// -*- C++ -*- /* /src/libs/libgroff/color.cc Last update: 10 Apr 2002 Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Gaius Mulley This file is part of groff. groff is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. groff is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with groff; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "color.h" #include "cset.h" #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "errarg.h" #include "error.h" static inline unsigned int min(const unsigned int a, const unsigned int b) { if (a < b) return a; else return b; } color::color(const color * const c) { scheme = c->scheme; components[0] = c->components[0]; components[1] = c->components[1]; components[2] = c->components[2]; components[3] = c->components[3]; } int color::operator==(const color & c) const { if (scheme != c.scheme) return 0; switch (scheme) { case DEFAULT: break; case RGB: if (Red != c.Red || Green != c.Green || Blue != c.Blue) return 0; break; case CMYK: if (Cyan != c.Cyan || Magenta != c.Magenta || Yellow != c.Yellow || Black != c.Black) return 0; break; case GRAY: if (Gray != c.Gray) return 0; break; case CMY: if (Cyan != c.Cyan || Magenta != c.Magenta || Yellow != c.Yellow) return 0; break; } return 1; } int color::operator!=(const color & c) const { return !(*this == c); } color_scheme color::get_components(unsigned int *c) const { #if 0 if (sizeof (c) < sizeof (unsigned int) * 4) fatal("argument is not big enough to store 4 color components"); #endif c[0] = components[0]; c[1] = components[1]; c[2] = components[2]; c[3] = components[3]; return scheme; } void color::set_default() { scheme = DEFAULT; } // (0, 0, 0) is black void color::set_rgb(const unsigned int r, const unsigned int g, const unsigned int b) { scheme = RGB; Red = min(MAX_COLOR_VAL, r); Green = min(MAX_COLOR_VAL, g); Blue = min(MAX_COLOR_VAL, b); } // (0, 0, 0) is white void color::set_cmy(const unsigned int c, const unsigned int m, const unsigned int y) { scheme = CMY; Cyan = min(MAX_COLOR_VAL, c); Magenta = min(MAX_COLOR_VAL, m); Yellow = min(MAX_COLOR_VAL, y); } // (0, 0, 0, 0) is white void color::set_cmyk(const unsigned int c, const unsigned int m, const unsigned int y, const unsigned int k) { scheme = CMYK; Cyan = min(MAX_COLOR_VAL, c); Magenta = min(MAX_COLOR_VAL, m); Yellow = min(MAX_COLOR_VAL, y); Black = min(MAX_COLOR_VAL, k); } // (0) is black void color::set_gray(const unsigned int g) { scheme = GRAY; Gray = min(MAX_COLOR_VAL, g); } /* * atoh - computes the decimal value of a hexadecimal number string. * `length' characters of `s' are read. Returns 1 if successful. */ static int atoh(unsigned int *result, const char * const s, const size_t length) { size_t i = 0; unsigned int val = 0; while ((i < length) && csxdigit(s[i])) { if (csdigit(s[i])) val = val*0x10 + (s[i]-'0'); else if (csupper(s[i])) val = val*0x10 + (s[i]-'A') + 10; else val = val*0x10 + (s[i]-'a') + 10; i++; } if (i != length) return 0; *result = val; return 1; } /* * read_encoding - set color from a hexadecimal color string. * * Use color scheme `cs' to parse `n' color components from string `s'. * Returns 1 if successful. */ int color::read_encoding(const color_scheme cs, const char * const s, const size_t n) { size_t hex_length = 2; scheme = cs; char *p = (char *) s; p++; if (*p == '#') { hex_length = 4; p++; } for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!atoh(&(components[i]), p, hex_length)) return 0; if (hex_length == 2) components[i] *= 0x101; // scale up -- 0xff should become 0xffff p += hex_length; } return 1; } int color::read_rgb(const char * const s) { return read_encoding(RGB, s, 3); } int color::read_cmy(const char * const s) { return read_encoding(CMY, s, 3); } int color::read_cmyk(const char * const s) { return read_encoding(CMYK, s, 4); } int color::read_gray(const char * const s) { return read_encoding(GRAY, s, 1); } void color::get_rgb(unsigned int *r, unsigned int *g, unsigned int *b) const { switch (scheme) { case RGB: *r = Red; *g = Green; *b = Blue; break; case CMY: *r = MAX_COLOR_VAL - Cyan; *g = MAX_COLOR_VAL - Magenta; *b = MAX_COLOR_VAL - Yellow; break; case CMYK: *r = MAX_COLOR_VAL - min(MAX_COLOR_VAL, Cyan * (MAX_COLOR_VAL - Black) / MAX_COLOR_VAL + Black); *g = MAX_COLOR_VAL - min(MAX_COLOR_VAL, Magenta * (MAX_COLOR_VAL - Black) / MAX_COLOR_VAL + Black); *b = MAX_COLOR_VAL - min(MAX_COLOR_VAL, Yellow * (MAX_COLOR_VAL - Black) / MAX_COLOR_VAL + Black); break; case GRAY: *r = *g = *b = Gray; break; default: assert(0); break; } } void color::get_cmy(unsigned int *c, unsigned int *m, unsigned int *y) const { switch (scheme) { case RGB: *c = MAX_COLOR_VAL - Red; *m = MAX_COLOR_VAL - Green; *y = MAX_COLOR_VAL - Blue; break; case CMY: *c = Cyan; *m = Magenta; *y = Yellow; break; case CMYK: *c = min(MAX_COLOR_VAL, Cyan * (MAX_COLOR_VAL - Black) / MAX_COLOR_VAL + Black); *m = min(MAX_COLOR_VAL, Magenta * (MAX_COLOR_VAL - Black) / MAX_COLOR_VAL + Black); *y = min(MAX_COLOR_VAL, Yellow * (MAX_COLOR_VAL - Black) / MAX_COLOR_VAL + Black); break; case GRAY: *c = *m = *y = MAX_COLOR_VAL - Gray; break; default: assert(0); break; } } void color::get_cmyk(unsigned int *c, unsigned int *m, unsigned int *y, unsigned int *k) const { switch (scheme) { case RGB: *k = min(MAX_COLOR_VAL - Red, min(MAX_COLOR_VAL - Green, MAX_COLOR_VAL - Blue)); if (MAX_COLOR_VAL == *k) { *c = MAX_COLOR_VAL; *m = MAX_COLOR_VAL; *y = MAX_COLOR_VAL; } else { *c = (MAX_COLOR_VAL * (MAX_COLOR_VAL - Red - *k)) / (MAX_COLOR_VAL - *k); *m = (MAX_COLOR_VAL * (MAX_COLOR_VAL - Green - *k)) / (MAX_COLOR_VAL - *k); *y = (MAX_COLOR_VAL * (MAX_COLOR_VAL - Blue - *k)) / (MAX_COLOR_VAL - *k); } break; case CMY: *k = min(Cyan, min(Magenta, Yellow)); if (MAX_COLOR_VAL == *k) { *c = MAX_COLOR_VAL; *m = MAX_COLOR_VAL; *y = MAX_COLOR_VAL; } else { *c = (MAX_COLOR_VAL * (Cyan - *k)) / (MAX_COLOR_VAL - *k); *m = (MAX_COLOR_VAL * (Magenta - *k)) / (MAX_COLOR_VAL - *k); *y = (MAX_COLOR_VAL * (Yellow - *k)) / (MAX_COLOR_VAL - *k); } break; case CMYK: *c = Cyan; *m = Magenta; *y = Yellow; *k = Black; break; case GRAY: *c = *m = *y = 0; *k = MAX_COLOR_VAL - Gray; break; default: assert(0); break; } } // we use `0.222r + 0.707g + 0.071b' (this is the ITU standard) // as an approximation for gray void color::get_gray(unsigned int *g) const { switch (scheme) { case RGB: *g = (222*Red + 707*Green + 71*Blue) / 1000; break; case CMY: *g = MAX_COLOR_VAL - (222*Cyan + 707*Magenta + 71*Yellow) / 1000; break; case CMYK: *g = (MAX_COLOR_VAL - (222*Cyan + 707*Magenta + 71*Yellow) / 1000) * (MAX_COLOR_VAL - Black); break; case GRAY: *g = Gray; break; default: assert(0); break; } } color default_color;