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authorEdward Hervey <>2016-08-04 10:45:14 +0200
committerEdward Hervey <>2016-08-04 10:45:14 +0200
commit8b374b3f82b5c558078bf0bb8adf9c76aa988e5e (patch)
parent2d79bc3a58201abca1470cce3f172dc9a9daaf4f (diff)
avvidec: Ensure skipping strategy gets properly reset
When switching playback modes, like from TRICKMODE or TRICKMODE_KEY_UNITS back to regular playback, we need to make sure we set the skip mode back to the default setting. While this field would be properly reset when we *have* feedback from downstream (i.e. diff != G_MAXINT64), it would not be reset during the initial phase (i.e. when the decoder hasn't pushed a buffer yet, and therefore the sink hasn't sent back QoS information). This avoids dropping plenty of frames when going back to regular playback
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/ext/libav/gstavviddec.c b/ext/libav/gstavviddec.c
index d341174..8aabcb1 100644
--- a/ext/libav/gstavviddec.c
+++ b/ext/libav/gstavviddec.c
@@ -1156,29 +1156,36 @@ gst_ffmpegviddec_do_qos (GstFFMpegVidDec * ffmpegdec,
*mode_switch = TRUE;
+ if (*mode_switch == TRUE) {
+ /* We've already switched mode, we can return straight away
+ * without any further calculation */
+ return;
+ }
diff =
gst_video_decoder_get_max_decode_time (GST_VIDEO_DECODER (ffmpegdec),
/* if we don't have timing info, then we don't do QoS */
- if (G_UNLIKELY (diff == G_MAXINT64))
+ if (G_UNLIKELY (diff == G_MAXINT64)) {
+ /* Ensure the skipping strategy is the default one */
+ ffmpegdec->context->skip_frame = ffmpegdec->skip_frame;
+ }
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (ffmpegdec, "decoding time %" G_GINT64_FORMAT, diff);
- if (*mode_switch == FALSE) {
- if (diff > 0 && ffmpegdec->context->skip_frame != AVDISCARD_DEFAULT) {
- ffmpegdec->context->skip_frame = AVDISCARD_DEFAULT;
- *mode_switch = TRUE;
- GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (ffmpegdec, "QOS: normal mode");
- }
+ if (diff > 0 && ffmpegdec->context->skip_frame != AVDISCARD_DEFAULT) {
+ ffmpegdec->context->skip_frame = AVDISCARD_DEFAULT;
+ *mode_switch = TRUE;
+ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (ffmpegdec, "QOS: normal mode");
+ }
- else if (diff <= 0 && ffmpegdec->context->skip_frame != AVDISCARD_NONREF) {
- ffmpegdec->context->skip_frame = AVDISCARD_NONREF;
- *mode_switch = TRUE;
- GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (ffmpegdec,
- "QOS: hurry up, diff %" G_GINT64_FORMAT " >= 0", diff);
- }
+ else if (diff <= 0 && ffmpegdec->context->skip_frame != AVDISCARD_NONREF) {
+ ffmpegdec->context->skip_frame = AVDISCARD_NONREF;
+ *mode_switch = TRUE;
+ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (ffmpegdec,
+ "QOS: hurry up, diff %" G_GINT64_FORMAT " >= 0", diff);