
- A footnote line.
- broken up with a comma.
- ^
- (last line begins with a literal space)
- Example 2
- ---------
- A line of text\c
- A footnote line.
- , broken up with a comma.
- ^
- (last line begins with a comma and a space)
-Example 1 produces, on output
- A line of text,* broken up with a comma.
-Example 2 produces
- A line of text*, broken up with a comma.
-Care must be taken, though, if the punctuation mark that begins the
-line after <nobr><strong>FOOTNOTE OFF</strong></nobr> is a period
-(dot). You <strong><em>must</em></strong> begin such lines with
-<kbd>\&amp;.</kbd>, like this:
- end of a sentence\c
- A footnote line.
- \&amp;. A new sentence...
-If you omit the <kbd>\&amp;.</kbd>, the line will vanish!
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> The document element tags,
-<a href="#EPIGRAPH">EPIGRAPH</a>
-imply a "fill" mode, therefore these instructions also apply when
-you insert a footnote into epigraphs or blockquotes.
-<a name="FN_AND_PUNCT_NOFILL"><h4><u>"No-fill" modes &mdash; LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT</u></h4></a>
-In no-fill modes, you must decide a) whether text on the
-<em>input</em> line after <nobr><kbd>.FOOTNOTE OFF</kbd></nobr> is
-to be joined to the <em>output</em> line before <kbd>.FOOTNOTE</kbd>
-was invoked, or b) whether you want the <em>output</em> text to
-begin on a new line.
-In the first instance, simply follow the instructions,
-<a href="#FN_AND_PUNCT_FILL">above</a>,
-for fill modes.
-In the second instance, you must explicitly tell
-<strong>mom</strong> that you want input text after
-<nobr><kbd>FOOTNOTE OFF</kbd></nobr> to begin on a new output
-line. This is accomplished by passing <nobr><kbd>.FOOTNOTE
-OFF</kbd></nobr> (or <strong>QUIT, END, X,</strong> etc) an
-additional argument: <kbd>BREAK</kbd> or <kbd>BR</kbd>.
-Study the two examples below to understand the difference.
- Example 1 &mdash; No-fill mode, FOOTNOTE OFF with no BREAK
- -----------------------------------------------------
- A line of text\c
- A footnote line
- that carries on after the footnote.
-produces, on output
- A line of text* that carries on after the footnote.
- Example 2 &mdash; No-fill mode, FOOTNOTE OFF with BREAK
- --------------------------------------------------
- A line of text\c
- A footnote line
- that doesn't carry on after the footnote.
-produces the following on output:
- A line of text*
- that doesn't carry on after the footnote.
-The distinction becomes particularly important if you like to see
-punctuation marks come <em>after</em> footnote markers. In no-fill
-modes, that's accomplished like this:
- A line of text\c
- A footnote line
- ,
- broken up with a comma.
-The output of the above looks like this:
- A line of text*,
- broken up with a comma.
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> The document element tag,
-<a href="#QUOTE">QUOTE</a>,
-implies a "no-fill" mode, therefore these
-instructions also apply when you insert footnotes into quotes.
-<!-- -FOOTNOTE- -->
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="FOOTNOTE"></a>
-<nobr>Tag: <strong>FOOTNOTE</strong> <kbd>&lt;toggle&gt; [ BREAK | BR ] | INDENT LEFT | RIGHT | BOTH &lt;indent value&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-<em>*See <a href="#FOOTNOTE_NOTE">HYPER-IMPORTANT NOTE</a>!!!</em>
-<kbd>&lt;indent value&gt;</kbd> <em>requires a
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a></em>
-<strong>FOOTNOTE</strong> is a toggle macro, therefore invoking it
-on a line by itself allows you to enter a footnote in the body of a
-document. Invoking it with any argument <em>other than INDENT</em>
-(i.e. <strong>OFF, QUIT, END, X...</strong>) tells <strong>mom</strong>
-you're finished.
-Footnotes are the only element of
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>
-that are not affected by the typesetting
-<a href="typesetting.html#INDENTS">indent macros</a>.
-In the unlikely event that you want a page's footnotes to line
-up with a running indent, invoke <kbd>.FOOTNOTE</kbd> with
-the <kbd>INDENT</kbd> argument and pass it an indent direction and
-indent value. <kbd>L, R,</kbd> and <kbd>B</kbd> may be used in place
-of <kbd>LEFT, RIGHT,</kbd> and <kbd>BOTH</kbd>. <kbd>FOOTNOTE</kbd>
-must be invoked with <kbd>.INDENT</kbd> for every footnote you want
-indented; <strong>mom</strong> does not save any footnote indent
-information from invocation to invocation.
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> If a footnote runs to more than one
-paragraph(!), <strong>DO NOT</strong> begin the footnote with
-<a href="#PP">PP</a>
-tag. Use <kbd>.PP</kbd> only to introduce subsequent paragraphs.
-<a name="FOOTNOTE_NOTE"><strong>HYPER-IMPORTANT NOTE:</strong></a>
-The final word on the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INPUTLINE">input line</a>
-that comes immediately before <strong>FOOTNOTE</strong> MUST terminate
-with a
-<a href="typesetting.html#JOIN"><kbd>\c</kbd></a>
-inline escape if your
-is either <strong>STAR</strong> or <strong>NUMBER</strong>.
-See the
-<a href="#FOOTNOTE_EXAMPLE">footnote example</a>
-Additionally, in
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FILLED">fill</a>
-<nobr>(<a href="typesetting.html#JUSTIFY">JUSTIFY</a></nobr>
-<a href="typesetting.html#QUAD">QUAD</a>),
-the line <em>after</em> a <nobr><kbd>.FOOTNOTE OFF</kbd></nobr>
-should be entered as if there were no interruption in the input
-text, i.e. the line should begin with a literal space or punctuation
-mark (see explanation and examples
-<a href="#FN_AND_PUNCT">here</a>).
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_NOFILL">no-fill</a>
-modes, the optional argument <kbd>BREAK</kbd> or
-<kbd>BR</kbd> may be used after the <strong>OFF</strong> (or
-<strong>QUIT, END, X,</strong> etc.) argument to instruct
-<strong>mom</strong> NOT to join the next input line to the previous
-output. See
-<a href="#FN_AND_PUNCT_NOFILL">here</a>
-for a more complete explanation, with examples.
-Do NOT use the <kbd>\c</kbd> inline escape if your
-<strong>FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE</strong> is <strong>LINE</strong>, or
-if you have disabled footnote markers with
-<nobr><a href="#FOOTNOTE_MARKERS"><kbd>.FOOTNOTE_MARKERS</kbd></a> <kbd>OFF</kbd></nobr>.
-In these instances, the line after
-<nobr><strong>FOOTNOTE&nbsp;OFF</strong></nobr> should be entered normally.
-<a name="FOOTNOTE_CONTROL"><h3><u>Footnote control macros</u></h3></a>
- <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_GENERAL">Family/font/size/colour/lead/quad</a></li>
- <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_MARKERS">Footnote markers</a> &mdash; on or off</li>
- <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE">Footnote marker style</a> &mdash; star+dagger, numbered or by line number</li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#FOOTNOTES_RUN_ON">FOOTNOTES_RUN_ON</a>&mdash; line-numbered footnotes only</li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#RESET_FOOTNOTE_NUMBER">Reset footnote number</a> &mdash; set footnote marker number to 1</li>
- <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_SPACE">Inter-footnote spacing</a></li>
- <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_RULE">Footnote rule</a> &mdash; on or off</li>
- <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_RULE_LENGTH">Footnote rule length</a> &mdash; length of footnote separator rule</li>
- <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_RULE_WEIGHT">Footnote rule weight</a> &mdash; weight of footnote separator rule</li>
- <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_RULE_ADJ">Adjust vertical position of footnote separator rule</a></li>
-<a name="FOOTNOTE_GENERAL"><h4><u>1. Family/font/size/colour/lead/quad</u></h4></a>
-<a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
-.FOOTNOTE_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
-.FOOTNOTE_FONT default = roman
-.FOOTNOTE_SIZE default = -2 (points)
-.FOOTNOTE_COLOR default = black
-.FOOTNOTE_AUTOLEAD default = 2 points (typeset); single-spaced (typewrite)
-.FOOTNOTE_QUAD default = same as paragraphs
-<a name="FOOTNOTE_MARKERS"><h4><u>2. Footnote markers &mdash; FOOTNOTE_MARKERS</u></h4></a>
-If you don't want footnote markers, in either the body of
-the document or beside footnote entries themselves, toggle
-them off with <nobr><kbd>.FOOTNOTE_MARKERS OFF</kbd></nobr> (or
-<strong>END, QUIT, X</strong>...). This means, of course, that
-you'll have to roll your own. If you want them back on, invoke
-<kbd>.FOOTNOTE_MARKERS</kbd> with no argument. Footnote markers are
-on by default.
-If <strong>FOOTNOTE_MARKERS</strong> are disabled, do NOT use
-the <kbd>\c</kbd> inline escape to terminate the line before
-<a name="FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE"><h4><u>3. Footnote marker style &mdash; FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE</u></h4></a>
-<strong>Mom</strong> gives you two choices of footnote marker style:
-star+dagger (see
-<a href="#FOOTNOTE_BEHAVIOUR">footnote behaviour</a>
-above), or numbered.
-<kbd>.FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE STAR</kbd> gives you star+dagger (the
-default). There is a limit of 10 footnotes per page with this
-<kbd>.FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE NUMBER</kbd> gives you superscript
-numbers, both in the document body and in the footnote entries
-themselves. By default, footnote numbers increase incrementally
-(prev. footnote number + 1) throughout the whole document. You can
-ask <strong>mom</strong> to start each page's footnote numbers at 1
-with <kbd>.RESET_FOOTNOTE_NUMBER</kbd>
-(<a href="#RESET_FOOTNOTE_NUMBER">see below</a>.)
-<kbd>.FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE LINE</kbd> lets you have footnotes which
-are identified by line number, rather than by a marker in the text.
-(Note that
-must be enabled in order to use this marker style.)
-With <strong>FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE LINE</strong>,
-<strong>mom</strong> will identify footnotes either by single line
-numbers, or line ranges. If what you want is a single line number,
-you need only invoke <kbd>.FOOTNOTE</kbd>, <em>without terminating
-the text line before it with</em> <kbd>\c</kbd>, at the appropriate
-place in running text.
-If you want a range of line numbers (e.g.&nbsp;[5-11]&nbsp;),
-insert, directly into the first line of the range you want, the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escape</a>,
-<kbd>\*[FN-MARK]</kbd>. For the terminating line number of
-the range, you need only invoke <kbd>.FOOTNOTE</kbd>, (again,
-without attaching <kbd>\c</kbd> to the text line before it).
-<strong>Mom</strong> is smart enough to figure out that where
-<kbd>.FOOTNOTE</kbd> was invoked represents the terminating
-line number. Range-numbered footnotes are always output on the
-page where <kbd>.FOOTNOTE</kbd> was invoked, not the page where
-<kbd>\*[FN-MARK]</kbd> appears (subject, of course, to the rules for
-footnotes that fall too close to the bottom of a page, as outlined
-<a href="#FOOTNOTE_RULES">here</a>).
-<strong>Mom</strong>, by default, puts footnote line numbers inside
-square brackets. The style of the brackets may be changed with
-the macro, <strong>FOOTNOTE_LINENUMBER_BRACKETS</strong>, which
-takes one of three possible arguments: <kbd>PARENS</kbd> ("round"
-brackets), <kbd>SQUARE</kbd> (the default) or <kbd>BRACES</kbd>
-(curly braces). If you prefer a shortform, the arguments,
-<kbd>(</kbd>, <kbd>[</kbd> or <kbd>{</kbd> may be used instead.
-If you don't want the numbers enclosed in brackets, you may tell
-<strong>mom</strong> to use a "separator" instead. A common
-separator would be the colon, but it can be anything you like. The
-macro to do this is <strong>FOOTNOTE_LINENUMBER_SEPARATOR</strong>,
-which takes, as its single argument, the separator you want. For
-safety and consistency's sake, ALWAYS enclose the argument in
-The separator can be composed of any valid groff character, or any
-combination of characters. <strong>A word of caution:</strong> when
-using a separator, <strong>mom</strong> doesn't insert a space
-after the separator. Hence, if you want the space (you probably
-do), you must make the space part of the argument you pass to
-<strong>FOOTNOTE_LINENUMBER_SEPARATOR</strong>. For example,
-to get a colon separator with a space after it, you'd do
-<a name="FOOTNOTES_RUN_ON"><h5><u>RUN-ON FOOTNOTES</u></h5></a>
-Finally, if your footnote marker style is <strong>LINE</strong>, you
-may instruct <strong>mom</strong> to do "run-on style" footnotes.
-Run-on footnotes do not treat footnotes as discrete entities, i.e.
-on a line by themselves. Rather, each footnote is separated from
-the footnote before it by a space, so that the footnotes on any
-given page form a continuous block, like lines in a paragraph.
-The macro to get <strong>mom</strong> to run footnotes on is
-<kbd>.FOOTNOTES_RUN_ON</kbd>. Invoked by itself, it turns the
-feature on. Invoked with any other argument (<strong>OFF</strong>,
-<strong>NO</strong>, etc.), it turns the feature off. It is
-generally NOT a good idea to turn the feature on and off during the
-course of a single document. If you do, <strong>mom</strong> will
-issue a warning if there's going to be a problem. However, it is
-always perfectly safe to enable/disable the feature after
-<a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">COLLATE</a>.
-The usual reason for wanting run-on footnotes is that you're
-using them to hold many, short references. (See
-<a href="refer.html#TOP">here</a>
-for instructions on using the <strong>groff</strong> program,
-<strong>refer</strong>, to set up references.)
-<a name="RESET_FOOTNOTE_NUMBER"><h4><u>4. Reset footnote number &mdash; RESET_FOOTNOTE_NUMBER</u></h4></a>
-<kbd>.RESET_FOOTNOTE_NUMBER</kbd>, by itself, resets
-footnote numbering so that the next footnote you enter is
-numbered 1.
-<nobr><kbd>.RESET_FOOTNOTE_NUMBER PAGE</kbd></nobr> tells
-<strong>mom</strong> to start every page's footnote numbering at 1.
-<a name="FOOTNOTE_SPACE"><h4><u>5. Inter-footnote spacing &mdash; FOOTNOTE_SPACE</u></h4></a>
-If you'd like a little extra space between footnotes, you can have
-<strong>mom</strong> put it in for you by invoking
-<kbd>.FOOTNOTE_SPACE</kbd> with an argument representing the
-amount of extra space you'd like. The argument to
-<strong>FOOTNOTE_SPACE</strong> requires a
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>.
-In the following example, footnotes will be separated from each
-other by 3
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>.
-<a name="FOOTNOTE_RULE"><h4><u>6. Footnote rule &mdash; FOOTNOTE_RULE</u></h4></a>
-If you don't want a footnote separator rule, toggle it off with
-<nobr><kbd>.FOOTNOTE_RULE OFF</kbd></nobr> (or <strong>END,
-QUIT, X</strong>...). Toggle it back on by invoking
-<kbd>.FOOTNOTE_RULE</kbd> with no argument. The default is to print
-the rule.
-<a name="FOOTNOTE_RULE_LENGTH"><h4><u>7. Footnote rule length &mdash; FOOTNOTE_RULE_LENGTH</u></h4></a>
-If you want to change the length of the footnote separator rule,
-invoke <kbd>.FOOTNOTE_RULE_LENGTH</kbd> with a length, like
-which sets the length to 1 inch. Note that a
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
-is required. The default is 4
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">picas</a>
-for both
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLES</a>.
-<a name="FOOTNOTE_RULE_WEIGHT"><h4><u>8. Footnote rule weight &mdash; FOOTNOTE_RULE_WEIGHT</u></h4></a>
-If you want to change the weight (&quot;thickness&quot;) of the
-footnote separator rule, invoke <kbd>.FOOTNOTE_RULE_WEIGHT</kbd>
-with the desired weight. The weight is measured in
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>;
-however, do NOT append the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>,
-<kbd>p</kbd>, to the argument.
-<strong>Mom</strong>'s default footnote rule weight is 1/2 point.
-If you'd like a 1-point rule instead,
-is how you'd get it.
-<a name="FOOTNOTE_RULE_ADJ"><h4><u>9. Adjust vertical position of footnote separator rule &mdash; FOOTNOTE_RULE_ADJ</u></h4></a>
-The footnote separator rule is a rule whose bottom edge falls
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_BASELINE">baseline</a>
-(at the footnote
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">leading</a>)
-one line above the first line of a page's footnotes. By default,
-<strong>mom</strong> raises the rule 3
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>
-from the baseline so that the separator and the footnotes don't
-look jammed together. If you'd prefer a different vertical
-adjustment, invoke <kbd>.FOOTNOTE_RULE_ADJ</kbd> with the
-amount you'd like. For example
-raises the rule by 4-1/4 points. Note that you can only raise
-the rule, not lower it. A
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
-is required.
-<strong>Tip:</strong> If your document
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">leading</a>
-is 2
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>
-or less (e.g your
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PS">point size</a>
-is 10 and your linespacing is 10, 11, or 12), lowering
-<strong>mom</strong>'s default footnote rule adjustment will
-almost certainly give you nicer looking results than leaving
-the adjustment at the default. Furthermore, you can invoke
-<kbd>.FOOTNOTE_RULE_ADJ</kbd> on any page in which footnotes
-appear, or in any column, so that the placement of the footnote rule
-can be changed on-the-fly, should you wish to do so.
-<!-- ==================================================================== -->
-<a name="ENDNOTE_INTRO"><h2><u>Endnotes</u></h2></a>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_BEHAVIOUR">Endnote behaviour</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_SPACING">A Note on Endnote Spacing</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_COLUMNS">Endnotes and columnar documents</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE">Tag: ENDNOTE</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTES">Macro: ENDNOTES</a> &mdash; tell <strong>mom</strong> to output endnotes</li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_CONTROL">ENDNOTES control macros</a></li>
-Embedding endnotes into <strong>mom</strong> documents is accomplished
-the same way as embedding
-<a href="#FOOTNOTE_INTRO">footnotes</a>. The example below is
-identical to the one shown in the
-<a href="#FOOTNOTE_EXAMPLE">introduction to footnotes</a>,
-except that <kbd>.FOOTNOTE</kbd> has been replaced with
-<a name="ENDNOTE_EXAMPLE"></a>
- ...the doctrines of Identity as urged by Schelling\c
- &lt;endnote about who the hell is Schelling&gt;
- were generally the points of discussion presenting the most
- of beauty to the imaginative Morella.
-As with footnotes, note the obligatory use of the <kbd>\c</kbd>
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escape</a>
-when your
-is <strong>NUMBER</strong> (which marks endnotes references in
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>
-with superscript numbers). When the marker style is
-<strong>LINE</strong>, you must <em>not</em> use the <kbd>\c</kbd>
-<strong>***Version 1.3-d change***</strong>
-As of version 1.3-d, the manner of entering the line <em>after</em>
-<nobr><kbd>.ENDNOTE OFF</kbd></nobr> has changed to accommodate
-users' differing wishes with respect to the order of punctuation and
-endnote markers. <strong>Mom</strong> handles endnotes and footnotes
-identically in this regard, so please read the footnote section,
-<a href="#FN_AND_PUNCT">Footnote markers and punctuation in the running text</a>,
-for an explanation.
-<strong>***End version 1.3-d change***</strong>
-Endnotes differ from footnotes in two ways (other than the fact that
-endnotes come at the end of a document whereas footnotes appear in
-the body of the document):
- <li>When your <strong>ENDNOTE_MARKER_STYLE</strong> is
- <strong>NUMBER</strong>, endnotes are always numbered
- incrementally, starting at "1".
- </li>
- <li>Endnotes MUST be output explicitly; <strong>mom</strong> does
- not output them for you. In
- <a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">collated</a>
- documents, this allows you to choose whether you
- want the endnotes to appear at the end of each chapter or
- article in a document, or grouped together at the very end
- of the document.
- </li>
-Within endnotes, you may use the document element tags
-<a href="#PP">PP</a>,
-<a href="#QUOTE">QUOTE</a>
-This provides the flexibility to create endnotes that run to several
-paragraphs, as well as to embed cited text within endnotes.
-Should you wish to change the appearance of quotes or blockquotes
-that appear within endnotes, you may do so with the
-<a href="#QUOTE_CONTROL">quote control macros</a>
-<a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_CONTROL">blockquote control macros</a>.
-HOWEVER... you must make the changes <em>within</em> each endnote,
-prior to invoking <kbd>.QUOTE</kbd> or <kbd>.BLOCKQUOTE</kbd>,
-and undo them prior to terminating the endnote (i.e. before
-<nobr><kbd>.ENDNOTE OFF</kbd>)</nobr>, otherwise the changes will
-affect subsequent quotes and blockquotes that appear in the document
-body as well.
-<a name="ENDNOTE_BEHAVIOUR"><h3><u>Endnote behaviour</u></h3></a>
-When you output endnotes (with
-<a href="#ENDNOTES">ENDNOTES</a>),
-<strong>mom</strong> finishes processing the last page of your document,
-then breaks to a new page for printing the endnotes. If the document
-type is
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOCTYPE">CHAPTER</a>,
-the centre part of the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_HEADER">header</a>
-(or footer), which, by default, contains a chapter number or title,
-is removed.
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> starts the endnotes page with
-a bold, centred, double-underlined head, &quot;ENDNOTES&quot;.
-Underneath &mdash; flush left, bold, and underscored &mdash; she
-prints the document title (or, in the case of chapters, the chapter
-number or title). She then prints the endnotes. Each endnote is
-identified by its appropriate number, in bold, right aligned to two
-placeholders. The text of the endnotes themselves is indented to
-the right of the numbers.
-If the endnotes are grouped together at the end of a collated document,
-each section of the document that contains endnotes is identified by its
-own unique title (or chapter number or title), bold, flush left, and
-Of course, all the defaults, as well as the overall style of the
-endnotes page, can be changed with the
-<a href="#ENDNOTE_CONTROL">endnote control macros</a>.
-The attentive will notice that endnotes have an awful lot of control
-macros. This is because endnotes are like a mini-document unto
-themselves, and therefore need not be bound by the style parameters of
-the body of the document.
-<a name="ENDNOTE_SPACING"><h3><u>A Note on Endnote Spacing</u></h3></a>
-On the endnotes page(s), each new endnote is separated from the
-previous endnote by a full line space. This can result in a bottom
-margin that hangs, and is the one instance, other than the use of
-<a href="#PP_SPACE">PARA_SPACE</a>,
-where <strong>mom</strong> allows unequal bottom alignment of pages.
-Should you wish to correct this, by adding or subtracting small amounts
-of space between endnotes that appear together on an endnotes page, make
-the adjustment (with
-<a href="typesetting.html#ALD">ALD</a>,
-<a href="typesetting.html#RLD">RLD</a>
-<a href="typesetting.html#SPACE">SPACE</a>)
-<em>at the end of each endnote</em> (i.e. just before invoking
-<nobr><a href="#ENDNOTE"><kbd>.ENDNOTE OFF</kbd></a>)</nobr>
-rather than at the top.
-<a name="ENDNOTE_COLUMNS"><h3><u>Endnotes and columnar documents</u></h3></a>
-Formerly (pre 1.1.6), there was no way to set a document in columns
-<a href="docprocessing.html#COLUMNS">COLUMNS</a>)
-and then turn off column mode for endnotes. As of version 1.1.6,
-you may now do so. See
-<!-- -ENDNOTE- -->
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="ENDNOTE"></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE</strong> <kbd>&lt;toggle&gt; [ BREAK | BR ]</kbd></nobr>
-<em>*See <a href="#ENDNOTE_NOTE">HYPER-IMPORTANT NOTE</a>!!!</em>
-<strong>ENDNOTE</strong> is a toggle macro, therefore invoking it
-on a line by itself allows you to enter an endnote in the body of a
-document. Invoking it with any other argument (i.e. <strong>OFF,
-QUIT, END, X...</strong>) tells <strong>mom</strong> that you've
-finished the endnote.
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> If an endnote runs to more than one
-paragraph, <strong>DO NOT</strong> begin the endnote with the
-<a href="#PP">PP</a>
-tag. Use <strong>PP</strong> only to introduce subsequent
-<a name="ENDNOTE_NOTE"><strong>HYPER-IMPORTANT NOTE:</strong></a>
-If your
-is <strong>NUMBER</strong> (<strong>mom</strong>'s default), the
-final word on the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INPUTLINE">input line</a>
-that comes immediately before <kbd>.ENDNOTE</kbd> MUST
-terminate with a
-<a href="typesetting.html#JOIN"><kbd>\c</kbd></a>
-inline escape. See the
-<a href="#ENDNOTE_EXAMPLE">endnote example</a>
-Additionally, in
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FILLED">fill</a>
-(<a href="typesetting.html#JUSTIFY">JUSTIFY</a>
-<a href="typesetting.html#QUAD">QUAD</a>,
-the line <em>after</em> <nobr><kbd>.ENDNOTE OFF</kbd></nobr>
-should be entered as if there were no interruption in the input
-text, i.e. the line should begin with a literal space or punctuation
-mark (see explanation and examples
-<a href="#FN_AND_PUNCT">here</a>).
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_NOFILL">no-fill</a> modes, the
-optional argument <kbd>BREAK</kbd> or <kbd>BR</kbd> may be used
-after the <kbd>OFF</kbd> (or <strong>QUIT, END, X,</strong> etc.)
-argument to instruct <strong>mom</strong> NOT to join the next input
-line to the previous output. See
-<a href="#FN_AND_PUNCT_NOFILL">here</a>
-for a more complete explanation, with examples.
-If your <strong>ENDNOTE_MARKER_STYLE</strong> is
-<strong>LINE</strong>, do NOT use the <kbd>\c</kbd> escape, and
-enter the line after <nobr><kbd>.ENDNOTE OFF</kbd></nobr>
-<!-- -ENDNOTES- -->
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="ENDNOTES"></a>
-<a name="ENDNOTES">Tag: <strong>ENDNOTES</strong></a>
-Unlike footnotes, which <strong>mom</strong> automatically outputs
-at the bottom of pages, endnotes must be explicitly output by you,
-the user. <strong>ENDNOTES</strong>, by itself (i.e. without any
-argument), is the macro to do this.
-Typically, you'll use <strong>ENDNOTES</strong> at the end of
-a document. If it's a single (i.e. not collated) document,
-<strong>mom</strong> will print the endnotes pertaining to it. If
-it's a collated document, <strong>mom</strong> will print all the
-endnotes contained within all sections of the document (typically
-chapters), appropriately identified and numbered.
-Should you wish to output the endnotes for each section of a
-collated document at the ends of the sections (instead of at the
-very end of the document), simply invoke <kbd>.ENDNOTES</kbd>
-immediately prior to
-<a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">COLLATE</a>.
-<strong>Mom</strong> will print the endnotes, identified and
-numbered appropriately, on a separate page prior to starting
-the next section of the document. Each subsequent invocation
-of <kbd>.ENDNOTES</kbd> outputs only those endnotes that
-<strong>mom</strong> collected after the previous invocation.
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="ENDNOTE_CONTROL"><h3><u>Endnote control macros</u></h3></a>
-<h4><u>VERY IMPORTANT NOTE!</u></h4>
-Endnote control macros must always be invoked prior to the first
-instance of
-<a href="#ENDNOTE"><nobr><kbd>.ENDNOTE / .ENDNOTE OFF</kbd></nobr></a>.
-When you embed endnotes in the body of a document,
-<strong>mom</strong> collects <em>and processes</em> them for later
-outputting (when you invoke
-<a href="#ENDNOTES"><kbd>.ENDNOTES</kbd></a>).
-By the time you do invoke <kbd>.ENDNOTES</kbd>, it's much too late
-to change your mind about how you want them to look.
-My advice? If you're planning to change the default appearance of
-endnotes pages, set them up prior to
-<a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>.
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_GENERAL"><strong>General endnotes-pages style control</strong></a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_STYLE">Base family/font/quad for endnotes-pages</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_PT_SIZE">Base point size for the endnotes-pages</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_LEAD">Leading of endnotes-pages</a></li>
- <li><a href="#SINGLESPACE_ENDNOTES">Singlespace endnotes (for TYPEWRITE only)</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_PARA_INDENT">Size of paragraph first line indent in multi-paragraph endnotes</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_PARA_SPACE">Inserting space between paragraphs of multi-paragraph endnotes</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_NO_COLUMNS">Turning off column mode during endnotes output</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_PAGINATION">Pagination of endnotes</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_PAGENUM_STYLE">Endnotes-pages page numbering style</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_FIRST_PAGENUMBER">Setting the first page number of endnotes pages</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_NO_FIRST_PAGENUM">Omitting a page number on the first page of endnotes</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#SUSPEND_PAGINATION">Suspending pagination of endnotes pages</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_HEADER_CONTROL"><strong>Endnotes-page header/footer control</strong></a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_MODIFY_HDRFTR">Modifying what goes in the endnotes-pages header/footer</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_HDRFTR_CENTER">Enabling a header/footer centre when doctype is CHAPTER</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_ALLOWS_HEADERS">Allow headers on endnotes-pages</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_MAIN_TITLE"><strong>Endnotes-page head (i.e. the title at the top) control</strong></a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_STRING">Creating/modifying the endnotes-page head</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_STRING_CONTROL">Endnotes-page head control</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_STRING_UNDERLINE">Endnotes-page head underlining</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_STRING_CAPS">Endnotes-page head capitalization</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_DOC_TITLE"><strong>Endnote document-identification title</strong></a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_TITLE">Creating/modifying the endnote document-identification title</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_TITLE_CONTROL">Document-identification title control</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_TITLE_UNDERSCORE">Document-identification title underscoring</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_NUMBERING"><strong>Endnotes-pages endnote numbering style</strong></a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_MARKER_STYLE">Endnote marker style</a> &mdash; by numbers in the text, or by line number</li>
- <ul>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_NUMBER_CONTROL">Endnotes-pages endnote numbering style control</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_NUMBER_ALIGNMENT">Endnote numbering alignment</a></li>
- <ul>
- </ul>
- </ul>
-<a name="ENDNOTES_GENERAL"><h4><u>1. General endnotes page style control</u></h4></a>
-<a name="ENDNOTE_STYLE"><h5>*<u>Endnote family/font/quad</u></h5></a>
-<a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
-.ENDNOTE_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
-.ENDNOTE_FONT default = roman
-.ENDNOTE_QUAD* default = justified
-*Note: ENDNOTE_QUAD must be set to either L or J
-<!-- -ENDNOTE_PT_SIZE- -->
-<a name="ENDNOTE_PT_SIZE"><h5>*<u>Endnote point size</u></h5></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_PT_SIZE</strong> <kbd>&lt;base type size of endnotes&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-Unlike most other control macros that deal with size of document
-elements, <strong>ENDNOTE_PT_SIZE</strong> takes as its argument
-an absolute value, relative to nothing. Therefore, the argument
-represents the size of endnote type in
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>,
-unless you append an alternative
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>.
-For example,
-sets the base point size of type on the endnotes page to 12
-points, whereas
-sets the base point size of type on the endnotes page to 1/6 of an
-The type size set with <strong>ENDNOTE_PT_SIZE</strong> is the size
-of type used for the text of the endnotes, and forms the basis from
-which the point size of other endnote page elements is calculated.
-The default for
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>
-is 12.5 points (the same default size used in the body of the
-<!-- -ENDNOTE_LEAD- -->
-<a name="ENDNOTE_LEAD"><h5>*<u>Endnote lead</u></h5></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_LEAD</strong> <kbd>&lt;base leading of endnotes&gt; [ ADJUST ] </kbd></nobr>
-<em>*Does not require a <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>; points is assumed</em>
-Unlike most other control macros that deal with leading of document
-elements, <strong>ENDNOTE_LEAD</strong> takes as its argument an
-absolute value, relative to nothing. Therefore, the argument
-represents the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">leading</a>
-of endnotes in
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>
-unless you append an alternative
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>.
-For example,
-sets the base leading of type on the endnotes page to 14
-points, whereas
-sets the base leading of type on the endnotes page to 1/2 inch.
-If you want the leading of endnotes adjusted to fill the page, pass
-<strong>ENDNOTE_LEAD</strong> the optional argument
-<kbd>ADJUST</kbd>. (See
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOC_LEAD_ADJUST">DOC_LEAD_ADJUST</a>
-for an explanation of leading adjustment.)
-The default for
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>
-is 14 points, adjusted.
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> Even if you give <strong>mom</strong>
-a <nobr><kbd>.DOC_LEAD_ADJUST OFF</kbd></nobr> command, she
-will still, by default, adjust endnote leading. You MUST enter
-<nobr><kbd>.ENDNOTE_LEAD &lt;lead&gt;</kbd></nobr> with no
-<kbd>ADJUST</kbd> argument to disable this default behaviour.
-<a name="SINGLESPACE_ENDNOTES"><h5>*<u>Singlespace endnotes (TYPEWRITE only)</u></h5></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>SINGLESPACE_ENDNOTES</strong> <kbd>&lt;toggle&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-If your
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE</a>
-is <strong>TYPEWRITE</strong> and you use TYPEWRITE's default
-double-spacing, endnotes are double-spaced. If your document is
-single-spaced, endnotes are single-spaced.
-If, for some reason, you'd prefer that endnotes be single-spaced
-in an otherwise double-spaced document (including double-spaced
-<a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">collated</a>
-documents), invoke <kbd>.SINGLESPACE_ENDNOTES</kbd> with no
-argument. And if, god help you, you want to change endnote
-single-spacing back to double-spacing for different spacing of
-endnotes output at the ends of separate documents in a collated
-document, invoke <kbd>.SINGLESPACE_ENDNOTES</kbd> with any argument
-(<strong>OFF, QUIT, Q, X</strong>...).
-<a name="ENDNOTE_PARA_INDENT"><h5>*<u>Endnote paragraph indenting</u></h5></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_PARA_INDENT</strong> <kbd>&lt;amount to indent first line of paragraphs in endnotes&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-<em>*Requires a <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a></em>
-<strong>ENDNOTE_PARA_INDENT</strong> works exactly the same way as
-<a href="#PARA_INDENT">PARA_INDENT</a>,
-except that the indent given is the amount by which to indent the
-first lines of endnote paragraphs, not document body paragraphs.
-The default is 1.5
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_EM">ems</a>
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>;
-1/2 inch for
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>.
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> The first line of the first paragraph of
-endnotes (the one attached immediately to the identifying endnote
-number) is never indented. Only subsequent paragraphs are affected
-by <strong>ENDNOTE_PARA_INDENT</strong>.
-<a name="ENDNOTE_PARA_SPACE"><h5>*<u>Endnote paragraph spacing</u></h5></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_PARA_SPACE</strong> <kbd>&lt;toggle&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-<strong>ENDNOTE_PARA_SPACE</strong> works exactly the same way as
-<a href="#PP_SPACE">PARA_SPACE</a>,
-except that it inserts a blank line between endnote paragraphs, not
-document body paragraphs.
-The default is not to insert a blank line between paragraphs in
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> Each endnote itself is always
-separated from any previous endnote by a line space.
-<strong>ENDNOTE_PARA_SPACE</strong> refers only to paragraphs that
-appear within each discrete endnote.
-<a name="ENDNOTES_NO_COLUMNS"><h5>*<u>Turning off column mode during endnotes output</u></h5></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTES_NO_COLUMNS</strong> <kbd>&lt;toggle&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-By default, if your document is
-<a href="docprocessing.html#COLUMNS">set in columns</a>,
-<strong>mom</strong> sets the endnotes in columns, too. However,
-if your document is set in columns and you'd like the endnotes not
-to be, just invoke <kbd>.ENDNOTES_NO_COLUMNS</kbd> with no argument.
-The endnotes pages will be set to the full page measure of your
-If you output endnotes at the end of each document in a
-<a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">collated</a>
-document set in columns, column mode will automatically
-be reinstated for each document, even with
-<strong>ENDNOTES_NO_COLUMNS</strong> turned on. In such
-circumstances, you must re-enable it for each collated document.
-<a name="ENDNOTES_PAGINATION"><h5>*<u>Pagination of endnotes</u></h5></a>
-<a name="ENDNOTES_PAGENUM_STYLE"><h6><u>Endnotes-pages page numbering style</u></h6></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTES_PAGENUM_STYLE</strong> <kbd>DIGIT | ROMAN | roman | ALPHA | alpha</kbd></nobr>
-Use this macro to set the page numbering style of endnotes pages.
-The arguments are identical to those for
-<a href="headfootpage.html#PAGENUM_STYLE">PAGENUM_STYLE</a>.
-The default is <kbd>digit</kbd>. You may want to change it to, say,
-<kbd>alpha</kbd>, which you would do with
-<a name="ENDNOTES_FIRST_PAGENUMBER"><h6><u>Setting the first page number of endnotes pages</u></h6></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTES_FIRST_PAGENUMBER</strong> <kbd>&lt;page # that appears on page 1 of endnotes&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-Use this macro with caution. If all endnotes for several
-<a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">collated</a>
-documents are to be output at once, i.e. not at the end of each
-separate doc, <strong>ENDNOTES_FIRST_PAGENUMBER</strong> tells
-<strong>mom</strong> what page number to put on the first page of
-the endnotes.
-If you set <strong>ENDNOTES_FIRST_PAGENUMBER</strong> in collated
-documents where the endnotes are output after each separate doc,
-you have to reset every separate document's first page number after
-<a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">COLLATE</a>
-and before
-<a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>.
-<a name="ENDNOTES_NO_FIRST_PAGENUM"><h6><u>Omitting a page number on the first page of endnotes</u></h6></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTES_NO_FIRST_PAGENUM</strong> <kbd>&lt;toggle&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-This macro is for use only if <strong>FOOTERS</strong> are on. It
-<a href="#ENDNOTES">ENDNOTES</a>
-not to print a page number on the first endnotes page.
-<strong>Mom</strong>'s default is to print the page number.
-<a name="SUSPEND_PAGINATION"><h6><u>Suspending pagination of endnotes pages</u></h6></a>
-Macro: <strong>SUSPEND_PAGINATION</strong>
-Macro: <strong>RESTORE_PAGINATION</strong>
-<strong>SUSPEND_PAGINATION</strong> doesn't take an argument.
-Invoked immediately prior to
-<a href="#ENDNOTES">ENDNOTES</a>,
-it turns off endnotes pages pagination. <strong>Mom</strong>
-continues, however to increment page numbers silently.
-To restore normal document pagination after endnotes, invoke
-<kbd>.RESTORE_PAGINATION</kbd> (again, with no argument) immediately
-after <kbd>.ENDNOTES</kbd>.
-<a name="ENDNOTES_HEADER_CONTROL"><h4><u>2. Endnotes-page header/footer control</u></h4></a>
-If you wish to modify what appears in the header/footer that appears
-on endnotes page(s), make the changes before you invoke
-<a href="#ENDNOTES"><kbd>.ENDNOTES</kbd></a>,
-not afterwards.
-Except in the case of
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOCTYPE">DOCTYPE CHAPTER</a>,
-<strong>mom</strong> prints the same header or footer used
-throughout the document on the endnotes page(s). Chapters get
-treated differently in that, by default, <strong>mom</strong> does
-not print the header/footer centre string (normally the chapter
-number or chapter title.) In most cases, this is what you want.
-However, should you <em>not</em> want <strong>mom</strong> to remove
-the centre string from the endnotes page(s) headers/footers, invoke
-with no argument.
-An important change you may want to make is to put the word
-&quot;Endnotes&quot; in the header/footer centre position.
-To do so, do
- .HEADER_CENTER "Endnotes"
- or
- .FOOTER_CENTER "Endnotes"
-prior to invoking <kbd>.ENDNOTES</kbd>. If your
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOCTYPE">DOCTYPE</a>
-is <strong>CHAPTER</strong>, you must also invoke
-for the <strong>HEADER_CENTER</strong> to appear.
-<a name="ENDNOTES_HDRFTR_CENTER"><h5>*<u>Endnotes page(s) header/footer centre string</u></h5></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTES_HEADER_CENTER</strong> <kbd>toggle</kbd></nobr>
-If your
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOCTYPE">DOCTYPE</a>
-is <strong>CHAPTER</strong> and you want <strong>mom</strong>
-to include a centre string in the headers/footers that appear
-on endnotes pages, invoke <kbd>.ENDNOTES_HEADER_CENTER</kbd>
-(or <kbd>.ENDNOTES_FOOTER_CENTER</kbd>) with no argument.
-<strong>Mom</strong>'s default is NOT to print the centre string.
-If, for some reason, having enabled the header/footer centre string
-on endnotes pages, you wish to disable it, invoke the same macro
-with any argument (<strong>OFF, QUIT, Q, X</strong>...).
-<a name="ENDNOTES_ALLOWS_HEADERS"><h5>*<u>Allow headers on endnotes-pages</u></h5></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTES_ALLOWS_HEADERS</strong> <kbd>&lt;none&gt; | ALL</kbd></nobr>
-By default, if <strong>HEADERS</strong> are on, <strong>mom</strong>
-prints page headers on all endnotes pages except the first. If you
-don't want her to print headers on endnotes pages, do
-If you want headers on every page <em>including the first</em>, do
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> If <strong>FOOTERS</strong> are on,
-<strong>mom</strong> prints footers on every endnotes page. This is
-a style convention. In <strong>mom</strong>, there is no such beast
-as <strong>ENDNOTES_ALLOWS_FOOTERS OFF</strong>.
-<a name="ENDNOTES_MAIN_TITLE"><h4><u>3. Endnotes first page header (title) control</u></h4></a>
-<!-- -ENDNOTE_STRING- -->
-<a name="ENDNOTE_STRING"><h5>*<u>Endnotes first page header (title) string</u></h5></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_STRING</strong> <kbd>&quot;&lt;head to print at the top of endnotes&gt;&quot;</kbd></nobr>
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> prints the word
-&quot;ENDNOTES&quot; as a head at the top of the first page
-of endnotes. If you want her to print something else, invoke
-<kbd>.ENDNOTE_STRING</kbd> with the endnotes-page head you want,
-surrounded by double-quotes. If you don't want a head at the top
-of the first endnotes-page, invoke <kbd>.ENDNOTE_STRING</kbd> with
-a blank argument (either two double-quotes side by side &mdash;
-<kbd>&quot;&quot;</kbd> &mdash; or no argument at all).
-<a name="ENDNOTE_STRING_CONTROL"><h5>*<u>Endnotes first page header (title) control</u></h5></a>
-<a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
-.ENDNOTE_STRING_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
-.ENDNOTE_STRING_FONT default = bold
-.ENDNOTE_STRING_SIZE* default = +1
-.ENDNOTE_STRING_QUAD default = centred
-*Relative to the size of the endnotes text (set with ENDNOTE_PT_SIZE)
-<a name="ENDNOTE_STRING_ADVANCE"><h5>*<u>Endnotes first page header (title) placement</u></h5></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_STRING_ADVANCE</strong> <kbd>&lt;distance from top of page&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-<em>*Argument requires a <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measusure</a></em>
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> places the title (the docheader, as
-it were) of endnotes pages (typically "ENDNOTES") on the same
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_BASELINE">baseline</a>
-that is used for the start of
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>.
-If you'd prefer another location, higher or lower on the page
-(thereby also raising or lowering the starting position of the
-endnotes themselves), invoke <kbd>.ENDNOTE_STRING_ADVANCE</kbd>
-with an argument stating the distance <em>from the top edge of the
-page</em> at which you'd like the title placed.
-The argument requires a unit of measure, so if you'd like the title
-to appear 1-1/2 inches from the top edge of the page, you'd tell
-<strong>mom</strong> about it like this:
-<a name="ENDNOTE_STRING_UNDERLINE"><h5>*<u>Endnotes first page header (title) underlining</u></h5></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_STRING_UNDERLINE</strong> <kbd>[DOUBLE] [&lt;underline weight&gt; [&lt;underline gap&gt; [&lt;distance between double rules]]] | &lt;none&gt; | &lt;anything&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-Alias: <strong>ENDNOTE_STRING_UNDERSCORE</strong>
-<em>*The argument</em> <kbd>&lt;underline weight&gt;</kbd> <em>must</em> NOT <em>have the</em> <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>, <kbd>p</kbd>, <em>appended to it</em>
-Invoked without an argument, <kbd>.ENDNOTE_STRING_UNDERLINE</kbd>
-will place a single rule underneath the endnotes-page head. Invoked
-with the argument <kbd>DOUBLE</kbd>,
-<strong>ENDNOTE_STRING_UNDERLINE</strong> will double-underline
-the head. Invoked with any other non-numeric argument, (e.g.
-<strong>OFF</strong>, <strong>NO</strong>, <strong>X</strong>, etc.)
-the macro disables underlining of the head.
-In addition, you can use <strong>ENDNOTE_STRING_UNDERLINE</strong>
-to control the weight of the underline rule(s), the gap between the
-head and the underline, and, in the case of double-underlines, the
-distance between the two rules.
-Some examples:
- - turn underlining on; set the rule weight to 1 point
- - turn underlining on; set the rule weight to 1 point; set
- the gap between the string and the underline to 3 points
- - turn double-underlining on; set the rule weight to 3/4 of
- a point; set the gap between the string and the upper
- underline to 3 points; leave the gap between the upper
- and the lower underline at the default
- - turn double-underlining on; set the rule weight to 1-1/2
- points; set the gap between the string and the upper
- underline to 1-1/2 points; set the gap between the upper
- and the lower underline to 1-1/2 points
-Note, from the above, that in all instances, underlining (single or
-double) is enabled whenever <strong>ENDNOTE_STRING_UNDERLINE</strong>
-is used in this way.
-<strong>Mom</strong>'s default is to double-underline the head
-with 1/2-point rules placed 2 points apart and 2 points below the
-baseline of the head.
-<a name="ENDNOTE_STRING_CAPS"><h5>*<u>Endnotes first page header (title) automatic capitalization</u></h5></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_STRING_CAPS</strong> <kbd>toggle</kbd></nobr>
-Invoked by itself, <kbd>.ENDNOTE_STRING_CAPS</kbd> will
-automatically capitalize the endnotes-page head. Invoked with any
-other argument, the macro disables automatic capitalization of the
-If you're generating a table of contents, you may want the
-endnotes-pages head string in caps, but the toc entry in caps/lower
-case. If the argument to
-is in caps/lower case and <strong>ENDNOTE_STRING_CAPS</strong> is
-on, this is exactly what will happen.
-<strong>Mom</strong>'s default is to capitalize the endnotes-pages
-head string.
-<!-- -ENDNOTE_TITLE- -->
-<a name="ENDNOTES_DOC_TITLE"><h4><u>4. Endnote document-identification title</u></h4></a>
-<a name="ENDNOTE_TITLE"><h5>*<u>Endnote document-identification title string</u></h5></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_TITLE</strong> <kbd>&quot;&lt;title to identify a document in endnotes&gt;&quot;</kbd></nobr>
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> identifies the document(s) to which
-endnotes belong by the document title(s) given to the
-<a href="docprocessing.html#TITLE">TITLE</a>
-macro. If you'd like her to identify the document(s) another way,
-just invoke <kbd>.ENDNOTE_TITLE</kbd> with the identifying title you
-want, surrounded by double-quotes.
-If you don't want any identifying title, invoke
-<kbd>.ENDNOTE_TITLE</kbd> with a blank argument (either two
-double-quotes side by side &mdash; <kbd>&quot;&quot;</kbd> &mdash;
-or no argument at all). This is particularly useful if you have a
-single (i.e. non-collated) document and find having the document's
-title included in the endnotes redundant.
-<a name="ENDNOTE_TITLE_CONTROL"><h5>*<u>Endnote document-identification title control</u></h5></a>
-<a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
-.ENDNOTE_TITLE_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
-.ENDNOTE_TITLE_FONT default = bold
-.ENDNOTE_TITLE_SIZE* default = 0
-.ENDNOTE_TITLE_QUAD default = left
-*Relative to the size of the endnotes text (set with ENDNOTE_PT_SIZE)
-<a name="ENDNOTE_TITLE_UNDERLINE"><h5>*<u>Endnotes-page head (title) underlining</u></h5></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_TITLE_UNDERLINE</strong> <kbd>[DOUBLE] [&lt;underline weight&gt; [&lt;underline gap&gt; [&lt;distance between double rules]]] | &lt;none&gt; | &lt;anything&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-Alias: <strong>ENDNOTE_TITLE_UNDERSCORE</strong>
-<em>*The argument</em> <kbd>&lt;underline weight&gt;</kbd> <em>must</em> NOT <em>have the</em> <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>, <kbd>p</kbd>, <em>appended to it</em>
-Invoked without an argument, <kbd>.ENDNOTE_TITLE_UNDERLINE</kbd>
-will place a single rule underneath the document identification
-title. Invoked with the argument <kbd>DOUBLE</kbd>,
-<strong>ENDNOTE_TITLE_UNDERLINE</strong> will double-underline
-the title. Invoked with any other non-numeric argument, (e.g.
-<strong>OFF</strong>, <strong>NO</strong>, <strong>X</strong>, etc.)
-the macro disables underlining of the title.
-In addition, you can use <strong>ENDNOTE_TITLE_UNDERLINE</strong>
-to control the weight of the underline rule(s), the gap between the
-title and the underline, and, in the case of double-underlines, the
-distance between the two rules.
-Some examples:
- - turn underlining on; set the rule weight to 1 point
- - turn underlining on; set the rule weight to 1 point; set
- the gap between the title and the underline to 3 points
- - turn double-underlining on; set the rule weight to 3 points
- - turn double-underlining on; set the rule weight to 1-1/2
- points; set the gap between the title and the upper
- underline to 1-1/2 points; set the gap between the upper
- and the lower underline to 1-1/2 points
-Note, from the above, that in all instances, underlining (single or
-double) is enabled whenever <strong>ENDNOTE_TITLE_UNDERSCORE</strong>
-is used in this way.
-<strong>Mom</strong>'s default is to single-underline the title
-with a 1/2-point rule place 2 points below its baseline.
-<a name="ENDNOTES_NUMBERING"><h4><u>5. Endnotes-pages endnote numbering style</u></h4></a>
-<a name="ENDNOTE_MARKER_STYLE"><h5>*<u>Endnote marker style</u></h5></a>
-The macro to control how endnotes are referenced is
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> places superscript numbers in
-<a href="definitions.html#RUNNING">running text</a>
-to identify endnotes. However, if you have
-<a href="#NUMBER_LINES">line-numbering</a>
-turned on, you may instruct <strong>mom</strong> not to put
-superscript numbers in the running text, but rather to reference
-endnotes by line number. The command to do this is
-With <strong>ENDNOTE_MARKER_STYLE LINE</strong>,
-<strong>mom</strong> will identify endnotes either by single
-line numbers, or line ranges. If what you want is a single line
-number, you need only invoke <kbd>.ENDNOTE</kbd>, <em>without
-terminating the text line before it with</em> <kbd>\c</kbd>,
-at the appropriate place in running text. (Should you wish to
-revert to <strong>mom</strong>'s default behaviour of placing
-a superscript number in the text to identify an endnote, you
-can invoke <kbd>.ENDNOTE_MARKER_STYLE</kbd> with the argument,
-<kbd>NUMBER</kbd>. It is not advisable to switch marker styles
-within a single document, for aesthetic reasons, but there is
-nothing to prevent you from doing so.)
-<a name="EN-MARK"></a>
-If you want a range of line numbers (e.g.&nbsp;[5-11]&nbsp;),
-insert, directly into the first line of the range you want, the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escape</a>,
-<kbd>\*[EN-MARK]</kbd>. For the terminating line number of
-the range, you need only invoke <kbd>.ENDNOTE</kbd>, (again,
-without attaching <kbd>\c</kbd> to the text line before it).
-<strong>Mom</strong> is smart enough to figure out that where
-<kbd>.ENDNOTE</kbd> is invoked represents the terminating line
-<a name="ENDNOTE_LINENUMBER_GAP"><h5>*<u>Spacing between line-numbered endnotes and the endnote text</u></h5></a>
-Given the impossibility of knowing, in advance, the "string length"
-of all the line numbers or ranges of line numbers that will be used
-in endnotes (the string length of 12 is two; the string length
-of 12-15 is 5), <strong>mom</strong> cannot "hang" line numbers
-and guarantee that they, and the endnote text, will align in a
-visually pleasing manner. Consequently, <strong>mom</strong> sets
-the entirety of line-numbered endnotes completely flush left,
-<strong>including the line numbers themselves</strong>. The line
-numbers (by default, enclosed in square brackets) are separated from
-the beginning of each endnote by a gap, so that a line-numbered
-endnote looks approximately like this:
- [1-2] Notwithstanding, Frye later asserts that Christianity
- is "a ghost with the chains of a foul historical record of
- cruelty clanking behind it."
-You can change the size of the gap with the macro,
-<strong>ENDNOTE_LINENUMBER_GAP</strong>, which takes as its single
-argument the size of the gap. The argument requires a
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>.
-So, for example, to change the gap to 2
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">picas</a>,
-you'd do
-The default gap for both
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>
-is 1.5
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_EM">ems</a>.
-<a name="ENDNOTE_LINENUMBER_BRACKETS"><h5>*<u>Brackets around endnotes line-numbers</u></h5></a>
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> puts endnote line numbers inside
-square brackets. The style of the brackets may be changed with the
-macro, <strong>ENDNOTE_LINENUMBER_BRACKETS</strong>, which takes one
-of three possible arguments: <kbd>PARENS</kbd> (&quot;round&quot;
-brackets), <kbd>SQUARE</kbd> (the default) or <kbd>BRACES</kbd>
-(curly braces). If you prefer a shortform, the arguments,
-<kbd>(</kbd>, <kbd>[</kbd> or <kbd>{</kbd> may be used instead.
-<a name="ENDNOTE_LINENUMBER_SEPARATOR"><h5>*<u>A separator after endnotes line-numbers instead of brackets</u></h5></a>
-If you don't want the numbers enclosed in brackets, you may tell
-<strong>mom</strong> to use a "separator" instead. A common
-separator would be the colon, but it can be anything you like. The
-macro to do this is <strong>ENDNOTE_LINENUMBER_SEPARATOR</strong>,
-which takes, as its single argument, the separator you want.
-(If the argument contains spaces, don't forget to enclose the
-argument in double-quotes.) The separator can be composed of
-any valid groff character, or any combination of characters.
-For example, to get a colon separator after the line number in
-line-numbered endnotes, you'd do
-<a name="ENDNOTE_NUMBER_CONTROL"><h5>*<u>Endnote numbering style control</u></h5></a>
-<a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
-Please note that the control macros for endnote numbering affect only
-the numbers that appear on the endnotes pages themselves, not the
-endnote numbers that appear in the body of the document(s).
-.ENDNOTE_NUMBER_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
-.ENDNOTE_NUMBER_FONT default = bold
-.ENDNOTE_NUMBER_SIZE* default = 0
-*Relative to the size of the endnotes text (set with ENDNOTE_PT_SIZE)
-<a name="ENDNOTE_NUMBER_ALIGNMENT"><h5>*<u>Endnote numbering alignment</u></h5></a>
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> hangs the numbers on endnotes pages,
-aligned right to two placeholders, producing this:
- 9. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
- sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et
- dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
- 10. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
- sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et
- dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
-The macros to alter this behaviour are
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_NUMBERS_ALIGN_RIGHT"><strong>ENDNOTE_NUMBERS_ALIGN_RIGHT</strong></a></li>
- <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_NUMBERS_ALIGN_LEFT"><strong>ENDNOTE_NUMBERS_ALIGN_LEFT</strong></a></li>
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_NUMBERS_ALIGN_RIGHT</strong> &lt;number of placeholders&gt;</nobr>
-<strong>ENDNOTE_NUMBERS_ALIGN_RIGHT</strong> takes one
-(non-optional) argument: the number of placeholders to reserve for
-right alignment of endnote numbers.
-For example, if you have fewer than ten endnotes, you might want to do
-which would ensure that the endnote numbers hang, but are all flush
-with the page's left margin. If, god help you, you have over a hundred
-endnotes, you'd want to do
-to ensure that the numbers hang and are properly right-aligned.
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_NUMBERS_ALIGN_LEFT</strong>
-If you don't want the endnote numbers to hang and right-align,
-invoke <kbd>.ENDNOTE_NUMBERS_ALIGN_LEFT</kbd>, which doesn't require
-any argument. This disables hanging and right-alignment of endnote
-numbers, so that the example
-comes out like this:
- 9. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
- sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et
- dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
- 10. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
- sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et
- dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
-<!-- ==================================================================== -->
-<a name="MARGIN_NOTES_INTRO"><h2><u>Margin notes</u></h2></a>
- <li><a href="#MARGIN_NOTES_BEHAVIOUR">Margin notes behaviour</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#MARGIN_NOTES_VERTICAL">Adjusting the vertical position of margin notes</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#MN_INIT">Macro: MN_INIT</a> &mdash; initialize margin notes</li>
- <li><a href="#MN">Tag: MN</a></li>
-Margin notes are short annotations that appear in either the left
-or right margin of a document. Sometimes they comment on the text.
-Sometimes they assist in following the &quot;flow&quot; of a
-document by summarizing the subject of a portion of text. Sometimes
-they're comments to yourself in a draft copy.
-The margin notes macros and routines in om.tmac
-(<strong>mom</strong>) are &quot;mommified&quot; versions of the
-margin notes macros and routines written by Werner Lemberg and
-patched by Gaius Mulley.
-<a name="MARGIN_NOTES_BEHAVIOUR"><h3><u>Margin notes behaviour</u></h3></a>
-First things first: before you enter your first margin note, you
-must &quot;initialize&quot; margin notes with
-<a href="#MN_INIT">MN_INIT</a>.
-<strong>MN_INIT</strong> sets up the style parameters for margin
-notes, including things like
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FONT">font</a>,
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FAMILY">family</a>
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">leading</a>.
-After initializing margin notes, you create margin notes with the
-<a href="#MN">MN</a>
-macro. Based on the argument you pass <strong>MN</strong>, your
-margin note will go in either the left or the right margin.
-Margin notes are tricky from a typographic standpoint with respect
-to vertical placement. Since the leading of margin notes may
-differ from that of
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>,
-it's impossible for <strong>mom</strong> to guess whether to align
-the first lines of margin notes with a document
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_BASELINE">baseline</a>,
-whether to align the last lines of margin notes with a document
-baseline, or whether to center them, vertically, so that neither
-first nor last line aligns with anything!
-Given this difficulty, <strong>mom</strong> always aligns the first
-line of any margin note with a document baseline. If you want a
-different behaviour, you must adjust the position(s) of margin
-notes yourself, on a note by note basis. (See
-<a href="#MARGIN_NOTES_VERTICAL">Adjusting the vertical position of margin notes</a>.)
-Generally speaking, <strong>mom</strong> tries to place margin
-notes at the point where you invoke the tag,
-<a href="#MN"><kbd>.MN</kbd></a>.
-However, in the event that a margin note runs deep, she may not
-be able to place a subsequent margin note exactly where you want.
-In such an instance, <strong>mom</strong> will &quot;shift&quot; the
-margin note down on the page, placing it one (margin note) linespace
-beneath the previous margin note (plus whatever vertical space
-is required to get the first line to line up with a baseline of
-running text). A warning will be issued, letting you know this has
-happened, and where.
-Sometimes, if a margin note has to be shifted down, there simply
-isn't enough room to start the margin note on the page on which
-<kbd>.MN</kbd> is invoked. In that case, <strong>mom</strong>
-ignores the margin note entirely and issues a warning, letting you
-know what she's done, and where.
-In the event that a margin note, sucessfully begun on a page, runs
-past your bottom margin (or the last line before footnotes begin),
-the margin note will &quot;flow&quot; onto the next page. If it is
-a &quot;left&quot; margin note, it will continue in the left margin.
-If it is a &quot;right&quot; margin note, it will continue in the
-right margin.
-If your document is being set in two columns, <strong>mom</strong>
-will sensibly and automatically set all margin notes pertaining
-to the left column in the left margin, and all margin notes
-pertaining to the right column in the right margin, regardless of
-the &quot;direction&quot; argument you give the <strong>MN</strong>
-tag. If you try to use <strong>MN</strong> in documents of more
-than two columns, <strong>mom</strong> will ignore all margin notes,
-and issue warning for each.
-<a name="MARGIN_NOTES_VERTICAL"><h4><u>Adjusting the vertical position of margin notes</u></h4></a>
-When the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERM_LEADING">leading</a>
-of margin notes differs from the leading used throughout a document,
-you may want to adjust the vertical position of individual margin
-notes. This is most often going to be the case with margin notes
-that end near the bottom of the page, where you want the last line of
-the margin note to line up with the last line of text on the page.
-Adjustments to the vertical position of margin notes must be done
-inside the margin note (i.e. after <kbd>.MN</kbd>), at the top,
-before entering text. The commands to use are
- \!<a href="typesetting.html#ALD">.ALD</a> (to lower the margin note)a
- and
- \!<a href="typesetting.html#RLD">.RLD</a> (to raise it)
-The <kbd>\!</kbd> <em>must</em> precede the macros, or they won't
-have any effect.
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<!-- -MN_INIT- -->
-<a name="MN_INIT"></a>
-Macro: <strong>MN_INIT</strong>
-<em>Macro arguments:</em>
-<kbd><nobr>[ RAGGED | SYMMETRIC ]</nobr>
-<nobr>&lt; left-width right-width gutter family+font point-size lead colour hyphenation-flags &gt;</nobr></kbd>
-Before you enter your first margin note, you must initialize
-all the parameters associated with margin notes with
-<strong>MN_INIT</strong>. If you forget to do so,
-<strong>mom</strong> will issue a warning and abort.
-The argument list is quite long; an explanation of each argument
-follows. Any argument whose value you want to be the default must
-be entered as <kbd>&quot;&quot;</kbd> (i.e. two double-quotes with
-no space between them). Defaults for each argument are given in the
-explanations below.
-<h4><kbd>[ RAGGED | SYMMETRIC ]</kbd></h4>
-If the first argument is <kbd>RAGGED</kbd>, both left and
-right margin notes will be flush left. If the first argument
-is <kbd>SYMMETRIC</kbd> left margin notes will be set flush
-<em>right</em>, and right margin notes will be set flush
-<em>left</em>. The effect is something like this:
- A left This is a meaningless batch A right
- margin note of text whose sole purpose is margin note
- with just to demonstrate how the sym- with just
- a few words metric argument to MN sets left a few words
- in it. and right margin notes. in it.
-If the argument is omitted, or given as &quot;&quot;, both left and
-right margin notes will be set justified. (Justified is usually not
-a good idea, since the narrow measure of margin notes makes pleasing
-justification a near impossibility.)
-The width of left margin notes. A
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
-must be appended directly onto the argument. The default is to set
-left margin notes right out to the edge of the page, which is almost
-certainly not what you want, so you should give a value for this
-argument if using left margin notes.
-The width of right margin notes. A
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
-must be appended directly onto the argument. The default is to
-set right margin notes right out to the edge of the page, which is
-almost certainly not what you want, so you should give a value for
-this argument if using right margin notes.
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_GUTTER">gutter</a>
-between margin notes and
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>.
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
-must be appended directly onto the argument. The gutter applies to
-both left and right margin notes. The default is 1
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_EM">em</a>.
-The family+font for margin notes. Yes, that's right: the family
-PLUS font combo. For example, if you want Times Roman Medium,
-the argument must be TR. If you want Palatino Medium Italic, the
-argument must be PI. The default is the same family+font combo used
-for a document's paragraph text.
-<h4><kbd>&lt;point size&gt;</kbd></h4>
-The point size of type for margin notes. There is no need to append a
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
-to the argument;
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>
-is assumed (although there's nothing preventing you from appending an
-alternative unit of measure directly to the argument). The default
-is for margin notes to use the same point size of type as is used
-in document paragraphs.
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">leading</a>
-of margin notes. <strong>lead</strong> uses
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>
-as its unit of measure, so don't tack a unit of measure onto the
-end of the argument. The default lead is the same leading as
-is used for paragraph text (i.e. the document's base leading).
-For convenience and clarity, you may, instead, give the word,
-<strong>DOC</strong>, to this argument, which indicates that the
-leading should be the same as the document's base leading.
-The colour of margin notes. The colour must be pre-initialized
-<a href="color.html#NEWCOLOR">NEWCOLOR</a>
-<a href="color.html#XCOLOR">XCOLOR</a>.
-The default is black.
-A number telling <strong>groff</strong> how you want margin notes
- 1 = hyphenate without restrictions
- 2 = do not hyphenate the last word on the page
- 4 = do not hyphenate the last two characters of a word
- 8 = do not hyphenate the first two characters of a word
-The values can be added together, so, for example, if you want
-neither the first two nor the last two characters of words
-hyphenated, the hyphenation-flag would be 12. The default value is
-14 (i.e. 2+4+8).
-<!-- -MN- -->
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="MN"></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>MN</strong> <kbd>LEFT | RIGHT</kbd></nobr>
-Once you've initialized margin notes with
-<a href="#MN_INIT"><kbd>.MN_INIT</kbd></a>,
-you can enter margin notes any time you like with
-<kbd>.MN</kbd>. An argument of <kbd>LEFT</kbd> will set
-a left margin note. An argument of <kbd>RIGHT</kbd> will set
-a right margin note.
-Any argument, such as <kbd>OFF</kbd> (or
-<strong>QUIT</strong>, <strong>END</strong>, <strong>X</strong>,
-etc) exits the current margin note.
-<!-- ==================================================================== -->
-<!-- -BLANK_PAGE- -->
-<a name="BLANK_PAGE_TITLE"><h2><u>Inserting a blank page into the document</u></h2></a>
-<a name="BLANK_PAGE"></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>BLANKPAGE</strong> <kbd>&lt;# of blank pages to insert&gt; | NULL</kbd></nobr>
-This one does exactly what you'd expect &mdash; inserts a blank
-page into the document. Unless you give the optional argument,
-<kbd>NULL</kbd>, <strong>mom</strong> silently increments the page
-number of every blank page and keeps track of
-<a href="rectoverso.html#RECTO_VERSO">recto/verso</a>
-stuff, but otherwise, does nothing. It's up to you, the user,
-to figure out what to do with this feature. However, it's worth
-noting that without it, inserting completely blank pages, to use
-a vernacular Québécois phrase, &quot;c'est pas évident&quot;
-(somewhere between &quot;isn't easy&quot;, &quot;isn't obvious&quot;
-and &quot;isn't fun&quot;).
-The required argument to <strong>BLANK_PAGE</strong> is the
-number of blank pages to insert. The argument is not optional,
-hence even if you only want one blank page, you have to tell
-The optional argument, <kbd>NULL</kbd>, allows you to output the
-specified number of pages without <strong>mom</strong> incrementing
-the page number for each blank page. She will, however, continue
-to keep track of which pages are recto/verso if recto/verso
-printing has been enabled.
-<!-- -FINIS- -->
-<a name="FINIS_INTRO"><h2><u>Document termination string</u></h2></a>
- <li><a href="#FINIS">Tag: FINIS</a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#FINIS_STRING">Changing the FINIS string</a></li>
- <li><a href="#FINIS_STRING_CAPS">Automatic capitalization of the FINIS string</a></li>
- <li><a href="#FINIS_COLOR">Changing the FINIS color</a></li>
- </ul>
-The use of <strong>FINIS</strong> is optional. If you invoke it
-(at the end of a document before
-<a href="#TOC">TOC</a>
-<a href="#ENDNOTES">ENDNOTES</a>),
-deposits the word, END, centred after a blank line, beneath the last
-line of the document. END is enclosed between
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_EM">em-dashes</a>.
-<strong>Please note</strong> that in versions of
-<strong>mom</strong> prior to 1.1.9, <strong>FINIS</strong> used to
-turn off
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FOOTER">footers</a>
-(if they were on) and page numbering (if page numbers were at the
-bottom of the page). Damned if I can recall why I thought anyone
-would want this behaviour; it has been removed.
-If you're writing in a language other than English, you can
-change what <strong>mom</strong> prints for END with
-the control macro <strong>FINIS_STRING</strong>.
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="FINIS"></a>
-Macro: <strong>FINIS</strong>
-The use of <strong>FINIS</strong> is optional, but if you use
-it, it should be the last macro you invoke in a document (before
-<a href="#ENDNOTES">ENDNOTES</a>
-<a href="#TOC">TOC</a>).
-<a href="#FINIS_INTRO">above</a>
-for a description of how <strong>FINIS</strong> behaves.
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> If you don't use <strong>FINIS</strong>,
-and you don't want
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FOOTER">footers</a>
-(if they're on) or a page number at the bottom of the last page of
-a document, you have to turn them off manually, as the last two
-lines of your document file, like this:
-<!-- -FINIS STRING- -->
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="FINIS_STRING"><h3><u>Changing the FINIS string</u></h3></a>
-By default, <strong>FINIS</strong> prints the word, END, between
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_EM">em-dashes</a>.
-If you'd like <strong>mom</strong> to print something else
-between the dashes, use the <strong>FINIS_STRING</strong> macro
-(anywhere in the document prior to <strong>FINIS</strong>).
-For example, if your document's in French, you'd do
-Double-quotes must enclose the macro's argument.
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> If you pass <strong>FINIS_STRING</strong>
-a blank string, i.e.
-<strong>mom</strong> will still print the em-dashes if you invoke
-<kbd>.FINIS</kbd>. This, in effect, produces a short, centred
-horizontal rule that terminates the document. (In
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>,
-it's a short, dashed line composed of four hyphens.)
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="FINIS_STRING_CAPS"><h3><u>Automatic capitalization of the FINIS string</u></h3></a>
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> sets the string you pass to
-<strong>FINIS</strong> all-caps. If you'd prefer that she not
-do so, but rather respect the FINIS string exactly as you enter
-it, invoke the macro, <kbd>.FINIS_STRING_CAPS</kbd> with the
-<kbd>OFF</kbd> argument, like this:
-<kbd>OFF</kbd>, above, could be anything, e.g. <strong>NO</strong>
-or <strong>X</strong>.
-<!-- -FINIS COLOR- -->
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="FINIS_COLOR"><h3><u>Changing the FINIS colour</u></h3></a>
-Invoking the control macro, <strong>FINIS_COLOR</strong>, with a
-pre-defined (or &quot;initalized&quot;) color changes the colour of
-both the FINIS string and the em-dashes that surround it. If you
-use the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINE">inline escape</a>,
-<a href="color.html#COLOR_INLINE"><kbd>\*[&lt;colorname&gt;]</kbd></a>,
-in the argument passed to <strong>FINIS</strong>, only the text
-will be in the new colour; the em-dashes will be in the default
-document colour (usually black).
-<!-- ==================================================================== -->
-<a name="TOC_INTRO"><h2><u>Tables of contents</u></h2></a>
- <li><a href="#TOC_BEHAVIOUR">TOC behaviour</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#PSSELECT">Using psselect to put the table of contents where you want</a></li>
- </ul></li>
- <li><a href="#TOC">Macro: TOC</a> &mdash; tell <strong>mom</strong> to output a table of contents</li>
- <li><a href="#TOC_CONTROL">TOC control macros</a></li>
-Want a table of contents for your document? Easy. Just enter
- .TOC
-as the very last macro of your document file. <strong>Mom</strong>
-will have picked up all document titles (in
-<a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">collated</a>
-documents), all heads, subheads, and paragraph heads, as well as any
-endnotes pages that have been output, and assigned them the
-appropriate page number (and page numbering style). Talk about a
-That said, tables of contents (tocs) have even more control macros
-than endnotes. As always, the reason for so many control macros is
-so that if you want to change just about any aspect of the toc's
-typographic appearance, you can. <strong>Mom</strong> is all about
-simplicity AND flexibility.
-<a name="TOC_BEHAVIOUR"><h3><u>TOC behaviour</u></h3></a>
-When you output a toc (with
-<a href="#TOC">TOC</a>),
-<strong>mom</strong> finishes processing the last page of your document,
-then breaks to a new page for printing the toc.
-<strong>Mom</strong> follows standard typesetting conventions for
-tables of contents. To this end, if
-<a href="headfootpage.html#HEADERS">HEADERS</a>
-are on for the document, the first page of the toc has no page
-header, but does have a first page (roman numeral) number, always
-&quot;1&quot;, in the bottom margin. If
-<a href="headfootpage.html#FOOTERS">FOOTERS</a>
-are on for the document, the first page has neither a footer, nor a
-page number in the top margin. (If you absolutely must have a page
-footer on the first page of the toc, simply invoke
-<a href="headfootpage.html#FOOTER_ON_FIRST_PAGE"><kbd>.FOOTER_ON_FIRST_PAGE</kbd></a>
-immediately before <strong>TOC</strong>.) Subsequent toc pages have
-both page headers or footers and a page number.
-Entries in the toc are hierarchically indented, as you would
-expect. By default, each type of entry (e.g. a head or a subhead)
-is set in a different font as well. If any of heads, subheads or
-paragraph heads are numbered in the body of the document, they are
-also numbered in the toc. Head numbering in the toc is NOT
-concatenated as it is in the body of the document, which would be
-visually redundant in a toc.
-Tocs are never set in columns, regardless of whether the rest of
-the document is. Lastly, if
-<a href="rectoverso.html#RECTO_VERSO">recto/verso</a>
-printing is enabled, the toc respects it. This sometimes leads to
-tocs that begin with the wrong margins, but the margins can be
-corrected either by outputting a
-<a href="#BLANK_PAGE">BLANKPAGE</a>
-or by using the toc control macro
-<a href="#TOC_RV_SWITCH">TOC_RV_SWITCH</a>.
-The overall toc
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FAMILY">family</a>,
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PS">point size</a>
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">lead</a>
-can be altered with the toc
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_CONTROLMACRO">control macros</a>,
-as can the family,
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FONT">font</a>,
-point size and indent of each type of toc entry (i.e. title, head,
-subhead, paragraph head). Furthermore, the page numbering style
-can be changed, as can the amount of visual space reserved for toc
-entry page numbers.
-<a name="PSSELECT"><h4><u>Using psselect to put the table of contents where you want</u></h4></a>
-<strong>Mom</strong> always outputs tables of contents as the last
-pages of any document. While this is desirable for some language
-conventions &mdash; French, for example &mdash; it is not desirable
-for others.
-If you'd like your tables of contents to be placed somewhere else,
-you have two options: re-arrange the pages by hand (okay for one or
-two hard copies of your document), or use the <strong>psselect</strong>
-programme provided by the <strong>psutils</strong> suite of tools
-(which you may have to install as a package from your distribution
-if it is not already on your system).
-The procedure for using <strong>psselect</strong> begins by you
-determining how many pages comprise the table of contents. You
-can do this by previewing the document with a PostScript viewer,
-say, <strong>gv</strong>. Once you know the number of pages in the
-table of contents, use <strong>psselect</strong> to re-arrange them
-Say, for example, the table of contents runs to just one page. The
-command to place the one-page table of contents at the start of the
-document is:
- psselect -p _1,1-_2 &lt;PostScript file&gt; &gt; &lt;new PostScript file&gt;
-The <kbd>-p</kbd> option instructs <strong>psselect</strong> that
-what follows is a comma-separated list of the order in which
-to re-arrange pages. The underscore character means "counting
-backwards from the end of the document". Thus, the above says
-"put the last page first (i.e. the table of contents), followed by
-all pages from the original first page up to the second to last."
-<strong>psselect</strong> outputs to stdout, so you have to redirect
-the output to a new file.
-If your table of contents runs to two pages, the command would look
-like this:
- psselect -p _1-_2,1-_3 &lt;PostScript file&gt; &gt; &lt;new PostScript file&gt;
-If your table of contents runs to two pages and you have a cover
-page that you would like to appear before the toc, the command would look
-like this:
- psselect -p 1,_1-_2,2-_3 &lt;PostScript file&gt; &gt; &lt;new PostScript file&gt;
-<!-- -TOC- -->
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="TOC"></a>
-<a name="TOC">Macro: <strong>TOC</strong></a>
-If you want a toc, just put <strong>TOC</strong> as the last macro
-in a document. <strong>Mom</strong> takes care of the rest.
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="TOC_CONTROL"><h3><u>TOC control macros</u></h3></a>
-TOC control macros must be placed prior to invoking
-<a href="docprocessing.html#START"><kbd>.START</kbd></a>.
-<strong>ERRATUM:</strong> In versions of <strong>mom</strong> prior to
-1.3-e_3, the documentation stated that TOC control macros could go
-anywhere in a <strong>mom</strong> file prior to invoking
-That convenience has been removed for Very Good Reasons.
- <li><a href="#TOC_GENERAL"><strong>General toc page style control</strong></a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#TOC_FAMILY">Base family for toc pages</a></li>
- <li><a href="#TOC_PT_SIZE">Base point size for toc pages</a></li>
- <li><a href="#TOC_LEAD">Leading of toc pages</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#TOC_PAGENUMBERING"><strong>Toc page numbering</strong></a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#PAGINATE_TOC">Turn toc pagination on or off</a></li>
- <li><a href="#TOC_PAGENUM_STYLE">Toc page numbering style</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#TOC_HEADER"><strong>Changing the toc header (title), string and style</strong></a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#TOC_HEADER_STRING">Changing the string (title)</a></li>
- <li><a href="#TOC_HEADER_STYLE">Changing the string (title) style</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#TOC_STYLE"><strong>Changing the style for toc entries</strong></a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#TOC_INDENT">The toc _INDENT control macros</a></li>
- <li><a href="#TOC_TITLE">Changing the style for toc title entries</a></li>
- <li><a href="#TOC_HEAD">Changing the style for toc head entries</a></li>
- <li><a href="#TOC_SUBHEAD">Changing the style for toc subhead entries</a></li>
- <li><a href="#TOC_PARAHEAD">Changing the style for toc paragraph head entries</a></li>
- <li><a href="#TOC_PN">Changing the style for toc page number listings</a></li>
- </ul>
- <li><a href="#TOC_ADDITIONAL"><strong>Additional toc control macros</strong></a></li>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#TOC_TITLE_ENTRY">Change the wording of a toc title entry</a></li>
- <li><a href="#TOC_APPENDS_AUTHOR">Append author(s) to toc title entries</a></li>
- <li><a href="#TOC_RV_SWITCH">TOC_RV_SWITCH</a></li>
- <li><a href="#TOC_PADDING">TOC_PADDING</a></li>
- </ul>
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="TOC_GENERAL"><h4><u>1. General toc page style control</u></h4></a>
-<a name="TOC_FAMILY"><h5>*<u>Toc family</u></h5></a>
-<a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
-Set the family of toc pages with <strong>TOC_FAMILY</strong>, which
-establishes the default family for every element of a toc page,
-including the toc title (&quot;Contents&quot;) and the page number
-in the top or bottom margin. The default is the prevailing document
-All elements on a toc page also have their own _FAMILY
-control macros, which override the default set by
-<!-- -TOC_PT_SIZE- -->
-<a name="TOC_PT_SIZE"><h5>*<u>Toc point size</u></h5></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>TOC_PT_SIZE</strong> <kbd>&lt;base type size of the toc&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-Unlike most other control macros that deal with size of document
-elements, <strong>TOC_PT_SIZE</strong> takes as its argument an
-absolute value, relative to nothing. Therefore, the argument
-represents the size of toc type in
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>,
-unless you append an alternative
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>.
-For example,
-sets the base point size of type for the toc to 12 points, whereas
- .TOC_PT_SIZE .6i
-sets the base point size of type for the toc to 1/6 of an inch.
-The type size set with <strong>TOC_PT_SIZE</strong> forms the basis
-from which the point size of other toc page elements are calculated.
-The default for
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>
-is 12.5 points (the same default size used in the body of the
-<!-- -TOC_LEAD- -->
-<a name="TOC_LEAD"><h5>*<u>Toc lead</u></h5></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>TOC_LEAD</strong> <kbd>&lt;leading of the toc&gt; [ ADJUST ]</kbd></nobr>
-<em>*Does not require a <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>; points is assumed</em>
-Unlike most other control macros that deal with leading of document
-elements, <strong>TOC_LEAD</strong> takes as its argument an
-absolute value, relative to nothing. Therefore, the argument
-represents the
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">leading</a>
-of tocs in
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>
-unless you append an alternative
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>.
-For example,
- .TOC_LEAD 14
-sets the base leading of type on the endnotes page to 14
-points, whereas
- .TOC_LEAD .5i
-sets the base leading of type on the endnotes page to 1/2 inch.
-If you want the leading of toc pages adjusted to fill the
-page, pass <strong>TOC_LEAD</strong> the optional argument
-<kbd>ADJUST</kbd>. (See
-<a href="docprocessing.html#DOC_LEAD_ADJUST">DOC_LEAD_ADJUST</a>
-for an explanation of leading adjustment.)
-The default for
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>
-is the prevailing document lead (16 by default), adjusted.
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> Even if you give <strong>mom</strong>
-a <nobr><kbd>.DOC_LEAD_ADJUST OFF</kbd></nobr> command, she
-will still, by default, adjust toc leading. You MUST enter
-<nobr><kbd>TOC_LEAD &lt;lead&gt;</kbd></nobr> with no
-<kbd>ADJUST</kbd> argument to disable this default behaviour.
-<strong>ADDITIONAL NOTE:</strong> Tocs are always double-spaced in
-<a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>,
-regardless of whether the body of the document is single-spaced.
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="TOC_PAGENUMBERING"><h4><u>2. Toc page numbering</u></h4></a>
-The page numbering of toc pages is controlled by the same macros
-that control
-<a href="headfootpage.html#PAGINATION">document page numbering</a>,
-<a href="headfootpage.html#PAGENUM">PAGENUM</a>
-(tocs always start on page 1). The defaults are the same as for the
-rest of the document.
-If you wish to change some aspect of toc pagination, use
-the document pagination control macros immediately prior to
-A special macro,
-controls the style of toc pages page numbers.
-<!-- -PAGINATE_TOC- -->
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="PAGINATE_TOC"></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>PAGINATE_TOC</strong> <kbd>&lt;toggle&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> paginates the toc. If you'd like
-her not to, do
-<strong>NOTE:</strong> Simply invoking
-<nobr><kbd>.PAGINATION OFF</kbd></nobr>
-<nobr><kbd>.PAGINATE OFF</kbd></nobr>
-disables toc pagination <em>for the first toc page only.</em> You
-MUST use <kbd>.PAGINATE_TOC OFF</kbd> to disable toc pagination,
-even if pagination is turned off elsewhere in your document.
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="TOC_PAGENUM_STYLE"></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>TOC_PAGENUM_STYLE</strong> <kbd>&lt;DIGIT | ROMAN | roman | ALPHA | alpha&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> uses roman numerals to number toc
-pages. Use <strong>TOC_PAGENUM_STYLE</strong> if you'd prefer
-something else. For example, to have standard digits instead of
-roman numerals, do the following:
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="TOC_HEADER"><h4><u>3. Changing the toc header (title) string and style</u></h4></a>
-The toc header string is the title that appears at to top of the
-toc. By default, it's &quot;Contents&quot;. If you'd like
-something else, say, &quot;Table of Contents&quot;, do
-<a name="TOC_HEADER_STRING"></a>
- .TOC_HEADER_STRING "Table of Contents"
-<a name="TOC_HEADER_STYLE"></a>
-The style of the toc header (title) is managed by the usual control
-macros (see
-<a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">arguments to the control macros</a>).
- .TOC_HEADER_FAMILY default = prevailing doc family (Times Roman in TYPEWRITE)
- .TOC_HEADER_FONT default = bold
- .TOC_HEADER_SIZE default = +4
- .TOC_HEADER_QUAD default = left
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="TOC_STYLE"><h4><u>4. Changing the style for toc entries</u></h4></a>
-&quot;Toc entries&quot; refers to titles, heads, subheads and
-paragraph heads as they appear in the toc. Their style is managed
-by the usual
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_CONTROLMACRO">control macros</a>,
-starting with TOC_
-<a name="TOC_INDENT"><h5>*<u>The table of contents _INDENT control macros</u></h5></a>
-The toc control macros that end in _INDENT all take a single
-argument that requires a
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>.
-The argument is the distance to indent the entry, always measured
-from the left margin. For example,
-indents head entries 2
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">picas</a>
-from the left margin.
-<a name="TOC_TITLE"><h5>*<u>Changing the style for toc title entries</u></h5></a>
-<a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">arguments to the control macros</a>).
-Toc title entries are the titles of documents that have been
-<a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">collated</a>
- .TOC_TITLE_FAMILY default = prevailing doc family (Times Roman in TYPEWRITE)
- .TOC_TITLE_FONT default = bold italic
- .TOC_TITLE_SIZE default = +0
-<a name="TOC_HEAD"><h5>*<u>Changing the style for toc head entries</u></h5></a>
-<a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">arguments to the control macros</a>).
-Toc head entries are main heads that appear in the body of a
- .TOC_HEAD_FAMILY default = prevailing doc family (Times Roman in TYPEWRITE)
- .TOC_HEAD_FONT default = bold
- .TOC_HEAD_SIZE default = +.5
- .TOC_HEAD_INDENT default = 18p for TYPESET; 2m for TYPEWRITE
-<a name="TOC_SUBHEAD"><h5>*<u>Changing the style for toc subhead entries</u></h5></a>
-<a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">arguments to the control macros</a>).
-Toc subhead entries are subheads that appear in the body of a
- .TOC_SUBHEAD_FAMILY default = prevailing doc family (Times Roman in TYPEWRITE)
- .TOC_SUBHEAD_FONT default = roman
- .TOC_SUBHEAD_SIZE default = +0
- .TOC_SUBHEAD_INDENT default = 30p for TYPESET; 4m for TYPEWRITE
-<a name="TOC_PARAHEAD"><h5>*<u>Changing the style for toc paragraph head entries</u></h5></a>
-<a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">arguments to the control macros</a>).
-Toc paragraph head entries are paragraph heads that appear in the
-body of a document.
- .TOC_PARAHEAD_FAMILY default = prevailing doc family (Times Roman in TYPEWRITE)
- .TOC_PARAHEAD_FONT default = italic
- .TOC_PARAHEAD_SIZE default = +0
- .TOC_PARAHEAD_INDENT default = 42p for TYPESET; 6m for TYPEWRITE
-<a name="TOC_PN"><h5>*<u>Changing the style for toc paragraph page number listings</u></h5></a>
-<a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">arguments to the control macros</a>).
-Toc paragraph head entries are paragraph heads that appear in the
-body of a document.
- .TOC_PN_FAMILY default = prevailing doc family (Times Roman in TYPEWRITE)
- .TOC_PN_FONT default = roman
- .TOC_PN_SIZE default = +0
-<hr width="66%" align="left"/>
-<a name="TOC_ADDITIONAL"><h4><u>5. Additional toc macros</u></h4></a>
-The following macros allow you to switch page margins should
-they be incorrect for recto/verso printing, to establish how
-many placeholders to leave for page listings, and to have
-<strong>mom</strong> append author(s) to toc title entries.
-<!-- -TOC_RV_SWITCH- -->
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="TOC_RV_SWITCH"></a>
-Macro: <strong>TOC_RV_SWITCH</strong>
-<strong>TOC_RV_SWITCH</strong> doesn't take an argument. It simply
-instructs <strong>mom</strong> to switch the left and right margins
-<a href="rectoverso.html#RECTO_VERSO">recto/verso</a>
-documents should the toc happen to begin on an even page when you
-want an odd, or vice versa.
-The same result can be accomplished by outputting a
-<a href="#BLANK_PAGE">BLANKPAGE</a>.
-<!-- -TOC_TITLE_ENTRY- -->
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="TOC_TITLE_ENTRY"></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>TOC_TITLE_ENTRY</strong> <kbd>&lt;&quot;alternate wording for a title entry in the toc&quot;&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-<a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">collated</a>
-documents, the title of each separate document appears in the table
-of contents. It may sometimes happen that you don't want the title
-as it appears in the toc to be the same as what appears in
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_DOCHEADER">docheader</a>.
-You might, for example, want to shorten it. Or, in the case of
-chapters where the docheader contains both a chapter number and a
-chapter title, like this
- Chapter 6
- Burning Bush &mdash; Maybe God Was Right
-you might want only the chapter title, not the chapter number, to
-show up in the toc. (By default, <strong>TOC</strong> generates
-If you want to change the wording of a title entry in the toc,
-simply invoke <kbd>.TOC_TITLE_ENTRY</kbd> with the desired
-wording, enclosed in double-quotes. Using the example, above,
- .CHAPTER_TITLE "Burning Bush &mdash; Maybe God Was Right"
- .TOC_TITLE_ENTRY "Burning Bush"
-would identify chapter 6 in the toc simply as &quot;Burning
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="TOC_APPENDS_AUTHOR"></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>TOC_APPENDS_AUTHOR</strong> <kbd>&lt;none&gt; | &lt;&quot;name(s) of authors&quot;&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-In certain kinds of collated documents, different authors are
-responsible for the articles or stories contained within them. In
-such documents, you may wish to have the author or authors
-appended to the toc's title entry for each story or article.
-If you invoke <kbd>.TOC_APPENDS_AUTHOR</kbd> with no argument,
-<strong>mom</strong> appends the first argument you passed to
-<a href="docprocessing.html#AUTHOR">AUTHOR</a>
-to toc title entries, separated by a front-slash.
-If you invoke <kbd>.TOC_APPENDS_AUTHOR</kbd> with an argument
-(surrounded by double-quotes), <strong>mom</strong> will append it
-to the toc title entries instead. This is useful if you have
-multiple authors you wish to identify by last name only. For
-example, if three authors &mdash; Joe Blough, Jane Doe, and John
-Deere &mdash; are responsible for a single article
- .TOC_APPENDS_AUTHOR "Blough et al."
-would be a good way to identify them in the toc.
-<!-- -TOC_PADDING- -->
-<hr width="33%" align="left"/>
-<a name="TOC_PADDING"></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>TOC_PADDING</strong> <kbd>&lt;number of placeholders to allow for page number listings&gt;</kbd></nobr>
-By default, <strong>mom</strong> allows room for 3 digits in the
-page number listings of tocs. If you'd like some other number of
-placeholders, say 2, do
-<!-- -PSPIC- -->
-<h2><u>Inserting images into a document &mdash; the PSPIC macro</u></h2>
-<a name="PSPIC"></a>
-<nobr>Macro: <strong>PSPIC</strong> <kbd>[ -L | -R | -I &lt;n&gt; ] &lt;file&gt; [ width [ height ] ]</kbd></nobr>
-You can insert images into a document by using the
-<strong>PSPIC</strong> macro. <strong>PSPIC</strong> isn't
-actually part of <strong>mom</strong>; it comes packaged with
-<strong>groff</strong> itself. Use it whenever you want to insert
-images into a <strong>mom</strong> document. The image must be
-in PostScript format, either straight .ps or .eps (Encapsulated
-PostScript). There have been reports of trouble with PostScript
-level 2 images, so don't save your images in this format.
-<kbd>man groff_tmac</kbd> contains the documentation for
-<strong>PSPIC</strong>, but I'll repeat it here with a few
----<em>From man groff_tmac</em>---
-<strong><kbd>&lt;file&gt;</kbd></strong> is the name of the file
-containing the illustration; width and height give the desired width
-and height of the graphic. The width and height arguments may have
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">units of measure</a>
-attached; the default unit of measure is
-<strong><kbd>i</kbd></strong>. This macro will scale the graphic
-uniformly in the x and y directions so that it is no more than
-width wide and height high. By default, the graphic will be
-horizontally centered. The <strong><kbd>-L</kbd></strong>
-and <strong><kbd>-R</kbd></strong> options cause the graphic
-to be left-aligned and right-aligned, respectively. The
-<strong><kbd>-I</kbd></strong> option causes the graphic to be
-indented by <kbd>&lt;n&gt;</kbd> (default unit of measure is
-Unless you're a PostScript whiz and have futzed around with
-bounding boxes and whatnot, it's unlikely that your image will
-occupy an easily predictable and precise amount of space on the
-page. This is particularly significant when it comes to the amount
-of vertical space occupied by the image. A certain amount of
-manual tweaking of the vertical placement of the image will
-probably be required, via the
-<a href="typesetting.html#ALD">ALD</a>
-<a href="typesetting.html#RLD">RLD</a>
-Additionally, images inserted into
-<a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>
-will almost certainly disrupt the baseline placement of running
-text. In order to get <strong>mom</strong> back on track after
-invoking <kbd>.PSPIC</kbd>, I strongly recommend using the
-<a href="docprocessing.html#SHIM">SHIM</a>
-macro so that the bottom margin of running text falls where it
-<a href="headfootpage.html#TOP">Next</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<a href="docprocessing.html#TOP">Prev</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<a href="#TOP">Top</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<a href="toc.html">Back to Table of Contents</a>
-<!-- vim: fileencoding=latin1: nomodified: