.TH GROFF_FILENAMES @MAN7EXT@ "@MDATE@" "Groff Version @VERSION@" .SH NAME groff_filenames \- filename extensions for RUNOFF, roff and groff . .\" The .SH was moved to this place in order to appease `apropos'. . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" Legalese .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . .de authors This file was written by Bernd Warken .MT groff-bernd.warken-72@web.de .ME . .. . . .de copying Copyright \(co 2013 .RS .ft CI Free Software Foundation, Inc. .ft R .RE . . .P Last update: 5 May 2013 . . .P This file is part of .ft CI groff\\fR, a free software project. . .P You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the .nh .ft CI GNU General Public License .ft R .hy as published by the .nh .ft CI Free Software Foundation (FSF)\\fR, .hy either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. . .P You should have received a copy of the .nh .ft CI GNU General Public License .ft R .hy along with .ft CI groff\\fR, see the files .nh .ft CB COPYING .ft R and .ft CB LICENSE .ft R .hy in the top directory of the .ft CI groff .ft R source package. . .P You can also visit .UR http://\\:www.gnu.org/\\:licenses .UE . .. . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" Setup .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . .ds1 Ellipsis "\&.\|.\|.\&" . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" Macro definitions .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" .FONT ( [ ...]) .\" .\" Print in different fonts: R, I, B, CR, CI, CB .\" .de1 FONT . if (\\n[.$] = 0) \{\ . nop \&\f[]\& . return . \} . ds result \& . while (\\n[.$] >= 2) \{\ . as result \,\f[\\$1]\\$2\f[] . shift 2 . \} . if (\\n[.$] = 1) .as result \,\f[\\$1] . nh . nop \\*[result]\& . hy .. . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" End of macro definitions .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH DESCRIPTION .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . Since the evolution of .FONT CI RUNOFF in the 1960s and .FONT CI roff in the 1970s, a whole bunch of filename extensions for .FONT CI RUNOFF and .FONT CI roff files were used. . . .P The .FONT CI roff extensions refer to preprocessors or macro packages. . These extensions are fixed in all .FONT CI Unix R \-like operating systems. . . .P Later on, .FONT CR groff added some more extensions. . We will now write a .I man\-page about these filename extensions. . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH HISTORICAL RUNOFF LANGUAGE .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . The first text language that used the .FONT CB .COMMAND structure for defining commands is said to be the .FONT CI MEMO language with programs .FONT CB MODIFY and .FONT CB DITTO R . . It was used at .FONT CR MIT under the operating system .FONT CR CTSS in the years 1960\-63. . But there is no open documentation for this old text system, but it seems that there is 1 book about it in the non-public library at .FONT CB MIT R . . . .P The letter .FONT CB m taken from .FONT CI MEMO R / MODIFY is still active as the option .FONT CB -m for declaring a macro package in .FONT CB troff R / CB nroff R . . . .P The first documented .FONT CB .COMMAND text language was .FONT CI RUNOFF R , see .BR runoff (@MAN7EXT@). . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SS RUNOFF Files .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . All available .FONT CI RUNOFF files are now kept in the internet at an archive on .FONT CI github R . . Use the command-line call .RS .EX .FONT CR "$ " CB "git clone git@github.com:RUNOFF/RUNOFF.git" .EE .RE for getting this archive (without the leading dollar). . . .TP .FONT I CB .RUNOFF .TQ .FONT I CB .runoff were the oldest naming for files in the original .FONT CI RUNOFF format of the 1960s at .FONT CR "IBM 7090" and .FONT CR 7094 with the operating system .FONT CR CTSS R . . . .TP .FONT I CB .RUN .TQ .FONT I CB .run This abbreviation was used for .FONT CI RUNOFF files on the .FONT CR CTSS and .FONT CR Multics operating system in the 1960s and later on. . . .TP .FONT I CB .RNO .TQ .FONT I CB .rno was used for normal .FONT CI RUNOFF text files, mostly on the .FONT CR "PDP10\-10 archive" R . . . .TP .FONT I CB .RNH .TQ .FONT I CB .rnh was used for help files written in the .FONT CI RUNOFF language on the .FONT CR "PDP10\-10 archive" R . . . .P .FONT CI RUNOFF files with the extensions .FONT CB .rnh R , .FONT CB .rno R , and .FONT CB .run are still available in the internet at several sites, mostly at the .FONT CR "DEC PDP\-10 archive" R . . See .nh .UR http://\:pdp\-10.trailing\-edge.com/\:cgi-bin/\:searchbyname?name=*.rnh RNH .UE , .UR http://\:pdp\-10.trailing\-edge.com/\:cgi-bin/\:searchbyname?name=*.rno RNO .UE , and .UR http://\:pdp\-10.trailing\-edge.com/\:cgi-bin/\:searchbyname?name=*.run RUN .UE . .hy . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SS Processed RUNOFF Text Files .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . Files written in the .FONT CI RUNOFF language were processed by the program .FONT CB RUNOFF R . . Only text files were produced by this step, because graphics was not available in the 1960s. . Today we would use the file name extension .FONT CI * CB .txt R . . That was not done in these early times. . Instead the following extensions were taken: . . .TP .FONT I CB .DOC .TQ .FONT I CB .doc Very often this naming was used for the output of the .FONT CB RUNOFF program. . It contained .I filled and .I hyphenated text, suitable for tty mode. . The extension .FONT CB .doc was later on taken by .FONT CR Microsoft for their .IR "office files" . . . .TP .FONT I CB .MEM .TP .FONT I CB .mem This often used extension was taken for .FONT CI RUNOFF files to refer to the ancient .FONT CI MEMO language. . . .TP .FONT I CB .HLP .TQ .FONT I CB .hlp The formatting of .FONT CI * CB .rnh files (help files) was stored under this extension. . . .P This ends the description of .FONT CI RUNOFF .R . . All following parts of this document refer to the .FONT CI roff language and the used file name extensions thereof. . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH COMPRESSION OF ROFF FILES .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . Each .FONT CI roff file can be optionally .IR compressed . . That means that the .I total filename ends with a .IR "compressor name" . . So the whole filename has the structure .IR \f[CB].\fP [ \f[CB].\fP ] . . . .P Mostly known are the .I compressor extensions .FONT CB .Z R , .FONT CB .gz R , and .FONT CB .bzip2 R . . Relatively new is .FONT CB .xz R . . . .P From now on, we will ignore the .I compressions and only comment the structure .IB . \fR.\fP . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH MAN\-PAGES .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . The .FONT CR Unix .FONT CI "manual pages" are shortly named .FONT CI "man\-pages" R . . The .FONT CI man\-page style is the best known part of the .FONT CI roff language. . . .P The extensions for .FONT CI man should be better documented. . So this is documented here. . . .P Files written in the .FONT CI man language use the following extension: .IB * .
[] . . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SS Man-page Sections .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . The traditional .FONT I "man\-page " CI
is a digit from .FONT CB 1 to .FONT CB 8 R . . . .TP .FONT I CB .1 .TQ .FONT I CB .2 .TQ .FONT I CB .3 .TQ .FONT I CB .4 .TQ .FONT I CB .5 .TQ .FONT I CB .6 .TQ .FONT I CB .7 .TQ .FONT I CB .8 Classic man\-page .IR sections . . . .P Linux added the section number .FONT CB 9 for kernel man\-pages. . . .TP .FONT I CB .9 .I Linux kernel man-pages . . .P In older commercial .FONT CI Unix systems, the 3 characters .FONT CB l R , .FONT CB n R , and .FONT CB o were also used as .I section names. . This is today .IR deprecated , but there are still documents in this format. . . .TP .FONT I CB .l .TQ .FONT I CB .n .TQ .FONT I CB .o .I Deprecated old .IR "man\-page sections" . . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SS Man\-page Group Extensions .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . The .I extension in .FONT CB . I
[] is optional, but it can be any string of word characters. . Usually programmers use a group name that is already used, e.g. .FONT CB x for .FONT CI "X Window System" documents or .FONT CB tk to refer to the .FONT CI tk programming language. . . .P Examples: . . .TP .FONT CB groff.1 is the man-page for .FONT CB groff in .I section .FONT CB 1 without a .I group . . .TP .FONT CB xargs.1posix.gz is the man\-page for the program .FONT CB xargs in .I section .FONT CB 1 and .I group .FONT CB posix R ; moreover it is .I compressed with .FONT CB gz .FONT R ( CB gzip R ). . . .TP .FONT CB config.5ssl .FONT CI "OpenSSL CONF" library configuration files from .I section .FONT CB 5 with .I group .FONT CB ssl R . . . .TP .FONT CB dpkg-reconfigure.8cdebconf man\-page for the program .FONT CB dpkg\-reconfigure in .I section .FONT CB 8 and .I group .FONT CB cdebconf R . . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SS Source of Man\-pages .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . There are 2 .FONT CI roff languages for writing man\-pages: .FONT CB man and .FONT CB mdoc R . . . .P The names of these 2 styles are taken as .I extensions for the source code files of man\-pages in the .FONT CI groff package. . . .TP .FONT I CB .man .I traditional Unix\-like man\-page format. . . .TP .FONT I CB .mdoc additional BSD man-page format. . . .TP .FONT I CB .mandoc Files using this extension recognize both man\-page formats in .FONT CB groff and other processors. . . .TP FONT I CB .n A temporary man-page file produced by a run of .B make in the .CB groff source package. . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH TRADITIONAL TROFF EXTENSIONS .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SS Files Using Macro Packages .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . The .FONT CI "classical roff" languages were interpreted by the .FONT CB "traditional troff" and .FONT CB "nroff" programs. . . .P There were several .FONT CI roff languages, each represented by a .IR "macro-package" . . Each of these provided a suitable file name .IR extension : . . .TP .FONT I CB .me .FONT CI roff file using the .FONT CB me .IR "macro package" . . . .TP .FONT I CB .mm .FONT CI roff file using the .FONT CB mm .I macro package . . .TP .FONT I CB .ms .FONT CI roff file using the .FONT CB ms .I macro package . . .P All of these classical .FONT CI roff languages and their extensions are still very active in .BR groff . . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SS Source Code for Macro Packages (TMAC Files) .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . In traditional .FONT CI roff the source code for the macro packages was stored in .FONT CI TMAC files. . Their file names have the form: . . .TP .FONT CB tmac. I R , .I is the name of the macro package without the leading .FONT CB m character, wich is reintegrated by the option .FONT CB -m R . . . .P For example, .FONT CB tmac.an is the source for the .FONT CB man macro package. . . .P In the .FONT CB groff source, more suitable file names were integrated, see later on. . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SS Preprocessors .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . Moreover, the following .I preprocessors were used as filename extension: . . .TP .FONT I CB .chem for the integration of chemical formulas . . .TP .FONT I CB .eqn for the mathematical use of equations . . .TP .FONT I CB .pic graphical tool . . .TP .FONT I CB .tbl for tables with .FONT CI tbl . . .TP .FONT I CB .ref for files using the .FONT CB prefer .I preprocesor . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SS Classical Roff Files .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . .TP .FONT I CB .t .TQ .FONT I CB .tr for files using the .FONT CI roff language of any kind . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH NEW GROFF EXTENSIONS .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . .FONT CI "GNU roff" .FONT CB groff is the actual .FONT CI roff standard, both for classical .FONT CI roff and new extensions.. . So even the used new extensions in the source code should be regarded as actual standard. . The following extensions are used instead of classical .FONT CB .t or .FONT CB .tr R : . . .TP .FONT I CB .groff .TQ .FONT I CB .roff general ending for files using the .FONT CI groff .I language . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SS Source Code for Macro Packages (TMAC Files) .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . As the classical form .FONT CB tmac. I R , of the .FONT CI TMAC file names is quite strange, . CI groff added the following structures: . . .TP .FONT I CB .tmac .TQ .FONT CB m I CB .tmac .TQ .FONT CB groff_m I CB .tmac . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SS Files Using new Macro Packages .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . .FONT CI Groff uses the following new macro packages: . . .TP .FONT I CB .mmse file with swedish .FONT CB mm .I makros for .B groff . . .TP .FONT I CB .mom files written in the .FONT CI "groff macro package" .FONT CB mom . . .TP .FONT I CB .www files written in .FONT CB HTML R \-like .FONT CI groff .IR macros . . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SS Preprocessors and Postprocessors .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . .TP .FONT I CB .hbtbl a new .FONT CI tbl format. . See .BR groff_hdtbl (@MAN7EXT@). . . .TP .FONT I CB .grap files written for the graphical .FONT CB grap processor. . . .TP .FONT I CB .grn for including .BR gremlin (@MAN1EXT@), pictures, see .BR grn (@MAN1EXT@). . . .TP .FONT I CB .pdfroff transform this file with .FONT CB pdfroff of the .FONT CI groff system . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH "SEE ALSO" .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . . .TP History and future .BR runoff (@MAN7EXT@), .BR roff (@MAN7EXT@), .BR man\-pages (@MAN7EXT@), .BR groff_diff (@MAN7EXT@), .BR groff (@MAN7EXT@) . . .TP .I Compression .BR uncompress (1posix), .BR gzip2 (@MAN1EXT@), .BR bzip2 (@MAN1EXT@), .BR xz (@MAN1EXT@) . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH "AUTHORS" .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . .authors . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH "COPYING" .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . .copying . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" Emacs settings .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . .\" Local Variables: .\" mode: nroff .\" End: