path: root/src/utils/indxbib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/utils/indxbib/')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/utils/indxbib/ b/src/utils/indxbib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..914cb698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/indxbib/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+.ig \"-*- nroff -*-
+Copyright (C) 1989-1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
+this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
+are preserved on all copies.
+Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
+manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
+entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
+permission notice identical to this one.
+Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
+manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
+versions, except that this permission notice may be included in
+translations approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in
+the original English.
+.TH @G@INDXBIB @MAN1EXT@ "@MDATE@" "Groff Version @VERSION@"
+@g@indxbib \- make inverted index for bibliographic databases
+.SH SYNOPSIS a \n(.j l i \n(.i +\w'\fB@g@indxbib 'u
+.ti \niu
+.B @g@indxbib OP \\n(.$-1 .RI "[\ \fB\\$1\fP" "\\$2" "\ ]"
+.el .RB "[\ " "\\$1" "\ ]"
+.OP \-vw
+.OP \-c file
+.OP \-d dir
+.OP \-f file
+.OP \-h n
+.OP \-i string
+.OP \-k n
+.OP \-l n
+.OP \-n n
+.OP \-o file
+.OP \-t n
+.RI [\ filename \|.\|.\|.\ ] \na
+.B @g@indxbib
+makes an inverted index for the bibliographic databases in
+.IR filename \|.\|.\|.
+for use with
+.BR @g@refer (@MAN1EXT@),
+.BR @g@lookbib (@MAN1EXT@),
+.BR lkbib (@MAN1EXT@).
+The index will be named
+.IB filename @INDEX_SUFFIX@\fR;
+the index is written to a temporary file which is then renamed to this.
+If no filenames are given on the command line because the
+.B \-f
+option has been used, and no
+.B \-o
+option is given, the index will be named
+Bibliographic databases are divided into records by blank lines.
+Within a record, each fields starts with a
+.B %
+character at the beginning of a line.
+Fields have a one letter name which follows the
+.B %
+The values set by the
+.BR \-c ,
+.BR \-n ,
+.BR \-l
+.B \-t
+options are stored in the index;
+when the index is searched, keys will be discarded and truncated in a
+manner appropriate to these options;
+the original keys will be used for verifying that any record
+found using the index actually contains the keys.
+This means that a user of an index need not know whether these
+options were used in the creation of the index,
+provided that not all the keys to be searched for
+would have been discarded during indexing
+and that the user supplies at least the part of each key
+that would have remained after being truncated during indexing.
+The value set by the
+.B \-i
+option is also stored in the index
+and will be used in verifying records found using the index.
+.B \-v
+Print the version number.
+.B \-w
+Index whole files.
+Each file is a separate record.
+.BI \-c file
+Read the list of common words from
+.I file
+instead of
+.BI \-d dir
+.I dir
+as the pathname of the current working directory to store in the index,
+instead of the path printed by
+.BR pwd (1).
+.I dir
+will be a symbolic link that points to the directory printed by
+.BR pwd (1).
+.BI \-f file
+Read the files to be indexed from
+.IR file .
+.I file
+.BR \- ,
+files will be read from the standard input.
+.B \-f
+option can be given at most once.
+.BI \-i string
+Don't index the contents of fields whose names are in
+.IR string .
+.I string
+.BR XYZ .
+.BI \-h n
+Use the first prime greater than or equal to
+.I n
+for the size of the hash table.
+Larger values of
+.I n
+will usually make searching faster,
+but will make the index larger
+.B @g@indxbib
+use more memory.
+.I n
+is 997.
+.BI \-k n
+Use at most
+.I n
+keys per input record.
+.I n
+is 100.
+.BI \-l n
+Discard keys that are shorter than
+.IR n .
+.I n
+is 3.
+.BI \-n n
+Discard the
+.I n
+most common words.
+.I n
+is 100.
+.BI \-o basename
+The index should be named
+.IB basename @INDEX_SUFFIX@\fR.
+.BI \-t n
+Truncate keys to
+.IR n .
+.I n
+is 6.
+.TP \w'\fBindxbib\fIXXXXXX'u+2n
+.IB filename @INDEX_SUFFIX@
+Default index name.
+List of common words.
+.BI indxbib XXXXXX
+Temporary file.
+.BR @g@refer (@MAN1EXT@),
+.BR lkbib (@MAN1EXT@),
+.BR @g@lookbib (@MAN1EXT@)