pspic.tmac ---------- Equiv for gropdf is pdfpic (which is dependant on a program pdfbb (to extract MediaBox (etc.) from the pdf) which is not written yet! Meanwhile you could use \X'pdf: pdfpic filename -L|R|C wid (hgt) (linelen)' (-R and -C require a linelen) Wid or hgt may be zero (in which case the same scaling as the other axis is used). The disadvantage of this call (over pdfpic macro) is that it is transparent to groff, after placing the image the current X/Y position remains what it was, so you need to do your own 'motion control' (like a .sp) to "step over" the image you just placed. psfig.tmac ---------- No equiv for gropdf. psatk.tmac ---------- No equiv for gropdf. -I : search -I directory for included files -w : set line width Another \X : \X'ps: exec 0 setlinejoin'\X'ps: exec 0 setlinecap' for mom Cater for fonts with >255 glyphs (currently accessing a glyph above 255 (i.e. \N[260]) causes a fail). This will be fixed when font subsetting is implemented.