Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. README for pdfmark.tmac ======================= Copyright (C) 2004, 2009 Free Software Foundation Inc. Contributed by Keith Marshall ( This is free software. See file COPYING, for copying permissions, and warranty disclaimer. This is a preview release of a proposed pdfmark.tmac macro package, for use with GNU troff (groff). It is not yet complete, and should be considered as an alpha release; there are a few problems to be resolved (see file PROBLEMS). Partial documentation is provided, in groff-ms format. To convert this to PDF format, you will require a working groff installation, a working ghostscript installation, with the gs command in your PATH, and a GNU-compatible make. The tarball should be unpacked in the top directory of your groff source tree, then: cd /contrib/pdfmark make pdfmark where is the top directory of your current groff source tree. Included in this package, are: pdfmark.tmac -- the core pdfmark macro set spdf.tmac -- a rudimentary set of bindings for ms macros -- preliminary documentation -- a template for the documentation cover sheet gnu.eps -- the groff logo, copied from the groff distribution Makefile -- makefile, for formatting the documentation README -- this file PROBLEMS -- a list of known problems TODO -- a list of planned features, not yet implemented To make the pdfmark macros generally usable, copy pdfmark.tmac to the 'site-tmac' directory appropriate to your groff installation; (ms users may also wish to copy spdf.tmac). The macros may then be accessed, by including the '-mpdfmark' option on the groff command line; (for ms users, '-mspdf' is equivalent to '-ms -mpdfmark', with some extra macros 'thrown in'). Comments, and bug reports are welcomed. Please post to the groff mailing list,; (you must be subscribed to this list to post mails). To subscribe, visit